Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DURATION"" "subject:"[enn] DURATION""
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Analyzing the Impact of Financial Deregulation on the Risk of Mortgage Delinquency: A Case Study of the Kenyan Mortgage MarketGachuru, Margaret Wambui 01 January 2005 (has links)
In most developing countries, housing finance and mortgage lending are undergoing changes driven by financial deregulation policies, which include interest rate decontrol and privatization. In this study, we analyze detailed residential mortgage data from housing finance institutions (HFIs) in Kenya, to determine the impact of deregulation on loan performance. Using a hazard model, we find that interest rates, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rate, and deregulation are significant in explaining the hazard of mortgage delinquency. We use a before and after deregulation framework to analyze the influence of deregulation on the probability of mortgage delinquency, and find that the number of delinquent loans increased after deregulation, the duration of loans from time of loan origination to time of delinquency decreased, and that loan repayment was also faster after deregulation. The study concludes that deregulation increased both the probability of delinquency as well as the probability of loan prepayment in Kenya. Our interpretation of the results is that, borrowers reacted to increasing interest rates, trigger events, and availability of cheaper funds elsewhere, while lenders reacted to increased competition introduced by deregulation by adopting more flexible credit risk analysis as well as teaser rates to attract demand. Given the scarcity of literature relating to mortgage finance in sub-Sahara Africa, this study provides valuable insight into the current lending environment, feasibility of future lending, and includes suggestions for improvement.
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Percepční citlivost ve frekvenční a temporální doméně u hudebních a řečových stimulů / Perceptual sensitivity to music and speech stimuli in the frequency and temporal domainsLukeš, David January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is perceptual sensitivity with respect to subtle frequency-based and temporal manipulations in speech, music and mixed stimuli. We hypothesize that an individual's sensitivity to variation in all three types of stimuli should be similar (i.e. a correlation should exist), seeing that findings in evolutionary biology, neurosciences, psy- chology and experimental phonetics are pointing towards a relatively strong link between the mechanisms of perception in speech and music. Our listening experiment revealed mostly intermediate correlations; additionally, we argue that by employing syntactically less complicated stimuli, which would target specifically fundamental sensitivity without requiring a complex syntactic analysis in parallel, even more robust correlations could be obtained. While the influence of prior formal linguistic education on performance in the test was negligible, the influence of musical experience was considerable, which lends further support to the idea of simplifying especially the music stimuli in future research. Key words: music, speech, perception, sensitivity, correlation
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Du visiblement manquant dans les images : une esthétique de la défaillance / The visibly missing in images : aesthetics of the faintingGaléa, Michèle 02 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur ce que l'on ne voit pas dans les images et qui pourtant s'y trouve. C'est ce que signale l’expression « visiblement manquant » : le foyer émotionnel au creux duquel les signes semblent s'agencer et désigner ce qui n'est pas vu mais qui est essentiel à l'image, à l'artiste et au spectateur. L’hypothèse ici développée pose qu’il s’agirait d’un moment antérieur à l’élaboration de l'image, s'originant dans la conscience par les souvenirs, les rêves, les pensées obsessionnelles, images mentales dont le corps porte et entretient la mémoire dans ses actes moteurs comme dans l’acte même de percevoir, d’anticiper l’expérience du réel et d’éprouver la présence d’une image. S'appuyant sur ma pratique artistique de la vidéo et un ensemble d'œuvres photographiques, cinématographiques et vidéographiques puisées dans le champ des Arts visuels contemporains, la recherche chemine par des analyses précises de leurs registres iconique, plastique et sémantique. Établissant des relations entre le vu, le perçu hors-vision et le nommé, elle dessine finalement les contours d'une esthétique qui pourrait être celle de la défaillance : défaillance recherchée comme l’expression d’une fragilité, que le regard du spectateur reconnaît par sa proximité paradoxale avec sa propre vulnérabilité. / This thesis explores what is not seen and yet what can be found in images: "the visibly missing". This expression points to the center of emotions in which signs seem to be organizing themselves and designating what is unseen, and nevertheless essential to the image, to the artist and to the viewer. Our working hypothesis defines this moment as prior to the creation of the image. It originates in the conscious mind through memories, dreams, obsessional thoughts, mental images which help maintain memory alive, as well as motor behaviors like the very act of perceiving, of anticipating our experience of reality, and the act of appreciating the presence of the image itself. The research is based on my fine art video practice, as well as photographic, cinematographic and video graphic works from contemporary artistic fields, and aims to analyze precisely their iconic, artistic and semantic ranges. It also establishes links between what is seen, what is felt behind the vision, and what is named. Finally, it outlines an "aesthetics of the fainting": a deliberate fainting, expressing a fragility that the viewer's eye recognizes as such by the paradoxical proximity with its own vulnerabity.
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Temporální přesnost imitace řeči u dvou věkových skupin dětí / Temporal accuracy of speech imitation in two age groups of childrenPrachová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to test the ability of speech imitation in terms of temporal accuracy in two age groups of children. The first age group comprised 8 girls and 8 boys at the age of 10 to 11 years; the second group consisted of 8 girls and 8 boys at the age of 12 to 13 years. For the purpose of the experiment a perception-production test was created - it consisted of six, nine and twelve syllabic declarative sentences which contained two, three and four trisyllabic stress- groups. The task of the participating children was to repeat the sentences in three manners: in exactly the same words as they had heard them, and then by using the syllable /na/ and /ba/. Even though the children were able to meet the task, in some cases deviations occurred, such as deformations of the sentences in a certain way. Accuracy of imitation was investigated through average deviations from the model sentences. Based on the obtained values we identified the factors of length and composition of the task items and also the manner and order of imitation. We were also interested whether age and gender of respondents affect the accuracy of imitation. Key words speech rhythm, tempo, duration, stress-group, average deviation, imitation, children
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Analyse théorique et empirique de la théorie de la recherche d'emploi : un essai de modélisation du Revenu de Solidarité Active / Empirical and theorical analysis of job search theory : essai of modeling the french Active Solidarity IncomeTalarowski, David 24 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le modèle de recherche d’emploi en partant du modèle élémentaire pour aboutir à un modèle destiné à analyser les mécanismes d’incitation à la reprise d’emploi. Le mécanisme analysé est celui du Revenu de Solidarité Active. La première partie sert à mettre en place les éléments théoriques nécessaires aux modèles de la seconde partie. On part du modèle élémentaire en élargissant le débat aux modèles plus complexes et moins restrictifs en termes d’hypothèses. Cette partie est ponctuée d’analyses empiriques effectuées sur les données de l’Enquête emploi de 2006. La seconde partie tente d’analyser les effets du RSA sur le comportement de recherche des travailleurs à bas niveau de qualification dans le cadre du modèle de recherche d’emploi en utilisant les méthodes de simulations numériques calibrées sur l’Enquête emploi pour obtenir des résultats. / This thesis presents the job-search model, starting from the elementary model to reach a model analyzing mechanisms designed to enhance employment recovery. This study concerns the French active solidarity income mechanism (Revenu de Solidarité Active or RSA). The first part will allow us to implement the theoretical elements we will need in the second part. In the first part, we will start with the elementary model, and then widen the debate to more complex models and less restrictive assumptions. We will punctuate this part with empirical analysis based on the 2006 employment survey data. The second art is aimed at analyzing the effects of the RSA on the job search behavior of workers, especially those with low levels of ualification. We will use numerical simulation methods calibrated on the employment survey in order to achieve results.
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Hydrodynamics and Salinity of Pontchartrain Estuary During HurricanesAmini, Sina 16 May 2014 (has links)
A hurricane is a combination of sustained winds, low atmospheric pressures and precipitation. Over the past decades, Louisiana has experienced several devastating hurricanes.
The east bank of the City of New Orleans is bounded by Lake Pontchartrain to the North and the Mississippi River to the South. Lake Pontchartrain is a brackish system connected to the Gulf of Mexico through Lake Borgne to the East. As a Hurricane enters the Estuary from the Gulf of Mexico, it imposes a sustained surge of a few meters which may lead to flooding in areas which are not protected by levees. These flood water may be saline.
Saltwater flooding is an environmental issue in flooded marshlands since saltwater can be fatal to some plants. The response of salinity and storm surge to hurricane duration which represents the forward speed of the storm is numerically modeled.
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Temporal distribution of storm rainfall on the Witwatersrand and its effect on peak flows.Cross, Anthony Leighton January 1991 (has links)
A project report submitted to the Faculty of
Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree Of Master Of Science in Engineering. / The temporal distribution of rainfall can have a
significant effect on peak runoff, especially so in the
small catchments that are typical of the Witwatersrand.
This report investigates the shape of the natural
hyetoraph and its use in the analysis of peak runoff.
It describes the climatology of the sub-continent and
rain-producing systems. Then more specifically,
aspects of rainfall over Johannesburg are discussed.
Some Of the more commonly-used temporal distributions
of rainfall are reviewed and the relationship between
intensity-time distributions and mass curves is
Mass curves are derived using data from a rain gauge in
Norwood, Johannesburg. The data is analysed with the
assistance of a computer program and classified into
quartiles. The quartiles are further analysed in an
attempt to define their characteristics in greater
The mass curves are used wIth a hydrological model to
generate hydrographs. The values of runoff peaks are
found to be comparable with those obtained using
currently accepted temporal rainfall distributions. / AC 2018
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Estimação de modelos de duração condicional estocástica por meio da função característica empírica / Estimation of stochastic conditional duration models by means of the empirical characteristic function.Ferraz, Jose Euclides de Melo 27 March 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho propomos a utilização do método da função característica empírica (ECF - empirical characteristic function), para estimação do modelo de duração condicional estocástica (SCD - stochastic conditional duration). Para determinação das variáveis latentes do processo utilizamos três alternativas: um filtro de Kalman, um filtro obtido por integração numérica e um filtro baseado na expansão de Gram-Charlier até 4ª ordem. Os resultados são então aplicados em séries de duração da GE, Microsoft e USD/EUR. / We propose the use of the empirical characteristic function (ECF) method to estimate the parameters of the stochastic conditional duration (SCD) model. In order to estimate the latent variables we propose the use of three alternatives: a Kalman filter, a filter based on numerical integration (quadrature) and a filter based on the 4th-order Gram-Charlier expansion. The results are applied to the estimation of the parameters of the duration process for GE, Microsoft and USD/EUR.
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Semiótica e mídia: uma abordagem tensiva do fait divers / Semiotics and media: a tensive approach to fait diversMendes, Conrado Moreira 09 August 2013 (has links)
Com base nas proposições da semiótica de vertente tensiva, esta tese se ocupa da análise e da teorização do fait divers, categoria jornalística que se refere a eventos de caráter fortuito. O corpus da pesquisa constitui-se primordialmente da cobertura do Caso Isabella Nardoni, compreendido sob a rubrica dessa expressão, realizada pelo Jornal Nacional nos meses de março, abril e maio de 2008. Também compõem o corpus da investigação outros relatos jornalísticos dessa natureza, tanto os que se pautam por uma curta duração quanto aqueles que repercutem na mídia por um período considerável. Em relação ao caso aludido, impôs-se a questão teórica que se refere à pouca duração que um relato noticioso de tal categoria costuma ter. Ao contrário, ele arrastou-se por meses a fio no primeiro semestre de 2008, mantendo, não obstante, uma elevada carga tímica. Dessa forma, procurouse buscar nos mecanismos do discurso as estratégias usadas pelo enunciador Jornal Nacional para extensivizar a intensidade do Caso Isabella Nardoni, o qual se baseia numa estrutura acontecimental e que, por definição, deveria ser muito intenso, mas pouco extenso. Para tanto, a pesquisa se valeu dos seguintes eixos analíticos: concessão e fidúcia, duração e intensidade, a paixão coletiva da comoção e, por fim, relações intertextuais e interdiscursivas que o texto em análise permite estabelecer com outros textos/discursos. Os referidos eixos cumpriram cada qual a tarefa de responder parcialmente o porquê de, a despeito do transcurso da temporalidade, a intensidade em torno do caso enfocado ter sido duradoura. A partir deles, pôde-se depreender um enunciatário em cujo campo de presença a tonicidade se projeta sobre a temporalidade, criando um efeito de persistência. Tal enunciatário é ainda marcado por uma espera tensa, que quer atenuar o impacto do acontecimento, ao mesmo tempo em que ele reverbera ou irrompem novos microacontecimentos. Verificou-se também a presença de um enunciatário comovido, cujo estado emocional funciona à maneira de uma amálgama, fazendo dele parte de um todo coletivo, social. Esse mesmo enunciatário mostra-se modalizado por um querer-saber, cuja expectativa é também sobre determinada por outros textos e discursos com os quais o caso em questão estabelece relações intertextuais e interdiscursivas. É, em suma, um enunciatário que se configura na tensão e na complexidade dos eixos da intensidade e da extensidade, o que explica a duração extensa do Caso Isabella Nardoni. Quanto à leitura semiótica dos demais faits divers, puderam ser observadas as seguintes (in)variantes: todos se ancoram numa base concessiva, todos são perpassados por uma lógica passional, patêmica. Entretanto, nem todos se pautam por um longo período de repercussão. Pelas recorrências observadas no corpus, balizadas pelas esquizias tensivas primordiais intensidade e extensidade, foram depreendidas as categorias duração (do menos durativo ao mais durativo) e memória (do menos memorável ao mais memorável), além do elemento constitutivo paixões. A partir disso, pôde-se fundamentar uma abordagem tensiva do fait divers. Finalmente, a análise de um relato noticioso durativo, raro, que, por meio da estratégia discursiva que extensiviza o intenso, demonstrou de que maneira pode ser possível uma articulação dos regimes discursivos do acontecimento e do exercício a partir de um ponto de vista tensivo e, portanto, complexo / Based on the propositions of tensive semiotics, this thesis is concerned with analysing and theorizing the fait divers, a journalistic category that refers to fortuitous events. The corpus of the research primarily consists of the cover of the so-called Isabella Nardoni Case conducted by Brazilian television news program Jornal Nacional in March, April and May 2008. Other journalistic reports of the same nature also comprise the corpus of research, both those outlined in a short duration and those that impact on the media for a considerable period. Regarding the mentioned case, a theoretical question prevailed that refers to little if any lasting that a news report in this category usually has. Instead, it dragged on for months in the first half of 2008, whilst retaining a large thymic load. Thus, we tried to search in discourse mechanisms the strategies used by the enunciator Jornal Nacional to extensiveing the intensity of Isabella Nardoni Case, which is anchored in an event structure and, by definition, should be very intense but little extensive. Therefore, the research employed the following analytical axes: concession and confidence, duration and intensity, the collective passion of the commotion and, finally, intertextual and interdiscursive relations with other texts/discourses that the text under analysis allows to establish. These analytical axes fulfilled the task of partially answer why, despite the passing of temporality, the intensity surrounding the focused case was lasting. From them, we could deduce an enunciatee in whose presence field tonicity is projected on temporality, creating an effect of persistence. This enunciatee is also marked by a tense wait, who wants to soften the impact of the event, while it reverberates or triggers new micro-events. The presence of an affected enunciatee was also observed, whose emotional state works in the manner of an amalgam, making him a part of a collective, social whole. The same enunciatee proved modalized by a want-to-know whose expectation was also overdetermined by other texts and discourses with which the case in question established intertextual and interdiscursive relations. He is, in short, an enunciatee that is configured in the tension and complexity of the axes of intensity and extent which explains the considerable duration of Isabella Nardoni Case. As for the semiotic reading of other faits divers, we could observe the following (in) variants: all of them are stand on a concessive basis, all pervaded by a passionate logic. However, not all are marked by a considerable duration. Through the recurrences observed in the corpus, marked out by a sine qua non relationship between intensity and extent, we inferred the categories duration (from least to most durative) and memory (from least to most memorable), and also the constitutive element passions. From this we could substantiate a tensive approach to fait divers. Finally, the analysis of a durative, rare, news report which through the discursive strategy extensivize the intensity demonstrated how an articulation of discursive regimes of the event and exercise from a tensive and therefore complex point of view may be possible.
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Influences of Climate variability on Rainfall Extremes of Different DurationsUnknown Date (has links)
The concept of Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) relationship curve presents crucial design contribution for several decades under the assumption of a stationary climate, the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall nonetheless seemingly increase worldwide. Based on the research conducted in recent years, the greatest increases are likely to occur in short-duration storms lasting less than a day, potentially leading to an increase in the magnitude and frequency of flash floods. The trend analysis of the precipitation influencing the climate variability and extreme rainfall in the state of Florida is conducted in this study. Since these local changes are potentially or directly related to the surrounding oceanic-atmospheric oscillations, the following oscillations are analyzed or highlighted in this study: Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation (AMO), El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDO). Collected throughout the state of Florida, the precipitation data from rainfall gages are grouped and analyzed based on type of duration such as short-term duration or minute, in hourly and in daily period. To assess statistical associations based on the ranks of the data, the non-parametric tests Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient are used to determine the orientation of the trend and ultimately utilize the testing results to determine the statistical significance of the analyzed data. The outcome of the latter confirms with confidence whether there is an increasing or decreasing trend in precipitation depth in the State of Florida. The main emphasis is on the influence of rainfall extremes of short-term duration over a period of about 50 years. Results from both Spearman and Mann-Kendall tests show that the greatest percentage of increase occurs during the short rainfall duration period. The result highlights a tendency of increasing trends in three different regions, two of which are more into the central and peninsula region of Florida and one in the continental region. Given its topography and the nature of its water surface such as the everglades and the Lake Okeechobee, Florida experience a wide range of weather patterns resulting in frequent flooding during wet season and drought in the dry season. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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