Spelling suggestions: "subject:" predictive value off tests"" "subject:" predictive value oof tests""
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IL-36gamma (IL-1F9) is a biomarker for psoriasis skin lesionsD'Erme, A.M., Wilsmann-Theis, D., Wagenpfeil, J., Holzel, M., Ferring-Schmitt, S., Sternberg, S., Wittmann, Miriam, Peters, B., Bosio, A., Bieber, T., Wenzel, J. 22 January 2015 (has links)
No / In recent years, different genes and proteins have been highlighted as potential biomarkers for psoriasis, one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases worldwide. However, most of these markers are not only psoriasis-specific but also found in other inflammatory disorders. We performed an unsupervised cluster analysis of gene expression profiles in 150 psoriasis patients and other inflammatory skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, contact eczema, and healthy controls). We identified a cluster of IL-17/tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)-associated genes specifically expressed in psoriasis, among which IL-36gamma was the most outstanding marker. In subsequent immunohistological analyses, IL-36gamma was confirmed to be expressed in psoriasis lesions only. IL-36gamma peripheral blood serum levels were found to be closely associated with disease activity, and they decreased after anti-TNFalpha-treatment. Furthermore, IL-36gamma immunohistochemistry was found to be a helpful marker in the histological differential diagnosis between psoriasis and eczema in diagnostically challenging cases. These features highlight IL-36gamma as a valuable biomarker in psoriasis patients, both for diagnostic purposes and measurement of disease activity during the clinical course. Furthermore, IL-36gamma might also provide a future drug target, because of its potential amplifier role in TNFalpha- and IL-17 pathways in psoriatic skin inflammation. / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to JW (WE-4428), the René Touraine Foundation (for AD), and the PTJ reference number 0306v12 as part of the Technology and Innovation Program (TIP) North-Rhine Westphalia (gene expression analyses)
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Real and predicted influence of image manipulations on eye movements during scene recognitionHarding, G., Bloj, M. January 2010 (has links)
In this paper, we investigate how controlled changes to image properties and orientation affect eye movements for repeated viewings of images of natural scenes. We make changes to images by manipulating low-level image content (such as luminance or chromaticity) and/or inverting the image. We measure the effects of these manipulations on human scanpaths (the spatial and chronological path of fixations), additionally comparing these effects to those predicted by a widely used saliency model (L. Itti & C. Koch, 2000). Firstly we find that repeated viewing of a natural image does not significantly modify the previously known repeatability (S. A. Brandt & L. W. Stark, 1997; D. Noton & L. Stark, 1971) of scanpaths. Secondly we find that manipulating image features does not necessarily change the repeatability of scanpaths, but the removal of luminance information has a measurable effect. We also find that image inversion appears to affect scene perception and recognition and may alter fixation selection (although we only find an effect on scanpaths with the additional removal of luminance information). Additionally we confirm that visual saliency as defined by L. Itti and C. Koch's (2000) model is a poor predictor of real observer scanpaths and does not predict the small effects of our image manipulations on scanpaths.
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Prognostički značaj laboratorijskih pokazatelja uteroplacentalne cirkulacije kod trudnica sa hipertenzijom i preeklampsijom / Prognostic values of laboratory markers of uteroplacental circulation in pregnancies with hypertension and preeclampsiaJakovljević Ana 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Hipertenzivna oboljenja u trudnoći predstavljaju heterogenu grupu bolesti koja se javljaju kod 3-8% trudnica opšte populacije. Najteže forme ovih oboljenja preeklampsija, eklampsija i HELLP sindrom su vodeći uzročnici morbiditeta i mortaliteta majke i ploda u odnosu na sve druge komplikacije u trudnoći. Etiopatogeneza ovih oboljenja je još uvek nedovoljno razjašnjena ali se smatra da placenta ima ključnu ulogu u nastanku ovih komplikacija, odnosno da placentalna insuficijencija, koja nastaje kao posledica nedovoljne adaptacije decidualnih i intramiometrijalnih delova spiralnih arterija već u prvih nekoliko nedelja trudnoće, dovodi do redukcije utero-placentalne cirkulacije i lokalne placentalne hipoksije, što se nepovoljno održava i na majku i na plod. U cilju razjašnjenja patofizioloških mehanizama nastanka hipertenzivnih oboljenja u trudnoći i pronalaska dovoljno senzitivnih makera koji bi pomogli u ranom predviđanju nastanka najtežih formi ovih oboljenja, do sada su ispitivani brojni proteini koji učestvuju u procesima stvaranja i razvoja placentalne vaskularne mreže kao što su vaskularni endotelni faktor rasta (VEGF-A), placentalni faktor rasta (PlGF) i solubilni receptor fms-like tirozin kinaza receptor (sFlt-1). CILJ: Uporediti serumske koncentracije (sFlt-1, PlGF, VEGF-A, PAPP-a, freeßhCG, glukoze, ukupnog holesterola, HDL holesterola, LDL holesterola, triglicerida, apo-AI, apoB, AST, ALT, GGT, kreatinina, ureje, mokraćne kiseline, hsCRP, Na, K, Cl, P, Mg i Ca između grupe trudnica sa preeklampsijom, hroničnom i gestacijskom hipertenzijom i kontrolne grupe trudnica u prvom trimestru trudnoće između 11 i 14. nedelje gestacije. Ispitati da li se vrednosti odabranih laboratorijskih parametara (sFlt-1, VEGF-A i PLGF) kod ispitivanih trudnica statistički značajno razlikuju u odnosu na gestacijsku nedelju u trenutku porođaja, težinu i dužinu i APGAR skor bodovanja novorođenčeta. Ispitati da li se vrednosti angiogenih proteina:sFlt-1, VEGF-A, PlGF značajno razlikuju kod ispitivanih trudnica u odnosu na broj prethodnih trudnoća i starosti trudnica. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivno analitička studija u Kliničkom centru Vojvodine, u periodu od juna 2012. do februara 2015. godine. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 143 trudnice starosti od 18 – 43 godine. Sve trudnice uključene u istraživanje podeljene su na dve ispitivane i jednu kontrolnu grupu. Prvu ispitivanu grupu činilo je 43 trudnice koje su po definisanim kriterijuma razvile preeklampsiju u aktuelnoj trudnoći. Drugu ispitivanu grupu činilo je 46 trudnica kojima je dijagnostikovana ili potvrđena hronična ili gestacijska hipertenzija u aktuelnoj trudnoći. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 54 zdravih trudnica sa verifikovanim fiziološkim ishodom trudnoće u terminu, bez maternalnih i fetalnih komplikacija. Prilikom regrutovanja trudnica (između 11+0 i 13+6 nedelja gestacije) za učešće u istraživanju, uzeti su anamnestički podaci o faktorima rizika za pojavu hipertenzivnih oboljenja u trudnoći, i u okviru kliničkog i akušerskog pregleda urađena su antropometrijska merenja, merenje krvnog pritiska, i specijalizovani ultrazvučni pregled ploda radi utvrđivanja gestacijske starosti ploda i određivanja rizika za pojavu hromozomskih anomalija ploda. Trudnicama je nakon uzimanja anamnestičkih podataka i kliničkog i akušerskog pregleda i potpisanog pisanog pristanka pacijenta o dobrovoljnom učestvovanju u istraživanju izvađena krv radi određivanja odabranih laboratorijskih parametara. Serumske koncentracije sFlt1, VEGF-A i PIGF određivane su kvantitativnom ELISA tehnikom (R&D Systems Europe Ltd. Abingdon, UK), dok su: glukoza, ukupni holesterol, HDL holesterol, LDL holesterol, trigliceridi, apo-AI I apoB, AST, ALT, GGT, kreatinin, ureja, mokraćna kiselina, hsCRP, Na, K, Cl, Mg, P, Ca određivani na automatizovanim analizatorskim sistemima. Sve trudnice su kategorisane u 2 ispitivane i kontrolnu grupu na osnovu pojave ili isključenja hipertenzivnih oboljenja u aktuelnoj trudnoći. Statistička obrada podataka urađena je u statističkom programu STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft Inc.,Tulsa, OK, USA). Podaci su predstavljeni tabelarno i grafički, nivo statističe značajnosti p, je tumačen statistički značajnim ukoliko su vrednosti p<0,05. REZULTATI: Vrednosti serumskih koncentracija sFlt-1 se statistički značajno razlikuju u sve tri grupe ispitanica i značajno su više u grupama sa hipertenzivnim oboljenjima u odnosu na zdravu grupu ispitanica, p<0,001. Serumske koncentracije VEGF-A su značajno niže u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na zdrave trudnice kontrolne grupe (p<0,001), dok se nivoi serumskih koncentracija PlGF statistički značajno razlikuju između sve tri grupe trudnica tako da su najniže vrednosti uočene u grupi sa preeklampsijom (p<0,001) u odnosu na preostale dve grupe ispitanica. Nije uočeno postojanje statistički značajne razlike u nivoima PAPP-A, biohemijskih parametara (glukoze, AST, ALT, GGT kreatinina, ureje, mokraćne kiseline), lipidskih parametara (uk. holesterol, LDL, apo A-I, apo B), parametara inflamatornog (kompletna krvna slika, fibrinogen), hemostaznog (D-dimer, vWF-antigen) i elektrolitskog statusa (Na, K, Cl, P, Mg), p>0,05. Nivoi free ßhCG i HDL holesterola su značajno niže, dok su vrednosti hsCRP i triglicerida značajno više u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na grupu bez hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 preko 865 pg/ml imaju senzitivnost od 93% i specifičnost od 81,5% u predviđanju nastanka preeklampsije, dok serumske koncentracije PlGF ispod 60 pg/ml senzitivnost od 88,4% i specifičnost od 79,6% u predviđanju pojave preeklampsije. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1, VEGF-A i PlGF ne pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u odnosu na godine života trudnice i broja prethodnih trudnoća p>0,05. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 i PlGF se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na telesnu težinu novorođenčeta, tako da su niže vrednosti oba proteina detektovane u grupi novorođenčadi sa porođajnom težinom ispod 1500 gr. u odnosu na telesnu masu između 2800-3300 gr, p<0,001. Takođe su nađene niže vrednosti sFlt-1 i PlGF u grupi trudnica koje su se porodile pre 33. nedelje gestacije u odnosu na nedelju gestacije u trenutku porođaja preko 37 nedelje gestacije, p<0,001. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 i PlGF se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na indeks telesne mase majke tako da su više vrednosti sFlt-1 i niže vednosti PlGF nađene u grupi trudnica sa indeksom telesne mase ispod 25 u odnosu na grupu trudnica sa indeksom telesne mase preko 30 kg/m2, p<0,001. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 u prvom trimestru trudnoće su značajno povezane sa parametrima inflamacije (hsCRP), vrednostima dijastolnog krvnog pritiska i nivoima free ßhCG. Takođe se uočava značajna povezanost koncentracije PlGF sa indeksom telesne mase, vrednostima sistolnog krvnog pritiska i koncentracijom hsCRP u prvom trimestru trudnoće. ZAKLJUČAK: Nivoi antiangiogenog proteina sFlt-1 su više u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na grupu sa hroničnom i gestacijskom hipertenzijom i grupu trudnica bez hipertenzivnih poremećaja trudnoći. Nivoi proangiogenog proteina VEGF-A su značajno niže u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom i hroničnom i gestacijskom hipertenzijom u odnosu na grupu trudnica bez hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći. Serumske koncentracije proangiogenog proteina PlGF su niže u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na grupu sa hroničnom i gestacijskom hipertenzijom i grupu trudnica bez hipertenzivnih poremećaja trudnoći. Serumske koncentracije placentalnog proteina free ßhCG i HDL holesterola su značajno niže, dok su vrednosti hsCRP i triglicerida značajno više u grupi trudnica sa preeklampsijom u odnosu na grupu bez hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći. Između trudnica sa hipertenzivnim poremećajima u trudnoći i zdravih trudnica nije uočeno postojanje značajne razlike u vrednostima placentalnog proteina PAPP-A, biohemijskih parametara (glukoze, AST, ALT, GGT kreatinina, ureje, mokraćne kiseline), lipidskih parametara (uk. holesterol, LDL, apo A-I, apo B), parametara inflamatornog (kompletna krvna slika, fibrinogen), hemostaznog (D-dimer, vWF-antigen) i elektrolitskog statusa (Na, K, Cl, P, Mg). Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 i PlGF se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na gestacijsku starost na porođaju i telesnu masu novorođenčeta i niže su kod trudnica koje su se prevremeno porodile kao i kod novorođenčati sa manjom porođajnom težinom. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1 se značajno razlikuju u odnosu telesnu dužinu i APGAR skor novorođenčeta, tako da su više vrednosti sFlt-1 udružene sa većom telesnom dužinom novorođenčeta i boljim APGAR skorom. Serumske koncentracije sFlt-1, VEGF-A i PlGF se ne razlikuju značajno u odnosu na godine života trudnice i broja prethodnih trudnoća. Nivoi proteina angiogeneze sFlt-1 i PlGF predstavljaju dobre prediktore u predviđanju nastanka preeklampsije u prvom trimestru trudnoće.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are a heterogeneous group of diseases that occur in 3-8% of all pregnancies. The most difficult forms of these diseases: preeclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome are the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in relation to all other pregnancy complications. Etiopathogenesis of these diseases is still insufficiently understood but it is thought that the placenta plays a key role in the development of these complications, and that placental insufficiency, which occurs as a result of insufficient adaptation of decidual intramiometrial and parts of the spiral arteries in the first few weeks of pregnancy, leading to a reduction of utero- placental circulation and local placental hypoxia, which adversely affects the mother and the fetus. In order to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and to find sufficiently sensitive makers for early prediction of the most severe forms of these diseases, so far have been investigated a number of proteins involved in the processes of creation and development of placental vascular network such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A), placental growth factor (PlGF) and soluble fms-like receptor tyrosine kinase receptor (sFlt-1). OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare serum concentration of sFlt-1, PlGF, VEGF-A, PAPP-A, freeßhCG, glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apo-AI, apo B, AST, ALT, GGT, creatinine, urea, uric acid, hsCRP, Na, K, Cl, P, Mg and Ca between the group of pregnant women with preeclampsia, chronic and gestational hypertension and the control group of pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy between 11 and 14 weeks gestation. Also the aim was to examine whether the value of selected laboratory parameters (sFlt-1, VEGF-A and PlGF) differ in relation to gestational week at the time of birth, weight, length and APGAR scoring system of newborns. The aim was to examine whether the value of angiogenic proteins: sFlt-1, VEGF-A and PlGF differ significantly in relation to the number of previous pregnancies and age of the pregnant woman. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted as a prospective analytical study in the Clinical Center of Vojvodina, in the period from June 2012 to February 2015. The study included a total of 143 pregnant women aged 18 - 43 years. All pregnant women included in the study were divided into two study and one control group. The first study group consisted of 43 pregnant women who developed preeclampsia during the current pregnancy. The second study group consisted of 46 pregnant women who are newly diagnosed or confirmed chronic or gestational hypertension during the current pregnancy. The control group consisted of 54 healthy pregnant women with verified physiological outcome of pregnancy at term without maternal and fetal complications. Patients were included in the study between 11 + 0 and 13 + 6 weeks of gestation. All patients had data about risk factors for developing hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. After clinical and obstetric examination all patients underwent anthropometric measurements, measurement of blood pressure, and specialized ultrasound examination to determine precise gestational age of the fetus and to determine the risk for fetal chromosomal abnormalities. All patients signed a written consent of the patient's voluntary participation in the study. Serum levels of sFlt1, VEGF-A and PlGF were determined by quantitative ELISA (R & D Systems Europe Ltd., Abingdon, UK), while glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apo-AI, apo B, AST, ALT, GGT, creatinine, urea, uric acid, hsCRP, Na, K, Cl, P, Mg, Ca were determined on automated analyzer systems. All pregnant women were categorized into 2 study and a control group on the basis of presence of hypertensive disorders in the current pregnancy. Statistical analysis was performed in 12 statistical program STATISTICA (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). The data are presented in tables and graphs, the level of significance p is interpreted statistically significant if the p value was less than <0.05. RESULTS: Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 are statistically significantly different in all study groups and significantly higher in the groups with hypertensive disorders compared to healthy subjects p <0.001. Serum levels of VEGF-A are significantly lower in the preeclampsia group compared to healthy control group (p <0.001), while the levels of serum concentration of PlGF statistically significantly different between all groups so that the lowest values are observed in the preeclampsia group (p <0.001) compared to the other two study groups. There is no statistically significant differences in the levels of PAPP-A, biochemical parameters (glucose, AST, ALT, GGT creatinine, urea, uric acid), lipid parameters (total cholesterol, LDL, apo AI, apo B), inflammatory parameters (complete blood count, fibrinogen), hemostatic (D-dimer, vWF-antigen) and electrolyte status (Na, K, Cl, P, Mg, Ca), p> 0.05. Levels of free ßhCG and HDL cholesterol levels are significantly lower, while the value of hsCRP and triglycerides significantly higher in the group of women with preeclampsia compared to the healthy control group. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 over 865 pg/ml have a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 81.5% in predicting preeclampsia, while serum PlGF concentration below 60 pg/ml, a sensitivity of 88.4% and a specificity of 79.6% in predicting preeclampsia. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1, VEGF-A and PlGF do not show a statistically significant difference compared to the age of pregnant women and the number of previous pregnancies p> 0.05. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 and PlGF are significantly different in relation to the weight of the newborn, so that the lower values of both proteins are in the group of infants with birth weight below 1500 gr. in relation to the body weight between 2800-3300 gr., p <0.001. There is also lower concentrations of sFlt-1 and PlGF in a group with deliveries before 33 weeks of gestation compared to the deliveries after 37 week of gestation, p <0.001. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 and PlGF are significantly different in relation to the mother's body mass index so that the lower values of sFlt-1 and PlGF are in the group of women with a body mass index below 25 in relation to a group with a body mass index over 30 kg/m2, p <0.001. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 in the first trimester of pregnancy were significantly associated with the parameters of inflammation (hsCRP), diastolic blood pressure and levels of free ßhCG. It is also observed a significant correlation between PlGF with a body mass index, systolic blood pressure and hsCRP concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy. CONCLUSION: The levels of anti-angiogenic protein sFlt-1 are higher in the group of pregnant women with preeclampsia than in the group with chronic and gestational hypertension and the control healthy group. Levels of proangiogenic VEGF-A protein are significantly lower in the preeclampsia group and group with gestational and chronic hypertension compared to the control group. Serum levels of proangiogenic PlGF protein are significantly lower in the preeclampsia group than in the group with chronic and gestational hypertension and the control group. Serum concentrations of placental protein free ßhCG and HDL cholesterol are significantly lower, while the value of hsCRP and triglycerides significantly higher in the preeclampsia group compared to the control group. Among pregnant women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and healthy pregnant women there are no significant differences in the values of placental PAPP-A protein, biochemical parameters (glucose, AST, ALT, GGT creatinine, urea, uric acid), lipid parameters (total cholesterol, LDL, apo AI, apo B), inflammatory parameters (complete blood count, fibrinogen), hemostatic (D-dimer, vWF-antigen) and electrolyte status (Na, K, Cl, P, Mg, Ca). Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 and PlGF are significantly different in relation to gestational age at delivery and newborn body weight and are lower in group with preterm delivery and newborns with lower birth weight. Serum concentrations of sFlt-1 are significantly different compared to body length and Apgar score, so that the higher values of sFlt-1 are associated with better outcome of newborns (greater body length and better APGAR score). Serum concentrations of sFlt-1, VEGF-A and PlGF are not different significantly with respect to age of pregnancy and the number of previous pregnancies. The levels of sFlt-1 and PlGF represents helpful markers in prediction of preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy.</p>
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Valor do teste de dosagem do Dímero - D plasmático no diagnóstico do tromboembolismo venoso agudo / Value of measure plasmatic D Dimer test to diagnosis of the acute thrombolism venousPiano, Luciana Pereira de Almeida de 29 October 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A doença tromboembólica é um distúrbio complexo multicausal com sinais e sintomas inespecíficos, confundindo-se com outras enfermidades. Devido à sua gravidade buscam-se estratégias objetivando obter um diagnóstico precoce. O teste de dosagem do dímero - D plasmático parece ser uma alternativa para exclusão do diagnóstico de tromboembolismo venoso agudo. Objetivo: Avaliar o valor do teste de dosagem de dímero - D plasmático, utilizando o método Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA), na rotina diagnóstica de tromboembolismo venoso agudo. Métodos: Em 89 pacientes com sinais e sintomas sugestivos de tromboembolismo pulmonar e/ou trombose venosa profunda foram realizadas dosagens do dímero - D pela técnica ELFA no equipamento VIDAS® - BioMérieux. Foram calculados os valores da sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo e acurácia do teste, bem como a curva ROC da amostra estudada. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame por imagem para confirmação do evento tromboembólico agudo. Foi calculado o índice kappa para analisar o resultado do teste dímero - D versus resultados de exames por imagem. Resultados: Entre os 89 pacientes estudados (média de idade 54,3 anos; 51 mulheres), 36 (40,4%) apresentaram TEV e 53 não apresentaram trombose aguda (59,6%). Entre os pacientes sem trombose aguda 15 (28,3%) apresentaram resultado de dímero - D negativo. Todos pacientes com trombose apresentaram resultado de dímero - D positivo. O teste apresentou sensibilidade de 100%; especificidade de 28,3%; valor preditivo positivo de 48,6%; valor preditivo negativo de 100% e exatidão de 57,3%. A ASC para a amostra total estudada foi igual a 0,734, indicando que o teste é um bom preditor de trombose aguda. O valor do índice kappa para a amostra total foi igual a 0,24 (p<0,001), indicando uma concordância fraca entre dímero - D e diagnóstico confirmatório de trombose. Conclusão: A dosagem do dímero - D pelo método ELFA foi capaz de excluir o diagnóstico de tromboembolismo venoso agudo nessa amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos nessa amostra estudada permitiram concluir que o uso do teste dímero - D em pacientes com suspeita de tromboembolismo venoso revelou alta sensibilidade no diagnóstico dessa enfermidade. / Introduction: The thromboembolic disease is a multicausal complex disturb with signals and symptoms that confusing itself with other diseases. Because its gravity strategies search objecting to get a faster diagnosis. The measure plasmatic D dimer test seems to be an alternative for exclusion of the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism. Objectives: To evaluate the value of the measure plasmatic D dimer test, using the method Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA), in the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism. Methods: In 89 patients with signals and symptoms suggestive of pulmonary thromboembolism and/or deep vein thrombosis had been carried through measure D dimer by technique ELFA equipment VIDAS® - BioMérieux. The values of sensibility, accuracy specificity, predictive values positive and negative and of the test had been calculated, as well as curve ROC of the sample studied. All the patients had been submitted the image exams for the confirmation of the acute thromboembolism event. It was calculated kappa ratio to compare D dimer test results with image exams results. Results: Between 89 studied patients (mean of age 54.3 years; 51 women), 36 (40.4%) they had presented and 53 had not presented acute thrombosis (59.6%). It enters the patients without acute thromboembolism 15 (28.3%) had presented resulted negative of D dimer. All patients with thrombosis had presented resulted positive of D dimer. The test presented 100% sensibility; 28.3% of specificity; positive predictive value was 48.6%; 100% of negative predictive value and accuracy value was 57.3%. The area under the curve (AUC) to total sample studied was 0.734, it was showed that the test have a good prediction to acute thrombosis. The kappa ratio value was 0.24 (p<0.001) showing a bad concordat n to thrombosis diagnostic. Conclusion: The measure of D dimer by method ELFA was able to exclude the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism in this sample studied. The results obtained in this sample studied let to conclude that the D dimer test in patients with suspected of acute thromboembolism presented high sensibility to diagnostic of this disease.
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Comparação entre a estratificação clínica e a cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica como preditores de eventos cardiovasculares em candidatos a transplante renal / Comparison between clinical stratification and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy as a predictor of cardiovascular events in kidney transplant candidatesArantes, Rodolfo Leite 18 September 2009 (has links)
A doença cardiovascular (DCV) é uma condição clínica comum entre pacientes (pcts) portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC) e é causa de eventos fatais observados peri transplante renal (TX). A melhor estratégia de avaliação cardiovascular em candidatos a transplante (CTR) ainda é controversa.Ignora-se se todos os pacientes devem ser submetidos a testes não-invasivos/invasivos ou se estes devem ser reservados aqueles com determinadas características clínicas, como população geral. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a estratificação de risco baseada em método nãoinvasivo de detecção de doença coronária com dois métodos de estratificação clínica de risco cardiovascular preconizados pela American Society of Transplantation (AST) e European Renal Association (ERA). A AST subdivide os pcts em : alto risco (idade maior ou igual a 50 anos e/ou diabete e/ou DCV clínica) e baixo risco (os demais). A ERA subdivide em: alto risco (DCV clínica), risco intermediário (diabéticos e/ou idade maior ou igual a 50 anos) e baixo risco (os demais). Nós estudamos 386 pcts com DRC em diálise enviados ao nosso serviço para avaliação cardiovascular antes da inclusão na lista de espera de TX. Foram estratificados quanto ao risco de eventos de acordo com os dois algoritmos acima e alterações na cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica (SPECT-MIBI) com dipiridamol e acompanhados até a morte, TX ou ocorrência de eventos. A estratificação clínica (RR:1,8 [IC95% 1,3 2,6- P<0,0001] e o SPECT-MIBI (RR:1,5 [IC95% 1,2-1,9-P=0,002] identificaram os pcts de maior risco de eventos cardiovasculares . Apenas os pcts ASTalto risco (RR1,4 [IC95%1,1-1,8-P=0,002] e ERA médio risco com SPECTMIBI alterado (RR:1,7 [IC95% 1,2-2,3-P=0,003] tiveram maior incidência de eventos. Os pcts de baixo risco pelos dois algorítmos de estratificação clínica (P=0,50) e do sistema ERA alto risco (RR:1,1 [IC95% 0,8-1,5-P=0,41], não se beneficiaram dos resultados do estudo não-invasivo. Concluímos que os estudos não-invasivos não devem ser utilizados em todos os CTR mas devem ser reservados aos pcts previamente identificados pela estratificação clínica de risco. Esses resultados permitem uma abordagem mais racional da avaliação pré- TX com melhor uso dos recursos econômicos escassos. / Cardiovascular (CV) disease is a common condition in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and is the leading cause of fatal events during and after renal transplantation. The best strategy for CV evaluation and coronary risk stratification in renal transplant candidates remains controversial. Moreover, there is no consensus regarding the best strategy for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). We still do not know if all patients should be evaluated by noninvasive testing or if this approach should be restricted to individuals with clinical evidence of CAD, as in the general population. The objective of this study was to compare CV risk stratification based on nonivasive testing for CAD with two clinical stratification methods as advanced by The American Society of Transplantation (AST) and by The European Renal Association (ERA), respectively. The AST divides patients in high risk (age50 years and/or diabetes and/or CV disease) and low risk (all others).The ERA divides : high risk (CV disease), intermediate risk (age 50 years and/or diabetes), and low risk (as above). We studied 386 CKD patients treated by hemodyalisis, to CV evaluation before being admitted to the renal transplant waiting list. All patients were stratified for the risk of future major cardiovascular events (MACE) using the clinical algorithms and also by myocardial scintigraphy (SPECT-MIBI) with dipyridamol and followedup until death, transplant or MACE. Clinical algorithms (RR:1,8 [IC95% 1,3 2,6-P<0,0001] and SPECT-MIBI(RR:1,5 [IC95% 1,2-1,9-P=0,002] identified patients at increased risk of events. The combined use of clinical stratification followed by SPECT showed that the only patients that would benefit from SPECT risk stratification were those belonging the AST-high risk (RR1,4 [IC95%1,1-1,8-P=0,002] and ERA-intermediate risk groups (RR:1,7 [IC95% 1,2-2,3-P=0,003]. In all other groups :ERA-high-risk (RR:1,1[IC95% 0,8-1,5- P=0,41] and ERA and AST-low-risk (P=0,50) SPECT did not add to the probability of events defined by clinical stratification alone. We conclude that SPECT should not be applied to all renal transplant candidates but should be restricted to those considered at a category of risk as defined by clinical algorithms. These results delineate a more rational approach to risk stratification in renal transplant candidates with a better utilization of economical resources.
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Exames convencionais da coagulação como variáveis preditoras da indicação de transfusão de plasma fresco congelado durante o transplante de fígado / Conventional coagulation assays as predictors of indication of fresh frozen plasma transfusion during liver transplantationMarinho, David Silveira 29 April 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: sangramento por coagulopatia é problema comum durante o transplante hepático (TH). O uso adequado da monitorização da coagulação pode reduzir a transfusão de hemocomponentes, como o Plasma Fresco Congelado (PFC). Exames Convencionais da Coagulação (ECC), tais como Tempo de Protrombina (TP) e Tempo de Tromboplastina Parcial Ativada (TTPa), são os testes mais amplamente utilizados para monitorizar a coagulação durante o TH, mas algumas limitações têm sido apontadas acerca do seu uso em pacientes cirróticos. OBJETIVO: investigar o uso de ECC como variáveis preditoras da indicação de transfusão de PFC durante o TH em pacientes cirróticos. MÉTODO: analisou-se coorte histórica de 297 transplantes hepáticos com enxertos provenientes de doadores cadáveres. Foram incluídos receptores cirróticos de uma única instituição durante nove anos (2002-2010). A infusão profilática de ácido épsilon-aminocaproico (20 mg/kg/h) e outros pré-requisitos hemostáticos foram mantidos na cirurgia. O TP [expresso na forma de Percentual de Atividade da Protrombina (TP%) e de Relação Normalizada Internacional (INR)] e o TTPa foram medidos no pré-operatório e no fim de cada fase do TH. Os participantes só receberam transfusão de PFC quando se diagnosticou coagulopatia, independentemente dos resultados dos ECC. Os pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos, de acordo com a ocorrência de transfusão intraoperatória de PFC. Examinou-se o comportamento dos resultados dos ECC durante a cirurgia. Analisaram-se os fatores de risco para a transfusão de PFC por análises uni e multivariada. Os resultados pós-operatórios de ambos os grupos foram comparados. A acurácia dos ECC para predizer o uso de PFC em cada fase da cirurgia foi investigada por curvas ROC. Além disso, pontos de corte dos ECC não associados à coagulopatia foram calculados para cada fase da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: a análise multivariada demonstrou que hematócrito pré-operatório (odds ratio [OR] = 0,90, P < 0,001), fibrinogênio pré-operatório (OR = 0,99, P < 0,001) e ausência de carcinoma hepatocelular (OR = 3,57, P = 0,004) foram as únicas variáveis preditoras independentes para a transfusão de PFC durante o TH. As mortalidades precoce e tardia, a permanência em UTI e a incidência de reoperações por sangramento microvascular foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Os ECC demonstraram baixa acurácia global para a predição de transfusão de PFC durante o TH (as áreas sob as curvas ROC não chegaram a 70%, independentemente do teste da coagulação e do momento da aferição). Pontos de corte de ECC com alta especificidade para a não transfusão de PFC foram determinados em cada fase do TH para TP% (39,4, 27,8 e 20,3), INR (2,14, 2,62 e 3,52) e TTPa (50,5, 80,2 e 119,5 segundos). CONCLUSÕES: os únicos preditores independentes para a transfusão de PFC durante o TH foram hematócrito pré-operatório, fibrinogênio pré-operatório e ausência de carcinoma hepatocelular. Os ECC demonstraram baixa correlação com a transfusão intraoperatória de PFC, independentemente do momento da coleta ou dos pontos de corte adotados / BACKGROUND & AIMS: Bleeding due to coagulopathy is a common problem during liver transplantation (LT). Coagulation monitoring may reduce transfusion of blood components, including Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP). Conventional coagulation assays (CCA), like Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), are the most widely employed tests to monitor coagulation during LT, but some limitations have been assigned to their use in cirrhotic patients. This study investigated the predictive value of these blood coagulation tests in predicting FFP transfusions during LT in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: This historical cohort study analyzed 297 isolated, deceased donor LTs performed in cirrhotic patients from a single institution during a nine-year period (2002 - 2010). Prophylactic infusion of epsilon-aminocaproic acid [EACA] (20 mg/kg/h) and other hemostatic requirements were maintained intraoperatively. PT [expressed as Activity Percentage (PT%) and International normalized ratio (INR)] and aPTT [expressed in seconds] were measured preoperatively and by the end of each phase of LT. Hemostatic blood components were transfused only in case of coagulopathy. Patients were divided in two groups according to intraoperative FFP transfusion: FFP group and Non-FFP group. Behavior of CCA results during LT were examined in both groups. Univariate and multivariate analyses of risk factors associated with FFP transfusion were performed. Post-operative outcomes were compared between groups. Accuracy of CCA to predict FFP transfusions was investigated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Also, alert values of CCA unassociated with coagulopathy in each phase of surgery were calculated. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis showed that preoperative hematocrit (odds ratio [OR] = 0.90, P < 0.001), preoperative fibrinogen (OR = 0.99, P < 0.001) and absence of hepatocellular carcinoma (OR = 3.57, P = 0.004) were the only significant predictors for FFP transfusion. Short- and long-term survival, ICU stay and incidence of early reoperations for bleeding were similar between the groups. CCA demonstrated poor overall accuracy for predicting FFP transfusions (area under the ROC curves did not reach 0.70, irrespective of assay and of phase of sampling). High-specificity values of CCA unassociated with coagulopathy in each of 3 phases of LT were identified for INR (2.14, 2.62 and 3.52), PT% (39.4, 27.8 and 20.3%) and aPTT (50.5, 80.2 and 119.5 seconds). CONCLUSIONS: the only significant predictors for FFP transfusion were preoperative hematocrit, preoperative fibrinogen and absence of hepatocellular carcinoma. CCA, regardless of adopted cutoffs and of time of sampling during LT, have poor correlation with intraoperative FFP transfusion
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Prediktivni faktori za neželjeni događaj tokom jednogodišnjeg praćenja pacijenata obolelih od hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća / Predictive factors for adverse event during the one-year follow-up of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseTot Vereš Kristina 24 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća je jedna od najčešćih hroničnih bolesti pluća i važan uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u svetu. Egzacerbacije predstavljaju značajan događaj u toku bolesti, jer imaju negativan uticaj na mortalitet, kvalitet života, opadanje plućne funkcije i povećanje troškova lečenja. Cilj rada je utvrditi nezavisne faktore rizika za egzacerbaciju i smrtni ishod tokom jednogodišnjeg praćenja obolelih od hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća i kreiranje prediktivnog modela za neželjeni događaj. U ispitivanje je uključeno 200 pacijenata sa potvrđenom dijagnozom hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća, koji su lečeni prema preporukama smernice Globalne inicijative za hroničnu opstruktivnu bolest pluća. Pacijenti su praćeni godinu dana, evaluirani na kontrolnim pregledima i beležen je broj egzacerbacija na osnovu vanrednih poseta i eventualni smrtni ishod. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeni su nezavisni prediktori egzacerbacije (starost > 65 godina, test procene hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća > 9, modifikovana skala dispneje > 2, saturacija hemoglobina kiseonikom ≤ 93%) i smrtnog ishoda (starost >65 godina, potreba za primenom antiagregacione terapije, brzina maksimalnog ekspiratornog protoka na 25% vitalnog kapaciteta ≤ 1,16 l, modifikovana skala dispneje >2, puls > 89). Od navedenih nezavisnih faktora su kreirani modeli za predikciju neželjenih događaja. Unutrašnjom validacijom modela dokazana je dobra prediktivna vrednost oba matematička modela, bez statistički značajne razlike opserviranog i očekivanog procenta pojave egzacerbacije i smrtnog ishoda tokom praćenja pacijenata obolelih od HOBP.</p> / <p>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is one of the most common chronic lung diseases and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Exacerbations are an important event in the course of the disease, as they have a negative impact on mortality, quality of life, lung function decline and increased costs of treatment. The aim of study is to identify risk factors for exacerbation or death during the one-year follow-up of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and creation of predictive models for exacerbation and mortality during the follow-up period. The study included 200 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who have had the therapy according to the Global initiative for chronic obstructive airway diseases guidelines. Patients were followed for one year, evaluated the number of exacerbations on the basis of emergency visits and eventual death. With statistical data processing there were identified independent predictors of exacerbations (age > 65 years, COPD Assessment Test > 9, modified Medical Research Council scale >2, oxygen saturation ≤ 93%) and death (age > 65 years, the need for application of antiplatelet therapy, the rate of maximum expiratory flow at 25% of vital capacity ≤ 1,16 l, modified Medical Research Council scale >2, heart rate > 89th). Of these independent factors was created a models for the prediction of adverse events during the one-year mark of COPD patients. Internal validation showed good predictive value of both models. No difference between the observed and the expected percentage of occurrence of exacerbations or death during the the follow-up period.</p>
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The Behavioral Addiction Indoor Tanning Screener (BAITS): An Evaluation of a Brief Measure of Behavioral Addictive SymptomsStapleton, Jerod L., Hillhouse, Joel J., Turrisi, Rob, Baker, Katie, Manne, Sharon L., Coups, Elliot J. 01 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Valor do teste de dosagem do Dímero - D plasmático no diagnóstico do tromboembolismo venoso agudo / Value of measure plasmatic D Dimer test to diagnosis of the acute thrombolism venousLuciana Pereira de Almeida de Piano 29 October 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A doença tromboembólica é um distúrbio complexo multicausal com sinais e sintomas inespecíficos, confundindo-se com outras enfermidades. Devido à sua gravidade buscam-se estratégias objetivando obter um diagnóstico precoce. O teste de dosagem do dímero - D plasmático parece ser uma alternativa para exclusão do diagnóstico de tromboembolismo venoso agudo. Objetivo: Avaliar o valor do teste de dosagem de dímero - D plasmático, utilizando o método Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA), na rotina diagnóstica de tromboembolismo venoso agudo. Métodos: Em 89 pacientes com sinais e sintomas sugestivos de tromboembolismo pulmonar e/ou trombose venosa profunda foram realizadas dosagens do dímero - D pela técnica ELFA no equipamento VIDAS® - BioMérieux. Foram calculados os valores da sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivo e negativo e acurácia do teste, bem como a curva ROC da amostra estudada. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame por imagem para confirmação do evento tromboembólico agudo. Foi calculado o índice kappa para analisar o resultado do teste dímero - D versus resultados de exames por imagem. Resultados: Entre os 89 pacientes estudados (média de idade 54,3 anos; 51 mulheres), 36 (40,4%) apresentaram TEV e 53 não apresentaram trombose aguda (59,6%). Entre os pacientes sem trombose aguda 15 (28,3%) apresentaram resultado de dímero - D negativo. Todos pacientes com trombose apresentaram resultado de dímero - D positivo. O teste apresentou sensibilidade de 100%; especificidade de 28,3%; valor preditivo positivo de 48,6%; valor preditivo negativo de 100% e exatidão de 57,3%. A ASC para a amostra total estudada foi igual a 0,734, indicando que o teste é um bom preditor de trombose aguda. O valor do índice kappa para a amostra total foi igual a 0,24 (p<0,001), indicando uma concordância fraca entre dímero - D e diagnóstico confirmatório de trombose. Conclusão: A dosagem do dímero - D pelo método ELFA foi capaz de excluir o diagnóstico de tromboembolismo venoso agudo nessa amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos nessa amostra estudada permitiram concluir que o uso do teste dímero - D em pacientes com suspeita de tromboembolismo venoso revelou alta sensibilidade no diagnóstico dessa enfermidade. / Introduction: The thromboembolic disease is a multicausal complex disturb with signals and symptoms that confusing itself with other diseases. Because its gravity strategies search objecting to get a faster diagnosis. The measure plasmatic D dimer test seems to be an alternative for exclusion of the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism. Objectives: To evaluate the value of the measure plasmatic D dimer test, using the method Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA), in the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism. Methods: In 89 patients with signals and symptoms suggestive of pulmonary thromboembolism and/or deep vein thrombosis had been carried through measure D dimer by technique ELFA equipment VIDAS® - BioMérieux. The values of sensibility, accuracy specificity, predictive values positive and negative and of the test had been calculated, as well as curve ROC of the sample studied. All the patients had been submitted the image exams for the confirmation of the acute thromboembolism event. It was calculated kappa ratio to compare D dimer test results with image exams results. Results: Between 89 studied patients (mean of age 54.3 years; 51 women), 36 (40.4%) they had presented and 53 had not presented acute thrombosis (59.6%). It enters the patients without acute thromboembolism 15 (28.3%) had presented resulted negative of D dimer. All patients with thrombosis had presented resulted positive of D dimer. The test presented 100% sensibility; 28.3% of specificity; positive predictive value was 48.6%; 100% of negative predictive value and accuracy value was 57.3%. The area under the curve (AUC) to total sample studied was 0.734, it was showed that the test have a good prediction to acute thrombosis. The kappa ratio value was 0.24 (p<0.001) showing a bad concordat n to thrombosis diagnostic. Conclusion: The measure of D dimer by method ELFA was able to exclude the diagnostic of acute venous thromboembolism in this sample studied. The results obtained in this sample studied let to conclude that the D dimer test in patients with suspected of acute thromboembolism presented high sensibility to diagnostic of this disease.
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Exames convencionais da coagulação como variáveis preditoras da indicação de transfusão de plasma fresco congelado durante o transplante de fígado / Conventional coagulation assays as predictors of indication of fresh frozen plasma transfusion during liver transplantationDavid Silveira Marinho 29 April 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: sangramento por coagulopatia é problema comum durante o transplante hepático (TH). O uso adequado da monitorização da coagulação pode reduzir a transfusão de hemocomponentes, como o Plasma Fresco Congelado (PFC). Exames Convencionais da Coagulação (ECC), tais como Tempo de Protrombina (TP) e Tempo de Tromboplastina Parcial Ativada (TTPa), são os testes mais amplamente utilizados para monitorizar a coagulação durante o TH, mas algumas limitações têm sido apontadas acerca do seu uso em pacientes cirróticos. OBJETIVO: investigar o uso de ECC como variáveis preditoras da indicação de transfusão de PFC durante o TH em pacientes cirróticos. MÉTODO: analisou-se coorte histórica de 297 transplantes hepáticos com enxertos provenientes de doadores cadáveres. Foram incluídos receptores cirróticos de uma única instituição durante nove anos (2002-2010). A infusão profilática de ácido épsilon-aminocaproico (20 mg/kg/h) e outros pré-requisitos hemostáticos foram mantidos na cirurgia. O TP [expresso na forma de Percentual de Atividade da Protrombina (TP%) e de Relação Normalizada Internacional (INR)] e o TTPa foram medidos no pré-operatório e no fim de cada fase do TH. Os participantes só receberam transfusão de PFC quando se diagnosticou coagulopatia, independentemente dos resultados dos ECC. Os pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos, de acordo com a ocorrência de transfusão intraoperatória de PFC. Examinou-se o comportamento dos resultados dos ECC durante a cirurgia. Analisaram-se os fatores de risco para a transfusão de PFC por análises uni e multivariada. Os resultados pós-operatórios de ambos os grupos foram comparados. A acurácia dos ECC para predizer o uso de PFC em cada fase da cirurgia foi investigada por curvas ROC. Além disso, pontos de corte dos ECC não associados à coagulopatia foram calculados para cada fase da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: a análise multivariada demonstrou que hematócrito pré-operatório (odds ratio [OR] = 0,90, P < 0,001), fibrinogênio pré-operatório (OR = 0,99, P < 0,001) e ausência de carcinoma hepatocelular (OR = 3,57, P = 0,004) foram as únicas variáveis preditoras independentes para a transfusão de PFC durante o TH. As mortalidades precoce e tardia, a permanência em UTI e a incidência de reoperações por sangramento microvascular foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Os ECC demonstraram baixa acurácia global para a predição de transfusão de PFC durante o TH (as áreas sob as curvas ROC não chegaram a 70%, independentemente do teste da coagulação e do momento da aferição). Pontos de corte de ECC com alta especificidade para a não transfusão de PFC foram determinados em cada fase do TH para TP% (39,4, 27,8 e 20,3), INR (2,14, 2,62 e 3,52) e TTPa (50,5, 80,2 e 119,5 segundos). CONCLUSÕES: os únicos preditores independentes para a transfusão de PFC durante o TH foram hematócrito pré-operatório, fibrinogênio pré-operatório e ausência de carcinoma hepatocelular. Os ECC demonstraram baixa correlação com a transfusão intraoperatória de PFC, independentemente do momento da coleta ou dos pontos de corte adotados / BACKGROUND & AIMS: Bleeding due to coagulopathy is a common problem during liver transplantation (LT). Coagulation monitoring may reduce transfusion of blood components, including Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP). Conventional coagulation assays (CCA), like Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT), are the most widely employed tests to monitor coagulation during LT, but some limitations have been assigned to their use in cirrhotic patients. This study investigated the predictive value of these blood coagulation tests in predicting FFP transfusions during LT in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: This historical cohort study analyzed 297 isolated, deceased donor LTs performed in cirrhotic patients from a single institution during a nine-year period (2002 - 2010). Prophylactic infusion of epsilon-aminocaproic acid [EACA] (20 mg/kg/h) and other hemostatic requirements were maintained intraoperatively. PT [expressed as Activity Percentage (PT%) and International normalized ratio (INR)] and aPTT [expressed in seconds] were measured preoperatively and by the end of each phase of LT. Hemostatic blood components were transfused only in case of coagulopathy. Patients were divided in two groups according to intraoperative FFP transfusion: FFP group and Non-FFP group. Behavior of CCA results during LT were examined in both groups. Univariate and multivariate analyses of risk factors associated with FFP transfusion were performed. Post-operative outcomes were compared between groups. Accuracy of CCA to predict FFP transfusions was investigated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Also, alert values of CCA unassociated with coagulopathy in each phase of surgery were calculated. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis showed that preoperative hematocrit (odds ratio [OR] = 0.90, P < 0.001), preoperative fibrinogen (OR = 0.99, P < 0.001) and absence of hepatocellular carcinoma (OR = 3.57, P = 0.004) were the only significant predictors for FFP transfusion. Short- and long-term survival, ICU stay and incidence of early reoperations for bleeding were similar between the groups. CCA demonstrated poor overall accuracy for predicting FFP transfusions (area under the ROC curves did not reach 0.70, irrespective of assay and of phase of sampling). High-specificity values of CCA unassociated with coagulopathy in each of 3 phases of LT were identified for INR (2.14, 2.62 and 3.52), PT% (39.4, 27.8 and 20.3%) and aPTT (50.5, 80.2 and 119.5 seconds). CONCLUSIONS: the only significant predictors for FFP transfusion were preoperative hematocrit, preoperative fibrinogen and absence of hepatocellular carcinoma. CCA, regardless of adopted cutoffs and of time of sampling during LT, have poor correlation with intraoperative FFP transfusion
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