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Ginčai dėl darbo sutarties nutraukimo: teorija ir praktika / Disputes over termination of the employment contract: theory and practiceZabitė, Simona 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas darbo sutarties nutraukimo teorinis ir praktinis aspektai: nagrinėjami darbo sutarties nutraukimo pagrindai, ginčų dėl darbo sutarties nutraukimo nagrinėjimo teisme ypatumai, identifikuojamos svarbiausios teorinės ir praktinės problemos, pateikiami pasiūlymai. Tyrimo aktualumą lemia tai, kad darbo sutarties nutraukimas labiausiai žeidžia darbuotojo turtinius interesus, tai - yra griežčiausia drausminė nuobauda, kurią darbdavys turi skirti tik turėdamas rimtą pagrindą. Ginčai dėl darbo sutarties nutraukimo nagrinėjami tiesiogiai teisme. Šie ginčai sudaro apie 17 – 21 proc. darbo ginčų bylų. Darbe akcentuojama, kad Darbo kodekse yra pakankamai darbuotojo teisių ir interesų teisinių saugiklių: atleisdamas iš darbo savo iniciatyva, darbdavys turi darbuotoją įspėti, konsultuoti, pagal galimybes siūlyti kitą darbą ir t. t. Teigiamai vertintini nauji DK nustatyti teisiniai saugikliai: reikalavimas nurodyti realią ir svarbią atleidimo iš darbo priežastį, reikalavimas, kad darbuotojas dėl darbo drausmės pažeidimo pasiaiškintų raštu ir pan. Tyrimas parodė, kad problemiškiausias yra įmonės struktūrinio pertvarkymo įvertinimas atleidžiant iš darbo darbdavio iniciatyva. Teigiamai įvertinta DK naujovė – nustatyti nebaigtinį šiurkščių darbo pažeidimų sąrašą. Klausimų kelia atleidimas pagal DK 235 straipsnio 2 dalies 11 punktą, nes dėl jo stinga teismo praktikos. Empirinis tyrimas parodė, kad darbo sutarties nutraukimas pripažįstamas neteisėtu ir nepagrįstu maždaug kas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work analizes theoretical and practical aspects of termination of labour agreement: grounds of labour agreement termination, peculiarities of court hearings on labour agreement termination are studied, the most important theoretical and practical prblems are determined, solutions are offered. The importance of study is determined by the fact that termination of labour agreement most of all affect and empoloyee‘s proprietary interests, this is the most severe disciplinary punishment which an employer may impose only provided there are serious reasons for that. Disputes regarding termination of a labour agreement are heard directly by court. Such disputes reach up to 17 – 21 per cent of labour disagreements cases. The work stresses that the Labour Code provides sufficient legal protection of an employee‘s rights and interests: an employer discharging an employee at his own initiative should notify, consult and, if possible, offer such employee another job, etc. New legal protection offered by the Labour Code should be appreciated: demand to specify a real and important reason of discharge, demand that an employee should present a written explanation on any violation of labour discipline, etc. The study showed that most problems arise in connection with evaluation of a company‘s restructuring resuling in discharge at an employer‘s initiative. A new provision of the Labour Code – to netermine a open-ended list of gross violations of labour discipline – is positively evaluated... [to full text]
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6 klasės mokinių teksto supratimo ypatumai: testo konstravimas / Reading comprehension peculiarities in the 6th form: test constructionGriniūtė, Singrida 22 May 2006 (has links)
This master paper tries to analyse the structure of reading as a complicated multiple process, to reveal its components, to study the aspects of reading evaluation, text formation, the levels of reading comprehension, etc.
Reading is one of the most important abilities the man has. At first sight it may seem as a simple and matter-of-course ability, but after studying it thoroughly it becomes clear that it is not true. Not only mechanical decoding of signs (reading), but also reading comprehension is significant to the growing, developing and mature enough personality.
The problem of reading comprehension evaluation has been holding the interest of not only foreign, but also Lithuanian educators and researchers who go deep into this problem, try to carry out various investigations for the last decades. There is not much methodological literature about this topic but all the investigations that have been carried out to date are rather important and informative. United standardized test of reading comprehension has not been prepared yet, so teachers of the Lithuanian language try to create them themselves or to adapt tests prepared by others.
The preparation of the valid test itself is a very complicated and responsible process that requires many efforts. Certain requirements are brought, so there were attempts to study the principles of the test formation during this research as in detail as possible, to check the reliability of the test in the different stages of its... [to full text]
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Atskiri užlaidų ir tarpinių matmenų skaičiavimo atvejai / Separate cases for calculating of allowance and intermediate dimensionsNikolaitis, Egidijus 13 June 2006 (has links)
The method of counting allowances is created by prof. V. M. Kovan more than 40 years ago. Therefore today, when computers are used, it is possible to estimate more deeply the components of allowances and in that way it is possible to make the method of counting more accurate. The research object: it is a theoretical character job, which include dependent on such factors as: material solidity and of used up instrument. The purpose of the paper the allowance size depends on the production cost. The increase of allowance size, it will increase metal outlay, cost on cutting tool, electrical power, and so on. However on decrease of allowance size it will depend on worse detail waster percent and in some case the netting tool will work in malevolence conditions. So it’s very important to calculate allowance size. The elastic deformations of technological system which appear because the hardness of the material changes and because the machining tool wears mechanically. It is shown in this case intermediate dimensions of parts are counted.
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Vaikų ir jaunimo klubų prieinamumo ir organizacinės sklaidos prielaidos / Preconditions for Accessability and Organizational Spread of Child and Youth ClubsVidžiūnaitė, Elvyra 27 June 2006 (has links)
One of forms of informal education — Children and Youth Clubs. According to club’s constitution, club is institution of informal education, which works in social, educational and cultural areas and provides for members of community such services as: organizing purposeful leisure for children and youth, permitting of positive socialization, artistic activity and self-expression of children and youth.
Proper organization and realization of informal education — interesting activity after classes — pull away children and youth from empty, senseless leisure, herewith away from bad addictions and crime. Artistic, technical, sportive and other activities help children and youth to realize their demand for self-expression and communication, form national and cultural self-awareness.
Purpose of this work — to analyze possibilities and preconditions for accessability and organizational spread of child and youth clubs in Vilnius.
For implementation of this purpose the following methods were used:
• Qualitative method — structured interview with directors of Vilnius’ Children and Youth Clubs;
• Quantitative method — questioning of youth of age 14-18 (special questionnaires were uses);
• Budgeting and costs analysis.
Research shoes that children and youth don’t have equal possibilities to participate in informal education activities, because these possibilities depend on financial potential of their parents.
Informal education is important part of educational system. Children and youth... [to full text]
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Asimetrinių daugiasluoksnių elementų stiprumo ir standumo tyrimas / Investigation of strength and rigidity of asymmetric multilayered elementsBakšytė, Edita 09 June 2004 (has links)
Bakšytė E. Investigation of strength and rigidity of asymmetric multilayered elements: Master thesis of mechanical engineer / research advisor prof. J. Bareišis; Šiauliai University, Technological Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department. – Šiauliai, 2004. – 69 p.
This theme of master’s work in mechanical engineering is urgent: along with appearing new composition substances and growing demands towards strength, rigidity, stability, mass and piece of the constructions, more and more often the multilayered construction elements are used, enabling obtaining of the necessary constructional features in the desirable direction, evaluating total load, working environment and other important requirements. Though the projecting questions of multilayered construction elements were analysed, no asymmetric constructions, made of three substances, were analysed.
In this work I analyse strength and rigidity of asymmetric multilayered elements, made of the following composition substances: carbon plastic, hot setting glass plastic and apoxy resin.
In order to perform analytic calculations, I selected the construction element with height h = 120 mm, width b = 50 mm, length l = 1000 mm, affected with 10 kN force.
In the work I present dependence or neutral axle position factor, rigidity and tension upon the relative layer thickness rates, material allocation in the construction element cross - section as well as number of the layers. Change regularities and their... [to full text]
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Logopedo veikla ugdant specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / The Work of Speech Pathologist in Teaching Students with Special Needs in Regular ClassesLiubinienė, Diana 15 June 2005 (has links)
Each year, the number of students with special educational needs who choose studying in regular education classes, is growing. The integration of these students can be meaningful and successful only if comprehensive school guarantees appropriate educational conditions to every of them, meets their individual needs and provides steady and qualified assistance. Not only is the classroom teacher involved in assisting the special educational needs of the students but also other in-school service providers – special education teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, social worker. Following the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training of Lithuania speech pathologist assists persons with speech and language disorders. The students with other developmental disabilities can get speech pathologist’s help, too. The speech training of students with special educational needs is often aggravated with other cognitive, emotional and behavior, mild developmental disabilities and psychosocial factors – these are primary and secondary disorders.
This study intends to analyze the functions of special pedagogical assistance given by speech pathologist in comprehensive school, the range and character of cooperation between speech pathologist and classroom teacher in teaching students with special educational needs. The study aims for exhibiting that speech pathologists by working with students with special educational needs not only eliminate speech and language disorders but also... [to full text]
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Seksualinis priekabiavimas Lietuvos ir užsienio valstybių baudžiamojoje teisėje / Sexual Harassment in Criminal Law of Lithuania and Foreign CountriesGedminaitė, Aušra 24 January 2011 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjama viena iš Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso nusikaltimų ir baudžiamųjų nusižengimų asmens seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui nuostatų – seksualinis priekabiavimas, kuris Lietuvoje buvo kriminalizuotas 2003 m., įsigaliojus naujam Baudžiamajam kodeksui.
Seksualinio priekabiavimo instituto tyrimą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje autorė aptaria seksualinio priekabiavimo sąvokos bei jo kaip reiškinio apskritai ištakas užsienio valstybėse ir Lietuvoje.
Antrojoje dalyje, atskleidžiant seksualinio priekabiavimo sampratą įvairiapusiškai, nagrinėjama bendra socialinė – teisinė šio reiškinio samprata ne tik Lietuvos Respublikos, bet ir kai kurių užsienio valstybių (Vokietijos, Estijos, Suomijos, Bulgarijos, Nyderlandų, Lenkijos) teisės aktuose. Taip pat apžvelgiami tarptautiniai, Europos Sąjungos bei kai kurių užsienio valstybių nacionaliniai teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys seksualinį priekabiavimą.
Trečiojoje dalyje autorė aptaria baudžiamąją teisinę seksualinio priekabiavimo sampratą ir jos aspektus. Pirmajame šios dalies skyriuje pateikiama bendra baudžiamoji teisinė seksualinio priekabiavimo samprata. Antrajame trečios dalies skyriuje aptariama baudžiamoji teisinė kai kurių užsienio valstybių (Prancūzijos, Austrijos, Italijos, Vengrijos, Portugalijos) seksualinio priekabiavimo samprata pagal jų baudžiamuosius įstatymus bei apžvelgiami kiti teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys seksualinį priekabiavimą tose valstybėse... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work analyses one of five criminal acts against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity, provided for in the 21st chapter of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which is sexual harassment. It was criminalized in 2003, when the new Lithuanian Criminal Code came into force.
This paper is divided into three parts. In the first part of this work the author discusses the origins of the concept of sexual harassment and its phenomenon in Lithuania and in foreign countries.
The second part of the work sets out to investigate the general social-legal aspects of this phenomenon. This part analyses the laws, regulating sexual harassment in Lithuania and in several foreign countries (i.e. Germany, Estonia, Finland, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, and Poland). It also reviews the international and EU documents, regulating sexual harassment.
The third part of the work analyses the criminal-legal conception of sexual harassment and its aspects. The first section of this part is designed to investigate the criminal-legal conception of sexual harassment as such in general. The second section analyses criminal conception of sexual harassment in some foreign countries in particular (i.e. France, Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Portugal), including other laws regulating sexual harassment in those countries. The third section analyses the elements of sexual harassment which determine it as a criminal act, as provided for in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania... [to full text]
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Pediatrų endokrinologų, slaugytojų ir tėvų požiūris į šeimos problemas, vaikui susirgus cukriniu diabetu / The approach of pediatric endokrinologists, nurses and parents towards family problems with children suffering from diabetes mellitusPilkauskienė, Ramutė 14 June 2005 (has links)
The diabetes is а chronic non-infectious disease that touches people from the birth to the old age. Children and young people mostly suffer from diabetes type 1. Тhe morbidity in this disease is increasing not only in Lithuania but also in the whole world. In 1980, 30 million people in the world suffered from the diabetes, while in 2000 there were already 100 million such people. As the number of children suffering from the diabetes is increasing, it is very important to understand what influence to their psycho-social development is caused bу this disease, how the relationship between the child and his or her family changes, and how the relationship between the diabetics, their family and the environment develops.
When а child falls ill with the diabetes, the family faces many questions, and the life splits into two parts: before the disease and after its diagnosing. А child who suffers from diabetes of type 1 has to make insulin injections during аll his or her life, to check the quantity of glucose in the blood, to observe nutrition recommendations. The family whose child falls ill with an incurable disease experiences the process of loss. The duration of its stages and its succession depends of the psychosocial state of the family.
The treatment of children's diabetes is also complicated due to psychological peculiarities of the age of children. Children of different ages can perform different tasks and to undertake different duties. Eventually, а child will bе... [to full text]
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Švietimo politikos įgyvendinimo problemų tyrimo metodologija (lietuvos švietimo reformos aspektas) / Research methodology of educational policy implementation problems (context of education reform in lithuania)Katiliūtė, Eglė 20 July 2005 (has links)
The research aim is to create and substantiate the research methodology of educational policy implementation problems (context of education reform in Lithuania).
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Gaubtinės ir tiesiosios žarnos vėžio chemoterapijos veiksmingumo įvertinimas / The evaluation of chemotherapy effectiveness for colorectal cancer patientsJančiauskienė, Rasa 22 February 2006 (has links)
Colon and rectum cancers (CRC) accounted for about 1 million new cases in 2002 (9.4 % of the world total) with about 529,000 deaths and 2.8 million alive with CRC diagnosed within 5 years of diagnosis [Parkin DM et al, 2005]. Recent estimates indicate that in 2004 CRC among the most common incident form of cancer in the Europe was in the second position with more than 380,000 new cases (13.2% of total). CRC was also one of two most common causes of cancer deaths in Europe (203,700 per year) [Boyle P et al, 2005].
A favourable pattern in CRC mortality for both genders was observed in most of western European countries from the 1990s onwards, but CRC mortality rates were still in the upward direction in some eastern European countries [Fernandez E et al, 2005]. For patients diagnosed with CRC during the early 1990s, the EUROCARE study showed that differences in stage at diagnosis were a key explanation for differences in survival between western European countries, and differences in therapy contributed to survival differences between eastern and western European countries [Gatta G et al, 2000].
The number of new cases of CRC in Lithuania is increasing every year. According to the data of Lithuanian Cancer Registry, there were diagnosed 1442 new colorectal cancer cases and 973 deaths in 2004 in Lithuania [The main results of cancer control in Lithuania. Transitional report 2004. Lithuanian Cancer Registry]. CRC is in the third position according new cancer... [to full text]
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