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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigação de abordagens de BPM para implantação dos controles de auditorias de TI: o caso da Lei Sarbanes-Oxley na CHESF

GOUVEIA, Carolina Nunes. 30 April 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Haroudo Xavier Filho (haroudo.xavierfo@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-01T17:10:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertacao_Carolina_Nunes_Gouveia_CinUFPE.pdf: 2466935 bytes, checksum: 5f06f529909528db6e5c56728fc2fb45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-01T17:10:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertacao_Carolina_Nunes_Gouveia_CinUFPE.pdf: 2466935 bytes, checksum: 5f06f529909528db6e5c56728fc2fb45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-30 / No intuito de assegurar a transparência na gestão das empresas, novas regulamentações recomendam a adoção de modelos de referência, que facilitam a adaptação dos processos de negócio às novas exigências. Com a responsabilidade de encarar esses novos desafios, a auditoria encontra na área de TI uma aliada acostumada a lidar com ambientes adversos, e interessada em envidar esforços para construir soluções aderentes, com criatividade e inovação. Neste trabalho, inicialmente, são apresentados os alicerces metodológicos que fundamentaram a estruturação da área de TI da Chesf e prepararam o corpo técnico para lidar com o desafio da certificação na lei Sarbanes-Oxley. Em seguida, são apresentadas as abordagens de Business Process Management – BPM, utilizadas na construção de ferramentas de gestão dos processos de negócio da área de TI, a serem auditados na certificação. Três abordagens foram experimentadas e suas conclusões são comparadas e analisadas, a fim de justificar a escolha da abordagem efetivamente implantada. Este trabalho propõe apresentar a evolução do investimento da área de TI da Chesf em melhores práticas e demostrar como esse investimento vem contribuindo para o alcance dos objetivos de negócio da Empresa. / In order to ensure transparency in corporate management, new regulations used to recommend the adoption of reference models, which will allow users to adapt enterprise business processes to new demands. With the responsibility to face these new challenges, the Audit’s area find in IT area an ally used to dealing with adverse environments and interested in efforts to build solutions with both creativity and innovation. In this paper, initially, we present the methodological foundation that underlie the structuring of the CHESF’s IT area and prepared the staff to deal with the challenge of certification in Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Then, we present the approaches to Business Process Management - BPM used in the construction of tools for managing business processes in the IT area to be audited in the certification process. Three approaches have been tried and its findings are compared and analyzed in order to justify the choice of approach effectively deployed. This paper proposes to present the performance of CHESF’s IT area in best practices and demonstrate how it has been contributing to the achievement of the Company’s business objectives.

Process- och organisationseffektiviserande systemstöd : En analys av samtida workflowsystem och framtida automatiska processoptimeringar med Medius AB som studie- och appliceringsobjekt / System support for streamlining of processes and organizations : An analysis of contemporary Workflow Management Systems and future automatic process optimizations with Medius AB as the case study object

Szemler, Martin, Mattsson, Johan January 2012 (has links)
I dagens konkurrensutsatta marknad är det en nödvändighet för organisationer att kontinuerligt effektivisera sina affärsprocesser med avgörande betydelse för tillväxt. Eftersom dessa processer är essentiella byggstenar för en organisations framgång har systemstöd avseende processmanagement blivit en viktig faktor i strävan efter att uppfylla organisationens mål och förbättra sin konkurrenskraft. Med detta i åtanke är det intressant att studera i vilken grad workflowsystem kan bidra till att förbättra organisationers affärsprocesser. Mot bakgrund av dessa snabbskiftande marknadsförutsättningar kommer studien behandla processrelaterade systemstöd med syftet att undersöka situationen för samtidens workflowbaserade optimeringar och utröna framtida visioner gällande automatisk processmanagement. Undersökningen har utförts genom en kvalitativ kund- och marknadsanalys avseende IT-företaget Medius AB där intervjuer, deltagande observationer och dokumentstudier legat till grund för en abduktiv analys. Företaget är en leverantör av processrelaterat IT-stöd och den övergripande affärsidén är att med hjälp av system förenkla och automatisera organisationers skilda processer. Studien visar bland annat att leverantörserbjudanden och definitioner gällande processmanagement skiljer sig åt globalt och nationellt och att det i dagens konkurrensutsatta marknad är svårt att motivera processer utöver sådana som genererar en direkt organisationsnytta. Vidare framkommer trender inom processmanagementområdet, bland annat Case Management, Business Process Management och outsourcing av organisationsprocesser. Studien visar också att den framtida workflowmarknaden förutspås innehålla produkter som stödjer hela organisationer involverandes partner, leverantörer och kunder och inte endast interna processer. / In today's competitive market it is a necessity for organizations to continuously improve their business processes which are critical to growth. Since these processes are essential for organizational success it has become important to support them via information systems in order to meet organizational goals and to improve competitiveness. Thus it is interesting to study to what extent workflow systems can help improve organizations' business processes. In light of these rapidly changing market conditions, this study will examine process-related system support with the aim to investigate the situation of today's workflow-based optimizations, and explore future visions regarding automatic process management. The study was conducted through a qualitative customer and market analysis for the IT company Medius AB, where interviews, participant observations and document studies formed the basis of an abductive analysis. The company is a supplier of process-related IT support and its overall business concept is to offer systems to simplify and automate organizations' separate processes. The result of this study shows, for example, that the definitions and offerings from the vendors differ globally and nationally, and that it is difficult in today's competitive market to justify processes other than those that generate direct organizational benefits. Furthermore, different trends in the field of business process management have been identified, a few examples being Case Management, Business Process Management and outsourcing of organizational processes. The study also shows that the future workflow market is predicted to contain products that support the entire organization and not only specific processes, including partners, suppliers and customers.

R-BPM: uma metodologia para gestão de riscos em iniciativas de BPM

FERREIRA, Fabio da Silva 01 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-07-27T12:57:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertacao_FabioFerreira_Digital.pdf: 2972458 bytes, checksum: f0d2fa1803fb21110efdc841f63933b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T12:57:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertacao_FabioFerreira_Digital.pdf: 2972458 bytes, checksum: f0d2fa1803fb21110efdc841f63933b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-01 / Na busca por agilidade, economia e qualidade em seus processos, um número crescente de empresas tem adotado técnicas de Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócios (do original em inglês: Business Process Management - BPM), já que esta permite que a organização torne seus processos mais eficientes, com maior precisão, rapidez, flexibilidade e qualidade. No entanto, mesmo gerenciados, os processos podem enfrentar riscos que podem causar forte impacto sobre os objetivos da organização se estes riscos não forem gerenciados de forma apropriada. Como o gerenciamento de riscos demanda recursos e a execução de várias atividades (entrevistas, análises, reuniões etc.) que também são demandados pelo BPM, a integração destes dois campos tem sido tema de pesquisa frequente nos últimos anos. Um problema com os trabalhos existentes, no entanto, é que as atividades de gerenciamento de riscos propostas são aplicadas apenas a algumas fases do ciclo de vida BPM. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo construir e avaliar uma metodologia para realizar o gerenciamento de riscos em processos de negócios de forma integrada com o ciclo de vida BPM. A metodologia, chamada R-BPM, é composta por um conjunto de fases e uma ferramenta de apoio. Ela é inspirada na estrutura de gerenciamento de riscos do COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) e foi construída através da abordagem de Design Science Research, que envolve um ciclo iterativo de construção e avaliação. Para avaliar a metodologia e a ferramenta de software construída para apoiá-la, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma organização pública. Os artefatos foram avaliados através de grupos focais e surveys com especialistas da organização. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia R-BPM, além de permitir que as atividades relacionadas à gestão de riscos sejam executadas em conjunto com o ciclo de vida BPM, permite também compartilhar a responsabilidade pelos riscos e fornecer melhores condições para os analistas e donos dos processos avaliá-los. Como a metodologia foi utilizada para resolver um problema do mundo real na organização estudada, esta pesquisa também contribuiu para a disseminação de conhecimento acadêmico para o mercado. / In search for agility, economy and quality in their processes, an increasing number of companies have adopted techniques of Business Process Management (BPM), as this allows the organization make its processes more efficient with greater precision, speed, flexibility and quality. However, even when managed, processes may face risks that can cause strong impact on the organization's goals if these risks are not managed appropriately. As risk management requires resources and the execution of many activities (interviews, analysis, meetings and so on) which are also demanded by BPM, the integration of these two fields has been a research theme frequent in recent years. A problem with existing works, however, is that the risk management activities proposed are applied only to some phases of the BPM lifecycle. This work aimed to construct and evaluate a methodology to manage risks of business processes integrated with the BPM lifecycle. The methodology, called R-BPM, is composed of a set of phases and a supporting tool. It is inspired by the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) risk management structure and was built by Design Science Research strategy, which involves an iterative cycle of construction and evaluation. To evaluate the methodology and the software tool built to support it, we conducted a case study in a public organization. The artifacts were assessed through focus groups and surveys with the organization's experts. The results showed that the R-BPM allows the activities related to risk management can now be implemented together with the BPM lifecycle, as well as shares responsibility for the risks and provides better conditions for process owners evaluate them. As the methodology was used to solve a real-world problem in the organization studied, this research also contributed to the dissemination of academic knowledge to market.

Asyl 360 - ett paradigmskifte? : Migrationsverkets utveckling mot en processorienterad verksamhet

Blomqvist, Eric, Adl Zarabi, Kaiwan January 2020 (has links)
Inom flera svenska statliga myndigheter har det processbaserade arbetssättet blivit en metod för att öka effektiviteten inom organisationer. Migrationsverket, en myndighet som under mitten av 2010-talet tog emot ett rekordstort antal skyddssökande under den stora flyktingkrisen, har på senare tid börjat att implementera ett nytt processbaserat arbetssätt inom asylprövningen kallat ”Asyl 360”. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur medarbetarna på en av de asylprövningsenheter som implementerat Asyl 360 upplever att det nya processbaserade arbetssättet påverkat dem. Den ämnar också att, med hjälp av en egenutvecklad kontextanpassad processmognadsmodell, undersöka vilken processmognadsnivå den undersökta asylprövningsenheten befinner sig på. Den metodologiska inriktningen av studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie där den insamlade datan har inhämtats genom intervjuer med medarbetare på den undersökta organisationen. Resultatet och analysen av studien visar dels vilken processmognadsnivå organisationen befinner sig på, men även en utvärdering av den egenutvecklade kontextanpassade processmognadsmodellens funktionalitet / Within several Swedish government agencies, the process-based approach has become a method for increasing efficiency within the organizations. The Swedish Migration Agency, an agency that received a record number of refugee applicants during the great refugee crisis in the mid-2010s, has recently begun to implement a new process-based approach in the asylum field called "Asyl 360". This case study examines how the employees at one of the units that implemented Asylum 360 feels that the new process-based working method has affected them. It also intends to investigate what process maturity level the investigated asylum review unit is at, with the help of a self-developed, context-adapted process maturity model. The methodological focus of the study is a qualitative case study where the collected data has been collected through interviews with employees of the researched organization. The result and analysis of the study shows what level of process maturity the studied organization is currently on. It also evaluates the functionality of the self-developed, context-adapted process maturity model / <p>2020-06-26</p>

Business Process Design / Affärsprocessdesign

Kvist, Henrik, Bakke, Henning January 2014 (has links)
The constant changes in governmental and customer requirements are forcing organizations to adapt in today’s dynamic market. Challenges such as international competition, increased cost pressure and efficient resource allocation are just a few examples of what organizations currently are facing. The need of managing business processes has become evident, as processes describes how well the organization is operating. Processes are no longer seen as just a tool, but as a way to visualize and standardize the organization in order to decrease variation and waste. With limited resources, ABB HVC has been working with business processes for over 20 years without any major influence since the competition has not required it. During the last three years the focus has shifted and business processes are now a hot topic. A stance has been taken and ABB HVC is now aiming to become a process-oriented organization. To become a process-oriented organization, ABB HVC needs a solid foundation built around processes. This project aims to satisfy a part of that foundation by designing a process for the technology department. As the technology department currently lacks a defined process, they cannot in a clear and visual way describe how they operate. Most of the time spent during this project, was focused on designing a functional process and to identify options for development. The research type of this project is a change focused research with an action research strategy. The selected approach is a design research methodology with qualitative data collection. In order to gather all the required information to complete the task, a literature review and an empirical analysis of ABB HVC were conducted. The result of this project was a process map describing the workflow and interactions of the technology department. An implementation plan, tools and suggested improvements have also been included in the report to provide the technology department with a strategy in how to continue the process work. / Ständiga förändringar och krav från myndigheter och kunder tvingar organisationer att anpassa sig till dagens dynamiska marknad. Utmaningar som internationell konkurrens, ökat kostnadstryckt och en effektiv resursfördelning är bara några exempel på vad organisationer för närvarande står inför. Behovet av att hantera affärsprocesser har blivit uppenbart eftersom processerna beskriver hur väl organisationen fungerar. Processer ses inte längre som bara ett verktyg, utan som ett sätt att visualisera och standardisera organisationen för att minska variation och slöseri. Med begränsade resurser har ABB HVC arbetat med affärsprocesser i över 20 år utan någon större påverkan för att konkurrensen inte har krävt det. Under de senaste tre åren har fokus skiftat och affärsprocesser är nu ett hett samtalsämne. En ställning har tagits och ABB HVC siktar nu på att bli en processorienterad organisation. För att bli en processorienterad organisation behöver ABB HVC en stabil grund uppbyggd kring processer. Detta projekt syftar till att tillfredsställa en del av denna grund genom att utforma en process för teknikavdelningen. Eftersom teknikavdelningen idag saknar en definierad process kan de inte tydligt beskriva hur de arbetar. Merparten av tiden spenderat under detta projekt var inriktad på att utforma en fungerande process och att identifiera alternativ för utveckling. Forskningstypen för detta projekt är en förändringsfokuserad forskning med en aktionsforskningsstrategi. Det valda tillvägagångssättet är att använda design research metodiken med kvalitativ datainsamling. För att samla in all den information som krävts för att slutföra uppgiften, har en litteraturstudie och en empirisk analys av ABB HVC utförts. Resultatet av detta projekt var en processkarta som beskriver arbetsflödet och interaktionerna för teknikavdelningen. En genomförandeplan, verktyg och förslag på förbättringar har också tagits med i rapporten för att ge teknikavdelningen en strategi för hur man ska fortsätta processarbetet.

Enforcement of Entailment Constraints in Distributed Service-Based Business Processes

Hummer, Waldemar, Gaubatz, Patrick, Strembeck, Mark, Zdun, Uwe, Dustdar, Schahram 10 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A distributed business process is executed in a distributed computing environment. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm is a popular option for the integration of software services and execution of distributed business processes. Entailment constraints, such as mutual exclusion and binding constraints, are important means to control process execution. Mutually exclusive tasks result from the division of powerful rights and responsibilities to prevent fraud and abuse. In contrast, binding constraints define that a subject who performed one task must also perform the corresponding bound task(s). (authors' abstract)

A Language for Designing Process Maps

Malinova, Monika 13 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Business Process Management (BPM) is often adopted by organizations as a method to increase awareness and knowledge of their business processes. Business process modeling is used as a method to represent business processes in form of business process models. The number of organizations adopting BPM is quickly increasing. By this means, so is the number of business process models as result of a BPM initiative. Within a single organization the number of business process models often ranges from hundreds to even thousands. In order to handle such large amount of business process models, organizations structure them by the help of a process architecture. It includes a process map, which is considered as the top-most view of the process architecture where the organization's business processes and the relations between them are visually and abstractly depicted. The details of each business process shown on the process map are stored in the lower levels of the corresponding process architecture. The purpose of a process map is to provide an overview of how an organization operates as a whole without necessarily going into the process details. Therefore, the design of a process map is vital not only for the understanding of the company's processes, but also for the subsequent detailed process modeling. This is primarily because, a process map is often the result of the process identification phase of the BPM lifecycle, and is used as a foundation for the subsequent phases, where the detailed process modeling and process improvement takes place. Despite their importance, the design of process maps is still more art than science, essentially because there is no standardized modeling language available for process map design. As a result, we are faced with a high heterogeneity of process map designs from practice, although they all serve a similar purpose. This has accordingly been our main motivation for pursuing the research presented in this thesis. The research question for this thesis is the following: How to effectively model processes on an abstract level? In this thesis, we document the development of a language for designing process maps. In particular, we provide the following contributions. First, we present a holistic reference BPM framework. It is a consolidation of procedural frameworks introduced by prominent BPM researchers. The framework includes eleven BPM elements, each holding activities organizations need to consider when adopting BPM. Second, we provide a method for assessing cognitive effectiveness of process maps used in practice. For this, we follow the nine principles for cognitively effective visual notations introduced by Moody cite{moody2012physics}. In addition, we employ the cognitive fit theory to check whether the design of process maps has an effect on the BPM success in the respective organization. Second, we conduct a systematic literature review on the quality of modeling languages and models. We use the quality requirements we found as basis for developing the language for designing process maps. Third, we define the abstract syntax, semantics, and concrete syntax of the language for process maps. We follow an explorative method, hence we rely on empirical data for the language development. Accordingly, we reuse symbols in our language which have already been used in practice as part of process maps. We follow this approach in order to ensure the language will consist of elements already familiar to organizations. We evaluate the language by means of an experiment, in which we assess the effectiveness and efficiency of process maps designed using elements from our language against process maps that have not been designed using our language. Last, this thesis provides a method for testing the suitability of existing languages for specific purposes. (author's abstract)

在服務經濟環境體系下企業流程管理能力成熟度模型 / The Maturity of Business Process-Management Capabilities in a Service-Based Economy

莊薏臻, Chuang,Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Global investment in process-management technology has vastly increased for the purpose of integrating both external and internal processes with aligned resources to adapt to the changing environment of the service-based economy. The management of business processes in the service-based economy requires dynamic capabilities in order to continuously integrate knowledge, coordinate activities, learn from experience, and reinvent services to acquire and retain customers. A growing pattern within the characteristics of path dependency has been observed in the development of process management capabilities, which evolved from awareness to optimization. This paper reports the findings of a study of the development of process-management capabilities in six companies across two different industries. By tracking the growth of its process-management capabilities, three points are made: (1) organizations develop their business process-management capabilities through five stages, which are awareness, repetition, standardization, management, and optimization; (2) each maturity level is characterized by different business focuses, process designs, knowledge management, measurement methods, and management attitudes; and (3) the development path is characterized by ups and downs and is influenced by both external and internal changes.

Process design in an information-intensive service delivery system : an empirical study

Ponsignon, Frédéric January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to explore the design of operational processes in information-intensive service delivery systems. Empirical data is presented which builds upon existing literature within the Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Operations Management (SOM) disciplines. Adopting a theory building mode, the thesis concludes with the formulation of several research propositions which specify the design characteristics of the processes that provide the service concept to the customer. The research addresses a number of gaps in the literature. First, there is little empirical evidence concerning the relationship between the service concept, customer inputs, and process design. Second, service classification schemes promote homogeneous thinking in the design of service systems delivering diverse service concepts. Third, the BPM literature provides generic process design principles which offer limited theoretical insights into the design requirements of operational processes. Finally, there is a need for process design research in information-intensive service organisations. A research framework that integrates theoretical models addressing service process design is investigated using a single case study approach. Fieldwork was carried out over a sixteen-month period in a large electricity supplier in the UK. In contrast to the macro-orientation found within the literature, this study employs a more granular level of analysis to address the unique requirements of ‘service concept – processes’ pairs. This approach results in a number of important findings which, in several instances, are in contradiction to current thinking. First, the results empirically validate the theoretical relationship between service concept, customer inputs, and process design. Different service concepts lead to different process designs, and the more customised the service concept, the more the process is uniquely designed. Significant differences in the design of the individual processes that collectively provide the service concept to the customer are highlighted. The results also provide some new insights into the design of front office – back office activities as well as into the design characteristics of processes characterised by low customer contact. In addition, the study refutes the view that generic process design principles are universally applicable irrespective of the context in which the processes operate. Finally, the research findings show that a process-based view of service systems allows for heterogeneity; that is differences in the design of service delivery processes within the same organisation.

Desarrollo de herramienta colaborativa para el levantamiento de procesos BPMN en dispositivos móviles

Aguirre González, Diego Eduardo January 2015 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / Hoy en día, el levantamiento de procesos de negocio es un mecanismo ampliamente difundido y utilizado para el entendimiento de reglas, problemáticas y características de empresas y su negocio. Hoy en día se identifican numerosos problemas asociados al levantamiento de procesos, muchos de los cuales tienen su origen en que el conocimiento sobre los procesos no esta formalizado y/o esta repartido entre diversos actores. Para enfrentar esto se existen varias técnicas que involucran el trabajo en terreno y la colaboración de varios participantes a la vez. El trabajo de esta memoria fue la construcción de una herramienta que apoye dichas técnicas, facilitando el trabajo del levantamiento y modelado en terreno y en forma colaborativa. Fue así como se construyó MOBIZ, aplicación que permite el trabajo concurrente de varios actores en el modelamiento de procesos a través de dispositivos móviles. Al ser construida HTML5, puede ser accedida desde casi cualquier dispositivo moderno común navegador, móvil o no. Entrega una interfaz diferenciada para equipos móviles y de escritorio, y gracias la creación del framework COUPLINGSERVER, se pudo abstraer completamente la aplicación misma de la comunicación con otros usuarios.

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