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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la matière organique par spectrofluorimétrie 3Dpour la modélisation de la digestion anaérobie des boues issues de stations d‘épuration / Organic matter characterization with 3D fluorescence spectroscopy for anaerobic digestion modeling of wastewater treatment sludge

Jimenez, Julie 23 November 2012 (has links)
Dans un contexte énergétique en crise, les sources alternatives d'énergie et d'économie d'énergie sont primordiales. Fort de ce constat, la station d'épuration de demain se doit d'atteindre un bilan énergétique positif. Dans cet objectif, de nombreux travaux de recherche se focalisent au niveau mondial sur la valorisation matière et énergétique à travers un procédé d'intérêt : la digestion anaérobie des boues. Afin d'optimiser ce procédé, la connaissance de la matière organique entrante est cruciale pour ne plus la subir mais la contrôler et en prédire les impacts sur les performances des digesteurs, notamment grâce à la modélisation. Une méthodologie de caractérisation de la matière organique des boues a donc été mise en place et testée afin de prédire les variables du modèle de digestion anaérobie basées sur la biodégradabilité et la bioaccessibilité. Cette méthode repose sur la mesure de la fluorescence en 3 dimensions réalisée sur les extractions chimiques de la boue, extractions simulant son accessibilité. Les résultats obtenus sur 52 échantillons de boues (primaires, secondaires, digérées, et traitées thermiquement) ont mis en évidence avec succès la corrélation entre cette méthode et la biodégradabilité anaérobie ainsi que la bioaccessibilité des boues. Le temps analytique classique de 30 jours pour les tests de potentiel méthane est par ailleurs réduit à 5 jours. Grâce à ces résultats, les variables d'entrée du modèle des processus biologiques ont pu être caractérisées ainsi que les composés réfractaires à la digestion. Une validation de la méthodologie a également été réalisée par le biais de la modélisation de 2 réacteurs pilotes expérimentaux. Une analyse de scenarios utilisant le modèle calibré a aussi montré que grâce à la prédiction de la bioaccessibilité et de la biodégradabilité, un temps de séjour minimum des digesteurs peut être calculé via une corrélation linéaire et ainsi optimiser le dimensionnement des digesteurs. De plus, cette approche s'est avérée être d'un grand potentiel en termes d'applications pour l'instrumentation et l'aide à la décision afin d'optimiser les performances des procédés de digestion anaérobie. / In an energetic crisis context, alternative sources of energy and saving costs has become of first importance. From this observation, the wastewater treatment plants of the future aim at a positive energetic balance and worldwide research on sludge treatment today focuses on energetic and material valorization through the optimization of anaerobic digestion processes. To this end, knowledge of the input organic matter is crucial to avoid suffering from these disturbances and to control, predict or drive the process through modeling. In the present study, a methodology of sludge characterization is investigated to describe biodegradability and bioaccessibility variables used in anaerobic digestion models. This method is based on the three dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy measurement performed on the chemical extraction of sludge simulating accessibility. Results obtained in 52 sludge samples (primary, secondary digested and thermally treated) show that the method can be successfully correlated with the sludge biodegradability and bioaccessibility within 5 days instead of the 30 days usually needed for the biochemical methane potential tests. Based on these results, input variables of dynamic models of biological processes occurring in anaerobic digestion have been characterized as well as recalcitrant fluorescent compounds. Validation has been performed with modeling of experimental data obtained from two different laboratory scale reactors. Scenarios analysis with the calibrated model have shown that using the measurements of sludge bioaccessibility and biodegradability, a minimal hydraulic retention time could be calculated with a linear correlation leading to the improvement of digesters design. Moreover, this approach has a high potential for applications such as instrumentation or decision support systems to improve both control and optimization of anaerobic digestion processes.

Etudes moléculaires et culturales de boues issues de bioréacteurs anaérobies mésothermiques traitant le phosphogypse : Isolement et caractérisation de nouveaux genres chez les thermotogales

Ben hania, Wajdi 07 December 2012 (has links)
Les représentants de l'ordre des Thermotogales se trouvent généralement dans les puits pétroliers et les sources hydrothermales aquatiques et terrestres. Récemment, des études moléculaires basées sur l'analyse des gènes codant l'ARNr 16S ont prouvé l'existence de représentants thermophiles, mais également mésophiles de cet ordre dans les boues de bioréacteurs et dans les sédiments contaminés par des composés toxiques. Les expériences que nous avons conduites pour traiter notamment le lactosérum en présence de phosphogypse ou de sulfate dans des bioréacteurs anaérobies mésothermiques nous ont permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelles populations de bactéries et plus précisément de Thermotogales par des approches moléculaires et culturales, avec la description de deux nouveaux genres, « Mesotoga sulfurireducens » et Defluviitoga tunisiensis. En ce qui concerne « M. sulfurireducens», il correspond à la première bactérie mésophile isolée chez les Thermotogales avec un métabolisme original centré sur la sulfo-réduction. Toujours dans le but de traiter le phosphogypse, mais cette fois-ci en utilisant les margines comme composantes organiques dans le procédé anaérobie, une nouvelle espèce du genre Fusibacter a pu être isolée, F. tunisiensis. Globalement, nos résultats démontrent le rôle important joué par les Firmicutes fermentaires et sulfato-réductrices (ordre des Clostridiales) et celui des Proteobacteria sulfato-réductrices (deltaproteobacteria) chez les Bacteria, mais également par les Methanoarchaea acétoclastes aux côtés des Thermotogales dans la digestion anaérobie de la matière organique lorsque les effluents sont riches en sulfate. / The representatives of the order Thermotogales are usually found in oil reservoirs and hot aquatic and terrestrial springs. Recently, the existence of thermophilic and mesophilic representatives of the Thermotogales was proved by analysis of SSU rRNA genes of clones from bioreactors sludges and sediments contaminated by toxic compounds.Experiments which were led to treat lactoserum in the presence of phosphogypsum or sulphate in the mesothermic anaerobic digesters permitted to detect new populations of bacteria, in particular, Thermotogales by molecular and cultural approaches, with the description of two new genera, “Mesotoga sulfurireducens” and “Defluviitoga tunisiensis”. “Mesotoga sulfurireducens” is the first mesophilic bacterium isolated in the order of Thermotogales with an original metabolism axed on sulfo-reduction. During the treatment of phosphogypsum in the presence of margines as organic compounds in the anaerobic processus, a new species of Fusibacter was isolated: F.tunisiensis, sp. nov.Our results show the important role played by fermentative and sulphate-reducing Firmicutes (order Clostridiales) and sulphate-reducing Proteobacteria (deltaproteobacteria) within the Bacteria, but also by the acetoclastic Methanoarchaea beside Thermotogales in the anaerobic digestion of organic matter when the effluents are rich in sulphate.

Production of volatile fatty acids from anaerobic digestion using food waste, sludge and cow manure / Produktion av flyktiga fettsyror från anaerobisk rötning genom matavfall, slam och kogödsel

Alshwan, Zahraa, Hultman, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are important building blocks for the chemical industry. These acids can be produced through environmentally friendly processes from a variety of wastes, such as food waste, sludge and cow manure, through anaerobic digestion (AD). The main objective of this thesis was to investigate which operating parameters (e.g. pH, retention time, mix of substrate etc.) are optimal for producing VFAs as efficiently as possible, through AD batch processes. The highest VFA concentration was reached at pH 10 and at day 11 when food waste and sludge were used as substrate to a value of 15.4 g/L, corresponding to 0.77 g VFAs/ g of VSfed. Highest VFA concentration where cow manure was used as substrate was reached on day 10 and with a value of about 10 g/L corresponding to 0.51 g VFAs/ g VSfed. / Flyktiga fettsyror (VFAs) är en viktig byggsten inom den globala kemiindustrin. Dessa fettsyror kan produceras med hjälp av miljövänliga processer där en mängd olika sorters avfall, som t.ex. matavfall, avloppsslam och koavföring kan fungera som substrat, genom anaerobisk rötning. Det huvudsakliga målet med den här kandidatuppsatsen var att utreda vilka de optimala driftförhållanden var för särskilt utvalda driftparametrar (t.ex. pH, retentionstid, mix av substrat etc.) för att producera flyktiga fettsyror så effektivt som möjligt, genom anaerobisk rötning. Högst koncentration av VFAs nåddes vid pH 10 på dag 11 när matavfall och avloppsslam användes tillsammans som substrat till ett värde på 15 g/L, vilket motsvarar en avkastning på 0.77 g VFAs / g VSin. Högst VFAs-koncentration när koavföring användes som substrat nåddes på dag 10 med ett värde på 10 g/L, motsvarande en avkastning på 0.51 g VFA/ g VSin.

Produção de hidrogênio e metabólitos com valor biotecnológico a partir do melaço da cana-de-açúcar utilizando reatores de leito granular expandido mesofílicos / Production of hydrogen and metabolites with biotechnological value from sugarcane molasses in mesophilic expanded granular sludge bed

Freitas, Isabele Baima Ferreira 18 May 2018 (has links)
A combinação do substrato orgânico e do reator anaeróbio é determinante na produção fermentativa de hidrogênio e de ácidos orgânicos com valor agregado. A utilização do melaço da cana-de-açúcar como substrato orgânico em reatores de leito granular expandido (EGSB) ainda não foi uma alternativa explorada para produção de hidrogênio. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a produção biológica de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos em três reatores EGSB independentes com concentração de carboidratos de 5 g L-1 (EGSB-5), 10 g L-1 (EGSB-10) e 15 g L-1 (EGSB-15), utilizando melaço da cana-de-açúcar como substrato, sob condição mesofílica de temperatura (30 ºC) e variação do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 h até 1 h. No EGSB-5, o processo fermentativo não gerou hidrogênio. No entanto, houve produção de metabólitos com valor agregado, principalmente ácido acético, butírico e propiônico. Neste reator, o ácido acético proveniente da reação de homoacetogênese (23 51%) justificou a ausência de hidrogênio. No EGSB-10 a produção de hidrogênio ocorreu na última fase de operação (TDH 1 h), com produção volumétrica de hidrogênio (PVH) máxima de 4,56 L d-1 L-1 e rendimento de hidrogênio (HY) máximo de 0,14 mol H2 mol hexose -1. No EGSB-15, houve PVH no TDH de 2 h e de 1 h , com valor máximo de 13,92 L d-1 L-1 no TDH de 1 h, e HY máximo de 0,25 mol H2 mol hexose-1, também no TDH de 1 h. No EGSB-10 e no EGSB-15, as vias metabólicas responsáveis pela produção de hidrogênio foram semelhantes, associadas à elevação da produção de ácido butírico e ácido lático. O ácido lático foi utilizado como fonte de carbono alternativa em condições de pouca disponibilidade de substrato e de pressão parcial de hidrogênio elevada, o que justifica os valores reduzidos de HY. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o melaço pode ser utilizado para produção de H2 e de ácidos orgânicos em reatores EGSB por processos fermentativos. / The combination of the organic substrate and the anaerobic reactor is determinant in fermentative hydrogen and organic acids production. The use of sugarcane molasses as an organic substrate in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) has not yet been explored for H2 production. Thus the objective of this study was to analyze the biological H2 and organic acids production in three independent EGSB reactors with a carbohydrate concentration of 5 g L-1 (EGSB-5), 10 g L-1 (EGSB-10) and 15 g L-1 (EGSB-15), using sugarcane molasses as substrate, under mesophilic temperature (30 °C) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) variation of 24 h - 1 h. In EGSB-5, the fermentation process did not generate hydrogen. However, there was production of volatile fatty acids, mainly acetic, butyric and propionic acid. In this reactor, acetic acid from the homoacetogenesis reaction (23 - 51%) justified the absence of hydrogen. The EGSB-10 produced H2 in the last phase of operation (HTR 1 h), with maximum hydrogen production rate (HPR) of 4.56 L d-1 L-1 and maximum hydrogen yield (HY) of 0.14 mol H2 mol hexose-1. In the EGSB-15, there was HPR in the HPR of 2 h and 1 h, with a maximum value of 13.92 L d-1 L-1 in the HRT of 1 h, and HY maximum of 0.25 mol H2 mol hexose-1, also in the HRT of 1 h. In the EGSB-10 and EGSB-15, the metabolic pathways responsible for hydrogen production were similar, associated with increased production of butyric acid and lactic acid. Lactic acid was used as an alternative carbon source under conditions of low substrate availability and high hydrogen partial pressure, which justifies the reduced HY values. The results showed that molasses can be used to produce H2 and organic acids in EGSB reactors in anaerobic fermentation process.

Experimental coalescence of microbial communities in anaerobic digesters / Coalescence expérimentale de communautés microbiennes dans des digesteurs anaérobies

Plouchart, Diane 11 April 2018 (has links)
La digestion anaérobie est un procédé biologique effectué par un réseau complexe et synergique de communautés microbiennes permettant la dégradation de matière organiques comme les déchets agricoles ou les effluents de station d’épuration en biogaz, un gaz valorisable en énergie. Les mécanismes influençant les communautés microbiennes au cœur de ce procédé mais aussi dans la nature restent incompris du fait de la faible compréhension de leur dynamique. Les objectifs de ce projet visent à donc développer un système de digestion anaérobie permettant de mieux comprendre la dynamique de l’assemblage des communautés microbiennes. Ainsi un nouveau procédé de réacteurs en continu dont les fonctions d’alimentation de soutirage et de dégazage sont automatisées a été développé. L’automatisation et le multiplexage des réacteurs permettent la manipulation de 30 réacteurs en continu en parallèle. Outre l’automatisation ce système, de nombreux paramètres sont flexibles comme le taux de charge (une fois par minute jusqu’à une condition batch), le volume de réacteur (50 à 200mL), la température (pièce – 55°C), mais aussi l’utilisation du système en aérobie ou l’implémentation d’autres outils comme des LEDs pour les cultures phototrophes. Capable de quantifier précisément la performance d’un écosystème méthanogène, ce système nous a permis de tester la structure et la performance d’écosystèmes méthanogènes mis en mélanges et testés de façon individuelle. En mélangeant des écosystèmes méthanogènes différents, la diversité des Archées a augmenté transitoirement. Une corrélation est d’ailleurs observée entre la diversité de ces communautés mélangées et leur performance méthanogène, seulement à même diversité les communautés individuelles ont un meilleur fonctionnement. L’assemblage de certaines communautés mélangées a pourtant permis une meilleure production de méthane que les communautés individuelles, ce qui suggère le développement d’interactions spécifiques de ces communautés. De façon nouvelle par rapport à la littérature, la majorité des communautés bactériennes individuelles sont retrouvées dans les communautés mélangées. Soit contrairement à l’idée d’une sélection d’une communauté plus adaptée ou plus fonctionnelle, ici la majorité des communautés se sont implantées. Ces expériences suggèrent qu’un paramètre tel que la fonctionnalité d’un bioprocédé peut-être amélioré par bioaugmentation. / Anaerobic digestion is a biological process carried out by a complex and synergistic network of microbial communities allowing the degradation of organic matter such as agricultural waste or effluents from wastewater treatment plants, into biogas, a gas recoverable into energy. The mechanisms influencing microbial communities at the heart of this process but also in nature remain misunderstood because of a low understanding of their dynamics. The objectives of this project are therefore to develop an anaerobic digestion system to better understand the dynamics of microbial community assembly. Thus, a new continuous reactor process has been developed with automated feeding, biomass wasting and degassing functions. Automation and multiplexing of reactors allows for the continuous parallel manipulation of 30 reactors in parallel. In addition to the automation, many parameters are versatile, such as the substrate loading (once a minute up to batch conditions), the reactor volume (50 to 200 mL), the temperature (room to 55°C), but also the use of the aerobic system or the implementation of other tools such as LEDs for phototrophic cultures. Capable of accurately quantifying the performance of a methanogenic ecosystem, this system has enabled us to test the structure and the performance of five different methanogenic ecosystems that have been mixed and tested individually. By mixing different methanogenic ecosystems the Archaea diversity has increased transiently. Besides, a correlation is observed between the diversity of mixed communities and their methanogenic performance; yet the individual communities have a better functioning at the same level of diversity. Interestingly, the mixture of some communities has allowed for better methane production than individual communities, suggesting the development of specific interactions in these communities. In a novel way compared to the literature and that the majority of individual bacterial communities are found in mixed communities. Contrary to the idea of selecting a more adapted or functional community, here the majority of communities have settled. These experiments suggest that a parameter such as the functionality of a bioprocess can be improved by bioaugmentation.

Obtenção anaeróbia de etanol em reator em batelada a partir de glicose, xilose e celulose em condição termófila / Ethanol production in anaerobic batch reactors from glucose, xylose and celulose by thermophilic consortium microbial

Silva, Vanessa Cristina da 24 April 2015 (has links)
A biomassa lignocelulósica é uma alternativa atrativa para o aumento na oferta de biocombustíveis, uma vez que é constituída de celulose e hemicelulose. Esses polímeros são constituídos principalmente de unidades menores de glicose e xilose, os quais por meio de bactérias anaeróbias termófilas, podem ser metabolizados em etanol. Portanto, estabeleceu-se o objetivo desse trabalho, em utilizar as principais fontes de carbono da biomassa lignocelulósica (celulose, glicose e xilose), e produzir etanol por meio da ação de consórcio microbiano selecionado a partir de inóculo termófilo e anaeróbio. O inóculo foi submetido a condição de crescimento com variação de pH (2,3,4,5,6,e 7) e variação de dois meios de cultivo em reatores em batelada, visando favorecer bactérias celulolíticas e fermentativas produtoras de etanol. Para a produção de etanol, o pH e meio de cultivo mais adequados foram 7,0 e Meio Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, respectivamente. A partir do inóculo enriquecido nas condições nutricionais de pH e meio de cultivo, prosseguiu-se a realização dos ensaios de produção de etanol a partir de celulose, glicose e xilose (1g/L de cada substrato), em pH 7 e meio T. ethanolicus. Os ensaios foram realizados em reator em batelada, em triplicata, a 55 ºC, ambos seguidos de um reator controle, sem adição desses substratos orgânicos. Os rendimentos de etanol foram de 1,73 mol etanol/mol glicose e 1,33 mol de etanol /mol de xilose. Para o substrato celulose obteve-se 1,88 mmol de etanol/g de celulose. Para os reatores controle de glicose, celulose e xilose, no qual o extrato de levedura foi a única fonte orgânica adicionada, a produção de etanol foi 1,27 mmol/L, 0,39 mmol/L e 1,65 mmol/L, respectivamente. Em todos os reatores foi detectado produção de ácido acético, ácido butírico e ácido propiônico. A produção de ácido acético foi de 5,73 mmol/L, 9,73 mmol/L e 14,45 mmol/L, para os reatores de glicose, celulose e xilose, respectivamente. No reator com glicose, observou-se baixo rendimento de hidrogênio (0,31 mol hidrogênio/mol glicose), e nos demais reatores não foi constatado produção desse gás. Em contrapartida, observou-se rendimentos de 6,6 mmol de metano/g de celulose e 0,68 mol de metano/mol de xilose para os respectivos reatores. Dessa forma, pode-se mencionar que em função das características do consórcio microbiano foi possível obter a degradação da celulose e metabolização da glicose e xilose em etanol. / Lignocellulosic biomass is an attractive alternative to increase biofuels proposal, as its composed of cellulose and hemicellulose. These polymers are consisted in individual molecules of glucose and xylose, through some thermophilic bacteria, can metabolize these carbohydrates in ethanol. Therefore, this study reports on using the principals carbon sources of lignocellulosic biomass (cellulose, glucose, and xylose), and producing ethanol through microbial consortium from anaerobic and thermophilic inoculum. The biomass was submitted to variation of pH (2,3,4,5,6, and 7) and two kinds of medium, due to ethanol production in batch reactors. For ethanol production, the optimized pH and medium were 7,0 and Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus medium, respectively. The enriched culture was being cultivated in pH and medium experiments were used to ethanol production experiments that carried out in batch reactors, from cellulose, glucose and xylose were realized in triplicate and were maintained at 55 °C, in both batches had a control reactor (without these organics substrates). Positive results in ethanol yields were 1,73 mol ethanol/ mol glucose and 1,33 mol ethanol/ mol xylose. In celluloses reactors the microbial consortium was efficient in substrate degradation, however, was obtained lower ethanol yields (1,88 mol ethanol/ g cellulose). In control reactors from glucose, cellulose and xylose, that yeast extract was the unique organic source, ethanol production was 1,27 mmol/L, 0,39 mmol/L e 1,65 mmol/L, respectively. In all reactors were detected acetic, butyric and propionic acids. The acetic acid production was 5,73 mmol/L, 9,73 mmol/L e 14,45 mmol/L in glucose, cellulose and xylose reactors, respectively. For glucoses reactors were observed lower hydrogen production (0,31 mol hydrogen/ mol glucose), in the other reactors did not observed gases production. Instead of the following yields were obtained: 6,6 mmol methane/ g cellulose and 0,68 mol methane/ mol xylose. Taking this into account, microbial consortium enriched had characteristics to degrade cellulose and metabolize glucose and xylose to ethanol.

Modificação da fração lignocelulósica durante o processo de compostagem do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar /

Bernabé, Giseli Aparecida. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Ribeiro, Clóvis Augusto / Banca: Salvador Claro Neto / Banca: Eder Tadeu Gomes Cavalheiro / Banca: Luciana Camargo de Oliveira / Banca: Evaneide Nascimento Lima / Resumo: O crescimento na produção brasileira de cana-de-açúcar devido, principalmente, à obtenção de açúcar e álcool é motivado pelo aumento na exportação deste subproduto e produção de veículos bicombustíveis, respectivamente. Desta maneira, há maior geração de bagaço, embora possuindo inúmeras utilidades, muitas vezes existe um excesso remanescente do total gerado. Assim, são necessários estudos que viabilizem o uso deste resíduo. Neste trabalho foi estudada a modificação da fração lignocelulósica durante o processo de compostagem e biodigestão anaeróbia do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. Amostras foram coletadas em diferentes períodos para ambos os processos (0 (cru), 7; 45; 60; 90; 120; 272 dias; 1 ano e 1 ano e 2 meses) e acompanhadas por meio de parâmetros como: pH, umidade, temperatura, presença de metais e demanda química de oxigênio. A caracterização foi feita com o auxílio de técnicas termoanalíticas (TG/DTG/DTA e DSC) e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho. As amostras provenientes dos processos aeróbios e anaeróbios foram submetidas às extrações de lignina, utilizando-se dioxano/HCl (9:1) e, de celulose e hemicelulose, as quais foram obtidas do resíduo sólido resultante da extração de lignina. O comportamento térmico e espectros de infravermelho dessas substâncias foram avaliados e, comparadas suas degradações e modificações na ausência e presença de oxigênio. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a digestão anaeróbia é mais lenta que a compostagem na decomposição de seus constituintes, principalmente, lignina e celulose/hemicelulose, fato comprovado por suas respectivas curvas de Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC); além da constatação de modificações nas estruturas de lignina e celulose ao longo dos dois processos, bem como, fortes evidências... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The growth in the Brazilian sugarcane production, mainly, due to obtain sugar and alcohol is motivated by the increase in export of this subproduct and production of flex-fuel vehicles, respectively. This way, there is a larger bagasse generation, although having many uses, often there is an excess remaining of the total generated. Thus, studies are needed that allow the use of this waste. The modification lignocellulosic fraction during composting and anaerobic biodigestion process of sugarcane bagasse was studied in this work. Samples were collected in different periods for both process (0 (raw); 7; 45; 60; 90; 120; 272 days and 1 year and 1 year and 2 months) and monitored by parameters, such as: pH, humidity, temperature, presence of metals and chemical oxygen demand. The characterization was made with help of thermoanalytical techniques (TG/DTG/DTA e DSC) and infrared spectroscopy. The samples from aerobic and anaerobic process were submitted to lignin extraction, using dioxane/ HCl (9:1), and hemicelluloses/cellulose extraction which were obtained from solid residue resulting of lignin extraction. The thermal behavior and infrared spectra from these substances were evaluated and then compared their degradation and changes in the oxygen presence and absence. The obtained results have showed that anaerobic digestion is slower than composting in its constituents decomposition, mainly, lignin and cellulose/hemicellulose, as demonstrated by their respective curves of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC); besides verifying changes in the cellulose and lignin structures through the two process, as well as, strong evidences of lignin in the cellulose extract and, rare assignments of cellulose to lignin extracted. Concerning to humification, a greater tendency for composting samples was observed, mainly... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Avaliação exergética da geração e uso de biogás no setor sucroenergético. / Exergy assessment of biogas generation and usage in the sugarcane industry.

Rafael Nogueira Nakashima 11 May 2018 (has links)
O resíduo da primeira destilação do vinho, a vinhaça, destaca-se dentre os demais gerados na produção de etanol de cana-de-açúcar pelo seu grande volume e alta concentração de substâncias orgânicas. O tratamento anaeróbio desse efluente pode melhorar suas características físico-química (e.g. pH e DQO) além de produzir um combustível alternativo ao gás natural, o biogás. No entanto, apesar dos possíveis ganhos energéticos e ambientais, essa tecnologia apresenta dificuldades em se tornar viável no setor sucroenergético. Tendo em vista esse cenário, este trabalho propõe uma nova análise termodinâmica, baseada no método exergético, do potencial da vinhaça e do biogás provindo de seu tratamento. Para isso, modelou-se a digestão anaeróbia da vinhaça por meio do ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model Nº1) e atualizou-se o cálculo da exergia química deste efluente. Assim, os resultados obtidos indicam que o tratamento anaeróbio pode recuperar uma significativa parcela da exergia descartada com a vinhaça (44-52% de 189-1529 kJ/l), dependendo da degradabilidade e concentração do material orgânico, bem como o regime de operação do reator anaeróbio. Nota-se também, que apesar de a digestão anaeróbia ser mais eficiente com maiores tempos de retenção hidráulica, é preferível maximizar o volume de vinhaça tratada em detrimento da qualidade de conversão. Além disso, o desempenho anual da geração de biogás também é afetado pelo seu processo de partida e pela sazonalidade da produção de etanol. Por outro lado, a planta de biogás promove maiores reduções de exergia destruída em comparação com a fertirrigação e a concentração de vinhaça. Possíveis integrações térmicas entre a planta de biogás e a unidade de concentração de vinhaça foram propostas e analisadas, atingindo melhores eficiências exergéticas e reduzidas demandas térmicas. De forma geral, esse estudo demonstra a aplicação do método exergético na valorização de resíduos orgânicos por meio da produção de biogás. / The residue of the first distillation of wine, vinasse, stands outs in the sugarcane ethanol production due to its huge volume and high concentration of organic substances. The anaerobic treatment of this effluent can enhance its physical-chemical characteristics (e. g. pH and COD) in addition to produce an alternative fuel to natural gas, the biogas. However, although there are possible gains in the energy and environmental aspects, this technology presents difficulties to become viable in Brazilian market. Therefore, this work proposes a new thermodynamic analysis, based on the exergy method, of the potential of vinasse and biogas produced in its anaerobic treatment. In order to accomplish this, the anaerobic digestion of vinasse was modeled with ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model Nº1) and the chemical exergy calculation of this effluent was updated. Thus, the results obtained indicate that the anaerobic treatment can recover a significant part of vinasse exergy (44-52% of 189- 1529 kJ/l), depending on the digestible material concentration, as well as the anaerobic reactor operation. It also can be notice that, although anaerobic digestion be more efficient at higher retention times, it is desirable to maximize treated vinasse volume to the detriment of conversion quality. Furthermore, the biogas production yearly performance is also affected by the reactor start-up process and the ethanol production seasonality. On the other hand, the biogas plant promotes higher reductions of exergy destruction in comparison with fertirrigation and vinasse concentration. Possible thermal integrations between the biogas plant and the vinasse concentration plant were proposed and analyzed, reaching better exergy efficiencies and reduced thermal demand. In general, this study demonstrates the exergy method application in organic residues upgrade by biogas production.

Microscale biomass generation for continuous power supply to remote customers

Loeser, Mathias January 2010 (has links)
Remotely located and sparsely populated areas often do not have access to an efficient grid connection for electricity supply. However, plenty of biomass is normally available in such areas. Instead of employing island solutions such as small diesel generators or large battery stacks for power provision, a flexibly operating microscale biomass power plant using locally available and renewable feedstock is not only an efficient way of providing those areas with competitive and reliable electricity, but also a step towards energy self sufficiency for a large share of areas worldwide, and towards mitigating the looming high costs of grid infrastructure upgrading and extension. A novel power plant design combining thermo chemical and biochemical biomass treatment was developed in this research. This system consists of a small scale gasifier and an anaerobic digester unit, both coupled to a gas storage system and a micro turbine as the generation unit. This design is suitable to continuously provide reliable electricity and accommodate fluctuating residential power demand, and it can be scaled to a level of around 100kWe, which is a fitting size for a group of residential customers, such as in a remote village. The project covers a review of available technology; the choice of suitable technology for such a plant and the design of the system; the set up of a detailed plant model in chemical engineering software; extensive simulation studies on the basis of load profiles to evaluate and optimise operation; and feedstock sourcing, efficiency and economic analyses. It will be shown that such a system is a feasible and economic solution for remote power supply, and that it can overcome many of the current obstacles of electrifying rural regions.

Biodigestão da fração orgânica de resíduos sólidos em um reator de duas fases operado em bateladas sequenciais com imobilização da biomassa. / Biodigestion of the organic fraction of solid wates in a two-phase reactor, operated in sequential batch with biomass immobilized.

Mario Jose Lucero Culi 28 November 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a geração de biogás em um reator de duas fases, operado em bateladas sequencias, com resíduos coletados no CEAGESP de São Paulo-SP. O reator com volume efetivo de 10,7 L, era composto por um biofiltro anaeróbio em sua parte inferior, seguido por um separador de gases e posteriormente por um depósito de resíduos a digerir na parte superior. O inóculo era proveniente do fundo de uma lagoa de lixiviados do aterro de São Carlos-SP. O experimento foi conduzido em temperatura controlada em 30 ± 2 ºC nas Etapas 1, 2 e 3. A Etapa 1 consistiu na ativação e adaptação da biomassa, utilizando-se etanol e posteriormente resíduo orgânico do CEAGESP. A Etapa 2 consistiu na operação anaeróbia do sistema com resíduo do CEAGESP com lodo já adaptado. Na Etapa 3, verificou-se o efeito da aeração no compartimento de resíduos. Na Etapa 4, avaliou-se a influência da temperatura na digestão anaeróbia e com isto foi possível a obtenção do coeficiente de Arrhenius. Na Etapa 5, comparou-se o sistema de duas fases com um segundo reator anaeróbio, com configuração parecida com a convencional. Os resultados obtidos de todas as etapas na geração de biogás no reator de duas fases foram de 0,44; 0,44; 0,47 m3 /Kg SV e as eficiências de remoção de Sólidos Voláteis foram de 82,1%; 84,5% e 84,8% nas Etapa 1, 2 e 3, respetivamente, com um tempo de ração de 14 d nas três etapas. As concentrações de metano foram de 68,4; 67,1 e 66,6%, respectivamente. Na Etapa 4, os resultados da geração de biogás foram de 0,36; 0,38; 0,41; 0,41 m3 biogás/Kg SV nas temperaturas 25,6 ºC; 28,9 ºC; 34,0 ºC e 38,1 ºC, respetivamente. Denotando que a temperatura é um fator importante na geração de biogás em digestão anaeróbia. No reator convencional, a geração de biogás foi de 0,32 m3 biogás/Kg SV. / The present work evaluated the biogas generation in a two-phase reactor, operated in batch sequences, with residues collected at CEAGESP in São Paulo-SP. The reactor with an effective volume of 10.7 L was composed of an anaerobic biofilter in its lower part, followed by a gas separator and later by a deposit of waste to digest in the upper part. The inoculum was from the bottom of a leachate pond in the São Carlos-SP landfill. The experiment was conducted at a temperature of 30 ± 2 º C in Steps 1, 2 and 3. Step 1, consisted of the activation and adaptation of the biomass using ethanol and then organic waste from CEAGESP. Step 2, consisted of the anaerobic operation of the system with residue of the CEAGESP with already adapted sludge. In Step 3, the effect of aeration on the waste compartment was verified. In Step 4, the influence of temperature on the anaerobic digestion was evaluated and with this it was possible to obtain the Arrhenius coefficient. In Step 5, the two-phase system was compared with a second anaerobic reactor, with the same configuration as conventional. The results of all stages in the biogas generation in the two-phase reactor were 0.44; 0.44; 0.47 m3 / Kg SV and the removal efficiencies of Volatile Solids were 82.1%; 84.5% and 84.8% in Step 1, 2 and 3 respectively; and a feed time were of 14 d in the three steps. Consequently, the percentage of methane was 68.4; 67.1 and 66.6%. In stage 4 the results in the biogas generation were 0.36; 0.38; 0.41; 0.41 m3 biogas / Kg SV at temperatures 25.6 ° C; 28.9 ° C; 34.0 ° C and 38.1 ° C respectively. In the conventional reactor the biogas generation was 0.32 m3 biogas / Kg SV.

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