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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stabilité financière des banques et régulation / Banking regulation and financial stability

El Bernoussi, Khalid 28 October 2011 (has links)
Les banques sont des institutions à part, car elles sont au coeur du fonctionnement des économies et de la dynamique de croissance des pays. Leurs services représentent de ce fait un bien public, et il est donc primordial de les maintenir éloignées autant que possible du risque de faillite. Toutefois, des crises bancaires surviennent régulièrement et affectent les sociétés, souvent de manière durable et profonde, à l’image de la crise financière des subprimes qui a éclaté en 2007, et dont nous ne connaissons pas encore toutes les conséquences désastreuses. Pour prévenir le risque de faillite et de crises bancaires, les autorités de régulation nationales ont développé des filets de sécurité qui, en partie, suivent les standards internationaux de réglementation et de supervision bancaire développés par le Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire, sous l’égide de la Banque des Règlements Internationaux. Cependant, les crises récurrentes se produisent et nous montrent les limites de la régulation bancaire et, surtout, nous indiquent que celle-ci doit être en permanence revue et adaptée, de façon dynamique, à l’évolution des systèmes bancaires et de l’innovation financière. L’un des principaux objectifs est de s’assurer que les banques soient suffisamment et solidement capitalisées pour faire face à des pertes exceptionnelles inattendues. Par ailleurs, il est primordial, afin d’assurer une stabilité financière durable, que les superviseurs bancaires soient à même de contrôler efficacement les banques et d’entreprendre les actions nécessaires pour que ces dernières demeurent à des niveaux de risques engagés raisonnables et qui ne menacent ni leur solvabilité, ni celle de l’ensemble du système bancaire. Enfin, les banques sont censées être régulées par le marché (discipline de marché), sur la base des informations qu’elles sont tenues de divulguer publiquement, sur leur santé financière. Dans ces politiques de régulation bancaire et de prévention du risque de crise, il ne faut pas oublier le rôle de l’assureur dépôt, à qui certains économistes et instances internationales veulent prêter de plus en plus de pouvoir sur les banques. Nous montrons dans notre travail de thèse, à travers des analyses empiriques menées sur des données contemporaines, les insuffisances des politiques de régulation et de supervision bancaire, les erreurs commises dans l’approche de la régulation bancaire, et nous présentons les aspects qu’il serait souhaitable de prendre en compte, pour approcher une politique de réglementation et de supervision bancaire plus efficace, et dynamique, dans l’objectif de maintien de la stabilité bancaire. Nous avançons notamment qu’il est nécessaire de mieux prendre en compte la nature de l’activité des différents types d’institutions financières qui composent les systèmes bancaires, et dont la nature et le degré d’exposition aux risques ne sont pas les mêmes. Il est également important de considérer les caractéristiques de l’environnement institutionnel dans lequel évoluent les banques, de manière à développer une structure de supervision adaptée et efficace. En définitive, nous étudions dans cette thèse un large ensemble de déterminants économiques et institutionnels, susceptibles d’impacter la stabilité bancaire, de manière à identifier celles des politiques de régulation qu’il s’agirait de mettre en oeuvre, afin d’assurer dans l’avenir un meilleur maintien de la stabilité financière des banques. / Banks are special institutions because they are central to the functioning of economies and to economic growth. Their services represent a public good. Therefore, it is essential to keep them as far as possible from risk of bankruptcy. However, banking crises occur regularly and affect societies, often dramatically and over a long period, like the current subprime financial crisis which burst into 2007, and which consequences are still not very well perceived. To prevent the risk of bankruptcy and banking crisis, the national authorities of regulation have developed safety nets. These follow partially the international standards of regulation and banking supervision developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision under the aegis of the Bank for International Settlements. However, recurrent crises occur and show us the limits of the banking regulation and, especially, indicate that the latter should be continually revised and adapted to the evolution of banking systems and financial innovations. One of the main goals is to make sure that banks are enough capitalized to face unexpected large losses. In order to achieve long-lasting financial stability, it is essential that banking supervisors can monitor efficiently banks. By doing so, the risk taken by banks would be sustainable and would not threaten either their own solvency or the whole banking system solvency. Finally, banks are supposed to be regulated by the market (market discipline) on the basis of information about their financial health which should be disclosed publicly. Along the policies of banking regulation and crisis risk prevention, one should not forget the role of the deposit insurers. Indeed, some economists and international authorities want to attribute more power over banks to deposit insurers. In our research, the empirical analysis, based on contemporary data, show the weakness of the actual regulation and banking supervision policies and the mistakes in banking regulation. Different features of the banking system that should be taken into account for an efficient implementation of regulation and banking supervision policies are also discussed in this work. Hence, we suggest that the type of financial institutions' activities should be better taken into account as it changes with the degree of risk exposure. We also find that it is important to consider the characteristics of the institutional environment in which banks evolve in order to develop a suitable and efficient supervision agency. To summarize, we study in this thesis a large range of economic and institutional determinants of the banking system, which are likely to affect the banking stability. By doing so, we are able to identify the regulation policies which would be the most likely to preserve the financial stability of banks.

Taxonomie, Paläoökologie und Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik benthischer Mollusken an der Kreide-Paläogen-Grenze von Patagonien

Weidemeyer, Sven 14 December 2009 (has links)
Aus Patagonien lagen bisher wenige Daten zu paläoökologischen Veränderungen und zur Paläobiodiversität an der Kreide-Paläogen (K/Pg)-Grenze vor. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, wurden in den argentinischen Provinzen Neuquén und Chubut zahlreiche Profile im Bereich der K/Pg-Grenze detailliert beprobt. Während einer Planktonkrise, wie sie für die K/Pg-Grenze angenommen wird, werden für benthische Mollusken folgende Entwicklungen erwartet: 1. eine Abnahme der Individuenzahlen der Benthosorganismen, 2. eine Abnahme der vom Plankton als Nahrungsquelle direkt abhängigen Organismen, 3. eine Abnahme der Benthonten mit planktotrophen Larvalstadien, 4. eine Abnahme der mittleren Körpergröße der Individuen benthischer Faunengemeinschaften und 5. eine Abnahme der Organismen mit hoher Stoffwechselrate bzw. aktiver, mobiler Lebensweise. Tatsächlich waren die hungerresistenten Gruppen der Nuculoida (flach-infaunale Depositfresser) und der Lucinidae (Chemosymbionten) im Danium signifikant häufiger als im Maastrichtium, während der Faunenanteil der Suspensionsfresser im Danium im Vergleich zum Maastrichtium signifikant niedriger ist. In den Faunengemeinschaften des Daniums von Bajo de Añelo konnten Abnahmen der Individuenzahlen, der mittleren Mobilität und der mittleren Größe festgestellt werden. Die beobachteten paläoökologischen Veränderungen zeigen somit eine Selektivität, die sich auch in der Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik widerspiegelt. Auch hier sind Suspensionsfresser, die direkt vom Planktonangebot abhängig sind, stärker betroffen als Chemosymbionten und flach-infaunale Depositfresser. Die Aussterberaten für Bivalven sind mit 28% moderat. Insgesamt sind die festgestellten Selektivitätsmuster konsistent mit den zu erwartenden Folgen einer Planktonkrise. Trotz einiger regionaler Unterschiede handelte es sich um ein globales Ereignis an der K/Pg-Grenze, das Nord- und Südhalbkugel gleichermaßen betroffen hat. / From Patagonia only a few data on palaeoecological changes and on palaeobiodiversity at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg)-boundary are available so far. Therefore detailed samples in different K/Pg-sections in the Argentinian provinces of Neuquén and Chubut were taken to increase the data set for this region. The following trends are expected from a crisis of primary productivity in the aftermath of the K/Pg-boundary: 1. a reduction in the number of individuals of benthic organisms, 2. a decrease in the relative abundance of organisms which rely directly on photosynthesis, 3. a lower proportion of individuals with planktotrophic larval stages, 4. a reduction in the average body size of individuals within palaeocommunities and 5. an increased abundance of organisms with low metabolic rates or inactive lifestyles. In fact the proportion of the starvation-resistant groups of the Nuculoida (shallow-infaunal deposit feeders) and Lucinidae (chemosymbionts) were significantly higher in the Danian compared to the Maastrichtian. In contrast to this, the proportion of suspension feeders in the palaeocommunities was significantly lower in the Danian in comparison with the Maastrichtian. In the Danian benthic assemblages of the Bajo de Añelo area, a decrease in number of individuals, mean mobility and mean size was recognised after the K/Pg-boundary. Thus the palaeoecological changes display a selectivity, which is also reflected in the palaeobiodiversity. Suspension feeders, which depend directly on plankton particles from the water column, show higher extinction rates than chemosymbionts and shallow-infaunal deposit feeders. The extinction rates of Patagonian bivalves are moderate (28%). Overall, the recognized selectivity patterns are consistent with the expected aftermath of a crisis in primary productivity. Despite some local differences, the results argue for a global event at the K/Pg-boundary during which the northern and southern hemispheres were similarly affected.

Glissements sous-marins en mer Tyrrhénienne septentrionale et relations avec les dépôts contouritiques et turditiques : morphologie, stratigraphie, géotechnique et modélisation / Submarine landslides in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and relationship with the turbiditic and contouritic deposits : morphology, stratigraphy, geotechnics and modelling

Miramontes García, Elda 22 November 2016 (has links)
Le Canal de Corse est un bassin confiné asymétrique localisé entre l’Île de Corse et l’Archipel de la Toscane, dont le flanc ouest est dominé par des processus turbiditiques et hémipélagiques et le flanc est par des mouvements en masse et des processus contouritiques. Le présent projet de doctorat a pour objectif de comprendre plus précisément les mécanismes contrôlant la formation des glissements sous-marins dans les contourites vaseuses (dépôts sédimentaires formés par les courants) pendant la période Plio-Quaternaire. Le vaste jeu de données disponible pour ce projet de doctorat inclut : la bathymétrie multifaisceaux, la sismique réflexion, les mesures géotechniques in situ, les mesures de vitesse de courant et les résultats d’un modèle hydrodynamique.Les contourites du Canal de Corse sont principalement composées de vase avec la présence de couches de sable formées par de forts courants de fond pendant les périodes de baisse du niveau marin. La croissance des dépôts contouritiques dépend de la disponibilité de sédiment fourni par le système turbiditique. Ainsi, cette croissance est lente pendant les périodes interglaciaires de haut niveau marin et rapide pendant les bas niveaux marins. Les courants contrôlent la morphologie du fond et génèrent les plastered drifts de forme convexe avec des pentes plus raides dans la partie avale, limités par une incision créée par les courants (moat). Le Pianosa Slump a été initié dans cette partie basse du plastered drift. Les moats pourraient être érodés préférentiellement pendant les périodes froides passées déclenchant ainsi certains glissements observés. Un autre facteur prédisposant l’instabilité de pente sur la Ride de Pianosa est la faiblesse d’une couche dont le comportement mécanique se caractérise par du radoucissement (perte de résistance avec le cisaillement). Cette propriété particulière est due à la présence de zéolites (produit de l’altération des roches volcaniques). Cette couche a formé la surface basale de rupture du Pianosa Slump. En conclusion, les deux principaux facteurs prédisposant la formation de glissements sous-marins sur la Ride de Pianosa sont : la morphologie du plastered drift avec une pente plus raide en aval et la couche faible composée de sédiment vaseux riche en zéolites. Le principal facteur déclenchant semble être l’érosion basale. / The Corsica Trough is an asymmetric confined basin located between the Corsica Island and the Tuscan Ar-chipelago, with the western flank dominated by turbiditic and hemipelagic processes and the eastern flank by mass transport and contouritic processes. The present PhD project aims to develop our understanding of the mechanisms that control the formation of submarine landslides within muddy contourites (sediment deposits related to bottom currents) during the Plio-Quaternary. The broad data set available for this PhD project includes: multibeam bathymetry, seismic reflection data, sediment cores, in situ geotechnical measurements, current ADCP measurements and results of a hydrodynamic model.The contourites of the Corsica Trough are mainly composed of mud with sandy layers formed by enhanced bottom currents during periods of sea level fall. The contourite drifts grow slowly during sea level high-stands and rapidly during sea level low-stands due to the high sediment availability provided by an active turbidite sys¬tem. Bottom currents control the seafloor morphology and generate plastered drifts on the slope. This is a con¬vex-shaped contourite with steep slope gradients in the lower part limited by a moat (incision created by bottom currents). The Pianosa Slump was initiated in this lower part of the plastered drift. The occurrence of continuous erosive processes during cold periods could undercut the slope and trigger submarine landslides. Another predis¬posing factor for slope instability identified is the presence of a potential weak layer with a post-peak strain soften¬ing behaviour (strength loss with increasing strain). This particular property is caused by the presence of zeolites (product of the alteration of volcanic rocks). This layer originated the basal failure surface of the Pianosa Slump.In summary, the two main factors predispose the formation of submarine landslides in the Pianosa Ridge are: the morphology of the plastered drift with steep slopes in the lower part and a potential weak layer composed of zeolitic muddy sediment. The main triggering factor seems to be undercutting by bottom currents.

The importance of biodiversity for ecosystem processes in sediments : experimental examples from the Baltic Sea / Betydelsen av biologisk mångfald för ekosystemprocesser i sediment : experimentella exempel från Östersjön

Näslund, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Aquatic sediments are, by surface, the largest habitat on Earth. A wide diversity of organisms inhabit these sediments and by their actions they have a large influence on and also mediate many ecosystem processes. Several of these processes, such as decomposition and remineralisation of organic matter are important on a global scale and are essential to sustain life on Earth. The main aim of this thesis was to use an experimental ecosystem ecology approach in order to study some of these ecosystem processes in marine sediments and how they are linked to biodiversity. Paper I and II found that an increased species richness of sediment deposit feeders increases the processing of organic matter from phytoplankton settled on the sea-floor, and that species-rich communities have a more efficient resource utilization of deposited organic matter. The results in paper IV and V also suggest that there is a link between microbial diversity in sediments and the degradation of organic contaminants. Paper V also shows that antibiotic pollution is a potential threat to natural microbial diversity and microbially mediated ecosystem services. The introduction of invasive species to ecosystems is another major threat to biodiversity and was studied in Paper II and III, by investigating the ecology of Marenzelleria arctia, a polychaete worm recently introduced in the Baltic Sea. Paper II suggests that M. arctia mainly utilize food resources not used by native deposit feeders, thus potentially increasing the benthic production in the Baltic Sea by increasing resource use efficiency. Paper III, however, show that M. arctia is protected from predation by the native benthic invertebrate predators, due to its ability to burrow deep in the sediment, suggesting that predation on M. arctia by higher trophic levels is restricted, thereby limiting trophic transfer. In conclusion, this thesis gives some examples of the importance of marine biodiversity for the generation of a few key ecosystem processes, such as organic matter processing and the degradation of harmful contaminants. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: In press.

利用三大法人的處分效果與過度自信現象在景氣循環下建立交易策略 / Trade strategies based on deposit effect and over confidence effect of three institutional investors in business cycle

葉乃華, Yeh, Nai Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究外資、投信及自營商這三大法人是否有「處分效果」及「過度自信」行為上的偏誤,並想要進一步探討投資人是否可以透過觀察三大法人在不同景氣狀態下的異常行為建立投資組合以獲得顯著的超額報酬,故利用Weber and Camerer(1998)所提的處分係數(The disposition coefficient)來表示處分效果及黃坤興(2006)提出的修正過度自信係數(The overconfidence coefficient)代表過度自信現象,並採用二情境轉換模型,以馬可夫鏈描述情境轉換行為,觀察三大法人在2005年至2013年台灣股票市場上的行為。 研究結果發現在不同的景氣狀態下三大法人會有不同的異常行為產生,在景氣繁榮期外資有處分效果而無過度自信,投信則無異常行為,而自營商沒有處分效果而有過度自信傾向;在景氣低迷時期外資有處分效果而無過度自信現象,投信沒有處分效果而有過度自信,自營商則是同時有處分效果與過度自信,而投資人可以在三大法人有異常行為時,利用放空高係數資產及買入低係數資產獲取正報酬。


Vice President Research, Office of the 11 1900 (has links)
Three UBC researchers have been awarded the 2007 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation. A development of advanced pulp screen rotors that employ innovative energy-saving technology has garnered a 2007 NSERC Synergy Award. The 2007 Leo Derikx Award from the NSERC Synergy Awards has been awarded to UBC's Mineral Deposit Research Unit. A UBC collaboration with Weyerhaeuser, an international forest products company, and Paprican, the Pulp and Paper Research Insittute of Canada, is among the recipients of a 2007 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation.

資本適足率對銀行流動性風險傳遞效果之研究 / The Effect of Capital Requirement on the Transmission of Liquidity Preference Shock among Banks

蔡幸芳, Tsai, Hsing Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在說明資本適足率對於銀行業資訊傳遞效果之影響,利用Allen and Gale (2000)模型討論在不完整市場結構下,銀行間因為持有銀行同業存款而形成相連的傳染途徑,進而影響整個系統,本研究擴展Allen and Gale (2000)的模型,加入資本適足率的考量,從而進一步探討透過資本適足要求能否有效提高銀行整體穩定性。 模型假設因為不同區域對於早、晚期消費需求不同,可藉由區域間的資源移轉,來達到最適分配情況。隨著資本適足率的納入,將改變最適分配解,同時分析緩衝(buffer)、擴散效果(spillover effect)及傳染(contagion)的變化。文中傳染定義為擴散效果扣除緩衝力道的淨結果,並說明若有超額流動性消費需求衝擊時,一家銀行的倒閉將如何傳染至整個銀行體系。 此研究發現,在資本適足規定下,若長期資產報酬率越大,會更有機會取得較大的緩衝能力,但將面對較大的擴散效果。關於傳染現象,則是發覺當銀行同業存款越小,在資本適足規定下的傳染機會越低;若長期資產的早期報酬率越大,同樣可降低發生傳染現象機率,即驗證資本適足率對於銀行穩定性的貢獻。 / The objective of this study is to testify the effect of capital requirement with regard to information transmission among banks. We develop a model based on Allen and Gale (2000) to discuss that under incomplete market structure, contagion channel is built because of interbank deposits market. We also expand Allen and Gale’s model by putting new parameter, capital requirement, into this model to analyze the impact of capital requirement with respect to stability in banking system. Due to different liquidity demands at each date in different regions, banks can exchange resources in the system to reach the first-best allocation. With capital requirement, the first-best allocation varies and so does buffer, spillover effect and contagion. In this article, contagion is defined as the net result of spillover effect minus buffer. Besides, we explain how the bankruptcy in one region evolves into the bankruptcy in the whole system under excess demand for liquidity. We find out that with capital requirement, if return of long-term asset at final date is higher, there will be more chances to have more buffers but larger spillover effect. As for contagion, it shows that with lower interbank deposits or higher return of long-term asset at early date, the possibility of contagion will be reduced. As a result, we can conclude that capital requirement really improves the stability in banking system.

Inkomstebelasting van veeboere : 'n vergelykende analise in geselekteerde lande / W.C.J. Fourie

Fourie, Willem Cornelius Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The current South African tax system offers livestock farmers a variety of forms of relief. There are also certain aspects that do not make it so advantageous to be regarded as a farmer by the tax collector. A large number of farmers emigrate to other countries without knowing how the tax systems of those countries function or how much tax they will have to pay. With these factors in mind the question arises concerning how other countries tax their livestock farmers and what relief is provided to them. The objective of this research is to examine and compare the theoretical tax legislation of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, where after it will be applied in a case study. Finally conclusions and recommendations will be made based on the results of the research. It was found that, although the relief provided to South African livestock farmers regarding some aspects exceeds the relief provided in Australia and New Zealand, there are certain aspects that could be adjusted in order to make it more advantageous for livestock farmers to stay in South Africa. These proposed adjustments can indirectly stimulate the national economy. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Inkomstebelasting van veeboere : 'n vergelykende analise in geselekteerde lande / W.C.J. Fourie

Fourie, Willem Cornelius Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The current South African tax system offers livestock farmers a variety of forms of relief. There are also certain aspects that do not make it so advantageous to be regarded as a farmer by the tax collector. A large number of farmers emigrate to other countries without knowing how the tax systems of those countries function or how much tax they will have to pay. With these factors in mind the question arises concerning how other countries tax their livestock farmers and what relief is provided to them. The objective of this research is to examine and compare the theoretical tax legislation of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, where after it will be applied in a case study. Finally conclusions and recommendations will be made based on the results of the research. It was found that, although the relief provided to South African livestock farmers regarding some aspects exceeds the relief provided in Australia and New Zealand, there are certain aspects that could be adjusted in order to make it more advantageous for livestock farmers to stay in South Africa. These proposed adjustments can indirectly stimulate the national economy. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Urban Archaeological Issues And Resources In Izmir Historic City Centre: An Exploratory Case Study

Belge, Burak 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, the majority of the historic city centres have been continuously occupied since early ages onwards and where still occupation exists. The multi-layered structure of historic centres both can indicate the historical continuity of cities and enhance urban consciousness, if urban archaeological resources are handled effectively into planning process. However, the recent policies and strategies don&amp / #8217 / t allow the handling of urban archaeological resources, especially invisible sub-soil resources, into planning and decision-making process. In this thesis, it is aimed to formulate a basic methodological framework for the handling of urban archaeological resources into planning process of historic city centres in Turkey. Therefore, the study is handled in two parts / a conceptual methodological framework part and an exploratory case study.In the conceptual part, a basic equation is studied to research the factors on the conservation and evaluation of real urban archaeological potential. Then, the methodological framework is examined in detail in izmir Historic City Centre that has been inhabited since 324 B.C. Consequently, the terms of equi-property areas, which are used to define ideal potential of archaeological resources, and urban archaeological character zones, which are described as the basic units of planning and conservation policies, are developed to determine exact management strategies for urban archaeological resources.

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