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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'agitation étudiante et lycéenne de l'après-Mai 1968 à 1986. Du cadre national à l'exemple clermontois

Carboni, Nicolas 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Longtemps, l'histoire des universités françaises et des lycées s'est limitée à une histoire institutionnelle, celle des réformes, des politiques scolaires et universitaires. Mais depuis de nombreuses années, de nouvelles problématiques sont au cœur des réflexions. Ainsi, depuis Mai 68, on s'interroge sur les acteurs de la vie universitaire et scolaire, notamment les étudiants et les lycéens. En effet, avec les événements de mai et juin 1968, étudiants et les lycéens français ont pris une place de plus en plus importante sur la scène politique et sociale. Cette évolution est particulièrement remarquable à Clermont­‐Ferrand, où la jeunesse estudiantine et lycéenne se fait entendre à intervalles réguliers. Il existe effectivement dans la capitale auvergnate une tradition de lutte étudiante et lycéenne, qui trouve ses racines dans les événements survenus pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, à l'occasion du repli de l'université de Strasbourg à Clermont, ou encore dans les luttes étudiantes et lycéennes contre la guerre d'Algérie et la guerre du Vietnam. De cette tradition de lutte naît un paysage politique et syndical particulier dans les lycées et facultés de la ville. Des années 1960 aux années 1980, lycéens et étudiants clermontois sont particulièrement impliqués dans les combats politiques et dans les luttes sociales, qu'ils concernent directement ou non le monde scolaire et universitaire. Ils s'intègrent à un mouvement plus large, ce mouvement étudiant et lycéen, qui atteint son apogée dans les années 1960 et 1970.Le travail de recherche présenté entend s'interroger sur ces relations entre mouvement local et mouvement national : est­‐ce que les lycéens et les étudiants clermontois se distinguent du reste de la population étudiante et lycéenne ? Quels sont les grands sujets de mobilisation à Clermont­‐Ferrand entre 1968 et 1986 et sont-­‐ils en adéquation avec ceux de la jeunesse française ? Quelles sont les formes de mobilisation de la jeunesse étudiante et lycéenne clermontoise et différent‐elles de celles observables à l'échelle nationale ? C'est sur toutes ces questions que ce travail s'attarde, entendant montrer la place du mouvement étudiant et lycéen clermontois au sein du mouvement social local et français.

“Não podemos deixar passar” : práticas de contestação da publicidade no início do século XXI

Wottrich, Laura Hastenpflug January 2017 (has links)
A tese se situa no cenário de transformações das relações entre a publicidade e a sociedade, impulsionadas por questões sociais, tecnológicas e culturais. O trabalho é interessado na relação que as pessoas estabelecem com os anúncios e busca compreender como os tensionamentos entre elas e o campo publicitário têm estimulado a configuração de práticas de contestação. Os tensionamentos são um tipo de articulação motivado pelos receptores no confronto com os anúncios. O campo publicitário é o espaço social específico em que são realizadas as práticas de produção da publicidade, com lógicas, agentes e instituições determinados. As práticas de contestação são um tipo de participação das pessoas em relação à publicidade, com características específicas, realizadas na internet. Para compreender teórica e empiricamente essas práticas, são investigadas as articulações entre práticas de produção e de recepção a partir do processo comunicativo da publicidade, em uma perspectiva cultural de análise. Os estudos de recepção latino-americanos são o marco teórico central. De forma a gerar subsídios à exploração do cenário da investigação, inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com entrevistas junto a especialistas no assunto, que resultou em algumas percepções sobre o tema. Para compreender a constituição histórica dos tensionamentos entre publicidade e sociedade, o trabalho traça uma narrativa sobre o campo publicitário brasileiro do início do século XX até o período atual, matizando as diferentes formas como os receptores foram sendo reconhecidos, os agentes envolvidos e os temas que suscitaram embates. A partir disso, é realizada uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa de 116 documentos de instituições do campo publicitário e de 1457 denúncias de receptores ao Conar no período de 2005 a 2015, chegando a três principais temáticas mobilizadoras dos tensionamentos: crianças e adolescentes, bebidas alcoólicas e politicamente correto. Discutidas essas temáticas, a tese explora especificamente a configuração das práticas de contestação da publicidade, através da observação sistemática das práticas no Facebook e de entrevistas com quatro receptores. A partir disso, define como essas práticas se configuram, através de três elementos: a) agência dos receptores, b) produções realizadas e c) direcionamento de suas ações. Discutindo esses elementos em relação aos três principais temas motivadores dos embates no período de 2005 a 2015, a tese aponta cinco características das práticas de contestação da publicidade: 1) são geradas e geradoras de tensionamentos, 2) são coletivas, 3) são midiáticas, 4) buscam reconhecimento e 5) têm gênero. / This doctoral dissertation arises in the scenery of transformation regarding the relations set between advertising and society, imposed by social, technological and cultural demands. Its focus is the relation people establish with advertisements and it aims to comprehend how the tensions generated between them and the advertising field have triggered contestation practices. Tensions are a type of articulation motivated by receptors, when confronted with advertisements. The advertising field is the specific social space in which practices of production of advertising are accomplished, following determined logics, agents, and institutions. Practices of contestation are a type of participation of people related to advertising, with specific characteristics, carried out in internet. In order to theoretically and empirically understand such practices, articulations among practices of production and reception, in the communicative process of advertising, are investigated, in a cultural perspective of analysis. Latin American reception studies are the central theoretical milestone. Initially, an exploratory research was carried out, including interviews with experts about the subject, resulting in some perceptions about the theme, generating subsidies to the exploration of the scenery under investigation. Aiming to understand the historical constitution of the tensions between advertising and society, this essay narrates about the Brazilian advertising field from the early Twentieth century to the present, reporting the different ways the receptors were recognized, the agents were involved and the themes that arose debates. From such starting point, a qualitative content analysis of 116 documents of institutions in the publicity field and of 1457 complaints of receptors to Conar, from 2005 to 2015, was carried out. Such analysis resulted in three main themes, which mobilized tensions: children and adolescents, alcoholic beverages and politically correct; From the discussion of such subjects, the dissertation exploits specifically the configuration of practices of contestation in advertising, through the systematic observation of practices in Facebook and interviews with four receptors. From this starting point, it defines how such practices are configured, concerning three elements: a) agency of receptors, b) accomplished productions, and c) direction of its actions. The discussion of these elements relating to the three main themes that motivated controversies, from 2005 to 2015, points out five characteristics of publicity contestation practices: 1) generate tensions and are generated by tensions, 2) are collective, 3) are media-related, 4) aim for recognition, and 5) are gender-related.


Hamilton, Aretina Rochelle 01 January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the place-making practices of African American lesbians in Atlanta, Georgia, from 1990 to 2010. For this project, I ask how African American lesbians claim space to examine how race, sexuality, and class shape their place-making practices. The study is situated in the city before and following the 1996 Olympic Games, which was a period of rapid social, economic, and political growth. The primary question posed in this study is as follows: How do African American lesbians claim space in Atlanta? This dissertation posits three arguments. First, African American queer spaces are transitory, reflecting the shrinking boundaries of black neighborhoods within the contemporary city. Second, these spaces are informed and forged by the sexual, racial, and classed identities of participants. Third, through their place-making practices, struggles, and contestations over public space, African Americans have transformed sites in the city into black queer cartographies. In this empirically informed study, I employ ethnographic research methods, participant observation, archival research, oral histories, and in-depth interviews. By positioning black queer cartographies within the larger schematic of African American life, this work extends current understandings of queer space and builds on the growing subarea of black queer geographies (McBride 2007; Bailey 2011; Eaves 2017). Multiple sites that reflect the transitory and clandestine nature of locating queer space are mentioned in the work. Within Atlanta’s neighborhoods of Midtown, Southwest Atlanta, and Westside, African American lesbians curated spaces that validated their identities and provided a sense of belonging during the period studied.

Context, Complexity and Contestation in Curriculum Construction: Developing Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum

Mutch, Carol Anne, n/a January 2004 (has links)
In the 1990s, New Zealand's curriculum for the compulsory schooling sector was to undergo complete revision following the administrative reforms of the 1980s. The development of each new curriculum document followed a business model in which the Ministry of Education put the development process out for competitive tender. The successful bidders were to complete their tasks to strict Ministry guidelines and under the scrutiny of the Ministry's Curriculum Review Committee and the Minister's Policy Advisory Group. After the completion of a draft version, public consultation and school trials, a final curriculum document would be prepared and mandated as the legal curriculum requirements for New Zealand government-funded schools. The process that the fifth document, Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum, was to undergo proved to be elongated and controversial. As such, it provides a case study through which to examine, critique and theorise the nature of curriculum construction at a macro-level, in this case, at a national level. This study of the development of Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum illuminates three broad themes in curriculum construction - context, complexity and contestation. These themes arise from the literature and are reinforced by the study's findings. The study set out to: provide detailed description and analysis of an example of curriculum construction; use the selected case study to demonstrate the importance of the broader contexts within which curriculum construction occurs; problematise the notion of curriculum construction by highlighting the complexities in and around the process; articulate the contested nature of selecting and presenting curriculum contents; and provide insights into the personal and affective side of involvement in a macrolevel curriculum construction process. There are three main sources of data - the process itself, the products (three versions of Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum) and the people involved. A range of data gathering methods is used from primarily historical and ethnographic research within a qualitative framework. The main data gathering tools are archival research, document analysis and open-ended interviewing. As the data are mainly textual--either as original documents or created texts, as in interview transcripts-analytic strategies include content, thematic, semiotic and discourse analysis. Social constructionism (Burr, 1995) provides a unifying theoretical approach to frame the research design and analysis. In this dissertation, the background to the study, the findings and the discussion are interwoven and presented through three story strands - institutional, contextual and personal. The institutional strand aims to tell "what happened". The contextual strand aims to explain "why things happened as they did", "in what circumstances" and "why this might be important". The personal strand aims to give more prominence to the role of individuals in such a process, that is, "who was involved, how did individuals impact upon curriculum construction and how did the process impact upon them?" The layout of the dissertation also highlights the interwoven and complex nature of the ideas being explored. It is necessary to push the boundaries of a more traditional format to keep the notions of complexity and contestation to the fore. This manifests itself in the way that the chapter headings are based around the three story strands, the literature is integrated throughout the study and multi-layered stories and multiple interpretations are given. Within this framework, the usual features of a conventional research report - background, context, literature, theoretical underpinnings, methodological choices, findings and discussion - are still to be found but some liberty is taken to "open up the complications that [would] have been smoothed over" (Stronach & MacLure, 1997, p. 5) in more traditional dissertations. The findings are analysed and presented in a variety of ways - as a chronology and a set of critical incidents to outline the process, as textual and visual analysis to examine the products, and through personal stories to illuminate the experiences of the people involved. Theorising from the data is problematised by using a range of theoretical explanations before proffering a synthesised model of curriculum construction as a multidimensional process. The findings from this study form two clusters - those that relate to the specific case study (the development of Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum) and those that provide deeper understanding of the broader nature of curriculum construction. The two sets of findings also demonstrate the interrelated nature of the three data sources - the process, the products and the people. In relation to the specific case study, there is clear evidence of the acceptance of social studies as a curriculum area in New Zealand with its own identity and integrity. The study also documents the historical development of social studies as a curriculum area and provides a detailed account of the contested nature of the development of the current social studies curriculum statement Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum. The other finding, relating specifically to the New Zealand context but which should give heart to practitioners everywhere, is the resilience of committed educators when faced with opposing ideological forces determined to undermine their position. This is exemplified in this case study by the social studies community's ability to reclaim control over the contents of the curriculum despite strong opposition from the Business Roundtable and other neo-liberal and neo-conservative forces. What is also revealed is that in order to achieve an acceptable outcome, a curriculum construction process needs both consultation and critique. Social Studies in the New Zealand Curriculum is all the stronger as a product because of the depth of the surrounding debate and this, in turn, strengthened the credibility of both the curriculum area and its supporters. The findings that relate to broader notions of curriculum construction either confirm key themes from the literature, expand upon some that are less explicit or offer new insights. The three touchstones of this study - context, complexity and contestation - were constantly reinforced through the gathering and analysis of the data, and confirmed by the findings. That curriculum construction is subject to a range of contextual factors - historical, social, cultural, political, economic and/or educational; that the process is complex and multi-layered; that the process is highly political and contested; and that the process and products are influenced by powerful individuals and groups both inside and outside the process, are all strongly confirmed by, and even consolidated in, this study. Notions alluded to in the literature that find stronger expression in this study relate to the nature of contestation throughout the process of curriculum construction. A model using Bourdieu's notions of field, capital and habitus (after Bourdieu and Passeron, 1977) allows stronger articulation of features such as polarisation, factionalisation, the forging of alliances and the fluid status of participants. The data reveal the curriculum construction process in a constant state of flux and subject to much serendipity. The findings also strengthen the notion that the products of a curriculum construction process are not ends in themselves but reveal much about the nature of the contestation and, indeed, lay the groundwork for future contested interpretations. New insights that arise from this study include an articulation of the strategies, such as compromise, contingency and expediency, that participants use to achieve their ends. These are often at the expense of participants' underpinning principles or adherence to particular curriculum development models. Significant insights come from the in-depth investigation of the emotional side of curriculum construction. The data reveal that the struggle for control over curriculum contents is an emotionally-charged process; that participants in the process wrestle with the differences between their own personal platforms, their ideological influences, the groups they represent and the requirements of the task; that contestation occurs between those setting and those completing the task, especially in relationship to professional decision-making and intellectual ownership; and that no consideration is given to the emotional cost of involvement in such large-scale curriculum construction processes. In summary, context shapes the unique nature of curriculum construction processes and products. If an understanding of these factors is tempered with an awareness of the complex and multi-dimensional nature of curriculum construction this will strengthen the process and could lessen the negative effects of ideologically-motivated or emotionally-charged involvement in the process. Finally, as contestation in curriculum construction is unavoidable in such high-stakes processes, consultation and critique should be seen as opportunities (rather than threats), to enhance the credibility of the final product.

Contestation and continuity in educational reform: A critical study of innovations in environmental education

Robottom, Ian Morris, kimg@deakin.edu.au January 1985 (has links)
This study explores the notion of contestation in environmental education. Contestation is a process in which self-interested individuals and groups in a social organisation cooperate, compete and negotiate in a complex interaction aimed at solving social problems. A "framework for critique" is developed, comprising technicist, liberal<interpretive and critical paradigms in each of scientific knowledge, educational innovation, educational research and education itself. This framework forms the basis from which a critique is mounted of contesting perspectives in environmental education at international, national and local levels. The thesis argues, firstly, that contestation takes place in the domains of (a) language or "policy in environmental education; (b) organisational strategies aimed at initiating or improving environmental education; (c) educational practices conducted in the name of environmental education; and (d) within perspectives between these domains. The thesis argues, secondly, that the presently dominant techniqist models of innovation expressed in the organisation of environmental education are part of an hegemonic relationship which acts to "technologise" the innovation: they provide an organisational strategy for establishing environmental and educational progress without offering a theory for self-reflection and ideology-critique. The incompatibility of certain contesting perspectives and practices is masked, thus contributing to continuity, rather than reform. The thesis characterises this "educational problem of environmental education" as a series of theory-practice gaps at all levels, where "theory" is the set of beliefs and assumptions held by individual practitioners, and in. terms of which they understand their educational practices. An educational problem exists because these theory-practice gaps exist; the educational problem continues because these theory-practice gaps exist unacknowledged within the infrastructure of environmental education due to the effects of false consciousness and hegemony. The thesis addresses the issue of which of several contesting forms of educational research offers the most coherent response to the educational problem of environmental education, and argues that, for the time being, approaches grounded in the critical social sciences are both the best justified and most promising approaches . to educational research for environmental education.

La contestation du régime agricole québécois par le syndicalisme « citoyen » de l'union paysanne

Silvestro, Marco January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse de sociologie porte sur le syndicalisme agricole québécois. A partir de l'exemple de l'Union paysanne, un syndicat contestataire qui fait appel à un cadre d'action collective « altermondialiste », elle montre comment s'organise la contestation du régime agroalimentaire québécois. L'Union paysanne a mis de l'avant un « syndicalisme agricole citoyen » rassemblant plusieurs catégories sociales de personnes pour lutter contre le régime agroalimentaire restrictif. Cette recherche s'inscrit dans la sociologie de l'action collective, des mouvements sociaux et de la politique contestataire. L'auteur développe un modèle d'analyse lier les aspects structuraux (le cadre institutionnel, la structure des opportunités politiques) et les aspects culturels de l'action collective (discours politique, identités collectives, engagement des personnes) afin de comprendre la co-évolution entre les institutions et les mouvements sociaux, l'interdépendance entre les déterminants structurels et les possibilités endogènes d'action collective. La seconde partie offre une étude de cas de l'Union paysanne entre 2001 et 2007. Elle commence par détailler la structure de la relation sociale dans l'agroalimentaire, montrant que les agriculteurs et les agricultrices sont le maillon dominé de la chaîne et qu'ils et elles vivent une crise généralisée. L'agriculture québécoise est qualifiée comme engagée sur la voie de l'industrialisation et de la mondialisation et que dans ce processus elle est largement déterminée par des intérêts qui lui sont étrangers. La thèse montre ensuite comment la contestation émerge, à partir des luttes pour l'agriculture biologique des années 1970 jusqu'aux luttes « citoyennes » contre l'expansion de l'industrie porcine des années 1990-2000, en passant par la contestation du syndicat agricole majoritaire par des membres mécontent-es dans les années 1980-1990. Ces luttes rurales et agraires constituent le terreau à partir duquel l'Union paysanne entend fédérer les mécontentes et les mécontents autour de l'appel à « une agriculture à dimension humaine ». La thèse démontre que le syndicat cherche à faire tomber les barrières du régime agroalimentaire en innovant, c'est-à-dire en acceptant dans ses rangs les agriculteurs, les agricultrices, mais aussi toute autre personne qui entend défendre le caractère multifonctionnel et local de l'agriculture, ce qui rompt avec le syndicalisme professionnel. Sont ensuite décrites quatre campagnes politiques du syndicat qui montrent sur quel registre et à l'aide de quelles ressources il agit. Au départ une logique de syndicalisme de mouvement social l'animait, mais il a évolué vers un syndicalisme professionnel pour enfin devenir un groupe de pression professionnalisé. L'analyse de la cohabitation des diverses identités (agriculteur, paysan, consommateur, « citoyen », etc.) montre que cette diversité a accentué les problèmes internes de l'organisation, provoquant à terme la démobilisation de ses membres. La thèse conclut que l'action collective innovante de l'Union paysanne révèle des tensions dans la mobilisation sociale « altermondialiste » et pose des défis relatifs à l'ancrage territorial, à la discussion interidentitaire et quant à l'engagement des personnes. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Sociologie des mouvements sociaux, Sociologie rurale, Syndicalisme agricole, Québec, Mondialisation, Altermondialisme.

L'accès de l'armée zapatiste de libération nationale aux médias mexicains /

Guénette, Louise. January 1997 (has links)
Thèse (M.A.)--Université Laval, 1997. / Bibliogr.: f. [162]-165. Publié aussi en version électronique.

“Não podemos deixar passar” : práticas de contestação da publicidade no início do século XXI

Wottrich, Laura Hastenpflug January 2017 (has links)
A tese se situa no cenário de transformações das relações entre a publicidade e a sociedade, impulsionadas por questões sociais, tecnológicas e culturais. O trabalho é interessado na relação que as pessoas estabelecem com os anúncios e busca compreender como os tensionamentos entre elas e o campo publicitário têm estimulado a configuração de práticas de contestação. Os tensionamentos são um tipo de articulação motivado pelos receptores no confronto com os anúncios. O campo publicitário é o espaço social específico em que são realizadas as práticas de produção da publicidade, com lógicas, agentes e instituições determinados. As práticas de contestação são um tipo de participação das pessoas em relação à publicidade, com características específicas, realizadas na internet. Para compreender teórica e empiricamente essas práticas, são investigadas as articulações entre práticas de produção e de recepção a partir do processo comunicativo da publicidade, em uma perspectiva cultural de análise. Os estudos de recepção latino-americanos são o marco teórico central. De forma a gerar subsídios à exploração do cenário da investigação, inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com entrevistas junto a especialistas no assunto, que resultou em algumas percepções sobre o tema. Para compreender a constituição histórica dos tensionamentos entre publicidade e sociedade, o trabalho traça uma narrativa sobre o campo publicitário brasileiro do início do século XX até o período atual, matizando as diferentes formas como os receptores foram sendo reconhecidos, os agentes envolvidos e os temas que suscitaram embates. A partir disso, é realizada uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa de 116 documentos de instituições do campo publicitário e de 1457 denúncias de receptores ao Conar no período de 2005 a 2015, chegando a três principais temáticas mobilizadoras dos tensionamentos: crianças e adolescentes, bebidas alcoólicas e politicamente correto. Discutidas essas temáticas, a tese explora especificamente a configuração das práticas de contestação da publicidade, através da observação sistemática das práticas no Facebook e de entrevistas com quatro receptores. A partir disso, define como essas práticas se configuram, através de três elementos: a) agência dos receptores, b) produções realizadas e c) direcionamento de suas ações. Discutindo esses elementos em relação aos três principais temas motivadores dos embates no período de 2005 a 2015, a tese aponta cinco características das práticas de contestação da publicidade: 1) são geradas e geradoras de tensionamentos, 2) são coletivas, 3) são midiáticas, 4) buscam reconhecimento e 5) têm gênero. / This doctoral dissertation arises in the scenery of transformation regarding the relations set between advertising and society, imposed by social, technological and cultural demands. Its focus is the relation people establish with advertisements and it aims to comprehend how the tensions generated between them and the advertising field have triggered contestation practices. Tensions are a type of articulation motivated by receptors, when confronted with advertisements. The advertising field is the specific social space in which practices of production of advertising are accomplished, following determined logics, agents, and institutions. Practices of contestation are a type of participation of people related to advertising, with specific characteristics, carried out in internet. In order to theoretically and empirically understand such practices, articulations among practices of production and reception, in the communicative process of advertising, are investigated, in a cultural perspective of analysis. Latin American reception studies are the central theoretical milestone. Initially, an exploratory research was carried out, including interviews with experts about the subject, resulting in some perceptions about the theme, generating subsidies to the exploration of the scenery under investigation. Aiming to understand the historical constitution of the tensions between advertising and society, this essay narrates about the Brazilian advertising field from the early Twentieth century to the present, reporting the different ways the receptors were recognized, the agents were involved and the themes that arose debates. From such starting point, a qualitative content analysis of 116 documents of institutions in the publicity field and of 1457 complaints of receptors to Conar, from 2005 to 2015, was carried out. Such analysis resulted in three main themes, which mobilized tensions: children and adolescents, alcoholic beverages and politically correct; From the discussion of such subjects, the dissertation exploits specifically the configuration of practices of contestation in advertising, through the systematic observation of practices in Facebook and interviews with four receptors. From this starting point, it defines how such practices are configured, concerning three elements: a) agency of receptors, b) accomplished productions, and c) direction of its actions. The discussion of these elements relating to the three main themes that motivated controversies, from 2005 to 2015, points out five characteristics of publicity contestation practices: 1) generate tensions and are generated by tensions, 2) are collective, 3) are media-related, 4) aim for recognition, and 5) are gender-related.

“Não podemos deixar passar” : práticas de contestação da publicidade no início do século XXI

Wottrich, Laura Hastenpflug January 2017 (has links)
A tese se situa no cenário de transformações das relações entre a publicidade e a sociedade, impulsionadas por questões sociais, tecnológicas e culturais. O trabalho é interessado na relação que as pessoas estabelecem com os anúncios e busca compreender como os tensionamentos entre elas e o campo publicitário têm estimulado a configuração de práticas de contestação. Os tensionamentos são um tipo de articulação motivado pelos receptores no confronto com os anúncios. O campo publicitário é o espaço social específico em que são realizadas as práticas de produção da publicidade, com lógicas, agentes e instituições determinados. As práticas de contestação são um tipo de participação das pessoas em relação à publicidade, com características específicas, realizadas na internet. Para compreender teórica e empiricamente essas práticas, são investigadas as articulações entre práticas de produção e de recepção a partir do processo comunicativo da publicidade, em uma perspectiva cultural de análise. Os estudos de recepção latino-americanos são o marco teórico central. De forma a gerar subsídios à exploração do cenário da investigação, inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com entrevistas junto a especialistas no assunto, que resultou em algumas percepções sobre o tema. Para compreender a constituição histórica dos tensionamentos entre publicidade e sociedade, o trabalho traça uma narrativa sobre o campo publicitário brasileiro do início do século XX até o período atual, matizando as diferentes formas como os receptores foram sendo reconhecidos, os agentes envolvidos e os temas que suscitaram embates. A partir disso, é realizada uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa de 116 documentos de instituições do campo publicitário e de 1457 denúncias de receptores ao Conar no período de 2005 a 2015, chegando a três principais temáticas mobilizadoras dos tensionamentos: crianças e adolescentes, bebidas alcoólicas e politicamente correto. Discutidas essas temáticas, a tese explora especificamente a configuração das práticas de contestação da publicidade, através da observação sistemática das práticas no Facebook e de entrevistas com quatro receptores. A partir disso, define como essas práticas se configuram, através de três elementos: a) agência dos receptores, b) produções realizadas e c) direcionamento de suas ações. Discutindo esses elementos em relação aos três principais temas motivadores dos embates no período de 2005 a 2015, a tese aponta cinco características das práticas de contestação da publicidade: 1) são geradas e geradoras de tensionamentos, 2) são coletivas, 3) são midiáticas, 4) buscam reconhecimento e 5) têm gênero. / This doctoral dissertation arises in the scenery of transformation regarding the relations set between advertising and society, imposed by social, technological and cultural demands. Its focus is the relation people establish with advertisements and it aims to comprehend how the tensions generated between them and the advertising field have triggered contestation practices. Tensions are a type of articulation motivated by receptors, when confronted with advertisements. The advertising field is the specific social space in which practices of production of advertising are accomplished, following determined logics, agents, and institutions. Practices of contestation are a type of participation of people related to advertising, with specific characteristics, carried out in internet. In order to theoretically and empirically understand such practices, articulations among practices of production and reception, in the communicative process of advertising, are investigated, in a cultural perspective of analysis. Latin American reception studies are the central theoretical milestone. Initially, an exploratory research was carried out, including interviews with experts about the subject, resulting in some perceptions about the theme, generating subsidies to the exploration of the scenery under investigation. Aiming to understand the historical constitution of the tensions between advertising and society, this essay narrates about the Brazilian advertising field from the early Twentieth century to the present, reporting the different ways the receptors were recognized, the agents were involved and the themes that arose debates. From such starting point, a qualitative content analysis of 116 documents of institutions in the publicity field and of 1457 complaints of receptors to Conar, from 2005 to 2015, was carried out. Such analysis resulted in three main themes, which mobilized tensions: children and adolescents, alcoholic beverages and politically correct; From the discussion of such subjects, the dissertation exploits specifically the configuration of practices of contestation in advertising, through the systematic observation of practices in Facebook and interviews with four receptors. From this starting point, it defines how such practices are configured, concerning three elements: a) agency of receptors, b) accomplished productions, and c) direction of its actions. The discussion of these elements relating to the three main themes that motivated controversies, from 2005 to 2015, points out five characteristics of publicity contestation practices: 1) generate tensions and are generated by tensions, 2) are collective, 3) are media-related, 4) aim for recognition, and 5) are gender-related.

Refuse/Resist: as poÃticas de contestaÃÃo social da Banda Sepultura / Refuse / Resist: the poetics of the social contestation from Band Sepultura

Glauber Barreto Luna 13 June 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O objetivo do trabalho que aqui se apresenta à analisar os elementos poÃticos de contestaÃÃo social produzidos pela banda brasileira de rock metal Sepultura entre os anos de 1984 (Ãpoca de seu surgimento) a 1996 (Ãpoca da produÃÃo do Ãlbum âRootsâ, o Ãltimo ainda com a presenÃa de um dos membros fundadores da banda, o mÃsico Max Cavalera). Desde o seu surgimento na dÃcada de 1950 nos Estados Unidos e, posteriormente, na Inglaterra, o rock and roll jà evidenciava o seu poder contestatÃrio Ãs normas e convenÃÃes sociais estabelecidas. Mesmo apÃs a sua subdivisÃo em uma mirÃade de novos estilos roqueiros, ou antes, subgÃneros musicais, nos anos posteriores a atitude contestatÃria da realidade social acompanhou esses novos estilos de rock. O heavy metal à um desses estilos musicais que produzem uma poÃtica de crÃtica ao que, genericamente, pode ser chamado de âsistemaâ. Surgido entre o final dos anos de 1960 e o inÃcio dos anos de 1970, o metal se impÃs enquanto uma expressÃo musical, composta por uma sonoridade grave, obscura e ruidosa. Os temas tratados em suas mÃsicas atestam uma multiplicidade temÃtica, que abarca desde os elementos relacionados ao ocultismo atà a crÃtica social, sobretudo, direcionada Ãs instituiÃÃes sociais, tais como: a Igreja, a PolÃtica e o Estado. No Brasil, o rock metal emerge em meio ao perÃodo de redemocratizaÃÃo do PaÃs, no inÃcio da dÃcada de 1980. Entre inÃmeras bandas brasileiras de metal, nenhuma conseguiu alcanÃar o reconhecimento de fÃs e crÃtica especializada, seja no seu paÃs de origem ou no exterior, como o grupo Sepultura. Sob a perspectiva analÃtica da sociÃloga norte americana Deena Weinstein, este trabalho analisou os elementos poÃticos de contestaÃÃo social da banda Sepultura, focalizando o que esta autora denominou de âdimensÃo sonoraâ, âdimensÃo verbalâ e, por fim, âdimensÃo visual ou imagÃticaâ. Assim, buscou-se analisar e compreender os elementos formais de algumas composiÃÃes do Sepultura, sobretudo, as mÃsicas âDictatorshitâ - que trata das violÃncias perpetradas pelo Estado brasileiro durante a Ditadura Militar de 1964 a 1985 - e âManifestâ, que discute a horrenda chacina que ficou conhecida como âMassacre do Carandiruâ e, tambÃm, as imagens e fotos expostas nos encartes dos Ãlbuns da banda, as vestimentas adotadas pelos integrantes do Sepultura e entrevistas com membros e ex-membros do referido grupo sejam feitas pelo autor, sejam expostas em revistas ou vÃdeos disponÃveis na internet. Desta forma, conclui-se que ao longo dos anos de 1984 a 1996 a banda Sepultura produziu uma vasta poÃtica contestatÃria à realidade social, variando apenas, segundo os âalvosâ prediletos de tais contestaÃÃes e diferentes materializaÃÃes de tal postura.

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