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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analytical method development for structural studies of pharmaceutical and related materials in solution and solid state : an investigation of the solid forms and mechanisms of formation of cocrystal systems using vibrational spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction techniques

Elbagerma, Mohamed A. January 2010 (has links)
Analysis of the molecular speciation of organic compounds in solution is essential for the understanding of ionic complexation. The Raman spectroscopic technique was chosen for this purpose because it allows the identification of compounds in different states and it can give information about the molecular geometry from the analysis of the vibrational spectra. In this research the ionisation steps of relevant pharmaceutical material have been studied by means of potentiometry coupled with Raman spectroscopy; the protonation and deprotonation behaviour of the molecules were studied in different pH regions. The abundance of the different species in the Raman spectra of aqueous salicylic acid, paracetamol, citric acid and salicylaldoxime have been identified, characterised and confirmed by numerical treatment of the observed spectral data using a multiwavelength curve-fitting program. The non-destructive nature of the Raman spectroscopic technique and the success of the application of the multiwavelength curve-fitting program demonstrated in this work have offered a new dimension for the rapid identification and characterisation of pharmaceuticals in solution and have indicated the direction of further research. The work also covers the formation of novel cocrystal systems with pharmaceutically relevant materials. The existence of new cocrystals of salicylic acid-nicotinic acid, DLphenylalanine , 6-hydroxynicotinic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid with oxalic acid have been identified from stoichiometric mixtures using combined techniques of Raman spectroscopy (dispersive and transmission TRS), X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis. Raman spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate a number of important aspects regarding the nature of the molecular interactions in the cocrystal. Cocrystals of salicylic acid - benzamide, citric acid-paracetamol and citric acid -benzamide have been identified with similar analytical approaches and structurally characterised in detail with single crystal X-ray diffraction. From these studies the high selectivity and direct micro sampling of Raman spectroscopy make it possible to identify spectral contributions from each chemical constituent by a peak wavenumber comparison of single-component spectra (API and guest individually) and the two- component sample material (API/guest), thus allowing a direct assessment of cocrystal formation to be made. Correlation of information from Raman spectra have been made to the X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis results. Transmission Raman Spectroscopy has been applied to the study cocrystals for the first time. Identification of new phases of analysis of the low wavenumber Raman bands is demonstrated to be a key advantage of the TRS technique.

Modulation de l'interaction électrostatique entre nanomatériaux en solutions et aux interfaces : Vers la génération de surfaces fonctionnelles hybrides

Sekar, Sri Bharani 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Des couches fonctionnelles hybrides organiques/inorganiques ont été générées à une interface solide/liquide à l'aide d'une nouvelle technique de fabrication ascendante (bottomup) dénommée Croissance de Couche à partir d'une Surface (Surface Grown Layers - SgL)grâce à une modulation très fine de l'interaction électrostatique entre nano-objets decharges opposés en fonction de la force ionique de la dispersion aqueuse. Différents nanoparticules/tubes à la fois cationiques et anioniques et très stables vis-à-vis d'un environnement fortement salin ont été développés. La complexation électrostatique entre ces nanomatériaux a été étudiée en solution et près d'une interface au travers du concept de "transition de dessalage". Dans un deuxième temps la croissance de couches hybrides à partird'un substrat a été étudiée en comparant l'approche SgL et la méthode classique d'adsorption séquentielle couche par couche (Layer by layer - LbL). Des expériences préliminaires ont montré le potentiel de cette approche dans le développement de substrats fonctionnels.

Benzo- et naphtopyranes annelés par des éthers couronnes : synthèse, photochromisme et pouvoir complexant vis-à-vis des cations métalliques et des acides aminés / Crown ether annelated benzo- and naphtopyrans : synthesis, photochromism, and coordination ability towards metal cations and amino acids

Paramonov, Sergey 19 November 2010 (has links)
Les chromènes photochromiques sont largement utilisés dans les technologies modernes en raison de leur capacité à changer les propriétés sous irradiation UV. Les chromènes présentés dans ce travail possèdent en outre des fragments pouvant participer à la coordination avec des cations métalliques, acides aminés, ou de l'ADN. Pour ce type de molécule, l'interdépendance éventuelle entre les propriétés photochromiques et complexantes permet d'envisager soit le photo-contrôle de la complexation, soit la modulation du photochromisme par le biais de coordination.Ce travail est divisé en deux parties : la première est consacrée à la préparation des molécules cibles et la seconde à l'étude de la complexation. Les approches synthétiques élaborées ont permis d'obtenir une série de nouveaux chromènes annelés par des éthers couronnes de taille et de composition hétéroatomique différentes. Le processus de complexation de certains dérivés a été étudié en détail par spectroscopie RMN et absorptionUV-Visible. Il a été établi que la nature des cations métalliques détermine la stoechiométrie du complexe formé ainsi que la structure spatiale. Pour tous les composés étudiés, la complexation affecte les paramètres photochromiques notamment la vitesse de décoloration. En ce qui concerne la complexation des chromènes synthétisés avec les acides aminés protonés, il a été établi qu'en fonction de la longueur de chaine de ces acides, la formation de complexe mono- ou ditopique est favorisée.De plus, l'interaction d'un nouveau chromène cationique avec l'ADN a été étudiée. Il a été constaté que contrairement à la forme initiale, la forme colorée de ce composé générée sous irradiation UV permet l'intercalation au sein de l'ADN / Photochromic chromenes are widely used in modern technologies due to their abilityto change their properties upon UV irradiation. The chromenes presented in this work alsopossess fragments able to participate to the coordination with metal cations, amino acids, orDNA. These properties may sustain mutual influence on each other resulting in either photocontrolof complexing ability or photochromism tunable by complex formation.This work is divided in two parts, one devoted to the synthesis of the targetcompounds and the second to study on the complexing ability of the substances,respectively. Thus, the synthetic approaches to photochromic benzo- and naphthopyrans,annelated to the crown ether moieties of different size and heteroatomic composition, weredeveloped. The complex formation of several chromenes with metal cations wasinvestigated by means of UV-Vis absorption and NMR spectroscopies. The metal cationnature was found to determine the stoichiometry of the complexes as well as their spatialstructure. The complex formation was found to affect the photochromic properties of thecompounds, especially the bleaching rate. Investiga.on of complexation of the chromeneswith protonated amino acids revealed that, depending on the length of the carbon chain ofthe acid used, mono- or ditopic complexes may be formed.The interaction of the new chromene, possessing a positively charged group, with DNAwas also studied. In contrast to the initial form, the photo-induced colored form was foundto intercalate with DNA.

Étude des homocomplexes et cocomplexes cristaux liquides polymères suplamoléculaires à chaînes latérales

Fassassi, Afizatou January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Isolamento, purificação e estudos de complexação de substâncias húmicas / Isolation, purification and complexation studies of humic substances

Abate, Gilberto 14 December 1998 (has links)
No presente trabalho focalizou-se a atenção nas propriedades de substâncias húmicas, em particular a fração de ácido húmico (AH), o qual foi obtido de duas fontes, sendo uma comercial e outra isolada de sedimentos do Rio Tietê, coletados no reservatório de Barra Bonita (SP). O isolamento do AH do sedimento foi realizado segundo o procedimento proposto pela Sociedade Internacional de Substâncias Húmicas (S.I.S.H.). Ambas amostras foram caracterizadas em paralelo através de análise elementar, absorção molecular no visível (razão E4/E6) e infravermelho e teores de cinzas. As propriedades ácido-base das amostras foram estudadas por titulação potenciométrica, adotando-se o modelo de distribuição de sítios discretos, empregando-se funções de Gran modificadas para tratamento dos dados. Foi possível caracterizar seis classes de grupos tituláveis em força iônica 0,1 (NaCI), com pKa entre 3 e 10. Constatou-se maior contribuição de grupos carboxílicos (grupos titulados com pKa < 7) do que fenólicos e amínicos em ambas amostras. Os resultados foram comparados com os métodos clássicos do acetato de cálcio e barita, assim como por titulação condutométrica. Estudou-se as propriedades de complexação dos AHs com íons Cu2+,Pb2+, Cd2+ e Zn2+ através de titulação potenciométrica com eletrodo íon-seletivo de membrana sólida para o CU2+ e de amálgama para os demais íons. Constatou-se a seguinte ordem de estabilidade para os complexos formados com ambos AHs: log K AH-Cu > log K AH-Pb > log K AH-Cd aproximadamente igual a log K AH-Zn. Quanto a capacidade de complexação (Cc), observou-se que CcPb > CcCu > CcCd aproximadamente igual a CcZn. / The aim of the present work was to study the humic substances, with emphasis to the humic acid (HA) fraction isolated from sediments of the Tietê River, collected at the Barra Bonita reservoir. The extraction of the humic acid was performed according to the procedure proposed by the International Humic Substances Society (I.H.S.S.). A commercial humic acid from Aldrich was studied in parallel. Both HA samples were characterized by elemental analysis, molecular absorption in the visible (E4/E6 ratio) and infrared regions, and ash contents. The acid-base properties of both humic acids were studied by potentiometric titrations, adopting the discrete site distribuition model and the modified Gran functions for data fitting. Six classes of titratable groups were characterized in 0,1 mol.L-1 (NaCI) ionic medium, with pKa values between 3 and 10. The sum of carboxylic groups (titratable groups with pKa < 7) was greater than the sum of aminic and phenolic groups for both humic acids. These results were compared with those provided by classical methods such as baryta adsorption and calcium acetate, as well as condutometric titration. The complexing properties were studied with regard to Cu2+,Pb2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, by potentiometric titration with solid membrane copper ion-selective electrode and amalgam electrodes for the other ions. The following stability was observed for both HAs complexes: log KHA-Cu > log KHA-Pb > log KHA-Cd approximately equal to log KHA-Zn. With regard the complexing capacity (Cc),the following order was observed: CcPb > CcCu > CcCd approximately equal to CcZn.

Atividade antioxidante da vanilina e do ácido vanílico e o efeito da complexação por proteínas do soro do leite na desativação de radicais e ferrilmioglobina em condições simulando o trato gastrointestinal / Antioxidant activity of vanillin and vanillic acid and the effect of complexation by milk whey proteins in the deactivation of radicals and ferrylmyoglobin under conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract

Libardi, Silvia Helena 23 July 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho procurou investigar influência da presença de proteínas do soro do leite na atividade antioxidante da vanilina e ácido vanílico frente ao radical DPPH&bull; e a espécie de ferro hipervalente ferrilmioglobina MbFe(IV)=O em meio simulando o trato gastrointestinal. A constante de associação (KA) entre a vanilina e a &beta;-lactoglobulina (BLG) foi determinada utilizando-se as técnicas de espectroscopia de emissão molecular (KA = 400 &plusmn; 12&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1) e microcalorimétria (KA = 5,6&plusmn;0,3&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1) ambas em tampão fosfato com CH+ = 10-7,4 mol&middot;L-1 e força iônica 0,32 (NaCl). Para a interação entre a vanilina e albumina de soro bovino (BSA) encontrou-se o valor de 340 &plusmn; 13&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1 em meio de tampão fosfato com CH+ = 10-6,4 mol&middot;L-1 e força iônica 0,32 (NaCl), obtido por espectroscopia de emissão molecular. Constatou-se pela técnica de microcalorimetria que a complexação possui caráter exotérmico e as contribuições de interações hidrofóbicas para a complexação são fracas. A reatividade da vanilina e ácido vanílico com o radical DPPH&bull; foi investigada em meio de emulsão aquosa Tween-20&reg; com CH+ = 10-2,0 mol&middot;L-1. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a vanilina não pode ser considerada um bom antioxidante frente ao DPPH&bull; (k298 = 1,42&plusmn;0,04&middot;10-1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1), no entanto, o ácido vanílico apresentou maior reatividade frente ao radical DPPH&bull; (k298 = 17,1&plusmn;0,3 &middot;10-1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1). A presença das proteínas BLG e BSA nas reações de redução do radical DPPH&bull; pela vanilina e ácido vanílico conduziu a um efeito antagônico na constante de velocidade de reação. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos do estado de transição da reação com DPPH&bull; apresentaram valores relativamente altos de entalpia de ativação e moderados valores de entropia de ativação: &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 34,0 &plusmn; 0,3 kJmol-1 para a vanilina e 46,2 &plusmn; 0,1 kJmol-1 no complexo com BSA e 51,0 &plusmn; 0,6 kJ&middot;mol-1 no complexo com BLG, valores negativos de entropia &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -147,4 &plusmn; 0,9 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, -105,3 &plusmn; 0,5 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 e -90 &plusmn; 2 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 respectivamente. Os valores de entalpia e entropia de ativação encontrados para o ácido vanílico foram: &Delta;H&Dagger;298= 19,6 &plusmn; 0,2 kJ&middot;mol-1, 10,2 &plusmn; 0,03 kJ&middot;mol-1 e 37,6 &plusmn; 0,3 kJ&middot;mol-1 para os complexos com BSA e BLG respectivamente e valores negativos de entropia &Delta;S&Dagger;298=-174 &plusmn; 0,5 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, -206,0 &plusmn; 0,1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 e -116 &plusmn; 1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1. A partir destes valores de entalpia e entropia de ativação o mecanismo de redução do radical DPPH&bull; foi atribuído a um processo de abstração de átomo de hidrogênio (HAT/PCET). A reação de desativação da espécie MbFe(IV)=O pela vanilina apresentou constante de velocidade de k298 = 57&plusmn;1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1 sendo superior quando comparada ao ácido vanílico k298 = 15&plusmn;1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1, fato este atribuído as cargas totais, negativa, do redutor e da proteína nas presentes condições experimentais. Observa-se um efeito antagônico da complexão da vanilina pelas proteínas na atividade antioxidante frente à ferrilmioglobina, onde o efeito reduziu, mas não impediu a reação de transferência de elétrons por esfera-externa à longa distância. Em contrapartida, a presença das proteínas BLG e BSA não influenciaram a reatividade do ácido vanílico frente à espécie MbFe(IV)=O. Os parâmetros de ativação encontrados para a reação de redução da MbFe(IV)=O com a vanilina apresentaram valores de &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 58,8 &plusmn; 0,3 kJmol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -14 &plusmn; 1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 45,5 &plusmn; 0,3 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -60 &plusmn; 1 J &middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 68,6 &plusmn; 0,4 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = 17 &plusmn; 1 J &middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 para vanilina \"livre\", complexo com BSA, e complexo com BLG respectivamente. Para a redução com ácido vanílico foram determinados os seguintes valores de entalpia e entropia de ativação: &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 41,8 &plusmn; 0,2 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -82,4 &plusmn; 0,7 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 37,7 &plusmn; 0,3 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -96 &plusmn; 1,0 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 53,5 &plusmn; 0,2 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -44 &plusmn; 1,0 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 para vanilina \"livre\", complexo com BSA, e complexo com BLG respectivamente. / The present study evaluate the influence of the presence of whey proteins in the antioxidant activity of vanillin and vanillic acid towards the DPPH&bull; radical species and the hypervalent iron species ferrylmyoglobin, MbFe(IV)=O under conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract. The association constant (KA) between vanillin and &beta;- lactoglobulin (BLG) was obtained using molecular emission spectroscopy (KA = 400 &plusmn; 12&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1) and microcalorimetric titration (KA = 5.6&plusmn;0.3&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1) both in phosphate buffer CH + = 10-7.4 mol&middot;L -1 and ionic strength 0.32 (NaCl). For the interaction between vanillin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) it was founded value of 340 &plusmn; 13&middot;102 L&middot;mol-1 in phosphate buffer with CH+ = 10-6,4 mol&middot;L-1 and ionic strength 0.32 (NaCl), as obtained by molecular emission spectroscopy. It was founded by microcalorimetry tritation that the complexation has a exothermic character and the contributions of hydrophobic interactions for complexation are weak. The reactivity of vanillin and vanillic acid toward DPPH&bull; radical was studied in aqueous emulsion using Tween-20&reg; with CH + = 10-2.0 mol&middot;L-1. The results show that vanillin can not be considered a good antioxidant (k298 = 1.42&plusmn;0.04&middot;10-1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1), however vanillic acid show higher reactivity than vanillin towards the radical DPPH&bull; (k298 = 17.1&plusmn;0.3&middot;10-1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1). The presence of the proteins BLG and BSA in the reduction reactions of the DPPH&bull; radical by vanillin and vanillic acid led to an antagonic effect in the reaction rate constant. The thermodynamic parameters for the transition state of the reaction with DPPH&bull; showed relatively high values of enthalpy of activation and moderately negative entropy of activation: &Delta;H&Dagger;298= 34.0 &plusmn; 0.3 kJmol-1 for vanillin and 46.2 &plusmn; 0.1 kJmol-1 for complex with BSA and 51.0 &plusmn; 0.6 kJ&middot;mol-1 for complex with BLG, negatives values of entropy &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -147.4 &plusmn; 0.9 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, -105.3 &plusmn; 0.5 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 and -90 &plusmn; 2 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 respectively. The values of enthalpy and entropy of activation found for vanillic acid were: &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 19.6 &plusmn; 0.2 kJ&middot;mol-1, 10.2 &plusmn; 0.03 kJ&middot;mol-1 and 37.6 &plusmn; 0.3 kJ&middot;mol-1 for BSA and BLG respectively and negative values of entropy &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -174 &plusmn; 0.5 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, -206.0 &plusmn; 0.1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 and -116 &plusmn; 1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1. From these values of enthalpy and entropy of activation the mechanism of radical DPPH&bull; reduction was assigned to a process of hydrogen atom transfer (HAT/PCET). The deactivation reaction of the MbFe(IV)=O species by vanillin shown rate constant of k298 = 57&plusmn;1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1, which it is higher than vanillic acid k298 = 15&plusmn;1 L&middot;mol-1&middot;s-1. This fact is assigned to the total negative charges of the reductor and the protein under the experimental conditions. It is observed an antagonistic effect of the complexation of vanillin by proteins in the antioxidant activity, in which the effect diminish, but not avoid the long range electron transfer by out-sphere reaction. On the other hand, the presence of BLG and BSA do not affect the reactivity of vanillic acid towards the MbFe(IV)=O species. The activation parameters found for the reduction of MbFe(IV)=O by vanillin revealed values of &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 58.8 &plusmn; 0.3 kJmol-1 and &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -14 &plusmn; 1 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 45.5 &plusmn; 0.3 kJ&middot;mol-1 e &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -60 &plusmn; 1 J &middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 68.6 &plusmn; 0.4 kJ&middot;mol-1 and &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = 17 &plusmn; 1 J &middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 for free vanillin, complex with BSA and complex with BLG respectively. For the reduction by vanillic acid it were with the following values of enthalpy and entropy of activation: &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 41.8 &plusmn; 0.2 kJ&middot;mol-1 and &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -82.4 &plusmn; 0.7 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 37.7 &plusmn; 0.3 kJ&middot;mol-1 and &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -96 &plusmn; 1.0 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1, &Delta;H&Dagger;298 = 53.5 &plusmn; 0.2 kJ&middot;mol-1 and &Delta;S&Dagger;298 = -44 &plusmn; 1.0 J&middot;mol-1&middot;K-1 for free vanillin, complex with BSA and complex with BLG respectively.

Isolamento, purificação e estudos de complexação de substâncias húmicas / Isolation, purification and complexation studies of humic substances

Gilberto Abate 14 December 1998 (has links)
No presente trabalho focalizou-se a atenção nas propriedades de substâncias húmicas, em particular a fração de ácido húmico (AH), o qual foi obtido de duas fontes, sendo uma comercial e outra isolada de sedimentos do Rio Tietê, coletados no reservatório de Barra Bonita (SP). O isolamento do AH do sedimento foi realizado segundo o procedimento proposto pela Sociedade Internacional de Substâncias Húmicas (S.I.S.H.). Ambas amostras foram caracterizadas em paralelo através de análise elementar, absorção molecular no visível (razão E4/E6) e infravermelho e teores de cinzas. As propriedades ácido-base das amostras foram estudadas por titulação potenciométrica, adotando-se o modelo de distribuição de sítios discretos, empregando-se funções de Gran modificadas para tratamento dos dados. Foi possível caracterizar seis classes de grupos tituláveis em força iônica 0,1 (NaCI), com pKa entre 3 e 10. Constatou-se maior contribuição de grupos carboxílicos (grupos titulados com pKa < 7) do que fenólicos e amínicos em ambas amostras. Os resultados foram comparados com os métodos clássicos do acetato de cálcio e barita, assim como por titulação condutométrica. Estudou-se as propriedades de complexação dos AHs com íons Cu2+,Pb2+, Cd2+ e Zn2+ através de titulação potenciométrica com eletrodo íon-seletivo de membrana sólida para o CU2+ e de amálgama para os demais íons. Constatou-se a seguinte ordem de estabilidade para os complexos formados com ambos AHs: log K AH-Cu > log K AH-Pb > log K AH-Cd aproximadamente igual a log K AH-Zn. Quanto a capacidade de complexação (Cc), observou-se que CcPb > CcCu > CcCd aproximadamente igual a CcZn. / The aim of the present work was to study the humic substances, with emphasis to the humic acid (HA) fraction isolated from sediments of the Tietê River, collected at the Barra Bonita reservoir. The extraction of the humic acid was performed according to the procedure proposed by the International Humic Substances Society (I.H.S.S.). A commercial humic acid from Aldrich was studied in parallel. Both HA samples were characterized by elemental analysis, molecular absorption in the visible (E4/E6 ratio) and infrared regions, and ash contents. The acid-base properties of both humic acids were studied by potentiometric titrations, adopting the discrete site distribuition model and the modified Gran functions for data fitting. Six classes of titratable groups were characterized in 0,1 mol.L-1 (NaCI) ionic medium, with pKa values between 3 and 10. The sum of carboxylic groups (titratable groups with pKa < 7) was greater than the sum of aminic and phenolic groups for both humic acids. These results were compared with those provided by classical methods such as baryta adsorption and calcium acetate, as well as condutometric titration. The complexing properties were studied with regard to Cu2+,Pb2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, by potentiometric titration with solid membrane copper ion-selective electrode and amalgam electrodes for the other ions. The following stability was observed for both HAs complexes: log KHA-Cu > log KHA-Pb > log KHA-Cd approximately equal to log KHA-Zn. With regard the complexing capacity (Cc),the following order was observed: CcPb > CcCu > CcCd approximately equal to CcZn.

Synthèse de la Quinolobactine, de l'Entérobactine et leurs dérivés. Etudes de la complexation du fer

Nivine, Alnaga 26 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons réalisé l'étude du complexe Fe/Quinolobactine (Fe/Q) qui a montré la nature tridentée de ce ligand qui forme un complexe ferrique de géométrie octaédrique très déformée. L'analyse du complexe du fer (ou gallium pris comme mime diamagnétique du fer) et de l'analogue Quinolobactine fluorée indique que seule l'espèce [M(Q)2] se forme à pH physiologique. Ce ligand tridenté peut être un sidérophore de secours efficace de Pseudomonas. D'autre part, nous avons abordé la synthèse d'une nouvelle classe d'antimétabolites potentiels dérivés de l'Entérobactine fondés sur des dérivés des acides boroniques notamment. Les résultats sont très encourageants, les acides boroniques et boriques se conjuguant bien au catéchol. L'intérêt de ces molécules en tant qu'antimétabolite devra être évalué sur des cultures de bactéries. La capacité que montre l'Entérobactine à « chélater » le bore a été mise à profit pour créer un « cheval de Troie » antibiotique potentiel dont les essais sur culture de bactéries devront montrer l'efficacité. Cette stratégie de conjugaison pourrait être élargie afin de cibler d'autres bactéries pathogènes. L'étude spectrophotométrique d'Oxinobactine dans le MeOH a également montré la forte affinité de ce ligand pour Fe3+ qui peut être comparable à celle de l'Entérobactine. Une perspective de synthèse pourrait être effectuée, visant à sulfoner les quinoléines, pour permettre l'augmentation de la solubilité de ce complexant en solution aqueuse, qui conduirait ensuite à réaliser des études physico-chimiques et biologiques très intéressantes.

Apport des spectroscopies moléculaires à l'étude des mécanismes de fixation d'ions métalliques polluants par les substances humiques.<br />Complexation de Al(III), Pb(II) et Zn(II) par des systèmes modèles.

Dangleterre, Laëtitia 12 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les substances humiques (SH) sont issues de la dégradation de résidus organiques et représentent la partie la plus importante de la matière organique des systèmes naturels. Les SH sont capables de piéger de nombreux polluants comme les métaux lourds et jouent donc un rôle majeur dans la rétention des ions métalliques. Leurs propriétés complexantes sont dues principalement à certaines fonctions récurrentes : les groupements carboxyliques et phénoliques.<br />Dans une 1ère partie, l'étude de la complexation de molécules modèles possédant des sites similaires à ceux rencontrés dans les biopolymères naturels a permis d'évaluer les capacités complexantes des fonctions les plus répandues (catéchol, hydroxy-carbonyle et acide carboxylique). L'association de techniques spectroscopiques et de calculs de chimie quantique a permis d'établir un classement des pouvoirs chélatants des composés mono-sites vis-à-vis des ions métalliques Al(III), Pb(II) et Zn(II)), et a montré que ce type de classement est conservé lorsque les sites sont en compétition au sein d'une même structure.<br />Dans une 2nde partie, l'examen par fluorescence synchrone de la complexation des 3 métaux polluants par un acide humique standard (AH) a mis en évidence des comportements différents pour chacun d'eux, reflétant des mécanismes de fixation distincts et une spécificité des interactions métallo-humiques. Nous avons ainsi pu établir un classement du pouvoir complexant de AH vis à vis des 3 cations, en accord avec celui obtenu pour les modèles. Enfin, la compétition entre AH et deux molécules organiques de faible poids moléculaires a montré que les pourcentages de polluants extraits de l'acide humique sont faibles et que celui-ci reste un véritable « réservoir toxique » au sein des milieux naturels.

SPECIATION CHIMIQUE DU FER DANS L'OCEAN : Les complexes fer-porphyrines, méthodes de détection et mécanismes de production

Vong, Lilita 18 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La biodisponibilité du fer est un facteur limitant de la production phytoplanctonique dans de nombreuses régions océaniques. Le fer dissous (<0,2 µm) consommé par les micro-organismes est complexé à 99 % par des ligands organiques dont l'origine et la nature chimique restent peu connues. <br /><br />Les porphyrines, molécules ubiquistes synthétisées par tous les organismes, sont capables de chélater le fer, sous la forme de complexes fer-porphyrines. A la mort des organismes, ces complexes pourraient donc être libérés dans l'eau de mer en tant que produits de dégradation cellulaire et pourraient participer à la complexation organique du fer. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est donc de tester cette hypothèse.<br /><br />La première partie consistait à mettre au point une première méthode de dosage correspondant à une analyse par injection en flux et détection par chimiluminescence (FIA-CL). Un protocole a été développé pour l'analyse d'échantillons d'eau de mer. Des tests d'interférences suggèrent que la FIA-CL est bien spécifique aux complexes fer-porphyrines. Plusieurs tests d'augmentation de la sensibilité ont permis d'atteindre une limite de détection de 0,11 nM d'équivalent hémine (fer-porphyrine de référence). Des premières concentrations en fer-porphyrines ont ainsi pu être déterminées dans différents types d'environnements naturels (eau de mer, eau douce et eau intermédiaire) riches en matière organique.<br /><br />La seconde partie visait à étudier un processus de relarguage des fer-porphyrines, tel que le broutage du phytoplancton par le zooplancton. Lors de cette étude, l'existence d'une interférence provoquée par les radicaux superoxyde générés lors de la croissance du phytoplancton a été mise en évidence, lors de la mesure des fer-porphyrines. Un protocole d'élimination de ces interférences a donc été établi. Par des expériences de culture, avec un modèle simple « phytoplancton-zooplancton », la libération des fer-porphyrines dans l'eau de mer a pu être mise en évidence.<br /><br />Ce travail de thèse pourra permettre d'étudier le devenir des fer-porphyrines dans l'eau de mer et leur rôle dans la complexation organique du fer.

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