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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A predictive model of colour differentiation

Flatla, David Raymond 23 December 2008
The ability to differentiate between colours varies from individual to individual. This variation is attributed to factors such as the presence of colour blindness. Colour is used to encode information in information visualizations. An example of such an encoding is categorization using colour (e.g., green for land, blue for water).<p> As a result of the variation in colour differentiation ability among individuals, many people experience difficulties when using colour-encoded information visualizations. These difficulties result from the inability to adequately differentiate between two colours, resulting in confusion, errors, frustration, and dissatisfaction.<p> If a user-specific model of colour differentiation was available, these difficulties could be predicted and corrected. Prediction and correction of these difficulties would reduce the amount of confusion, errors, frustration, and dissatisfaction experienced by users. This thesis presents a model of colour differentiation that is tuned to the abilities of a particular user. To construct this model, a series of judgement tasks are performed by the user. The data from these judgement tasks is used to calibrate a general colour differentiation model to the user. This calibrated model is used to construct a predictor. This predictor can then be used to make predictions about the user's ability to differentiate between two colours.<p> Two participant-based studies were used to evaluate this solution. The first study evaluated the basic approach used to model colour differentiation. The second study evaluated the accuracy of the predictor by comparing its performance to the performance of human participants. It was found that the predictor was as accurate as the human participants 86.3% of the time. Using such a predictor, the colour differentiation abilities of particular users can be accurately modeled.

A predictive model of colour differentiation

Flatla, David Raymond 23 December 2008 (has links)
The ability to differentiate between colours varies from individual to individual. This variation is attributed to factors such as the presence of colour blindness. Colour is used to encode information in information visualizations. An example of such an encoding is categorization using colour (e.g., green for land, blue for water).<p> As a result of the variation in colour differentiation ability among individuals, many people experience difficulties when using colour-encoded information visualizations. These difficulties result from the inability to adequately differentiate between two colours, resulting in confusion, errors, frustration, and dissatisfaction.<p> If a user-specific model of colour differentiation was available, these difficulties could be predicted and corrected. Prediction and correction of these difficulties would reduce the amount of confusion, errors, frustration, and dissatisfaction experienced by users. This thesis presents a model of colour differentiation that is tuned to the abilities of a particular user. To construct this model, a series of judgement tasks are performed by the user. The data from these judgement tasks is used to calibrate a general colour differentiation model to the user. This calibrated model is used to construct a predictor. This predictor can then be used to make predictions about the user's ability to differentiate between two colours.<p> Two participant-based studies were used to evaluate this solution. The first study evaluated the basic approach used to model colour differentiation. The second study evaluated the accuracy of the predictor by comparing its performance to the performance of human participants. It was found that the predictor was as accurate as the human participants 86.3% of the time. Using such a predictor, the colour differentiation abilities of particular users can be accurately modeled.

探討遊戲中置入廣告之廣告效果─ 以「大家來找碴」為例 / The advertising effects of in-game advertising:an example of Spot-the-Difference games

張李竹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解「大家來找碴」(Spot the Differences)此類偵測作業的遊戲在設計時應注意的元素為何?兩個實驗皆為參與者內設計,在實驗一中操弄產品置入在遊戲畫面中的聚焦區(area of interest, AOI)與否,以及產品是否為遊戲目標,測量偵測的正確率、反應時間和再認表現,以檢視產品置入在遊戲中是否能吸引注意力?結果發現當產品置入在聚焦區時的反應時間快於在非聚焦區。當產品是遊戲目標時的再認表現,優於不是遊戲目標時;而當產品位在非聚焦區時的再認表現,會優於廣告在聚焦區時。然而,實驗一中的產品並未包含商標,為進一步探討探討廣告效益,在實驗二中加入有商標的廣告商品,並使用眼動儀,測量參與者對商品的眼動處理模式,如凝視時間(fixation duration)與凝視次數(number of fixation),並請參與者評估對商品的喜好程度和購買意圖。結果發現商品置入在聚焦區的反應時間顯著快於非聚焦區,但商品置入在非聚焦區時的再認表現、喜好程度和購買意圖皆優於置入在聚焦區時。眼動的結果發現,商品是遊戲目標時和在聚焦區時有更長的凝視時間和更多的凝視次數。依據實驗一與實驗二的結果顯示,參與者有可能是在無意識受到商品曝光的影響而產生廣告效果,建議未來研究可加入內隱指標探討當商品位在非聚焦區時的廣告效果,以提供更直接的證據驗證。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate what elements that we should notice when we design kind of Spot-the-Differences games. Two within-subject-designed experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, we manipulated the location of products(area-of-interest or non-area-of-interest)and the type of products(target or non-target)to examine how products attract our attention in in-game advertising.. The results of experiment 1 showed that when products were in the AOI, the reaction times were shorter than those in non-AOI. However, participants could recognize the products better when they were in non-AOI. Furthermore, participants could recognize the products better when products were the targets than non-targets in the game. In order to investigate the effect of in-game advertising, in experiment 2, we added trade mark and used an eye tracker to examine the role of visual attention in-game advertising. Besides, we used liking and purchase intention as an index of advertising effects. The results of experiment 2 showed that products that were in the AOI attracted participants' attention more quickly. However, products in non-AOI showed better recognition performance, liking and purchase intention than those in AOI. The results of eye movements showed that longer fixation duration and more fixation number was observed for targets than for non-targets. According to the results, the effects of advertisement may be resulted from participants being exposed for products in an unconscious manner. Future studies could add the index of unconscious processing to clarify the implicit effects of in-game advertising.

Les habiletés spatio-cognitives des aveugles de naissance : résolution de labyrinthes tactiles

Gagnon, Léa 07 1900 (has links)
La navigation repose en majeure partie sur la vision puisque ce sens nous permet de rassembler des informations spatiales de façon simultanée et de mettre à jour notre position par rapport à notre environnement. Pour plusieurs aveugles qui se fient à l’audition, le toucher, la proprioception, l’odorat et l’écholocation pour naviguer, sortir à l’extérieur de chez soi peut représenter un défi considérable. Les recherches sur le circuit neuronal de la navigation chez cette population en particulier s’avèrent donc primordiales pour mieux adapter les ressources aux handicapés visuels et réussir à les sortir de leur isolement. Les aveugles de naissance constituent aussi une population d’intérêt pour l’étude de la neuroplasticité. Comme leur cerveau s’est construit en absence d’intrant visuel, la plupart des structures reliées au sens de la vue sont réduites en volume par rapport à ceux de sujets voyants. De plus, leur cortex occipital, une région normalement dédiée à la vision, possède une activité supramétabolique au repos, ce qui peut représenter un territoire vierge pouvant être recruté par les autres modalités pour exécuter diverses tâches sensorielles. Plusieurs chercheurs ont déjà démontré l’implication de cette région dans des tâches sensorielles comme la discrimination tactile et la localisation auditive. D’autres changements plastiques de nature intramodale ont aussi été observés dans le circuit neuronal de la navigation chez ces aveugles. Par exemple, la partie postérieure de l’hippocampe, impliquée dans l’utilisation de cartes mentales, est réduite en volume alors que la section antérieure est élargie chez ces sujets. Bien que ces changements plastiques anatomiques aient bel et bien été observés chez les aveugles de naissance, il reste toutefois à les relier avec leur aspect fonctionnel. Le but de la présente étude était d’investiguer les corrélats neuronaux de la navigation chez l’aveugle de naissance tout en les reliant avec leurs habiletés spatio-cognitives. La première étude comportementale a permis d’identifier chez les aveugles congénitaux une difficulté d’apprentissage de routes tactiles construites dans des labyrinthes de petite échelle. La seconde étude, employant la technique d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, a relié ces faiblesses au recrutement de régions cérébrales impliquées dans le traitement d’une perspective égocentrique, comme le lobule pariétal supérieur droit. Alors que des sujets voyants aux yeux bandés excellaient dans la tâche des labyrinthes, ces derniers recrutaient des structures impliquées dans un traitement allocentrique, comme l’hippocampe et le parahippocampe. Par ailleurs, la deuxième étude a confirmé le recrutement du cortex occipital dans une tâche de navigation chez les aveugles seulement. Ceci confirme l’implication de la plasticité intermodale dans des tâches cognitives de plus haut niveau, comme la navigation. / Navigation is predominately based on vision as it gathers spatial information simultaneously and allows a continuous update of our position relative to space. For many blind people who rely mainly on auditive, haptic, proprioceptive, olfactive and echolocating cues to navigate, leaving outside their home can be a challenge. Research on the navigational neural network in this particular population is therefore crucial to better adapt resources for visually impaired people and free them from isolation. Congenitally blind subjects are also an interesting population for the study of neuroplasticity. As their brain was built without any visual input, most structures related to vision are reduced in volume compared to those of seeing subjects. Moreover, their occipital cortex, a region normally dedicated to vision, has a suprametabolic activity at rest, which could represent a virgin territory that can be recruited by other modalities to accomplish various sensory tasks. Recently some researchers have demonstrated the involvement of this region in sensory tasks such as tactile discrimination and auditive localisation. Other intramodal plastic changes have also been observed in the blind’s navigational neural network. The posterior part of hippocampus, involved in cognitive mapping, is reduced in volume while the anterior section is enlarged in blind subjects. Although some anatomical plastic changes have been observed in congenitally blind’s brain navigational system, their functional aspect remains to be elucidated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the neural correlates of navigation in congenital blindness and to link them with the blinds’ spatio-cognitive skills. The first behavioral study identified route learning difficulties in congenitally blind participants when they were ask to navigate inside small-scaled tactile mazes. Using functional magnetic resonance imagery in the second study, these problems were associated with the recruitment of brain regions involved in an egocentric perspective processing, such as right superior parietal lobule. While blindfolded seeing subjects excelled in the maze task, they recruited structures involved in allocentric processing, such as hippocampus and parahippocampus. Moreover, the second study confirmed the recruitment of occipital cortex in a navigation task for blind subjects only. This strengthens the involvement of crossmodal plasticity in higher level cognitive tasks, such as navigation.

Les habiletés olfactives des aveugles de naissance : organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle et aspects comportementaux

Beaulieu Lefebvre, Mathilde 08 1900 (has links)
La littérature décrit certains phénomènes de réorganisation physiologique et fonctionnelle dans le cerveau des aveugles de naissance, notamment en ce qui a trait au traitement de l’information tactile et auditive. Cependant, le système olfactif des aveugles n’a reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des chercheurs. Le but de cette étude est donc de comprendre comment les aveugles traitent l’information olfactive au niveau comportemental et d’investiguer les substrats neuronaux impliqués dans ce processus. Puisque, en règle générale, les aveugles utilisent leurs sens résiduels de façon compensatoire et que le système olfactif est extrêmement plastique, des changements au niveau de l’organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle pourraient en résulter. Par le biais de méthodes psychophysiques et d’imagerie cérébrale (Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle-IRMf), nous avons investigué les substrats anatomo-fonctionnels sollicités par des stimuli olfactifs. Nous avons trouvé que les aveugles ont un seuil de détection plus bas que les voyants, mais que leur capacité à discriminer et identifier des odeurs est similaire au groupe contrôle. Ils ont aussi plus conscience de l’environnement olfactif. Les résultats d’imagerie révèlent un signal BOLD plus intense dans le cortex orbitofrontal droit, le thalamus, l’hippocampe droit et le cortex occipital lors de l’exécution d’une tâche de détection d’odeur. Nous concluons que les individus aveugles se fient d’avantage à leur sens de l’odorat que les voyants afin d’évoluer dans leur environnement physique et social. Cette étude démontre pour la première fois que le cortex visuel des aveugles peut être recruté par des stimuli olfactifs, ce qui prouve que cette région assume des fonctions multimodales. / It is generally acknowledged that people blind from birth develop supra-normal sensory abilities in order to compensate for their visual deficit. While extensive research has been done on the somatosensory and auditory modalities of the blind, information about their sense of smell remains scant. The goal of this study was therefore to understand olfactory processing in the blind at the behavioral and the neuroanatomical levels. Since blind individuals use their remaining senses in a compensatory way to assess their environment and since the olfactory system is highly plastic, it is likely to be susceptible to changes similar to those observed for tactile and auditory modalities. We used psychophysical testing and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neuronal substrates responsible for odor processing. Our data showed that blind subjects had a lower odor detection threshold compared to the sighted. However, no group differences were found for odor discrimination and odor identification. Interestingly, the OAS revealed that blind participants scored higher for odor awareness. Our fMRI data revealed stronger BOLD responses in the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral medio-dorsal thalamus, right hippocampus and left occipital cortex in the blind participants during an odor detection task. We conclude that blind subjects rely more on their sense of smell than the sighted in order to assess their environment and to recognize places and people. This is the first demonstration that the visual cortex of the blind can also be recruited by odorants, thus adding new evidence to its multimodal function.

Localisation sonore chez les aveugles : l'influence de l'âge de survenue de la cécité

Voss, Patrice January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Hard Yakka : a study of the community-government relations that shape Australian Aboriginal health policy and politics /

Kaplan-Myrth, Nili. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Yale University, 2004. / Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Includes bibliography. Preview available online at: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?did=765029031&Fmt=7&clientId%20=43258&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

Resolubilidade de problemas visuais em um serviço terciário triados por uma unidade móvel oftalmológica

Ferreira, Gabriel de Almeida January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Silvana Artioli Schellini / Resumo: Introdução: No Brasil o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) é responsável por prover assistência universal a saúde para toda a população. Contudo, o acesso ao atendimento oftalmológico é sabidamente deficitário. As Unidades Móveis Oftalmológicas (UMO) podem facilitar o acesso ao atendimento oftalmológico à população, sendo importante a interface com o serviço terciário, para onde devem ser referenciados os casos mais complexos e os que exigem tratamento cirúrgico. Objetivo: Verificar a efetividade do atendimento oftalmológico realizado em um centro de referência após triagem oftalmológica realizada pela UMO. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo realizado com pacientes atendidos em 10 municípios do centro-oeste paulista em 2015. Os pacientes passaram por consulta oftalmológica completa na UMO e os com necessidade de procedimentos ou avaliações complementares foram encaminhados ao centro de referência da região, o Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu (HCFMB). As informações dos pacientes encaminhados foram pesquisadas no prontuário eletrônico da instituição para verificar o comparecimento, tempo até a consulta, tratamento realizado e complicações. Além disso, foram utilizados dados demográficos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Análise estatística realizada no SPSS 22.0, considerado significativo p<0,05. Resultados: Foram atendidos 1928 indivíduos pela UMO, sendo encaminhados 714 (37,0%) ao serviço especializado. A média de idade dos encaminhados foi 57,12±19,53 anos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

Mobilisation attentionnelle des piétons aveugles : effets de l’âge, de l’antériorité de la cécité et de l’aide à la mobilité utilisée / Attentional mobilization in blind pedestrians : effects of age, age of blindness onset, and the type of mobility aid used

Pigeon, Caroline 06 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’appréhender certains des mécanismes cognitifs peu étudiés dans la population des personnes aveugles, et leur rôle dans la réalisation sécurisée et efficiente de leurs déplacements, en prenant en compte certains facteurs individuels (dont l’âge, l’antériorité de la cécité et l’aide à la mobilité utilisée). Une première expérimentation comprenait une évaluation neuropsychologique réalisée auprès de 63 participants aveugles et 42 participants voyants. Les résultats ont montré que les participants aveugles obtenaient des performances d’attention et de mémoire de travail supérieures à celles des participants voyants. Parmi les participants aveugles, les personnes de plus de 60 ans avaient des performances inférieures à celles des participants aveugles de moins de 60 ans. Néanmoins, les performances des personnes aveugles de plus de 60 ans étaient tout de même supérieures à celles des participants voyants du même âge. Une deuxième expérimentation visait à explorer la charge cognitive induite par la marche des personnes aveugles. Dans un environnement contrôlé, 25 participants aveugles se déplaçant à l’aide d’une canne blanche ont réalisé des essais de marche en effectuant simultanément une tâche secondaire. L’observation de l’activité de la marche ainsi que l’analyse des paramètres de marche ont révélé que cette activité n’était pas modifiée par la réalisation de la tâche secondaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les participants ont eu de bonnes capacités à partager leur attention entre les deux tâches. L’analyse de la performance à la tâche secondaire et des réponses à une évaluation de la charge mentale subjective a indiqué que le déplacement des personnes aveugles induisait une charge cognitive, d’autant plus importante lorsque l’environnement est rendu complexe (avec la présence d’obstacles). De plus, alors que les capacités attentionnelles des participants (mesurées dans la première étude) se sont révélées avoir un effet significatif sur leurs performances à cette seconde expérimentation, aucun effet de l’âge n’a été mis en évidence. Dans une troisième expérimentation, la seconde étude a été répliquée auprès de 13 participants aveugles accompagnés d’un chien-guide. Les résultats suggèrent que l’animal facilite le déplacement de la personne qu’il accompagne et diminue la charge cognitive du déplacement. L’ensemble de ces résultats met en évidence le rôle primordial de l’attention dans la réalisation des déplacements piétons chez les personnes aveugles et permet de proposer des pistes pour améliorer leur mobilité, notamment en termes de remédiation, de réadaptation et d’applications technologiques. / The main objective of this PhD work was (1) to investigate some cognitive processes in the population of blind individuals and (2) to determine the involvement of these processes in their pedestrian mobility. Demographic factors, such as the age, the age of blindness onset, and the type of mobility aid were studied. Three studies were conducted. The first experiment consisted of assessing 63 blind participants and 42 age-matched sighted participants with a battery of neuropsychological tests. The results showed that blind participants had better performances than sighted participants in tests assessing attentional and working memory functions. Among blind participants, blind participants aged 60 years or older had poorer performances than those of younger blind participants. Findings revealed a detrimental effect of age on neuropsychological performances in blind participants. However, performances of blind participants aged 60 years or older were better than those of sighted participants. The second experiment aimed to study the cognitive load involved in the walking activity of blind individuals. In a controlled environment, 25 blind participants, using a white cane, performed walking trials while executing a secondary task. Findings revealed that the walking activity of blind participants was not impaired by the secondary task. This result suggests that the participants had good abilities to share their attention between two tasks. Participants performed significantly worse the secondary task when increasing the complexity of the walking activity. Participants also reported greater cognitive load while walking and simultaneously performing the secondary task. In addition, the attentional capacities of blind people (measured in the first experiment) had a significant effect on their performances at this second experiment. Similar to the second study, a third experiment was conducted with 13 blind participants using a guide dog. The results suggest that the guide dogs facilitated the walking of participants and reduced the cognitive load involved in the walking in comparison with the participants of the second experiment. Taken together, these results highlight the major role of attention in the mobility of blind individuals. This research offers interesting possibilities of improvement in the mobility of blind people, in terms of rehabilitation and technological applications

Desseins polymorphes, une approche poétique de la lumière : dessiner la lumière / Polymorphic ambitions/designs, a poetic approach to light : drawing light

Dudragne, Julie 10 November 2015 (has links)
La narration d'une pratique s'ébauche parfois par la présence d'une simple lettre, comme un humble point dévoile l'existence d'une ligne. Le "e" réapparaît au sein du dessin, le pare d'une multiplicité de significations, lui donne le poids perdu ou jamais acquis d'une esquisse autonome.La tradition du dessein se questionne par le biais d'un phénomène, dessiner la lumière, à l'heure d'une reproductibilité technique exacerbée.Le chemin sinueux emprunté par le dessin le mène au franchissement de frontière pléthorique, annonçant sa transversalité. Le mouvement immanent à la matière utilisée et l'hybridation comme notion intrinsèque à la création actuelle, toujours au service de l'élément graphique, vont faire opérer au dessin de nombreux déplacements intra et interdisciplinaires - conviant origines, idées, concepts et procédés techniques - mais aussi physiques. La réalisation de la lumière produite par l'expérience graphique, ses passages entre visible et non visible, se retrouve dans le signe et dans l'indice photographique et interroge la perception. La recherche de luminosité et de contraste, souvent traduites par la présence de noirs et de blancs, offre à l'espace plastique une palette infinie de possibles variations.Cette potentialité exhaustive requiert l'ultième acte du processus créatif, le choix, façonnant la mise en espace de la lumière en de multiples compositions graphiques.Le jeu, la phantasia et la poétique du phénomène lumineux, malgré l'évolution des procédés techniques employés, préservent la confidence qui confère au dessin se caractère intime dans lequel se silhouette un onirisme, une manière de résister. Travailler la lumière aujourd'hui dans le secret d'un acte aveugle, aveuglé, aveuglant, problématise la notion d'authenticité induisant un rapport à l'aura toujours en valse-hésitation entre apparition et disparition face à sa perte auparavant annoncée. / The narrative outline of a practice is sometimes sketched by the presence of a simple letter, like a humble dot can reveal the existence of a line.The "e" appears again in the drawing, adorns it with a multiplicity of meanings, giving it the weight never acquired of an autonomous sketch. (There is distinction in French language between the words "dessein" and "dessin" which one I play). At a time of heightened technical reproducibility and through a phenomenon - drawing the Light - the ambition and its tradition question themselves.The Drawing, on a sinuous path, crosses some excessive borders/frontiers, announcing his "transversality". The movement immanent to the material used and the hybridization as an intrinsic concept of the actual creative process, always at the service of the graphic element, will push the Drawing in many directions within and across disciplines - inviting origins, ideas, technical concepts and processes - but also physical. The light produced by the graphic experience, movements between visible and invisible, can be found not only in the sign but also in the photographic index and questions our perception.The research forn brightness and contrast in shades, often with black and white tons, gives an infinite range of potential variations to the creative/esthetic space/arena. This exhaustive potential is threatened by the ultimate act of creativity : the choice, shaping the spatial dispositions of light into multiple graphic compositions.Despite certain technical processes and their evolution, play, phantasy and light phenomenon' poetics protecting the Drawing' secret : an intimate characteristic in which onirism, as a wayto resist, appears. Working with light today - in a secret of a blind act, blinded, blinding - questions the Authenticity as a concept, creating an uneasy relationship to the aura, always between appearance and disappearance facing its previously announced loss.

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