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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude in vivo / in vitro de l'effet de la zéaralénone sur l'expression de transporteurs ABC majeurs lors d'une exposition gestationnelle ou néonatale / In vivo / in vitro effect of zearalenone on major ABC transporters after gestational or neonatal exposure

Koraichi, Farah 20 December 2012 (has links)
La zéaralénone (ZEN) est une mycotoxine produite par des Fusarium qui contaminent les cultures céréalières. Oestrogéno-mimétique et perturbateur endocrinien, ses effets toxiques concernent l'appareil reproducteur. En amont de l'évaluation du risque lié à une exposition à de faibles doses de ZEN, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'effet de la ZEN sur le niveau d'expression de transporteurs ABC majeurs. Ces pompes d'efflux sont présentes dans les barrières de l'organisme (notamment les barrières testiculaires et placentaires) où elles jouent un rôle dans la protection des tissus contre la toxicité de leurs substrats xénobiotiques. Dans ce travail nous avons d'abord caractérisé le métabolisme et la distribution tissulaire de la ZEN chez le rat, puis avons évalué son effet respectivement à court et long terme sur l'expression des transporteurs ABC après une exposition gestationnelle et néonatale. Nos résultats mettent en évidence des différences de comportement toxicocinétique de la ZEN en fonction du genre et du statut hormonal, et une réelle exposition fœtale et néonatale via la mère. La ZEN module l'expression des transporteurs ABC majeurs in vivo (dans les organes maternels, le foie foetal, le testicule du jeune adulte exposé J1-J5). Les résultats obtenus sur modèles in vitro (lignées sertolienne et placentaire) suggèrent que ces modulations sont liées en partie à l'interaction de la ZEN avec les récepteurs aux oestrogènes. Les conséquences d'une modulation de l'expression des transporteurs ABC induite par la ZEN pourraient être dramatiques pour le développement et la santé des individus à l'âge adulte et doivent être évaluées / Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium that infect cereal crops. This Estrogenmimetic and endocrine disruptor affects the reproductive system. Upstream of the risk assessment of exposure to low doses of ZEN, we are interested in the effect of ZEN on the expression level of major ABC transporters. These efflux pumps are present in the barriers of organism (including testicular and placental barriers), where they protect tissues against the toxicity of their xenobiotic substrates. In this work, we first characterized the metabolism and tissue distribution of ZEN in rat and then evaluated respectively its short and long-term effect on ABC transporters expression after gestational and neonatal exposure. Our results highlight differences in the toxicokinetic behavior of ZEN by gender and hormonal status, and fetal and neonatal real exposure via the mother. ZEN modulates the expression of major ABC transporters in vivo (in the maternal organs, fetal liver, testis of young adult exposed J1-J5). The results of in vitro models (sertoli and placental cell lines) suggest that these variations are partly due to the interaction of ZEN with the estrogen receptors. The consequences of expression modulations of ABC transporters induced by ZEN could be dramatic for the development and health of individuals in adulthood and should be evaluated

Implication de l’Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-I), secrété par le microenvironnement tumoral, dans la survie et la chimiorésistance des cellules cancéreuses / the role of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) secreted by tumoral microenvironment, in survival and drug resistance cancer cells

Benabbou, Nadia 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le microenvironnement, composé de différents éléments cellulaires et de la matrice extracellulaire, joue un rôle primordial dans le développement tumoral et la dissémination métastatique. Ainsi, l’étude de ces interactions cellulaires est importante pour que des thérapies ciblées luttent contre la chimiorésistance des cellules tumorales. Ce travail de thèse a pour but d’étudier le rôle du facteur de croissance IGF-I dans la chimiorésistance des cellules du cancer de l’ovaire et des leucémies myéloïdes présente au sein du microenvironnement.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence que la chimiorésistance des cellules du cancer de l’ovaire, acquise grâce aux cellules hôtes (hospicells), est liée à la sécrétion de IGF-I par ces cellules. Nous avons également montré que IGF-I est impliqué dans la régulation de certains gènes ABC (MDR-1, MRP1, MRP2, et BCRP) via les voies de STAT3, Jak2, PI3K et ERK.Dans les leucémies myéloïdes, nous avons montré que IGF-I a un effet sur la prolifération des cellules tumorales. Il induit l’expression de la protéine P-gp ainsi que la chimiorésistance des cellules sensibles à la chimiothérapie. Nous avons également déterminé le rôle de IGF-I dans la résistance des cellules leucémiques en présence des hospicells. Ces dernières ont une activité hyperangiogénique in vivo, lié à l’HIF-1 et au VEGF, et inhibent les réponses immunes des lymphocytes T par production de NO.Nous avons déterminé le rôle crucial de MMP-9 dans la migration des cellules résistantes du cancer du sein exprimant la protéine P-gp et dans la formation d’un réseau tubulaire, suggérant un lien existant entre l’expression de P-gp et de MMP-9. / The microenvironment, composed of several cellular elements and extracellular matrix, plays an important role in tumor development and metastasis. Thus, the study of these interactions is important for cell targeted therapies fighting against chemoresistant tumor cells. This thesis aims to investigate the role of growth factor IGF-I in the chemoresistance of ovarian cancer cells and myeloid leukemia, present in the microenvironment.As a first step, we demonstrated that drug resistance of ovarian cancer cells gained by host cells (hospicells) is related to the secretion of IGF-I by these cells. We have also demonstrated that IGF-I is involved in the regulation of genes ABC (MDR-1, MRP1, MRP2, and BCRP) via STAT3, Jak2, PI3K et ERK signaling pathways.In myeloid leukemia, we have shown that IGF-I has an effect on cell proliferation. It induces the expression of P-gp protein and chemoresistance of cells sensitive to chemotherapy. We also determined the role of IGF-I in the resistance of leukemic cells in the presence of hospicells. These cells have an in vivo hyperangiogenic activity, related to HIF-1 and VEGF, and inhibit immune responses of T cells by NO production.We determined the crucial role of MMP-9 in resistant cells migration of breast cancer expressing P-gp protein and in the formation of a tubular network, suggesting a link between the expression of P-gp and MMP-9.

Optimalizace skladových zásob hotových výrobků v LASSELSBERGER, s.r.o. / Optimization of inventory of finished products in LASSELSBERGER Ltd.

Blažíček, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with minimizing of the inventory of finished products in the ceramic industry. To reduce inventory the ABC and XYZ analysis was used for the sorting of products into the groups and particular ways were suggested to reduce inventories of finished products. In the theoretical part are described the theoretical assumptions for inventory management issues such as costs, demand, or different methods of inventory management. Then the technological process of production of ceramic tiles follows. In the practical part, entire knowledge of the theory is applied to the problems of ceramic tiles production in LASSELSBERGER, Ltd. It concerns specifically about 1284 products analyzed by using ABC and XYZ methods. Proposed methods and their effect on saving of storage space (storage space saving) were compared afterwards. The result of the work is a comprehensive product portfolio analysis of LASSELSBERGER, Ltd. indicating to company management, which economy measures will ensure the highest costs saving.

Eficiência da produção da pastagem e potencial de intensificação da pecuária bovina no estado de São Paulo: instrumentos para avaliação e proposição de políticas públicas / Efficiency of pasture production and potential of cattle raising intensification in the state of São Paulo: tools for evaluation and proposal of public policies

Marcela Almeida de Araujo 02 July 2018 (has links)
Em um contexto global de aumento da demanda por produtos agrícolas, especialmente de proteína animal, concomitante às mudanças climáticas e escassez de áreas para expansão agrícola, o processo de intensificação sustentável da pecuária é colocado como um importante \"piloto\" frente às políticas públicas setoriais. O Plano ABC, exemplo deste tipo de política pública, destina recursos através do Programa ABC para a recuperação de pastagens degradadas. A identificação de pastagens degradadas se dá através de indicadores de baixa produtividade da pecuária, principalmente pautados na baixa lotação animal. Esta premissa nem sempre é verdadeira, pois há áreas com baixa capacidade de suporte, em função de limitações físicas, mas que não se encontram necessariamente degradadas. A utilização de modelos biofísicos de crescimento de forragem é uma possível alternativa de abordagem à problemática, que pode auxiliar na identificação espacial de áreas onde a pecuária poderia se intensificar sem implicar em impactos ambientais, de modo a melhor direcionar políticas públicas que busquem estimular este processo. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar para o estado de São Paulo a eficiência na produção e o yield gap (lacuna de produtividade) explorável da pastagem via modelagem mecanística para identificar as áreas com maior potencial de intensificação da pecuária e compará-las com a geografia de aplicação do crédito agrícola do Programa ABC para recuperação de pastagens degradadas. O estudo foi organizado da seguinte forma: a primeira parte (Capítulo 2) apresenta uma discussão acerca das áreas de pastagem com maior potencial de incremento de produtividade com base nas simulações no CROPGRO Perennial Forage para crescimento da pastagem de modo a definir a eficiência produtiva e os yield gaps da pastagem para o estado de São Paulo; a segunda parte (Capítulo 3) traz a análise de desempenho do Programa ABC em relação à aplicação desse recurso para recuperação de pastagem degradada (RPD), ou seja, avaliar se o crédito está sendo aplicado em regiões de maior potencial para incremento de produtividade, com base nos valores de yield gap explorável encontrados anteriormente. A eficiência média atual da produção de pastagens (razão entre produtividade real e produtividade atingível) encontrada via simulação no estado de São Paulo foi de 46,4% e um yield gap médio explorável de 5,8 Mg.ha-1.ano-1 de biomassa úmida. Estes resultados indicam que há um significativo espaço para incremento de produtividade das pastagens neste estado. A priorização de áreas de maior yield gap para intensificação pode contribuir para a redução da pressão por abertura de novas áreas de pastagem em locais com baixo potencial produtivo, áreas estas que podem ser ocupadas para produção agrícola ou para a regularização ambiental, evitando a expansão do desmatamento. O presente estudo buscou contribuir, através de resultados em escala estadual, para futuros estudos em escala nacional, mostrando que o uso de modelos mecanísticos como o CROPGRO Perennial Forage podem ser instrumentos de grande utilidade na avaliação e no direcionamento de políticas públicas condizentes com a construção de diretrizes para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável. / In a global context of increasing demand for agricultural resources, especially animal protein, combined with climate change and scarcity of areas for agricultural expansion, the process of sustainable intensification of livestock farming is placed as an important public policie issue. The ABC Plan, an example of this type of public policy, allocates resources through the ABC Program for the recovery of degraded pastures. The identification of degraded pastures occurs through indicators of low productivity of livestock, mainly based on low animal stocking (UA.ha-1). This premise is not always true, as there are areas with low support capacity , due to physical limitations, but that are not necessarily degraded. The use of biophysical models of forage growth is an alternative approach to this problem, which may help in the spatial identification of areas where livestock could be intensified without environmental impacts, in order to guide public policies seeking to stimulate this process . The objective of this study was to determine pasture yield efficiency and yield gap for São Paulo State , using models to identify areas with the greatest potential for livestock intensification and compare them with the geography of the ABC program application. The study was organized as follows: the first part (Chapter 2) presents a discussion about pasture areas with the greatest potential for productivity increase, based on simulations in CROPGRO Perennial Forage for the growth of Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu in order to define the productive efficiency and the yield gaps of the pasture for São Paulo State; the second part (Chapter 3) presents the performance analysis of the ABC Program in relation to the application of this resource for degraded pasture recovery (RPD), i.e., to evaluate if the credit is being applied in regions with greater potential for productivity increase, based on the explorable yield gap values previously found. The current average efficiency of pasture production (ratio between real productivity and attainable productivity) found by simulation in São Paulo State was 46.4% and an average yield gap of 5.8 Mg.ha-1.year-1 . These results indicate that there is a significant space to increase pasture productivity in this State. Prioritization of areas with a higher yield gap for intensification may contribute to the reduction of pressure for opening new pasture areas in areas with low productive potential, areas that can be occupied for agricultural production or for environmental regulation, avoiding the expansion of deforestation.The present study sought to contribute, through statewide results, to future studies on a national scale, showing that the use of mechanistic models, such as CROPGRO Perennial Forage, can be very useful for evaluating and directing public policies aimed at rural sustainable development.

Estudo da expressão imunoistoquímica de marcadores de resistência a múltiplas drogas em cães com linfoma cutâneo / Study of the immunohistochemical expression of multiple drug resistance markers in dogs with cutaneous lymphoma

Alves, Ana Luiza Nairismagi 28 August 2017 (has links)
Linfomas pertencem a um grupo de neoplasias em que há proliferação monoclonal de linfócitos malignos, sendo uma das neoplasias mais frequentemente diagnosticadas em cães. Podem ser classificados quanto à forma anatômica em multicêntrico, mediastinal, digestório e extranodal. Dentre os extranodais, os linfomas cutâneos são classificados histologicamente como epiteliotrópicos e não epiteliotrópicos e são predominantemente de imunfenótipo T, com raros casos do tipo B. A principal característica histopatológica do linfoma epiteliotrópico em cães é o tropismo das células neoplásicas pela epiderme, mucosa ou estruturas anexas, enquanto o linfoma não epiteliotrópico é caracterizado pela infiltração dérmica e subcutânea sem invasão das estruturas anexas. Os linfomas cutâneos caninos têm progressão rápida, são considerados bastante agressivos e com mau prognóstico, com baixa taxa de resposta à quimioterapia. Um dos fatores que podem contribuir para isso é a resistência das células a múltiplas drogas e entre esses mecanismos de resistência estão o efluxo de drogas do meio intracelular para o extracelular por meio dos transportadores da família ABC, como a glicoproteína-P, MRP (multiple resistance protein) e BCRP (breast câncer resistance protein) e da LRP (lung resistance protein), uma proteína vault responsável pelo transporte nucleocitoplasmático. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar imunofenotipicamente os linfomas cutâneos, a proliferação celular por meio do marcador Ki67, a expressão das proteínas de resistência glicoproteína-P, MRP, BCRP e LRP e avaliar a relação dessas proteínas com a sobrevida dos animais. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo com 21 casos de cães linfomas cutâneos com diagnóstico histopatológico. A técnica de imunoistoquímica foi utilizada para determinar a imunofenotipagem dos linfomas pelos marcadores CD3 e CD20, a proliferação celular por Ki67 e a expressão de glicoproteína-P, MRP, BCRP e LRP. Dos 21 animais, 38% tiveram diagnóstico histopatológico de linfoma epiteliotrópico, 52% eram linfomas não epiteliotrópicos, 5% dos casos de linfoma não tiveram epiteliotropismo definido e 5% foram classificados como neoplasia de células redondas. O imunofenótipo predominante foi CD3+CD20- (76%), 15% dos casos eram CD3-CD20+ e 9% eram CD3+CD20+. A mediana de células marcadas para Ki67 foi de 31%. Com relação aos marcadores de resistência a múltiplas drogas, a mediana da marcação de glicoproteína-P foi de 40%, a de LRP foi de 65% enquanto para MRP e BCRP, 19% e 23%, respectivamente. Os linfomas cutâneos não epiteliotrópicos foram mais frequentes que os epiteliotrópicos e o imunfenótipo predominante foi o T. A ocorrência de linfócitos CD3-CD20+ e CD3+CD20+ indica a necessidade de mais estudos e um painel mais amplo de anticorpos para subtipagem desses linfomas. A glicoproteína-P teve maior expressão nos linfomas não epiteliotrópicos do que nos epiteliotrópicos e não houve correlação entre as proteínas de resistência e o tempo de sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que, além da biologia da neoplasia, outros mecanismos de resistência a múltiplas drogas diferente dos estudados possam ter um papel relevante na baixa resposta do linfoma cutâneo à quimioterapia. / Lymphoma is a group of blood cell tumors that develop from monoclonal proliferation of malignant lymphocytes. Lymphoma is the most frequent neoplasia in dogs and can be anatomically classified in multicentric, mediastinal, digestive and extranodal. Cutaneous lymphomas an extranodal type of lymphoma are classified histologically in epitheliotropic and non-epitheliotropic and are predominantly of T-cell immunophenotype, and rare cases of B cell phenotype. The main histopathological characteristic of epitheliotropic lymphoma in dogs is the tropism of neoplastic cells by the epidermis, mucosa or adjacent structures, while non-epitheliotropic lymphoma is characterized by dermal and subcutaneous infiltration without invasion of adjacent structures. Canine cutaneous lymphomas have rapid progression, are considered very aggressive and have poor prognosis. These dogs, usually have a low rate of response to chemotherapy which can be associated to an antineoplastic resistance. Among mechanisms of resistance are efflux of drugs from intracellular to extracellular through ABC family transporters such as P-glycoprotein, MRP (multple resistance protein) and BCRP (breast cancer resistance protein) and LRP (lung resistance protein), a vault protein responsible for nucleocytoplasmic transport. The aim of this study was to characterize immunophenotypically cutaneous lymphomas, measure cell proliferation using the Ki67 marker, the expression of resistance proteins P-glycoprotein, MRP, BCRP and LRP and to evaluate the relationship of these proteins with the survival of the animals. A retrospective study was performed with 21 cases of dogs with cutaneous lymphoma with histopathological diagnosis. Immunohistochemical was used to immunophenotyping of lymphomas by CD3 and CD20 markers, Ki67 cell proliferation, and P-glycoprotein, MRP, BCRP and LRP expression. Of the 21 animals, 38% had histopathological diagnosis of epitheliotropic lymphoma, 52% were non-epitheliotropic lymphomas, 5% of lymphoma cases had no definition and 5% were classified as round cell neoplasia. The predominant immunophenotype was CD3+CD20- (76%), 15% of the cases were CD3-CD20 + and 9% were CD3 + CD20 +. The median of cells labeled for Ki67 was 31%. Regarding the markers of resistance to multiple drugs, the median of the P-glycoprotein label was 40%, which 65% of LRP while for MRP and BCRP, 19% and 23%, respectively. Non-epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphomas were more frequent than epitheliotropic lymphomas and the predominant immunophenotype was T. The occurrence of CD3-CD20+ and CD3+CD20+ lymphocytes indicates the need for further studies and a wider panel of antibodies for subtyping these lymphomas. P-glycoprotein had higher expression in non-epitheliotropic lymphomas than in epitheliotropic lymphomas and there was no correlation between resistance proteins and survival time of the animals, suggesting that in addition to the biology of neoplasia other mechanisms of resistance to multiple drugs different from those studied may play a relevant role in the low response of cutaneous lymphoma to chemotherapy.

Ferrazópolis: um bairro, duas gerações e a política / Ferrazópolis: a neighborhood, two generations and the politics

Silva, Maria Gilvania Valdivino 01 December 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata dos processos de formação e transmissão de valores, condutas e comportamentos relacionados ao mundo da política entre moradores do bairro Ferrazópolis, na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo (SP), bairro popular de tradição operária que tem passado por diversas alterações em sua configuração ao longo do tempo, parte delas em função das transformações ocorridas no mercado de trabalho da região do ABC Paulista. O objetivo central da pesquisa é, então, compreender os processos de socialização política, ou seja, processos de transmissão de valores, percepções, atitudes e comportamentos em relação à política entre duas gerações de moradores nesse bairro: a primeira geração, constituída por trabalhadores migrantes nascidos entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960; e a segunda, constituída por seus filhos, nascidos no ABC entre as décadas de 1970 e 1990. Para cumprir os objetivos da pesquisa, a metodologia mobilizada foi executada nas seguintes etapas: i) realização de observações no bairro; (ii) aplicação de questionário em uma amostra dos domicílios do bairro sobre a trajetória da família e de suas posições políticas; (iii) mapeamento e análise de tendências percebidas entre as famílias no que tange aos seus modos de se relacionar com a política, classificadas entre tendências de militância, engajamento pontual e desinteresse por política; (iv) realização de entrevistas em profundidade com famílias representantes das tendências encontradas na fase anterior, ferramenta por meio da qual pudemos observar a existência de diferentes tipos de transmissão intergeracional de política, que variam entre sólidas e porosas. / This research deals with the processes of formation and transmission of values, conducts and behaviors related to the world of politics among residents of the Ferrazópolis neighborhood,in the city of São Bernardo do Campo (SP), a popular neighborhood with a working tradition that has been passing through various changes in its configuration over the time, part of them due to the changes occurred in the labor market in the ABC Paulista region. The main goal of the research is to understand the processes of political socialization or processes of transmission of values, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors related to politcs, between two generations of residents. The first generation is mainly composed by migrant workers who were born between the 40s and the 60s, the second is composed by their children, who were born in the ABC region between the 70s and the 90s. In order to fulfill the objectives of the research, the methodology was executed in the following stages: i) observations in the neighborhood; (ii) the application of a questionnaire in a sample of the households in the neighborhood about the trajectory of the family and its political positions; (iii) mapping and analyzing perceived \"tendencies\" among families regarding their ways of relating to politics, classified among militancy tendencies, punctual engagement and disinterest in politics; (iv) interviews with families representing the \"trends\" found in the previous phase, a tool through which we could observe the existence of different types of intergenerational politics transmission, ranging from solid to porous.

Otimização do posicionamento de produtos acabados em armazéns inteligentes / Product positioning optimization in intelligent warehouse

Tinelli, Livia Martinelli 08 March 2013 (has links)
No cenário do mercado mundial as empresas para obter vantagem competitiva buscam reduzir os custos logísticos bem como agilizar o atendimento do pedido. Neste contexto é crescente a aplicação de ferramentas para uma eficiente gestão da armazenagem, a fim de garantir a melhor alocação dos produtos no armazém. O método da Curva ABC, baseado no princípio de Pareto classifica o portfólio da empresa obtendo assim a separação dos produtos em classes. Os itens da Classe A merecem maior atenção já que representam 80% da movimentação financeira da empresa. Já a ferramenta multicritério AHP possibilita a análise de vários critérios (demanda, movimentação financeira, sazonalidade, entre outros) para determinar qual a melhor alternativa para atender a meta principal. Este projeto tem como meta principal estabelecer a ferramenta/técnica que garantirá um posicionamento de produto otimizado, tem-se como alternativas a alocação baseada na classificação ABC e a alocação por meio da priorização dos produtos estabelecida pela hierarquia do AHP. A ferramenta/técnica foi implementada em linguagem C, realizou-se a simulação de 1620 tarefas de carregamento e descarregamento para alocação aleatória, ABC e AHP, para garantir o fluxo de entradas e saídas do armazém. Por meio da análise dos resultados tem-se que o sistema proposto é viável e eficiente já que garante a redução das distâncias percorridas e agiliza o tempo de atendimento ao pedido, implicando assim em redução dos custos logísticos. As reduções alcançadas com a alocação baseada no método ABC garantiu 8,42% para as distâncias percorridas e 8,43% no tempo de execução das tarefas para o descarregamento de caminhões. Com relação a aplicação da ferramenta multicritério para alocar itens no armazém obteve-se uma redução de 12,81% e 13,47% para distância percorrida e tempo total, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o projeto é de grande relevância para a área, pois garante um ótimo fluxo nas movimentações do armazém, já que reduz as movimentações desnecessárias e quanto maior o fluxo de entradas e saídas no armazém e número de tarefas a serem atendidas, as reduções se tornarão mais visíveis. / To obtain competitive advantages in the global market scenario, companies have aimed at reducing logistic costs as well as streamlining the order of fulfillment. In this context the use of tools to efficiently manage the storage, ensuring a best allocation of the products has been growing. The method of the ABC Curve, based on the Principle of Pareto qualifies the portfolio of a company so that products can be separated into classes. The items of Class A deserve special attention since they represent 80% of the financial transactions of a company. On the other hand, the AHP multicriteria tool enables the analysis of several criteria (demand, financial transaction, seasonality, among others) to determine the best alternative to achieve the main goal. The primary aim of this project is to establish a tool/technique to ensure the correct positioning of the products optimized by either the allocation based on the ABC classification or the allocation by prioritizing the products established by the AHP. The tool/technique was implemented in language C and 1,620 loading and unloading tasks were simulated for random allocation, ABC and AHP to ensure the flow of inputs and outputs from the storage. The results show that the system proposed is viable and efficient, as it shortens the distances traveled and streamlines the time of order of fulfillment, reducing the logistic costs. The reductions achieved with the allocations based on the ABC method ensure 8.42% for the traveled distances and 8.43% for the time spent to unload the trunks. The multicriteria tool allowed reductions of 12.81% and 13.47% in the traveled distances and time spent, respectively, to allocate the items into the storage. The project is of great relevance for the area, as it ensures an optimum flow in the movements of the storage, reducing the unnecessary movements.

Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of pH-Responsive Core-Shell-Corona Micelles in Water/Micelles à Trois Couches (CSC) Sensibles au pH en Milieu Aqueux : Synthèse, Caractérisation et Applications

Willet, Nicolas 19 September 2007 (has links)
Abstract: ABC triblock copolymers self-organize into a wide variety of supramolecular structures in the bulk. However, their associative behavior in selective solvents has scarcely been studied. Within the search for new stimuli-responsive supramolecular architectures, our attention focused on a pH-responsive polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO) triblock copolymer. In addition to the synthesis of monodisperse spherical core-shell-corona (CSC) micelles, the reversibility and the cooperativity of the response to pH variations were studied, morphological transitions were induced and multi-responsive micellar gels were prepared. The micellization mechanism, the structure, the responsiveness and the internal organization of these new nanomaterials were investigated using a combination of transmission electronic microscopy, atomic force microscopy, light scattering, small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance and rheology. Finally, efforts were geared towards potential applications. The ability of PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO CSC micelles to encapsulate and release hydrophobic species was probed and gold nanoparticles were successfully synthesized within the P2VP layer of spherical and cylindrical micelles, which acted as nanoreactors./Résumé : Les copolymères triséquencés ABC sauto-organisent et forment une large gamme de structures supramoléculaires en phase solide. Cependant, peu détudes portent sur leur comportement associatif induit par des solvants sélectifs. Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouvelles architectures supramoléculaires sensibles aux stimuli externes, nous avons entrepris létude dun copolymère triséquencé sensible au pH : polystyrène-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-b-poly(oxyde déthylène). Outre la synthèse de micelles sphériques de type CSC, le caractère réversible et coopératif de la réponse au pH a été étudié, ainsi que linduction de transitions morphologiques et la préparation de gels micellaires sensibles à la température et au pH. Le mécanisme de micellisation, les paramètres structuraux, la sensibilité aux stimuli ainsi que lorganisation interne de ces nouveaux nanomatériaux ont été étudiés par une combinaison de microscopies électronique à transmission et à force atomique, diffusion lumineuse, diffusion de neutrons et rayons X aux petits angles, résonance magnétique nucléaire et rhéologie. Enfin, des applications ont été envisagées : la capacité des micelles CSC à encapsuler et libérer des composés hydrophobes a été testée et des nanoparticules dor ont été synthétisées avec succès au sein de ces nanoréacteurs, cest-à-dire dans la couche de P2VP des micelles sphériques et cylindriques.

Expression des ABC-Transporters ABCA3 in Zellen der physiologischen Hämatopoese und in maligne transformierten lymphatischen Zellen / ABC-transporter ABCA3 expression in normal hematopoiesis and in transformed lymphoid cells

Corsham, Sabrina F. E. 07 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Bičių kolonijos algoritmo taikymas žaidimo "Path of Exile" pasyvių įgūdžių grafui generuoti ir optimizuoti / Application of artificial bee colony algorithm to passive skills‘ graph generation and optimization of "Path of Exile" game

Laurelis, Mindaugas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe apžvelgti dalelių spiečių algoritmai ir jų taikymai, išanalizuotas dirbtinės bičių kolonijos (ABC) algoritmas. Sukurta programinė ABC algoritmo realizacija, skirta optimizuoti žaidimo „Path of Exile“ veikėjo pasyvių įgūdžių grafui. Šio uždavinio sprendimui buvo panaudotas dirbtinės bičių kolonijos algoritmas su „godžiąja“ euristika. Atliktas programos testavimas, rezultatų palyginimas su žmonių sukurtais pasyvių įgūdžių grafais, padarytos išvados. / In this work an overview of particle swarm algorithms and their applications was given. Also artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm was analyzed. The software realization of the ABC algorithm for optimizing “Path of Exile” game characters passive skill graph was developed. For solving this problem, ABC algorithm with greedy heuristic was used. Created software was tested, results were compared with passive skill graphs created by players and conclusions are given.

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