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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contour Based 3D Biological Image Reconstruction and Partial Retrieval

Li, Yong 28 November 2007 (has links)
Image segmentation is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing. Segmentation algorithms are generally based on searching a region where pixels share similar gray level intensity and satisfy a set of defined criteria. However, the segmented region cannot be used directly for partial image retrieval. In this dissertation, a Contour Based Image Structure (CBIS) model is introduced. In this model, images are divided into several objects defined by their bounding contours. The bounding contour structure allows individual object extraction, and partial object matching and retrieval from a standard CBIS image structure. The CBIS model allows the representation of 3D objects by their bounding contours which is suitable for parallel implementation particularly when extracting contour features and matching them for 3D images require heavy computations. This computational burden becomes worse for images with high resolution and large contour density. In this essence we designed two parallel algorithms; Contour Parallelization Algorithm (CPA) and Partial Retrieval Parallelization Algorithm (PRPA). Both algorithms have considerably improved the performance of CBIS for both contour shape matching as well as partial image retrieval. To improve the effectiveness of CBIS in segmenting images with inhomogeneous backgrounds we used the phase congruency invariant features of Fourier transform components to highlight boundaries of objects prior to extracting their contours. The contour matching process has also been improved by constructing a fuzzy contour matching system that allows unbiased matching decisions. Further improvements have been achieved through the use of a contour tailored Fourier descriptor to make translation and rotation invariance. It is proved to be suitable for general contour shape matching where translation, rotation, and scaling invariance are required. For those images which are hard to be classified by object contours such as bacterial images, we define a multi-level cosine transform to extract their texture features for image classification. The low frequency Discrete Cosine Transform coefficients and Zenike moments derived from images are trained by Support Vector Machine (SVM) to generate multiple classifiers.

Natural scene classification, annotation and retrieval : developing different approaches for semantic scene modelling based on Bag of Visual Words

Alqasrawi, Yousef T. N. January 2012 (has links)
With the availability of inexpensive hardware and software, digital imaging has become an important medium of communication in our daily lives. A huge amount of digital images are being collected and become available through the internet and stored in various fields such as personal image collections, medical imaging, digital arts etc. Therefore, it is important to make sure that images are stored, searched and accessed in an efficient manner. The use of bag of visual words (BOW) model for modelling images based on local invariant features computed at interest point locations has become a standard choice for many computer vision tasks. Based on this promising model, this thesis investigates three main problems: natural scene classification, annotation and retrieval. Given an image, the task is to design a system that can determine to which class that image belongs to (classification), what semantic concepts it contain (annotation) and what images are most similar to (retrieval). This thesis contributes to scene classification by proposing a weighting approach, named keypoints density-based weighting method (KDW), to control the fusion of colour information and bag of visual words on spatial pyramid layout in a unified framework. Different configurations of BOW, integrated visual vocabularies and multiple image descriptors are investigated and analyzed. The proposed approaches are extensively evaluated over three well-known scene classification datasets with 6, 8 and 15 scene categories using 10-fold cross validation. The second contribution in this thesis, the scene annotation task, is to explore whether the integrated visual vocabularies generated for scene classification can be used to model the local semantic information of natural scenes. In this direction, image annotation is considered as a classification problem where images are partitioned into 10x10 fixed grid and each block, represented by BOW and different image descriptors, is classified into one of predefined semantic classes. An image is then represented by counting the percentage of every semantic concept detected in the image. Experimental results on 6 scene categories demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Finally, this thesis further explores, with an extensive experimental work, the use of different configurations of the BOW for natural scene retrieval.

Information retrieval via universal source coding

Bae, Soo Hyun 17 November 2008 (has links)
This dissertation explores the intersection of information retrieval and universal source coding techniques and studies an optimal multidimensional source representation from an information theoretic point of view. Previous research on information retrieval particularly focus on learning probabilistic or deterministic source models based on primarily two different types of source representations, e.g., fixed-shape partitions or uniform regions. We study the limitations of the conventional source representations on capturing the semantics of the given multidimensional source sequences and propose a new type of primitive source representation generated by a universal source coding technique. We propose a multidimensional incremental parsing algorithm extended from the Lempel-Ziv incremental parsing and its three component schemes for multidimensional source coding. The properties of the proposed coding algorithm are exploited under two-dimensional lossless and lossy source coding. By the proposed coding algorithm, a given multidimensional source sequence is parsed into a number of variable-size patches. We call this methodology a parsed representation. Based on the source representation, we propose an information retrieval framework that analyzes a set of source sequences under a linguistic processing technique and implemented content-based image retrieval systems. We examine the relevance of the proposed source representation by comparing it with the conventional representation of visual information. To further extend the proposed framework, we apply a probabilistic linguistic processing technique to modeling the latent aspects of a set of documents. In addition, beyond the symbol-wise pattern matching paradigm employed in the source coding and the image retrieval systems, we devise a robust pattern matching that compares the first- and second-order statistics of source patches. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the proposed framework justifies the superiority of the proposed information retrieval framework based on the parsed representation. The proposed source representation technique and the information retrieval frameworks encourage future work in exploiting a systematic way of understanding multidimensional sources that parallels a linguistic structure.

Recuperação de imagens digitais com base na distribuição de características de baixo nível em partições do domínio utilizando índice invertido

Proença, Patrícia Aparecida 29 March 2010 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The main goal of a images retrieval system is to obtain images from a collection that assist a need of the user. To achieve this objective, in generally, the systems of retrieval of images calculate the similarity between the user's need represented by a query and representations of the images of the collection. Such an objective is dicult of being obtain due to the subjectivity of the similarity concept among images, because a same image can be interpreted in dierent ways by dierent people. In the attempt of solving this problem the content based image retrieval systems explore the characteristics of low level color, forms and texture in the calculation of the similarity among the images. A problem of this approach is that in most of the systems the calculation of the similarity is accomplished being compared the query image with all of the images of the collection, turning the dicult and slow processing. Considering the indexation of characteristics of low level of partitions of digital images mapped to an inverted index, this work looks for improvements in the acting of the processing of querys and improve in the precision considering the group of images retrieval in great bases of data. We used an approach based in inverted index that is here adapted for partitions images. In this approach the concept of term of the retrieval textual, main element of the indexation, it is used in the work as characteristic of partitions of images for the indexation. Experiments show improvement in the quality of the precision using two collections of digital images. / O principal objetivo de um sistema de recuperação de imagens é obter imagens de uma coleção que atendam a uma necessidade do usuário. Para atingir esse objetivo, em geral, os sistemas de recuperação de imagens calculam a similaridade entre a necessidade do usuário, representada por uma consulta, e representações das imagens da coleção. Tal objetivo é difícil de ser alcançado devido à subjetividade do conceito de similaridade entre imagens, visto que uma mesma imagem pode ser interpretada de formas diferentes por pessoas distintas. Na tentativa de resolver este problema os sistemas de recuperação de imagens por conteúdo exploram as características de baixo nível cor, forma e textura no cálculo da similaridade entre as imagens. Um problema desta abordagem é que na maioria dos sistemas o cálculo da similaridade é realizado comparando-se a imagem de consulta com todas as imagens da coleção, tornando o processamento difícil e lento. Considerando a indexação de características de baixo nível de partições de imagens digitais mapeadas para um índice invertido, este trabalho busca melhorias no desempenho do processamento de consultas e ganho na precisão considerando o conjunto de imagens recuperadas em grandes bases de dados. Utilizamos uma abordagem baseada em índice invertido, que é aqui adaptada para imagens particionadas. Nesta abordagem o conceito de termo da recuperação textual, principal elemento da indexação, é utilizado no trabalho como característica de partições de imagens para a indexação. Experimentos mostram ganho na qualidade da precisão usando duas coleções de imagens digitais. / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Indexation de bases d'images : évaluation de l'impact émotionnel / Image databases indexing : emotional impact assessing

Gbehounou, Syntyche 21 November 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une solution de reconnaissance de l'impact émotionnel des images en se basant sur les techniques utilisées en recherche d'images par le contenu. Nous partons des résultats intéressants de cette architecture pour la tester sur une tâche plus complexe. La tâche consiste à classifier les images en fonction de leurs émotions que nous avons définies "Négative", "Neutre" et "Positive". Les émotions sont liées aussi bien au contenu des images, qu'à notre vécu. On ne pourrait donc pas proposer un système de reconnaissance des émotions performant universel. Nous ne sommes pas sensible aux mêmes choses toute notre vie : certaines différences apparaissent avec l'âge et aussi en fonction du genre. Nous essaierons de nous affranchir de ces inconstances en ayant une évaluation des bases d'images la plus hétérogène possible. Notre première contribution va dans ce sens : nous proposons une base de 350 images très largement évaluée. Durant nos travaux, nous avons étudié l'apport de la saillance visuelle aussi bien pendant les expérimentations subjectives que pendant la classification des images. Les descripteurs, que nous avons choisis, ont été évalués dans leur majorité sur une base consacrée à la recherche d'images par le contenu afin de ne sélectionner que les plus pertinents. Notre approche qui tire les avantages d'une architecture bien codifiée, conduit à des résultats très intéressants aussi bien sur la base que nous avons construite que sur la base IAPS, qui sert de référence dans l'analyse de l'impact émotionnel des images. / The goal of this work is to propose an efficient approach for emotional impact recognition based on CBIR techniques (descriptors, image representation). The main idea relies in classifying images according to their emotion which can be "Negative", "Neutral" or "Positive". Emotion is related to the image content and also to the personnal feelings. To achieve our goal we firstly need a correct assessed image database. Our first contribution is about this aspect. We proposed a set of 350 diversifed images rated by people around the world. Added to our choice to use CBIR methods, we studied the impact of visual saliency for the subjective evaluations and interest region segmentation for classification. The results are really interesting and prove that the CBIR methods are usefull for emotion recognition. The chosen desciptors are complementary and their performance are consistent on the database we have built and on IAPS, reference database for the analysis of the image emotional impact.

Learning Image Classification and Retrieval Models / Apprentissage de modèles pour la classification et la recherche d'images

Mensink, Thomas 26 October 2012 (has links)
Nous assistons actuellement à une explosion de la quantité des données visuelles. Par exemple, plusieurs millions de photos sont partagées quotidiennement sur les réseaux sociaux. Les méthodes d'interprétation d'images vise à faciliter l'accès à ces données visuelles, d'une manière sémantiquement compréhensible. Dans ce manuscrit, nous définissons certains buts détaillés qui sont intéressants pour les taches d'interprétation d'images, telles que la classification ou la recherche d'images, que nous considérons dans les trois chapitres principaux. Tout d'abord, nous visons l'exploitation de la nature multimodale de nombreuses bases de données, pour lesquelles les documents sont composés d'images et de descriptions textuelles. Dans ce but, nous définissons des similarités entre le contenu visuel d'un document, et la description textuelle d'un autre document. Ces similarités sont calculées en deux étapes, tout d'abord nous trouvons les voisins visuellement similaires dans la base multimodale, puis nous utilisons les descriptions textuelles de ces voisins afin de définir une similarité avec la description textuelle de n'importe quel document. Ensuite, nous présentons une série de modèles structurés pour la classification d'images, qui encodent explicitement les interactions binaires entre les étiquettes (ou labels). Ces modèles sont plus expressifs que des prédicateurs d'étiquette indépendants, et aboutissent à des prédictions plus fiables, en particulier dans un scenario de prédiction interactive, où les utilisateurs fournissent les valeurs de certaines des étiquettes d'images. Un scenario interactif comme celui-ci offre un compromis intéressant entre la précision, et l'effort d'annotation manuelle requis. Nous explorons les modèles structurés pour la classification multi-étiquette d'images, pour la classification d'image basée sur les attributs, et pour l'optimisation de certaines mesures de rang spécifiques. Enfin, nous explorons les classifieurs par k plus proches voisins, et les classifieurs par plus proche moyenne, pour la classification d'images à grande échelle. Nous proposons des méthodes d'apprentissage de métrique efficaces pour améliorer les performances de classification, et appliquons ces méthodes à une base de plus d'un million d'images d'apprentissage, et d'un millier de classes. Comme les deux méthodes de classification permettent d'incorporer des classes non vues pendant l'apprentissage à un coût presque nul, nous avons également étudié leur performance pour la généralisation. Nous montrons que la classification par plus proche moyenne généralise à partir d'un millier de classes, sur dix mille classes à un coût négligeable, et les performances obtenus sont comparables à l'état de l'art. / We are currently experiencing an exceptional growth of visual data, for example, millions of photos are shared daily on social-networks. Image understanding methods aim to facilitate access to this visual data in a semantically meaningful manner. In this dissertation, we define several detailed goals which are of interest for the image understanding tasks of image classification and retrieval, which we address in three main chapters. First, we aim to exploit the multi-modal nature of many databases, wherein documents consists of images with a form of textual description. In order to do so we define similarities between the visual content of one document and the textual description of another document. These similarities are computed in two steps, first we find the visually similar neighbors in the multi-modal database, and then use the textual descriptions of these neighbors to define a similarity to the textual description of any document. Second, we introduce a series of structured image classification models, which explicitly encode pairwise label interactions. These models are more expressive than independent label predictors, and lead to more accurate predictions. Especially in an interactive prediction scenario where a user provides the value of some of the image labels. Such an interactive scenario offers an interesting trade-off between accuracy and manual labeling effort. We explore structured models for multi-label image classification, for attribute-based image classification, and for optimizing for specific ranking measures. Finally, we explore k-nearest neighbors and nearest-class mean classifiers for large-scale image classification. We propose efficient metric learning methods to improve classification performance, and use these methods to learn on a data set of more than one million training images from one thousand classes. Since both classification methods allow for the incorporation of classes not seen during training at near-zero cost, we study their generalization performances. We show that the nearest-class mean classification method can generalize from one thousand to ten thousand classes at negligible cost, and still perform competitively with the state-of-the-art.

Inclusão de diversidade em consultas aos vizinhos mais próximos usando descritores distintos para similaridade e diversidade

Cardoso, Ana Claudia 18 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-09-13T18:11:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissACC.pdf: 1668214 bytes, checksum: 82bf6ff6918613ce74cc691a951a22b0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2018-01-25T17:53:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissACC.pdf: 1668214 bytes, checksum: 82bf6ff6918613ce74cc691a951a22b0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (bco.producao.intelectual@gmail.com) on 2018-01-25T17:54:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissACC.pdf: 1668214 bytes, checksum: 82bf6ff6918613ce74cc691a951a22b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-25T18:00:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissACC.pdf: 1668214 bytes, checksum: 82bf6ff6918613ce74cc691a951a22b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-18 / Não recebi financiamento / One of the ways to recover images in a database is through similarity queries. Using characteristics extracted from these images, such as color, shape or texture, this work seeks to identify similarities to a central query element. However, the results may be very similar to each other, which is not always the expected result. In addition to the redundancy in the results, the problem of the ’semantic gap’, which is a divergence in the evaluation of similarity between images performed by the computer considering its numerical representation (low level characteristics) and the human perception about the image (high level characteristics). In order to improve the quality of the results, we sought to minimize the issue of redundancy and the ’semantic gap’ through the use of more than one descriptor in queries for similarity. We sought to explore the inclusion of diversity using one descriptor to treat similarity and another descriptor to treat diversity, more generally a metric space for similarity and another for diversity. For the implementation of the query by similarity was used the consultation to several neighbors closer. Considering that the descriptors may be distinct and one of them may have greater numerical representativeness, it was necessary to do the normalization, considering the methods of normalization by the greater distance and normalization by the greater approximate distance with balancing by the intrinsic dimension. An exhaustive search algorithm was used to perform the tests. The experiments were carried out in a classified database. To evaluate the semantic quality of the results, a measure was proposed that evaluates the inclusion of diversity considering the diversity present in the query only considering the similarity and the maximum diversity that can be included. A comparison was made between the result obtained and the considered ideal, which refers to the value of l defined by the user himself. By comparing the results obtained with the results obtained in the queries for a single descriptor, the evaluation of the included diversity followed the trend of l, which allows to say that normalization and balancing is necessary. In addition, it is intended in the future to study new ways of normalizing. / Uma das formas para se recuperar imagens em banco de dados, é através de consultas por similaridade. Utilizando características extraídas dessas imagens, como cor, forma ou textura, busca-se identificar semelhanças a um elemento central de consulta. No entanto, os resultados nas consultas podem ser muito semelhantes entre si, o que nem sempre é o resultado esperado. Além da redundância nos resultados, deve-se destacar o problema do ‘gap semântico’, que é a divergência na avaliação da similaridade entre imagens realizada pelo computador considerando a sua representação numérica (características de baixo nível) e a percepção humana sobre a imagem (características de alto nível). Com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos resultados nas consultas buscou-se minimizar a questão da redundância e do ‘gap semântico’ através da utilização de mais de um descritor nas consultas por similaridade. Buscou-se explorar a inclusão de diversidade utilizando-se um descritor para tratar a similaridade e outro descritor para tratar a diversidade, mais genericamente, um espaço métrico para similaridade e outro para a diversidade. Para a implementação da consulta por similaridade utilizou-se a consulta aos vizinhos diversos mais próximos. Considerando-se que os descritores utilizados podem ser distintos e que um deles possa ter maior representatividade numérica do que o outro, foi necessário fazer a normalização, sendo considerados os métodos da normalização pela maior distância e normalização pela maior distancia aproximada com balanceamento pela dimensão intrínseca. Para a realização dos testes utilizou-se um algoritmo de busca exaustiva. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma base de dados classificada. Para avaliar a qualidade semântica dos resultados foi proposta uma medida que avalia a inclusão de diversidade considerando a diversidade presente na consulta apenas considerando a similaridade e a diversidade máxima que pode ser incluída. Foi feita uma comparação entre o resultado obtido e o considerado ideal, que refere-se ao valor de l definido pelo próprio usuário. Comparando-se os resultados alcançados com os resultados obtidos nas consultas para um único descritor, a avaliação da diversidade incluída acompanhou a tendência de l, o que permite dizer que a normalização e balanceamento é necessário. Além disso, pretende-se futuramente estudar novas formas de normalizar.

Mineração visual de imagens aliada a consultas pelos k-vizinhos diversos mais próximos: flexibilizando e maximizando o entendimento de consultas por conteúdo de imagens / Mineração visual de imagens aliada a consultas pelos k-vizinhos diversos mais próximos: flexibilizando e maximizando o entendimento de consultas por conteúdo de imagens

Dias, Rafael Loosli 23 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5726.pdf: 4603491 bytes, checksum: 0fe3fa824a018f481106303c4816bf07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-23 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Content-Based Image Retrieval systems use visual information like color, shape and texture to represent images in feature vectors. The numerical representation found for the images is used in query execution through a metric to evaluate the distance between vectors. In general, there is an inconsistency in the evaluation of similarity between images according to human perception and the results computed by CBIR systems, which is called Semantic Gap. One way to overcome this problem is by the addition of a diversity factor in query execution, allowing the user to specify a degree of dissimilarity between the resulting images and changing the query result. Adding diversity in consultation, however, requires high computational cost and the reduction of possible subsets to be analyzed is a difficult task to be understood by the user. This masters degree thesis aims to make use of Visual Data Mining techniques applied to queries in CBIR systems, improving the interpretability of the measure of similarity and diversity, as well as the relevance of the result according to the judgment and prior knowledge of the user. The user takes an active role in the retrieval of images by their content, guiding its result and, consequently, reducing the Semantic Gap. Additionally, a better understanding of the diversity and similarity factors involved in the query is supported by visualization and interaction techniques. / Sistemas de recuperação de imagens por conteúdo (do Inglês, Content-Based Image Retrieval - CBIR) utilizam informações visuais de cor, forma e textura para representar as imagens em vetores de características. A representação numérica encontrada para as imagens é utilizada na execução da consulta através de uma métrica que avalie a distância entre os vetores. Em geral, existe uma inconsistência entre a percepção do ser humano na avaliação de similaridade entre imagens se comparada com a computada por sistemas CBIR, sendo esta descontinuidade denominada Gap Semântico. Adicionar um fator de diversidade na consulta tem-se mostrado como uma maneira de superar este problema, permitindo que o usuário especifique o grau de dissimilaridade entre as imagens resultantes e altere o resultado da consulta. Adicionar diversidade em consulta, no entanto, requer alto custo computacional e a redução das possibilidades de conjuntos para resposta é de difícil entendimento para o usuário. Este trabalho de mestrado propôs a utilização de técnicas de Mineração Visual de Dados (MVD) aplicadas sobre consultas em sistemas CBIR, melhorando a interpretabilidade da medida de similaridade e diversidade, assim como a relevância do resultado obtido. O usuário passa a exercer um papel ativo na consulta por conteúdo de imagens, permitindo que o mesmo dirija o processo, aproximando o resultado ao esperado pela cognição humana e reduzindo o gap semântico.


Berni, Cristiano Albiero 08 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / One of the main forms of diagnosis used nowadays matches the exams performed by analysis of diagnostic images. Due to a growing request for this kind of diagnostic and the repetitive manual procedure of the used methods by radiologists new ways are emerging to aid procedures. A tool that can help the physician to report a diagnosis is searching similar cases for that which is being held with the main function of increased safety to the radiologist in his notes. For this, a modular architecture for content-based diagnostic image retrieval was developed as a tool to aid diagnosis. Through the DICOM SR standard used to store radiological findings and measurements - commonly from CAD - was implemented in a PACS environment a structure that will provide storage and query contents extracted from diagnostic images. The contents extraction from images can be done by different processing methods that generate different parameters for storage and retrieval. The project was developed in partnership with a provider of solutions for PACS and the Applied Computing Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria. / Uma das principais formas de diagnóstico utilizadas atualmente corresponde aos exames realizados por meio da análise de imagens diagnósticas. Devido à demanda crescente por esse tipo de exame e ao processo manual e repetitivo dos métodos utilizados pelos médicos radiologistas, começam a surgir novos meios para auxiliar os procedimentos. Uma ferramenta que pode ajudar o médico na formulação de diagnósticos é a busca de casos semelhantes àquele que está sendo realizado, tendo como função principal conferir maior segurança ao radiologista em seus apontamentos. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma arquitetura modular para recuperação de imagens diagnósticas baseada em conteúdo como uma ferramenta de auxílio a diagnósticos. Através do padrão DICOM SR, utilizado para armazenar achados radiológicos e mensurações - comumente provenientes de CAD - implementou-se, em um ambiente PACS, uma estrutura capaz de permitir o armazenamento e consulta de características extraídas das imagens diagnósticas. A extração de características das imagens pode ocorrer através de diferentes métodos de processamento que, por sua vez, geram diferentes parâmetros para armazenamento e consulta. O projeto foi desenvolvido em conjunto com uma empresa fornecedora de soluções de PACS e com o Laboratório de Computação Aplicada da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Reconhecimento de formas utilizando modelos de compressão de dados e espaços de escalas de curvatura

Lordão, Fernando Augusto Ferreira 27 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2499209 bytes, checksum: 80d399f8f00f3e82d2a3b34e52fd6b05 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / As the processing power of computers increases, the quantity and complexity of stored data have growing in the same way, requiring more sophisticated mechanisms to accomplish retrieval with efficacy and efficiency over these information. In image processing, it has become common the retrieval based on its own content, namely Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), which eliminates the need to place additional annotations as textual descriptions and keywords registered by an observer. The purpose of this work is the development of an image retrieval mechanism based on shape recognition. The mechanism consists in (1) compute the Full Curvature Scale Space (FullCSS) image descriptors; and (2) apply over them a lossless compression method objecting to (3) classify these descriptors and retrieve the corresponding images. The FullCSS descriptors register the curvature variations on the image contour indicating the degree and the signal of these variations, which allow identifying where the curvature is concave or convex. The adopted compression method uses the Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM) compression model, which has been successfully used in other works to classify texture images. The results obtained show that this novel approach is able to reach competitive levels of efficacy and efficiency when compared to other works recently developed in this same area. / Com o aumento do poder de processamento dos computadores, cresceu também a quantidade e complexidade dos dados armazenados, exigindo mecanismos cada vez mais sofisticados para se conseguir uma recuperação eficaz e eficiente destas informações. No caso do processamento de imagens, tem se tornado comum a recuperação baseada em seu próprio conteúdo, ou seja, Recuperação de Imagem Baseada em Conteúdo (Content-Based Image Retrieval CBIR), eliminando a necessidade de anotações adicionais como descrições textuais e palavras-chave registradas por um observador. A proposta deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um mecanismo de recuperação de imagens através do reconhecimento de sua forma. O mecanismo consiste em (1) calcular os descritores Full Curvature Scale Space (FullCSS) das imagens; e (2) aplicar sobre eles um método de compressão sem perdas com a finalidade de (3) classificar esses descritores e recuperar as imagens correspondentes. Os descritores FullCSS registram as variações na curvatura do contorno da imagem indicando o grau e o sinal dessas variações, permitindo identificar onde a curvatura é côncava ou convexa. O método de compressão adotado utiliza o modelo de compressão Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM), utilizado com sucesso em outros trabalhos para classificar imagens de texturas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que esta abordagem inovadora é capaz de atingir níveis competitivos de eficácia e eficiência quando comparada a outros trabalhos atualmente desenvolvidos nesta mesma área.

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