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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Suasion to Coercion: Temperance Reform and Prohibition in Antebellum Maine

Melega, Daniel C. 21 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Population Control in Insurgencies: Tips for the Taliban

Biddulph, Matthew John January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Instrumenty donucení mezinárodních organizací vůči svým členským státům. Příklad konfliktu o Náhorní Karabach. / Instruments for international organizations to compel their member states. An example of the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh.

Klepš, Václav January 2012 (has links)
in English The object of this diploma thesis is to answer the question, how can international organizations (UN, Council of Europe and OSCE) effectively regulate conflicts among their member states, or which instruments are they for this purpose equipped with. The thesis is divided into three main parts - theoretical study, part dedicated to the individual international organizations and the case study. The first part offers a definition of basic legal concepts, as they will be used in the following parts of the study with an emphasis on the definition of the concept "coercion". The following part deals with the instruments of coercion the international organizations are equipped with. In the third part are the findings from the previous parts confronted with a real case of the effort to regulate the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno Karabakh. This structure of the thesis can be also described as a progress from a theoretic basis, through an applied theory contained in particular agreements, to their practical realization in the concrete case. Based on the completed study the author concludes that unilateral instruments of coercion, that the particular organizations have at their disposal, are often not appropriate (exclusion from organization), ineffective (political declaration)...

Komunikační strategie politiků v interakci. / Communicative strategies of politicians in interaction.

Lokajová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Abstract. The aim of this M.A. thesis is to apply on the sample of five transcribed interviews with American politicians the typology of strategies devised by social psychologists P. Bull and K. Mayer (1993) for 'non-replies' of British politicians in the genre of a political interview and to determine whether this typology could be qualitatively correlated to specific linguistic means (the use of passive, pronominal shifts, hedges). The responses of politicians are examined within the CDA method also in relation to the macro-principles of evasion (dissimulation), coercion, legitimation and delegitimation, which are claimed to be valid in political discourse by P. Chilton (2004) in order to discover whether Bull and Mayer's social typology could be related to these principles and to the strategies of face-management (Brown and Levinson 1987). It is expected that politicians will boost their positive image in the interview and coerce the public in the agenda shift (Clayman, Heritage 2002) through every response in the interview. A question which according to Bull and Elliott (1996) consists of face threat is also expected to be attacked; quantitative results are presented which verify this assumption. In addition, as thirty strategies were observed to have been employed by Mrs Thatcher and Neil Kinnock in...

"L'impuissance de la puissance ?" : l'action des militaires américains en Irak (2003-2008) / "Is power powerless ?" : US military actions in Iraq (2003-2008)

Taillat, Stéphane 15 February 2013 (has links)
L’invasion et l’occupation de l’Irak ont montré les capacités des Etats-Unis de renverser un ordre politique, et les difficultés d’en construire un à leur profit. Le postulat de départ de la présente recherche consiste à s’interroger sur les effets produits par la présence américaine en Irak. Ceux-ci ne peuvent être analysés indépendamment des logiques qui en sont à l’origine ni de l’interaction avec de multiples acteurs. C’est donc à une analyse stratégique que cette interrogation invite : analyse du raisonnement, de l’articulation entre fins, voies et moyens, mais aussi de l’interdépendance entre les actions américaines et celles des acteurs irakiens. A cette aune, l’histoire militaire devient l’occasion d’une étude sociologique de l’utilisation de la force ainsi que des rapports entre sphères politiques et militaires. D’autre part, l’inscription des actions militaires dans un contexte sociopolitique dynamique porte à se poser la question du rôle joué par la coercition dans l’établissement d’un ordre politique au niveau local. Plus largement enfin, cette thèse interroge les prétentions des Etats occidentaux et de la communauté internationale à promouvoir un ordre libéral dans un contexte de consolidation de l’Etat. / The US invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq seem to highlight the capability of the United States to overthrow a given political order as well as the difficulties in building another order more favorable to their interests. That research is premised on the analytical necessity to interrogate the effects produced by the American presence in Iraq. Indeed, the effects of military actions cannot be studied independently from their underlying logic. In addition, one has to take into account the dialectical interaction between US military actions and those of the various actors at play in Iraq. Hence a strategic analysis, drawing on the Clausewitzian strategic theory and encompassing the reasoning, the articulation between ends, ways and means, and the interplay between the US and Iraqi actors. In the light of this analysis, military history gives way to a more sociological study of the use of force and of the civil-military relations. Furthermore, as military actions are inscribed in a broader and dynamic sociopolitical context, it is necessary to question the role of coercion in building a political order at the local level. At a higher level, this study questions Western States’ and international community’s claims to promote a liberal order in a context of state consolidation.

Zásada Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare v trestním procesu / Principle nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare in criminal proceedings

Děček, Milan January 2019 (has links)
Labor deals with the application of the principle of non-coercion to self-accusation in criminal proceedings, not only in the Czech Republic but also in other European countries and the USA. Partial results are obtained in particular by analyzing the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and, not least, the work presented the views of the experts in the criminal process. Application of that principle is examined from different angles using various procedural acts when the argument was the same judgments inferred line between permissible and impermissible coercion from authorities involved in criminal proceedings. This limit is characterized by the activity of the accused to self- accusation, to which the accused may not be compelled under the threat of sanctions. The thesis deals with the historical development of the principle, its enactment in the valid law, but mainly with its application in the criminal proceedings. The application of this rule is examined not only for various types of testimony in criminal proceedings, but also for further evidence and procedural acts in criminal proceedings (recognition, issue / removal of the subject, identification, use of agent), as well as criminal prosecution of legal entities. The "nemo tenetur se...

Reações dos pacientes adolescentes a situações potencialmente coercitivas no tratamento dos transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias

Bittencourt, Ana Luiza Portela January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A adolescência é considerada um período que requer atenção especial no que tange ao uso de substâncias psicoativas. As modificações físicas, psíquicas e sociais da adolescência aprofundam a condição de vulnerabilidade e aumentam o risco de início precoce do uso de substâncias psicoativas (SPA). Sabendo disso o Ministério da Saúde enfatiza a importância de ações que busquem atender a esta população, considerando, especialmente, as especificidades da faixa etária. Os aspectos coercitivos e pressões sociais podem afetar negativamente o paciente, o curso e os resultados do tratamento. Objetivos: explorar, através da análise de prontuário, as reações dos adolescentes usuários de Substâncias Psicoativas diante de situações potencialmente coercitivas, a fim de identificar que tipo de reações são desencadeadas por estas. Métodos: A pesquisa caracteriza-se por dois momentos distintos. Primeiramente realizou-se estudo transversal com todos os 229 prontuários identificados como pertencentes a adolescentes usuários de substâncias psicoativas em tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial da Infância e Adolescência (Capsia), no período de novembro de 2002 a dezembro de 2012. Este período corresponde aos primeiros dez anos de funcionamento deste serviço. Os dados foram coletados mediante leitura dos registros em prontuários realizados por diferentes membros da equipe do serviço. Foram coletados dados caracterizando o momento da busca por tratamento (sexo, idade, situação escolar, fonte de encaminhamento), situações consideradas agravantes da condição de vulnerabilidade (violência familiar, envolvimento criminal, evasão escolar) e questões pertinentes ao tratamento (substâncias utilizadas e internações hospitalares). Os dados obtidos foram avaliados quantitativamente e de forma descritiva, permitindo a caracterização de um perfil biopsicossocial desses adolescentes. Em um segundo momento, uma subamostra de 23 dos 229 prontuários consultados foi selecionada através do processo de amostragem sequencial aleatória. O número total de prontuários selecionados foi definido pelo critério de saturação da amostra. Nesta amostra buscou-se identificar registros de diferentes atendimentos realizados ao longo do tratamento (primeira entrevista, consultas médicas, internações hospitalares, visitas domiciliares, etc..) que indicassem situações potencialmente coercitivas, selecionando-os para análise posterior. Os trechos selecionados foram classificados com base na fonte de pressão observada (pressão legal, pressão formal e pressão informal). Seguiu-se a este processo a identificação e classificação de reações dos pacientes às pressões sociais experienciadas. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados quantitativamente a fim de verificar a frequência de ocorrência das variáveis. Os dados qualitativos foram tratados com emprego da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: A maioria dos 229 prontuários analisados pertencia a pacientes do sexo masculino (81,7%) e sua idade, no momento da busca por tratamento, variava de sete (0,4%) a 17 anos (19,2%). Constituíram registros frequentes a prática de atos infracionais (64,2%), a evasão escolar (62,9%) e o convívio com familiares que utilizam drogas (56,8 %). A maioria dos prontuários estudados pertencia a sujeitos identificados como poliusuários (68,1 %), observando-se maior frequência de registro de consumo de maconha (58,9%) e crack (54,6%). Foram encontrados também registros de uso de cocaína (46,7%), bebidas alcoólicas (34,5%), tabaco (25,8%), “loló” (7,0%) e ecstasy (0,4%). As pressões sociais informais (48,1%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas das pressões sociais formais (30,9%) e pressões sociais legais (21,0%). As reações mais frequentes foram: aceitação (17,5%), resistência (31,6%) e desmotivação (14,0%). A reação mais frequentemente apresentada diante da pressão informal foi a de resistência (33,3%). Diante da pressão social formal duas reações foram as mais frequentemente: desmotivação (30,7%) e resistência (26,9%). À pressão social legal, duas diferentes reações foram as mais frequentes: resistência (30,0%) e resignação (25,0%). A reação de resistência foi manifestada diante de relações conflituosas com o agente da pressão e da desconsideração ou desrespeito da vontade do paciente. A desmotivação, por sua vez, apareceu atrelada a busca por tratamento unicamente em virtude da pressão sofrida, resultando na pouca participação no tratamento. A boa relação entre o paciente e aquele que exerceu a pressão para busca do tratamento destacou-se na análise da reação de aceitação. Conclusão: Os adolescentes atendidos na instituição apresentam um perfil de vulnerabilidade necessitando de proteção adicional. As reações atreladas às situações identificadas são, em sua maioria, entendidas como reações negativas, permitindo inferir que os pacientes podem ter se sentido coagidos em decorrência das pressões sociais vivenciadas. As relações estabelecidas entre os pacientes e os diferentes agentes de pressão se destaca como fator “chave” no modo como estes sujeitos reagem às pressões sofridas. / Background: Adolescence is considered a period that requires special attention regarding the use of psychoactive substances. The physical, psychological and social modifications in adolescence deepen the condition of vulnerability and increase the risk of precocious use of psychoactive substances (SPA). Knowing that, the Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of actions that seek to attend this population, considering, especially, the particularities of the age group. The coercive aspects and social pressures may adversely affect the patient, the course of treatment and its outcomes. Objective: explore, by chart analysis, the reactions of adolescents users of psychoactive substances to potentially coercive situations, in order to identify what kind of reactions are triggered by them. Methods: The research is characterized by two distinct moments. First we conducted a cross-sectional study of all 229 medical records of adolescents users of psychoactive substances under treatment at a Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS, acronym in Portuguese), from November 2002 to December 2012. This service is locally called CAPSIA. This period corresponds to the first 10 years of operation of the CAPSIA. Data were collected by reading the observation notes held by different members of the service staff in the medical records. Data were collected characterizing the moment of seeking treatment (gender, age, school status, source of referral), situations considered aggravating the condition of vulnerability (family violence, criminal involvement, truancy) and issues related to the treatment (used substances and hospital admission). The data obtained were evaluated quantitatively and descriptively, allowing the characterization of a biopsychosocial profile of these adolescents. In a second phase, a subsample of 23 from the 229 the medical records was selected through random sampling sequential process. The number of selected medical charts was set by the sample saturation criterion. In this sample we sought to identify observational notes about different moments of the treatment (first interview, doctor visits, hospital referral, home visits, etc ..) in order to identify potentially coercive situations, these notes were selected for further analysis. After identifying the potentially coercive situations, social pressures were classified according to referral source into legal, formal, and informal. Subsequently, passages describing patients’ reactions to these coercive situations were identified in the medical records. The data were evaluated quantitatively in order to check the frequency of occurrence of the variables. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: Most of the 229 medical records belong to male patients (81.7%) and their age, at the time of seeking treatment, ranged from seven (0.4%) to 17 years old (19.2%). Records of illegal acts (64.2%), school dropout (62.9%) and living with family members who use drugs (56.8%) were common. The majority of the medical charts belong to subjects identified as “multiple drugs” users (68.1%), with a higher frequency of marijuana (58.9%) and crack (54.6%) use records. Usage records of cocaine (46.7%), alcoholic beverages (34.5%), tobacco (25.8%), "loló" (7.0%) and ecstasy (0.4%) were also found. Informal social pressures were the most frequent (48.1%), followed by formal social pressures (30.9%) and legal social pressures (21.0%). The most frequent reaction were: acceptance (17.5%), resistance (31.6%) and motivation (14.0%). The most frequently presented reaction to informal pressure was resistance (33.3%). Before the formal social pressure two reactions were the most frequently: lack of motivation (30.7%) and resistance (26.9%). To Legal social pressure two different reactions were the most common: resistance (30.0%) and resignation (25.0%). The resistance reaction was manifested face of conflicting relationships with the pressure agent and disregard or disrespect to the patient's will. The lack of motivation, in turn, appeared linked to seeking treatment because of social pressure suffered, resulting in little participation in treatment. The good relationship between the patient and the one who exerted pressure to seeking treatment stood out in the analysis of the acceptance of reaction. Conclusion: Adolescents treated at the institution have a vulnerability profile requiring additional protection. The reactions linked to the identified situations are mostly perceived as negative reactions, it can be inferred that patients may have felt coerced as a result of social pressures experienced. The relationships established between patients and different pressure agents is highlighted as a "key" factor in the way these subjects react to suffered pressures.

Transparent and Mutual Restraining Electronic Voting

Huian Li (6012225) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Many e-voting techniques have been proposed but not widely used in reality. One of the problems associated with most of existing e-voting techniques is the lack of transparency, leading to a failure to deliver voter assurance. In this work, we propose a transparent, auditable, end-to-end verifiable, and mutual restraining e-voting protocol that exploits the existing multi-party political dynamics such as in the US. The new e-voting protocol consists of three original technical contributions -- universal verifiable voting vector, forward and backward mutual lock voting, and in-process check and enforcement -- that, along with a public real time bulletin board, resolves the apparent conflicts in voting such as anonymity vs. accountability and privacy vs. verifiability. Especially, the trust is split equally among tallying authorities who have conflicting interests and will technically restrain each other. The voting and tallying processes are transparent to voters and any third party, which allow any voter to verify that his vote is indeed counted and also allow any third party to audit the tally. For the environment requiring receipt-freeness and coercion-resistance, we introduce additional approaches to counter vote-selling and voter-coercion issues. Our interactive voting protocol is suitable for small number of voters like boardroom voting where interaction between voters is encouraged and self-tallying is necessary; while our non-interactive protocol is for the scenario of large number of voters where interaction is prohibitively expensive. Equipped with a hierarchical voting structure, our protocols can enable open and fair elections at any scale.

Foules et coercition : flux, ordres et dynamique du chaos / Coercion and crowds : global stream, order and dynamic of chaos

Sacks, Kim 29 September 2017 (has links)
Par l'analyse des pratiques de l'image, artistiques et médiatiques, le texte entend mettre au jour les mécaniques de la société du spectacle, altérées par les révolutions de la technologie de l'information et de la communication. Dans les espaces virtuels, la médiatisation émerge comme la modalité principale de toute forme d'interaction dématérialisée. L'image exerce sa puissance et conditionne les comportements. Pourtant, l'image peut s'opposer au flux dominant du spectacle et offrir un espace d'expression à contre-flux, contestataire et radical. Ce texte examine la consommation des représentations dans cette société du spectacle où la coercition anime la psychologie des foules - nuages fluides de particules individuelles séparées dont les mouvements chaotiques semblent imprévisibles. Cette recherche élabore une typologie des foules repensée au travers de la coercition des images, des médias et du pouvoir de la technologie sur le libre arbitre individuel. En s'appuyant sur des représentations iconiques de la violence et de la mort dans les événements visuels globaux - à l'instar de la photographie sidérante « The Falling Man » - ce texte aborde les tensions entre dispositifs, information et foules en dressant le portrait de l'Homme hypermoderne face aux foules virtuelles. Soumis au flux d'images constant, il semble en quête permanente d'une liberté insaisissable, fruit d'une identité qui peu à peu se dissipe au sein d'une société à la dérive incitant à ne vivre que par l'externalisation dans les technologies : utopie d'un Homme transparent, dépourvu d'intériorité, vivant dans l'espoir d'outrepasser la mort par la projection de soi dans le flux d'information. / Through the analysis of artistic and media-generated imagery, this text seeks to shed light on the mechanisms of the society of the spectacle, altered by the revolutions of information and communication technology. In virtual spaces, mediatization has emerged as the main modality of every dematerialized interaction. Image exercises power and conditions behaviors, but may also act counter to the dominant stream of spectacle thus opening a space for a counter-current both controversial and radical. This text examines how image is consumed in this society of the spectacle, in which coercion drives crowd psychology - fluid clouds of unique separated particles whose chaotic movements appear unpredictable. This research establishes a typology of crowds revised through the coercion of images, media, and the power of technology over individual freewill. By studying iconic images of violence and death in global visual events - as exemplified in The Falling Man, a photograph that stuns the viewer - the text raises issues concerning the seeming tensions between devices, information and crowds, while displaying the portrait of hypermodern Man in his relationship toward virtual crowds. Man, subjected to incessant streams of images, seems to be on a permanent quest for a freedom which eludes him, a consequence of an identity slowly dissipating into the mainstream. This text proposes an analysis of a society running adrift, a society offering nothing but a life of self­disembodiment into technological devices : utopia of a new transparent Man, deprived of self, living only in the hope of achieving immortality by projecting the self into the information stream.


Beckett, Elizabeth Jean 01 January 2013 (has links)
In June 2012, the Supreme Court of the United States decided the fate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in a case called National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius. While initially the decision seemed favorable to supporters of the bill, Chief Justice Roberts’ majority opinion could likely render the bill ineffective in implementation and it creates more Constitutionally confusing precedent than it resolves. Among the questions that now rise to the surface are: will Congress be able to raise the tax to a level where it will become effective? What is now mandatory for states to adopt into their Medicaid programs? Where is the line for the federal government with regards to coercion? What are the definitions of direct and indirect taxes? And, how binding is the Origination Clause of the Constitution?

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