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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Peripheral Vision Through Optical Correction and Stimulus Motion

Lewis, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The loss of central vision subsequent to macular disease is often extremely debilitating. People with central field loss (CFL) must use other peripheral areas of the retina in order to see; areas with inferior resolution capacity, which are also affected by off-axis optical errors. The overall aim of the work encompassed by this thesis was to identify and evaluate methods of improving vision for people with CFL; with focus on the effects of off-axis optical correction and stimulus motion on resolution acuity and contrast sensitivity. Off-axis optical errors were measured using a commercially-available COAS-HD VR open-view aberrometer. We used adaptive psychophysical methods to evaluate grating resolution acuity and contrast sensitivity in the peripheral visual field; drifting gratings were employed to   measure the effect of motion on these two measures of visual performance. The effect of sphero-cylindrical correction and stimulus motion on visual performance in healthy eyes and in subjects with CFL was also studied; in addition, the effect of adaptive optics aberration correction was examined in one subject with CFL. The COAS-HD aberrometer provided rapid and reliable measurements of off-axis refractive errors. Correction of these errors gave improvements in low-contrast resolution acuity in subjects with higher amounts of oblique astigmatism. Optical correction also improved high-contrast resolution acuity in most subjects with CFL, but not for healthy subjects. Adaptive optics correction improved both high and low contrast resolution acuity in the preferred retinal locus of a subject with CFL. The effect of stimulus motion depended on spatial frequency; motion of 7.5 Hz improved contrast sensitivity for stimuli of low spatial frequency in healthy and CFL subjects. Motion of 15 Hz had little effect on contrast sensitivity for low spatial frequency but resulted in reduced contrast sensitivity for higher spatial frequencies in healthy subjects. Finally, high-contrast resolution acuity was relatively insensitive to stimulus motion in the periphery. This thesis has served to broaden the knowledge regarding peripheral optical errors, stimulus motion and their effects on visual function, both in healthy subjects and in people with CFL. Overall it has shown that correction of off-axis refractive errors is important for optimizing peripheral vision in subjects with CFL; the use of an open-view aberrometer simplifies the determination of these errors. In addition, moderate stimulus motion can have a beneficial effect on contrast sensitivity for objects of predominantly low spatial frequency.

Uloga inhibitora vaskularnog endotelnog faktora rasta u terapiji dijabetičnog makularnog edema / The role of an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor in the treatment of diabetic macular edema

Jovanović Sandra 25 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Dijabetesna retinopatija je među vodećim uzročnicima stečenog slepila, kako u razvijenim zemljama, tako i zemljama u razvoju. Dijabetesna retinopatija je jedna od<br />najče&scaron;ćih komplikacija Dijabetes Mellitus-a. U sklopu dijabetesne retinopatije jedan od najranijih razloga koji dovodi do pada vidne o&scaron;trine je dijabetični makularni edem (DME). Pad vidne o&scaron;trine kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom naru&scaron;ava njihov kvalitet života i umanjuje radnu sposobnost. Dosada&scaron;nji oblik lečenja laserfotokoaguacijom makule, nije dao zadovoljavajuće rezultate. U novije vreme sve vi&scaron;e je zastupljeno farmakolo&scaron;ko lečenje edema koje podrazumeva intrvitrealnu aplikaciju lekova iz grupe inhibitora vaskularnog endotelnog faktora rasta (VEGF inhibitori), koji dovodi do stabilizacije zidova krvnih sudova.&nbsp;<br />Cilj ove studije je da se ispita efikasnost lečenja DME uz pomoć intravitrealno aplikovanih lekova iz grupe inhibitora vaskularnog endotelnog faktora rasta u odnosu na konvencionalno do sada priznato lečenje laserfotokogulacijom makule.&nbsp;<br />Efikasnost lečenja je procenjivana na dva načina: anatomski, na osnovu smanjenja centralne makularne debljine izražene u &mu;m, merene metodom optičke koherentne tomografije, i funkcionalno, na osnovu pobolj&scaron;anja vidne o&scaron;trine koja je izražavana u log MAR jedinicama. U ovoj prospektivnoj, randomiziranoj kliničkoj studiji sa minimumom praćenja od 6 meseci, u eksperimentalnoj grupi tretiran je 51 pacijent,<br />odnosno 84 oka aplikacijom bevacizumaba (anti VEGF agens) u dozi od 1,25 mg, sa ili bez dodatnog laser tretmana.&nbsp;<br />Uz prosečno 2,46 inekcije postignuta je prosečna redukcija centralne makularne debljine od 139,15 &mu;m.&nbsp; Dobijene vrednosti su nakon svake aplikovane doze su značajno bolje u odnosu na početnu. Edemi sa većom centralnom makularnom debljinom su zahtevali tretman sa većim brojem inekcija. Kod većih edema je postignuta i veća redukcija centralne makularne debljine. U odnosu na vidnu o&scaron;trinu u eksperimentalnoj grupi postignuto je pobolj&scaron;anje od 0,135 log MAR jedinica. Efekat lasera kao samostalne terapije u kontrolnoj grupi (50 pacijenata, 92 oka) nije bio<br />značajan ni u pogledu smanjenja centralne makularne debljine kao ni na osnovu pobolj&scaron;nja vidne o&scaron;trine. Tretman bevacizumabom samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa laserom je efikasniji u tretmanu DME u odnosu na konvencionalni tretman laserfotokoaguacijom koji potvrđeno dovodi do stabilizacije stanja. Značaj ove studije je potvrda efikasnosti i bezbednosti jednog novog oblika lečenja koji samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa laser tretmanom predstavlja novi protokol lečenja dijabetičnog makularnog edema.</p> / <p>Diabetic retinopathy is among the leading causes of acquired blindness in developed countries, as well as in developing countries. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most frequent Diabetes Mellitus complications. Within diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema (DME) is one of the earliest causes of the loss of visual acuity. Impaired vision causes decline in life quality in diabetic patients and it decreases their<br />working ability. Up to this date, laser photocoagulation treatment has not given<br />satisfactory results. Recently, new promising treatment forms have emerged, including the intravitreal application of vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF inhibitors), which lead to stabilization of the vessel wall. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of DME treatment consisting of intravitreal&nbsp; VEGF inhibitor application alone or as a part of combined treatment (intravitreal VEGF inhibitor plus laser photocoagulation) compared with conventional laser treatment alone. The effect of treatment was evaluated according to morphological parameters by measuring central macular thickness (CMT) in &mu;m with optical coherence tomography, and according to functional parameter by visual acuity in log MAR scale. In this prospective randomized clinical trial, with minimum follow up of 6 months, in experimental group 51 patient, or 84 eyes were treated with bevacizumab (VEGF inhibitor) in 1.25 mg dosage, alone or in combination with laser. The mean reduction in was 139.15 &mu;m, which was achieved with 2.46 doses on average. The difference between the final and initial CMT values after each dos age was tatistically significant.<br />Edemas with high central macular thickness required high number of intraviteal<br />aplicatons and the reduction was higher. In our study, mean visual acuity improved significantly in 0.135 log MAR. In control group (50 patient, 92 eyes) treated with laserphotocolagulation alone, the effect on visual acuity and central acular thickness was not statistically significant. The treatment with bevacizumab alone or in combined<br />treatment is more effective in treating DME than conventional macular laser treatment alone, from both - anatomical and functional perspective. The importance of this study is confirmation of the efficacy and safety of a new form of treatment and the introduction of a new protocol for the treatment of diabetic macular edema.</p>

Morfološke karakteristike makule kao prognostički faktor poboljšanja vidne oštrine u terapiji pacijenata obolelih od dijabetesnog makularnog edema / Morphological characteristics of the macula as a prognostic factor of visual acuity improvement in the treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema

Džinić Vladislav 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj centralne debljine makularne regije (CMT) i prisustva subretinalne tečnosti na vidnu o&scaron;trinu (VA) kod pacijenata obolelih od dijabetesnog makularnog edema, kao i uticaj očuvanosti kontinuiteta spoja spolja&scaron;njeg i unutra&scaron;njeg segmenta fotoreceptora (IS/OS &ndash; kompleks) i spolja&scaron;nje granične membrane (ELM) kao prognostičkih faktora u pobolj&scaron;anju vidne o&scaron;trine nakon primenjene terapije kod pacijenata obolelih od dijabetesnog makularnog edema (DME). Materijal i metode: u ovu retrospektivno prospektivnu kliničku studiju nasumično je uključeno 100 pacijenata koji su podeljeni u dve grupe. Grupu A &ndash; prospektivni deo studije je činilo 50 pacijenata (50 očiju) kod kojih je dijagnostikovan dijabetesni makularni edem i kod kojih je inidikovana primena terapije, laserftotkogaulacije i/ili anti-VEGF terapije (bevacizumab). Grupu B &ndash; retrospektivnu grupu je činilo 50 pacijenata (58 očiju) koji su prethodno lečeni od dijabetesnog makularnog edema primenom laserfotokoagulacije i/ili anti-VEGF terapije (bevacizumab). Nakon kompletnog oftalmolo&scaron;kog pregleda koji se sastojao od određivanja vidne o&scaron;trine (optotipima po Snellenu), biomikroskopije, merenja intraokularnog pritiska i pregleda očnog dna &ndash; fundusa primenom panfundoskopa izvr&scaron;ena je optička koherentna tomografija u svih pacijenata (primenom aparata Stratus&reg; OCT, Carl Zeiss, Meditec i Copercnicus&reg; Optopol). Analiza OCT snimka, je obuhvatila određivanje centralne debljine makule (CMT), prisustva subretinalne tečnosti kao i procenu stanja očuvanosti kontinuiteta spoja spolja&scaron;enjeg i unutra&scaron;njeg segmenta fotoreceptora (IS/OS kompleks) i očuvanost kontinuiteta spolja&scaron;nje granične membrane (ELM). CMT je izračunat primenom softvera OCT aparata i izražen kao srednja vrednost za svih 9 ETDRS polja. Prisutvno subretinalne tečnosti je klasifikovano kao pozitivno ukoliko je identifikovano makar u jednom preseku OCT tomograma .Očuvanost kontinuiteta IS/OS kompleksa i ELM je analizirana u svakom pojedinačnom snimku i podeljena u 3 kategorije. Prva &ndash; ukoliko je očuvano u svim presecima, druga &ndash; ukoliko je očuvano samo u pojedinim presecima i treća &ndash; ukoliko se IS/OS kompleks i ELM nisu mogli identifikovati na nalazu OCT tomograma. Rezultati ukazuju da prisustvo subretinalne tečnosti pre primenjene terapije nema statistički značajnog uticaja na pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine nakon primenjene terapije u pacijenata grupe A (pA=0,915), a statistička značajnost nije potvrđena ni kod pacijenata koji su prethodno tretirani od DME &ndash; grupa B (pB=0,772). Srednja vrednosti CMT i VA u pacijaneta grupe A iznosila je 474&mu;m&plusmn;140,67&mu;m odnosno 0.25&plusmn;0.20. Nakon primenjene terapije srednja vrednost vidnih o&scaron;trina iznosila je 0.41&plusmn;0.25, dok su vrednosti srednje vrednosti CMT iznosile 343.68&mu;m&plusmn;99.03&mu;m. Potvrđeno je statistički značajno pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine nakon primenjene terapije (pVA=0,0001) i statistički značajno smanjenje centralne debljine makule (pCMT=0,0001). Korelacija VA sa vrednostima CMT pre primenjene terapije pokazuje statističku značajnost sa negativnom korelacijom (r=-0,391; p=0,005) dok se nakon primenjene terapije ne uočava statistički značajna korelacija (r=-0,047; p=0,746). Analizom vrednosti CMT pre primenjene terapije sa vrednostima VA nakon terapije se uočava statistički značajna negativna korelacija, odnosno veće vrednosti CMT pre primenjene terapije ograničavaju pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine nakon primenjene terapije (r=-0,393; p=0,005). Evaluacija OCT tomograma, pre primenjene terapije, u pacijenata grupe A utvrđen je u potpunosti očuvan kontinuitet IS/OS kompleksa i ELM u svim presecima u 23 odnosno 27 očiju, u pojedinim presecima u 18 odnosno 16 očiju, i nije mogao biti identifikovan u 9 odnosno 7 očiju. U pacijenata grupe A nakon primenjene terapije uočava se statistički značajno pobolj&scaron;anje vrednosti VA u zavisnosti od očuvanosti kontinuiteta IS/OS kompleksa (F=5,550, p=0,007) i ELM (F=5,428, p=0,008). Univarijantna odnosno multivarjiantna analiza podataka za granične vrednosti vidnih o&scaron;trina od 0,1 i koraka pobolj&scaron;anja od 0,1 ukazuje na statističku značajnost prediktora IS/OS kompleksa (p=0,012 i p=0,032) i ELM (p=0,003 i p=0,018) u pobolj&scaron;anju vrednosti vidnih o&scaron;trina nakon primenjene terapije. Pacijenti sa očuvanim kontinuitetom IS/OS kompelsa u svim presecima imaju 9,5 puta (OR=9,500 ) veću &scaron;ansu za pobolj&scaron;anje VA nakon primenjene terapije u odnosu na pacijente gde kontinuitet IS/OS kompleksa nije uočljiv. Pacijenti sa očuvanim kontinuitetom IS/OS kompleksa u pojedinim presecima imaju 7 puta veću &scaron;ansu (OR=7,000) za pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine nakon terapije u poređenju sa onima kod kojih IS/OS nije uočljiv. Pacijenti sa očuvanim kontinuitetom ELM u svim presecima imaju 34,5 puta (OR=34,500 ) veću &scaron;ansu za pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine u odnosu na pacijente gde ELM nije uočljiv. Pacijenti sa očuvanim kontinuitetom ELM u pojedinim presecima imaju 18 puta veću &scaron;ansu (OR=18,000) za pobolj&scaron;anje VA nakon terapije u odnosu na one kod kojih ELM nije uočljiv. Pored statistički značajnog uticaja očuvanosti kontinuiteta IS/OS kompleksa i ELM na pobolj&scaron;anje vrednosti vidnih o&scaron;trina nakon primenjene terapije, uočava se i pozitvna korelacija između vidnih o&scaron;trina pre i nakon terapije (r=0,869; p=0,0001). U pacijenata grupe B srednja vrednost CMT odnosno VA iznosila je 253,72&mu;m&plusmn;75,27&mu;m odnosno 0,68&plusmn;0,29. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrednostima VA u odnosu na očuvanost kontinuiteta IS/OS kompleksa (F=107,913, p=0,0001) i ELM (F=25,619, p=0,0001). Poređenjem vrednosti parametara za obe posmatrane grupe uočava se statistički značajna razlika u vrednostima CMT koje su bile manje u grupi B (t=5,355, p=0,0001) i srednjim vrednostima VA ( t=5,137, p=0,0001) koje su bile veće u grupi B. Analizom očuvanosti kontinuiteta IS/OS kompleksa (&chi;2=0,119, p=0,730) i ELM (&chi;2=2,957, p=0,085) ne uočava se statistički značajna razlika. Zaključak: Odnos vidnih o&scaron;trina sa centralnom debljinom makule prikazuje različite vrednosti vidnih o&scaron;trina za iste vrednosti centralne debljine makule. Značajan uticaj na vidnu o&scaron;trinu pacijenata obolelih od DME ima očuvanost integriteta spolja&scaron;nje granične membrane (ELM) i spoja unutra&scaron;njeg i spolja&scaron;njeg segmenta fotoreceptora (IS/OS kompleks) evaluiranih na osnovu OCT snimka &ndash; tomograma. Očuvanost integriteta ELM i IS/OS kompleksa u svim presecima na OCT tomogramu pre primenjene terapije u pacijenta sa DME se mogu smatrati pozitivnim prognostičkim faktorom u pobolj&scaron;anju vidne o&scaron;trine nakon primenjene terapije. U pacijenata kod kojih je kontinuitet ELM i IS/OS kompleksa očuvan u svim pravcima vrednost CMT pre primenjene terapije nema uticaj na pobolj&scaron;anje vidne funkcije nakon terapije. Integritet IS/OS kompleksa i ELM ima pozitivnu korelaciju sa vidnom o&scaron;trinom bez obzira na vrstu primenjene terapije, anti-VEGF odnosno laserfotokoagulacije. Prisustvo subretinalne tečnosti ne utiče na vidnu o&scaron;trinu pacijenata obolelih od DME. Vrednosti VA pre terapije utiču na pobolj&scaron;anje vidne o&scaron;trine nakon terapije.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the central macular thickness (CMT) and the presence of sub retinal fluid on visual acuity (VA) in patients with diabetic macular edema, as well as the impact of preservation and continuity of the photoreceptor inner/outer segment junction (IS / OS - complex ) and external limiting membrane (ELM) as a prognostic factor in improving visual acuity after the applied therapy in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). Materials and Methods: this retrospective - prospective randomized clinical study included 100 patients who were divided into two groups. Group A - a prospective part of the study, consisted of 50 patients (50 eyes), with the diagnosis of diabetic macular edema in which laser photocoagulation and / or anti-VEGF therapy (bevacizumab) was indicated. Group B - retrospective group, consisted of 50 patients (58 eyes), who were previously treated for diabetic macular edema either with laser photocoagulation and / or anti-VEGF therapy (bevacizumab). After complete ophthalmologic examination, which consisted of the determination of visual acuity (measured with Snellen charts), biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure measurement and inspection of the fundus, optical coherence tomography was performed in all patients (using the Stratus&reg; OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec and Copercnicus&reg; Optopol). Analysis of OCT image, included the determination of the central macular thickness (CMT), presence of sub retinal fluid, as well as an assessment of the preservation of the continuity of the photoreceptor inner/outer segment junction (IS/OS - complex) and external limiting membrane (ELM). CMT is calculated using software of the OCT apparatus and expressed as the mean value for all 9 ETDRS fields. Presence of sub retinal fluid is classified as positive if it is identified in at least one cross-section of OCT tomogram. Preserved continuity of IS / OS complex and ELM is analyzed in each individual OCT cross-section image and divided into 3 categories. First - if it is preserved in all cross sections images, the second - if it is preserved only in certain sections and the third - if the IS / OS complex and ELM were not able to identify in OCT tomograms. The results indicate that the presence of sub retinal fluid before the applied therapy has no statistically significant effect on improving visual acuity after the applied therapy in patients of group A (pA = 0.915), and statistical significance was not also confirmed in any of the patients who were previously treated by DME - Group B (pB = 0.772). Mean CMT and VA values of patients in group A was 474&mu;m &plusmn; 140,67&mu;m and 0.25 &plusmn; 0.20. After receiving therapy mean visual acuity was 0.41 &plusmn; 0.25, while the value of the mean CMT was 343.68&mu;m&plusmn; 99.03&mu;m. Significant improvement in visual acuity was achieved after the treatment in group A (pVA = 0.0001) together with statistically significant reduction in central macular thickness (pCMT = 0.0001). Correlation of VA with the values of CMT before applied therapy shows statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.391; p = 0.005), while after the applied therapy statistical significance was not observed (r = -0.047; p = 0.746). Analyzing the values of CMT before the applied therapy with the values of VA after the treatment statistically significant negative correlation was observed, higher values of CMT before the applied therapy restrict visual acuity improvement after the applied therapy (r = -0.393; p = 0.005). Analyzing OCT tomograms in the patients in group A, before the applied therapy, fully preserved continuity of IS/OS complex and ELM in all the sections was found in 23 and 27 of the eyes, in certain sections in 18 and 16 of the eyes, and could not be identified in 9 and 7 eyes. Statistically significant improvement in VA, after the applied therapy, in patients in group A is observed, depending on the preservation of continuity of IS/OS complex (F = 5.550, p = 0.007) and ELM (F = 5.428, p = 0.008). Univariate and multivariate analysis with cut off VA value of 0.1 and step improvements of 0.1 points to statistically significant predictor of IS/OS complex (p = 0.012 and p = 0.032) and ELM (p = 0.003 and p = 0.018) in improving the VA after the applied therapy. Patients with preserved continuity of IS/OS complex in all sections are 9.5 times (OR = 9.500) more likely to improve the VA after receiving therapy compared to patients where continuity of IS/OS complex is not noticeable. Patients with preserved continuity of IS/OS complex in the some sections are 7 times more likely (OR = 7.000) for the improvement of visual acuity after treatment compared to those in which the IS/OS is not detectable. Patients with preserved continuity of ELM in all sections are 34.5 times (OR = 34,500) a greater chance to improve visual acuity compared to patients where ELM is not apparent. Patients with preserved continuity of ELM in the some sections are 18 times more likely (OR = 18,000) to improve the VA after treatment compared to those in which the ELM is not apparent. In addition to statistically significant impact of preservation of continuity of IS/OS complex and ELM for VA improvement after the treatment, statistically significant positive correlation between visual acuity before and after treatment (r = 0.869; p = 0.0001) was observed. In Group B patients, the mean CMT and VA value was 253,72&mu;m&plusmn;75,268&mu;m and 0.68 &plusmn; 0.29. There is a statistically significant difference in the VA values compared to the preservation of continuity of IS/OS complex (F = 107.913, p = 0.0001) and ELM (F = 25.619, p = 0.0001). Comparing the values of parameters for both groups, statistically significant difference in CMT values and mean VA was observed. CMT values were lower (t = 5.355, p = 0.0001) while VA values were higher (t = 5.137, p = 0.0001), in group B. The analysis of preservation of continuity of IS/OS complex (&chi;2 = 0.119, p = 0.730) and ELM (&chi;2 = 2.957, p = 0.085) did not show a statistically significant difference. Conclusion: The relationship of visual acuity with central macular thickness shows the different levels of visual acuity for the same value of the central macular thickness. A significant impact on VA in patients with DME has maintained integrity of the external limiting membrane (ELM) and the photoreceptors inner/outer segments junction (IS/OS complex) evaluated on the basis of OCT - tomograms. Preservation of the integrity of the ELM and IS/OS complex in all sections of the OCT tomogram before applied therapy in patients with DME can be considered a positive prognostic factor in improving visual acuity after receiving therapy. In patients with preserved continuity of ELM and IS/OS complex in all sections before applied therapy the CMT value has no effect on the improvement of visual function after treatment. Regardless of the type of applied therapy, anti-VEGF and/or laser photocoagulation preserved integrity of IS/OS complex and ELM has a positive correlation with visual acuity. The presence of sub retinal fluid does not affect the visual acuity in patients with DME. The values of VA before treatment influence the improvement of visual acuity after treatment.</p>

Tratamento do edema macular difuso do diabético com triancinolona intravítrea e fotocoagulação com laser de argônio / Use of intravitreal triamcinolone and laser photocoagulation for the treatment of diffuse diabetic macular edema

Saraiva, Fábio Petersen 17 March 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O edema macular difuso é uma importante causa de baixa visual em portadores de diabetes mellitus. O tratamento clássico deste tipo de retinopatia consiste na fotocoagulação, entretanto, esta terapêutica é ineficaz em muitos casos. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a eficácia do uso intravítreo da triancinolona acetonida associada à fotocoagulação com laser de argônio no tratamento do edema macular difuso diabético. Esta associação terapêutica foi comparada com o uso isolado de cada tratamento. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, realizado entre junho de 2005 e setembro de 2006, foram estudados 30 pacientes diabéticos clinicamente controlados e portadores de edema macular difuso. Estes pacientes foram alocados de forma aleatória e proporcional em um dos seguintes grupos de tratamento: (1) fotocoagulação macular em grade com laser de argônio; (2) aplicação intravítrea de 4 mg de triancinolona acetonida; (3) associação dos itens anteriores. O seguimento foi realizado em intervalos pré-determinados de um dia, uma semana e mensalmente, até completar 6 meses. Foram analisados os parâmetros: acuidade visual corrigida LogMAR; espessura macular central e volume macular total medido pela tomografia de coerência óptica; e pressão intra-ocular aferida pelo tonômetro de Goldmann. RESULTADOS: A fotocoagulação com laser não reduziu de forma estatisticamente significativa a espessura macular central (p=0,0862) e o volume macular total (p=0,11). Esta redução foi significativa e estatisticamente semelhante nos outros dois grupos (p<0,001). Todos os grupos apresentaram melhora da acuidade visual (p=0,003), entretanto, o grupo que recebeu a associação do laser com a triancinolona intravítrea, obteve maior percentagem de pacientes com ganho de 10 ou mais letras de visão no quarto e quinto mês de seguimento (p=0,026; p=0,034). A pressão intra-ocular elevou-se em 5 mmHg ou mais em 12 pacientes, sendo seis no grupo submetido apenas a triancinolona e os outros seis no grupo que recebeu a associação de tratamento (p<0,001).Todos estes casos foram bem controlados com colírio de maleato de timolol 0,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O uso simultâneo da fotocoagulação com a triancinolona intravítrea proporcionou maior ganho de linhas de visão do que o uso isolado de cada tratamento. A fotocoagulação com laser foi a única terapia que não reduziu de forma significativa a espessura e o volume macular total e, também, foi a única que não apresentou casos de hipertensão ocular durante o seguimento. / INTRODUCTION: The diffuse macular edema is an important cause of visual impairment in diabetic subjects. Laser photocoagulation is the main treatment for this disorder, however, it is not effective in a large number of patients. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of intravitreal use of triamcinolone acetonide combined with laser photocoagulation for the treatment of diffuse diabetic macular edema and we compare it with either laser alone or intra-vitreal triancinolone. METHODS: In this study, performed between june 2005 and september 2006, we studied 30 well controlled diabetic patients with diffuse macular edema. These patients were randomly divided into the following treatment groups: (1) macular grid photocoagulation; (2) intravitreal injection of 4 mg of triamcinolone acetonide; (3) combination of the two previous therapies. Follow up was scheduled at predetermined intervals of one day, one week and monthly until completion of six months. The following parameters were analyzed: LogMAR best corrected visual acuity; central macular thickness and total macular volume measured by ocular coherence tomography; and intraocular pressure assessed by Goldman\'s tonometer. RESULTS: Grid photocoagulation did not significantly reduce the central macular thickness (p=0,0862) or the total macular volume (p=0,11). On the other side, this reduction was significant and statistically similar in the others two groups (p<0,001). All groups improved the mean visual acuity (p=0,003), however, the group that received the association treatment had a higher percentage of patients gaining 10 or more letters at the fourth and fifth month of follow up (p=0,026; p=0,034). A rise in 5 or more mmHg in intraocular pressure was observed in 12 patients; half of them was in the triamcinolone group and the other half was in the group that received combined therapies (p<0,001). These cases with elevated intraocular pressure were well controlled with timolol maleate 0,5% drops. CONCLUSION: The simultaneous use of photocoagulation and intravitreal triamcinolone provided a higher gain of visual lines than the isolated use of each treatment. The laser photocoagulation was the only therapy that did not significantly reduce the macular volume and the macular thickness, however, it was also the only one that did not present cases of ocular hypertension during follow up.

"Desempenho visual na correção de miopia com óculos e lentes de contato gelatinosas" / Visual performance in myopic correction with spectacles and soft contact lenses

Andrade, Breno Barth Amaral de 24 September 2004 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o desempenho visual(DV), por meio da AV logMAR de alto contraste, sensibilidade ao contaste(SC) e análise de frentes de onda(AFO), em míopes, com óculos e três LCG. Métodos: Estudo clínico e prospectivo, em 40 indivíduos míopes(-1,00D e -4,50D). Exames: AV logMAR de alto contraste, avaliação de SC e AFO. Resultados: A AFO detectou diferença na aberração de terceira ordem sem e com as LCG.. Em relação ao nível trifoil houve diferença entre com e sem LCG. Conclusões: Na avaliação do DV com óculos e com LCG, a AFO é uma medida mais sensível da função visual que a AV LogMAR de alto contraste e a SC. / Objective: to evaluate the visual performance(VP) by Visual acuity(VA)Logmar of high contrast, sensibility of contrast(SC) and wavefront (WF) in myopic patients correct with spectacles and 3 SCL Methods: prospective clinical trial was performed in 40 myopic patients(-1,00 D and -4,50 D). Exams: VA, WF and CS. Results: The WF analysis detected a significant difference in a third order aberration with and without SCL. There was significant difference related to trefoil coefficient in VP between with and without SCL. Conclusion: In VP evaluation with spectacles and SCL the wavefront analysis was more sensible measure of VP when compared with high contrast VA Logmar and CS.

Rastreamento visual e por photoscreener em escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental / Visual acuity screening and photoscreening in school-children at the first grade of elementary school

Jesus, Daniela Lima de 29 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Aproximadamente 20% das crianças brasileiras em idade escolar apresentam algum problema oftalmológico e cerca de 95% dos distúrbios poderiam ser evitados ou minorados com promoção de saúde e assistência. A triagem visual é realizada por agentes comunitários de saúde, professores e alfabetizadores. Apesar do treinamento que os professores recebem, muitas crianças são dispensadas na triagem realizada nos serviços especializados e ainda existe um alto índice de absenteísmo, evidenciando-se a necessidade de melhorar a gestão dos recursos humanos e financeiros envolvidos no rastreamento visual e refrativo de escolares do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVOS: O estudo buscou comparar o rastreamento visual com corte de acuidade visual monocular, sem correção, <= 0,7, corte <= 0,6, medida de acuidade visual binocular e corte <= 0,7 e rastreamento refrativo com Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). O segundo objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance do SPOT como auto-refrator. MÉTODOS: Durante o Projeto Visão do Futuro, ocorrido em 2012, no HCFMUSP, avaliamos 1554 crianças, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão do estudo e destas, 148 foram submetidas ao photoscreening. RESULTADOS: A adoção de corte <= 0,6 no rastreamento visual monocular reduziria em 29% o número de crianças encaminhadas para avaliação oftalmológica e a triagem binocular com corte <= 0,7 em 41,1%, porém 61 casos de ambliopia deixariam de ser diagnosticados. O SPOT apresentou sensibilidade em detectar erro refracional com necessidade de prescrição de 73,3% e especificidade de 93,18% e, em média, a diferença da refração do Spot com a refração clínica subjetiva foi de + 0,63 DE com -0,33 DC no eixo de 4°, para o olho direito de cada paciente. CONCLUSÕES: As mudanças de corte para 0,6 e binocular 0,7 reduzem consideravelmente o número de avaliações, porém, a última deixa de diagnosticar parcela importante das crianças amblíopes. O SPOT apresentou bons índices de sensibilidade e especificidade no rastreamento refrativo em escolares e os valores de refração obtidos com este equipamento assemelham-se clinicamente aos valores de refração clínica subjetiva / BACKGROUND: Approximately 20% of brazilian children of school age have some eye problem and about 95% of the disorders could be prevented or reduced with health promotion and care. The visual screening is performed by community health agent and teachers. Despite training that teachers receive, many children are over-referred and also there\'s a high index of absence students, highlighting the need to improve the management of human and financial resources involved in visual and refractive screening of elementary school. PURPOSES: The present study aimed to compare visual screening by monocular visual acuity with cut-off of 0,7, 0,6, binocular visual acuity and cut-off 0,7 and photoscreening by Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). The second objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Spot as auto-refractor. METHODS: During the Program \"Visão do Futuro\", in 2012, at HCFMUSP, 1554 children that met the inclusion criteria were examined, 148 of these were photoscreened. RESULTS: The adoption of cut-off <= 0.6 in monocular visual screening would reduce by 29% the number of children referred for ophthalmic evaluation and binocular screening with cutting <= 0.7 to 41.1%, however 61 cases of amblyopia would not be diagnosticated. SPOT had a sensitivity to detect refractive error requiring prescription of 73.3% and specificity of 93.18%. The mean difference between refraction obtained by Spot and clinical subjective refraction was of +0.63 SD combined with -0,33 CD in the 4° axis for right eye of each patient. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing cut-off in monocular visual acuity to 0.6 or 0.7 binocular considerably reduce the number of evaluations, however, the last leaves to diagnose significant portion of amblyopic children. The SPOT showed good levels of sensitivity and specificity in refractive screening of school children and refraction values obtained with this equipment are clinically similar to the values of subjective clinical refraction

Desenvolvimento da acuidade visual de resolução de grades em prematuros durante o primeiro ano de vida : estudo eletrofisiológico pelo registro dos potenciais visuais evocados de varredura / Grating visual acuity development in preterm infants during the first year of life: an electrophysiological study using sweep visual evoked potentials

Haro, Filomena Maria Buosi de 18 August 2003 (has links)
Objetivos: determinar a acuidade visual de resolução de grades (AV) durante o primeiro ano de vida por meio dos registros dos potenciais visuais evocados de varredura em grupos de crianças nascidas prematuramente (RNPT) e a termo (RNT); comparar os valores finais da AV no grupo RNPT em relação à idade gestacional e ao desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e comparar as curvas de desenvolvimento visual entre os grupos RNPT e RNT. Casuística e métodos: Estudo realizado em 25 RNT e 36 RNPT acompanhados em ambulatório e submetidos a avaliações oftalmológica e neuropediátrica. O grupo RNPT foi dividido em subgrupos com relação a idade gestacional e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Para a medida da AV foi utilizado o aplicativo NuDIVA (\"Digital Infant Visual Assessment\") calculando-se a AV em logaritmo do mínimo ângulo de resolução (logMAR) através de curva de regressão linear, relacionando-se a amplitude do potencial do segundo harmônico à freqüência espacial linear. Na análise estatística utilizou-se método de Fischer, teste t, análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste para comparação entre retas de regressão linear simples. O nível de significância foi fixado em 0,05. Resultados: Estrabismo foi detectado em cinco crianças, todas do grupo RNPT, quatro delas com alteração neurológica (p=0,07). Erros de refração com necessidade de prescrição óptica foi encontrado em seis crianças, todas do grupo RNPT (p=0,07). A medida da AV foi obtida com sucesso em 96,4% dos casos, sendo ao final do primeiro ano de vida significativamente inferior nos RNPT com alteração neurológica (p<0,05). A medida da AV estimada ao nascimento foi maior em todos os RNPT com relação aos RNT (p<0,05) porém a velocidade de aquisição da AV foi maior no grupo RNT (p<0,05). Conclusões: A AV pôde ser facilmente determinada durante o primeiro ano de vida tanto em RNPT quanto em RNT sendo seus valores semelhantes, com exceção dos RNPT que apresentaram alteração neurológica. Todos os RNPT apresentaram desenvolvimento visual semelhante, porém, significativamente inferior ao encontrado para os RNT / Purpose: Determine the grating visual acuity (VA) of a group of preterm infants using sweep visual evoked potentials (sweep-VEP). Compare the development of VA of these infants to that of normal full-term infants, with respect to: gestational age, neuropsychomotor development and visual development. Methods: The study was conducted on 25 preterm and 36 full-term infants, with follow-up ophthalmologic and neuropediatric evaluations. The preterm infants were divided into subgroups in accordance with their gestational age and neurological development. VA was assessed using the Digital Infant Visual Assessment (NuDiva) sweep-VEP system, expressed in logMAR, and threshold grating acuities were estimated using the VEP second harmonic amplitudes, determined by a linear regression line drawn through the highest spatial frequency peak and the spatial frequency at which signal amplitude reaches the noise level. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher, Student-t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparison by simple linear regression test between the two groups. The significance level was 0.05. Results: Strabismus was detected in five preterm infants; four of these had neurological alterations (p=0.07). Prescription for refractive errors was necessary in six preterm infants (p=0.07). Grating VA was assessable in 96.4% of the infants; preterm infants with neurological alterations had significantly lower grating VA (p<0.05) at the end of the first year. Early VA scores were higher in all of the preterm infants compared to the full term infants (p<0,05) but at the end of the first year of life the VA was improving at a higher rate in the full term group (p<0.05)

Manifestações oftalmológicas e neurológicas em portadores pré-sintomáticos e sintomáticos de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 7

Azevedo, Pietro Baptista de January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 7 (SCA7) é um distúrbio neurodegenerativo autossômico dominante causado por uma repetição CAG expandida (CAGexp) no gene ATXN7, resultando na inserção de uma poliglutamina (poliQ) alongada na proteína ataxina-7. Em consequência, pacientes com SCA7 desenvolvem ataxia, espasticidade e outros sintomas neurológicos. A SCA 7 se destaca de outras SCAs por se associar à distrofia retiniana, causando deficiências visuais que podem levar à cegueira. Sendo uma das mais raras SCAs, pequenas séries de casos têm aparecido na literatura. Poucas delas buscaram correlacionar os achados neurológicos com os oftalmológicos; e a fase pré-clínica jamais foi sistematicamente investigada. Objetivo: descrever os achados neurológicos e oftalmológicos de uma coorte de casos de SCA 7, comparando as manifestações encontradas em sujeitos sintomáticos com as encontradas em portadores assintomáticos e em parentes não portadores, em uma abordagem exploratória que buscou levantar potenciais biomarcadores de progressão da doença. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal onde pacientes com diagnóstico molecular de SCA7 realizado na nossa instituição foram identificados em nossos arquivos protegidos. Tanto eles como seus parentes foram convidados a participar da presente investigação. Sujeitos em risco de 50% foram incluídos se tivessem mais de 18 anos. Após o consentimento, dados clínicos e demográficos foram coletados entre junho de 2016 e setembro de 2017. A seguir, todos os participantes realizaram uma bateria de escalas clínicas voltadas à medida da ataxia (SARA, CCFS, PATA e 8 MW) e das manifestações neurológicas (NESSCA e INAS); um questionário de qualidade de vida relacionada à visão (NEI-VFQ 25); avaliação da acuidade visual melhor corrigida (AVMC), desvio médio em campimetria computadorizada (MD) e espessuras da mácula e da camada de células ganglionares na tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT). A escala SARA e a AVMC foram escolhidas como as variáveis de referência para a gravidade dos quadros. A análise molecular do ATXN7 foi feita, mas participantes do estudo e avaliadores foram mantidos cegos para seus resultados; os indivíduos em risco interessados em receber seus resultados foram enviados para o programa de testes pré-sintomáticos. Como não houve critérios a priori para estimar tamanhos de efeito e como a SCA7 é uma condição rara, não houve como decidir um tamanho de amostra. O estudo foi exploratório e por isso não foram feitas correções para múltiplas testagens. Um p de 0,05 foi eleito para definir significância, e testes estatísticos foram aplicados de acordo com as características das variáveis em estudo. Resultados: 12 portadores sintomáticos (grupo 2) e 8 indivíduos em risco (3 portadores - grupo 1 - e 5 não-portadores - grupo 0) foram incluídos neste estudo. Todas as variáveis contínuas à exceção da CAGexp tiveram distribuição 4 normal. A AVMC estava reduzida em todos os participantes sintomáticos e claramente diferente entre estes e os outros dois grupos (p <0,0001, ANOVA), enquanto os portadores assintomáticos e os não portadores tiveram resultados semelhantes. A AVMC média foi 20/143, 20/18 e 20/20 nos grupos 2, 1 e 0, respectivamente. Não surpreendentemente, o NEI-VFQ 25 também demonstrou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, mas o que foi inesperado foi a forma progressivamente diferente entre os 3 grupos (grupo 0 = 92,76 ± 6,7; grupo 1 = 74,9 ± 55,5; grupo 2 = 58,0 ± 21,3) (p= 0,012, ANOVA com Tukey) O MD mostrou um padrão linear estatisticamente significativo para piorar do grupo controle (-1,34 ± 1,15dB) para o assintomático (-2,81 ± 1,66dB) e do grupo assintomático para sintomático (-10,54 ± 6,95dB) (p = 0,027, ANOVA com Tukey). Além disso, o MD correlacionou-se com a AVMC (p = 0,020; r = 0,660) e apresentou tendência de correlação com a SARA (p= 0,073; r= -0,535). As medidas de espessura macular distinguem completamente os 3 grupos (grupo 0 = 243,6 ± 22,2 μ; grupo 1 = 204,5 ± 14,1 μ; grupo 2 = 137,95 ± 34,6 μ) (p = 0,0001, ANOVA) e também se correlacionou significativamente com os dois critérios planejados de gravidade, SARA (p = 0,050; r = -0,577) e AVMC (p = 0,007; r = 0,730). Discussão: alterações oftalmológicas estavam presentes já nas fases pré-clínicas da doença, quando os escores obtidos das escalas neurológicas ainda não distinguem portadores assintomáticos de não portadores: a espessura macular medida por OCT e o MD medido pela campimetria computadorizada. Esses achados demonstram que o processo neurodegenerativo já se encontra em curso e é detectável por essas medidas anatômicas e funcionais da retina. Além disso, ambas as alterações detectadas em fases pré-clínicas, ao serem estudadas no grupo total de portadores sintomáticos e assintomáticos, se correlacionaram com os nossos padrões-ouro da gravidade da doença, SARA e AVMC. Os dois achados - início em fase pré-clínica e correlação com a progressão da doença medida por escores independentes - sugerem que a espessura macular medida por OCT e o MD medido pela campimetria computadorizada são potenciais candidatos a biomarcadores de estado (de progressão da doença) desde fases pré-manifestas na SCA7. / Background: spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat (CAGexp) at ATXN7 gene, resulting in the insertion of an elongated polyglutamine (polyQ) into the ataxin-7 protein. As a consequence, patients with SCA7 develop ataxia, spasticity and other neurological symptoms. SCA7 stands out from other SCAs by associating it with retinal dystrophy, causing visual deficiencies that can lead to blindness. Being one of the rarest SCAs, small series of cases appear in the literature. Few of them sought to correlate neurological findings with ophthalmologic findings; and the preclinical stage has never been systematically investigated. Objective: to describe the neurological and ophthalmological findings of a cohort of cases of SCA7, comparing the manifestations found in symptomatic subjects with those found in asymptomatic carriers and in non-carrier relatives in an approach exploratory study that sought to raise potential biomarkers of disease progression. Methods: patients with a molecular diagnosis of SCA7 performed at our institution were identified in our protected files. Both they and their relatives were invited to participate in the present investigation. Subjects at risk of 50% were included if they were older than 18 years. After consent, clinical and demographic data were collected between June 2016 and September 2017. All participants then performed a battery of clinical scales aimed at the measurement of ataxia (SARA, CCFS, PATA and 8 MW) and neurological manifestations (NESSCA and INAS); a visual function questionnaire (NEI-VFQ 25); assessment of better corrected visual acuity (AVMC), mean deviation in computerized campimetry (MD), and thickness of the macula and ganglion cell layer on OCT. The SARA and AVMC scale were chosen as the reference variables for the severity of the frames. Molecular analysis of ATXN7 was done, but study participants and evaluators were kept blind to their results; the individuals at risk interested in receiving their results were sent to the presymptomatic testing program. As there were no a priori criteria for estimating effect sizes and because SCA7 is a rare condition, there was no way to decide on a sample size. The study was exploratory and therefore no corrections were made for multiple tests. A p of 0.05 was chosen to define significance, and statistical tests were applied according to the characteristics of the variables under study. Results: 12 symptomatic carriers (group 2) and 8 individuals at risk (5 carriers - group 1 - and 3 non-carriers - group 0) were included in this study between June 2016 and September 2017. All continuous variables with the exception of CAGexp had normal distribution. AVMC was reduced in all symptomatic participants and clearly different between these and the other two groups (p <0.0001, ANOVA), while asymptomatic and non-carriers had similar results. The mean BCVA was 20/143, 20/18 and 20/20 in groups 2,1 and 6 0, respectively. Not surprisingly, NEI-VFQ 25 also showed a statistically significant difference, but what was unexpected was the progressively different form between the 3 groups (group 0 = 92.76 ± 6.7, group 1 = 74.9 ± 55, 5, group 2 = 58.0 ± 21.3) (p = 0.012, ANOVA with Tukey). The MD showed a statistically significant linear pattern to worsen from the control group (-1.34 ± 1.15dB) to the asymptomatic (-2.81 ± 1.66dB) and from the asymptomatic to the symptomatic group (-10.54 ± 6, 95dB) (p = 0.027, ANOVA with Tukey). In addition, MD correlated with AVMC (p = 0.020; r = 0.660) and showed a correlation tendency with ARDS (p = 0.073; r = -0.535). The macular thickness scores completely distinguish the 3 groups (group 0 = 243.6 ± 22.2 μ, group 1 = 204.5 ± 14.1 μ, group 2 = 137.95 ± 34.6 μ) (p = 0.0001, ANOVA ...) and also correlated significantly with the two planned criteria of severity, SARA (p = 0.050, r = -0.577) and AVMC (p = 0.007, r = 0.730). Conclusion: ophthalmologic changes were present already in the preclinical stages of the disease, when the scores obtained from the neurological scales did not yet distinguish asymptomatic non-carrier patients: macular thickness measured by OCT and MD measured by computerized campimetry. These findings demonstrate that the neurodegenerative process is already underway and is detectable by these anatomical and functional measures of the retina. In addition, both changes detected in preclinical stages, when studied in the total group of symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers, correlated with our gold standard of disease severity, SARA and AVMC. The two findings - pre-clinical onset and correlation with disease progression measured by independent scores - suggest that the macular thickness measured by OCT and MD as measured by computerized campimetry are potential candidates for disease biomarkers (disease progression) from pre-manifest stages in SCA7.

Rastreamento visual e refrativo em crianças pré-escolares de 4 a 6 anos de idade / Visual acuity and refractive screenings in preschool children between 4-6 years old

Villela, Flávio Fernandes 13 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O relacionamento com o mundo exterior é feito fundamentalmente através da visão, de modo que qualquer anormalidade na função visual das crianças pré-escolares pode levar à dificuldade no aprendizado e no relacionamento social, assim como queda de rendimento nas atividades físicas e intelectuais. O Sistema Único de Saúde ainda não se estruturou para o atendimento oftalmológico do pré-escolar e os rastreamentos visuais realizados nas escolas são, às vezes, a única chance de detecção dos problemas visuais nesta população. OBJETIVOS: Detectar erros de refração não corrigidos e fatores causadores de ambliopia em uma população de préescolares com 4 - 6 anos de idade, por meio de rastreamento visual (medida da AV com a tabela de Snellen) e refrativo (medida do erro refrativo sem e com cicloplegia com o Spot(TM) Vision Screener). MÉTODOS: 97 crianças préescolares matriculadas em creches municipais e estaduais foram submetidas a rastreamento visual (ponto de corte: AV monocular <= 0,7 e/ou diferença duas linhas de Snellen entre os olhos) e rastreamento refrativo (ponto de corte: hipermetropia >= 3,00 D, miopia >= 0,75 D e astigmatismo >= 0,75 D). Todas as crianças foram submetidas a exame oftalmológico completo e mensuração do erro refrativo com cicloplegia com o refrator automático Topcon KR 8000. RESULTADOS: O método de rastreamento visual com tabela optométrica de Snellen apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 58,6% e 64,7%. O método de rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) Vision Screener apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 92,8% e 35,2% (sem cicloplegia) e 96,4% e 29,4% (com cicloplegia). Os percentuais estimados do não encaminhamento para exame oftalmológico completo das crianças com erros de refração acima do ponto de corte estabelecido foram: 46,4% para o rastreamento visual, 17,9% para o rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) sem cicloplegia e de 3,6% com o Spot(TM) com cicloplegia. CONCLUSÃO: Na população avaliada, o método de triagem refrativa pelo Spot(TM) Vision Screener com cicloplegia foi o mais efetivo / BACKGROUND: Contacting the outside world is fundamentally made through vision, so that any abnormalities in visual function of preschool children can lead to difficulty in learning and social networking, as well as income decline in physical and intellectual activities. Brazilian Health System (SUS) has not yet structured to preschool eye care and visual scans performed in schools are sometimes the only chance of detection of visual problems in this population. PURPOSES: Detect uncorrected refractive errors and factors that lead to ambliopia in a population of preschool children 4-6 years of age by visual screening (as visual acuity with the Snellen chart) and refractive (measurement of refractive error, without cicloplegia and under cicloplegia, by photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener). METHODS: 97 preschool children enrolled in state and municipal schools were subjected to visual screening (cut-off: monocular visual acuity <= 0.7 and / or difference of two lines in Snellen chart between both eyes) and refractive screening (cut-off: hyperopia >= 3.00 D, myopia >= 0.75 D and astigmatism >= 0.75 D). All children underwent complete eye examination and measurement of refractive errors under cycloplegia with auto-refractor Topcon KR 8000. RESULTS: Visual screening method using chart Snellen had values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 58.6% and 64.7%. Refractive screening method using photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener showed values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 92.8% and 35.2% (without cycloplegia), and 96.4% and 29.4% (under cycloplegia). The estimated percentage of non-referral to complete ophthalmologic examination of children with refractive errors above the cut-off point were 46.4% for the visual screening, 17.9% for the refractive screening with Spot(TM) without cycloplegia and 3.6 % with Spot(TM) under cycloplegia. CONCLUSION: In this population, the refractive screening method by Spot(TM) Vision Screener under cycloplegia was the most effective

Développement et validation d'un nouveau dispositif expérimental mobile, automatisé et autonome, permettant d'analyser les capacités cognitives de primates non humains vivant en groupes sociaux / Development and validation of a new mobile, automated and autonomous experimental device to measure cognitive abilities of non-human primates living in social groups

Fizet, Jonas 22 November 2016 (has links)
Les avancées scientifiques sont de plus en plus dépendantes de l’évolution des technologies et des approches expérimentales. Dans la continuité des travaux initiés par Fagot, nous avons développé un nouveau dispositif expérimental permettant l’étude des capacités cognitives de singes vivant en groupes sociaux. Cet outil est automatisé, portable, muni d’un système d’apprentissage autonome, et il permet aux singes de réaliser plusieurs tâches cognitives en parallèle. Ce design expérimental nous a permis, pour la première fois, d’étudier l’évolution conjointe de différentes fonctions cognitives sur une échelle de temps réduite. Nos résultats révèlent un apprentissage des tâches rapide par les sujets qui présentent en outre des performances élevées et stables dans le temps. Ces travaux ouvrent ainsi des perspectives prometteuses à travers une utilisation de cet outil dans le cadre d’études i) sur les bases sous-jacentes à des processus cérébraux complexes, ii) sur les liens entre différentes fonctions cognitives, ou encore iii) pharmaceutiques, testant les l’effets de molécules sur une ou plusieurs fonctions cognitives simultanément. / Scientific advances are increasingly dependent on the evolution of both technologies and experimental approaches. Following on from Fagot's research, we developed a new experimental device to study cognitive abilities in nonhuman primates living in social groups. This tool is automated, portable, equipped with an autonomous self-learning system, and it allows the subjects to perform several complex cognitive tasks concurrently. This experimental design allowed us, for the first time, to study the co-evolution of different cognitive functions on a small time scale. Our results reveal the subjects learned the tasks rules rapidly and additionally they archieved high and stable performances over time. This developmental work thus opens up new investigation prospects in cognition for studies interested in i) the underlying bases of cerebral complex processes, ii) the links between several cognitive functions, or iii) testing the effects of drugs on one or more cognitive functions concurrently.

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