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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le statut juridique des "combattants étrangers" en droit international / The legal status of "foreign fighters" under international law

Tropini, Julien 11 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Quel est le point commun entre George Orwell, André Malraux, Davy Crockett et Oussama Ben Laden ?Cette question pourrait en surprendre certains. Comment trouver un point commun entre, l’auteur de La Ferme des animaux et de 1984, le résistant et ministre français et l’élu du Congrès des États-Unis ancré dans la culture populaire ?Qui plus est s’ils le partagent avec l’ancien leader d’Al Qaida.Comme des milliers d’autres, ils ont été des « combattants étrangers ». En des temps différents et pour défendre des causes différentes, ils entreprirent un voyage qui les mena à prendre les armes dans des guerres étrangères. Ce phénomène historique a connu, depuis la dernière décennie, un nouveau tournant juridique à travers le flux des milliers d’étrangers qui ont rejoint l’une des parties belligérantes en Syrie ou en Irak. Pour faire face à cette menace pour la paix et la sécurité internationales, les Nations unies ont alors créé le statut juridique de « combattant terroriste étranger », soumettant ces étrangers des conflits armés aux dispositions de la lutte contre le terrorisme. Toutefois, ce statut semble souffrir de nombreuses lacunes qui, notamment, ne permettent pas de différencier un terroriste international d’un simple volontaire international, d’un membre d’un groupe armé organisé ou encore d’un combattant d’une force armée étatique. George Orwell, André Malraux et Davy Crockett seraient aujourd’hui sûrement considérés comme des « combattants terroristes étrangers ». De plus, l’application de ce statut pour identifier des acteurs des conflits armés entre en opposition avec certaines règles du droit international. Finalement, pour trouver le statut juridique des « combattants étrangers », pour les identifier et encadrer leurs activités, y compris leurs actes terroristes, c’est vers les règles du Droit international humanitaire qu’il faut se tourner. Les « combattants étrangers », même terroristes, sont déjà identifiés par les statuts du Droit dans la guerre. / What do George Orwell, André Malraux, Davy Crockett and Osama Bin Laden have in common? This question might be surprising to some. How to find a common trait between the author of Animal Farm and 1984, the French resistance former minister, and the elected representative of the United States congress rooted in popular culture? Especially, if they are to share it with the former leader of Al Qaeda.Like thousands of others, they were "foreign fighters". In different times and to defend different causes, they undertook a journey which led them to take up arms in foreign wars. This historic phenomenon underwent a new legal turning point the last decade through the flow of thousands of foreigners who joined one of the belligerent parties in Syria and Iraq. To address this threat to international peace and security, the United Nations created the legal term of “foreign terrorist fighter”, subjecting these foreigners in armed conflicts to provisions in international counter-terrorism law. However, this status suffers shortcomings, which make it impossible, in particular, to differentiate between an international terrorist, an international volunteer, a member of an organized armed group or even a combatant of a state armed force. Today, George Orwell, André Malraux and Davy Crockett would probably be considered as "foreign terrorist fighters". In addition, the application of such status to identify actors of armed conflicts is in opposition with some rules of international law. Finally, to determine the correct legal status of "foreign fighters", to identify them and thus regulate their activities, including their terrorist acts, it is to the rules of international humanitarian law that we must turn. Even when qualified as “terrorists”, "foreign fighters" are already identified by the status of the law of war. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les entités offshore et leur encadrement : le cas de l'île Maurice / Offshore entities and their regulation : the case of Mauritius

Chadee, Bibi Zareen 10 April 2014 (has links)
Le terme offshore est communément utilisé pour désigner la mise en place d'une entité juridique dans un pays où celle-ci n'exerce aucune activité. Par cette implantation, cette entité pourra bénéficier de certains avantages fiscaux. Or ce mécanisme d'optimisation fiscale peut être contourné de manière illégale. De nombreuses juridictions offshore ont alors été pointées du doigt pour leur manque de transparence et jugées responsables de l'évasion fiscale. Parmi ces centres financiers offshore, Maurice se distingue des autres places financières dans la mesure où elle s'attache à respecter les normes internationales tout en continuant de développer son secteur offshore. Ainsi, l'intérêt de cette thèse est de présenter les caractéristiques de chaque entité offshore et leur fonctionnement afin de comprendre comment elles peuvent être détournées de leur objet initial. Cette présentation passe dans un premier temps par l’analyse des entités offshore et leur exploitation puis dans un second temps leur régulation. On constate alors que la juridiction mauricienne est injustement qualifiée de paradis fiscal et encourent les mêmes risques que les plus grandes places offshore. Maurice a su ainsi concilier ses intérêts en trouvant un équilibre entre l’exploitation économique de son secteur offshore et l’application rigoureuse des normes internationales. / The term offshore is commonly used to refer to the establishment of a legal entity in a country where it has no business.For this implementation, this entity can entain certain tax benefits. But this tax optimization mechanism can be bypassed illegally. Many offshore jurisdictions were then blamed for their lack of transparency and held for tax evasion. Among these offshore financial centers, Mauritius differs from other financial markets as it strives to meet international standards while continuing to develop its offshore sector. Thus, the interest of this thesis is to present the characteristics of each offshore entity and its operations in order to understand how they can be diverted from their original purpose. This presentation is an analysis of each offshore entities, their operations and their regulation. We can found that the Mauritian juridiction is unfairly labeled as tax havens and face the same risks as the largest offshore places. Mauritius has thus reconcile its interests by finding a balance between the economic exploitation of its offshore sector and the strict application of international standards.

Delegitimizace Západu v časopisu Al-Káidy Inspire / Delegitimization of the West in Al Qaeda's Magazine Inspire

Brzá, Magdaléna January 2017 (has links)
The Master's thesis Delegitimization of the west in Al Qaeda's Magazine Inspire focuses on the techniques of terrorist group's propaganda aimed at individuals of Arab descent and Islam faith residing in one of the western countries. Thesis analyses sixteen issues of digital magazine Inspire published since 2010 by Al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen called AQAP - Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula. Terrorist attacks by so called lone-wolfs on the territory of western states have had increasing tendency in the last decade. The phenomenon of online propaganda and radicalisation through social networks is progressively becoming one of the major challenges for western security services. Grasping the sociological and psychological aspects of lone wolfs' drivers for conducting terrorist attacks is thus crucial. The underpinning theory of the thesis is framing analysis together with the concept of delegitimization. Thesis traces the production and use of five framing tools - metaphor, catchphrases, depiction, exemplars and visual images (which are the combination of studies done by Fairhurst & Sarr and Gamson & Modigliani 1989). Second part of the thesis links the framing tools with three stages of the delegitimization of the west - a crisis of confidence, a conflict of legitimacy and a crisis of legitimacy. The...

The Role of Social Capital in Ex-combatant Reintegration : A case study of the Ukrainian Donbas war veterans' social, political and economic reintegration in Odessa

Mutallimzada, Khalil January 2021 (has links)
As a result of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, there are at present hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian Donbass War veterans who participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) and Joint Forces Operation (JFO) who must now reintegrate into civilian life. Despite the great number of veterans who need to be reintegrated socially, politically, and economically into Ukrainian society, there is currently no comprehensive policy for ex-combatant reintegration in Ukraine. Applying the concept of social capital and based on interviews, observations, and documents, this qualitative case study investigates the nature and the role of social resources in ATO/JFO veterans’ social, political, and economic reintegration in Odessa. The analysis revealed that in the lack of social trust, social cohesion, shared values, and generalized reciprocity within the wider society, veterans’ ability to generate bridging social ties were undermined. On the other hand, widespread norms of trust, particularistic reciprocity, cohesion, and solidarity within the veteran networks made research participants to rely more on their bonding social ties among veterans. The study also finds that in the absence of overarching reintegration programs, veterans’ bonding social ties contributed significantly to all spheres of their reintegration. Despite the inward-looking nature of bonding social capital that tends to reinforce exclusive identities and homogeneous groups, all veterans to varied extent describe their bonding social ties with former military comrades as an important factor in facilitating social, political, and economic reintegration.

Izraelská zpravodajská evoluce po selhání Yom Kippur a druhé libanonské války / Israel's Intelligence Evolution after the failures of Yom Kippur and Second Lebanese War

Veljkovic, Marko January 2019 (has links)
security of nation. What is intelligence's role in the case of Israel? How has it evolved during s that Israel has learned from its mistakes in the past "has actually picked up that up call", and has made its intelligence the most powerful and reliable weapon in their V posledních několika desetiletích byla inteligence srdcem boje proti terorismu a bezpečnosti národa. Jaká je úloha zpravodajských služeb v případě Izraele? Jak se vyvíjel během své existence? Jaké byly zaměřující se události, selhání, která způsobila tento vývoj ve inteli Jaká je úloha inteligence v boji proti terorismu? Většina studií ignoruje zásadní roli, kterou inteligence přináší do arény, nebo se zaměřuje pouze na její nejkontroverznější aspekty. Tento článek tvrdí, že se Izrael poučil ze svých chyb v minulosti "skutečně vzal toto budící volání" a učinil ze své inteligence nejsilnější a nejspolehlivější zbraň ve svém arzenálu v národní bezpečnosti. Prozkoumá a důležité role, které musí každé odvětví zpravodajství přinést ke stolu blémy mají jednotlivé pobočky a jak mohou zabránit problémům? Tato práce bude zdůrazňovat klady a efektivitu izraelského modelu boje proti terorismu jako dosud nejúčinnějšího a nejúspěšnějšího s ohledem na liberální demokracii. o dvojsečný meč, který nemůže být nahrazen žádnou jinou formou sběru inteligence.

Platform governance triangle: Případ Nařízení Evropské unie o prevenci šíření teroristického obsahu online / Platform governance triangle: The case of the EU Regulation on preventing the dissemination of illegal terrorist content online

Miksová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the relationship between the European Union and platform companies, and it tries to explore a debate about binding regulations regarding the moderation of illegal content online. The Regulation on preventing the dissemination of illegal terrorist content online from 2018 was applied as the case to test the arguments. The thesis applies the concept of platform governance triangle to analyse whether the Regulation has the potential to be effective. The research argues that the effectiveness of the Regulation depends on the actors competencies, the legitimation of the Regulation and how it was contested during the decision-making process, and finally on the power relations between actors and the tools to monitor and enforce the Regulation. The research shows that the EU has extensive competencies in areas of independence, representativeness and expertise due to the work of EU specialised agencies. Platform companies, on the other hand, possess unique technical competencies to moderate terrorist content online. Furthermore the specific design of the Regulation, and the fact that it was designed under the ordinary legislative procedure and was contested by various actors, suggest the Regulation is legitimate. Finally, the monitoring and enforcement tools in terms of sanctions could...

Övervakning och tillsyn av penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism inom den Europeiska unionen. : Behöver övervakningen och tillsynen centraliseras och i så fall på vilket sätt? / Monitoring and supervision of money laundering and terrorist financing within the European Union. : Is there any need for the monitoring and supervision to be centralisez and if so in what way?

Romedal, Nathalie January 2022 (has links)
We live in a world where criminality is a part of our everyday life. In order for criminality to continue, it is essential for criminals to be able to use the financial system to launder money and finance terrorism. Money laundering means that funds of illegal origin are laundered in the financial system in order to later become legal. Unlike money laundering, funds used to finance terrorism can have both illegal and legal origins. Transactions linked to money laundering and terrorist financing are suspected to account for 1% of the EU’s annual economic activity and thus pose a threat to the EU’s financial stability.  Today, the responsibility for monitoring and supervising money laundering and terrorist financing is decentralized to the Member States. EU-regulation is currently not clear enough or efficient. Member States’ enforcement of the regulation is asymmetric, the supervisory work of national authorities is insufficient and cross-border cooperation is deficient. In order to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, it is essential that the supervisory work is effective in order to detect and prevent these crimes. A change is needed and in July 2021 the European Commission therefore presented a proposal for a legislative package containing a number of measures to prevent the financial system from being used for money laundering and terrorist financing. The most central part of this package contains a proposal to centralize the supervision by setting up an EU-level authority. The authority shall monitor the supervisory work of national authorities and be responsible for direct and indirect supervision. This thesis examines how monitoring and supervision should be organized within the EU in order to prevent the financial system from being used for money laundering and terrorist financing. In addition, the thesis discusses whether a change in the institutional structure can lead to a more efficient supervisory work for national supervisory authorities.  The conclusion of this thesis is that a change in the institutional structure is necessary in order to change the supervisory work of national authorities and make it more efficient. Centralized monitoring and supervision at EU-level must therefore be considered as beneficial. The commission’s proposal to set up an EU-level authority is currently the most effective way of organizing monitoring and supervision. The authority can, by adopting guidelines and by exercising direct and indirect supervision, contribute to a reduced uncertainty regarding the application of the regulation and the exercising of supervision. Hence, the commission’s proposal most likely will lead to a decrease in money laundering and terrorist financing. / Vi lever i en värld där kriminalitet är en del av vardagen. För att kriminaliteten ska kunna fortlöpa är det essentiellt för de kriminella att de kan utnyttja det finansiella systemet för att tvätta pengar och finansiera terrorism. Penningtvätt innebär att medel med illegalt ursprung tvättas i det finansiella systemet för att sedermera bli legala. Till skillnad från penningtvätt kan medel som används för att finansiera terrorism härröra från såväl illegal som legal verksamhet. Transaktioner kopplade till penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism misstänks utgöra 1% av EU:s årliga ekonomiska aktiviteter och utgör ett hot mot EU:s finansiella stabilitet.  Ansvar för övervakning och tillsyn av penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är i nuläget decentraliserat till medlemsstaterna. EU-regleringen är i dagsläget inte tillräckligt tydlig och effektiv. Medlemsstaternas tillämpning av regleringen är asymmetrisk, nationella myndigheters tillsynsarbeten är otillräckliga och de gränsöverskridande samarbetena är bristfälliga.  För att kunna bekämpa penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är det essentiellt att tillsynen är effektiv i syfte att upptäcka och förhindra dessa brott. En förändring behöver ske och Europeiska kommissionen lade därför i juli 2021 fram ett förslag till lagstiftningspaket innehållande ett antal åtgärder för att förhindra att det finansiella systemet utnyttjas för penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism. Lagstiftningspaketets mest centrala delinnehåller ett förslag till att centralisera tillsynen genom att inrätta en myndighet på EU-nivå. Myndigheten ska övervaka nationella myndigheters tillsynsarbeten samt ansvara för direkt och indirekt tillsyn. I uppsatsen utreds hur övervakning och tillsyn bör organiseras inom EU för att förhindra att det finansiella systemet utnyttjas för penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism. Dessutom utreds huruvida en förändring av den institutionella strukturen kan leda till att nationella tillsynsmyndigheters arbeten effektiviseras.  Slutsatsen i denna uppsats är att en förändring av den institutionella strukturen är nödvändig för att förändra och effektivisera nationella myndigheters tillsynsarbeten. Att centralisera övervakning och tillsyn på EU-nivå får därför anses fördelaktigt. Kommissionens förslag att inrätta en myndighet på EU-nivå är i dagsläget troligen det mest effektiva sättet att organisera övervakning och tillsyn på. Myndigheten kan, genom att anta riktlinjer samt utöva direkt samt indirekt tillsyn, bidra till att osäkerheten avseende tillämpningen av reglering och utövandet av tillsynen minskas. Kommissionens förslag kan därför med stor sannolikhet förväntas leda till en minskning av såväl penningtvätt som finansiering av terrorism.

Domestic Extremism Violence Facing U.S. Law Enforcement, How Can These Threats Be Mitigated?

Gilbert, Matthew R. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The barbaric and targeted killings of police officers have become a growing epidemic facing the nation. An immediate consequence has created the monumental task in protecting the men and women who daily put their lives on the line on behalf of the public. Staggering national numbers over these last ten years has indicated a strong surge in the number of law enforcement officers being ambushed by domestic extremists. The purpose of the current research study was to present an overall awareness and threat picture to the law enforcement and academic communities to better educate men and women in law enforcement and to explain who exactly are these domestic extremist groups and/or individuals carrying out this violence and their ideologies and traits that make them crave such an outcome. The current research study utilized a strong exploratory qualitative focus by interviewing several law enforcement members and intelligence personnel in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, area to (a) gauge their jurisdictional domestic extremist threat picture; (b) to understand what policing tactics were being employed currently to produce effective “officer safety” protocols while embracing community relationships (if any); and (c) what recommendations they may have for other jurisdictions that will keep safe law enforcement men and women. If one law enforcement life can be saved from the current research study, then every second spent on the research was well worth it.

The Rise of American Extremism: An Exploratory Analysis of American Religious and Political Extremism from Presidents Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama: 1977-2016

Melton, Alwyn J. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative case study was to address the problem of domestic terrorism facing the United States. This concern led to a comprehensive examination of historical documents that focused on the temporal evolution of the problem beginning with the Carter administration and continuing through the Obama administration. The conceptual foundation centered on resolving the research question and validating three hypotheses directed at qualifying the escalation of domestic incidents of terrorism. This led to developing a behavioral model to assist law enforcement agencies in combating the issue of domestic terrorism. Bivariate and clustering statistical analysis validated the data while qualifying the demographics of the various typologies of U.S. domestic terrorists. The use of case study analysis, which drew on historical documents for evidence, considered the evolution of various groups, motivations, their ideologies, and goals. These variables were compared to successes and failures of relevant federal policies. The lack of understanding and oversight that led to an escalation of the number of incidents was also evaluated. Using ethical and scientific guidelines and protocols, the study’s findings promote the need for future research and highlight the dangers of repeating the past. By developing a behavioral model, this study gives law enforcement a valuable tool for resolving domestic terrorism. Additional considerations relate to future policy implications and the course of future research.

Life Post 9/11: Experiences of Korean Americans Ten Years Later

Lee, Jay 18 July 2013 (has links)
This is one of the first qualitative studies to investigate experiences of Korean-American Christians living in New York City at the time of 9/11. This study sought to gain an understanding of how a group of Second Generation Korean-American Christians living in New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks experienced that event and the event's impact on their religious beliefs. The study also investigated the communication context at the time of the ten year anniversary of the event, September 11th, 2011. The guiding research questions were: RQ1) What were their life experiences of 9/11? RQ2) Was their religious status affected by the event? RQ3) What is being communicated about 9/11 after 10 years? The research design was a phenomenological study that included eight individual interviews with second generation Korean-Americans who were 14-18 years of age at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Four initial macro level thematic patterns emerged: I: The day of the attack. II: Immediate Post 9/11. III: Religious Impact. IV: 9/11 Ten years later. Some key findings in the study included narratives of various emotional responses to the event, such as panic, disbelief, and fear. Age was significant, as participants recognized how their age during and after the event, impacted their lived experiences and understanding of 9/11. Location impacted participants and their loved ones. Each participant was in high school during 9/11 which affected ways of gathering information, the impact of seeing smoke coming from the World Trade Towers, and having poor cell phone reception. The study also revealed that two participants became more religious and active in the Christian church directly because of 9/11, while the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of the other six participants were found to be unaffected by 9/11. At the ten year anniversary of 9/11 safety in New York City and in U.S. post 9/11, 'feeling vulnerable' to attacks, and 9/11 being `just another day' were among the issues addressed by participants.

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