Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEVIATION"" "subject:"[enn] DEVIATION""
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強制性財務報表重編之成因與後果游智媛 Unknown Date (has links)
就財報強制重編之成因而言,本研究發現盈餘管理誘因亦適用於財報強制重編之情形;公司治理機制中控制權與所有權偏離程度的縮小、外部審計品質的提升與關係人交易之透明與簡單化,皆可以降低財報強制重編之機率。就財報強制重編之外顯徵兆,則發現會計師出具無保留以外之意見與損益品質的下降,為公司錯誤報導財務報表之重要指標。就財報強制重編之經濟後果,實證顯示財報強制重編與財務困難間具有顯著的關聯性。此外,本研究並發現財報重編影響的報表數愈多、金額幅度愈大、涉及業外非核心盈餘與投資損益之重編時,公司發生財務困難的可能性將顯著增加。 / This research employs both case study and empirical approaches to investigate the causes, demeanors and economic consequences of a sample of firms that were enforced by the Securities and future Bureau to restate their financial statements over the period of year 1996 to year 2003.
The analysis of the causes of mandatory restatements shows that the motivations of earnings management also apply to the context of financial restatements. The firms with smaller deviation of control rights from the cash flow rights, higher audit quality and more transparency in related-party transactions help alleviate the probability of restatements. The results also indicate that unclean audit opinions and decrease in quality of earnings are important demeanors of misstatement of financial statements. In addition, firms are enforced to restate their financial statements are found to be significantly related to the occurrence of financial difficulties in the future. The findings show that the severer the materiality of the restatement in terms of the length of period, dollars, and the nature of the restatements, the higher the possibility of firms will experience financial difficulties.
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影響臺灣青少年偏差行為之貫時性研究-以TEPS資料分析為例 / The panel study of the deviation behavior in Taiwan: evidence from Taiwan education panel survey李昭鋆, Lee, Chao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,根據上述的結論,研究者分別提出實務、研究方法、未來偏差行為研究之建議,以作為參考。 / The cause of deviation behavior is explained by many theories. However, social control theory and self control theory are the most famous and important theories. Research would like to confirm the theories which are applied in multivariable latent growth curve model. Therefore, TEPS data are analyzed to investigate the model, and the results are as follows:
(1)Deviation behavior gradually increases with time and variety of it also rises.
(2)The fit of model is good.
(3)The intercept is explained 19% by independent variables and the slope is explained 32%. In addition, it is significant for the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, parental relation and academic achievement in the regression which is employed to anticipate the intercept. It is significant that the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, and educational ambition and the slope of peer group, and attachment feeling of school can anticipate slope of deviation behavior effectively.
(4)Employing multi-group analysis, there exist gender differences in the model.
(5)Sex has influence on deviation behavior.
(6)For girls, the slope of deviation behavior is anticipated by social relations, but for boys, besides the peer relationship, it is also included the educational ambition.
According the results, some suggestions are proposed for future researches and the administration authority.
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Nouvelles méthodes de calcul pour la prédiction des interactions protéine-protéine au niveau structural / Novel computational methods to predict protein-protein interactions on the structural levelPopov, Petr 28 January 2015 (has links)
Le docking moléculaire est une méthode permettant de prédire l'orientation d'une molécule donnée relativement à une autre lorsque celles-ci forment un complexe. Le premier algorithme de docking moléculaire a vu jour en 1990 afin de trouver de nouveaux candidats face à la protéase du VIH-1. Depuis, l'utilisation de protocoles de docking est devenue une pratique standard dans le domaine de la conception de nouveaux médicaments. Typiquement, un protocole de docking comporte plusieurs phases. Il requiert l'échantillonnage exhaustif du site d'interaction où les éléments impliqués sont considérées rigides. Des algorithmes de clustering sont utilisés afin de regrouper les candidats à l'appariement similaires. Des méthodes d'affinage sont appliquées pour prendre en compte la flexibilité au sein complexe moléculaire et afin d'éliminer de possibles artefacts de docking. Enfin, des algorithmes d'évaluation sont utilisés pour sélectionner les meilleurs candidats pour le docking. Cette thèse présente de nouveaux algorithmes de protocoles de docking qui facilitent la prédiction des structures de complexes protéinaires, une des cibles les plus importantes parmi les cibles visées par les méthodes de conception de médicaments. Une première contribution concerne l‘algorithme Docktrina qui permet de prédire les conformations de trimères protéinaires triangulaires. Celui-ci prend en entrée des prédictions de contacts paire-à-paire à partir d'hypothèse de corps rigides. Ensuite toutes les combinaisons possibles de paires de monomères sont évalués à l'aide d'un test de distance RMSD efficace. Cette méthode à la fois rapide et efficace améliore l'état de l'art sur les protéines trimères. Deuxièmement, nous présentons RigidRMSD une librairie C++ qui évalue en temps constant les distances RMSD entre conformations moléculaires correspondant à des transformations rigides. Cette librairie est en pratique utile lors du clustering de positions de docking, conduisant à des temps de calcul améliorés d'un facteur dix, comparé aux temps de calcul des algorithmes standards. Une troisième contribution concerne KSENIA, une fonction d'évaluation à base de connaissance pour l'étude des interactions protéine-protéine. Le problème de la reconstruction de fonction d'évaluation est alors formulé et résolu comme un problème d'optimisation convexe. Quatrièmement, CARBON, un nouvel algorithme pour l'affinage des candidats au docking basés sur des modèles corps-rigides est proposé. Le problème d'optimisation de corps-rigides est vu comme le calcul de trajectoires quasi-statiques de corps rigides influencés par la fonction énergie. CARBON fonctionne aussi bien avec un champ de force classique qu'avec une fonction d'évaluation à base de connaissance. CARBON est aussi utile pour l'affinage de complexes moléculaires qui comportent des clashes stériques modérés à importants. Finalement, une nouvelle méthode permet d'estimer les capacités de prédiction des fonctions d'évaluation. Celle-ci permet d‘évaluer de façon rigoureuse la performance de la fonction d'évaluation concernée sur des benchmarks de complexes moléculaires. La méthode manipule la distribution des scores attribués et non pas directement les scores de conformations particulières, ce qui la rend avantageuse au regard des critères standard basés sur le score le plus élevé. Les méthodes décrites au sein de la thèse sont testées et validées sur différents benchmarks protéines-protéines. Les algorithmes implémentés ont été utilisés avec succès pour la compétition CAPRI concernant la prédiction de complexes protéine-protéine. La méthodologie développée peut facilement être adaptée pour de la reconnaissance d'autres types d'interactions moléculaires impliquant par exemple des ligands, de l'ARN… Les implémentations en C++ des différents algorithmes présentés seront mises à disposition comme SAMSON Elements de la plateforme logicielle SAMSON sur http://www.samson-connect.net ou sur http://nano-d.inrialpes.fr/software. / Molecular docking is a method that predicts orientation of one molecule with respect to another one when forming a complex. The first computational method of molecular docking was applied to find new candidates against HIV-1 protease in 1990. Since then, using of docking pipelines has become a standard practice in drug discovery. Typically, a docking protocol comprises different phases. The exhaustive sampling of the binding site upon rigid-body approximation of the docking subunits is required. Clustering algorithms are used to group similar binding candidates. Refinement methods are applied to take into account flexibility of the molecular complex and to eliminate possible docking artefacts. Finally, scoring algorithms are employed to select the best binding candidates. The current thesis presents novel algorithms of docking protocols that facilitate structure prediction of protein complexes, which belong to one of the most important target classes in the structure-based drug design. First, DockTrina - a new algorithm to predict conformations of triangular protein trimers (i.e. trimers with pair-wise contacts between all three pairs of proteins) is presented. The method takes as input pair-wise contact predictions from a rigid-body docking program. It then scans and scores all possible combinations of pairs of monomers using a very fast root mean square deviation (RMSD) test. Being fast and efficient, DockTrina outperforms state-of-the-art computational methods dedicated to predict structure of protein oligomers on the collected benchmark of protein trimers. Second, RigidRMSD - a C++ library that in constant time computes RMSDs between molecular poses corresponding to rigid-body transformations is presented. The library is practically useful for clustering docking poses, resulting in ten times speed up compared to standard RMSD-based clustering algorithms. Third, KSENIA - a novel knowledge-based scoring function for protein-protein interactions is developed. The problem of scoring function reconstruction is formulated and solved as a convex optimization problem. As a result, KSENIA is a smooth function and, thus, is suitable for the gradient-base refinement of molecular structures. Remarkably, it is shown that native interfaces of protein complexes provide sufficient information to reconstruct a well-discriminative scoring function. Fourth, CARBON - a new algorithm for the rigid-body refinement of docking candidates is proposed. The rigid-body optimization problem is viewed as the calculation of quasi-static trajectories of rigid bodies influenced by the energy function. To circumvent the typical problem of incorrect stepsizes for rotation and translation movements of molecular complexes, the concept of controlled advancement is introduced. CARBON works well both in combination with a classical force-field and a knowledge-based scoring function. CARBON is also suitable for refinement of molecular complexes with moderate and large steric clashes between its subunits. Finally, a novel method to evaluate prediction capability of scoring functions is introduced. It allows to rigorously assess the performance of the scoring function of interest on benchmarks of molecular complexes. The method manipulates with the score distributions rather than with scores of particular conformations, which makes it advantageous compared to the standard hit-rate criteria. The methods described in the thesis are tested and validated on various protein-protein benchmarks. The implemented algorithms are successfully used in the CAPRI contest for structure prediction of protein-protein complexes. The developed methodology can be easily adapted to the recognition of other types of molecular interactions, involving ligands, polysaccharides, RNAs, etc. The C++ versions of the presented algorithms will be made available as SAMSON Elements for the SAMSON software platform at http://www.samson-connect.net or at http://nano-d.inrialpes.fr/software.
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Numerical simulation and rare events algorithms for the study of extreme fluctuations of the drag force acting on an obstacle immersed in a turbulent flow / Simulation numérique et algorithmes d'échantillonnage d'évènements rares pour l'étude des fluctuations extrêmes de la force de traînée sur un obstacle immergé dans un écoulement turbulentLestang, Thibault 25 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude numérique des fluctuations extrêmes de la force de traînée exercée par un écoulement turbulent sur un corps immergé.Ce type d'évènement, très rare, est difficile à caractériser par le biais d'un échantillonnage direct, puisqu'il est alors nécessaire de simuler l'écoulement sur des durées extrêmement longues. Cette thèse propose une approche différente, basée sur l'application d'algorithmes d'échantillonnage d'événements rares. L'objectif de ces algorithmes, issus de la physique statistique, est de modifier la statistique d'échantillonnage des trajectoires d'un système dynamique, de manière à favoriser l'occurrence d'événements rares. Si ces techniques ont été appliquées avec succès dans le cas de dynamiques relativement simples, l'intérêt de ces algorithmes n'est à ce jour pas clair pour des dynamiques déterministes extrêmement complexes, comme c'est le cas pour les écoulement turbulents.Cette thèse présente tout d'abord une étude de la dynamique et de la statistique associée aux fluctuations extrêmes de la force de traînée sur un obstacle carré fixe immergé dans un écoulement turbulent à deux dimensions. Ce cadre simplifié permet de simuler la dynamique sur des durées très longues, permettant d'échantillonner un grand nombre de fluctuations dont l'amplitude est assez élevée pour être qualifiée d'extrême.Dans un second temps, l'application de deux algorithmes d’échantillonnage est présentée et discutée.Dans un premier cas, il est illustré qu'une réduction significative du temps de calcul d'extrêmes peut être obtenue. En outre, des difficultés liées à la dynamique de l'écoulement sont mises en lumière, ouvrant la voie au développement de nouveaux algorithmes spécifiques aux écoulements turbulents. / This thesis discusses the numerical simulation of extreme fluctuations of the drag force acting on an object immersed in a turbulent medium.Because such fluctuations are rare events, they are particularly difficult to investigate by means of direct sampling. Indeed, such approach requires to simulate the dynamics over extremely long durations.In this work an alternative route is introduced, based on rare events algorithms.The underlying idea of such algorithms is to modify the sampling statistics so as to favour rare trajectories of the dynamical system of interest.These techniques recently led to impressive results for relatively simple dynamics. However, it is not clear yet if such algorithms are useful for complex deterministic dynamics, such as turbulent flows.This thesis focuses on the study of both the dynamics and statistics of extreme fluctuations of the drag experienced by a square cylinder mounted in a two-dimensional channel flow.This simple framework allows for very long simulations of the dynamics, thus leading to the sampling of a large number of events with an amplitude large enough so as they can be considered extreme.Subsequently, the application of two different rare events algorithms is presented and discussed.In the first case, a drastic reduction of the computational cost required to sample configurations resulting in extreme fluctuations is achieved.Furthermore, several difficulties related to the flow dynamics are highlighted, paving the way to novel approaches specifically designed to turbulent flows.
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Directionnalité graphique et dominance manuelle : une perspective développementale et interculturelle / Graphic directionality and handedness : a developmental and intercultural perspectiveKebbe, Hana 04 June 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous tentons d’apporter des éléments de compréhension concernant les facteurs sous-jacents aux tendances directionnelles, en examinant l’impact des contraintes biomécaniques et des habitudes culturelles sur la directionnalité dans les mouvements graphiques. Des participants français et syriens, enfants et adultes, ont été comparés dans 6 expériences afin de mettre en évidence les différences cognitives et psychomotrices engendrées par le fait que les cultures occidentales et orientales s'opposent sur la directionnalité majeure de l'écriture et de la lecture, et que les deux mains s’opposent sur la directionnalité en adoptant des mouvements déterminés par des contraintes biomécaniques. De plus, cette comparaison nous a permis de déterminer la force relative de ces deux facteurs au cours du développement lorsqu’un conflit entre les contraintes biomécaniques et les habitudes culturelles apparaît dans la réalisation d’une tâche graphique. Les résultats globaux montrent que la directionnalité peut être considérée comme le produit émergeant d’une interaction complexe entre ces deux types d’influences. La direction d'écriture est un facteur déterminant lorsque la tâche est effectuée avec la main droite (dominante), mais les facteurs culturels et éducatifs peuvent être modulés par le facteur biomécanique lorsque le sujet utilise la main gauche (non dominante). Cette interaction varie selon l'âge du sujet. / In the present work, we try to provide some understanding about the factors underlying the directional tendencies, by examining the impact of biomechanical constraints and cultural habits on directionality in graphic movements. French and Syrian subjects, children and adults, were compared in six experiments in order, to put in evidence the cognitive and psychomotor differences caused by the fact that the Eastern and Western cultures oppose on the directionality of writing and reading habits, and that the two hands are opposite in the directionality by adopting movements determined by biomechanical constraints. Likewise, this comparison allowed us to determine the relative strength of these two factors during development, when a conflict between the biomechanical constraints and cultural habits appears in the completion of a graphic task. The overall results show that the directionality can be considered as the product emerging from a complex interaction between these two types of influences. The writing habit is a determining factor when the task is performed with the right hand (dominant). But the cultural and educational factors can be modulated by the biomechanical factor when the subject uses the left hand (no dominant). This interaction varies by age of the subject.
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O estigma e o poder do conhecimento: um estudo sobre a Operação Centro Legal de 2012Carvalhido, Anna Luiza 12 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by ANNA CARVALHIDO (annaluizaa@gmail.com) on 2014-06-10T14:03:32Z
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Dissertacao.(Defesa).(Revisao).Anna.Luiza.Carvalhido.pdf: 7595550 bytes, checksum: 96855772b3b30cdc4f0f66e4a7561325 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2014-06-10T18:25:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao.(Defesa).(Revisao).Anna.Luiza.Carvalhido.pdf: 7595550 bytes, checksum: 96855772b3b30cdc4f0f66e4a7561325 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-10T18:33:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao.(Defesa).(Revisao).Anna.Luiza.Carvalhido.pdf: 7595550 bytes, checksum: 96855772b3b30cdc4f0f66e4a7561325 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-05-12 / The objective of this research is to understand how public actors who participated, directly or indirectly, of the so-called 'Operation Legal Downtown' of 2012, qualified, in their speech, their vision around the use of crack and the region known as 'cracolândia' located in São Paulo city, notably the Military Police of São Paulo. The research problem is to understand the different discourses that actors have about the use of crack and cracolândia of São Paulo, assuming a theoretical framework that focuses on the study of stigma, deviation and knowledge as an instrument of power. The conclusion is that the stigma and the knowledge of a particular branch of the psychiatric field were very important and influential in building the image voiced by actors interviewed regarding the use of crack and 'cracolândia'. / O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender como os atores públicos que participaram, direta ou indiretamente, da Operação Centro Legal de 2012, qualificaram, em seu discurso, o uso de crack e a região conhecida por 'cracolândia', em São Paulo, notadamente a Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo. O problema de pesquisa consiste na compreensão das diferentes falas que os atores tem em torno do uso de crack e da cracolândia de São Paulo, levando em consideração um quadro teórico que se foca no estudo do estigma, do desvio e do conhecimento enquanto instrumento de poder. A conclusão é que o estigma e o conhecimento de um determinado ramo do campo da psiquiatria foram elementos muito importantes e influentes na construção da imagem verbalizada pelos atores pesquisados com respeito ao uso do crack e à 'cracolândia'.
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South African asset classes : return and volatility relationship dynamics over timePask, Adriaan Eckhardt 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is based on the hypothesis that a third dimension, namely investment
time horizon, can add value to the more conventional two-dimensional methodology
of assessing the relative risk and return attributes of various assets and portfolios in
order to enhance investment decisions.
This study shows that time horizons should be considered in the investment decision
making process and provides concrete evidence that a methodology that is not
cognizant of investment time horizon is prone to extensive long-term opportunity cost
In addition to providing evidence of investment time horizon relevance, the study
makes suggestions as to how time horizons could be incorporated into the risk return
assessments of various asset classes and also presents a framework for the more
holistic assessment of asset class properties while incorporating time horizons. / Business Management / Thesis (M. Com. (Business Management))
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Theme of despair in Charles Mungoshi's Shona works : a critical studyMangoya, Esau 11 1900 (has links)
The study makes an analysis of Charles Mungoshi's Shona works from a Modernist
perspective. In this study, Modernist literature is shown as full of change and adventure
that has seen characters failing to catch up with the speed at which their social lives are
going. The change is continuos and has resulted in many characters continuously failing to
cope, which in turn has resulted in continuous frustrations, here described as despair. The
study also shows how the despair is being nurtured in the circumstances of crumbling
social institutions which, in the past, had acted as the haven for devastated individuals.
The crumbling social institutions are shown to be triggering the despair and the characters
are given no room to recuperate. The study makes an analysis of what brings this despair
and how in the end, particular individual characters fight to ward off the despair. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Výukový text pro úvodní fyzikální praktikum / Basic Physical Practice CoursebookMITTASCH, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents basic concepts of measuring, physical quantities, units of measurement and Physics instruments. There are instructions how to realize the measuring in practice and an introduction of measuring deviation. There are examples showing processing of measured values including use of some Microsoft Excel functions.
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Toleranzmanagement in der Produktentwicklung am Beispiel der Karosserie im AutomobilbauLeuschel, Roland 15 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Es wurde eine programmunterstützte Methode für die Umsetzung des Toleranzmanagements entwickelt, welche die Bereiche Entwicklung, Technologie und Qualität in gemeinsame Verantwortung bringt. Dabei galt es, den Iterationsprozess der Lösungsfindung in verschiedenen Detaillierungsstufen mit wenigen Schleifen und im Streben nach kurzen Entwicklungszeiten, geringen Toleranzkosten, Qualitätsverlusten und Blindleistungen zu durchlaufen.
Ein stimmiges Toleranzkonzept überzeugt durch toleranzgerechte Aufbaufolgen, robuste und funktionsnahe Referenzierungen, kompensatorische Verfahren sowie toleranzunempfindliche Beeinträchtigungen und Auswirkungen. Die Auslegung aller toleranzrelevanten Produktanforderungen und Prozessgegebenheiten wird in Form von Toleranzketten und Maßkatalogen automatisiert dokumentiert und mündet schließlich in bestätigten Kunden-Lieferanten-Vereinbarungen.
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