Spelling suggestions: "subject:" misperspective"" "subject:" ke’sperspective""
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L'ordinateur comme outil d'aide à l'enseignement une séquence didactique pour l'enseignement du repérage dans l'espace à l'aide de logiciels graphiques /Osta, Iman Laborde, Colette Balacheff, Nicolas. January 2008 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse d'université : didactique des mathématiques : Grenoble 1 : 1988. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. [541]-547.
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”Barn har rättigheter, vuxna har ett ansvar.” : En diskursanalys om barnperspektivet inom barn- och ungdomsenheter i SocialtjänstenPettersson, Ida, Qvist, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att att se vilka diskurser som finns kring barnperspektivet bland socionomer verksamma inom barn- och ungdomsenheter. Genom att identifiera diskurser kring detta begrepp var även målet att kunna bidra med ny kunskap kring hur barnperspektivet kommer till utryck och tolkas av utredarna. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa enkäter med öppna frågor. Enkäterna delades ut till socionomer verksamma inom barn- och ungdomsenheter i åtta kommuner i Sverige. Resultatet har sedan tagits fram med hjälp av diskursanalys. Den valda analysmetoden bygger på Laclau och Mouffes diskursteori. Vi har sedan vidare analyserat vårt resultat utifrån teorier om makt samt med hjälp av tidigare forskning. Vi har utifrån vårt material identifierat tre stycken nodalpunkter, kring vilka diskursen centreras. Detta har vi kunnat göra genom att vi samlat alla utsagor, brutit ner dessa och hittat gemensamma nämnare som i sin tur hjälpt oss att identifiera nodalpunkterna. De funna nodalpunkterna är barnet i fokus, barns perspektiv samt vuxnas ansvar för barns bästa. Nodalpunkterna visar tydligt på vad som anses vara viktigt och därmed hur utredarna talar kring barnperspektivet och dess innehåll. Vi har även sett att utredarna skiljer på begreppen barns bästa respektive barns vilja och att barns vilja ses som en del av barns bästa. De funna nodalpunkterna kan även säga något om både utredarnas syn samt arbete med barns bästa och barns vilja.
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Family Business Internatiaonlization Based on Socio-enmotional Wealth Perspective : Evidence from Chinese Listed Family FirmsGU, Yingwen, SUN, Zhan January 2015 (has links)
Although understudied in emerging markets, in modern globalised economies, family business internationalization is becoming an increasingly more relevant topic. Consequently, our research focuses on investigating the listed family firms in Chinese Mainland in order to fill the research gap. Specifically, we studied the influence of family involvement in ownership and management of companies on their degree of internationalization. Existing theories on internationalization mainly focused on economic aspects, while we adopt the perspective of socio-emotional wealth (SEW) which refers to non economic aspects to investigate this subject. We take listed family firms in Chinese Mainland as our sample. The results show that family involvement in ownership is positively associated with the degree of internationalization and family involvement in management has no certain relation with the degree of internationalization. This is a different finding in this area since previous researches have not taken Chinese listed family firms as samples before. Future research can improve the SEW theory by testing wider samples.
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En precisionsstudie av förstärkt verklighet som positioneringsverktygDidriksson, Mattias, Blomkvist, Anders January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates augmented reality using third person perspective and what precision can be achieved by using this method. There have been prior studies in regards to precision using augmented reality, however studies using third person perspective is scarce. This study presents a solution using a static camera capturing the user as well as the plane to augment from behind. This augmented image is then transferred to a handheld device that is held by the user. Using this method the user will be free to manipulate and work with the plane without removing the device that captures the scene, a common problem when using visual reference markers in augmented reality. The study successfully shows that this can be implemented without compromising user experience as well as achieving a precision below 13 millimeters. The AR-tool has been proven to reduce time consumption of the task by up to four times compared to the manual method using a folding ruler.
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Självbild hos barn med ADHD-diagnos och deras syn på hur de betraktas av sin närmaste omgivning / Self-images of children with ADHD and their beliefs of how they are perceived by their immediate environmentGranqvist, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Inledning: Många studier har fokuserat på ADHD-barn, föräldrars, lärares och syskons olika perspektiv på ADHD och hur det är att leva med diagnosen. Studier har också visat att barn med ADHD ofta överskattar sin prestation i förhållande till hur andra uppfattar den. Detta fenomen kallas ”positive illusory bias” (Hoza, Pelham, Dobbs, Owen & Pillow, 2002). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barn med ADHD beskriver sig själva och hur de uppfattar att de betraktas av sin familj, lärare och kompisar. Detta perspektiv har inte studerats tidigare. Frågeställningar: Vilka föreställningar har barn med ADHD om sig själva? Vilka föreställningar har barn med ADHD om hur de betraktas av sina familjer, lärare och kompisar? Metod: Åtta barn med diagnosticerad ADHD i åldrarna 9-12 år har i en kvalitativ studie intervjuats med semistrukturerade frågor och svaren har analyserats utifrån tematisk analysmetod. Resultat: Till skillnad från tidigare forskningsresultat uttryckte de flesta barnen ingen tydlig ADHD-identitet i synen på sig själv. Däremot uppfattade flertalet att föräldrar och lärare såg ADHD-symtom hos barnet. Detta i kontrast till kompisarnas syn som oftast inte uttryckte sig i ADHD-symtom. Diskussion: Utifrån begreppet ”positionell objektivitet” (Sen, 1993) diskuteras resultaten där flera tänkbara positionella parametrar presenteras. / Introduction: A number of studies have examined children with ADHD, how it is to live with this diagnosis, and the different perspectives of parents, teachers and siblings. In several studies, it has been shown that children with ADHD often overestimate their capability compared to other persons’ assessment of their capability. This phenomenon is called “positive illusory bias” (PIB) (Hoza, Pelham, Dobbs, Owen &Pillow, 2002). The aim of this study is to examine how ADHD-children describe themselves and how they think that they would be described by their family, teachers, and mates. It seems that this has not previously been studied. Questions: How do children with ADHD describe themselves? How do these children think that they would be described by their family, teachers and mates? Method: Eight children, diagnosed with ADHD and between 9 and 12 years of age, are interviewed with semi-structured questions and the answers have been analysed by thematic methodology. Result: In contrast to previous studies, most children did not express any clear ADHD-identity in their description of themselves. However, ADHD-symptoms were quite common in their accounts of how they thought that their parents and teachers would describe them. This was in contrast to their accounts of how they thought that their mates would describe them, where the children seldom mentioned aspects related to ADHD-symptoms. Discussion: The discussion of the results is based on the concept of “positional objectivity” (Sen, 1993), in which several plausible positional parameters are presented.
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Every body move : learning mathematics through embodied actionsPetrick, Carmen Julia 11 July 2014 (has links)
Giving students opportunities to ground mathematical concepts in physical activity has potential to develop conceptual understanding. This study examines the role direct embodiment, an instructional strategy in which students act out concepts, plays in learning mathematics. I compared two conditions of high school geometry students learning about similarity. The embodied condition participated in eight direct embodiment activities in which the students represented mathematical concepts and explored them through their movements. The observer condition participated in eight similar activities that did not involve physical activity. The students in the embodied condition had greater learning gains on a pre- and post-test, and those gains were driven by larger increases in conceptual understanding. There were also differences in the way the two conditions remembered the activities. On a survey given at the end of the unit, students in the embodied condition were more likely to write about the activities from a first person point-of-view, indicating that they had likely adopted a first person viewpoint during the activities. The embodied condition was also more likely to switch points-of-view when writing about the activities, indicating that they had likely translated among multiple viewpoints during the activities. This suggests translating between viewpoints is one mechanism for learning through direct embodiment. Students in the embodied condition also wrote more about the activities, which suggests that they remembered more about their experiences. Their survey responses included more mathematical and non-mathematical details than the responses from students in the observer condition. / text
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Coping strategies among Mexican American women living with HIVRodríguez-Escobar, Yolanda 1954- 16 February 2015 (has links)
The literature has documented the disproportionate rate of HIV infection among women of color, mainly, African American women and Latinas. The current trend shows that the number of cases affecting these sub-populations will continue to increase. A gap exists in the literature in understanding the coping strategies of Mexican American women living with HIV. Using an ethnographic approach, this research answers the central question of how Mexican American women live with and make meaning of their HIV status. This researcher used a sample of 15 Mexican American women living with HIV who had participated in the Mujeres Unidas support group in San Antonio, Texas. The most common theme found was how the role of faith was central to their lives. It was clear that this belief served as their primary source of strength. The findings suggest the need for social workers to examine new paradigms, strategies, and interventions that focus on the broad social, economic, and community factors that put Mexican American women disproportionately at risk for HIV. These factors include poverty, income and wealth inequality, poor quality of life, racism, sexism, and low socioeconomic status, which are all major risk factors for ill health and health disparities. This research demands that social workers and other researchers examining coping skills address the issues of resiliency and strengths perspective in understanding the ways in which the life journey unfolds for Mexican American women living with HIV. Although, this study focused on Mexican American women, future research is needed to compare this group to other women living with HIV as there may be cultural differences that exist. Additional research is needed in studying the role that religion plays in the lives of Mexican American women living with HIV as many of the participants revealed that they left things up to “God’s will.” Among the unexpected findings, the theme of viewing their situation from the perspective of “Un dia a la vez” (One day at a time) suggests that the belief that the course of their lives is not necessarily under their control which could be related to fatalism (fatalism). / text
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Finns det plats för humor i den palliativa omvårdnaden? : De palliativa patienternas perspektivNilsbacken, Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
Humor är så integrerad i mänskliga interaktioner att det ofta uppstår spontant och utan eftertanke eller planering. Humor förknippas vanligtvis med skratt, glädje och känslor av gemenskap och välbefinnande. Forskning visar att det är patienter som initierar mest humor i vårdrelationer. Denna litteraturstudie är en metasyntes och består av tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Syftet var att belysa obotligt sjuka patienters upplevelse av humor i den palliativa vården. Det visade sig att humor var viktig och tjänade otaliga funktioner. Enligt patienterna var humor en värdefull del av kommunikationen generellt och den medkännande personliga omvårdnaden i synnerhet. Humor var närvarande igenom alla studiers intervjuer och observationer. En stor majoritet av patienterna värderade humor mycket både före och under sin sjukdom. Humor beskrevs av patienter som en bro till deras friska identitet. När vårdpersonalen använde humor kände sig patienter sedda som människor inte bara som mottagare av vård. Mild humor var den mest utbredda och bestod av leenden, spontana kommentarer, godmodiga skämt, stunder av värme och lättsam lekfullhet. Den empatiska, respektfulla, terapeutiska användningen av humor som personalen skapade genom sitt sätt att vara, skyddade patienternas integritet, självkänsla och känsla av värde. Humor hade en stor betydelse i vårdrelationer som blev djupare och mera personliga. Humor visade sig vara en viktig del i den medkännande och mera personliga omvårdnaden. Kombinerat med professionell skicklighet och empati, är humor för värdefull för att förbises.
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Nybakad sjuksköterska : En litteraturbaserad studie om nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser / Recently graduated nurse : A literature based study of newly graduatednurses experiencesAdamovic, Eleonora, Dervisic, Elma January 2015 (has links)
Different studies show that stress is a common feeling that newly graduated nurses experience during the first period in the profession. What causes the stress are high expectations that they have on themselves and the expectations from colleagues, as well as the fear of making a mistake while working as a nurse. Newly graduate nurses go through five stages of development from being novice to expert. The aim of this study was to describe work experiences of newly graduate nurses in hospital ward settings. The research method was a literature study based on ten qualitative articles. Articles were analyzed by using the method of Friberg (2012). Four main themes were identified: experiences of leadership; experiences of the relationship with colleagues; experiences of support; experiences of knowledge level. Colleagues and managers must respond to the needs of newly graduated nurses in an adequate way to create a friendly and supportive working environment, which in turn can contribute to the professional development of the newly graduated nurse. Nursing education should prepare students for professional careers in terms of socialization, leadership and organization.
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Nietzsche's perspectivism and the revaluation of valuesVon Eschenbach, Warren Jonathan 28 August 2008 (has links)
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