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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zobrazení a úprava informací v Transparency and Consent Framework / Transparency and Consent Framework Data Listing and Editing

Postulka, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of multilingual for web browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The purpose of the extension is to enable the automated management of provided consents to the processing of personal data on websites using the Transparency and Consent Framework. Extension was developed on the basis of knowledge about this framework and about legal norms GDPR and ePrivacy Directive, which deal with the protection of personal data. Knowledge of the method of developing extensions for web browsers using WebExtensions was also used during the implementation. During testing, consent was successfully enforced in 96,2 % of tested websites in Mozilla Firefox. In Google Chrome, success has been achieved in 82,1 % of tested websites. The banner requiring consent was not displayed in 33 % of websites in Mozilla Firefox and in 31,1 % of websites in Google Chrome.

Tre år med samtycke : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av ett urval 18-åriga ungdomars attityder till våldtäktsbrott och samtyckesbegreppet

Bentzer, Frida January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a rise of consent laws in Europe – that is, sexual harassment laws based on consent rather than forms of violence. The laws can be viewed as a type of morality policies, which aspire to change key values regarding sexual relations and rape, especially among adolescents. However, research on laws' abilities to affect opinions is limited and foremost conducted in an American context. At the same time, consent is a term that has been taken for granted, by both the research community and the general public. In what way do those that are targeted by such consent laws reason about consent and rape? Through in-depth interviews with a selection of Swedish adolescents, this paper investigates the ways consent and rape are understood by those targeted by the new Swedish consent law introduced in 2018. This is done against a feminist legal theorybackdrop. Do the young adults share the views that the law intended for them, and can it be an indicator of the normative potential of morality laws? The findings show that Swedish teenagers share crucial views with the law regarding the fact that consent is the sole decisive factor concerning rape. Violence and the intentions of the perpetrator are insignificant. Interestingly, the young adults show deviating views regarding rape and consent among people in relationships, as well as sex as a result of nagging. Taken together, the results deepen our understanding of how adolescents view rape and the complexity of the concept of consent.

Adoption – när barn inte är en rättighet utan något du förvaltar : En studie om kontakten mellan handläggare och adoptivföräldrar under adoptionsprocessen

Andersson, Malin, Ljungberg, Elinor January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to try to interpret interactions between social worker and adoptive parents during the adoption process from a power perspective. The study was inspired by a hermeneutic inductive approach because we were interested in the interpretation of the empirical material. The study was conducted using four qualitative interviews with a total of seven people, four adoptive parents and three social workers. The collected material is then analyzed using a content analysis. To interpret the contact between the adoptive parents and social workers, we have used a power perspective. Our study showed that the applicant, generally speaking, was positive to that an investigation was made based on “the child’s interest”, but experienced some of the questions as intrusive. They found that the assessment made was crucial for the decision, and that it easily can vary from case to case for the decision and that the assessment can certainly vary in different cases. The social workers did not feel that they had any noticeable power, because they do not make the final decision. Their assessment was partly based on laws and guidelines that set the context, for example, how old the applicants may be and the requirement that the applicants must be married. Assessments are also made on the social worker’s individual characteristics based on the applicant's personal qualities such as insight and ability to care for a child.

Sexual Educational and Agency Culture at the Claremont Colleges

Lee, Elizabeth 01 January 2016 (has links)
Agency and consent, or individual empowerment and mutual respect, are deeply embedded values and topics of discussion within the Claremont discourse and expectations. Within that framework, sexual education becomes of particular interest, both as an exploration of how Claremont students understand what consent and agency mean as well as of the agency they hold over the development of their education and own identities/well-being. Within the community of the Claremont Colleges, or 5C, community (an undergraduate liberal arts campus) sexual agency is a major point of contemporary interest, encompassing how we understand and implement consent and pleasure among a diverse group of individuals. This study analyzes the ways in which students’ conceptions of sexual agency and education relate to the resources, programs, and materials offered to them within their community.

Identity, personhood and power : a critical analysis of the principle of respect for autonomy and the idea of informed consent, and their implementation in an androgynous and multicultural society

Rossouw, Theresa Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Autonomy and informed consent are two interrelated concepts given much prominence in contemporary biomedical discourse. The word autonomy, from the Greek autos (self) and nomos (rule), originally referred to the self-governance of independent Hellenic states, but was extended to individuals during the time of the Enlightenment, most notably through the work of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. In healthcare, the autonomy model is grounded in the idea of the dignity of persons and the claim people have on each other to privacy, self-direction, the establishment of their own values and life plans based on information and reasoning, and the freedom to act on the results of their contemplation. Autonomy thus finds expression in the ethical and legal requirement of informed consent. Feminists and multiculturalists have however argued that since autonomy rests on the Enlightenment ideals of rationality, objectivity and independence, unconstrained by emotional and spiritual qualities, it serves to isolate the individual and thus fails to rectify the dehumanisation and depersonalisation of modern scientific medical practice. It only serves to exacerbate the problematic power-differential between doctor and patient. Medicine is a unique profession since it operates in a space where religion, morality, metaphysics, science and culture come together. It is a privileged space because health care providers assume responsibility for the care of their patients outside the usual moral space defined by equality and autonomy. Patients necessarily relinquish some of their autonomy and power to experts and autonomy thus cannot account for the moral calling that epitomizes and defines medicine. Recognition of the dependence of patients need not be viewed negatively as a lack of autonomy or incompetence, but could rather reinforce the understanding of our shared human vulnerability and that we are all ultimately patients. There is however no need to abandon the concept of autonomy altogether. A world without autonomy is unconceivable. When we recognise how the concept functions in the modern world as a social construct, we can harness its positive properties to create a new form of identity. We can utilise the possibility of self-stylization embedded in autonomy to fashion ourselves into responsible moral agents that are responsive not only to ourselves, but also to others, whether in our own species or in that of another. Responsible agency depends on mature deliberators that are mindful of the necessary diversity of the moral life and the complex nature of the moral subject. I thus argue that the development of modern individualism should not be rejected altogether, since we cannot return to some pre-modern sense of community, or transcend it altogether in some postmodern deconstruction of the self. We also do not need to search for a different word to supplant the concept of autonomy in moral life. What we rather need is a different attitude of being in the world; an attitude that strives for holism, not only of the self, but also of the moral community. We can only be whole if we acknowledge and embrace our interdependence as social and moral beings, as Homo moralis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outonomie en ingeligte toestemming is twee nou verwante konsepte wat beide prominensie in moderne bioetiese diskoers verwerf het. Die woord outonomie, van die Grieks autos (self) en nomos (reël), het oorspronklik verwys na die selfbestuur van onafhanklike Griekse state, maar is in die tyd van die Verligting uitgebrei om ook na individue te verwys, grotendeels deur die werk van Immanuel Kant en John Stuart Mill. In medisyne is die outonomie model gegrond op die idee van die waardigheid van die persoon en die beroep wat mense op mekaar het tot privaatheid, selfbepaling, die daarstelling van hulle eie waardesisteem en lewensplan, gebasseer op inligting en redenasie, en die vryheid om op die uitkoms van sulke redenasie te reageer. Outonomie word dus vergestalt in die etiese en wetlike bepaling van ingeligte toestemming. Feministe en multikulturele denkers beweer egter dat, siende outonomie gebasseer is op die Verligting ideale van rasionaliteit, objektiwiteit en onafhanklikheid, sonder die nodige begrensing deur emosionele en spirituele kwaliteite, dit die individu noodsaaklik isoleer en dus nie die dehumanisering en depersonalisering van moderne wetenskaplike mediese praktyk teenwerk nie. As sulks, vererger dit dus die problematiese magsverskil tussen die dokter en pasiënt. Die beroep van medisyne is ‘n unieke professie aangesien dit werksaam is in die sfeer waar geloof, moraliteit, metafisika, wetenskap en kultuur bymekaar kom. Dit is ‘n bevoorregde spasie aangesien gesondheidswerkers verantwoordelikheid vir die sorg van hulle pasiënte aanvaar buite die gewone morele spasie wat deur gelykheid en outonomie gedefinieer word. Pasiënte moet noodgedwonge van hulle outonomie en mag aan deskundiges afstaan en outonomie kan dus nie genoegsaam die morele roeping wat medisyne saamvat en definieer, vasvang nie. Bewustheid van die afhanklikheid van pasiënte hoef egter nie in ‘n negatiewe lig, as gebrek aan outonomie of onbevoegtheid, beskou te word nie, maar moet eerder die begrip van ons gedeelde menslike kwesbaarheid en die wete dat ons almal uiteindelik pasiënte is, versterk. Dit is verder nie nodig om die konsep van outonomie heeltemal te verwerp nie. ‘n Wêreld sonder outonomie is ondenkbaar. Wanneer ons bewus word van hoe die konsep in die moderne wêreld as ‘n sosiale konstruk funksioneer, kan ons die positiewe aspekte daarvan inspan om ‘n nuwe identiteit te bewerkstellig. Ons kan die moontlikheid van self-stilering, ingesluit in outonomie, gebruik om onsself in verantwoordelike morele agente te omskep sodat ons nie slegs teenoor onsself verantwoordelik is nie, maar ook teenoor ander, hetsy in ons eie spesie of in ‘n ander. Verantwoordelike agentskap is afhanklik van volwasse denkers wat gedagtig is aan die noodsaaklike diversiteit van die morele lewe en die komplekse aard van die morele subjek. Ek voer dus aan dat die ontwikkeling van moderne individualisme nie volstrek verwerp moet word nie, siende dat ons nie na ‘n tipe premoderne vorm van gemeenskap kan terugkeer, of dit oortref deur ‘n postmoderne dekonstruksie van die self nie. Ons het verder ook nie ‘n nuwe woord nodig om die konsep van outonomie in die morele lewe mee te vervang nie. Ons het eerder ‘n ander instelling van ons menswees in die wêreld nodig; ‘n instelling wat streef na volkomendheid, nie net van onsself nie, maar ook van die morele gemeenskap. Ons kan slegs volkome wees wanneer ons ons interafhanklikheid as sosiale en morele entiteite, as Homo moralis, erken en aangryp.

Perceptions of Search Consent Voluntariness as a Function of Race

Gold, Rebecca M 01 January 2015 (has links)
The United States Constitution provides its citizens protection from unreasonable searches and seizures from government officials, including police officers, through the Fourth Amendment. This Amendment applies to searches that violate a reasonable expectation of privacy. However, the Fourth Amendment does not protect citizens when they consent to a search voluntarily. It is necessary to determine whether or not a search is voluntary by looking at a variety of factors. Although an infinite number of factors can be considered to make this determination, race of both the police officer and of the person being searched should be considered, due to societal factors and racial stereotypes leading to intimidation factors. Participants (N=575) read a vignette about a situation in which a bus passenger was asked to consent to a search. The races of the police officer and the passenger were manipulated in a vignette (White, Latino, Black). Participants then answered a series of questions about privacy expectations and consenting to the search. The results suggested that race of police officers and recipients of search requests affects how search requests perceive the search, indicating that voluntariness of consenting to a search may also have some basis in race.

Whether the use of tracking cookies without the user consent interferes with their privacy? / Ar sekimo slapukų naudojimas be vartotojo sutikimo pažeidžia jo privatumą?

Bučiūtė, Raminta 19 June 2014 (has links)
Nowadays most of the information is gathered through the internet, where a vast amount of data is being exchanged every second. However, most of the cyberspace users are not fully aware of the technological side of the Internet. One of the tools used on the Internet to ensure instant and informative service to users, are cookies, a small piece of collected data about user’s preferences. Data collected and combined from different cookies creates a serious danger to users’ privacy. The fact that users are not always aware of their data being collected even sharpens the problem of privacy protection on the Internet. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the consent requirement for the use of tracking cookies in legal framework of European Union, United States of America and Lithuania and to find out if the use of tracking cookies without user consent interferes with users’ right to privacy. In order to achieve the aim of this work, descriptive-interpretive research approach was used in the first part of thesis to analyse various concepts of privacy, defined in different scientific literature, as well as different types of cookies and their purpose. In the second part of thesis, normative-comparative approach was used to analyse various legal systems, their essential laws and principles, theoretical backgrounds and their requirements for the valid user consent intended for the use of cookies. The principal conclusion was that use of tracking cookies without unambiguous... [to full text] / Šiuolaikinėje globalioje žinių visuomenėje, teisė ne visuomet yra pajėgi sureguliuoti pagrindinės valiutos – informacijos, apsaugą. Internetas ir kompiuterinės technologijos suteikia galimybę greitai, pigiai ir nenutrūkstamai keistis dideliais kiekiais informacijos, kaupti ją duomenų bazėse ir apdoroti. Internetu kasdien naudojasi net 40,7% visos pasaulio populiacijos, tai priemonė be kurios daugelis neįsivaizduoja kasdienio savo darbo ir laisvalaikio. Tačiau didžioji interneto vartotojų dalis neturi žinių apie techninę interneto pusę ir grėsmes, kurios gali kilti jiems, jų teisei į privatumą ir duomenų apsaugai internete. Tarptautinė bendruomenė išreiškė susirūpinimą interneto vartotojų privatumo apsauga, Jungtinių Tautų Generalinė Asamblėja priėmė rezoliuciją 68/167 „Teisė į privatumą skaitmeniniame amžiuje“. Šia rezoliucija Jungtinės Tautos ragina valstybes atkreipti dėmesį į pavojus privatumui esančius interntete ir derinti savo įstatymus siekiant suteikti žmogaus teisių ir laisvių aapsaugą interneto vartotojams. Slapukai (angl.-cookies) yra viena iš priemonių, kurią paieškos sistemos, socialiniai tinklai ir kiti interneto aktoriai nuolatos naudoja siekdami suteikti nenutrūkstamas ir kokybiškas paslaugas interneto vartotojams. Dažniausiai slapukai yra naudojami atsiminti vartotojų pirkinių užsakymus, kalbos pasirinkimą, slaptažodžius ir aplankytus puslapius. Vadinamieji sesijos slapukai( angl. -session cookies) yra automatiškai ištrinami iš galinio vartotojo įrenginio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Group rights in biolaw : a model approach

Kanellopoulou, Konstantina Nadja January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates legal, ethical and social aspects of group participation in genomic research. Groups in research are diverse. They can be families, patient groups, native tribes, local communities, ethnic collectives or entire national populations united by disease heredity, common cultural or personal ties. Despite rapidly rising scientific and policy interest in research with groups, legal protections for group rights and responsibilities are scarce. This work discusses current problems in defining what constitutes groups, together with dominant normative assumptions and ambiguities in existing research protections. It focuses on key issues of representation, accountability, resourcesharing and control in the management of scientific and commercial uses of group research. It highlights the increasing value of groups as research partners and examines emerging cooperative models, in the quest for appropriate legal frameworks for group protections. The thesis recommends a new concept of group empowerment and considers legal models for the implementation of the empowerment principle in modern research ethics. It proposes a way forward for law to focus on the collaborative aspects of group-researcher relationships, and to identify group research gifts as conditional, reciprocal returns of favours. Under the principle of group empowerment, reciprocity and cooperation are central in the development of adequate mechanisms for group protections. This new approach contributes to current thinking about ways to redress inequities in the balance of power between groups and researchers, build viable mechanisms for shared governance, and facilitate group involvement in genomic endeavours.

Health care in a multicultural Canada: the ethics of informed consent and the duty to warn of hereditary risk

Dheri, Poonam 24 August 2016 (has links)
Different people can have different cultural interpretations of the person—atomic versus embedded—and these may affect health care decision-making. This study examines both the ethics of variations in personhood as well as their implications for the doctrine of informed consent and the duty to warn of genetic disease risk. It argues that variations in personhood are consistent with the ethics of the Principle of Autonomy and the Canadian stand on informed consent, though autonomy and consent play out differently in practice on the two models. Also as a result of different interpretations of the person, the duty to warn of hereditary risk is found to be relevant to the atomic conception but unnecessary among embedded individuals. / Graduate / 0422 / 0566 / 0326 / pkdheri@uvic.ca

Worker responses to work reorganisation in a deep-level gold mining workplace : perspectives from the rock-face

Phakathi, T. T. January 2011 (has links)
In the early 1990s, South Africa’s re-entry into the competitive global marketplace and the first non-racial elections brought significant changes to an industry previously plagued by the racialisation of the labour process. South Africa’s post-apartheid work order led to the restructuring of the gold mining workplace, with a greatly increased emphasis on efficiency, productivity and equity. This period saw a number of gold mines reorganising work through new forms of working practices aimed at creating new kinds of workers who could identify with the goals of the company by expending rather than withdrawing effort at the point of production. There was a shift in the attitude of worker responses to managerial practices, from coercion to consent in the day-to-day running of the production process. This thesis examines worker responses to the reorganisation of work and their impact on worker and workplace productivity in a deep-level gold mine. At the core of this thesis are the perceptions, views, experiences and reactions displayed by underground work teams to management initiatives. The thesis highlights the significance of worker agency in managerially defined work structures – the capacity of underground gold miners to reshape and adapt management strategies in ways that make sense and enable them to maintain control over production and the effort-bargain. The findings presented in this thesis, particularly the gold miners’ informal or coping strategy of making a plan (planisa), reveal that underground work teams are not merely passive or docile reactors to management initiatives. They find opportunity to manipulate (and where necessary, avoid) new forms of management control in a variety of innovative ways that enable them to reassert their power and autonomy over their working day. Underground gold miners are not simply appendages to nor alienated beings in the production process but are able to take control of the production process, independent of management prescriptions, in ways which may embody resistance, consent or a subtle combination of the two. The thesis calls attention to workers’ subjective orientation, agency and resilience to new work structures – not just as recipients but also as shapers of such new work structures within the politics, limits and contradictions of capitalist production systems.

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