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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj a proměny Československé a České televize v 80. a 90. letech 20. století očima zaměstnanců / Development and transformation of Czechoslovak and Czech television in 1980s and 1990s

Zemanová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe, through the oral history method, the development and certain changes of the Czechoslovak and later Czech television in the 1980s and 1990s as observed by ordinary employees of this institution. The work focuses on the everyday lives of technical and administrative workers and it is delimited by the years 1980 and 1998 which was the year the tenure of Ivo Mathé, the first general manager of CT, ended. The main subjects of interest are the basic work conditions such as salaries, working hours and employee care arising from the collective bargaining agreement. Furthermore, the work deals with the workplace atmosphere and relationships, and loyalty of the employees towards the institution. Apart from the description of the respective topics the work aims to cover the changes of everydayness in connection with the So-called transformation of the society, or compare the 1980s with the time following the November of 1989.

Život v jednom podniku. Elektropřístroj Písek. Průzkum české společnosti v období 60. - 80. let. / Lifetime in one company. Elektropřístroj Písek. Survey of Czech society in 60. - 80. years.

Schwubová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Abstrat: The aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the everyday life of employees of Elektropřístroj Písek, by using the methods of oral history and other archival sources. Every single period of time was affected by building a socialist society and its consolidation. Helping the farmers by patronage of JZD was later replaced by a companionship with a soviet enterprise. Also work and social conditions were changing during particular periods of the comunist regime. A democratisation process and a more free society that culminated in the year of Prague Spring, which was reflected both in employees' initiative and in the company organization and its economy, was characteristic of the sixties of the last century. The August invasion ment a sudden change and the following period of condition consolidation completely suppressed liberal tendencies of previous development. The whole period is completed by stagnation in the eighties, atempts of ecomonic revival after M. Gorbačov's appointment, the revolution in 1989 and denationalization of the company during main privatization. Key words: industrial enterprise, central planning, normalization, transformation, oral history, everydayness

Vliv on-line identity ze světa Damokles na každodennost / The Influence of On-line Identity from the World of Damokles on Everydayness

Beseda, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The Influence of On-line Identity from the World of Damokles on Everydayness Abstract The doctoral thesis focuses on on-line world Damokles and its users. It investigates how their on-line identity influences their everyday off-line life. It also focuses on the way the social ties and networks are created among its users and how on-line community is constructed. I especially focus on the mutual impact of on-line and off-line activities of Damokles users. I based the research on qualitative methodology, especially engaged observation of members of Damokles community in the on-line realm as well as during their off-line activities; informal, semi-structured dialogues with the members of the community; and analysis and interpretation of texts from the world Damokles and about the world Damokles. I classify my work under the new anthropological sub- discipline, cyberanthropology, which studied humans and changes of human existence in the context of modern computer information and communication technologies (Soukup 2009, 138). I also deal with the specifics of this anthropological sub- discipline and issues connected with research in the on-line realm. Key words: cyberanthropology, on-line worlds, everydayness, on- line community, ethnography, time, identity

In Search of the Ooey Gooey Good

Clay, Lauren Ashley 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores ideas of everydayness, the mundane, and the repetitive emptiness of consumer culture. It looks at the malaise that plagues everyday life and examines several attempts throughout history to break from its grips which revolve around a search for a more ideal state. This research includes utopias of modernism, the transcendental, the communal living of Shakers and Early Christians, ascetic monks and The Desert Fathers. These ideas have shaped my studio practice as I construct installations based on worlds which allude to the eternal, the otherworldly, and the fragility of our physical world when compared to more eternal spiritual archetypes.

Být učitelem na valašské venkovské škole v první polovině 20. století / To be a teacher at wallachian village school in the first half of the 20th century

Mikačová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the position and everydayness of Valašsko region teachers at primary schools in the first half of 20th century. Firstly the thesis discusses the range of the Valašsko region and a diversity of its definition, then it deals with the characteristics of Valašsko education system in comparison to other regions. The situation illustrates with the example of one - class school Na Soláni. It describes Valašsko pupil, his living conditions and food. The teacher is characterized not only as an educator but also as a person with his personal interests. The last two chapters provide a probe into the fates of two teachers - Metoděj Jahn (a teacher, a writer, a folklorist) and Cyril Mach (a teacher, an organizer of social life, a promoter of tourism and a progressives). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Novas subjetividades subalternas na cidade: cultura, comunicação e espacialidade / New subaltern subjectivities in the city: culture, communication and spatiality.

Silva, Fabiana Felix do Amaral e 06 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho discute as possibilidades de construção de ações emancipatórias frente às imposições hegemônicas. Para tanto, buscou-se compreender as práticas construídas nas ambiências das classes subalternas, em especial sua relação com o espaço no contexto da cidade. Tal relação foi discutida a partir do entendimento da comunicação e cultura como campo investigativo e da consideração do espaço como eixo articulador das novas subjetividades subalternas. Ao tomar como objeto de estudo o trabalho realizado pela Rede Livre Leste, o que se buscou, nesta pesquisa, foi mapear aspectos das novas subjetividades subalternas, analisando suas práticas culturais e seus processos comunicativos. Assim, avaliaram-se as potencialidades de constituição de novos fluxos emancipatórios diante da imposição das forças hegemônicas, ou seja, procurou-se estimar a viabilidade da constituição de espacialidades subalternas. / This paper discussed about the possibilities of the constructions of emancipatory actions before the hegemonic impositions in understanding the practices built in the ambiences of subaltern classes, especially its relationship with espace in the city context. These relationships have been discussed from the understanding of communication and culture as investigative field and taking into account the espace as the articulator central line of the new subaltern subjectivities. By taking as the study aim the work done by Rede Livre Leste, this paper aimed to map the aspects of the new subaltern subjectivities, analysing its cultural practices and its communicative processes to evaluate the potentialities of constitution of new emancipatory flows before the imposition of the hegemonic forces, that is, it was attempted to estimate the viability of the constitution of the subaltern spatialities.

Filosofia politica dello spazio : il programma di ricerca di Henri Lefebvre e le sue conseguenze teoriche / Philosophy of space : the program research of Henri Lefebvre and its theoretical consequences / Philosophie politique de l'espace : le programme de recherche d'Herni Lefebvre et ses conséquences théoriques

De Simoni, Simona 11 April 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, on analyse la conception de l’espace formulée par Henri Lefebvre entre la fin des années cinquante et la moitié des années soixante-dix, cherchant à identifier les articulations théorico-politiques les plus importantes et leurs possibles développements. Le premier chapitre est consacré à l’analyse lefebvrienne de la métropole fordiste : le rôle de l’espace dans la production de la quotidienneté, comme organisation systémique de la reproduction sociale. Le deuxième chapitre examine le passage à la « société urbaine » : l’explosion progressive de l’espace d’accumulation keynésiano-fordiste et la formation d’un nouveau sujet de classe, irréductible à l’image du prolétaire industriel. Enfin, le troisième chapitre approfondit la conception constructiviste de l’espace élaborée par Lefebvre et l’hypothèse d’une critique de l’économie politique de l’espace. Un parcours qui conduit à la description d’un modèle articulé et complexe de l’espace politique, centré sur les processus d’urbanisation, rescaling et mondialisation. La thèse illustre de manière globale le parcours théorique qui à partir de l’examen d’une spatialité keynésiano-fordiste conduit Lefebvre à l’analyse de l’« espace néolibéral » émergeant , pour en discuter de manière critique l’actualité. / In this work, we analyze the conception of the space elaborated by Henri Lefebvre between the late fifties and the first half of the seventies, seeking to identify the most important theoretical and political articulations and their possible developments. The first chapter is devoted to Lefebvre’s analysis of Fordist metropolis: the role of the space in the production of everydayness, as a systemic organization of social reproduction. The second chapter examines the transition to “urban society”: the progressive explosion of Keynesian-Fordist space and the formation of a new class subject, irreducible to the image of the industrial proletarian. The third chapter deepens the constructivist conception of the space developed by Lefebvre, and the hypothesis of a critique of the political economy of the space. A path that leads to the description of an articulated and complex model of political space, focusing on the process of urbanization, rescaling and globalization. The dissertation shows comprehensively the theoretical movement, which from the examination of a Keynesian-Fordist spatiality leads Lefebvre to the analysis of the emerging “neoliberal space”, to critically discuss its actuality. / In questo lavoro si analizza la concezione dello spazio formulata da Henri Lefebvre tra la fine degli anni Cinquanta e la metà degli anni Settanta, cercando di individuare gli snodi teorico-politici più importanti e i possibili sviluppi. Il primo capitolo è dedicato all'analisi lefebvriana della metropoli fordista: al ruolo dello spazio nella produzione della quotidianità come organizzazione sistemica della riproduzione sociale. Nel secondo capitolo si esamina il passaggio alla «società urbana»: l'esplosione progressiva dello spazio di accumulazione keynessiano-fordista e la formazione di un nuovo soggetto di classe, non riducibile all'immagine del proletariato industriale. Nel terzo capitolo, infine, vengono approfondite la concezione costruttivistica dello spazio elaborata da Lefebvre e l'ipotesi di una critica dell'economia politica dello spazio. Un percorso che conduce alla descrizione di un modello articolato e complesso dello spazio politico incentrato sui processi di urbanizzazione, riscaling e mondializzazione. Complessivamente, la tesi illustra il percorso teorico che, dalla disamina di una spazialità keynessiano-fordista, conduce Lefebvre all'analisi dello «spazio neoliberale» emergente e ne discute criticamente l'attualità.

Novas subjetividades subalternas na cidade: cultura, comunicação e espacialidade / New subaltern subjectivities in the city: culture, communication and spatiality.

Fabiana Felix do Amaral e Silva 06 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho discute as possibilidades de construção de ações emancipatórias frente às imposições hegemônicas. Para tanto, buscou-se compreender as práticas construídas nas ambiências das classes subalternas, em especial sua relação com o espaço no contexto da cidade. Tal relação foi discutida a partir do entendimento da comunicação e cultura como campo investigativo e da consideração do espaço como eixo articulador das novas subjetividades subalternas. Ao tomar como objeto de estudo o trabalho realizado pela Rede Livre Leste, o que se buscou, nesta pesquisa, foi mapear aspectos das novas subjetividades subalternas, analisando suas práticas culturais e seus processos comunicativos. Assim, avaliaram-se as potencialidades de constituição de novos fluxos emancipatórios diante da imposição das forças hegemônicas, ou seja, procurou-se estimar a viabilidade da constituição de espacialidades subalternas. / This paper discussed about the possibilities of the constructions of emancipatory actions before the hegemonic impositions in understanding the practices built in the ambiences of subaltern classes, especially its relationship with espace in the city context. These relationships have been discussed from the understanding of communication and culture as investigative field and taking into account the espace as the articulator central line of the new subaltern subjectivities. By taking as the study aim the work done by Rede Livre Leste, this paper aimed to map the aspects of the new subaltern subjectivities, analysing its cultural practices and its communicative processes to evaluate the potentialities of constitution of new emancipatory flows before the imposition of the hegemonic forces, that is, it was attempted to estimate the viability of the constitution of the subaltern spatialities.

Geografie náboženství z feministické perspektivy / The geographies of religion from a feminist perspective

Klingorová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on the postsecularisation thesis which highlights the increasing role of religion nowadays. In the postmodern society, religion is understood not only as an objective truth, but also as the individual experience of a person. In relation to societal changes, a new paradigm has appeared - the new geographies of religion - which incorporates the individuality of a person into the discussion about religion in space. The study of religion as an individual experience could be significantly enhanced by feminist approaches which enable the inclusion of personal experiences. Therefore, the thesis contributes to the current direction of the geographies of religion connecting these with feminist approaches. The contribution of feminist approaches is assessed from the theoretical and empirical point of view. Feminist approaches develop themes of hierarchy, everydayness, emotionality, and embodiment, and thus contribute to the research on religion in a postsecular context. The empirical goal of the thesis is to consider the creation of sacred place and how religion frames the everyday experience of women. The thesis seeks to enrich Czech cultural geography with religious experience as another element forming space. The methodological framework uses the potential of a combination of...

Analýza rytmů a proměna místa: Náplavka Rašínovo nábřeží / Rhythmanalysis and the changes of the place: Rašín riverside embankment

Kravka, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of rhythms (Lefebvre 2004) at Prague's Rašín Embankment (náplavka Rašínova nábřeží). This thesis would also focus on the observation of the spatiotemporal changes of this place in a long term. I carried out qualitative interviews with actors who co-create the rhythms of this place with their managerial and entrepreneurial activities and added them to long-term continual visits and sensory perception of the place, along with the study of specialized historical publications. The analysis of the rhythms based on long-term participant observation was followed by an interpretation of what they actually tell us about everyday social reality of this place at specific times and how this space is produced by those rhythms. In this thesis I also used related concepts like chronotope (Crang, 2001; Osman, Mulíček, Seidenglanz, 2010, 2015) and chronopolis (Osman, Mulíček, Seidenglanz 2011, 2017). This thesis shows that nowadays the eurhythmia of this place is created by non- disruptive movement of local visitors such as walkers, runners and cyclists along the embankment, by regularly organized farmers' market and other events as well as by the flow of the Vltava river and its rhythms, by all means of transport on the local roads, bridges and the Vltava river. From the...

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