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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Internationalization Process of Fashion ECCs : A qualitative study investigating the use of exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing a fashion ECC

Lundberg, Anna, Nguyen, Windy, Lavadores Esparza, Claudia January 2019 (has links)
Background The growth of global e-commerce along with technology and information adoption has driven the international expansions of retail firms. Even though e-commerce companies (ECCs) are changing the way businesses operate and generally have fewer physical barriers to new markets, they still face numerous challenges while internationalizing. Dynamic capabilities are found to have an impact on the internationalization process of ECCs, where exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities will be the focus of this study. This topic is particularly relevant for the fashion industry since the industry has the characteristics of being highly dynamic, global and complex. Therefore, this paper will focus on the internationalization process of ECCs in the fashion industry. Purpose Due to limited research regarding the internationalization process of ECCs, the purpose of this study is to seek a deeper understanding concerning the internationalization process of fashion ECCs. In particular, in what way exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities affect the internationalization process of fashion ECCs and how they use these capabilities. Method This is a qualitative study with an abductive research approach. Furthermore, the empirical data was collected from semi-structured in-depth interviews with six international fashion ECCs. Conclusion One main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that all the ECCs use both exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities in their internationalization, and hence, ambidexterity is achieved. Moreover, language, logistics and payment method are three major factors used in both activities and could be an explanation for how fashion ECCs use their exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing.

Firms’ resource allocation between R&D and marketing in their international expansion:a functional level analysis

Haapanen, L. (Lauri) 21 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract For a small and medium size firm (SME), expansion into new foreign markets is a remarkable milestone, requiring specific resources and capabilities. The purpose of this study is to explore how management in internationalizing small and medium-size firms allocate their limited resources between key functions, in particular, between marketing and R&D. This thesis builds on a resource-based view of the firm, a dynamic capabilities perspective, and the SME internationalization literature, and therefore assumes that a firm’s success in foreign markets is closely related to its internal resource and capability configurations. The findings of this study suggest that SMEs need a capability portfolio in which the relative importance of key capabilities varies as international expansion proceeds. It appears that throughout the international expansion process, investments in developing R&D capabilities do not notably decrease, not even at the time when SMEs need to begin to develop other activities, such as marketing. Closer examination reveals that investments in the capabilities’ underlying microfoundations, rather than the resource allocation between the key functions per se, determine the nature of the resulting competitive advantage. Cross-border mergers are specific situations that reveal the strong influence of function-specific microfoundations on functional capabilities and thus, on an SME’s dynamic capabilities. The results of this study show that in merger deals, each firm comes with distinctive cross-functional structures, processes, routines, and skills. Synergies might not be capitalized if management is not able to effectively align merging firms’ underlying microfoundations. The results in this thesis underline the invaluable role of SMEs’ management. The findings show that even if the different phases of international expansion require diverse managerial capabilities, unanimity among the top management team executives is needed (surprisingly) only when these SMEs are making substantial resource commitments. Such adoption to changing conditions is an illustration of dynamic managerial capabilities that partly determines success in international markets. / Tiivistelmä Pienelle yritykselle kansainvälistyminen on merkittävä virstanpylväs, joka edellyttää erityisiä resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiä. Tässä työssä on tarkoitus tutkia, kuinka pienen kansainvälistyvän yrityksen johto kohdentaa yrityksen rajallisia resursseja tuotekehitys- ja markkinointifunktioihin. Väitöskirjassa oletetaan, että pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten menestyminen kansainvälisillä markkinoilla liittyy olennaisesti yritysten käytössä oleviin resursseihin ja kyvykkyyksiin, ja tästä johtuen väitöskirjan teoreettinen osa rakennetaan resurssiteorian, dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien teorian sekä pienten yritysten kansainvälistymistä koskevien tutkimuksien yhdistelmänä. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että pienet yritykset tarvitsevat erityisen kyvykkyysportfolion, jossa eri kyvykkyyksien suhteellinen osuus muuttuu yrityksen kansainvälistymisen edetessä. Näyttäisi siltä, että yritysten investoinnit tuotekehitykseen eivät juuri pienene silloinkaan, kun yritykset aloittavat markkinointiin panostamisen. Lähempi tarkastelu kuitenkin osoittaa, että investoinnit eri funktioihin eivät sinänsä määrää syntyvää kilpailuetua, vaan edun luonne määräytyy sen mukaan, kuinka resurssit kohdennetaan taustalla oleviin kyvykkyyksien (mikro)rakenteisiin. Kansainväliset yrityskaupat ovat erityisiä tapahtumia jotka paljastavat funktiokohtaisten mikrorakenteiden merkittävän vaikutuksen. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että kussakin yksittäisessä fuusioituvassa yrityksessä on omanlaisensa, ajan myötä funktioiden välille muotoutuneet rakenteet, prosessit ja käytänteet. Yrityskauppojen hyödyt voivat jäädä saavuttamatta ellei näitä fuusioituvien yritysten funktioiden välisiä mikrorakenteita saada sujuvasti sulautettua yhteen. Tutkimustulokset korostavat pienen yrityksen johdon merkitystä. Kasvu kansainvälisillä markkinoilla vaatii johdolta erityistä kyvykkyyttä, mutta hieman yllättäen tulokset osoittavat, että johtoryhmän jäsenten yksimielisyys on tärkeää vain niissä kasvun vaiheissa, jotka edellyttävät erityisen merkittäviä sitoumuksia. Tällainen muuttuviin olosuhteisiin sopeutuminen on hyvä osoitus johdon dynaamisista kyvykkyyksistä, jotka osaltaan määräävät yrityksen menestymisen kansainvälisillä markkinoilla.

How Family Influence Impacts Dynamic Capabilities for Service Innovation : A single case study in the hospitality industry

Edberg, Martina, Hammarström, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
With technological advancements rendering customer expectations ever more sophisticated, firms must compete with increasingly complex service offerings to secure their position in the market. For firms in the hospitality industry, innovating their service offerings to cater to these changing customer demands has therefore become a prerequisite to survive. This paper takes a dynamic capability perspective to examine how family firms fare in this rapidly changing environment by examining the role of family influence on their capabilities to engage in service innovation.  The purpose of the study was to describe and explain how family influence impacts dynamic capabilities for service innovation in a family firm within the hospitality industry. The aim of the study was to derive insights on how family influence impacts family firms’ innovation capacity and to stimulate future work in the field of research.  This study is based on an in-depth single case study approach. Empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. Based on a qualitative explorative study using an abductive approach, we were able to develop new combinations of established theoretical models and concepts with findings from our theory and empirical data.  Five attributes of family influence were identified that impact family firms’ capabilities for service innovation - both positively and negatively. The results indicate that family influence can positively impact dynamic sensing capabilitites for service innovation, while the impact of family influence on dynamic seizing and dynamic transforming capabilities for service innovation can be ambiguous. The findings call for continued exploration of the role of family influence on dynamic capabilities for service innovation and family firms’ innovation capacity in general.

Digital dynamic capabilities for digital transformation in SMEs : A qualitative case study across multiple industries

Qvarfordt, Oskar, Aadan, Liiban January 2021 (has links)
Digital advancements are creating increasingly strong external triggers on multiple industries for organizations to achieve strategic renewal through digital transformation. At the heart of this digital transformation lies the capabilities which the organization possesses. The digital dynamic capabilities highlight what capabilities organizations require for said change. This qualitative study examines how digital dynamic capabilities affect digital transformation processes in small and medium sized enterprises (SME) across multiple industries. The thesis accomplishes this by utilizing the digital dynamic capabilities framework and applying it to six different SMEs from different industries. The results show a connection between the digital dynamic capabilities and successful strategic renewal. Furthermore, our findings confirm that digital dynamic capabilities are a process-model, meaning it must be built or used in linear fashion over time for strategic renewal. The thesis also contributes practically by showing how digital dynamic capabilities can be used by managers as a practical tool to evaluate, oversee, and implement digital dynamic capabilities to enhance digital transformation processes in SMEs. Lastly, our empirical findings reveal an additional fourth internal barrier of contentment in the theoretical framework.

When Women Speak up : Sustainability Engagement under A Gender Perspective: An Example of SMEs in Gotland

Costo Pérez, Rosa Jeaneth, Tang, Xiaoxiao January 2021 (has links)
The relationship between Gender Equality (GE) and Sustainability has been analysed for many years, with plenty of studies choosing the angle of the businesses environment to cut in. In addition, SMEs, as the predominant form of enterprise worldwide, are the primary source of employment in most countries. With that in mind, this research scrutinised internal and external drivers to Sustainability Engagement (SE) in Gotland SMEs from a Gender perspective, which presents a probable positive association between GE and SE in SMEs. The study mainly focuses on five female managers’ perceptions of GE and SE, supported by 16 responses to questionnaires. Under the Capabilities Approach (CA) and Dynamic Capabilities theoretical framework, we analyse the specific women managers’ Individual Dynamic Capabilities (IDC) and corporate Dynamic Capabilities, which proves that external and internal factors positively affect corporate SE. The study also introduces a particular psychological model of Social Desirability and Social Approval to delve deeper into female managers sensing mechanisms.

A Theory of Micro-Level Dynamic Capabilities: How Technology Leaders Innovate with Human Connection

Kendall, Lori D. 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

R&D Investments in Family Firms : A Perspective of Swedish Family Firms

Finstorp, Axel, Padang, Ferdinand January 2016 (has links)
Problem: Several extant studies argue that family firm tend to invest less or even tend to avoidR&D investments, yet R&D investments are essential for sustaining competitive advantage of afirm as they facilitate innovation. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances family firms couldalso prefer R&D investments. Departing from these knowledge and drawing upon resource-basedview & dynamic capabilities concepts, this thesis will explore how family firms perceive R&Dinvestments, furthermore, it will investigate factors influencing R&D investments in family firmsthrough an in-depth qualitative approach. Purpose: To explore how family firms perceive R&D investments in the first place by utilizingSwedish family firms as the context which is aimed to provide a new viewpoint on R&Dinvestments in family firms from an in-depth approach. Furthermore, the study extends toinvestigate factors which have influence on whether or not family firms undertake R&Dinvestments Method: The study applies multiple case studies strategy with six cases in total and eightrespondents. To support the study, semi-structured interview is used to collect the data, inaddition to researcher's note. The analysis of empirical findings comprises of two parts, firstly,the empirical findings are presented per case which are followed by the summary of findings fromall cases at the end based on the theoretical lenses. Afterward, a cross-case analysis is conductedto observe emerging patterns which are used to further adapt the preliminary conceptualframework made from frame of references. Conclusions: Family firms according to their views on R&D could be divided into two groups.The first group consists of the firms without a dedicated R&D focus or firms that perceive R&D asembedded activity, while the latter is the firms with dedicated R&D focus. According to the waysthey perceive R&D, they subsequently put different emphasis on R&D investments. The firstgroup is rather reactive toward R&D, while the latter group is more proactive. These differencescould be explained by the internal and external influences (factors) which are found through theuse of resource-based view and dynamic capabilities. The internal factors are specialization,organizational culture and family history, while the external ones are trends and competition.Trends and specialization are found in almost all cases, and they explain the early engagement(without dedicated focus) of R&D in the firms. However, unlike trends, specialization mightpotentially lead to negative propensity toward R&D investments because of the competitiveadvantage gained from being specialized and knowledgeable in certain area. However, whencompetition comes into play, it might shift the circumstance by encouraging the firm to leave its“comfort zone”, thus would encourage R&D endeavors, in particular R&D investments especiallywhen the firm aims to lead in the market. Meanwhile, organizational culture could also be acatalyst for firms to focus on R&D, but it is very dependent on the culture instilled in the firmwhether or not it would encourage R&D. Firms with risk aversion, as suggested by literature andalso found in one of the cases would distance the firm from R&D investments. On the other hand,firms that show continuous learning and failure tolerating within their culture tend to put morefocus on R&D. And the last one, family history, which is found in three cases suggest a positiveinfluence toward R&D investments. The inventive behavior of the founder or former generationsis implanted in the family history, and being preserved by the current generations as corporateidentity or guiding values, of which contribute positively toward R&D investments in the firm.

Additional Value in Project Portfolio Selection : Doing the right things by right valuation – Gains of real options portfolio theory

Trägårdh, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to address the, by scholars and managers alike, expressed need of development in the project portfolio selection. The research will aim to investigate how the selection of innovation projects portfolios could change if flexibility, and with it uncertainty, were added to the project portfolio selection. The aim is further to investigate how options value can be incorporated as additional value to a portfolio selection decision, with the goal to choose projects that maximize the goal function of the firm. Method: This thesis takes a qualitative approach as such approach is favourable when studying social science. The empirical research is carried out at a large international company conducting in an extensive amount of R&D as well working with innovation projects. The data is collected by unstructured and semi structured interviews with management at the company subjected to the study. Results: The results show, that by adapting the real options framework to a static way of selecting projects, the incorporation of flexibility to the selection process can add economic value by accounting for options value and handle uncertainty. The real options framework will substantiate a dynamic approach to the selection process of innovation projects, as flexibility is changing the selection process from individual project selection to the selection of portfolios. / Syfte: Syftet med följande uppsats är belysa och utveckla det, av forskare och chefer, uttryckta behov av utveckling av projektportföljval. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur valet av innovationsprojekt genom portföljvalsmodeller kan förändras om flexibilitet och osäkerhet adderas till beslutsprocessen. Syftet är vidare att undersöka hur ytterligare värde kan inkorporeras i ett beslut, med målet att välja den portfölj som maximerar företagets målfunktion. Metod: Denna uppsats tar en kvalitativ metodansats då ett sådant tillvägagångssätt är fördelaktigt i studier av samhällsvetenskap. Den empiriska undersökningen har bedrivits på ett stort internationellt företag vilket deltar i ett omfattande FoU arbete, samt i stor skala arbetar med innovationsprojekt. Data har samlats in genom ostrukturerade samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledningen på företaget. Slutsatser: Resultaten visar att genom att inkorporera reella optioner, i en statisk beslutsprocess, så kan ett bättre beslutsunderlag genereras genom inkluderandet av osäkerhet och värdet av optioner. Ett sådant beslutsunderlag genereras genom att real options adderar flexibilitet till urvalsprocessen. Genom att inkorporera flexibilitet kommer en statisk metod att välja individuella projekt på, skifta till fördel för en dynamisk metod att välja portföljer.

在服務經濟環境體系下企業流程管理能力成熟度模型 / The Maturity of Business Process-Management Capabilities in a Service-Based Economy

莊薏臻, Chuang,Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Global investment in process-management technology has vastly increased for the purpose of integrating both external and internal processes with aligned resources to adapt to the changing environment of the service-based economy. The management of business processes in the service-based economy requires dynamic capabilities in order to continuously integrate knowledge, coordinate activities, learn from experience, and reinvent services to acquire and retain customers. A growing pattern within the characteristics of path dependency has been observed in the development of process management capabilities, which evolved from awareness to optimization. This paper reports the findings of a study of the development of process-management capabilities in six companies across two different industries. By tracking the growth of its process-management capabilities, three points are made: (1) organizations develop their business process-management capabilities through five stages, which are awareness, repetition, standardization, management, and optimization; (2) each maturity level is characterized by different business focuses, process designs, knowledge management, measurement methods, and management attitudes; and (3) the development path is characterized by ups and downs and is influenced by both external and internal changes.

Managing growth in a socially responsible way: a case study of Russian companies

Andrey, Krysanov, Shakotko, Mariia January 2014 (has links)
The problem of achieving and sustaining growth is vital for companies in any country market, but it is even more crucial for companies in an emerging market, such as Russia. Meanwhile, some companies in the Russian market succeed not only in growing but also in implementing several socially oriented activities and projects in their strategies. Thus, we identify what are the possible obstacles to growth in the industrial and internal firm environment like, and analyze how companies overcome them. Besides that, we aim to study the forms of corporate social responsibility activity, that Russian companies are engaged in, and how consistent this activity is with the companies' strategies and goals. We have conducted a qualitative case study of five Russian companies, which represent different segments of IT industry. The semi-structured interviews with the managers from the company have been the main sources of the empirical data, however some additional secondary data has also been used. Further on, the gathered empirical data served the materiel for the analysis of the dynamic capabilities the companies possess to overcome the growth challenges they encounter, what strategic innovation processes they implement in their strategies and if there are some socially oriented activities, including particular projects, that the companies are engaged in. If a company practices a certain socially oriented activity then the consistency of this activity with the company's strategy and goals has been analyzed. As social activities are seen as a prerequisite for sustainable business we also analyze if the companies bring natural value to the society and the environment. The results show that the companies with rather high growth figures may lack certain dynamic capabilities, which are or will be needed to overcome a particular growth challenge. Four of the five companies prove to act proactively, thus they have the prerequisite for strategic innovations. These companies also implemented different types of strategic innovation, although not the radical one.For those companies, that are engaged in socially oriented activities, these activities are seen as consistent with the companies' strategies.Meanwhile, only one company implements environmental-friendly solutions, thus it comes closest to running sustainable business. The general provided recommendations for the companies are to develop lacking dynamic capabilities to overcome growth challenges, to act proactively in order to be ready to implement strategic innovations and develop and keep their social activities consistent with their strategies.

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