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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Afasia e interação = uma análise da dinâmica de turnos e da gestão do tópico nas práticas conversacionais de sujeitos afásicos e não-afásicos / Aphasia and interaction : an analysis of dynamic shifts and management of topic in the conversational practices of aphasics and nonaphasics

Mira, Caio Cesar Costa Ribeiro, 1981- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edwiges Maria Morato / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T20:08:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mira_CaioCesarCostaRibeiro_D.pdf: 2174929 bytes, checksum: b13b3e7ca1c450942b7dc7a7a02801c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: As práticas interativas do Centro de Convivência dos Afásicos (doravante, CCA) constituem um locus bastante interessante para análise da relação entre linguagem, cognição e vida social. O CCA, que funciona no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da UNICAMP, é um espaço de interação entre afásicos e não afásicos que procura, metodologicamente, evocar em encontros semanais rotinas significativas de vida em sociedade, o que envolve variados processos de significação (verbais e não verbais) e diversas práticas com linguagem, que mobilizam recursos pragmáticos, textuais e discursivos (Morato et al., 2002). Diante da configuração social CCA e a partir do arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Análise da Conversação e dos estudos brasileiros no campo da Linguística Textual, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar episódios interacionais que envolvem sujeitos afásicos e não afásicos, por meio de duas categorias que sustentam a estrutura e a gestão da conversação: o turno conversacional e o tópico discursivo. Este trabalho parte da seguinte hipótese: poderíamos dizer que sujeitos afásicos não deixam de ser competentes do ponto de vista pragmático? Poderia a análise textual-interativa demonstrar que sujeitos afásicos possuiriam uma capacidade de reconhecer as formas de inserção, sobreposição e tomadas dos turnos conversacionais para participarem do desenvolvimento de um do tópico em situações conversacionais? Poderia essa análise demonstrar que afásicos podem ser capazes de reconhecer as especificidades das dinâmicas de turnos e das formas do desenvolvimento do tópico demandadas pelas situações conversacionais ocorridas no CCA? Para tratar de questões como essas, consideramos que a análise interpretativa das práticas linguísticas dos sujeitos afásicos contribui para a compreensão da inserção e da participação dos sujeitos afásicos nas práticas cotidianas, algo que passa largamente pela linguagem ou pelos seus contextos de uso. Também por essas práticas podemos compreender melhor como o afásico procura se inserir nas mais diversas atividades sociais e assim contribuir para o incremento de ações inclusivas e para a diminuição do isolamento social que geralmente ocorre em função da incompreensão das especificidades dos déficits linguísticos nas situações concretas de uso da linguagem. Os resultados de nossas análises demonstram que os afásicos não perdem necessariamente a competência pragmática ou textual interativa. Tanto aspectos estruturais, quanto funcionais da linguagem em uso permitem o enfrentamento criativo de dificuldades impostas pelas dificuldades características dos quadros afásicos. Assim, de forma intersubjetiva, multimodal e cooperativa, afásicos se tornam capazes de interagir nas situações conversacionais, manipulando de forma adequada em relação aos seus propósitos comunicacionais, engajando-se na dinâmica de turnos conversacionais e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do tópico. Nossos achados demonstram que afásicos reconhecem a configuração textual-interativa da conversação, manifestada pela movimentação do tópico, das formas de participação dos enquadres interativos e pelas dinâmicas de turno. A afasia, e também a análise desse fenômeno neurolinguístico, não se reduz, pois, ao que acontece ao nível do sistema linguístico stricto sensu ou tomado em si mesmo / Abstract: The interactive practices of the Aphasic Social Centre (henceforth, CCA) are a very interesting locus to analyze the relationship between language, cognition and social life. The CCA, located at the Language Studies Institute at UNICAMP, is a place for interaction between aphasics and non-aphasics that tries to evoke methodologically, in weekly meetings, the routine of life in society. Those practices involve various processes of meaning (verbal and non-verbal language) that mobilizes pragmatic, textual, and discursive resources (Morato et al, 2002). Given the social configuration of the CCA and the theoretical-methodological conversation analysis as well as the text-interactive approach of the field of Brazilian studies on Textual Linguistics, this research aims to analyze three interactional episodes involving non-aphasic and aphasic subjects through two categories that sustain the conversation: the topic of discourse and conversational turn. This work is based in the following hypothesis: could we say that aphasic subjects are nonetheless competent according to the pragmatic point of view? Could textual and interactive analysis show that aphasic subjects possess an ability to recognize forms of integration, overlap and shifts taken from conversational to participate in the development of a topic in a conversational situation? Could this analysis demonstrate that aphasics may be able to recognize the specificities of dynamic shifts and shape the development of a conversational topic demanded by the situation that occurred in the CCA? We believe that the interpretative analysis of the language practices of aphasic subjects contributes to the understanding of inclusion and the participation of them in daily practices, something that goes largely by language or by their contexts of use. Also, according to those practices, we can better understand how the aphasics can participate in various social activities and thus contribute to the growth of inclusive actions to reduce the social isolation that often occurs due to the misunderstanding of the specific deficits of language in concrete use of language situations. The results of our analysis show that aphasics do not necessarily lose the pragmatic or textual interaction competence. Both structural and functional use of language allows communicative creative strategies imposed by the difficulties of aphasic subjects. Thus, in intersubjective and cooperative multimodal ways aphasics become able to interact in conversational situations, manipulating appropriately in relation to their communicative purposes, engaging in the dynamics of conversational turns and contributing to the development of the topic. Our findings demonstrate that aphasics recognize the configuration of interactive text-chat, as manifested by moving the topic of forms of participation frameworks for interactive and dynamic shifts. Therefore, Aphasia, and also the analysis of this neurolinguistics phenomenon, is not reduced to what happens at the level of the linguistic system stricto sensu / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística

O prompting e suas funções linguístico-interacionais nas afasias / Prompting and its linguistics-interactional functions in aphasia

Marinho, Júlia da Silva, 1983- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edwiges Maria Morato / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T14:34:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marinho_JuliadaSilva_D.pdf: 700267 bytes, checksum: 6b851d00958ad09222011907ae54e411 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Nosso propósito de empreender um estudo linguístico-interacional do prompting, bem como seus ganhos explicativos para o contexto das afasias, surgiu da imprecisão conceitual atualmente dispensada ao fenômeno. Grosso modo, o prompting é entendido como uma pista articulatória isto é, a execução, pelo interlocutor, do primeiro gesto ou das primeiras sequências de gestos que compõem as primeiras sílabas da palavra requerida. Não obstante a pouca clareza sobre os aspectos envolvidos em seu funcionamento, tem sido mencionado na literatura clínica quando da referência às estratégias terapêuticas utilizadas na recuperação da linguagem por afásicos. Via de regra, nesses estudos, o terapeuta fornece ou estimula o prompting oral ou escrito ao paciente. Com isso, perdem-se de vista vários aspectos constitutivos do fenômeno. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo qualificar e caracterizar a emergência do prompting na linguagem de afásicos em meio às atividades interativas desenvolvidas no Programa de Linguagem do Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (CCA), localizado no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem/Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IEL/UNICAMP). Ao tomá-lo como fenômeno a ser analisado, pretendemos definir melhor os contornos conceituais e explicativos do prompting, em suas diversas configurações e modalidades, descrevendo as condições e o contexto lingüístico-interacional propício a sua ocorrência, bem como a sua relação com as características de linguagem dos sujeitos afásicos. Além disso, objetivamos a caracterizar o que motiva os afásicos a selecionarem, na resposta ao prompting, por uma produção oral, escrita ou gestual. O empreendimento analítico das implicações do prompting permite-nos uma melhor compreensão do que ocorre mais especificamente no contexto das afasias, a fim de que possamos estabelecer as relações necessárias acerca do fenômeno e possamos, com isso, agregar novos conhecimentos para a área dos estudos interacionais e conversacionais no campo da Linguística, além de contribuir para as investigações clínicas que objetivam a auxiliar os afásicos em suas dificuldades de comunicação e significação / Abstract: Our purpose in undertaking a linguistic-interactional study of verbal prompting, as well as its explanatory gains for the context of aphasia research, has arisen from the conceptual imprecision of the phenomenon. Roughly speaking, prompting is understood as an articulation cue, that is, the execution by the recipient, or the first act of the first sequences of gestures that forms the first syllables of the word required. The lack of clarity on some aspects involved in its functioning, verbal prompting is usually mentioned in the clinics literature when one refers to the therapeutical strategies used in language recovery by aphasics. As a rule in these studies the therapist provides or stimulates spoken or written prompting to the patient. Therefore various aspects of the phenomenon are lost of sight. This research aims to describe and characterize the emergence of prompting in aphasic language through interactive activities developed in the Language program of Centro de Convivência de afásicos (CCA), located at the Institute of Language Studies/ Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IEL/Unicamp). By taking it as a phenomenon to be analyzed, we intend to further define and explain the conceptual contours of prompting, in its various settings and types, describing the conditions and interactional-linguistic context to its occurrence and its relationship with the characteristics of the aphasic language. Furthermore, we aimed to characterize what motivates aphasics to choose, in response to prompting by an oral production, written or sign language. The development of the analytical implications of prompting allows us as better understanding of what occurs specifically in the context of aphasia, in order that we may establish the necessary links about the phenomenon and can, therefore, besides adding new knowledge to the area of interactional and conversational studies in the field of linguistics, contribute to the clinical investigations that aim to assist aphasic subjects in their difficulties to communicate and significate / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutora em Linguística

O discurso narrativo nas afasias = The narrative discourse in aphasias / The narrative discourse in aphasias

Cazarotti-Pacheco, Mirian, 1969- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rosana do Carmo Novaes Pinto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T14:25:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cazarotti-Pacheco_Mirian_D.pdf: 2561618 bytes, checksum: 1d863a50d3d3f6457471619b2f5e22c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta tese tem como principal objetivo apresentar e discutir o discurso narrativo oral - que se revelou como aquele que mais resiste nas afasias - como (i) um espaço privilegiado para a análise dos impactos das afasias na linguagem dos sujeitos tanto no nível do sistema linguístico - para avaliar, por exemplo, as dificuldades de combinação e seleção de elementos (fonético-fonológicos, sintáticos e semântico-lexicais) - como aspectos pragmáticos e discursivos; (ii) um contexto no qual se pode observar e analisar as soluções criativas encontradas pelos afásicos para driblar suas dificuldades e (iii) um espaço para o trabalho de reorganização linguístico/cognitiva no acompanhamento terapêutico. A narrativa, dessa forma, pode ser compreendida também como uma metodologia que possibilita eliciar dados singulares, uma vez que são produzidos em situações efetivas de uso da linguagem. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram selecionados onze episódios narrativos, produzidos dialogicamente entre sujeitos afásicos e não-afásicos em sessões coletivas e individuais do Grupo III do Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (CCA), vídeo-gravados e posteriormente transcritos e analisados segundo metodologia qualitativa, de cunho indiciário (cf. GINZBURG, 1986/1989). Todos os sujeitos afásicos que participaram desta pesquisa produziram narrativas, mesmo aqueles com afasias consideradas graves do ponto de vista da produção. Buscamos analisar os elementos constitutivos de cada episódio narrativo considerando-se as categorias postuladas por Labov & Waletsky (1967) e mobilizando também conceitos bakhtinianos para explicitar os processos que os afásicos percorrem para se aproximar de seu querer-dizer (como enunciado, acabamento, conclusibilidade etc), assim como questões relativas à ética que deve orientar os processos terapêuticos. As práticas sociais de linguagem, em situações de uso efetivo, possibilitam que o afásico exerça seu papel de sujeito ativo nos círculos sociais dos quais faz parte, mesmo nos casos considerados "graves". O trabalho orientado pelas teorias enunciativodiscursivas privilegia os sujeitos e não a sua patologia; dão vez e voz aos afásicos, demanda que o seu interlocutor se constitua verdadeiramente como "parceiro da comunicação verbal" (cf. BAKHTIN, 1979/2010), que se coloque disponível para a escuta (cf. PONZIO, 2010) / Abstract: The main goal of this thesis is to present and discuss the narrative discourse - which was found to be the most resistant in aphasia - as (i) a privileged locus for the analysis of its impact on language, either on the linguistic system (to evaluate, for instance, the difficulties of selection and combination of linguistic elements - phonetic/phonological, syntactic and lexical-semantic), as well as concerning pragmatic and discursive aspects; (ii) as a context in which one can observe and analyze the creative solutions found by the aphasics in order to face their difficulties; (iii) as a locus for the linguistic/cognitive reorganization during the therapeutic follow-up. Narrative discourse, this way, may be understood as a methodology which makes it possible to elicit singular data, once they are produced in effective use of language. To develop the work, eleven narrative episodes were selected, which were produced dialogically between aphasic and non-aphasic subjects during individual sessions and group meetings of Group III of Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (CCA). Data were videorecorded, afterwards transcribed and analyzed according to qualitative methodology, of evidentiary nature (cf. GINZBURG, 1986/1989). All the aphasic subjects who participated in this research produced narratives, even those that can be considered to have severe aphasia, from the perspective of production. We sought to analyze the constitutive elements of each narrative episode, taking into consideration the categories postulated by Labov & Waletsky (1967) and also mobilizing bakhtinian concepts to explicit the paths which aphasics follow in order to approach their speech-will, as well as questions concerning the ethics that must guide the therapeutic processes. The social practices, in situations of effective use of language, make it possible to the aphasics to play the role of active subjects in the social circles they participate, even in severe cases. The work guided by enunciative-discursive theories privileges the subjects, not pathologies; it gives voice to the aphasics (and restitutes them their turn); it demands that the interlocutor of the aphasic becomes truly the partner of the verbal communication (cf. BAKHTIN, 1979/2010); it demands that he (the partner) puts himself available to listen to the aphasic (cf. PONZIO, 2010) / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística

Logopedická intervence u osob po cévní mozkové příhodě / Speech therapy of people after stroke

Dušková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the speech therapy of people after stroke. The aim of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the communication abilities of people after stroke. On the basis of this analysis was created for two person therapeutic material, which was verified during speech therapy. The diploma thesis is devided into two parts. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses the issue of stroke and neurogenic communication disorders on the basis of the current state of knowledge. The practical part of the thesis is performed with qualitatively focused research with the use of case studies, observation and creating own therapeutic material. Case studies describe speech therapy and work with material. The research shows that the therapeutic material is usable in practice. KEYWORDS stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, therapeutic material, case studies

Hodnocení designu terapie neurogenních poruch komunikace v oblasti klinické logopedie / Evaluation design therapy of neurogenic disorders of language in clinical speech therapy

Fridrichová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis titled Evaluation design therapy of neurogenic disorders of language in clinical speech therapy aims to find out what effect the speech reeducation to improve communication skills in people with acquired neurogenic communication disorders speech. Next, determine whether therapy plays a role during client environment, if the success rate of therapy affected patient's condition and the extent to which the clients are motivated to therapy. The theoretical part summarizes the findings from the literature on neurogenic communication disorders, aphasia and dysarthria. Each chapter is devoted to the terminological definition and definition, etiology, symptoms (for aphasia), classification, diagnostics and therapy. The practical part deals with the research survey. There are set targets mentioned methodology, research sample characteristics and place of the investigation. Following processing of four case studies. Which describes the therapy sessions and individual work with clients. KEYWORDS Neurogenic speech disorders, aphasia, dysarthria, logopedic therapy

L'aphasie en phase aiguë de l'accident vasculaire cérébral : Nouvelles données, outils d'évaluation et perspectives : deuxième partie : retour d’expérience de recherche / Aphasia in acute phase of stroke : new insights, assessment tools and perspectives

Flamand, Constance 15 July 2015 (has links)
La prise en charge de l’aphasie en phase aiguë de l’accident vasculaire cérébral a été au centre de mon activité d’orthophoniste à l’assistance publique pendant 20 ans. Au cours de ces années, j’ai pu développer une activité de recherche en parallèle de mon activité clinique. En particulier, je me suis intéressée à l’évaluation et à la prise en charge très précoce de l’aphasie dans le contexte d’AVC en phase très aiguë. Un outil d’évaluation de l’aphasie a pu être élaboré dans le service, et a ensuite été le centre de plusieurs travaux : son adaptation dans d’autres langues, la comparaison de l’aphasie et le l’hémiplégie, la détermination de profils aphasiologiques types… Le champ de l’aphasiologie est très vaste et il reste de nombreux axes de recherche à approfondir. Notre outil d’évaluation de phase aiguë pourrait participer à apporter la preuve du bénéfice d’une prise en charge précoce de l’aphasie, et pourrait également permettre de proposer une nouvelle classification des aphasies. / The management of aphasia in the acute phase of stroke has been the focus of my speech therapist activity in a public hospital for 20 years. During these years I have been able to develop a research activity in parallel with my clinical activity. In particular, I was interested in the assessment and the treatment of aphasia in the context of the very acute phase of stroke. An assessment tool for aphasia has been developed in the stroke unit, and was then the center of several studies: its adaptation into other languages, the comparison of aphasia and hemiplegia, determining aphasiological profiles kinds...The field of aphasiology is very broad and there are still many areas of research to pursue. Our screening tool of aphasia could participate to prove the benefit of an early treatment of aphasia, and could also allow proposing a new classification of aphasia.

Emotion detection deficits and changes in personality traits linked to loss of white matter integrity in primary progressive aphasia

Multani, Namita, Galantucci, Sebastiano, Wilson, Stephen M., Shany-Ur, Tal, Poorzand, Pardis, Growdon, Matthew E., Jang, Jung Yun, Kramer, Joel H., Miller, Bruce L., Rankin, Katherine P., Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa, Tartaglia, Maria Carmela January 2017 (has links)
Non-cognitive features including personality changes are increasingly recognized in the three PPA variants (semantic-svPPA, non fluent-nfvPPA, and logopenic-lvPPA). However, differences in emotion processing among the PPA variants and its association with white matter tracts are unknown. We compared emotion detection across the three PPA variants and healthy controls (HC), and related them to white matter tract integrity and cortical degeneration. Personality traits in the PPA group were also examined in relation to white matter tracts. Thirty-three patients with svPPA, nfvPPA, lvPPA, and 32 HC underwent neuropsychological assessment, emotion evaluation task (EET), and MRI scan. Patients' study partners were interviewed on the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) and completed an interpersonal traits assessment, the Interpersonal Adjective Scale (IAS). Diffusion tensor imaging of uncinate fasciculus (UF), superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), and voxel-based morphometry to derive gray matter volumes for orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), anterior temporal lobe (ATL) regions were performed. In addition, gray matter volumes of white matter tract-associated regions were also calculated: inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), posterior temporal lobe (PTL), inferior parietal lobe (IPL) and occipital lobe (OL). ANCOVA was used to compare EET performance. Partial correlation and multivariate linear regression were conducted to examine association between EET and neuroanatomical regions affected in PPA. All three variants of PPA performed significantly worse than HC on EET, and the svPPA group was least accurate at recognizing emotions. Performance on EET was related to the right UF, SLF, and ILF integrity. Regression analysis revealed EET performance primarily relates to the right UF integrity. The IAS subdomain, cold-hearted, was also associated with right UF integrity. Disease-specific emotion recognition and personality changes occur in the three PPA variants and are likely associated with disease-specific neuroanatomical changes. Loss of white matter integrity contributes as significantly as focal atrophy in behavioral changes in PPA.

Sjuksköterskan och patienter med strokeinduceradafasi – En litteraturöversikt om kommunikation ochpersoncentrering / The nurse and patients with stroke-induced aphasia – A literaturereview about communication and personcentredness

Dahné, Ylva, Thorin, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är ett samlingsbegrepp för hjärninfarkter och hjärnblödningar. Stroke ger ofta livslånga men, såsom afasi. Afasi innebär en reducerad förmåga att förstå talat/skrivet språk och/eller en reducerad förmåga att uttrycka sig adekvat. För att en god och personcentrerad vård ska kunna erbjudas patienter med stroke så är en fungerande kommunikation en förutsättning. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva faktorer som påverkar personcentrerad vård och kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskan och patienter som drabbats av strokeinducerad afasi. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt. Studien är baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar som lästs och analyserats och där gemensamma teman identifierats. Resultat: Resultatet visade på ett antal strategier som främjade eller försvårade en god kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskan och patienter som drabbats av strokeinducerad afasi. Dessa strategier berörde sju områden: Verbal kommunikation, Icke verbal kommunikation, Att se patienten som en kompetent och unik individ, Uppmärksamhet och engagemang, Tidsaspekten vid kommunikation med afasidrabbade, Den omgivande miljöns betydelse för kommunikationen samt Personalens utbildning och kompetens. Konklusion: Det finns inget standardsvar på hur kommunikationen ska gå till, varje individ är unik och varje situation kräver sin unika lösning. Dock finns det ett antal aspekter och metoder som är betydelsefulla och användbara vid kommunikation med afasidrabbade. Dessa används i olika utsträckning inom vården. / Background: Stroke is a collective term for cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Stroke often causes lifelong detrimental effects, such as aphasia. Aphasia means a reduced ability to understand spoken/written language and/or a reduced ability to express oneself adequately. To enable a good and person-centred care for the patients, an effective communication is a prerequisite. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the factors that influence the person-centred care and communication between the nurse and patients affected by stroke induced aphasia. Method: The study is a literature review on bachelor level. The study is based on 15 scientific articles that have been red and analyzed and where common themes have been identified. Result: The results revealed a number of strategies that promoted and hindered good communication between the nurse and people affected by stroke induced aphasia. These strategies concern seven areas: Verbal communication, Nonverbal communication, Seeing the patient as a competent and unique individual, Attention and involvement, The time aspect of communication with patients with aphasia, The importance of the surrounding environment for communication and The personnel's education and skills . Conclusion: There is no standard answer to how communication shall be achieved, each individual is unique and every situation requires a different solution. However, there are a number of aspects and methods that are important and useful when communicating with aphasic people. These are used to different degrees in health care.

Le lexique des verbes en dénomination orale : étude exploratoire chez l'aphasique et étude en IRMf chez le sujet sain / Verb lexicon in oral naming : exploratory study in aphasics and fMRI study in health subjects

Manchon, Mélanie 23 September 2011 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur l’organisation du lexique des verbes chez l’aphasique, d’une part à travers une étude exploratoire en dénomination orale d’action sur support vidéo, et d’autre part à partir d’une investigation en IRMf chez le sujet sain. D’après nos résultats, les aphasiques de différents types ont des difficultés à produire des verbes, et on observe une production importante d’énoncés non conventionnels à pivot verbal : les approximations sémantiques. En aphasiologie, l’étude de ces énoncés, qu’on associe à des paraphasies sémantiques, se limite à un cadre nominal et sont considérés comme des erreurs. Nous soulignons qu’elles manifestent un mode de structuration du lexique des verbes par proximité sémantique et marquent l’existence d’une flexibilité cognitive dans la structuration du lexique mental. Dans la littérature, les troubles spécifiques du verbe, chez l’aphasique, sont associés à des lésions du lobe frontal, mais ces données sont controversées. En IRMf, nous obtenons des activations fronto-pariétales, des régions plus postérieures, et des activations de la boucle fronto-thalamo-striée. Nos résultats sont en faveur d’un recrutement d’un ensemble de régions cérébrales. Le support que nous avons utilisé permettrait d'accéder par deux voies à la représentation de la nature sensori-motrice du verbe, par le gyrus temporal moyen gauche et les aires prémotrices. Le mode vidéo semblerait être un outil d’évaluation plus écologique que le support imagé pour l’étude du traitement du lexique des verbes. / Our study deals with the organisation of verb lexicon in aphasics, partly through an exploratory study of oral action naming using a video stimulus, and partly through an fMRI investigation in healthy subjects. According to our results, patients with different types of aphasia experience verb production difficulties. We observed a high rate of non conventional utterances, mainly verbal, in the form of semantic approximations. In aphasiology, the study of these utterances, which are associated with semantic paraphasia and are considered as errors, is limited to a nominal framework. We emphasise that these utterances demonstrate a verb lexicon structure based on semantic proximity, and signal the existence of a cognitive flexibility in the structure of the mental lexicon. In the literature, specific verb difficulties in aphasics are associated with frontal lobe lesions, but these data have been disputed. Using fMRI, we obtained fronto-parietal activations in the more posterior regions as well as activations in the thalamo-fronto-striate loop. Our results support the recruitment of all the cerebral regions. The stimulus used in our study may have enabled access via two pathways to the representation of the sensorimotor nature of verbs via the left middle temporal gyrus and the premotor areas. Videos appear to be a more ecological evaluative tool than images for studying the lexical processing of verbs.

Semantics in speech production

Soni, Maya January 2011 (has links)
The semantic system contributes to the process of speech production in two major ways. The basic information is contained within semantic representations, and the semantic control system manipulates that knowledge as required by task and context. This thesis explored the evidence for interactivity between semantic and phonological stages of speech production, and examined the role of semantic control within speech production. The data chapters focussed on patients with semantic aphasia or SA, who all have frontal and/or temporoparietal lesions and are thought to have a specific impairment of semantic control. In a novel development, grammatical class and cueing effects in this patient group were compared with healthy participants under tempo naming conditions, a paradigm which is thought to impair normal semantic control by imposing dual task conditions. A basic picture naming paradigm was used throughout, with the addition of different grammatical classes, correct and misleading phonemic cues, and repetition and semantic priming: all these manipulations could be expected to place differing loads on a semantic control system with either permanent or experimentally induced impairment. It was found that stimuli requiring less controlled processing such as high imageability objects, pictures with simultaneous correct cues or repetition primed pictures were named significantly more accurately than items which needed more controlled processing, such as low imageability actions, pictures with misleading phonemic cues and unprimed pictures. The cueing evidence offered support to interactive models of speech production where phonological activation is able to influence semantic selection. The impairment in tasks such as the inhibition of task-irrelevant material seen in SA patients and tempo participants, and the overlap between cortical areas cited in studies looking at both semantic and wider executive control mechanisms suggest that semantic control may be part of a more generalised executive system.

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