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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza positioningu značek na českém trhu dekorativní kosmetiky / Analysis of Brand Positioning in the Czech Make-Up Market

Seidelová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Globální kosmetický trh každoročně dosahuje silného růstu v absolutním i relativním vyjádření. Předpovědi jeho dalšího vývoje jsou velmi pozitivní, hovořící o možném pokoření hranice $300 mld. v roce 2011, což by představovalo 16% růst za pětileté období. Pro oblast rychloobrátkového spotřebního zboží jsou to vysoké hodnoty, které jsou mimo jiné faktory odrazem rostoucího světového bohatství a stále zvětšujícího se důrazu spotřebitelů na svůj vzhled. Tato diplomová práce analyzuje kosmetický trh a jeho sekci, trh dekorativní kosmetiky z hlediska faktorů makroekonomických, demografických a spotřebních, přispívajících k modelování tohoto sektoru. Zároveň nastiňuje nové trendy v této oblasti s odkazy na nejmodernější příklady v praxi, a to jak globálně, tak se zaměřením na Českou republiku. Jejím hlavním výstupem je analýza positioningu značek, která čerpá z pozorování a dotazování českých spotřebitelek na základě vlastního výzkumu.

Destinační značka Řecka a její role ve vnímání image země / Greece Destination Brand and its Role in Perception of Country’s Image

Vejražková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with Greece destination brand with focus on its image. The goal of the thesis is to evaluate the touristic position of Greece in the Czech Republic, in-depth exploration of perceived destination image and consequent suggestion of more effective communication. The research methods used are quantitative questionnaire survey followed by qualitative focus groups. Outcome of the questionnaire survey is exploration of what the Czech relations to destination of Greece are, evaluation of marketing communication effectiveness, exploration of gap between Greek destination image and identity and evaluation of differences between Greece destination brand image perceived by Greeks and Czechs. Focus groups will lead to further understanding of the problematics. In conclusion, current status evaluation and its confrontation with the potential status will be done.

Image a identita značky / Brand Image and Brand Identity

Lukavská, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is brand image and brand identity. The objective of the thesis is to compare how consumers perceive the brand (brand image) with how the brand wants to be perceived itself (brand identity). First part is focused on the process of building and managing strong brands, as well as defining brand image and brand identity theoretically. The practical part presents the brand on which the research was conducted, Proenzi brand, its history on the Czech market, competition and its identity. In the final chapter there are presented results of the research which was conducted among the consumers of Proenzi brand and the comparison of brand image and brand identity. To conclude, there are presented suggestions for improvement and recommendations for future research extensions.

Koncepce identity značky v České republice / The concept of a brand identity in the Czech Republic

Mužíková, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
Strong brand is a significant element of the differentiation in the highly competitive environment. The first step in the systematic brand building is to define its identity, which ensures the consistency of a brand over time. The goal of the master's thesis is to find out how czech brand consultants define the brand identity. In the master's thesis there is a comparison of the most frequently used elements in the theoretical models and brand bibles of foreign companies with approaches of czech consultants. Theoretical models and brand bibles have been analyzed by using conceptual content analysis. Qualitative research was used to find out approaches to the brand identity of czech consultants. Results of the qualitative research and the synthesis of the theoretical and practical part revealed that czech consultants get inspired from abroad, where some of them use models and some of them approach to defining brand identity instinctively. The master's thesis brings the primary insight into this field within the Czech Republic and can be used as a base for mapping the whole situation in the Czech Republic.

Image značky Orbit na českém trhu / Image of the Orbit Brand within the Czech Market Environment

Papežová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis named Image of the Orbit brand within the Czech market environment analyses the perception of this chewing gum brand Orbit within end customer. This perception is examined on the basis of the analysis of the brand elements and brand communication and through the field research. The work contains one theoretically and three practically focused chapters. The first chapter provides the theoretical background necessary for understanding the importance of the brand and its image. The performance of the company Wrigley, the chewing gum market description and marketing communications of brand Orbit are the essence of the second chapter. The third chapter consists of the process of the questioning and provides its assessment. The final chapter summarizes the results by using the SWOT analysis and provides the evaluation of outcomes and includes recommendations.

Brand management značky společnosti Crystalex, CZ / Brand management of the company Crystalex, CZ

Červinková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse brand management of one chosen company. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on comprehensive explanation of brand management. At first brand and other related terms are explained from the marketing point of view. Then the author has focused on legal dimension of the term brand and its registration as trademark. The practical part of the thesis deals with the analysis of brand management of one concrete Czech company Crystalex, CZ, which produces and exports Czech domestic glass. The primary data are gained by dialogues with specialists from the company and its patent agency. The author has talked to many potential customers in points of sale of products from Crystalex, CZ as well. On the basis of all these information the author has made own proposals to increase the efficiency of brand management of the company Crystalex, CZ.

El rol del place branding en la publicidad digital en Facebook para generar identificación con una marca país en jóvenes peruanos de 18 a 24 años durante el 2020. Caso: Marca Perú / The role of place branding in digital advertising on Facebook to generate identification with a country brand in young Peruvians between 18 and 24 years during 2020. With a case study of Marca Perú

Dargent Salas, Nicole 20 August 2020 (has links)
En un mundo tan globalizado como el de hoy no solo las marcas de productos o servicios buscan constantemente distinguirse dentro del mercado, el deseo de singularidad se extiende también a los territorios y de manera más específica a los países. Las administraciones de las distintas naciones desarrollan diferentes estrategias como parte de su gestión de imagen para lograr diferenciarse, fortalecer su identidad y a su vez atraer a nuevos individuos. Una de las herramientas más utilizadas para lograrlo es el place branding, con esta se busca la creación y el posicionamiento de una marca lugar. Esta se desarrolla con el objetivo de promocionar a un lugar específico tanto de manera externa como también interna. Si la marca país se ejecuta correctamente puede reflejar un crecimiento económico gracias a la exposición y promoción del turismo. Al mismo tiempo de manera interna se pueden buscar revalidar sentimientos de pertenencia, confianza, identidad y hasta nacionalismo generando así una conexión emocional con los habitantes de dicho país. Contando con la identidad como eje de la estrategia de identificación se puede asegurar una marca país consolidada por el respaldo interno de sus habitantes que más adelante validará su posicionamiento a los ojos de otros países. Por otro lado, las nuevas generaciones son más cambiantes y viven tanto en lo físico como en lo virtual obligando a las marcas país generar estrategias más versátiles y mucho mejor consolidadas. La presente investigación analizará el rol del place branding en la publicidad digital en Facebook para generar identificación con una marca país en jóvenes peruanos de 18 a 24 años durante el 2020 con un análisis de caso de Marca Perú. / In a world as globalized as today, it is not only product or service brands that constantly seek to distinguish themselves within the market, the desire for uniqueness also extends to the territories and more specifically to the countries. The administrations of the different nations use different strategies as part of their image management to achieve differentiation, strengthen their identity and in consequence attract new individuals. One of the most used tools to achieve this is the place branding strategy for the creation and positioning of a place brand. This is developed with the aim of promoting a specific place both externally and internally. If the country brand is properly developed, it can experience economic growth thanks to the exhibition and promotion of tourism. At the same time, internally, one can seek to revalidate feelings of belonging, trust, identity and nationalism, generating an emotional connection with the population of that country. Having the identity as the axis of the strategy for identification can guarantee a country brand consolidation as a result of the internal support of its populations that will later validate its position in the eyes of other countries. On the other hand, the new generations are more changing and live both physically and virtually, forcing country brands to generate more versatile and much better consolidated strategies. This research will analyze the role of place branding in digital advertising of Facebook to generate identification in young peruvians from 18 to 24 years old with a country brand in young during 2020 with a case study of “Marca Perú”. / Trabajo de investigación

Análisis del branded content que incide en el cambio de imagen de marca en los no consumidores de Nike, hombres y mujeres de 18 a 25 años; caso: campaña “Don’t Change your dream, change the world” de Nike en Instagram / Analysis of the brand content that affects the change of brand image in non-consumers of Nike, men and women aged 18 to 25; case: Nike's "Don't change your dream, change the world" campaign on Instagram

Martinez Chavez, Clara Fransheska 18 August 2020 (has links)
La publicidad cada vez tiene nuevos retos de cómo llamar la atención del consumidor sin que este sienta que interrumpe su privacidad. Gracias a la era digital, el cliente está cada vez más informado y deja de ser un simple receptor para volverse un prosumidor, esto es algo que las marcas han detectado y optaron por un cambio de actitud haciendo que la comunicación no se trate más de un formato unidireccional. La estrategia publicitaria ahora debe generar una relación duradera entre consumidor y marca, haciendo que este obtenga más que solo un simple mensaje. Bajo ese contexto, se hace referencia al Branded Content, una herramienta para transmitir la identidad de marca y lograr una imagen de marca positiva, que consiste en una narrativa que expone la identidad de la marca, lo que esta quiere que su público crea de ella, mediante una historia entretenida, donde el producto es un personaje necesario para el desarrollo de la trama, pero no el principal. Por consecuente, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es analizar de qué forma el branded content de la campaña “Don’t Change your dream, change the world” de Nike en Instagram inciden en el cambio de imagen de marca en los no consumidores de Nike, hombres y mujeres de 18 a 25 años. El enfoque del estudio es cualitativo y se aplicarán entrevistas presenciales individuales a personas no consumidoras de Nike para posteriormente analizar e interpretar la imagen de marca. / Advertising increasingly has new challenges of how to get consumer attention without this one that disrupts your privacy. Thanks to the digital age, the customer is increasingly informed and ceases to be a simple receiver to become a prosumer, this is something that brands have detected and opted for a change in attitude by making communication is no longer a format unidirectional. The advertising strategy must now generate a lasting relationship between the consumer and the brand, making them get more than just a simple message. In this context, reference is made to Brand Content, a tool to transmit brand identity and achieve a positive brand image, which consists of a narrative that exposes the identity of the brand, what it wants its audience to create from her, through an entertaining story, where the product is a necessary character for the development of the plot, but not the main one. Consequently, the objective of this research work is to analyze how the brand content of Nike's campaign “Don't change your dream, change the world” on Instagram includes the change of brand image in non-consumers of Nike, men and women from 18 to 25 years old. The focus of the study is qualitative and individual face-to-face interviews will be applied to non-consumers of Nike for further analysis and interpretation of the brand image. / Trabajo de investigación

La lealtad de marca y su influencia en la de decisión de compra de zapatillas deportivas en jóvenes entre 18 a 35 años en Lima Metropolitana

Muñoz Lora, Carlo Andre 23 January 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación busca analizar de una manera elemental la relación entre las sub variables de la lealtad y la decisión de compra de zapatillas deportivas en Lima, Perú. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene carácter de una investigación no experimental y de corte transversal. Se utilizaron instrumentos cuantitativos (SPSS) y cualitativos para recolectar información y data numérica representativa. Se realizó también un análisis descriptivo sobre el público objetivo que son hombres y mujeres de 18 a 35 años. Se encontró que entre el público investigado, el comprador tiene tiende a reaccionar positivamente ante una marca con la que guarda una relación, la cual se puede interpretar como una conexión emocional o pertenencia a la marca. Finalmente se mencionan las posibles futuras investigaciones que se pueden realizar teniendo en cuenta lo descubierto en el trabajo de investigación elaborado. / The objective of this research work seeks to analyze in an elementary way the relationship between the sub variables of loyalty and the decision to buy sneakers in Lima, Peru. This research work has the character of a non-experimental and cross-sectional investigation. Quantitative and qualitative instruments (SPSS) were used to collect information and representative numerical data. A descriptive analysis was also carried out on the target audience, which are men and women aged 18 to 35 years. It was found that among the investigated public, the buyer has a tendency to react positively to a brand with which he has a relationship, which can be interpreted as an emotional connection or belonging to the brand. Finally, the possible future research that can be carried out, taking into account what was discovered in the research work prepared, is mentioned. / Trabajo de investigación

El eWOM positivo, reconocimiento de marca, y su impacto en la intención de compra a través de la red social Instagram en los restaurantes de comida Nikkei en la ciudad de Lima

Domínguez Grandez, Emilio Bryan 25 February 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, la categoría de restaurantes en el Perú, cada vez es más demandada, gracias a las nuevas innovaciones en el sector. Es por esto, que se observa la rápida aparición de formatos emergentes en la ciudad de Lima, tales como los restaurantes de comida Nikkei. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente investigación trata de indagar cual es la relación que tienen las recomendaciones en línea y el reconocimiento de marca con los consumidores, como determinante para la toma de decisiones. Par la presente investigación, se aplicó el método mixto, en el cual la primera parte se realizó de forma exploratoria, en la que se puso en práctica el manejo de focus group y entrevistas al público objetivo primario y secundario. La segunda parte fue Concluyente y correlacional, en la cual se realizaron encuestas a 250 personas y fruto de esta investigación se pudo demostrar la relación positiva entre las variables mencionadas a lo largo del trabajo de investigación. / Currently, the category of restaurants in Peru is increasingly demanded, thanks to new innovations in the sector. It is for this reason, that the rapid emergence of emerging formats in the city of Lima is observed, tales such as Nikkei food restaurants. Therefore, the objective of the present investigation tries to investigate which is the relation that have the recommendations in line and the recognition of mark with the consumers, like determinant for the decision making. For the present investigation, the mixed method was applied, in which the first part was carried out in an exploratory manner, in which the practice of focus group management and interviews with the primary and secondary target audience was carried out. The second part was concluding and correlational, in which the 250 people were analyzed and the product of this research could demonstrate the positive relationship between the variables identified throughout the research work. / Trabajo de investigación

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