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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dois tempos, uma medida: o cotidiano de Engenheiro Marsilac / Two times, a measure: the daily life of Engenheiro Marsilac

Joelma Melo da Silva 27 April 2016 (has links)
A representação da cidade como um território densamente construído, estruturado pela intensidade da velocidade, da tecnologia, de modos de vida embasados na brevidade dos contatos, entre pessoas e entre pessoas e o espaço, não dá conta de explicar as diferenças encontradas ao se percorrer os vários espaços da cidade. Nos limites do território urbano, mais especificamente no extremo sul da cidade de São Paulo, deparamos com Engenheiro Marsilac, um bairro situado dentro de uma área de proteção ambiental, onde os modos de vida mesclam elementos de um passado tradicional com a modernidade proveniente da circularidade de pessoas, da comunicação e das mercadorias. Ademais, acrescenta-se aos mesmos, o convívio direto com áreas naturais, onde a preservação vai além do discurso, sendo incorporada no conjunto de práticas cotidianas. Neste contexto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi o de compreender essas relações sociais e as articulações espaciais presentes no dia a dia desse bairro. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa etnográfica que muitas vezes se estendeu para além da circunscrição do bairro, ao seguir os trajetos dos moradores pelos espaços da cidade. / The representation of the city as a densely territory built, structured by the intensity of speed, technology, ways of life grounded in the earliest contacts between people and between people and space, does not account to explain the differences when you go through the several areas of the city. Within the limits of the urban territory, more specifically at the south end of the city of São Paulo, you arrive to a Engenheiro Marsilac, a neighborhood located within a protected area where lifestyles mixed elements of a traditional past with modernity from the circularity people, communication and goods. Moreover, it adds up to, the direct contact with natural areas where the preservation goes beyond speech, being incorporated into the set of daily practices. In this context, the objective of this research was to understand these social relations and spatial joints present on the day of that neighborhood. For both held an ethnographic research that often extended beyond the neighborhood boundaries to follow the paths of residents through the spaces of the city.

A decoração nas residências de elite: a produção material e simbólica dos espaços da casa / The home decoration of the elites: the material and symbolic production of the house\'s spaces

Denise Adell de Freitas Guimarães 09 November 2010 (has links)
Este estudo analisa e compara a decoração de interiores residenciais em setores da elite paulistana. A investigação desta prática é entendida como reveladora das suas funções sociais, tal como sua capacidade de afirmar posições sociais, expressar identidades, poder de consumo, e produzir distinções sociais no espaço físico da casa. O exame da dimensão material e simbólica destes espaços se dá através de entrevistas com moradores e do registro fotográfico dos interiores visitados. Outras duas fontes de informações contribuem ainda para esta análise: edições recentes de revistas sobre decoração de interiores em circulação no mercado editorial brasileiro, e entrevistas qualitativas com profissionais especializados em decoração residencial que trabalham para as elites paulistanas. A investigação do papel destas mídias no processo de produção dos espaços residenciais contemporâneos e das suas recepções pelos moradores entrevistados, juntamente à análise das percepções destes profissionais sobre as demandas de seus clientes, contribuem para a compreensão dos diversos aspectos da decoração de interiores tal como ela se apresenta no mundo de hoje. / This study compares and analyses domestic interior decoration within sectors of the elites from the city of São Paulo. The investigation of such practice is here understood as one revealing of its social functions, as its capacities in affirming social positions, expressing identities, power of consumption, and producing social distinctions in the physical space of the home. The examination of the material and symbolic dimension of those spaces is accomplished trough interviews with residents and the photographic recording of the visited interiors. Two other sources of information also contribute to this analysis: recent editions of Brazilian magazines specialized in home decoration, and qualitative interviews with professionals dedicated to interior decoration who works for the São Paulos elites. The investigation of the role of these medias in the process of production of contemporary domestic interiors and its receptions from the interviewed residents along with the analysis of the perceptions of these professionals regarding the requirements of their clients contribute to the comprehension of the diversity of aspects of the interior decoration.

Consumo popular, fluxos globais: práticas, articulações e artefatos na interface entre a riqueza e a pobreza / Popular consumption, global flows: habits, joints and artefacts on the interface between wealth and poverty

Claudia D'Ipolitto de Oliveira Sciré 21 September 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre as práticas de consumo dos moradores de uma região situada na periferia paulistana e busca compreender os impactos sociais que o acesso aos espaços e bens de consumo gera nos modos de vida do mundo popular. Partindo de um exercício etnográfico multi-situado, pretende-se mostrar o quanto o advento da financeirização, a partir da proliferação dos mecanismos de concessão de crédito, acarreta efeitos reestruturadores em suas práticas cotidianas, no gerenciamento do orçamento doméstico, nas hierarquias familiares, nas relações de sociabilidade e nos modos de subjetivação, engendrando reconfigurações substantivas no universo popular. / This work intents to be a study about the consumption habits of the habitants of a slum area in São Paulo and tries to comprehend the social effects generated in their lives by the access to the consumptions places and goods. The aim is to show, within a multi-sited ethnographic exercise, that the financial operations, through the diffusion of credit concession mechanisms, engender particular effects that restructure the daily habits, the domestic budget, the familiar hierarchies, the relations of sociability and the subjective manners.

Radiojornalismo: compartilhamento e expressividades no ciberespaço / Radio Journalism: new ways of expressions and media sharing over the cyberspace

Tavares Junior, Carlos Augusto 20 September 2013 (has links)
O compartilhamento de informação radiojornalística representa um fenômeno contemporâneo observado nas redes virtuais que envolvem a divulgação e uma produção de mídia pessoal, baseada na experiência subjetiva. Desta forma, emergem novas formas de expressividades a partir da dinâmica da interatividade, característica ressaltada por Gisela Swetlana Ortriwano sobre o debate acerca das manifestações radiofônicas. As redes redefinem as pautas e, assim, a cobertura radiojornalística. Também se pretende estudar a constatação de uma expressão alternativa, segmentada em nichos diante de um padrão radiofônico que não supre diversos perfis, a se destacar os conteúdos on demand. Entretanto, observa-se que dificuldades de acesso que inviabilizam o modelo convencional. Neste contexto, torna-se essencial detectar as possibilidades de expansão das relações humanas sociais a partir de redes cibernéticas, ou seja, se o compartilhamento de notícias contribui para a ampliação de repertório informativo. A metodologia adotada nesta pesquisa constitui-se de diferentes estudos de caso sobre comunidades virtuais (weblogs, portais de emissoras de rádio eletromagnético e serviços de compartilhamento com estímulo à produção coletiva), com base em estudiosos que tentam investigar os processos de troca de ideias, materiais e construção de conhecimento por meio das expressividades do usuário que também assume um papel inato de interator. Para isso, a pesquisa bibliográfica pretende discutir teoricamente o compartilhamento de informação radiofônica, em um primeiro momento, relacionando os principais autores do rádio, como Brecht e Benjamin, com autores do ciberespaço - Howe, Lévy e Castells; bem como do tema da contemporaneidade, a fim de discutir assuntos como a convivência e o diálogo diante do fenômeno da convergência, tratando da Internet se estendendo para o rádio. Por fim, estima-se que o estabelecimento de uma discussão sobre exemplos de compartilhamento de material radiojornalístico e a expressividade dos usuários através de redes virtuais possa abarcar tendências contemporâneas na produção de radiojornalismo e tentar compreender as reais possibilidades da adoção de níveis mais complexos de interação na troca constante dos papéis falante-ouvinte e vice-versa. Então, a premissa a ser debatida divide-se em duas etapas: pautas participativas e, por fim, a produção de notícias em um contexto em que o ato de reportar se trata de uma manifestação a ser realizada por qualquer pessoa, remetendo à tese de Nelson Traquina que incumbe ao jornalista a função de mediador de fatos, com foco na objetividade. Essa pesquisa propõe uma busca sobre as novas plataformas rádio. / Radio Journalism information sharing from virtual networks involves new ways of producing and diffusion on a personal media within subjective own experiences. So, the interactivity fosters different forms of expression, as Gisela Swetlana Ortriwano has argued, concerning the public radio debates. The networks redefine the journalism agendas and thus, the radio journalism covering. Hence, to study some alternative expression evidences, scattered at marginal media niches in front of main radio standards, which does not supplies different listener profiles, for instance, on demand media. Furthermore, there are some access difficulties to the radio\'s classic standard. However, the possibilities of social human interaction among the cybernetic networks are detected; the public relations increase insofar as radio journalism media sharing favours each one information index. This research development adopted as methodology some different case studies about virtual neighbourhoods (as weblogs, radio station\'s portals and media sharing cybernetic services with fostering the crowd production), supported by some existent thesis, argued by media experts that have investigated the ideas and material sharing within the knowledge building through the recorded expression of the networks user, from this point, acquires the interaction role. Then, the literature review intents to deal theoretically the radio journalism and information media sharing by connecting the main radio writers, such Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin, with some cyberspace literacy (Howe, Lévy and Castells) among the contemporary discussions in order to tackle the dialogues and acquaintance in front of convergence phenomena, specially for dealing the Internet support the radio. At least, it is intended to establish a discussion that concerns examples of radio journalism material sharing and user expressions through the virtual network would comprise some contemporary trends on media production and attempt to perceive the real chances of interaction most complex level trades between the roles of speaker and listener. Therefore, this premise is split at two steps: crowded journalism agendas and crowded radio reporting. Hence, the act of report some occurrence as a way of expression which can be done by any person, and, according to Nelson Traquina\'s thesis, when the journalist has the task of mediator, focused at objectivity. This research brings the purpose to inquiry some possibilities under new radio platforms.

Texto Brincado: O Jogo como Movimento de Construção da Aprendizagem Significativa do Ator em Formação / -

Silva, Silvia de Paula e 17 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa nasce na vontade de sistematizar uma experiência com o jogo teatral e suas variações, em função da prática teatral no trabalho de formação de atores iniciantes. O percurso se dá no encontro da necessidade de explorar o processo de criação e a apropriação do texto dramático em seu primeiro contato com a obra. Proponho articular os instrumentos de condução do trabalho a partir do foco na \"espontaneidade\" como potência para a mobilização do instante da criação cênica. No universo do lúdico, investiguei o sentido e a veracidade da potência do jogo teatral no processo de criação e na relação outra do ator com o texto dramático, analisando as possibilidades positivas e negativas da experiência vivida. Assim, monta-se uma prática reflexiva que mantém ativo o impulso advindo da efemeridade da espontaneidade, a força da imaginação e como tudo se relaciona no processo de criação do ator iniciante. / This search is born from the need of a development action by the drama scene at the beginners performers shaping. There is an indispensable link between the creation process improvement and the drama topic preparation at the prime rehearsal. However, in my point of view, it is important to manage direction ways of the labor by the individual natural gifts to act powerfully at the play. Inside the playful universe I found out the real sense of this theater power reconnaissance at the creation process and the characters link with the drama topic. The real experience showed me results with advantages and disadvantages. From now on, I create an analysis habit to encourage an action belonging to the natural ephemerality, the creativity and how everything is attached to the beginner performer creation process.

Caminhos e descaminhos: a ferrovia e a rodovia no bairro Barcelona em Sorocaba/SP / Roads and Embezzlements: Railroad and the Highway in the Barcelona Village in Sorocaba/São Paulo

Ribeiro, Emerson 04 September 2006 (has links)
Este estudo problematiza a produção espacial de um bairro mediante os caminhos que nele chegam, como a ferrovia e a rodovia. Procura discutir como os caminhos que favoreceram o processo de industrialização e urbanização, sendo resultado das relações de produção de uma sociedade. Assim, o estabelecimento de uma sociedade num dado local advém também da importância dos caminhos criados e elaborados socialmente para esse fim, dando uma continuidade e interferindo nas relações de produção em seu sentido mais amplo: da vida, de mercadorias, de espaços. Esse movimento possibilita a reprodução das esferas produtivas, fazendo parte da sociedade urbana e industrial. Num tempo próprio do bairro, no caso o Bairro Barcelona na cidade de Sorocaba-SP, este tem seu cotidiano transformado ao mesmo tempo em que essa escala do lugar faz parte de um movimento de reprodução do capital que articula outras escalas. Entender esse processo exige que se discuta a expansão da cidade, bem como de sua centralidade e como, ao mesmo tempo, se fragmentam e articulam os espaços, transformando a realidade local. / This study shows the problem in the space production of a neighborhood by means of the roads that arrive in it, as the railroad and the highway. It tries to discuss as the roads that favored the industrialization process and urbanization, being resulted of the relationships of production of a society. Thus, the establishment of a society in a dice local came also of the roads servants\' importance and elaborated socially for that end, giving a continuity and interfering in the production relationships in its wider sense: of the life, of goods, of spaces. That movement facilitates the reproduction of the productive spheres, being part of the urban and industrial society. In an own time of the neighborhood, in the case the Barcelona Village in the city of Sorocaba-SP, this has its daily one transformed at the same time in that that scale from the position is part of a movement of reproduction of the capital that articulates other scales. To understand that process demands to discusses the expansion of the city, as well as of its centrality and as, at the same time, how the spaces are fragmented and articulated, transforming the local reality.

Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Research Collaborations: Exploring Ways of Thinking using a Mixed Methods Approach

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: There has been a growing emphasis on the education of future generations of engineers who will have to tackle complex, global issues that are sociotechnical in nature. The National Science Foundation invests millions of dollars in interdisciplinary engineering education research (EER) to create an innovative and inclusive culture aimed at radical change in the engineering education system. This exploratory research sought to better understand ways of thinking to address complex educational challenges, specifically, in the context of engineering-social sciences collaborations. The mixed methods inquiry drew on the ways of thinking perspectives from sustainability education to adapt futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking to the context of EER. Using the adapted framework, nine engineer-social scientist dyads were interviewed to empirically understand conceptualizations and applications of futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking. The qualitative results informed an original survey instrument, which was distributed to a sample of 310 researchers nationwide. Valid responses (n = 111) were analyzed to uncover the number and nature of factors underlying the scales of futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking. Findings illustrate the correlated, multidimensional nature of ways of thinking. Results from the qualitative and quantitative phases were also analyzed together to make recommendations for policy, teaching, research, and future collaborations. The current research suggested that ways of thinking, while perceived as a concept in theory, can and should be used in practice. Futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking, when used in conjunction could be an important tool for researchers to frame decisions regarding engineering education problem/solution constellations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Learning, Literacies and Technologies 2019

Mitologia brasileira e psicologia analítica: experiência de campo, alteridade e modos de vida / Brazilian Mythology and analytical psychology: field experience, otherness and ways of lif

Guimarães, Flora Cardoso de Oliveira 12 December 2018 (has links)
Ao buscar histórias ligadas à mitologia brasileira em algumas comunidades no Norte do Brasil, a presente pesquisa realizou uma escuta que permite relacioná-las a aspectos de modos de vida, criando um paralelo entre o contexto da experiência de campo e o contexto de vida contemporânea na cidade de São Paulo, no qual a pesquisadora se insere. Como suporte teórico, utiliza a abordagem da psicologia analítica, que contribui tanto para a compreensão e análise simbólica dos mitos e de sua relevância em cada contexto, como para a elaboração da experiência de campo. Outro ponto importante da pesquisa foi retomar aspectos da história do Brasil que originaram o povo brasileiro. O encontro inicial entre portugueses e índios foi determinante para que histórias que fazem parte deste trabalho, como a da Curupira, da Yara e da Cobra Grande se constituíssem. Autores da psicologia analítica, em que se destaca Roberto Gambini, permitiram tal retomada, ao desenvolverem trabalhos que se inserem de modo mais amplo dentro do tema pesquisado. Por fim, é apresentada uma contribuição que se insere no âmbito da psicologia analítica ao considerar dimensões da cultura brasileira que podem ser aproveitados para refletir sobre aspectos simbólicos do coletivo e da cultura, e estabelecendo algumas relações com outras áreas do conhecimento / In searching of stories related to brazilian mythology in some communities in north of Brazil, the present research accomplishes to gather narratives that allows them to be related with ways of life and creates a parallel between the context of the field experience and São Paulos contemporary life context, which is the researcher is immersed. The Analytical psychology is taken as the theoretical background which contributes both to comprehension and symbolic analysis of the myths and your relevance in each context, as well as to the elaboration of the field experience. Another relevant aspect of the reasearch is to capture views/features of the brasilian history in which the brazilian people was originated. The initial encounter between Portuguese an Indians was decisive for the existence of stories that form part of this work, such as curupira, yara and the big snake. Analytical psychologys authors, in which Roberto Gambini stands out, allowed this point, by developing a line of work which partake in this reasearchs theme in a wider sense. Finally, this research hopes to have contributed, within the field of analytical psychology, in considering dimensions of Brazilian culture that can be taken into consideration to reflect on symbolic aspects of the collective and the culture, and establishing some relations with other areas of knowledge

A gendered self or a gendered context? A social identity approach to gender differences

Ryan, Michelle K., M.Ryan@exeter.ac.uk January 2003 (has links)
This thesis examines the way in which traditional accounts of gender differences in the self-concept have relied on distal explanatory factors, and have thus conceptualised the gendered self as stable across both time and situation. This notion of a stable, gendered self has been implicated as underlying of a range of psychological gender differences (e.g., Cross & Madson, 1997), such as those in moral reasoning (e.g., Gillian, 1982) and ways of knowing (e.g., Belenky et al., 1989). As a result, these behaviours are also seen to be stable across time and context.¶ An alternative perspective is investigated, which looks to social identity theory and self-categorisation theory for a conceptualisation of both gender and the self-concept as being malleable and context-dependent (e.g., Turner et al., 1987). The social identity perspective describes the way in which proximal aspects of the social context affect the expression of gender-related behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs. In this way, the social identity perspective provides an analysis of group membership, group norms, and social influence which can not only account for the differences that are observed between men and women, but can also offer an analysis of the context-dependence of these difference and an approach by which gender differences can be mollified.¶ A series of nine empirical studies are reported, investigating the way in which individuals (a) define themselves, (b) approach moral reasoning, and (c) approach knowledge and learning, across a number of different social contexts. Together, the results suggest that the self-concept, moral orientation, and ways of knowing are neither stable nor inherently gendered, but are malleable and dependent on the nature of the self-other relationship as defined by the proximal aspects of the social context. The implications for traditional theories of gender differences are discussed, as are the broader implications for feminism and social change.

Design and Characterisation of A SynchronousCo-Axuak Double Magnetron Sputtering System

Aijaz, Asim January 2009 (has links)
<p>High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is a novel pulsed power technique. In HiPIMS, high power pulses are applied to the target for short duration with a low duty factor. It provides a high degree of ionization of the sputtered material (in some cases up to 90%) and a high plasma density (10<sup>19</sup> m<sup>-3</sup>) which results in densification of the grown films. Recently a large side-transport of the sputtered material has been discovered, meaning that the sputtered material is transported radially outwards, parallel to the cathode surface. In this research, we use this effect and study the side-ways deposition of thin films. We designed a new magnetron sputtering system, consisting of two opposing magnetrons with similar polarity. Ti films were grown on Si using the side-ways transport of the sputtered material. Scanning electron microscope was employed to investigate the microstructure of the grown films. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) measurements were made for investigating the ionized fraction of the sputtered material while Langmuir probe measurements were made for evaluating the plasma parameters such as electron density. The conclusion is that the system works well for side-ways deposition and it can be useful for coating the interior of cylindrically shaped objects. It is a promising technique that should be used in industry.</p>

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