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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hipertrofia miocárdica induzida por consumo elevado de sal na dieta: avaliação do sistema renina-angiotensina e do efeito da N-acetilcisteína / Cardiac hypertrophy induced by high salt diet: renin-angiotensin system and N-acetylcysteine effect

Isis Akemi Katayama 13 May 2014 (has links)
As doenças cardiovasculares são a maior causa de morte no mundo e entre essas doenças, a hipertrofia cardíaca (HC) tem se destacado especialmente por ser um fator de risco de insuficiência cardíaca. A HC é um fenômeno que acompanha a hipertensão arterial e no qual se observa aumento de proteínas estruturais e contráteis dos cardiomiócitos, havendo muitas vezes concomitantemente aumento do colágeno intersticial. Fatores independentes da pressão arterial também podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia cardíaca. Dentre estes fatores, a sobrecarga de sal na dieta tem se destacado. Diversos estudos comprovam o efeito hipertrófico do sal. Em modelos animais onde se estudou sobrecarga de sal, não foi detectado aumento da atividade de renina plasmática, sugerindo que o sistema renina-angiotensina aldosterona (SRA) circulante pode não estar envolvido no desenvolvimento da hipertrofia cardíaca. Apesar de alguns estudos tentarem elucidar o papel do sal no desenvolvimento da hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, os mecanismos pelo qual o sal atua ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidos. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo é observar os fenômenos que ocorrem no ventrículo esquerdo em resposta a sobrecarga de sal na dieta na tentativa de elucidar sua fisiopatologia. Para tanto, ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com a dieta (normossódica 1,26% e hipersódica 8% de NaCl) e com o tratamento (losartan, cloridrato de hidralazina ou N-acetilcisteína). Foi avaliada a evolução ponderal, pressão arterial caudal, medida do diâmetro transverso do cardiomiócito, fibrose intersticial, expressão gênica e proteica dos componentes do SRA, dosagem de aldosterona sérica e cardíaca, dosagem de TBARS cardíaco, concentração de angiotensina II e estado conformacional dos receptores AT1 e AT2. Os principais resultados observados foram: o aumento do consumo de ração (com elevada concentração de NaCl) do grupo HS+NAC e consequente aumento na pressão arterial e peso corpóreo; o desenvolvimento de HC independente do incremento da pressão arterial no grupo HS+HZ e a prevenção total ou parcial dessa hipertrofia através dos tratamentos com losartan e N-acetilcisteína, respectivamente e prevenção da fibrose intersticial nos grupos tratados com hidralazina, losartan e N-acetilcisteína / Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide and among these diseases, the cardiac hypertrophy (CH) has been highlighted, especially as an important risk factor for developing heart failure. The CH is a phenomenon that accompanies hypertension and in which there is increased structural and contractile proteins in cardiomyocytes, with often concomitant increase of interstitial collagen. Blood pressure independent risk factors can also contribute to the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Among these factors, the high salt intake has been outstanding. Several studies confirm the hypertrophic effect of salt. In animal models submitted to salt overload, no increase in plasma renin activity was observed, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin (RAS) circulating system may not be involved in the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Although some studies attempting to elucidate the role of salt in the development of left ventricular hypertrophy, the mechanisms by which salt acts are not yet fully understood. In this context, the objective of this study is to observe the phenomena occurring in the left ventricle in response to dietary salt overload in an attempt to elucidate its pathophysiology.Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups according to their diet (1.26% and 8% NaCl) and treatment (losartan, hydralazine or N-acetylcysteine). We evaluated the body weight, tail-cuff blood pressure, the transverse diameter of the cardiomyocyte, interstitial fibrosis, gene and protein expression of RAAS components, serum and cardiac aldosterone dosage, cardiac TBARS, angiotensin II concentration and binding of conformation-specific anti-AT1 and anti-AT2 antibodies. The main results were: increased food intake (with high NaCl content) in the HS + NAC group and consequent increase in blood pressure and body weight; developing blood pressure-independent CH in the HS + HZ group partial or total prevention of such hypertrophy by treatment with losartan and N-acetylcysteine, respectively, and prevention of interstitial fibrosis in groups treated with hydralazine, losartan and N-acetylcysteine

ASARM et biominéralisation de progéniteurs pulpaires / ASARM and dental pulp stem cells mineralization

Salmon, Benjamin 02 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le rachitisme hypophosphatémique lié à l’X (XLH), MEPE (Matrix Extracellular PhosphoglycoprotEin), une protéine non collagénique impliquée dans la biominéralisation, subit un clivage pathologique de son extrémité C-terminale. Les peptides ainsi libérés sont porteurs d’un domaine ASARM (acidic serine- and aspartate- rich motif) très conservé dans l’évolution. ASARM inhibe la réabsorption tubulaire du phosphate et la minéralisation de la matrice extracellulaire osseuse. Précédemment, notre équipe a identifié des taux élevés de ce peptide ASARM dérivé de MEPE dans la dentine issue de patients XLH. Ce travail a pour objectif principal d’étudier l’effet d’ASARM sur la minéralisation dentinaire afin de mieux comprendre son implication dans les anomalies dentaires observées chez les malades. Des lattis de collagène ensemencés avec des cellules souches pulpaires SHEDs (Dental pulp stem cells derived from deciduous teeth) englobés dans une tranche de dent humaine ont été cultivés dans des conditions d’induction odontoblastique avec et sans 20 µM de chacune des formes phosphorylé (p-ASARM) ou non phosphorylé (np-ASARM) du peptide recombinant. La minéralisation a été appréciée par microscopie électronique à balayage et colorations de von Kossa. L’expression des marqueurs odontogéniques (DSPP, ostéocalcine, MEPE) a été évaluée par immunohistochimie, qPCR et Western-blot. Parallèlement, des billes d’agarose imprégnées p-ASARM et np-ASARM ont été implantées dans un modèle d’effraction pulpaire chez le rat, dans lequel un pont de dentine de réparation se forme spontanément. La minéralisation dans la chambre pulpaire a été évaluée par micro-CT et immunohistochimie. Dans le modèle in vitro 3D, p-ASARM a inhibé la différenciation des SHEDs, ce qui s’est traduit par 1) l’absence de formation de nodule de minéralisation, 2) la diminution des marqueurs odontogéniques, 3) la surexpression de MEPE, comparativement au contrôle ou au traitement du milieu par np-ASARM. In vivo, p-ASARM a perturbé le processus de réparation dentinaire et a entrainé une surexpression de MEPE. Ces résultats confirment notre hypothèse selon laquelle p-ASARM inhibe la différenciation odonblastique et la minéralisation de la dentine. De plus, l’effet inducteur de p-ASARM sur l’expression de MEPE suggère l’existence d’une boucle de rétrocontrôle positif impliquée dans l’étiopathogénie du XLH. Ainsi, les défauts de minéralisation de la dentine hypophosphatémique sont probablement une conséquence de la libération du peptide ASARM dans la matrice extracellulaire. / In X-linked familial hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH), MEPE (Matrix Extracellular PhosphoglycoprotEin) is cleaved, releasing phosphorylated ASARM (acidic serine- and aspartate- rich motif) peptides that inhibit mineralization of bone extracellular matrix (ECM), and renal tubular phosphate reabsorption. We recently identified high levels of MEPE-derived ASARM peptides in human XLH dentin. The present study was aimed to investigate their effects on dentin mineralization in order to better understand their role in the etiology of tooth abnormalities observed in XLH patients. Dental pulp stem cells derived from deciduous teeth (SHEDs) were seeded in a collagen scaffold, cultured in human tooth slices under mineralizing conditions as a control, and with 20 µM of either phosphorylated (p-ASARM) or non-phosphorylated (np-ASARM) MEPE-derived ASARM peptides. Mineralization was assessed by scanning electron microscopy and von Kossa staining. Odontogenic markers (DSPP, osteocalcin, MEPE) were assessed by immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and Western blot. In parallel, agarose beads soaked with recombinant ASARM peptides were implanted in a rat pulp injury model where a reparative dentin bridge is spontaneously formed; the repair process was evaluated by micro-CT and IHC. In the tooth slice culture model, p-ASARM inhibited SHED differentiation, with 1) no formation of mineralization nodule, 2) decreased odontogenic marker expression, and 3) up-regulation of MEPE expression, in contrast with np-ASARM and control. In the rat pulp injury model, p-ASARM impaired the formation of the reparative dentin bridge and increased MEPE expression. The present data support our hypothesis that p-ASARM impairs odontogenic differentiation process and the resulting mineralization of dentin. Moreover, the identification of a stimulating effect of p-ASARM on MEPE expression suggests a positive feedback loop in the pathogenicity of XLH disease. Accordingly, the mineralized defects in XLH tooth dentin may be a direct consequence of the release of ASARM peptides in the ECM.

Evaluation préclinique de thérapies innovantes pour le carcinome hépatocellulaire et l'infection chronique par le virus de l'hépatite C / Preclinical evaluation of innovative therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic infection with hepatitis C virus

Wu, Tao 09 October 2014 (has links)
L’infection par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) représente un problème majeur de santé publique du fait de sa prévalence élevée et de la sévérité de ses complications, cirrhose et carcinome hépatocellulaire (CHC). Les objectifs du projet de thèse sont (i) de mettre en place et caractériser des modèles orthotopiques de CHC chez le petit animal (xénogreffe orthotopique de la lignée de CHC humaine Huh-7 exprimant le gène rapporteur de la luciférase chez la souris immunodéficiente) et chez le gros animal (transplantation autologue d’hépatocytes de cochon préalablement transformés ex vivo par transfert par voie lentivirale d’une combinaison de six oncogènes) et (ii) d’apporter la preuve de concept d’une approche innovante d’immunothérapie adoptive allogénique du CHC et de l’infection chronique par le VHC, par administration de lymphocytes génétiquement modifiés (LGM) allogéniques exprimant un gène de toxicité conditionnelle, ou gène suicide. Un tel gène suicide permet le contrôle des LGM, conduisant à leur élimination conditionnelle en cas d’effets secondaires indésirables. Ainsi, nous avons montré que, à dose élevée, ces LGM exercent in vitro une activité cytotoxique vis-à-vis de lignées de CHC humaines et in vivo une activité anti-tumorale vis-à-vis de tumeurs orthotopiques Huh-7. A faible dose, les LGM présentent une activité anti-virale vis-à-vis du VHC sans induire de toxicité. Ces résultats ouvrent la perspective à une approche originale d’immunothérapie du CHC, associée aux traitements actuels et de prévention de la réinfection du greffon hépatique par le VHC lors de la transplantation. / The hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major problem of public health, due to its high prevalence and to the severity of its complications, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The aims of the thesis project are (i) to set up and characterize orthotopic HCC models in the small animal (orthotopic transplantation in immunodeficient mice of the human HCC cell line Huh-7, expressing the luciferase reporter gene) and in the large animal (autologous transplantation of porcine hepatocytes previously ex vivo-transformed by lentiviral-meidated transfer of a combination of six oncogenes) and (ii) to provide the proof-of-concept of an innovative adoptive allogeneic immunotherapy approach for the treatment of HCC and prevention of liver graft reinfection by HCV, through the administration of allogeneic suicide gene-modified lymphocytes (GML). Such a suicide gene allows for the control of GML, leading to their conditional elimination in case of undesirable side effects. Thus, we have demonstrated that, at high dose, these GML present an in vitro cytotoxic activity toward HCC cell lines and an in vivo antitumoral effect against orthotopic Huh-7 tumors. At low level, the GML have an antiviral activity against HCV, without toxicity against target cells. These results open the perspective for an original approach of immunotherapy for the treatment of HCC in association with current treatments and for the prevention of liver graft reinfection by HCV at time of liver transplantation.

Oxygen delivery and mitochondrial dysfunction as assessed by microdialysis during interventions in experimental sepsis

von Seth, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
Early administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics is the first goal in sepsis treatment. Besides from bacteriostatic/bactericidal effects, some antibiotics may also modify the host´s response to infection. The novel antibiotic tigecycline may exert such properties; however, this property has not been evaluated in large-animal trials. We compared tigecycline with doxycycline and placebo in relation to anti-inflammatory, circulatory and organ dysfunction effects in a sterile pig model of sepsis. Doxycycline, but not tigecycline, reduced the inflammatory response as manifested by tumor necrosis factor alpha levels in plasma. Tigecycline, however, had a stabilizing effect on the circulation not exerted by doxycycline or placebo. To achieve rapid restoration of the circulating blood volume - another major goal in sepsis treatment - fluid bolus administration of is some-times practiced. In addition to crystalloids, albumin-containing solutions are suggested. Yet, some animal-experimental data suggests that rapid bolus administration of albumin reduces albumin’s plasma-expanding effect. We compared a rapid intravenous bolus of radiolabeled albumin with a slow infusion in a sterile pig model of sepsis. Rapid bolus of administration did not reduce plasma levels of albumin following administration and did not increase the amount of albumin that left the circulation. Inadequate oxygen delivery (DO2) by the circulation to the tissues may cause increased plasma lactate, which is the most striking effect of sepsis on the metabolism. However, experimental data and clinical trials refute this link, instead, suggesting other mechanisms, including impaired oxygen extraction, mitochondrial dysfunction and accelerated aerobic glycolysis. We investigated the impact of DO2, oxygen consumption (VO2), hemodynamic parameters and inflammatory response on plasma lactate and organ dysfunction in two experimental sepsis models. In the most severe cases of shock, with DO2, there was an increase in plasma lactate, but without a decrease in VO2, invalidating the assumption that the increase in lactate is due to anaerobic metabolism. To identify critical steps in the sepsis-induced increase in lactate, we inhibited the major energy-producing step in the electron transport chain (ETC). The combination of sepsis and ETC inhibition led to a cellular energy crisis. This finding suggests that early sepsis induces a partial mitochondrial dysfunction.

Etude physiopathologique de modèles murins de leucodystrophies dysmyélinisantes et approche thérapeutique / Pathophysiological study of mouse models of dysmyelinating leukodystrophies and therapeutic approach

Depiets, Bérengère 08 June 2012 (has links)
Les mutations du gène des protéolipoprotéines, PLP1, codant des protéines structurales majeures de la myéline du système nerveux central : PLP et DM20, sont responsables d'un sous-groupe de leucodystrophies dysmyélinisantes liées à l'X. La forme la plus sévère, la maladie de Pelizaeus-Merzbacher (PMD), induite principalement par des duplications du gène conduit à une hypomyélinisation majeure ; tandis que la forme la plus modérée, la paraplégie spastique de type 2 (SPG2), induite par des mutations non-sens ou des délétions du gène conduit à une myéline mal compactée et une dégénérescence axonale tardive. Ce travail de thèse porte sur la caractérisation phénotypique de souris transgéniques mâles présentant une invalidation du gène Plp1 (souris Plp null), ainsi que des femelles hétérozygotes pour cette mutation et surexprimant le gène Plp1 (souris PLOA), modèles des mères transmettrices de ces maladies. Une étude longitudinale du comportement de ces souris a été réalisée et a permis de mettre en évidence chez les souris mâles Plp null l'apparition de troubles moteurs, sensitifs et cognitifs, qui ont pu ensuite être reliés à des anomalies d'expression (1) de marqueurs astrocytaires ou microgliaux et de neuropeptides impliqués dans la douleur au niveau de la moelle épinière, (2) de marqueurs ayant un rôle dans les processus cognitifs dans le cerveau et notamment dans certaines régions de l'hippocampe et (3) à des altérations des vitesses de conduction nerveuse. Chez les femelles mutées Plp1, les anomalies comportementales semblent liées au génotype, avec le développement de symptômes uniquement chez les mères porteuses de mutation modérée. Depuis quelques années, un ensemble de données évoquent un rôle de la substance blanche, et notamment la myéline, dans les fonctions comportementales et cognitives. Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce travail confirment l'intérêt des souris Plp null pour mieux comprendre ce rôle. De plus, les nombreuses similarités identifiées entre les modèles animaux et la pathologie humaine permettent d'envisager l'utilisation de ces modèles pour l'évaluation de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. Nous avons ainsi évalué l'efficacité d'un neuroleptique atypique sur les troubles comportementaux des souris mâles Plp null. / Mutations of the proteolipoprotein gene, PLP1, coding the major structural proteins of the central nervous system, PLP and DM20, are responsible of some X-linked dysmyelinating leukodystrophies. The most severe form, the Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD), due to gene duplications, causes a major hypomyelination ; while the moderate form, the spastic paraplegia type 2 (SPG2), due to non-sense mutations or gene deletions, leads leading to unpacked myelin and late axonal degeneration. This thesis work focuses on phenotypic characterization of transgenic male mice with Plp1 invalidation (Plp null mice), together with heterozygous females for this mutation and overexpressing Plp1 (PLOA mice), models of carrier mothers of these diseases. A longitudinal study on mice behavior was performed and allowed to highlight in Plp null male mice, the onset of motor, sensitive and cognitive defects, then linked to expression abnormalities of (1) astrocytic or microglial markers and neuropeptides involved in painful processes in spinal dorsal horn, (2) markers implied in cognitive processes in brain and especially some hippocampus regions, (3) alterations of nerve conduction velocities. In Plp1-mutated females, behavior abnormalities seem to be related to genotype, with development of symptoms only in females carrying moderate mutation. Since few years, data suggest a role of white matter, and particularly myelin, in cognitive and behavioral functions. Results of this study confirm the interest of Plp null mice to better understand this role. Further, similarities identied between animal models and human pathology, allow to consider these models to assess new therapeutic perspectives. We thus assessed the efficiency of a typical neuroleptic on Plp null mice behavioral alterations.

Estudo da expressão da miostatina em modelos murinos para doenças neuromusculares. / Myostatin expression in mouse models of neuromuscular diseases.

Dinorah Zilbersztajn Gotlieb 21 March 2011 (has links)
A proteína miostatina, é um regulador negativo do crescimento muscular e a modulação de sua expressão pode consistir em tratamento para distrofias musculares. Nós estudamos expressão endógena da miostatina no músculos gastrocnêmio e diafragma de 4 modelos murinos de degeneração muscular: os camundongos Dmdmdx, SJL/J, Largemyd e Lama2dy-2J/J. Observamos que a miostatina é menos expressa no músculo gastrocnêmio do que diafragma normal, refletindo um músculo mais sujeito a lesão. Nas quatro linhagens distróficas a miostatina é menos expressa do que em camundongos normais, tanto no músculo gastrocnêmio como diafragma, sem diferença entre os dois. A analise comparativa da degeneração e regeneração muscular mostrou maior correlação da inibição da miostatina com o padrão de degeneração. Nossos resultados sugerem que o processo de degeneração, quando iniciado, e independentemente de seu grau, causa molecular primária, ou músculo afetado, parece atuar de forma similar na inibição da expressão da miostatina, possivelmente como estimulo a regeneração do dano. / Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth, and its inhibition has been considered a therapeutic strategy for muscular dystrophies. We evaluated the endogenous expression of myostatin in the gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles from 4 mouse dystrophic models including Dmdmdx, SJL/J>, Largemyd and Lama2dy2J/J. In normal mice, we observed that myostatin is less expressed in the gastrocnemius than in the diaphragm, reflecting a muscle most prone to lesions. In the 4 dystrophic models, myostatin expression was reduced, in both gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles. The comparative analysis of the histopathology of the muscles with the expression of myostatin showed a stronger correlation with the pattern of degeneration then regeneration. Our results suggest that, when started, the process of degeneration of the muscle, independently of the primary molecular defect, or degree, seems to act in a similar pathway leading to the inhibition of the expression of myostatin in the affected muscles, possibly as a stimulus to regeneration of damage.

192 IgG-Saporin lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis impair serial reversal learning in rats

Cabrera, Sara Michelle 01 January 2005 (has links)
In order to assess flexibility in acquiring and using conflicting response rules, rats with selective lesions of the NBM or sham-lesion controls were subjected to serial reversal training in a simple operant discrimination paradigm. The NBM lesion group did not differ from the control group in acquisition of the original rules; the NBM lesion group required more time to master the changes in rules in the first reversal, but not in subsequent reversals.

Site-Specific Variations in Bone Mineral Density under Systemic Conditions Inducing Osteoporosis in Minipigs

Schulz, Matthias C., Kowald, Jan, Estenfelder, Sven, Jung, Roland, Kuhlisch, Eberhard, Eckelt, Uwe, Mai, Ronald, Hofbauer, Lorenz C., Stroszczynski, Christian, Stadlinger, Bernd 16 November 2017 (has links)
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease with an increasing prevalence in the elderly population. There is conflicting opinion about whether osteoporosis affects the alveolar bone of the jaws and whether it poses a risk to the osseointegration of dental implants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of systemic glucocorticoid administration on the jaw bone density of minipigs. Thirty-seven adult female minipigs were randomly divided into two groups. Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) was used to assess bone mineral density BMD of the lumbar spine as well as the mandible and maxilla, and blood was drawn. One group of minipigs initially received 1.0 mg prednisolone per kg body weight daily for 2 months. The dose was tapered to 0.5 mg per kg body weight per day thereafter. The animals in the other group served as controls and received placebo. QCT and blood analysis were repeated after 6 and 9 months. BMD was compared between the two groups by measuring Hounsfield units, and serum levels of several bone metabolic markers were also assessed. A decrease in BMD was observed in the jaws from baseline to 9 months. This was more pronounced in the prednisolone group. Statistically significant differences were reached for the mandible (p < 0.001) and the maxilla (p < 0.001). The administration of glucocorticoids reduced the BMD in the jaws of minipigs. The described model shows promise in the evaluation of osseointegration of dental implants in bone that is compromised by osteoporosis.


Andrew J. Boria (8703303) 17 April 2020 (has links)
<p>Cerebral radiation necrosis as a consequence of radiation therapy is often observed in patients several months to years after treatment. Complications include painful headaches, seizures, and in the worst-case death. Radiation necrosis is an irreversible condition with the options available to manage it all having noticeable downsides. As such, there is a critical need for better ways of either preventing the onset of necrosis and/or managing its symptoms. As radiation necrosis cannot be induced in humans for ethical reasons, a mouse model that mirrors the features of radiation necrosis observed in patients would allow for new techniques to be tested before being used in human clinical trials. This thesis will explain how our lab designed a murine model of cerebral radiation necrosis that uses a 320 keV cabinet irradiator to produce radiation necrosis and MRI and histology to evaluate the development of radiation necrosis at multiple time points.</p><p><br></p> <p> </p> <p>Our model required the development of a mouse positioning apparatus that could be used in the cabinet irradiator used as well as the machining of lead shields so that focal semi-hemispheric irradiations could be conducted with other critical structures spared. The MRI scans used as well as the algorithm used to draw radiation necrosis lesions were based off what has been used in previous Gamma Knife models of radiation necrosis. Our initial work showed that since the cabinet irradiator has a relatively flat dose distribution unlike the Gamma Knife, the radiation lesion volumes produced in the former either plateaued or decreased, unlike in the case of the latter where lesion volumes tended to decrease over time. Further work analyzed the effects of fractionation and found minimal sparing using four different fractionation schemes. The effects of strain and sex on the development of radiation necrosis were also analyzed, with strain being found to be a statistically significant parameter while sex was not. Future research should focus on testing the effects of new drugs and techniques for better dealing with radiation necrosis.<b></b></p>

Metagenomics in One Health — from standardization to targeted application

Hallmaier-Wacker, Luisa 10 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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