Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EXTERNALITY"" "subject:"[enn] EXTERNALITY""
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The Opportunity Cost of Climate Policy: A Question of ReferenceRezai, Armon January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The cost of climate policy depends on the no-policy alternative without which the opportunity cost of climate action cannot be determined. This reference path has to reflect the current failure in the market for carbon emissions: due to a negative externality, private
investment decisions do not consider the climate damage they entail; agents overinvest in conventional capital and underinvest in climate capital. Internalization of climate damage lowers the private return to capital; agents reduce investment in favor of mitigation and consumption. Optimal climate mitigation increases welfare of the present and
the future. Simulation of the inefficient no-policy scenario in DICE-07 confirms that this point numerically. (author's abstract)
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Prostorové externality v dopravě na příkladu Prahy / Spatial externalities in transport: Prague case studyTomášek, Radek January 2013 (has links)
Spatial externalities in transport: Prague case study Summary: This diploma thesis deals with spatial externalities in transport, namely occupation of land in the centre of Prague. It is divided into eleven chapters, which are further divided into individual subchapters. Literature review, in which the theoretical part of this work is contained, deals with the issue of externalities in transport and real estate evaluation and is listed in chapter four to seven. Practical part of thesis, which is primarily focused on quantifying and evaluating of occupation of land is contained in chapter eight. In its introduction there is also mentioned the methodology of work, including the data and programs used. Following part is a brief description of the monitored area. Based on the results of quantification and evaluation of occupation of land by the transport infrastructure there is subsequently elaborated discussion of possible use of the acquired knowledge. Ninth chapter is the conclusion in which the objectives of this work are repeated and thanks to their fulfilment also answers to the research questions that the author put in the introduction. Key words: externalities, sustainable transport, occupation of land, land evaluation, paid parking zones
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Environmentálně orientované dotační programy v ČR - na příkladu rozvoje a podpory včelařství / Environmentally-Oriented Subsidy Programs in Czech Republic, with Example of Development and Support in BeekeepingZíková, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals wiht the subsidies as a tool for solving positive externalities in the environmental field. The theoretical part explains the principle of externalities, and offers three variants of their solution - a system of taxes and subsidies, according to A.C. Pigou, the negotiation of compensation, according to R. Coase, and connected property. From these theoretical concepts are in reality to solve positive externalities mainly used subsidies. Selected subsidies programs for environmental protection are subject to the following analysis. Classic example of positive externality is considered pollination activity of bees. Therefore, the second half of thesis describes how this agricultural sector, beekeeping, depends on subsidies. This thesis proposes another solutions to develop and streamline the sector without the use of subsidies.
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Cooperação intermunicipal no âmbito do SUS. / Intermunicipal cooperation facing the public policy of health of the SUS - Brazil.Rodrigues, Antonio Alves 24 September 2003 (has links)
Realizou-se um estudo das interações entre vários agentes que poderiam estar envolvidos com a estruturação de uma cooperação intermunicipal voltada à política pública de saúde. Pudemos observar que as estruturas formatadas ocorrem como uma combinação linear de plenamente espontânea, quando, então, há a interação dos personagens a nível municipal, a totalmente induzida, quando, então, a capacidade de coerção exercida pela União é suficiente para induzir os Municípios a adotarem uma postura de compartilhamento dos recursos a nível regional. De qualquer forma, o estudo verificou que interferem na formatação de uma estrutura de cooperação algumas variáveis tais como as externalidades, a motivação e incentivos, as instituições e suas alterações, a capacidade de coordenação e de solubilidade da assimetria informacional, entre outras. Assim sendo, desenhamos um arcabouço teórico apoiado nas teorias tradicional de finanças públicas, de escolha coletiva, de contratos e na institucional, a fim de esmiuçarmos dois exemplos diametralmente polarizados: a estruturação da cooperação na forma de uma coalizão por meio de um consórcio intermunicipal e a estruturação da cooperação na forma de convênios por meio da institucionalização de normas operacionais editadas pelo SUS. / A study on the interactions between several agents that could be involved with the arrangement of an intermunicipal cooperation facing the public policy of health has taken place. We could observe that the formatted structures happen as a linear combination of plenarily spontaneous, when, thus, there is the interaction of the personages at a municipal level, totally induced, when, hence, the coercion capacity set forth by the Union is enough to induce municipal districts to adopt a resourcesharing deportment at a regional level. Nevertheless, the study has verified that some variables interfere in the formulation of a structure of cooperation, such as the externalities, motivation and incentives, institutions and its modifications, the capacity of coordination and solubility of informational asymmetry, among many others. Therefore, we have designed a theoretical structure sustained on the theories of traditional public finances, of public choice, of contracts and on the institutional, aiming to crumble two diametrically polarized examples: the formulation of the cooperation as a coalition through an inter-municipal consortium and the arrangement of cooperation as pacts, which are made by the institutionalization of operational norms edited by SUS.
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Organisation et financement de la gestion des déchets ménagers dans les villes de l'Afrique Subsaharienne : le cas de la ville de Cotonou au Bénin / Organization and financing of the management of household waste in the cities of Sub Saharan Africa : a case study of Cotonou, Benin Sumary : recent attempts explaining the links betweenGbinlo, Roch 26 November 2010 (has links)
Les tentatives récentes d’explication des liens entre l’économique et l’environnement ont permis de mettre en chantier de nouveaux domaines de recherches à priori, forts intéressants. La question globale qui se pose aux villes de l’Afrique Sub-saharienne est de savoir comment les autorités peuvent gérer de façon durable les déchets ménagers qui ne cessent de croître. Cette thèse aborde cette question au travers deux préoccupations importantes. Bien que la gestion des déchets ménagers ait été confiée à des acteurs privés, l’efficacité attendue n’est pas obtenue. En mobilisant les éléments de la théorie des externalités et de la théorie des contrats, nous avons montré que pour une intervention des acteurs privés dans le secteur des déchets ménagers soit efficace, il faut que les deux acteurs (municipalité et acteurs privés) puissent se mettre en rapport pour surmonter les difficultés relatives à l’asymétrie d’information et au comportement opportuniste qui risquent de faire obstacle à l’échange. La deuxième préoccupation concerne la responsabilisation des ménages quant aux déchets qu’ils produisent. Les études empiriques menées montrent d’une part qu’une tarification incitative dans les quartiers de haut et moyen standing permettra à la fois à la municipalité de mobiliser des ressources financières supplémentaires pour financer le service et d’autre part de réduire le volume des déchets destiné à la décharge finale. D’autre part, la promotion du tri à la source accompagnée de la mise en place d’un marché parfait de récupération de déchets triés incitera les ménages à faible revenu et vivant dans les quartiers de bas standing à participer au tri. / Recent attempts explaining the links between economy and environment allowed to start interesting new horizons of research. The main question that arises for the cities of Sub-Saharan Africa is to know how the authorities can sustainably manage the growing household waste. This thesis addresses this issue with two important concerns. Although the management of household wastehas been outsourced to private players, the expected effectiveness is not obtained. By mobilizing elements of the theory of externalities and contract theory, we showed that for effective private intervention in the household waste sector, it is necessary that the two actors (municipality and privateactors) could have a strong connection to overcome the difficulties related to the asymmetry of information and opportunistic behavior that generates the risk of having barrier for exchange. The second concern is related to the households’ responsibility for the waste they produce. The Empirical studies show, on the one hand, that pricing incentive in the areas of upper and middle class willenable, at the same time, the Municipality to generate the additional financial resources for financing their service and, on the other hand, to reduce the volume of waste destined for final discharge. Secondly, promotion of source separation accompanied by the establishment of a perfect market recovery of sorted waste encourages low-income households and inhabitants in the neighborhood of lower classes to participate in sorting.
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Školné na vysokých školách v podmínkách České republiky - ano či ne? / Tuition at universities in the CR - yes or no?Mahdík, Miloslav January 2007 (has links)
Prioritně se tato práce (za pomoci především zahraniční literatury) pokuší analyzovat a zhodnotit ekonomickou podstatu statků ?vzdělávání? a ?vysokoškolské vzdělávání? včetně deskripce a zhodnocení školného z hlediska přístupu obecné ekonomické teorie. Následně je pojednáno o konkrétní situaci na trhu s vysokoškolským vzděláváním v České republice a zhodnoceny dopady neschválení školného (jsou-li jaké) na jeho aktuální stav.
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Every Story Paints a Picture Don't It? Writing Stories of Comic Shopes, Barbershops, and Other Ethnographic StopsHerrmann, Andrew F. 01 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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網路外部性下的市場演化 / Market evolution with network externality魏全志, Wei, Chuan Chih Unknown Date (has links)
現今的科技產品環境,當新產品進入市場時,因為舊有產品使用者建構的網路外部性下,不容易開拓其市佔率。過去討論網路外部性的文獻中,大多僅探討一項新產品與舊有產品競爭的情況。然而,現實中往往出現多項產品同時在市場上競爭。本文模型建立在Jassen and Mendys (2007) 上,來探討擁有較高網路外部性之舊產品,面臨同時出現兩項品質較好之新產品時,市場佔有率的分佈樣貌。此模型中,存在於市場上的消費者對品質及網路外部性的偏好為異質,且模型中的消費者每期皆會重複購買該產品。本文發現,三項產品同時存在於市場上的穩定均衡解不存在,且市場均衡解將會出現在僅剩品質最優的新產品及既存舊產品共存的市場下,品質居中的產品無法存活於市場。新產品品質與舊產品品質間的差距不大時,舊產品仍然主導市場;若新產品品質明顯優於既有產品品質時,則新產品會拿下整個市場。且當品質優勢超過八分之一時,新產品將很快地占領整個市場。 / The market today is a harsh environment for new firms introducing new technologies into it, because users of existing products have already constructed a tough network which cannot be shaken easily. On network externality, previous researches only analyzed the condition of one new product competing with one old product. However, in reality, there are often more than two products competing with each other in the market.
Based on Jassen and Mendys (2007), our model further discusses the outcome of the competition between two new superior products and an old inferior product. Consumers have different preferences of the quality and network externality of a product, and buy one product in each period. The outcome reveals that there is no stable equilibrium solution, when three products co-exist in the market. Stable equilibrium solution exists when there are only two products, the best one and the worst one, in the market. The product with middle quality cannot survive.
Also, old products can still possess the most part of the market when the quality differs subtly between new and old products. But when the quality of new products is apparently higher than that of old products, then new products could take over the whole market. We discovered that the quality difference must be greater than 0.125 for new products to dominate the market quickly.
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貿易自由化下最適環境政策 / The effects of trade liberalization on environmental policy劉姿妤, Liu, Tzu-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:(1) 不論廠商的競爭型態為何,政府會將最適污染稅稅率訂在低於污染所造成的邊際環境損害之水準。(2) 不論廠商的競爭型態為何,貿易自由化會提升最適污染稅稅率。(3) 在廠商進行 Cournot 競爭時,貿易自由化將提升環境品質。(4) 在廠商進行 Bertrand 競爭時,關稅調降與否,須考量商品間的替代程度,在商品替代程度很低時,貿易自由化的結果將使環境品質向下沉淪。 / This thesis develops a two-stage game to investigate the strategies of government and firms concerning negative externalities associated with consumption. It also discusses the linkages between trade liberalization and environmental policy, namely, the effect of tariff reduction due to trade liberalization on environmental policy and environmental quality. Most of the literature on strategic environmental policy only considers negative externalities associated with production, but this thesis deals with negative externalities associated with consumption.
Several conclusions emerge: First, the optimal pollution tax is less than the marginal pollution damage. Second, the environmental tax increases as a consequence of a tariff reduction. Third, if firms compete in terms of quantity, environmental quality could be improved by liberalizing trade. Finally, if firms compete in terms of price, when the degree of goods substitutability is low, trade liberalization may lead to a “race to the bottom” in environmental quality.
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A study about the key factors affecting users to accept Chunghwa Telecom's Multimedia on DemandHuang, Ling-Yi 08 February 2006 (has links)
With the development of the broadband and the digital technology, different medium could integrate and converge together and the boundaries become dimmer and dimmer. For example, Chunghwa Telecom¡¦s (CHT) Multimedia On Demand service crossed the boundary and entered the digital visual industry in March, 2004.
CHT¡¦s MOD is based on the television and through ADSL to offer the digital interactive TV service, making broadband from the study to the living room. Above the service platform, it could not only transmit the visual message, but also the voice and data messages. This kind of business model will be the operational target of the broadband suppliers in the future.
However, there are some problems on the promotional pace of CHT¡¦s MOD mow. Based on the results of the earlier researches, the reason why the interactive visual service could not promote successfully is the government and companies put too much emphases on the technical infrastructure, but they all neglect the market situation and the customers¡¦ usages. But, in order to popularize one kind of new media technology, understanding the conditions of the target audiences accurately is the most important mission. Therefore, this research will take CHT¡¦s MOD as an example to understand the key factors which will influence the target audiences to accept the new media technology. And we will see the viewpoints of users.
This research will take the Technology Acceptance Model as the main framework and combine the innovation characteristics, such as the compatibility, Trialability and observability. Moreover, we also take subject norm, network externality and new media technology self ¡Vefficacy into account.
Through our survey and analysis, we could also prove the originate TAM again and our extended model is more explicative than the originated one. As TAM says, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will influence the behavioral intention to use directly. And perceived usefulness is the most powerful variable in the model. Other variables will influence the perceived usefulness or perceived ease of use. For instance, subjective norm and network externality have the positive and remarkable effect on perceived usefulness. And new media technology self ¡Vefficacy has the direct effects on the perceived ease of use. On the other hand, among the innovation characteristics, the compatibility and observability have the direct effects on the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, but trialability doesn¡¦t. That says, the more compatibility and observability are, the stronger perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are.
From the outcome of this research, we could understand the key factors of affecting the behavioral intention to accept CHT¡¦s MOD. And it could be the reference for the operators. Furthermore, all variables included in this research will affect the behavioral intention intensely. When we talk about such kind of information system with entertainments, the motivational variables could be considered.
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