Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEVIATION"" "subject:"[enn] DEVIATION""
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Vliv výchovy na schopnost resocializace mladých trestaných / Effect of education on ability of resocialization by young prisonersLišková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
1. RESUMÉ Aim of this work was afer to effect of education on repeated criminal activity made of prisoners of age 18-26. For gears of this work I specificity triple style of education, that is mean education in functional family, in functionless family and institutional care. And effect of particular educations scope I showed by researched in prison Horní Slavkov. We can say, that young prisoners belongs to the group of prisoners, which can be somehow affected. Their preparing for return to the sociality is absolutely necessary. It is evident, that every group of young prisoners has own specifics gained through education. We can't affect this way of education, so it is important to influence on young prisoners in the execution of punishment. This influence works through programmes of treatment in the prisons. That's why I would like to appeal to create this programmes individualy especially for young prisoners. I deal with this ways of treatment on prisoners in the age 18 - 26 in the last part of this work. I offer several variations which should provide or at least increase better resocialization of young prisoners to the society and through this lower number of recidivist in this age group. These variations needs some law correcitons. I tried to summarize a most important points in variation, which...
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Alternativní kultura v České republice po roce 1989 / Alternative Culture in the Czech Republic after 1989Chorvátovičová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the phenomenon of alternative culture in public policy. The first part seeks to define what alternative culture means and builds on the research mainly from sociology and cultural studies. Very useful are then specific theory of social deviance, the theory of subcultures and postsubcultures. At the same time, the paper looks into the past, before 1989, when the alternative culture phenomenon was clearly defined, standing outside the mainstream culture and the alternative culture was illegal. Through the analysis of some events and political cases from the recent past, there could be seen both differences between alternative culture and an attitude to it before 1989, but also some important parallels with the current situation of alternative culture. Alternative culture is later specified by current alternative underground subcultures: freetekno - DIY, squatting and street art. In the case of these three controversial subcultures, the paper deals with an attitude of public policy to these subcultures through the extremism policy. The next part the paper deals with the contemporary cultural politics in the country. Briefly, it describes and outlines the current situation and possible areas for innovation in the context of alternative culture. In the last phase this thesis deals...
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Statistical Inference for a Ratio of Dispersions Using Paired SamplesBonett, Douglas G., Seier, Edith 01 January 2003 (has links)
Wilcox (1990) examined the Type I and Type II error rates for several robust tests of H0: σ12/σ22 = 1 in paired-data designs and concluded that a satisfactory solution does not yet exist. A confidence interval for a ratio of correlated mean absolute deviations is derived and performs well in small sample sizes across realistically nonnormal distributions. When used to test a hypothesis, the proposed confidence interval is almost as powerful as the most powerful test examined by Wilcox.
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Correlation of Stress Intensity Range with Deviation of the Crack Front from the Primary Crack Plane in both Hand and Die Forged Aluminum 7085-T7452Neely, Jared A. 30 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Os sistemas de inferência fuzzy são técnicas de aprendizado de máquina
que possuem a capacidade de modelar incertezas matematicamente. Eles são
divididos em sistemas de inferências fuzzy tipo-1 e fuzzy tipo-2. O sistema de
inferência fuzzy tipo-1 vem sendo amplamente aplicado na solução de diversos
problemas referentes ao aprendizado de máquina, tais como, controle, classificação,
clusterização, previsão, dentre outros. No entanto, por apresentar uma
melhor modelagem matemática das incertezas, o sistema de inferência fuzzy
tipo-2 vem ganhando destaque ao longo dos anos. Esta melhora modelagem
vem também acompanhada de um aumento do esforço matemático e computacional.
Visando reduzir tais pontos para solucionar problemas de classificação,
este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e a comparação de duas funções de
pertinência Gaussiana para um sistema de inferência fuzzy tipo-2 intervalar
usando o método superior e inferior. São utilizadas as funções de pertinência
Gaussiana com incerteza na média e com incerteza no desvio padrão. Ambos os
modelos fuzzy abordados neste trabalho são treinados por algoritmos baseados
em informações de primeira ordem. Além disso, este trabalho propõe a extensão
dos modelos fuzzy tipo-2 intervalar para apresentarem múltiplas saídas,
reduzindo significativamente o custo computacional na solução de problemas
de classificação multiclasse. Finalmente, visando contextualizar a utilização
desses modelos em aplicações de engenharia mecânica, este trabalho apresenta
a solução de um problema de detecção de falhas em turbinas a gás, utilizadas
em aeronaves. / [en] Fuzzy logic systems are machine learning techniques that can model
mathematically uncertainties. They are divided into type-1 fuzzy, and type-2
fuzzy logic systems. The type-1 fuzzy logic system has been widely applied to
solve several problems related to machine learning, such as control, classification,
clustering, prediction, among others. However, as it presents a better
mathematical modeling of uncertainties, the type-2 fuzzy logic system has
received much attention over the years. This modeling improvement is also
accompanied by an increase in mathematical and computational effort. Aiming
to reduce these issues to solve classification problems, this work presents
the development and comparison of two Gaussian membership functions for a
type-2 interval fuzzy logic system using the upper and lower method. Gaussian
membership functions with uncertainty in the mean and with uncertainty
in the standard deviation are used. Both fuzzy models covered in this work
are trained by algorithms based on first order information. Furthermore, this
work proposes the extension of interval type-2 fuzzy models to present multiple
outputs, significantly reducing the computational cost in solving multiclass
classification problems. Finally, aiming to contextualize the use of these models
in mechanical engineering applications, this work presents the solution of
a problem of fault detection in aircraft gas turbines.
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Vibration Avoidance Based on Model-Based Control Incorporating Input Shaping / Vibrationsdämpning genom Modellbaserad Kontroll med IngångsformningMa, Chenqi January 2023 (has links)
VIBRATION AVOIDANCE, a technique to proactively remove unwanted or excessive vibrations in multi-joint industrial robots, has shown to be desired in various applications. A trade-off between vibration avoidance performance and path deviation has been thekey criteria for assessing the effectiveness and quality of an approach. The purpose of this thesis is to compare two proposed state-of-the-art vibration avoiding approaches: input shaping and extended flexible joint model combined with specialized compensation control and explore the fusion of them. Both approaches are first investigated and evaluated in simulation. A comparison is then conducted in the four presented baseline movements on a real robot. Among the two approaches, input shaping is less comprehensive but enables rapid identification, making it suitable for simple repetitive tasks. It is also found that joint-wise path generation used in input shaping causes a loss of path fidelity, but this problem is alleviated when using an extended flexible joint model combined with specialized compensation control. The latter approach preserves synchronicity across all joints and assures multi-input multi-output (MIMO)-path fidelity. The extended flexible joint model, which is identified through a nonlinear gray-box model, is also less susceptible to modeling errors. The performance comparison with two rudimentary digital filters exhibits promising results for both proposed solutions. Finally, a fusion of the two approaches is proposed as a final solution of this work. As a result, the collaborative approach is the closest to ideal vibration avoidance but suffers from greater path deviation. The extended flexible joint model combined with compensation results in the least deviation from the baseline trajectory among all tested approaches. / VIBRATIONSDÄMPNING, en teknik för att proaktivt undvika oönskade vibrationer i fleraxlade industrirobotar, har visat sig vara önskvärd i många olika applikationer. En avvägning mellan vibrationsdämpningens prestanda och avvikelser från rörelsebanan har varit viktiga kriterier för att bedöma effektiviteten och kvalitén av ett tillvägagångssätt. Syftet med denna avhandling är att jämföra två toppmoderna tillvägagångssätt för att undvika vibrationer: ingångsformning och utökad flexibel axelmodell kombinerad med specialiserad kompensationskontroll samt utforska sammanslagning av de två. Bägge tillvägagångssätt är först undersökta och utvärderade i en simulation. En jämförelsemellan de fyra standard robotrörelserna som är presenterade är sedan genomförd på en riktig robot. Mellan de två tillvägagångssätten är ingångsformning mindre förståeligt men möjliggör en snabb identifikation vilket gör den lämplig för simpla repetitiva uppgifter. Det fastställs även att axelvis generering av rörelsebanor som används med ingångsformning orsakar lägre noggrannhet och pålitlighet vad gäller avvikelser från rörelsebanan. Detta problem är inte lika påtagligt vid användning av utökad flexibel axelmodell kombinerad med specialiserad kompensationskontroll eftersom detta tillvägagångssätt bevarar synkroniciteten över samtliga axlar och garanterar multi-input multi-output (MIMO) följdriktighet. Den utökade flexibla axelmodellen, som identifieras med hjälp av en icke-linjär gray-box modell, är även mindre mottaglig för modelleringsfel. Prestandajämförelsen med två rudimentära digitala filter uppvisar lovande resultat för bägge föreslagna lösningar. Till sist, en sammanslagning av de två tillvägagångssätt är föreslagen som en slutgiltig lösning. Det sammanslagna tillvägagångssättet är närmast perfekt vibrationsdämpning men medför större avvikelser från rörelsebanan. Den utökade flexibla axelmodellen kombinerad med kompensation resulterar i minst avvikelse från rörelsebanan bland alla testade tillvägagångssätt.
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Investigation of mining subsidence prediction under tectonic influencesBabaryka, Aleksandra 26 January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the challenge of predicting human-induced subsidence in tectonic settings. The study focuses on the non-symmetric and shape-defying nature of subsidence troughs in tectonic regions, which deviates from conventional symmetric models. The aim of the dissertation is to improve the accuracy of subsidence prediction by incorporating horizontal stress effects into empirical methods. Through a combination of numerical investigations and empirical modelling, the research reveals stress-induced patterns in subsidence profiles. The developed model, based on various concepts, successfully incorporates asymmetry and shape deviation, resulting in significantly improved prediction accuracy. Application of the model to a real subsidence case in a salt cavern shows a 30% improvement in prediction (based on mean squared error comparison with classical solution). This new solution covers subsidence profile patterns not previously considered by empirical models.:Inhalt
1 Introduction
2 State of the art
2.1 Subsidence prediction methods
2.1.1 Empirical subsidence prediction method overview
2.1.2 Numerical methods for subsidence prediction
2.2 Subsidence monitoring methods
2.2.1 Observation methods
2.2.2 Interplay and evolution of techniques
2.3 Subsidence anomalies
2.4 In-situ-stress field
2.5 Subsidence prediction methods for anomalies
2.6 Conclusions
3 Goals and objectives
4 Foundations
4.1 Empirical subsidence prediction methods
4.1.1 Convergence
4.1.2 Transmission coefficient
4.1.2 Influence factor
4.2 Numerical models for subsidence case
4.2.1 Grid size for subsidence case
4.2.2 Boundary conditions
4.2.3 Constitutive models
4.3 Validation
4.3.1 Observation methods
4.3.2 Parameter estimation
4.3.3 Global parameter estimation
4.3.4 Local parameter estimation
4.3.5 Quality measures for result valuation and validation
5 Methodology
6 Numerical investigation
6.1 Preliminary investigation
6.1.1 Method
6.1.2 Choice of constitutive model
6.1.3 Model and input data
6.1.4 Preliminary investigation results
6.2 Design of the main experiment: non-uniform stress distribution
6.2.1 Constitutive model and input data
6.2.2 Model simplification
6.2.3 Output data
6.3 Contribution of asymmetrical stress distribution
6.3.1 Discussion of the basic distribution form
6.3.2 Discussion of maximum subsidence
6.3.3 Discussion of assymetry
6.3.4 Discussion of influence angle
6.4 Conclusions
7 Adaptation of an empirical model to the discovered features
7.1 Subsidence asymmetry
7.2 Subsidence shape flexibility
7.3 Unifying solution
7.4 Conclusion and outlook
8 Application to a full scale
8.1 General information for a salt cavern storage field
8.2 Estimation of the observed subsidence surface as reference
8.3 Model implementation
8.3.1 Parameter estimation results
8.4 Statistical validation of models
8.5 Conclusions
9 Conclusion
9.1 Limitations
9.2 Outlook
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Terminal-occupation community patterns at Lyon's Bluff (22OK520) in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi:sedimentological, molluscan, artifactual, and geophysical evidenceBierly, S Marshall 03 May 2008 (has links)
Prehistoric cultures are often studied by intrasite artifact variation and quantity without much consideration of how prehistoric populations interacted locally and regionally. Archaeologists can identify and study patterns associated with activities within a specified radius in order to gain an understanding of cultural operations. Identifying a social framework for a prehistoric society allows the investigation of group organization such as status differentiation, shared rituals, and the construction and maintenance of earthworks and living areas. That facilities were constructed for specialized use within a community is evidenced by the presence of earthworks and mounds at many sites (Lewis et al. 1998:16-17). Less well understood is how community patterns reflect social organization. The purpose of this thesis is to better document the number and distribution of structures at Lyon’s Bluff, a Mississippian to Protohistoric-period mound site in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. The focus will be on the last part of the occupation at the site, i.e., on materials recovered from the plowzone. A method employing molluscan remains and sedimentological evidence is used that allows for the delineation of structure locales using plowzone samples. Additional evidence is provided by artifact distributions and geophysical (magnetic gradiometer) data.
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Enhanced Distance Measuring Equipment Carrier PhaseLi, Kuangmin January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Automated Control System for Dust Concentration Measurements Using European Standard Reference Method / Design och implementation av regulator förbestämning av masskoncentrationer av stoft enligt europeiskstandardMarstorp, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Most companies that have any type of combustion or other pollution process via emission to air needs to measure their emissions to ensure they are within legal boundaries. Among the different types of pollution measurements, one of the most common is dust concentration, also known as particle concentration. An important factor in dust concentration measurements is to ensure that the concentration of the measured dust is representative to the dust concentration in the emissions. This is measured in isokinetic deviation, defined as (vn vd)=vd, where vn is the velocity in the entry nozzle and vd the velocity in the duct. Methods of dust concentration measurements used today are dependent on manual tuning and sensor readings, and the isokinetic deviation is calculated after a test. The focus of this project was therefore to investigate how the process of dust concentration measurements using standard reference methods could be automated in the way that isokinetic sampling is controlled and regulated by an automated control system in real time. Pressures, temperatures and sampled gas volume were quantized. A PIDcontroller was designed, implemented and tested. The PID-controller took the differential pressure between the inside of the entry nozzle and the duct, called zero pressure, as input. The system was tested in a laboratory environment by letting a radial fan create a flow, and thus create a zero pressure of -60 Pa, meaning that the pressure in the duct was 60 Pa greater than the pressure inside the entry nozzle. The PID-controller was then enabled and ran for five minutes. The result showed that the PID-controller managed to control the system to the reference point in less than 50 seconds for entry nozzles of diameters 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. The results of the isokinetic deviations were -12 %, -5 %, -6 % and -4 % for entry nozzles with diameters 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm respectively. This is higher than the accepted values according to the European standard, which allows deviations in the interval -5%to 15%. However, these tests ran for relatively short time periods and started with large deviations which made it difficult to reach an isokinetic deviaiton in the accepted interval. Possible improvements could be to include the real time isokinetic deviation in the PID-controller, this would make it possible to change the reference value of the zero pressure in real time and guarantee isokinetic deviations in the accepted interval, even in extraordinary situations. / EU-regler ställer krav på anläggningar att kontrollera och begränsa sina utsläpp av stoft enligt EU standard 13284-1:2017. Vid en stoftmätning måste det tas hänsyn till många parametrar, där en av de viktigaste parametrarna är att provtagningen ska utföras isokinetiskt. Isokinetisk provtagning innebär att hastigheten i kanalen (skorstenen) är samma som i sonden där provgasen sugs ut. Dagens metoder för stoftmätning förlitar sig på manuella inställningar och den isokinetiska avvikelsen beräknas efter ett test. Det resulterade i frågeställnigen hur en automatiserad metod för bestämning av masskoncentration av stoft kan utformas så att den isokinetiska avvikelsen beräknas i realtid. Tryck, temperatur och gasvolym kvantiserades från analoga sensorer och kommunicerades till en mikrokontroller med det seriella protokollet I2C. En PID-reglator designades, implementerades och testades. PID-regulatorn tog tryckskillnaden mellan kanal och sond som insignal. Utsignalen från PID-regulatorn var en spänning som via en motordriven ventil kontrollerade inflödet i munstycket. Systemet testades i laborativ miljö genom att låta en fläkt skapa ett flöde tills den uppmätta tryckskillnaden mellan sond och kanal var -60 Pa. Därefter aktiverades PID-regulatorn och testet pågick sedan i fem minuter. Testet utfördes för munstycken med diameterna 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm och 12 mm. Resultatet visade att PID-regulatorn styrde systemet till referenspunkten på mindre än 50 sekunder för samtliga diametrar på munstyckena. De isokinetiska avvikelserna (skillnaden i hastighet mellan munstycke och kanal) beräknades till -12 %, -5 %, -6 % och -4 % för munstyckena 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm och 12 mm. I två av fallen var det högre än det accepterade värdet enligt EU standarden som tillåter avvikelser inom intervallet -5 % till 15 %. Det kan förklaras av att testen utfördes under en relativ kort tidsperiod och startades med stora avvikelser. Regulatorn skulle dock kunna förbättras genom att använda testets aktuella isokinetiska avvikelse och med den informationen bestämma systemets referenspunkt. Det skulle göra det möjligt att kompensera för tidigare avvikelser och på det sättet uppnå isokinetiska avvikelser inom tillåtet intervall även för extremfall.
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