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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'accès à l'eau potable en milieu rural au Cameroun : à la recherche d'une approche éthique et théologique du développement / Access to safe drinking water in rural Cameroon : seeking an ethical and theological approach to development

Moto, Henri Fidèle 16 December 2014 (has links)
Les choix et les pratiques éthiques de développement constituent les principaux facteurs de la mise en oeuvre effective du droit à l’eau potable en milieu rural au Cameroun. Après avoir posé quelques repères pour une humanisation du développement dans ce pays de l’Afrique sub-saharienne, cette thèse met en lumière les enjeux de l’accès à l’eau potable à travers une analyse socio-éthique des représentations des expériences de trois projets hydrauliques dans les départements de la Sanaga Maritime et du Mbam Inoubou. Elle démontre que la réhabilitation de la dignité et des capacités des acteurs locaux est le levier sur lequel il faut agir pour instituer une société du commun et de communion favorable à un développement éthique. Contrairement à la société du « non-commun » qui émerge de l’analyse des expériences de terrain, celle du commun serait capable de répondre aux situations de précarité sans attendre l’assistance des tutelles ou des tuteurs. / The choices and ethical practices of development are major factors in the effective implementation of the right to drinking water in rural Cameroon. After identifying some benchmarks for humanization of development in this sub-Saharan African country, this thesis highlights the challenges of access to drinking water through a socio-ethical analysis of the experiences of three water projects in the departments of Sanaga Maritime and Mbam Inoubou. It demonstrates that the restoration of the dignity and capacity of local actors is the lever on which action is needed to establish a society of commonality and communion that is favorable to ethical development. Unlike a society that promotes “non-commonality” which emerges from the analysis of field experiments, the one that promotes commonality would be able to respond to precarious situations without depending on the assistance and / or direction of guardians.

Les réalités charismatiques déplacent-elles les frontières œcuméniques ? / Do the charismatic realities move the ecumenical borders ?

Bonnal-Caudal, Dominique 20 June 2016 (has links)
Les réalités dites charismatiques ont existé dès la Pentecôte et les premiers temps du christianisme. Dès les débuts, elles ont suscité enthousiasme, mépris ou rejet. En effet, elles manifestent des dons spirituels parfois extraordinaires dont l’authenticité reste à discerner. Sont-ils d’origine divine ou viennent-ils de charlatans et leaders séducteurs de foules ? Pour les étudier, il a paru essentiel de les inscrire dans l’histoire : d’une part celle de leur réception par les courants majoritaires de l’Eglise, celle de leur évolution propre (un courant naît et évolue sur plusieurs générations), celle de leurs filiations, en particulier entre les trois vagues charismatiques du XXème siècle. Le cœur de notre travail est de croiser ces réalités charismatiques avec le mouvement œcuménique, né en ce même XXème siècle. Contribuent-elles à un rapprochement inter ecclésial ou au contraire édifient-elles de nouveaux murs de séparation, entre ou à l’intérieur même de chaque Eglise dénominationnelle ou non ? Notre travail s’inscrit en théologie pratique : il part d’observations de terrains, récits, témoignages, entretiens, analysés, confrontés pour en dégager convergences et divergences, à interpréter dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire. Nos conclusions s’orientent vers des déplacements nouveaux, concrets, vécus et transdénominationnels plus qu’institutionnels. Ils conduisent à des redéfinitions de l’Eglise et de son unité. / The so called charismatic movements have existed since the day of Pentecost, and the beginning of Christianity. Since the very start, they gave rise to enthousiasm, contempt or rejection. It is true that they manifest spiritual gifts, which are sometimes very strange. The authenticity of which has to be confirmed. Do they come from God or from charlatan and crowd seducers? To study them, we thought il was essential to place them in their historical context: history of their reception by the main streams of the Church, history of their evolution through two or three generations, and history of their filiations, especially between the three pentecostal waves of the XXth century. The heart of our work is to cross those charismatic realities with the ecumenical movement, also born in the XXth century. Do they contribute to bringing Churches closer? Or, on the contrary, do they build new walls within Churches or between them? Our analysis looks at the question from the point of vue of practical theology: we first collected facts, testimonies and interviews. We studied them, looking for both converging and diverging results. We interpreted them through multi-disciplinary reasoning. Our conclusions move more in the direction of new displacements, which are concrete, real, and transdenominationnel rather than institutional. They result in the nead to redefine the Church and its unity.

Eucharistie et libération en Afrique : pain du ciel, pain des hommes / Eucharist and liberation in Africa : heavens bread, mens bread

Konan, Kouadio Colbert 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse veut répondre à cette question existentielle : comment l’eucharistie, corps et sang du Christ, peut-elle être nourriture et sacrement de libération pour les peuples de la faim ? Cette question nous a conduit à investir les lieux où l’eucharistie appelle l’homme à une attitude charismatique et prophétique devant les situations dramatiques qui provoquent la faim et la misère en Afrique qui est le lieu géographique de cette recherche. Cette thèse met donc en exergue les vertus de partage, de solidarité, de communion, de fraternité… qui sont propres à l’eucharistie et à travers lesquelles ce sacrement peut pousser les croyants africains à une libération totale en Jésus-Christ. Dans cette recherche, en mettant en articulation eucharistie et libération, le chercheur fait droit à la théologie africaine de la libération qu’il présente comme une possibilité offerte aux Africains pour lutter contre toutes les formes d’oppression qui renient l’homme et portent atteinte au message de libération apporté par Jésus-Christ. L’eucharistie, qui est Pain du ciel mais aussi Pain des hommes, est une ouverture à la vie et non à la résignation, à la fausse piété et à la mort. / This thesis tries to answer this existential question : « How the Eucharist, body and blood of Christ, can be spiritual food and sacrament of liberation for nations suffering from hunger ? ». This question has led me to investigate the places where Eucharist calls Humankind to ancharismatic and prophetic attitude when confrontated to dramatic circumstances which provoke/ induce Hunger and Misery in Africa, the geographical place of this study. This Study (Thesis) tries to highlight the moral qualities of Sharing, Solidarity, Communion and Fraternity that are specific to Eucharist, through which this Sacrament can lead African Christians to a total Liberation in Jesus-Christ. In this study, by articulating Eucharist and Liberation, the searcher referes to the african theology of Liberation which he presents as apossibility given to African people to fight against all forms of oppression that denie Mankind and affects the message of Liberation brought by Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is bread of Heaven but also bread for Mankind, opens to life but not to resignation, to false piety and to death.

Gemenskap och värderingar. : Religiös tillhörighet i ett sekulärt samhälle.

Sarna, Zofia, Brodin, Jeanette January 2014 (has links)
Ambitionen med denna uppsats är att skapa en bättre förståelse kring frågor gällande tillhörighet till religiösa samfund och olika religiösa värderingar som kan skapa friktion mellan medlemmar och majoritetssamhället. Syften med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur medlemmar i Svenska Kyrkan, Katolska Kyrkan och Jehovas Vittnen upplever sitt medlemskap i de religiösa samfunden de tillhör och vilka religiösa värderingar som kan påverka deras förhållande med samhället. I undersökningen använder vi oss av fallstudiedesign vilken vi senare tolkar utifrån olika teorier som handlar om olika typer av gemenskap (Stroope) och vilka värdesystem samt som ideologier påverkar samfundens medlemmars handlingar och deras relation till majoritetssamhället (Dumont). Undersökningen visar att en del kyrkomedlemmar strävar efter en gemenskap som de inte upplever i majoritetssamhället. Engagemang och tillhörighet till ett kristet samfund påverkas inte av majoritetssamhällets åsikter. Resultatet ger en bild av en stor upplevd gemenskap bland de kristna samfundens medlemmar vilka betraktar sin tillhörighet till respektive samfund som ett medvetet val. Deras gemenskapskänsla leder till att de behåller sina religiösa värderingar oavsett om det skapar friktioner mellan dem och majoritetssamhället.

Striving to be able and included : Expressions of sense of self in people with Alzheimer's disease

Hedman, Ragnhild January 2014 (has links)
According to research applying a social constructionist perspective, the sense of self is not lost in people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is, however, greatly influenced by the symptoms and by how they are treated by other people. Without support, it is difficult to preserve a positive sense of self, when living with progressing cognitive impairments. The stigma associated with cognitive impairment also threatens their sense of self. Harré’s social constructionist theories of self and positioning have been used to study how people with AD express their sense of self. As there is a need to expand the previous research by involving additional participants and research contexts, the aim of the present thesis was to describe, in accordance with Harré’s theories of self and positioning, how people with AD expressed their sense of self in personal interviews and in support groups with other people with AD. The research consists of four substudies (I–IV), and has a qualitative, descriptive, and theory-testing approach. Thirteen people with mild and moderate AD were included, 11 of whom had the early onset form of the disease. Two support groups were formed, led by facilitators who supported the communication and the participants’ expressions of self. Each group met 10 times during an eight-month period. Topics were not predetermined, and introduced by both facilitators and participants. Semistructured interviews were conducted before the groups started and after they ended. The interviews and support group conversations were audio-recoded and analysed with qualitative content analysis, guided by Harré’s theories. In substudy I, the initial interviews were deductively analysed. The findings showed that Self 1 (the sense of being a singular, embodied person) was expressed by the participants without difficulties. Self 2 (the perception of one’s personal attributes and life history) was expressed as feeling mainly the same person. While some abilities had been lost, other had been developed. Self 3 (the socially constructed self) was described as mostly supported, but sometimes threatened in interactions with other people (I). In substudy II, support group conversations were analysed abductively with respect to expressions of Self 2. It was found that participants expressed Self 2 in terms of agency and communion, and a lack of agency and communion (II).In substudy III, a secondary analysis of the data from substudy II was performed inductively with the aim of describing how Self 3 was constructed in the interaction of the support group. Five first-order positions, generating lively interaction, were described: the project manager, the storyteller, the moral agent, the person burdened with AD, and the coping person (III). In substudy IV, all the collected data were reanalysed inductively, focusing on how participants expressed the experience of being research participants. Three themes were constructed: contributing to an important cause, gaining from participating, and experiencing risks and drawbacks (IV). In conclusion, it was found that participants constructed positive social selves through the support from each other, the facilitator, and researchers in the support group (III), and as research participants (IV). Agency and communion were central to Self 2, and decreased with the progression of AD (II). In spite of change, participants perceived themselves as basically the same people, with a potential to learn and develop as persons (I).

Christian Worship: A Psychological Study

Berkey, Jonas M. 01 August 1956 (has links)
Both Psychology and Christianity are concerned with the well-being or wholeness of the human person. Since God is no respecter of persons, then all men are alike in their basic nature. Psychology bears out this conclusion. Therefore, upon the foundation of this basic agreement psychology may be used effectively in helping to establish a fundamental agreement for the effective worship of Christian men. The scope of this treatment will consider only three of the basic acts of Christian worship - prayer, baptism and the Lord's Supper.


GUIDO VAZ SILVA 21 July 2008 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho realizou investigações sobre o Projeto de Economia de Comunhão (EdC) buscando compreender e descrever características da dinâmica dos fenômenos poder e decisão em organizações vinculadas a essa proposta. O tema é significativamente relevante na medida que são apresentadas evidências na literatura organizacional de práticas manipuladoras e opressoras provenientes de uma racionalidade excessivamente instrumental utilizada em larga escala na maioria das organizações. Por outro lado, existe uma lacuna na pesquisa realizada até então sobre EdC no que tange a tais fenômenos. Por meio do método de análise de conteúdo, investigou-se com empresários importantes para o projeto, durante o Congresso Nacional de EdC, os conceitos sustentadores dessas variáveis organizacionais e realizou-se um estudo de caso na empresa Prodiet Farmacêutica visando a um entendimento prático dos mesmos. Notou-se que existem características diferenciadas provenientes, em grande parte, da inversão de valores que os princípios do Projeto impõem em contraponto com o dualismo capital x trabalho, que o sistema capitalista mais disseminado promove. E, aceitando que as ontologias desses fenômenos os tornam compreensíveis, principalmente, por meio de relações, conclui-se que a significativa contribuição do Projeto é a de construção de interações mais próximas às necessidades humanas, e que, não por acaso, também possibilitam o desenvolvimento e participação competitiva no mercado. / [en] The present study realized inquiries about the Economy of Communion Project (EoC) to understand and to describe characteristics of the dynamics of the power and decision in organizations associated to this proposal. The subject is important since there are evidences in the organizational literature of manipulator and oppressor practices proceeding from an excessively instrumental rationality used in wide scale in the majority of the organizations. On the other hand, there is a gap in the research about EoC concerning such phenomenas. By the method of content analysis, the lifting concepts of these organizational variables were investigated with important entrepreneurs for the project during the National Congress of EdC and with a case study in the Prodiet Farmacêutica to understand the practical agreement of the same ones. It was noticed that they have different characteristics caused by the inversion of values that the principles of the Project impose in counterpoint with dualism between capital and labor that the spread capitalist system promotes. Accepting that the ontologies of these phenomenas make them understandable mainly by means of relations, it can be concluded that the significant contribution of the Project is the construction of interactions closer to the human necessities, and that, not by chance, also allow the development and competitive participation in the market.


ANA CLAUDIA MORRISSY MACHADO 12 March 2007 (has links)
[pt] Esta Tese de Doutorado tem como foco o Projeto de Economia de Comunhão na Liberdade - EdC, que apresenta uma maneira diferenciada de ver a gestão. As empresas que aderem a esse Projeto buscam aliar princípios de eficiência, produtividade e lucratividade a uma forma mais humana de gerenciamento de pessoas. Trata-se de um Projeto em fase inicial, cujos resultados são provenientes da prática das empresas e não da aplicação de bases teóricas, ainda inexistentes. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é o de discutir fundamentos organizacionais para a construção de uma Teoria de EdC. Para tanto, é apresentada a Doutrina Social da Igreja que fundamenta a EdC e os princípios e os ideais do Projeto. Em seguida, são discutidos os elementos organizacionais conhecimento e aprendizado, poder, liderança, comunicação, motivação, tomada de decisões e mudança organizacional e são avaliadas abordagens que mais se aproximam dos aspectos que distinguem uma empresa de EdC de outra convencional. Na seqüência, caracteriza-se a empresa de EdC. Por fim, os elementos organizacionais e as abordagens discutidas são contrapostas aos princípios da EdC, buscando-se levantar quais são os pontos de confluência que permitirão elencar as primeiras bases para a construção de uma teoria sobre o tema. / [en] The focus of this doctoral thesis is the Sharing Economy Project - SEP, that presents a different way of managing adopted by some organizations that congregates principles of efficiency, productivity and profitability to a more human way of managing people. This Project is still in the beginning and its results come from the organizations´ practices and not from the use of some theoretical basis, not yet developed. Thus, the objective of this study is discussing organizational foundations that can be useful for a future SEP theory. In this pursuit, the Social Doctrine of Catholic Church - that establishes the SEP basis - and the Project´s principles will be presented. After this, some organizational elements like knowledge and learning, power, leadership, communication, decision making and organizational change are discussed and organizational approaches that are closer to elements that distinguish EdC organizations from conventional ones are considered. Then, one will show what an EdC enterprise means showing some of its characteristics. To finish with, the organizational elements and the approaches will be compared to the SEP principles in order to point out the confluent points that can serve as an initial basis for a theory construction.

Does motivational disposition predict the efficacy of a goals-based self-help intervention for improving well being?

Lyle, Gary January 2018 (has links)
Background: Self-help interventions can be useful in improving well-being and improving symptoms of low-level mental health problems. Goal-setting has also been found to be linked to well-being. In order to maximise the benefit of any goal related self-help interventions, it may be advantageous to consider for whom they may work best. Objective. The study aimed to replicate and extend previous findings relating to the efficacy of the Goal Setting and Planning (GAP) self-help intervention for improving well-being using an active control group to allow for a more carefully controlled test of GAP. In addition to this, the study aimed to examine the potential mediating effect that the intervention has via goal progress. Lastly the study aimed to investigate whether the gains in well-being associated with the GAP intervention will be greatest for individuals scoring more highly in ‘agentic’ value scores. Method. A controlled trial of 58 participants completed pre and post measures of well-being and were also led through a goal selection exercise in which they chose two goals to work towards over a five week period. Twenty-nine participants were allocated to the intervention condition which involved working through the GAP intervention in an online format to support their goal progress. The remaining 29 participants were allocated to the control group and were asked to work towards their goals without any further support. All participants were asked to provide goal attainment scores at the end of week three and at the end of week five. Results. There was no significant effect of condition on post-intervention outcome measures (p = .87, partial h2 = .02). Post measures indicated small but not significant gains in well-being across groups. Goal progress averaged across the two assessments did not differ significantly between groups. The conditions for mediation were not met therefore it was not possible to test for the mediating effects of goal progress on well-being. Lastly, moderation analysis showed that agency value scores did not significantly moderate the effectiveness of GAP in improving scores on any of the well-being measures. Conclusion: These null-findings particularly in relation to the efficacy of the GAP intervention were unexpected given significant findings in previous trials. However, the use of an active control group allowed for a more focused examination of the efficacy of the self-help components compared to previous trials. It is suggested that the goal-setting elements of GAP completed by both conditions may account for the small gains in well-being. Limitations of the current study are discussed particularly in relation to the use of a non-clinical, mainly undergraduate student sample. It is also suggested that goal-based self-help interventions may have limited use in non- clinical student populations. Ideas for future research are made including the recruitment of participants who would potentially benefit more from an intervention to improve well-being such as GAP.

A relação esponsal entre Cristo e sua Igreja: a esposa de Cristo na constituição sobre a Igreja do Concílio Vaticano II

Morbiolo, Rodolfo Gasparini 17 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:27:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodolfo Gasparini Morbiolo.pdf: 782728 bytes, checksum: f8aeb53527f9abebb1e71f3153e79e95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-17 / This bibliography research examined the extent and limits of nuptial Church in the Constitution on the Church of Vatican II. This procedure is justified because of the importance of the issue to the theology of the Catholic Church, once deeply rooted in Scripture and Tradition and its Magisterium, as well as the need to approach the theme of conjugal love in the world today as an instrument of evangelization. Hypothesized that the Vatican did not give importance to the issue as a hermeneutical principle. Having established the veracity of the hypothesis, proposed the re-issue of spousal love their ecclesial communion interface such as communication path of Catholic theology to the scientific world and society today / A presente pesquisa bibliográfica estudou a abrangência e os limites da esponsalidade eclesial na Constituição sobre a Igreja do Concílio Vaticano II. Justifica-se tal procedimento devido à importância do tema para a teologia da Igreja Católica, uma vez que profundamente enraizado na Escritura, e em sua Tradição e Magistério; como também da necessidade da abordagem do tema do amor esponsal no mundo atual como instrumento de evangelização. Partiu da hipótese de que o Vaticano II não deu importância ao tema como princípio hermenêutico. Tendo constatado a veracidade da hipótese, re-propôs o tema do amor esponsal, a partir da sua interface comunional, como caminho de comunicação da teologia católica, quer com o mundo científico, quer com a sociedade atual

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