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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approaching Revolution in the Middle East and the Current Media Landscape : Social Media- and News Agency Material in reporting of the Arab Spring and War in Syria

Hessel, Hampus January 2014 (has links)
The Arab spring has been called a social media revolution and social media have been given large importance and significant space in both academic discussions and analysis in the media. The main focus of this study was to examine whether social media have impacted the news reporting of the conflicts. A sample of articles from four different newspapers was examined, taken randomly from all relevant articles published on the newspapers websites between December 2010 and December 2013. A part of that sample was checked for news agency cable reliance and the entire sample were checked for material from social media. Three newspapers were found to rely heavily on news agency material. The New York Times was the exception, having only 4 percent of articles being based on news agency material. Social media material and quotes were found and were used in the report-ing in different ways, but only in 4 percent of articles. It was mainly used as a way to get protester commentary. Two of the included newspapers were China Daily and the New York Times. The differences between the respective reporting in these newspapers were also examined in yet an-other subsample consisting of 100 articles from each newspaper. Several differences be-tween the reporting were found, with China Daily for example presenting a framing more in favour of the government of Syria than the New York Times.

Manligt och kvinnligt på agendan : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av medverkande och ämnen i SVT:s Agenda

Juhlin, Tova, Bertilsson Bladh, Moa January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Frivillig hållbarhetsinformation i årsredovisningar : En undersökning av informationens kvalitet

Nystén, Lovisa, Passereh, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under senare tid har människor blivit mer uppmärksamma om hur företag hanterar sociala- och miljömässiga frågor. Detta fokus från omvärlden kan påverka företagen att redovisa just denna frivilliga information i årsredovisningen. De senaste årens många företagsskandaler i kombination med en intensiv klimatdebatt, har lett till ett ökat fokus på företagens sociala ansvar. En kategori som även är i fokus när företagen beslutar om att avslöja frivillig information. Negativ uppmärksamhet i media kan påverka företagens beslutsfattande angående frivilligt utlämnande av information. Årsredovisningarna är ett effektivt verktyg där företagen kan kommunicera med omvärlden, och förklara hur företagen arbetar med dessa frågor. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar företag att redovisa frivillig information om hållbarhet och om kvaliteten på denna information hade ökat efter att företagen utstått negativ publicitet i media. Metod: Studien utgick från en kvalitativ ansats med syfte att söka förståelse för varför dessa företag valde att redovisa frivillig information om hållbarhet. Tre av Sveriges största klädföretag studerades. En flerfallstudie med fokus på dokumentundersökning, utgjorde grunden för detta arbete. Slutsats: Kvaliteten på hållbarhetsinformationen ökade i samtliga fallföretag efter den negativa publiciteten i media. Det kan vidare inte bekräftas att ökningen av kvaliteten berodde på den aktuella händelsen.

Angstzonen : rechtsdominierte Orte aus medialer und lokaler Perspektive

Döring, Uta January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2007

Against modern football or a part of it? : A study of how Swedish football clubs work with their media channels and how it affects the professional role of sport´s journalists

Annetorp, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that football is getting more commercial and together with increased digital possibilities football clubs can bypass traditional media and attract audience via their own media channels. With strategic communication and agenda setting as a theoretic background I wanted to investigate how Swedish top football clubs used their own media channels, what affected the media strategy of the big clubs in Sweden and how sports journalists perceived the football club’s communicative development. I choose AIK as a case and I observed them and sports journalists before, during and after the local derby against Djurgården. Furthermore, I analyzed AIK´s content in their own media channels and media’s coverage of AIK-Djurgården. Finally, I conducted qualitative interviews with representatives from AIK and three sport journalists at three Swedish newspapers. My study revealed that the AIK significantly planned and applied strategic content and messaging across their media channels, consistent with the techniques used by more mature and traditional media organizations. When it comes to access to the club and players there are tendencies and signs of less accessibility, but in general Swedish sport journalists see the Swedish Allsvenskan as open and not as commercial and controlled as the major European football leagues. In the end journalists believe that the material which is produced by AIK and the other big Stockholm clubs (Djurgården and Hammarby) can be seen as a compliment, but also a competitor to the material that media produce.

O agendamento do aborto na campanha presidencial brasileira em 2010 : reverberação e silenciamento estratégicos entre imprensa, mídias sociais e candidatos

Barreras, Sandra Eliane Olivera Bitencourt de January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata do agendamento e debate de um tema tabu, o aborto, durante a campanha eleitoral na disputa pela presidência do Brasil em 2010. À luta simbólica em torno da construção dos acontecimentos que caracteriza a disputa política contemporânea, somaram-se a emergência de um tema polêmico e um novo locus para produção e distribuição de informações, a internet, permitindo pontuar os ganhos e limites democráticos dos debates públicos ampliados. Assim, são investigados os fatores e estratégias de influência sobre os temas que candidatos e públicos vão discutir, buscando identificar o desempenho da imprensa nas correlações entre eleitores e candidatos pela abordagem de um tema polêmico como o aborto, o papel das mídias sociais e a tática dos candidatos. A reflexão teórica passa pelos conceitos de democracia, as relações de mídia e política e os processos de comunicação, opinião e imagem pública, bem como as especificidades do tema em questão. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa parte da hipótese do agendamento, articulando as agendas do jornalismo, da política e do público. A abordagem é qualitativa, com as técnicas de análise histórico-descritiva e análise de conteúdo. Para operar as análises são utilizadas as categorias de agendamento, reverberação, representações e silenciamento. O recorte de tempo é o segundo turno das eleições presidenciais, quando o tema aborto alcança picos de visibilidade. O trabalho conclui que os meios de comunicação de massa mantêm seu poder de agendar os assuntos que serão discutidos, mas também são influenciados pela agenda política e pela internet, que tem na conversação e distribuição da informação modos de influenciar o repertório da campanha. Embora de interesse público, mas demarcado por questões privadas, o debate em torno da polêmica foi interditado pelos preceitos da propaganda, por tratar-se de tema incômodo, por não prestar-se a performances estéticas atraentes e por ter sido proposto em termos estratégicos por grupos bem organizados. / This research discusses the scheduling and debate of a taboo theme, the abortion, during the election campaign for the presidency of Brazil in 2010. To symbolical struggle around the construction of the events which characterizes the contemporary political contest totaled up the emergency of a polemic topic and a new locus for the production and distribution of information, the internet, it allowed to score gains and democratic boundaries of enlarged political debates. Thereby the factors and strategies that had influence on the topic that candidates and public are going to discuss are investigated, aiming to identify the performance of the press in the correlations of electors and candidates through the approach of a polemic topic as the abortion, the role of the medias and candidate’s tactic. Theoretical reflection goes through the concepts of democracy, the relations of media and politics and the communication process, opinion and public image, as well as the specificities of the subject matter, abortion. The development of the research in the hypothesis of the scheduling, articulating the agendas of journalism, politics and audience. The approach is qualitative, with historical-descriptive techniques to analyze and content analyzes. To operate the analysis it is used the category of scheduling, reverberation, representation and silencing. The clipping of time is the second round of presidential elections, when the abortion issue reaches visibility peaks. The work concludes that mass media maintain its power of scheduling the topics that will be discussed, but are also influenced by the political agenda and by the internet that has in the conversation and information distribution ways of influence the campaign repertory. Although as a public interest, but demarcated by private issues, the debate around the polemic was restricted by the precepts of propaganda, because it is an uncomfortable subject, not to provide attractive and esthetic performances and because it has been proposed in strategic terms by well-organized groups.

Deadly Gun Violence : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Possible Ideological Influences on the Framing of a Mass Shooting

Stückemann, Elena January 2018 (has links)
Statistics show that the number of mass shootings and involved fatalities have drastically increased over the last five years. The framing of these attacks in the mass media has a substantial impact on the public opinion on the causes of shootings, possible prevention methods and gun control in general. Following study aims to uncover potential ideological influences of political tendencies of liberal and conservative newspapers on the media coverage of the most recent mass shooting in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. A qualitative content analysis with a general structural analysis of 39 articles from the liberal newspaper The New York Times and the conservative newspaper The Washington Times and a more detailed Critical Discourse Analysis of the frames of blame, prevention methods and gun control were conducted. Findings show that The Washington Times´media coverage on blame attributions and prevention methods mainly included frames of mental health. The focus in The New York Times´ coverage is clearly on gun issues and the demand for gun restrictions. The topic gun control is positively framed by The New York Times. The Washington Times, however, framed gun control in connection with conspiracy theories and thus portrayed it in a more negative light. The findings prove an influence of the newspapers´ political tendencies and ideologies on the media coverage of the Florida mass shooting.

A formulação da agenda e o ativismo em torno do marco civil da Internet

Solagna, Fabrício January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a formulação da agenda, o processo de tramitação, de aprovação, e de constituição de uma rede de apoio ao Marco Civil da Internet (MCI), sob a perspectiva da literatura de políticas públicas e ativismo. O MCI foi proposto em 2009, pelo Executivo, a partir de uma consulta pública realizada via Internet. Em 2013 o projeto foi colocado em regime de votação urgente no Congresso Nacional como resposta política às denúncias de espionagem eletrônica por parte dos EUA, sendo finalmente aprovado no início de 2014. A lei foi considerada pioneira por estabelecer direitos e responsabilidades entre os diversos entes que compõem o ecossistema da rede. Para analisar a formulação da agenda é utilizado o conceito de “janela de oportunidades” de Kingdon (2013), que designa o momento em que há a convergência de fluxos independentes da política pública. Para analisar o ativismo e a mobilização dos atores em torno das políticas de Internet é utilizado o conceito de insurgent experts, proposto por Shaw (2011). Para a realização do trabalho foram entrevistados 37 atores-chave ao longo de 2013 e 2014. A conclusão é que houve a constituição de uma policy community que mobilizou Estado e estabeleceu laços de cooperação entre atores individuais e coletivos em torno de ideais sobre as políticas relacionadas a neutralidade da rede, a defesa da liberdade de expressão e a proteção da privacidade na Internet. / This master’s thesis is focused on the process of agenda-setting and approval of the bill “Marco Civil da Internet” (MCI), drawing from the sociological literature on public policy and civic engagement. The MCI was proposed in 2009 by the executive power through a public consultation online. In 2013, it was fast-tracked by president Dilma Rousseff after classified documents were leaked by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, revealing the fact that the US intelligence agency had been monitoring the president's communication. The bill was finally approved in early 2014 and pioneered a new framework for a civil Internet with rights and duties. To analyze the process of agenda-setting, I use Kingdon's (2013) concept of "policy window" which addresses the convergence of independent streams of public policy. In order to analyze the civic engagement and the network formation for mobilization in support of the project, I use the concept of "insurgent experts" proposed by Shaw (2011). The corpus of analysis for this research was composed by 37 interviews with key-actors conducted from 2013 to 2014. In conclusion, I demonstrate how the constitution of a policy community around the issue of net neutrality, the defense of freedom of expression and protection of privacy on the Internet, that created the conditions for mobilization of State, creating cooperation ties among activists and policy makers for the defense of policy proposals for the Internet.

Rámování témat migrace a Evropské unie v průběhu prezidentské kampaně v online médiích iDnes.cz, Respekt.cz a Aeronet / Framing of the topics of migration and the European Union during the presidential election campaign in the online media iDnes.cz, Respekt.cz and Aeronet

Chudomelová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
(in English) The thesis uses the second level of the agenda-setting theory to study the media's coverage of two topics during the presidential campaign in the years 2017 and 2018, in relation to candidates Miloš Zeman and Jiří Drahoš. The chosen topics are migration and the relation to the European Union. The qualitative version of the frame analysis is used to investigate which moments of the candidates' campaign were distinct in the three online media that are read by a different audience: iDnes.cz, Aeronet and Respekt.cz. While iDnes.cz applied broad range of contradictory frames, the opinion-specific media worked with a dominant perspective to frame the candidates' positions. The most successful frames in the campaign were the ones that contested negative emotions and were present in the public and media space for a longer time period. However, the media worked with the frames and their attributes in a critical way, developing or denying them, and none of the media only reproduced the candidates' positions.

Explaining the international agenda: Frames and power in politics

Rothman, Steven Barry, 1977- 09 1900 (has links)
xiv, 240 p. : ill. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / The use of rhetoric to frame policy issues often influences the amount of attention countries pay to international issues and the level of support for those issues. Often, domestic and international actors present different descriptions of policy issues in order to advance their own views and change the international agenda. Despite frequent attempts to change the international agenda and the importance of agendas for policy formation, our understanding of the factors that contribute to why particular issues get international attention is limited. This project develops a theoretical understanding of the development of the international agenda, how issues on that agenda are framed, and why agendas change over time. The project contributes to international relations theory by understanding the factors responsible for increasing attention to issues, and the factors that influence how states define the problems on the international agenda that may eventually become part of international treaties and organizations. The project redefines agendas through a constructivist approach where individuals interpret real phenomena through frames. Rhetoric's influence on agenda changes described in this project also demonstrates a mechanism through which the soft power of attraction changes international outcomes. The project takes a positivist approach to analyzing constructivist and realist causes of agenda changes. The project tests specific implications of these theories of international agenda development and issue framing by examining the case of international efforts to address whaling. The project demonstrates the importance of polarity in enabling changes in attention from security to non-security issues and the importance of rhetoric in causing changes in issue frames. / Committee in charge: Ronald Mitchell, Chairperson, Political Science; Craig Parsons, Member, Political Science; Lars Skalnes, Member, Political Science; Jean Stockard, Outside Member, Planning Public Policy & Mgmt

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