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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ereignisbezogene Veränderungen der visuellen Fixationsdauer / Event related prolongations of visual fixation duration

Pannasch, Sebastian 21 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Der Ansatz der Arbeit lässt sich auf zwei Gebiete aus der Blickbewegungsforschung zurückführen. Einerseits basieren die Studien auf Experimenten zum remote distractor effect, andererseits auf Untersuchungen beim Lesen bzw. der Wahrnehmung komplexer Szenen. Innerhalb beider Ansätze findet eine Analyse der Auswirkungen unterschiedlichen Reizmaterials (z.B. Texte oder Bilder) auf die Fixationsdauer statt. Aktuelle Erklärungsansätze werden im Bezug zu den gefundenen Ergebnissen dargestellt und kritisch bewertet. Anhand der Ergebnisse einer Voruntersuchung wird vorgeschlagen, die gefundenen Effekte im Rahmen der Orientierungsreaktion (OR) zu betrachten. In einer Serie von vier Untersuchungen wird dargelegt, dass die Dauer von Fixationen auch durch externe Ereignisse moduliert wird. In der ersten Untersuchung wurden die zeitlichen Aspekte des Distraktoreffekts untersucht. Dafür erschienen Distraktoren mit verschiedenen Latenzen nach Fixationsbeginn. Zusätzlich wurde untersucht, welche Auswirkungen unterschiedliche Distraktormodalitäten (visuell und akustisch) zeigen. Die Ergebnisse demonstrierten eine deutliche Verlängerung der jeweils vom Distraktor betroffenen Fixation für alle Latenzen. Für Distraktoren beider Modalitäten zeigte sich eine vergleichbare Verlängerung betroffener Fixationen. Bei der zweiten Untersuchung wurde für visuelle Distraktoren geprüft, inwieweit sich die vorgeschlagene Interpretation im Rahmen der OR bestätigen lässt. Dafür wurde der Effekt hinsichtlich einer Habituation untersucht. Für die Studie wurden Distraktoren mit zwei verschiedenen Latenzen auf umweltbezogenen vs. retinal fixierten Koordinaten präsentiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass eher Störungen auf gleichen retinalen Positionen eine Abnahme des Effektes zur Folge haben (also habituieren). Für Distraktoren auf konstanten Bildpositionen konnte keine systematische Abnahme des Distraktoreffektes gemessen werden. Für die dritte Untersuchung wurden Augenbewegungen und blickkontingente ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKP?s) parallel aufgezeichnet. Bisher liegen keine Erkenntnisse vor, wie anhand von Parametern der Augenbewegungen Habituation nachweisbar ist, die Abnahme der N1-Komponente der EKP?s hingegen gilt als etablierter Nachweis einer Habituation. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, neben der Verlängerung der Fixationsdauer für visuelle und akustische Distraktoren, eine deutliche Auswirkung auf die N1-Komponente. Bei der Prüfung der Habituation über die betrachteten Bilder zeigte sich eine Verringerung des Effektes in der Fixationsdauer und der N1-Komponente. Auf Schwierigkeiten in Bezug auf den Nachweis einer ausgeprägten Habituation wurde an entsprechender Stelle hingewiesen. Die letzte Studie (N=1) testete, ob sich die Neuinterpretation des Effektes mit neurophysiologischen Erkenntnissen vereinbaren lässt. Bei dem Probanden wurde aufgrund eines Unfalls eine Schädigung des frontalen Augenfeldes (FEF) angenommen. Es wurden Distraktoren links, rechts, ober- und unterhalb des Fixationsorts dargeboten. Beim ersten Versuch, 12 Monate nach dem Unfall, zeigte sich für Distraktoren links des Fixationsortes keinerlei Verlängerung der betroffenen Fixationen. Beim zweiten Versuch, acht Monate später, zeigte sich der Distraktoreffekt auf allen Positionen. Dies lässt sich als Unterstützung der Annahme einer Schädigung der FEF interpretieren, da sich in verschiedenen Studien selbst bei operativer Entfernung der FEF eine deutliche Verringerung der entstandenen Defizite nach einigen Wochen zeigte. Mögliche Alternativen der dargestellten Interpretation wurden an entsprechender Stelle diskutiert. Diese Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass sich ereignisbezogene Verlängerungen der visuellen Fixationsdauer mit dem Rahmenkonzept der OR in Verbindung bringen lassen. Es gilt jedoch zu berücksichtigen, dass eine Reihe weiterer Einflussfaktoren an der Modulation des Effektes beteiligt sind, obwohl es sich offenbar um eine Reaktion subkortikalen Ursprungs handelt.

Schnellläuferstrategien in Lagern und Dynamische Zonierung / Turnover-based Strategies in Warehouses and Dynamic Zoning

Glass, Michael 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Schnellläuferstrategien sind Lagerstrategien, welche den Durchsatz von Lagern durch geeignete Wahl der Lagerorte im Lager steigern. Die verschiedenen existierenden Strategien wurden bisher uneinheitlich beschrieben und umgesetzt. Aussagen zu Durchsatzsteigerungen fallen schwer. Die existierenden Strategien werden systematisiert und als Vergleichsbasis für die neue Strategie "Dynamische Zonierung" herangezogen. Die "Dynamische Zonierung" ist dabei sowohl die einfachste als auch die leistungsfähigste Schnellläuferstrategie. Dafür sorgt die konsequente Anwendung zweier Verfahren, welche bereits einzeln sinnvoll sind, aber erst gemeinsam ihr volles Potential entfalten: Erstens erübrigt die Abbildung der Verweildauerverteilung auf die Fahrzeitverteilung jegliche Zonierung. Damit entfallen die Aufwände für Planung und Berechnung von Zonengrenzen und -zuordnungen. Gleichzeitig kann so die bei Zonenbildung unvermeidliche Abbildungsunschärfe beseitigt werden. Eine von einer optimalen Zuordnung abweichende Lagerortwahl resultiert nun ausschließlich aus Prognosefehlern. Zweites stellt die lagereinheitsbasierte Verweildauerbetrachtung die korrekte Umsetzung des als optimal nachgewiesenen Cube-Per-Order-Kriteriums dar. Ohne Zwang zur Zonenbildung fehlen die der Verwendung lagereinheitsbasierter Verweildauern sonst entgegenstehenden algorithmischen Mehraufwände. Dass auch die Prognose lagereinheitsbasierter Verweildauern für Teile des Sortimentes nicht zu Mehraufwand sondern zur Vereinfachung des Verfahrens führt, spricht zusätzlich für die lagereinheitsbasierte Betrachtung. Auch bei herkömmlicher artikelorientierter Betrachtungsweise kann die Dynamische Zonierung dadurch Leistungsvorteile herausarbeiten. / Turnover-based storage strategies are strategies in warehousing which increase the system throughput by choosing favorable storage locations. Existing strategies have been described and implemented inconsistently when compared to each other. Statements on strategy gains are difficult. Therefore a categorization of turnover-based strategies is devised. The existing strategies serve as basis of comparison for the new strategy "Dynamic Zoning". "Dynamic Zoning" proves to be the simplest turnover-based strategy while giving the highest performance at the same time. This is accomplished by combining two methods. These methods are reasonable when used separately, but only reach their full potential when used together. First, mapping the dwell time (duration of stay) probability distribution to the travel time probability distribution lets zones become obsolete. Efforts to plan and calculate zones can be avoided and the inevitable imprecision when mapping to zones vanishes. Any deviation from the optimal storage location now results from errors in estimation. Second, dwell times must be based on unit loads which is the correct application of the cube-per-order-criterion for optimality. Without the need to use zones this does not result in extra effort to apply the strategy. For a part of the assortment the estimation of unit load dwell times is simpler than before too, making unit load dwell times even more appealing. However, even when using conventional article based dwell time estimates the strategy "Dynamic Zoning" results in higher performance than other strategies.

A Methodology for Scheduling Operating Rooms Under Uncertainty

Davila, Marbelly Paola 01 January 2013 (has links)
An operating room (OR) is considered to be one of the most costly functional areas within hospitals as well as its major profit center. It is known that managing an OR department is a challenging task, which requires the integration of many actors (e.g., patients, surgeons, nurses, technicians) who may have conflicting interests and priorities. Considering these aspects, this dissertation focuses on developing a simulation based methodology for scheduling operating rooms under uncertainty, which reflects the complexity, uncertainty and variability associated with surgery. We split the process of scheduling ORs under uncertainty into two main components. First, we designed a research roadmap for modeling surgical procedure duration (from incision to wound closure) based on the surgery volume and time variability. Then, using a real surgical dataset we modeled the procedure duration using parametric and distribution-free predictive methods. We found that Support Vector Regression performs better that Generalized Linear Models increasing the prediction accuracy on unseen data by at least 5.5%. Next, we developed a simulation based methodology for scheduling ORs through a case study. For that purpose, we initially built one day feasible schedules using the 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th percentiles to allocate surgical procedures to ORs using four different allocation policies. We then used a discrete event simulation model to evaluate the robustness of these initial feasible schedules considering the stochastic duration of all the OR activities and the arrival of surgical emergency cases. We found that on average elective waiting almost doubled the time for the emergency cases. In addition, we observed that there is not a clear effect of how being more conservative in scheduling within each scheduling policy impacts the elective waiting times. By contrast, there is a clear effect of how the scheduling policy and scheduling percentile impact the emergency waiting times. Thus, as we increase the percentile, the waiting times for emergency cases remarkably increases under half of the scheduling policies but reflects a lesser impact under scheduling the other half. OR utilization and OR overtime in a "virtual" eight operating room hospital fluctuate between 67% and 88% and 97 and 111 minutes respectively. Moreover, we noticed that both performance metrics depend not only on the levels of the scheduling policy and scheduling percentile but also are strongly affected by the increase of the emergency arrival rate. Finally, we fit a multivariate-multiple-regression model using the output of the simulation model to assess the robustness of the model and the extent to which these results can be generalized to a single, aggregate hospital goal. Further research should include a true stochastic optimization model to integrate optimization techniques into simulation analysis.

Rethinking the effect of duration on immigrant health : evidence from the National Health Interview Survey (2006-2008) and the New Immigrant Survey (2003)

Li, Jing, 1977- 01 November 2011 (has links)
Past studies often find that, upon arrival U.S. immigrants generally have favorable health profiles than native-born persons, but their health deteriorates with prolonged stay. The classical explanations of this phenomenon are healthy immigrant selection and negative acculturation. With the number of foreign-born people living in the United States reaching an all-time high, the health and financial costs of this “negative acculturation” is substantial. Meanwhile, the negative duration effect on health is contradictory to expectations from classic assimilation theory and what has been observed by labor economists. This study aims to empirically study the effect of duration on immigrant health, with particular attention given to how socioeconomic status differentiates the duration-health relationship. Results based on two national datasets confirmed that immigrants, especially recent arrivals, have a considerably lower risk of worse health relative to native-born adults. I also found that socioeconomic status plays an essential role in the varying level of initial health selectivity among immigrants. The analysis of the interaction effect between duration and SES reveals that duration effects on health vary significantly by socioeconomic status. High SES immigrants tend to experience a non-negative duration effect regardless of their length of U.S. residence, while immigrants with lower socioeconomic standing are more likely to experience a negative duration effect on health with longer duration. Moreover, this study also shows that the initial foreign-born advantages in health are typically larger for persons with low SES than for persons with high SES. However, little evidence suggests there is a health convergence between long-term immigrants and their native-born counterparts with similar socioeconomic status. Potential explanations and implications of these findings are also discussed. / text

Die Effekte der Ca2+-Calmodulin-abhängigen Proteinkinase II (CaMKII) auf die Aktionspotential-morphologie bei mechanischer Last / The effects of Calcium2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) on action potential morphology under mechanical load

Gupta, Shamindra Nath 29 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Poverty and Vulnerability in Vietnam

Tran, Quang-Van 26 September 2013 (has links)
Since doi moi, Vietnam has made remarkable achievements in many frontiers. However, much effort needs to be done to further improve social and economic sectors, particularly in the context of increasing the number of uncertainties. In analyses using household surveys from Vietnam, this dissertation finds that there are discrepancies between monetary and multidimensional measures of poverty in the same time period and as well as over time. The results also show that an additional shock is not always important but physical and human assets are vital determinants of a household's poverty dynamics. Additionally, coping strategies are useful for households to recover from shocks. However, it is not always easy to identify the effects of coping strategies independently from other effects. The findings of this dissertation contribute to the increasing discussion of the discrepancies between monetary and multidimensional poverty, of the vulnerability to poverty, and of the resilience against shocks. They are also useful for evaluation and assessment of poverty alleviating policies in developing countries.

Physical Fitness and Pregnancy

Thorell, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Objectives To assess physical fitness in pregnancy and to evaluate its effect on perceived health, back pain, blood pressure and duration of gestation. Also, to evaluate the effect of serum relaxin levels on blood pressure and duration of gestation. Material and methods A prospective cohort of 520 pregnant women were examined in early pregnancy and five months postpartum with regard to socio-demographic characteristics and estimated peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2 peak, est.). Serum concentrations of relaxin were carried out in early pregnancy. Physical exercise, possible back pain and blood pressure were measured repeatedly throughout pregnancy. Results Absolute V̇O2 peak, est. in early pregnancy was positively correlated to perceived health, which was lower during than after pregnancy. The average absolute V̇O2 peak, est. in early pregnancy of 2.4 l/minute was 0.02 l/minute less than the V̇O2 peak, est. postpartum, while regular physical exercise decreased throughout pregnancy. Absolute V̇O2 peak, est. in early pregnancy was not associated to the incidence of any low back pain location in pregnancy or postpartum, but inversely to intensity of back pain and diastolic blood pressure and positively with duration of gestation. Elevated serum relaxin levels were associated with decreased diastolic blood pressure and higher duration of gestation among women with miscarriage. Conclusions Perceived health, diastolic blood pressure and duration of gestation were positively affected by physical fitness while no effect was shown on the incidence of back pain. The effect of physical fitness on duration of gestation and diastolic blood pressure might have clinical implications as well as the increased serum relaxin levels on miscarriages.

Discrete-time crossing-point estimation for switching power converters

Smecher, Graeme. January 2008 (has links)
In a number of electrical engineering problems, so-called "crossing points" -- the instants at which two continuous-time signals cross each other -- are of interest. Often, particularly in applications using a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), only periodic samples along with a partial statistical characterization of the signals are available. In this situation, we are faced with the following problem: Given limited information about these signals, how can we efficiently and accurately estimate their crossing points? / For example, an audio amplifier typically receives its input from a digital source decoded into regular samples (e.g. from MP3, DVD, or CD audio), or obtained from a continuous-time signal using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). In a switching amplifier based on Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) or Click Modulation (CM), a signal derived from the sampled audio is compared against a deterministic reference waveform; the crossing points of these signals control a switching power stage. Crossing-point estimates must be accurate in order to preserve audio quality. They must also be simple to calculate, in order to minimize processing requirements and delays. / We consider estimating the crossing points of a known function and a Gaussian random process, given uniformly-spaced, noisy samples of the random process for which the second-order statistics are assumed to be known. We derive the Maximum A-Posteriori (MAP) estimator, along with a Minimum Mean-Squared Error (MMSE) estimator which we show to be a computationally efficient approximation to the MAP estimator. / We also derive the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) on estimator variance for the problem, which allows practical estimators to be evaluated against a best-case performance limit. We investigate several comparison estimators chosen from the literature. The structure of the MMSE estimator and comparison estimators is shown to be very similar, making the difference in computational expense between each technique largely dependent on the cost of evaluating various (generally non-linear) functions. / Simulations for both Pulse-Width and Click Modulation scenarios show the MMSE estimator performs very near to the Cramer-Rao bound and outperforms the alternative estimators selected from the literature.

Terminis vienaskilčių piktžolių naikinimas vandens garu / Thermal monocotyledonous weed removal using water vapour

Virbickaitė, Rasa 13 June 2005 (has links)
Subject of investigation - thermal extermination of monocotyledonous weed plant (barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.))) using hot water vapour. Ecological weed control in crops is very important for development of ecological agriculture economy. While carrying out thermal weed extermination, it was noticed that monocotyledonous weeds are difficult to exterminate (to affect) thermally. The analysis of thermal extermination of the monocotyledonous weed plant (barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.))) using wet water vapour is presented in the work. On the basis of temperature spread regularities in barnyard grass tissues established, the main technological indexes of thermal weed extermination using wet water vapour, application of which enables the efficient and ecological control of this difficult to exterminate weed plant, were determined. The data obtained were analysed statistically using the two-factor dispersion analysis. Growth stage efficiency of barnyard grass not dependent on the thermal effect duration, thermal effect duration influence not dependent on growth stages, as well as their interaction was discussed. The aim of this work is investigation of the water vapour thermal impact on the weed plant barnyard grass (echinochloa crus-galli (L.)) in various growth stages, with the purpose of its thermal extermination.

Elektromagnetinių laukų poveikio biodujų išeigai tyrimas / Influence of the Electromagnetic Fields on Biogas Yield

Judickas, Eimantas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu biodujų gamyba, gamybos technologijos yra gana aktualios. Biodujų gamyboje tikslinga taikyti naujausias technologijas norint padidinti biodujų išeigą. Darbo tikslas: Ištirti elektromagnetinių laukų stiprių (H) ir poveikio trukmių (τ) įtaką biodujų išeigai. Atlikus literatūros šaltinių analizę, kai kurie autoriai užsimena apie elektromagnetinių laukų poveikių įtaką biodujų išeigai. Eksperimentiniai tyrimai atlikti Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto biodujų laboratorijoje. Baigiamajame darbe atliktų eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad elektromagnetinių laukų stipriai, šių laukų poveikio trukmė įtakoja biodujų išeigą. / Lately production of biogas and production technology is relevant. In biogas production it is appropriate to apply the newest technologies in order to increase biogas yield. The aim – to research electromagnetic fields strength (heart) and the durations of exposures (τ) influence on biogas yield. After literature analyzing, it was revealed that some authors talk about electromagnetic fields influence on biogas yield. Experimental research was done in university of Aleksandras Stulginskis, biogas laboratory. Thesis results of experimental research shows that electromagnetic fields strengths and that field’s duration of exposure have influence on biogas yield.

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