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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microscale Physical and Numerical Investigations of Shear Banding in Granular Soils

Evans, T. Matthew 28 November 2005 (has links)
Under loading conditions found in many geotechnical structures, it is common to observe failure in zones of high localized strain called shear bands. Existing models predict these localizations, but provide little insight into the micromechanics within the shear bands. This research captures the variation in microstructure inside and outside of shear bands that were formed in laboratory plane strain and two-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) biaxial compression experiments. Plane strain compression tests were conducted on dry specimens of Ottawa 20-30 sand to calibrate the device, assess global response repeatability, and develop a procedure to quantitatively define the onset of localization. A new methodology was employed to quantify and correct for the additional stresses imparted by the confining membrane in the vicinity of the shear band. Unsheared and sheared specimens of varying dilatancy were solidified using a two-stage resin impregnation procedure. DEM tests were performed using an innovative servo-controlled flexible lateral confinement algorithm to provide additional insights into laboratory results. The solidified specimens were sectioned and the resulting surfaces prepared for microstructure observation using bright field microscopy and morphological analysis. Local void ratio distributions and their statistical properties were determined and compared. Microstructural parameters for subregions in a grid pattern and along predefined inclined zones were also calculated. Virtual surfaces parallel to the shear band were identified and their roughnesses assessed. Similar calculations were performed on the DEM simulations at varying strain levels to characterize the evolution of microstructure with increasing strain. The various observations showed that the mean, standard deviation, and entropy of the local void ratio distributions all increased with increasing strain levels, particularly within regions of high local strains. These results indicate that disorder increases within a shear band and that the soil within the shear band does not adhere to the classical concept of critical state, but reaches a terminal void ratio that is largely a function of initial void ratio. Furthermore, there appears to be a transition zone between the far field and the fully formed shear block, as opposed to an abrupt delineation as traditionally inferred.

Nevienalyčių struktūrų dinaminio deformavimo ir irimo modeliavimas diskrečiųjų elementų metodu / Simulation of dynamic deformation and fracture behaviour of heterogeneous structures by discrete element method

Vadluga, Vaidas 13 February 2008 (has links)
Tyrimų sritis ir darbo aktualumas. Kuriant modernias įvairios paskirties mechanines sistemas, technologijas ir įrangą, svarbiomis tampa jas sudarančios medžiagos. Savaime suprantama, kad žinomos ir naujai kuriamos medžiagos dabar kur kas išsamiau nagrinėjamos daugelyje mokslo šakų, įskaitant ir me-džiagų mechaniką. Visos medžiagos mezo- ir mikrostruktūros požiūriu yra ne-vienalytės. Jų mikroskopinės savybės skirtingos, lyginant su įprastu kontinuu-mu. Medžiagų savybėms tirti dažniausiai taikomi eksperimentiniai metodai. Eksperimentiniais metodais ištirti medžiagos struktūras ir jose vykstančius procesus ir įvertinti tam tikras jų savybes labai brangu. Tai viena priežasčių, kodėl skaitinis modeliavimas tampa realia tyrimų alternatyva. Skaitinį eksperi-mentą galima kartoti daug kartų, valdant bandinio parametrus, išlaikant tas pa-čias sąlygas, ir stebėti reiškiniui būdingus rodiklius visame tūryje. Šiuolaikiniai modeliavimo metodai yra kompleksiniai. Jie jungia fenome-nologines ir statistines idėjas, o matematiniai modeliai sudaromi taikant konti-nuumo mechanikos ir jų diskrečiųjų modelių bei molekulinės dinamikos pri-klausomybes. Diskrečiųjų elementų metodas (DEM) taip pat priskiriamas šiuo-laikinių metodų kategorijai. Jis skirtas kontaktuojančių dalelių sistemų dinami-niam modeliavimui. Kintanti dalelių sistemos topologija – būdingas metodo požymis. Pastaruoju metu DEM jau taikomas kontinuumui modeliuoti ir praktikoje aktualiems irimo uždaviniams spręsti. Reikia pastebėti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research area and topicality of the work. Mechanical properties and their evolution under loading are the most significant factors for the development of various mechanical structures, technologies and equipment. It seems to be natu-ral that deeper understanding of the behaviour of existing and design of new materials presents a challenge in different research areas. It should be noted, that all the materials are heterogeneous in meso- and micro- scales. They exhibit essential differences, compared to the macroscopic continuum behaviour. Basically, both experimental and numerical simulation methods are extensively applied for investigation purposes. Experimental techniques, capable of giving a realistic view of the inside of the material and extracting the real data, are very expensive. Therefore, the nu-merical simulation tools are extensively used as an alternative for investigation purposes. They have considerable advantages allowing the reproduction of multiple experiments and providing comprehensive data about ongoing phe-nomena. Recently, numerical technologies have become highly multidisciplinary subjects. They comprise phenomenological and statistical ideas, while mathe-matical models employ the relations of continuum mechanics, classical discre-tization methods and molecular dynamics. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is one of new methods. It is aimed at simulating the dynamic behaviour of the contacting particles. Variable topology of the system of particles is an... [to full text]

Betono užpildų mišinio struktūros tyrimas / Structure analysis of concrete aggregates mixture

Pocius, Gvidas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama dalelių mišinio dinaminė elgsena kvazistatiniame pusiausvyros būvyje. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas mišinio makro- ir mikrobūsenai charakterizuoti. Darbo tikslas – ištirti betono užpildams būdingomis fizinėmis-mechaninėmis savybėmis pasižyminčio sferinių dalelių mišinio struktūrą ir elgseną fliuktuojančioje aplinkoje kvazistatinio pusiausvyros būvio sąlygomis. Dalelių mišinio elgsenos dinaminis modeliavimas atliktas diskrečiųjų elementų metodu (DEM). Modeliuoti viendispersis ir daugiadispersis mišiniai. Pagal gautus rezultatus, mišinio makrobūsena charakterizuojama struktūros užimama tūrio dalimi (tankumu), dalelių kontaktinėmis jėgomis bei koordinacijos skaičiumi. Atskirų mišinio dalelių mikrobūsena charakterizuojama taikant unikalų geometrinį metodą, sukurtą pagal Hamiltono mechanikos, bendrosios reliatyvumo teorijos ir kvantinės gravitacijos teorijų principus. Metodui realizuoti parengtas kompiuterinis algoritmas patvirtino iškeltas hipotezes. / In the Master Thesis an investigation of dynamical behavior of the mixture of particles under quasistatic equilibrium conditions was performed. It focuses on a characterization of the macro- and microstate of the mixture. The purpose of the research is to explore structure and behavior of the mixture of spherical particles, characterized by the typical physical-mechanical properties of concrete aggregates, in a fluctuating environment under quasistatic equilibrium conditions. Dynamic simulation of the behavior of the particles was performed via the discrete element method (DEM). According to the results obtained, the macrostate of the mixture was investigated in view of a volume fraction, contact forces of particles and a coordination number. A characterization of the microstate of distinct particle was done using the unique geometrical method which had been created according to Hamiltonian mechanics, the theory of relativity and the principles of quantum gravity. The developed computer algorithm allowed to confirm the hypotheses of the method.

The Numerical Modelling of Normal Interaction of Ultrafine Particles / Ultrasmulkių dalelių normalinės sąveikos skaitinis modeliavimas

Jasevičius, Raimondas 24 February 2011 (has links)
Recently, powders of the size d (0.1 μm < d < 10 μm) have been referred to ultrafine particles. The particle shape considered is assumed to be a sphere of the diameter d. The handling of powders is of great importance for processing of pharmaceuticals, cement, chemicals and other products. Most of these technological processes involve powder compaction, storage, transportation, mixing, etc, therefore, understanding of the fundamentals of particles interaction behaviour is very essential in the design of machines and equipment as well as in powder technology, cleaning of environment and other areas. The dynamic behaviour of particulate systems is very complicated due to the complex interactions between individual particles and their interaction with the surroundings. Understanding the underlying mechanisms can be effectively achieved via particle scale research. The problem of a normal contact may be resolved in a number of ways. In spite of huge progress in experimental techniques, direct lab tests with individual particles are still rather time-consuming and expensive. The interaction of particles as solid bodies is actually a classical problem of contact mechanics. In the case of ultrafine particles, the reduction of the particle size shifts the contact zones into the nanoscale or subnanoscale. Thus, steadily increasing contribution of adhesion has to be considered in the development of the physically correct constitutive models and numerical tools. Consequently, it may... [to full text] / Ultrasmulkios dalelės yra šiuolaikinės chemijos, farmacijos, maisto ir kitų pramonės šakų produktų sudėtinė dalis. Tiriant pramoninius technologinius procesus, neišvengiamai reikalingos teorinės žinios apie ultrasmulkių dalelių elgseną. Išsamus supratimas įmanomas tik atlikus įvairius tyrimus. Pastaruoju metu milteliai, klasifikuojami kaip ultrasmulkios (0,1 < d < 10 μm) dalelės, imti plačiai naudoti pramoniniuose procesuose, todėl suprasti ultrasmulkių dalelių elgsenos fundamentalumą miltelių technologijoje yra labai svarbu. Ultrasmulki dalelė yra itin maža, todėl su ja atlikti fizinį eksperimentą, kuris reikalauja specialios įrangos bei žinių, labai sunku. Tokiu atveju dažniausiai naudojamas skaitinis eksperimentas, kurį galima atlikti virtualiai. Skaitinio eksperimento metu yra tiriamos dinaminės ultrasmulkios dalelės savybės bei sprendžiamas dinaminis uždavinys. Taikant skaitinius modelius bei dalelės judėjimą aprašančias jėgų lygtis, naudojami sąveikos modeliai, apimantys adhezinę, klampią, tamprią bei tampriai plastinę sąveikas. Mikroskopinis adhezinės sąveikos modeliavimas – aktualus mechanikos mokslo uždavinys. Taikant sąveikos modelius, svarbu pritaikyti ir diskrečiųjų elementų metodą, kadangi, norint aprašyti dalelių elgseną, visų pirma reikia su-vokti ir aprašyti dalelės modelį. Dalelės elgsenos skaitiniam modeliavimui siūlomi teoriniai modeliai leidžia tirti dalelės sąveiką su dalele ar tampria puserdve bei sąveikos dinamiką. Šie modeliai galėtų būti pritaikyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Modélisation mixte éléments discrets / éléments finis de la dégradation de structures en béton armé sous impact sévère / Numerical modelling by a mixed Discrete Elements/Finite Elements approach of the damage of a reinforced concrete structure subjected to a severe impact loading

Masurel, Aurélien 23 March 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en place un cadre numérique qui permet de simuler la réponse de structures en béton armé de taille industrielle soumises à des impacts sévères. Notre modèle repose sur trois ingrédients principaux : 1) la modélisation éléments discrets (ED) du béton, permettant de profiter de la nature « discrète » de cette formulation et de décrire facilement l'apparition et la propagation des discontinuités fortes de la matière ; 2) la modélisation éléments finis (EF) poutre des armatures, donnant la possibilité de représenter toute la complexité du ferraillage que l'on rencontre dans les structures industrielles en béton armé ; 3) un modèle de liaison acier-béton original, que nous avons proposé et mis en œuvre dans le code EUROPLEXUS, et qui constitue le principal apport de cette thèse. Nous avons effectué une étude théorique et numérique sur la stabilité et la précision de ce modèle de liaison, et avons calibré ses paramètres en simulant un essai d'arrachement. En modélisant l'essai de traction d'un tirant (barre en béton contenant une armature), nous avons montré la capacité de notre modèle à reproduire le transfert des efforts entre le béton et l'armature au niveau de l'interface acier-béton. Testé et validé sur des cas-tests élémentaires, le modèle mixte ED-EF a ensuite été appliqué à la simulation de vraies structures en béton armé. Nous avons simulé de manière détaillée quelques essais connus (l'impact mou sur poutre CEA, l'essai Meppen II-4), ce qui a permis de valider l'ensemble de notre approche numérique et de recueillir des éléments pour définir les pistes d'amélioration des modèles que nous avons mis en œuvre. / The aim of this work is to set up a numerical framework to simulate the behaviour of industrial size reinforced concrete structures subjected to severe impacts. Our model is based on three main features : 1) modeling of the concrete with a discrete method to handle easily strong material discontinuities such as initiation and propagation of macro-cracks ; 2) modeling of the reinforcement bars with finite element method to be able to represent complex reinforcement cages of industrial structures ; 3) an original steel-concrete bond model that we proposed and implemented in the dynamic explicit code EUROPLEXUS and that constitutes the main task of this work. We studied theoretically and numerically this model to guarantee its stability and precision during the time integration. We calibrated its parameters by simulating pull-out tests. To verify our model, we simulated a tie-test (a long concrete column which contains a reinforcement bar) and showed that our model ensures the correct transfert of forces between steel and concrete. After testing our model on simple benchmarks, we simulated real reinforced concrete structures subjected to impacts (soft impact on a beam, Meppen test n°II-4), allowing us to validate our numerical approach and to define some perspectives to improve the models we have developped.

Analysis of a discrete element method and coupling with a compressible fluid flow method

Monasse, Laurent 10 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This work aims at the numerical simulation of compressible fluid/deformable structure interactions. In particular, we have developed a partitioned coupling algorithm between a Finite Volume method for the compressible fluid and a Discrete Element method capable of taking into account fractures in the solid. A survey of existing fictitious domain methods and partitioned algorithms has led to choose an Embedded Boundary method and an explicit coupling scheme. We first showed that the Discrete Element method used for the solid yielded the correct macroscopic behaviour and that the symplectic time-integration scheme ensured the preservation of energy. We then developed an explicit coupling algorithm between a compressible inviscid fluid and an undeformable solid. Mass, momentum and energy conservation and consistency properties were proved for the coupling scheme. The algorithm was then extended to the coupling with a deformable solid, in the form of a semi-implicit scheme. Finally, we applied this method to unsteady inviscid flows around moving structures: comparisons with existing numerical and experimental results demonstrate the excellent accuracy of our method

Beitrag zur numerischen Untersuchung der Bewegungs- und Beanspruchungsprofilen in einer Kugelmühle unter Verwendung von physikalisch begründeten Stoßparametern

Tichý, Richard 22 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die am häufigsten für die Zerkleinerung des Zementklinkers eingesetzte Kugelmühle stellt eine relativ einfache Maschine dar, in der sehr komplizierte dynamische Wechselwirkungen herrschen. Die direkte Messung der Beanspruchungsintensitäten ist heutzutage immer noch eine schwierige Aufgabe. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind die Spektren der Beanspruchungsgrößen sowie einige spezifische integrale Größen mit der Methode der diskreten Elemente (DEM) untersucht worden. Eine besondere Aufgabe bestand in der Ermittlung der Parameter des viskoelastischen Kontaktmodells und der den Zementklinker charakterisierenden mechanischen Größen. Die reale Abbildung der Stoßvorgänge wurde anhand vereinfachter Modelle der Messprüfstände validiert. Mit den ermittelten Parametern sind numerische Untersuchungen durchgeführt worden, mit denen ihre Auswirkung auf die Zielgrößen bestimmt wurde. In Hinsicht auf eine mögliche konstruktive Weiterentwicklung sind Simulationen mit festgelegten betrieblichen und zu variierenden konstruktiven Parametern durchgeführt worden.

Stress Effects on Solute Transport in Fractured rocks

Zhao, Zhihong January 2011 (has links)
The effect of in-situ or redistributed stress on solute transport in fractured rocks is one of the major concerns for many subsurface engineering problems. However, it remains poorly understood due to the difficulties in experiments and numerical modeling. The main aim of this thesis is to systematically investigate the influences of stress on solute transport in fractured rocks, at scales of single fractures and fracture networks, respectively. For a single fracture embedded in a porous rock matrix, a closed-form solution was derived for modeling the coupled stress-flow-transport processes without considering damage on the fracture surfaces. Afterwards, a retardation coefficient model was developed to consider the influences of damage of the fracture surfaces during shear processes on the solute sorption. Integrated with particle mechanics models, a numerical procedure was proposed to investigate the effects of gouge generation and microcrack development in the damaged zones of fracture on the solute retardation in single fractures. The results show that fracture aperture changes have a significant influence on the solute concentration distribution and residence time. Under compression, the decreasing matrix porosity can slightly increase the solute concentration. The shear process can increase the solute retardation coefficient by offering more sorption surfaces in the fracture due to gouge generation, microcracking and gouge crushing. To study the stress effects on solute transport in fracture systems, a hybrid approach combing the discrete element method for stress-flow simulations and a particle tracking algorithm for solute transport was developed for two-dimensional irregular discrete fracture network models. Advection, hydrodynamic dispersion and matrix diffusion in single fractures were considered. The particle migration paths were tracked first by following the flowing fluid (advection), and then the hydrodynamic dispersion and matrix diffusion were considered using statistic methods. The numerical results show an important impact of stress on the solute transport, by changing the solute residence time, distribution and travel paths. The equivalent dispersion coefficient is scale dependent in an asymptotic or exponential form without stress applied or under isotropic compression conditions. Matrix diffusion plays a dominant role in solute transport when the hydraulic gradient is small. Outstanding issues and main scientific achievements are also discussed. / QC 20111011

Modélisation mixte éléments discrets / éléments finis de la dégradation de structures en béton armé sous impact sévère / Numerical modelling by a mixed Discrete Elements/Finite Elements approach of the damage of a reinforced concrete structure subjected to a severe impact loading

Masurel, Aurélien 23 March 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en place un cadre numérique qui permet de simuler la réponse de structures en béton armé de taille industrielle soumises à des impacts sévères. Notre modèle repose sur trois ingrédients principaux : 1) la modélisation éléments discrets (ED) du béton, permettant de profiter de la nature « discrète » de cette formulation et de décrire facilement l'apparition et la propagation des discontinuités fortes de la matière ; 2) la modélisation éléments finis (EF) poutre des armatures, donnant la possibilité de représenter toute la complexité du ferraillage que l'on rencontre dans les structures industrielles en béton armé ; 3) un modèle de liaison acier-béton original, que nous avons proposé et mis en œuvre dans le code EUROPLEXUS, et qui constitue le principal apport de cette thèse. Nous avons effectué une étude théorique et numérique sur la stabilité et la précision de ce modèle de liaison, et avons calibré ses paramètres en simulant un essai d'arrachement. En modélisant l'essai de traction d'un tirant (barre en béton contenant une armature), nous avons montré la capacité de notre modèle à reproduire le transfert des efforts entre le béton et l'armature au niveau de l'interface acier-béton. Testé et validé sur des cas-tests élémentaires, le modèle mixte ED-EF a ensuite été appliqué à la simulation de vraies structures en béton armé. Nous avons simulé de manière détaillée quelques essais connus (l'impact mou sur poutre CEA, l'essai Meppen II-4), ce qui a permis de valider l'ensemble de notre approche numérique et de recueillir des éléments pour définir les pistes d'amélioration des modèles que nous avons mis en œuvre. / The aim of this work is to set up a numerical framework to simulate the behaviour of industrial size reinforced concrete structures subjected to severe impacts. Our model is based on three main features : 1) modeling of the concrete with a discrete method to handle easily strong material discontinuities such as initiation and propagation of macro-cracks ; 2) modeling of the reinforcement bars with finite element method to be able to represent complex reinforcement cages of industrial structures ; 3) an original steel-concrete bond model that we proposed and implemented in the dynamic explicit code EUROPLEXUS and that constitutes the main task of this work. We studied theoretically and numerically this model to guarantee its stability and precision during the time integration. We calibrated its parameters by simulating pull-out tests. To verify our model, we simulated a tie-test (a long concrete column which contains a reinforcement bar) and showed that our model ensures the correct transfert of forces between steel and concrete. After testing our model on simple benchmarks, we simulated real reinforced concrete structures subjected to impacts (soft impact on a beam, Meppen test n°II-4), allowing us to validate our numerical approach and to define some perspectives to improve the models we have developped.

Etude du comportement granulaire en transport par charriage basée sur un modèle Eulérien-Lagrangien / Investigation of granular behavior in bedload transport using an Eulerian-Lagrangian model

Maurin, Raphaël 11 December 2015 (has links)
Turbulent bedload transport represents the main contribution to the riverbed morphological evolution, and associates the non-trivial collective granular behavior with a turbulent fluid flow. Therefore, its description is both a scientific challenge and a societal issue. The present numerical approach focuses on the granular phase characterization, and considers idealized steady uniform bedload transport, with monodisperse spherical beads and a unidirectional fluid flow. This simplified configuration allows to study the underlying physical mechanisms.A minimal coupled numerical model is proposed, associating a three dimensional discrete element method with a one-dimensional volume-averaged fluid momentum balance resolution. The model is compared with classical experimental results of dimensionless sediment transport rate as a function of the Shields number. The comparison is extended to granular depth profiles of solid volume fraction, solid velocity and sediment transport rate density in quasi-2D bedload transport configurations. Parameter sensitivity analysis evidenced the importance of the fluid-particle phase coupling, and showed a robust agreement of the model with the experiments. The validated model is further used to analyze the granular depth structure in bedload transport. Varying the channel inclination angle and the specific density, it is shown that the classical Shields number and dimensionless sediment transport rate formulations do not take appropriately into account the effects of these two parameters. Analyzing the solid depth profiles and the continuous two-phase flow equations, the neglected fluid flow inside the granular bed is identified as the missing contribution. Its importance is enhanced near the transition to debris flow. A rescaling of the Shields number is proposed and is shown to make all the data collapse onto a master curve when considering the dimensionless sediment transport rate as a function of the modified Shields number. Lastly, the bedload transport granular rheology is characterized by computing locally the stress tensor as a function of the depth. The lowermost part is shown to follow a creeping regime and exhibits signature of non-local effects. The dense granular flow on the top of it, is well described by the mu(I) rheology and is observed to persist up to unexpectedly high inertial numbers. It is characterized by the co-existence of frictional and collisional contributions. The transition from dense to dilute granular flow is controlled by the Shields number, the slope and the specific density. Saltation is observed in the uppermost granular layer. These findings improve the understanding of bedload transport granular mechanisms and challenge the existing granular rheologies. / Turbulent bedload transport represents the main contribution to the riverbed morphological evolution, and associates the non-trivial collective granular behavior with a turbulent fluid flow. Therefore, its description is both a scientific challenge and a societal issue. The present numerical approach focuses on the granular phase characterization, and considers idealized steady uniform bedload transport, with monodisperse spherical beads and a unidirectional fluid flow. This simplified configuration allows to study the underlying physical mechanisms.A minimal coupled numerical model is proposed, associating a three dimensional discrete element method with a one-dimensional volume-averaged fluid momentum balance resolution. The model is compared with classical experimental results of dimensionless sediment transport rate as a function of the Shields number. The comparison is extended to granular depth profiles of solid volume fraction, solid velocity and sediment transport rate density in quasi-2D bedload transport configurations. Parameter sensitivity analysis evidenced the importance of the fluid-particle phase coupling, and showed a robust agreement of the model with the experiments. The validated model is further used to analyze the granular depth structure in bedload transport. Varying the channel inclination angle and the specific density, it is shown that the classical Shields number and dimensionless sediment transport rate formulations do not take appropriately into account the effects of these two parameters. Analyzing the solid depth profiles and the continuous two-phase flow equations, the neglected fluid flow inside the granular bed is identified as the missing contribution. Its importance is enhanced near the transition to debris flow. A rescaling of the Shields number is proposed and is shown to make all the data collapse onto a master curve when considering the dimensionless sediment transport rate as a function of the modified Shields number. Lastly, the bedload transport granular rheology is characterized by computing locally the stress tensor as a function of the depth. The lowermost part is shown to follow a creeping regime and exhibits signature of non-local effects. The dense granular flow on the top of it, is well described by the mu(I) rheology and is observed to persist up to unexpectedly high inertial numbers. It is characterized by the co-existence of frictional and collisional contributions. The transition from dense to dilute granular flow is controlled by the Shields number, the slope and the specific density. Saltation is observed in the uppermost granular layer. These findings improve the understanding of bedload transport granular mechanisms and challenge the existing granular rheologies.

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