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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Il monastero di San Raimondo in Piacenza. La storia di un'istituzione claustrale, educativa ed apostolica

CONCA, ELENA MARIA 08 January 2010 (has links)
La tesi si apre con un capitolo introduttivo, che tiene presente l’arco cronologico compreso tra i secoli XII e XIX. L’ampiezza di questo periodo storico è giustificata dall’antichità delle istituzioni antecedenti al monastero cassinese di San Raimondo in Piacenza: una canonica agostiniana (secoli XII-XIV), dedicata a Santa Maria dei Dodici Apostoli, un ospedale di tipo medievale (secoli XII-XVI) e un monastero cistercense femminile (1414-1810). Si è cercato di mettere in luce che le vicende di queste istituzioni sono parte integrante della storia dell’attuale monastero. Dopo un accenno alle soppressioni napoleoniche e alle loro conseguenze per le religiose, la parte centrale della ricerca (comprendente gli altri tre capitoli) riguarda il monastero di San Raimondo in Piacenza nel suo periodo benedettino cassinese. L’erezione canonica è avvenuta nel 1835, in seguito all’iniziativa della fondatrice Teresa Maruffi (1780-1855), monaca piacentina. Nel lavoro si è cercato di mettere in luce l’influsso dell’istituzione anche in campo sociale ed educativo. Il monastero di San Raimondo, infatti, tenendo fermo il carattere contemplativo-claustrale della comunità che vi risiede, ha svolto e svolge tuttora un importante ruolo dal punto di vista scolastico-educativo ed apostolico in campo pastorale e sociale. / The thesis opens with an introductory chapter that considers the chronological period between XII and XIX centuries. The wideness of this historical period is justified by the antiquity of the institutions prior to the “cassinese” monastery of San Raimondo in Piacenza: an Augustinian presbytery (XII-XIV centuries), dedicated to Saint Mary of the Twelve Apostles, a medieval hospital (XII-XVI centuries) and a Cistercian convent (1414-1810). They have tried to point out that the events of these institutions are an integral part of the history of the present-day monastery. After a reference to the Napoleonic dissolution and to its consequences for the nuns, the central part of the research (including the other three chapters) concerns the monastery of San Raimondo in Piacenza during the Benedictine “cassinese” period. The monastery was founded in 1835 on the initiative of Teresa Maruffi (1780-1855), a nun from Piacenza. In the research they have tried to point out the influence of the institution in social and educational field. Actually, the monastery of San Raimondo, preserving the cloister-contemplative character of the community that resides there, has played and still plays an important role both from an educational point of view and an apostolic point of view in pastoral and social field.

A critique of Marx's theory of alienation

Erickson, Tammy Marie 09 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a critique of Marx's theory of alienation with emphasis on how Marx constructed his definition of man and consciousness. The main premise of the theory is that private property caused alienation but the hypothesis of this dissertation is that because the theory defined man and consciousness in an erroneous manner alienation was not possible, and that the conditions observed by Marx were exacerbated by landlessness. / Political Sciences / M.A. (Politics)

Approximations polynomiales rigoureuses et applications / Rigorous Polynomial Approximations and Applications

Joldes, Mioara Maria 26 September 2011 (has links)
Quand on veut évaluer ou manipuler une fonction mathématique f, il est fréquent de la remplacer par une approximation polynomiale p. On le fait, par exemple, pour implanter des fonctions élémentaires en machine, pour la quadrature ou la résolution d'équations différentielles ordinaires (ODE). De nombreuses méthodes numériques existent pour l'ensemble de ces questions et nous nous proposons de les aborder dans le cadre du calcul rigoureux, au sein duquel on exige des garanties sur la précision des résultats, tant pour l'erreur de méthode que l'erreur d'arrondi.Une approximation polynomiale rigoureuse (RPA) pour une fonction f définie sur un intervalle [a,b], est un couple (P, Delta) formé par un polynôme P et un intervalle Delta, tel que f(x)-P(x) appartienne à Delta pour tout x dans [a,b].Dans ce travail, nous analysons et introduisons plusieurs procédés de calcul de RPAs dans le cas de fonctions univariées. Nous analysons et raffinons une approche existante à base de développements de Taylor.Puis nous les remplaçons par des approximants plus fins, tels que les polynômes minimax, les séries tronquées de Chebyshev ou les interpolants de Chebyshev.Nous présentons aussi plusieurs applications: une relative à l'implantation de fonctions standard dans une bibliothèque mathématique (libm), une portant sur le calcul de développements tronqués en séries de Chebyshev de solutions d'ODE linéaires à coefficients polynômiaux et, enfin, un processus automatique d'évaluation de fonction à précision garantie sur une puce reconfigurable. / For purposes of evaluation and manipulation, mathematical functions f are commonly replaced by approximation polynomials p. Examples include floating-point implementations of elementary functions, integration, ordinary differential equations (ODE) solving. For that, a wide range of numerical methods exists. We consider the application of such methods in the context of rigorous computing, where we need guarantees on the accuracy of the result, with respect to both the truncation and rounding errors.A rigorous polynomial approximation (RPA) for a function f defined over an interval [a,b] is a couple (P, Delta) where P is a polynomial and Delta is an interval such that f(x)-P(x) belongs to Delta, for all x in [a,b]. In this work we analyse and bring forth several ways of obtaining RPAs for univariate functions. Firstly, we analyse and refine an existing approach based on Taylor expansions. Secondly, we replace them with better approximations such as minimax approximations, Chebyshev truncated series or interpolation polynomials.Several applications are presented: one from standard functions implementation in mathematical libraries (libm), another regarding the computation of Chebyshev series expansions solutions of linear ODEs with polynomial coefficients, and finally an automatic process for function evaluation with guaranteed accuracy in reconfigurable hardware.

Sistema de fixação e juntas em vedações verticais constituídas por placas cimentícias: estado da arte, desenvolvimento de um sistema e avaliação experimental. / Fixing system and joints in vertical enclosures consisting of fiber cement boards: state of the art, development of a system and experimental evaluation.

João Heitzmann Fontenelle 23 May 2012 (has links)
A construção civil é o maior consumidor de recursos naturais do planeta, apropriando-se atualmente de mais da metade da massa total dos materiais extraídos. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de sistemas construtivos que proporcionem uma redução do consumo de materiais, conhecida como o princípio da desmaterialização dos edifícios, pode ser uma estratégia para a redução do impacto que a construção civil exerce sobre o ambiente, e um passo em direção a uma economia mais sustentável. A utilização de placas cimentícias para a produção de vedações vem crescendo em várias partes do mundo, seja para a produção de vedações verticais externas, seja como revestimento não aderido sobre vedos existentes, destinados tanto a melhoria estética quanto o desempenho destas fachadas. Uma vedação com placas cimentícias possui em torno de 25% da massa de uma alvenaria tradicional constituída por blocos de concreto para a execução de uma mesma área de vedação vertical, o que pode contribuir ainda para uma redução dos materiais empregados nas estruturas e fundações de um edifício. Apesar da utilização destas placas cimentícias estar coerente com a estratégia da desmaterialização, algumas experiências de vedações executadas com estes componentes manifestaram problemas de manutenção de suas características ao longo do tempo, apresentando fissuras geralmente nas juntas entre placas. Verificando-se as propriedades dos materiais que constituem esta placa cimentícia, principalmente a variação dimensional em relação à temperatura e umidade, constatou-se uma incompatibilidade entre a amplitude das variações dimensionais resultantes e os sistemas de fixação e juntas empregados para a sustentação das mesmas. A avaliação experimental de choque térmico comprovou a influência destas variações para a deterioração das juntas entre as placas. Com base nesta constatação, e em análises dos processos de fixação de placas cimentícias adotados por fornecedores em diversas partes do mundo, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um novo sistema de fixação para placas cimentícias e de juntas entre estas com capacidade de atender a esta variação dimensional. Realizaram-se protótipos destes componentes os quais foram submetidos a uma avaliação experimental de choque térmico, resultando em nenhuma alteração visível nas juntas e nas superfícies destas placas. Como resultado concluiu-se que a criação de mecanismos que possibilitem acomodação às variações dimensionais, tanto nos dispositivos de fixação destas à estrutura, quanto nos acabamentos das juntas, podem contribuir significativamente para a durabilidade do sistema de vedações constituída por placas cimentícias. / The construction industry is the largest consumer of natural resources in the planet, currently appropriating more than half of mass of the total material extracted. In this context, the development of building systems that provide their dematerialization can be considered as a strategy to reduce the environmental construction impact, and a step toward a more sustainable economy. The use of fiber cement boards for the building production is growing in many parts of the world, to produce external vertical building enclosure or building envelopes, to improving the aesthetics and performance of these facades. A fiber cement board walls weigh around 25% of the traditional masonry mass made of concrete blocks for the same area of vertical building enclosure which can further contribute to a reduction of the materials used in building structures and foundations. Although the use of fiber cement boards complies with the dematerialization strategy, some experiments carried out with these cladding showed maintenance problems over time, usually cracks in the joints between panels. Checking the properties of materials constituting fiber cement boards, especially the dimensional variation due to changing temperature and humidity, there was an incompatibility between these dimensional variations amplitude and fixing systems and joints used to support them. The thermal shock experimental evaluation proved the influence of these variations on joints deterioration. Based on this observation, and on analyzes of the fiber cement suppliers recommendations over the world, a new system for fixing fiber cement board and joints between them was developed in this work with capacity to adapt to this dimensional variation. Prototypes of these components were made and submitted the thermal shock evaluation, resulting in no visible changes in the joints and on the surfaces of these panels. As a result, it was concluded that the creation of mechanisms that allow accommodating the dimensional variations, both in fixing these panels to the structure, and in the joints finishing can significantly contribute to the vertical building enclosure system durability.

Parametrierbare Metamodelle zur Berechnung des Wärmeübergangs in Hohlräumen

Pavliček, Florentina 24 October 2019 (has links)
Das thermische Verhalten von Werkzeugmaschinen verursacht geometrische Abweichungen an Werkstücken. In vielen Forschungsarbeiten wurden wertvolle Beiträge zu deren Verbesserung veröffentlicht. Dabei kommt die Finite-Elemente (FE)- Simulation zum Einsatz. Für diese ist unter anderem der Wärmeübergangskoeffizient als Randparameter notwendig. Insbesondere für Hohlräume, beispielsweise unter der Maschinenverkleidung, gibt es keine Methode diesen schnell zu berechnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert umfangreiche Untersuchungen zu den thermischen Vorgängen in Hohlräumen und deren Auswirkungen auf die thermischen Verlagerungen an Werkzeugmaschinen. Dafür erarbeitet diese Arbeit eine Methode, um Metamodelle für die schnelle Berechnung des Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten in Hohlräumen zu erstellen. Mögliche Hohlraumkonfigurationen werden dafür kategorisiert und für messtechnische Untersuchungen ein Versuchsstand konzipiert. Der Einfluss des Mikroklimas auf die thermischen Verlagerungen wird analysiert. Dabei wird der Einfluss von Konvektion und Strahlung, der Maschinenverkleidung und des Öffnens der Arbeitsraumtüre untersucht. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Metamodelle erstellt, für einen Hohlraum mit einer Seitenwand als Wärmequelle und für einen Hohlraum mit mittig platzierter Wärmequelle. Die Anwendung der Metamodelle wird mit der thermischen FE-Simulation einer Werkzeugmaschine erläutert und eine Hilfestellung für die Übertragung auf weitere Werkzeugmaschinen gegeben. / The thermal behavior of machine tools causes most of the geometric errors on workpieces. In recent years, many authors published valuable contributions to the analysis, correction and compensation of the thermal behavior of machine tools. One way is the finite element simulation, where the heat transfer coefficient is needed as an input parameter. In particular, for enclosures, for example under the machine housing, there is no method to calculate this coefficient quickly. As state of the art the heat transfer coefficient is received from a computation-intensive fluid simulation of the enclosure. The present work provides investigations of enclosures, the microclimate in enclosures, its effect on the thermal errors of machine tools and finally a method to develop metamodels for the fast calculation of the heat transfer coefficient in enclosures and to use them in the finite element simulation. Possible enclosure configurations are categorized and a test stand is designed for metrological investigations. In basic investigations the thermal processes in different enclosures are analyzed. The influence of the microclimate on thermal errors of machine tools is analyzed in experiments. The influence of convection and radiation, the machine housing and the opening of the working room door are examined. In this work two metamodels are developed. One for an enclosure with a side wall as a heat source and one for an enclosure with a centrally placed heat source. The application of the metamodels is explained in the thermal finite element simulation of a machine tool.

A Deep History of Shallow Waters: Enclosing the Wetland Commons in the Era of Improvement

Allen, Davis 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Improvement and environmental conflict in the northern fens, 1560-1665

Robson, Eleanor Dezateux January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines 'improvement' of wetland commons in early modern England as a contested process of rapid environmental change. As a flagship project of agrarian improvement, drainage sought to alchemise pastoral fen commons into arable enclosed terra firma and promised manifold benefits for crown, commoners, and commonwealth alike. In practice, however, improvement schemes generated friction between the political and fiscal agendas of governors and projectors and local communities' customary ways of knowing and using wetland commons, provoking the most sustained and violent agrarian unrest of the seventeenth century. This thesis situates the first state-led drainage project in England, in the northern fens of Hatfield Level, in the context of the local politics of custom, national legal and political developments, and international movements of capital, expertise, and refugees; all of which intersected to reshape perceptions and management of English wetlands. Drawing on the analytic perspectives of environmental history, this thesis explores divergent ideas and practices generating conflict over the making of private property, reorganisation of flow, and reconfiguration of lived environments. This thesis argues that different 'environing' practices - both mental and material - distinguished what was seen as an ordered or disordered landscape, determined when and how water was understood as a resource or risk, and demarcated different scales and forms of intervention. Rival visions of the fenscape, ways of knowing land and water, and concepts of value and justice were productive of, and produced by, different practices of management, ownership, and use. Drainage disputes therefore crossed different spheres of discourse and action, spanning parliament, courtroom, and commons to bring improvement into dialogue with fen custom and generate a contentious environmental politics. In seven substantive chapters, this thesis investigates how improvement was imagined, legitimised, and enacted; how fen communities experienced and navigated rapid environmental transformation; and how political, social, and spatial boundaries were reforged in the process. By grounding improvement in the early modern fenscape, this thesis reintegrates agency into accounts of inexorable socio-economic change, illuminates ideas at work in social contexts, and deepens understandings of environmental conflict.

Pression d'herbivorie et dynamique des communautés végétales : influence à court et moyen termes des populations de cervidés sur la diversité des communautés végétales en forêt / Herbivory pressure and vegetation community dynamics : short- and mid-term impacts of deer populations on the diversity of forest vegetation communities

Boulanger, Vincent 27 April 2010 (has links)
Les cervidés, animaux mobiles et herbivores, peuvent influencer les distributions, assemblages et dynamiques d'espèces végétales. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer le rôle joué par les cervidés sur la composition, stratification et dynamique de la végétation forestière. Le ré-échantillonnage de relevés couplant composition et abroutissement de la flore, implantés en 1976 en Forêt d'Arc-en-Barrois (52) a permis d'identifier (i) des espèces ligneuses préférées (Cornus sp., Rosa arvensis) ou au contraire évitées par les cervidés qui sélectionnent les espèces arbustives et à bois dense et (ii) le niveau trophique et la pression d'abroutissement comme gradients structurant la végétation et déterminant les dynamiques des espèces et des communautés. Nous analysons plus précisément le rôle des cervidés dans la progression spectaculaire de Cynoglossum germanicum, espèce rare, épizoochore et toxique.A partir d'un réseau national d'enclos/exclos suivis sur 10 ans, nous montrons que les cervidés limitent la croissance des arbustes et des espèces compétitrices, ce qui profite à la richesse spécifique de la strate herbacée. La valeur écologique et patrimoniale des espèces en progression est discutée. A l'aide de données de chasse, nous tentons d'isoler les rôles des différentes espèces d'ongulés dans ces dynamiques.Ces résultats exposent la complexité et la diversité des effets des cervidés sur la végétation forestière. Enfin, ce travail met l'accent sur la nécessité des suivis temporels intégrant toutes les composantes de l'écosystème forestier pour mieux appréhender les changements en cours. / This thesis aims at assessing the impacts of deer on forest vegetation composition, stratification and dynamics.We resampled a network of relevés coupling vegetation and browsing surveys, settled in 1976 in the national forest of Arc-en-Barrois. We identified (i) ligneous species that are either preferred (Cornus sp., Rosa arvensis) or avoided by deer, which tend to select shrubs species with dense wood and (ii) trophic level and browsing pressure as gradients that determine plant communities structures and dynamics. Then, we highlight the roles of deer in the spectacular expansion of Cynoglossum germanicum, a rare, epizoochorous and toxic species. According to a national network of exclosures, monitored for over 10 years, we show that deer limit shrubs and competing species growth, which in turn benefits to the herbaceous species richness probably through an increased light availability. Ecological and patrimonial value of the benefitting species is discussed. Using hunting statistics, we try to isolate the role of the various ungulate species in these dynamics.These results provide evidence for the diversity and complexity of deer impacts on forest vegetation. Finally, we demonstrate the need for long term monitoring programs, including all the forest ecosystem components so that we could better appreciate the forces driving the current changes

Δενδρικές δομές διαχείρισης πληροφορίας και βιομηχανικές εφαρμογές / Tree structures for information management and industrial applications

Σοφοτάσιος, Δημήτριος 06 February 2008 (has links)
H διατριβή διερευνά προβλήματα αποδοτικής οργάνωσης χωροταξικών δεδομένων, προτείνει συγκεκριμένες δενδρικές δομές για τη διαχείρισή τους και, τέλος, δίνει παραδείγματα χρήσης τους σε ειδικές περιοχές εφαρμογών. Το πρώτο κεφάλαιο ασχολείται με το γεωμετρικό πρόβλημα της εύρεσης των ισo-προσανατολισμένων ορθογωνίων που περικλείουν ένα query αντικείμενο που μπορεί να είναι ένα ισο-προσανατολισμένο ορθογώνιο είτε σημείο ή κάθετο / οριζόντιο ευθύγραμμο τμήμα. Για την επίλυσή του προτείνεται μια πολυεπίπεδη δενδρική δομή που βελτιώνει τις πολυπλοκότητες των προηγούμενων καλύτερων λύσεων. Το δεύτερο κεφάλαιο εξετάζει το πρόβλημα της ανάκτησης σημείων σε πολύγωνα. H προτεινόμενη γεωμετρική δομή είναι επίσης πολυεπίπεδη και αποδοτική όταν το query πολύγωνο έχει συγκεκριμένες ιδιότητες. Το τρίτο κεφάλαιο ασχολείται με την εφαρμογή δενδρικών δομών σε δύο βιομηχανικά προβλήματα. Το πρώτο αφορά στη μείωση της πολυπλοκότητας ανίχνευσης συγκρούσεων κατά την κίνηση ενός ρομποτικού βραχίονα σε μια επίπεδη σκηνή με εμπόδια. Ο αλγόριθμος επίλυσης κάνει χρήση μιας ουράς προτεραιότητας και μιας UNION-FIND δομής ενώ αξιοποιεί γνωστές δομές και αλγόριθμους της Υπολογιστικής Γεωμετρίας όπως υπολογισμός κυρτών καλυμμάτων, έλεγχος polygon inclusion, κλπ. Το δεύτερο πρόβλημα ασχολείται με το σχεδιασμό απαιτήσεων υλικών (MRP) σε ένα βιομηχανικό σύστημα παραγωγής. Για το σκοπό αυτό αναπτύχθηκε ένας MRP επεξεργαστής που χρησιμοποιεί διασυνδεμένες λίστες και εκτελείται στην κύρια μνήμη για να είναι αποδοτικός. Το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο εξετάζει το πρόβλημα του ελέγχου της παραγωγής και συγκεκριμένα της δρομολόγησης εργασιών. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε ένα ευφυές σύστημα δρομολόγησης σε περιβάλλον ροής που συνδυάζει γνωσιακή τεχνολογία και προσομοίωση με on-line έλεγχο προκειμένου να υποστηρίξει το διευθυντή παραγωγής στη λήψη αποφάσεων. / Τhe dissertation examines problems of efficient organization of spatial data, proposes specific tree structures for their management, and finally, gives examples of their use in specific application areas. The first chapter is about the problem of finding the iso-oriented rectangles that enclose a query object which can be an iso-oriented rectangle either a point or a vertical / horizontal line segment. A multilevel tree structure is proposed to solve the problem which improves the complexities of the best previous known solutions. The second chapter examines the problem of point retrieval on polygons. The proposed geometric structure is also multileveled and efficient when the query polygon has specific properties. The third chapter is about the application of tree structures in two manufacturing problems. The first one concerns the reduction in the complexity of collision detection as a robotic arm moves on a planar scene with obstacles. For the solution a priority queue and a UNION-FIND structure are used, whereas known data structures and algorithms of Computational Geometry such as construction of convex hulls, polygon inclusion testing, etc. are applied. The second problem is about material requirements planning (MRP) in a manufacturing production system. To this end an MRP processor was developed, which uses linked lists and runs in main memory to retain efficiency. The last chapter examines the production control problem, and more specifically the job scheduling problem. In this context, an intelligent scheduling system was designed and developed for flow shop production control which combines knowledge-based technology and simulation with on-line control in order to support the production manager in decision making.

Etude de techniques de calculs multi-domaines appliqués à la compatibilité électromagnétique / Study of multi-domain computation techniques applied to electromagnetic compatibility

Patier, Laurent 17 November 2010 (has links)
Le contexte d’étude est celui de la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique (CEM). L’objectif de la CEM est, comme son nom l’indique, d’assurer la compatibilité entre une source de perturbation électromagnétique et un système électronique victime. Or, la prédiction de ces niveaux de perturbation ne peut pas s’effectuer à l’aide d’un simple calcul analytique, en raison de la géométrie qui est généralement complexe pour le système que l’on étudie, tel que le champ à l’intérieur d’un cockpit d’avion par exemple. En conséquence, nous sommes contraints d’employer des méthodes numériques, dans le but de prédire ce niveau de couplage entre les sources et les victimes. Parmi les nombreuses méthodes numériques existantes à ce jour, les méthodes Multi-Domaines (MD) sont très prisées. En effet, elles offrent la liberté aux utilisateurs de choisir la méthode numérique la plus adaptée, en fonction de la zone géométrique à calculer. Au sein de ces méthodes MD, la « Domain Decomposition Method » (DDM) présente l’avantage supplémentaire de découpler chacun de ces domaines. En conséquence, la DDM est particulièrement intéressante, vis-à-vis des méthodes concurrentes, en particulier sur l’aspect du coût numérique. Pour preuve, l’ONERA continue de développer cette méthode qui ne cesse de montrer son efficacité depuis plusieurs années, notamment pour le domaine des Surfaces Équivalentes Radar (SER) et des antennes. L’objectif de l’étude est de tirer profit des avantages de cette méthode pour des problématiques de CEM. Jusqu’à maintenant, de nombreuses applications de CEM, traitées par le code DDM, fournissaient des résultats fortement bruités. Même pour des problématiques électromagnétiques très simples, des problèmes subsistaient, sans explication convaincante. Ceci justifie cette étude. Le but de cette thèse est de pouvoir appliquer ce formalisme DDM à des problématiques de CEM. Dans cette optique, nous avons été amenés à redéfinir un certain nombre de conventions, qui interviennent au sein de la DDM. Par ailleurs, nous avons développé un modèle spécifique pour les ouvertures, qui sont des voies de couplage privilégiées par les ondes, à l’intérieur des cavités que représentent les blindages. Comme les ouvertures sont, en pratique, de petites dimensions devant la longueur d’onde, on s’est intéressé à un modèle quasi-statique. Nous proposons alors un modèle, qui a été implémenté, puis validé. Suite à ce modèle, nous avons développé une méthode originale, basée sur un calcul en deux étapes, permettant de ne plus discrétiser le support des ouvertures dans les calculs 3D. / The context of the study is the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Principal aim of the EMC is to ensure the compatibility between an electromagnetic perturbance source and an electronic device victim. Unfortunately, the perturbation levels prediction can not be made using an analytic formula, because the geometry which is generally complex for the interesting system, for example the field inside an aircraft’s cockpit. Therefore, we are contrained to use numerical methods, to be able to evaluate this coupling level between sources and victims. Among several existing numerical methods, Multi-Domains (MD) methods are very interesting. They offer to users the freedom to choose the most powerfull numerical method, in terms of the geometrical zone evaluated. With the MD methods, « Domain Decomposition Method » (DDM) has the avantage of decouplingeach of theses areas. Therefore, DDM is very interesting, compared to other methods, in particular on the numerical cost. ONERA keeps on developing this method, which has not stop showing his efficiency since several years, in particular in Radar Cross Section (RCS) and antennas. The objective of this study is to take the benefits of this method for EMC problems. Up to now, several EMC applications treated by the DDM code provided results strongly noisy. Even for with very simple electromagnetic cases, some problems remained without convincing explanations. This justifies this study. The aim of this thesis is to can be able to apply DDM formalism to EMC problems. Then, we have been induced to redefine a number of conventions which are involved in the DDM. Otherwise, we have developed a specific model for the apertures which are privilegied tracts of the coupling by the penetration of waves inside cavities (shieldings). As the apertures have in practice smaller dimensions compared to the wavelength, we have been interested to a quasistatic model which was developped, implemented and validated. Following this model, we have developed an original method, based on a two step calculation, able to do not discretize the apertures support in 3D computations.

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