Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FACEBOOK"" "subject:"[enn] FACEBOOK""
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Inteligencia competitiva de promociones aplicando ontologías de dominio en Facebook de empresas de telecomunicaciones del PerúColchado Ruiz, Geraldo 22 May 2018 (has links)
El mercado de telecomunicaciones en el Perú es muy competitivo y es uno de los sectores económicos que más crecimiento tuvo en los últimos años lo que se refleja en que actualmente existan más celulares que población. Las 5 empresas de telecomunicaciones (Operadores) ofrecen sus promociones en redes sociales, principalmente en Facebook, para mantener a sus clientes existentes y obtener nuevos clientes. Hay una gran cantidad de datos en Facebook escrita en lenguaje natural sin significado para el computador que los operadores no están utilizando para tener Inteligencia Competitiva. La Inteligencia Competitiva es un proceso que identifica las necesidades de información de los tomadores de decisiones acerca de los competidores, recolecta datos de fuentes públicas y legales, les da significado o semántica y los analiza para dar respuesta a las necesidades de información comunicando los resultados a los tomadores de decisiones. En esta tesis se propone e implementa un proceso de Inteligencia Competitiva de promociones para los operadores que incluye la recolección de 15,634 posts y 1,411,698
comentarios de Facebook como corpus, el proceso de creación manual de una ontología de dominio en telecomunicaciones con 119 palabras, 27 conceptos y 6 relaciones en 5 niveles jerárquicos, la clasificación de los posts usando la ontología de telecomunicaciones, el proceso de creación semiautomático de una ontología de dominio en polaridad a partir de WordNet en español y SentiWordNet con 9,344 palabras, el análisis de polaridad o clasificación de polaridad positiva, negativa o neutra de cada comentario, la implementación de una aplicación web para que los
tomadores de decisiones puedan realizar búsquedas de posts basadas en la ontología de telecomunicaciones y responder a sus necesidades de información o preguntas relevantes y la implementación de una aplicación web que compara los resultados de los posts por operador en un formato de línea de tiempo incluyendo comentarios positivos y negativos logrando la Inteligencia Competitiva. El proceso de Inteligencia Competitiva como el proceso de creación de la ontología de dominio en telecomunicaciones podrían ser aplicados en empresas de telecomunicaciones de otros países y también en otros contextos donde existan varios competidores que ofrezcan productos o servicios equivalentes que puedan compararse. El proceso de creación de ontología en polaridad puede ser replicado por otros investigadores para análisis de polaridad en otros idiomas distintos al inglés y español dada la disponibilidad de WordNet en varios idiomas. / Tesis
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Svensklärares samtal om surfplattor i en Facebookgrupp / Swedish teacher’s dialogues about tablets in a Facebook groupJohansson, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
En splittrad bild av surfplattor presenteras i media där positiva och negativa åsikter debatterasmot varandra. Tidigare forskningsstudier visar att ett fördels- och nackdelsperspektiv ofta undersöks genom intervju- och enkätstudier. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur svensklärare genom inlägg i en Facebookgrupp talar med varandra om surfplattor. Till grund för studiens resultat ligger analyserade inlägg rörande surfplattor som har publicerats på internet i en Facebookgrupp. Inläggen har publicerats i en grupp för svensklärare och är offentliggjorda av lärare på eget initiativ. Inläggen har analyserats med hjälp av interpersonell textanalys. Studiens resultat visar att sättet som lärare samtalar om surfplattor i ett socialt medium skiljer sig mot hur deras tal framförs i intervju- och enkätstudier. I resultatet framkom de att lärare i Facebookgruppen ställer många frågor och är intresserade av att lösa problem och situationer som uppstår i det dagliga arbetet. Positiva och negativa åsikter rörande surfplattor framkom också beträffande situationer som uppstår på grund av surfplattor.
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Uso y soporte social percibido en Facebook en una muestra de estudiantes universitariosDeza de la Vega, María Isabel 26 March 2015 (has links)
Facebook es la red social más popular en Lima y se ha convertido en un medio frecuente de interacción social entre los jóvenes. Los estudios sugieren que ofrece varios canales para proveer soporte social; sin embargo no se ha explorado a profundidad cómo se relacionan los usos de Facebook con el soporte social percibido en este. Para el presente estudio se diseñaron dos herramientas a fin de examinar ambas variables, un cuestionario sobre uso de Facebook y la Escala de soporte social percibido en Facebook (ESSPEF). Se aplicaron las encuestas a 167 estudiantes de 16 a 24 años que se encontraban en su primer año en una universidad de Lima Metropolitana. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio para la ESSPEF que dio como resultado cuatro factores: feedback, conversaciones privadas, interacción social y ayuda, y atención y consideración. Los análisis de correlación revelaron múltiples relaciones entre las variables de uso de Facebook y algunos de los factores de la ESSPEF. Luego se realizó un análisis de conglomerados y se encontraron cuatro grupos: socialmente activos online, sociables discretos, indiferentes, y buscadores de autoestima. Los resultados mostraron que las variables del estudio se relacionaban de manera distinta en función del grupo al que pertenecían. El género apareció como una variable que influía el uso de la red social. Se señalan las limitaciones del estudio y se presentan sugerencias para futuras investigaciones. / Facebook is the most popular social network in Lima and it’s become a common social interaction tool for young people. Studies suggest that it offers several channels for social support; however, the relationship between usage and perceived social support on this tool has not been fully explored. Two instruments were designed for the present study to examine both variables, a survey to measure the use of Facebook and the Scale of Perceived Social Support on Facebook (SPESSF). They were administered to 167 college student aged 16 to 24 years who were in their first year of studies in a university of Lima Metropolitana. Factor analysis were made and showed four factors for the SPESSF: feedback, private conversations, social interaction and help, attention and consideration. Correlation analysis revealed multiple associations between the variables that measured usage and some of the factors obtained from the SPESSF. Cluster analysis were made and resulted in four groups: online socially active, sociable and discrete, indifferent, self-esteem seekers. The results showed variables were related in different ways depending on the group they belonged. Gender differences were found to influence the use of the social network. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are presented. / Tesis
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Variables psicológicas asociadas al uso de facebook : autoestima y narcicismo en universitariosTarazona Luján, Renzo Fabrizzio 11 June 2013 (has links)
Facebook ha tenido un alto impacto en las relaciones interpersonales en los últimos años;
fundamentalmente, modificando la práctica de las interacciones. Pese a los hallazgos
reportados, en relación a que Facebook puede ayudar a algunas personas a establecer
relaciones sociales con otros (Kujath, 2011), existe evidencia empírica sobre la asociación
entre el uso excesivo de Facebook, la baja autoestima y el narcisismo (Herrera, Pacheco,
Palomar, y Zavala, 2010). La presente investigación tiene como propósito conocer cómo se
relacionan el uso de esta red con la Autoestima y el Narcisismo en jóvenes universitarios
peruanos que viven en Lima (N = 146) bajo un estudio correlacional. Los resultados indican
que existen ciertas asociaciones entre la intensidad del uso del Facebook y las variables de
Autoestima y Narcisismo. De manera específica destacan las correlaciones entre uso del
Facebook y sentimiento de pertenencia a la familia (r = -.22); también la asociación entre
frecuencia de uso y autoritarismo (r = .24). Los hallazgos son relevantes para orientar,
mediante diversas opciones de consejo psicológico, a los jóvenes universitarios que
cotidianamente se aproximan a la red social Facebook. / Facebook has taken a leading role in the interpersonal relationships; fundamentally
changing the interactions between people. Although there are findings that mention that
Facebook can help people to communicate and reinforce relationship (Kujath, 2011), there
are empirical evidence on the association between excessive use of Facebook, low selfesteem
and narcissism (Herrera, Pacheco, Palomar, and Zavala, 2010). The purpose of this
research is to know how Facebook is related to self-esteem and narcissism in university
students in Lima, Perú (N = 146) with a correlational study. The results indicate that there
are certain associations between intensity of Facebook use and these psychological
variables, specifically between use of Facebook and sense of belonging to the family (r = -
.22), and the association between frequency of use and authoritarianism (r = .24). The
findings are relevant to guide through various options of psychological counseling, to
university students that routinely approach the social network Facebook. / Tesis
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Motivos sociales que impulsan el uso del sitio de red social facebook en escolares adolescentes de clases medias y bajas.Badillo Macedo, María Estefanía 03 July 2013 (has links)
La presente investigación pretende conocer las motivaciones sociales de escolares
adolescentes de nivel socioeconómico medio y bajo de la ciudad de Lima, que impulsan a hacer uso del sitio de red social (SRS) Facebook. Se realizaron entrevistas a
profundidad a nueve escolares de 14 a 17 años de 4° y 5° del nivel Secundario.
Adicionalmente, se aplicó un cuestionario basado en asociación de palabras y en
completamiento de frases, con términos relacionados al SRS Facebook. Basados en el
análisis propuesto por la Teoría Fundamentada (Glasser y Strauss, 1967; Strauss y
Corbin, 2002), los resultados indicaron que los motivos sociales de pertenencia,
información, control, potenciación personal y confianza fueron los principales
motivadores en el uso del SRS Facebook. Los descubrimientos se ven complementados con las investigaciones precedentes sobre redes sociales en línea, y con la teoría de los motivos sociales básicos (Fiske, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010). Asimismo, se encontró que la satisfacción de las necesidades sociales responde a necesidades personales y del desarrollo. / Tesis
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Význam vlivu vnímání na kurzy akciového trhuHoloubková, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The author has quantified the impact of perception of economic subjects through the Facebook social network on the stock prices. The contribution of this paper is both theoretical and practical. The theoretical part summarizes the results of previously published papers on this topic. The practical part concerns about the confirmation of the influence of perception of the stock market via regression analysis and moving correlation at chosen companies. The recommendation is mainly aimed at the marketing and the PR department. The author also takes into consideration the possibility of using social networks to confirm the development of economic variables based on the current perception of news and information by the economic subjects.
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Hodnocení marketingové komunikace vybraného podniku / Selected company marketing communication assessmentStaňková, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on assessment of Kaktus the T-Mobile Czech Republic brand marketing communication. The company provides telecommunication services and the brand is targeted at specific group. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts.
In the theoretical part, there is described theoretical basis emerging from study of literature, as there are determined basic terms like marketing mix, marketing of services, marketing communication, marketing communication toolkit, social media communication, psychological impacts of advertising and marketing research.
The practical part presents T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., describes its marketing mix, its most important competition and the degree of risk they stand for. The core part involves delineation and evaluation of currently applied methods of marketing communication that were developed after interview with brand marketing communication specialist and providing with internal data. The following part contains evaluation of questionnaire research that was realized among members of the target group in order to find out the way they perceive the brand marketing communication. It also contains evaluation of analysis of existing and potential impacts on the brand that was developed on the basis of internal data. These results are basis for the suggestion of marketing communication extensions heading to expansit of brand awareness and number of customers without being inconsistent with the brand ideology.
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Compartilhar, curtir, interagir: o Facebook como currículo na formação continuada de professor@s / Share, enjoy, interact: facebook as a curriculum in the continuing education of teachersLopes, Rita Alice de Carvalho 23 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Reginaldo Soares de Freitas (reginaldo.freitas@ufv.br) on 2018-03-07T12:34:43Z
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texto completo.pdf: 3020129 bytes, checksum: 6bbcab1a1534e59d8772dab4d32b08de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-07T12:34:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-10-23 / Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de metrado em Educação que objetivou compreender os usos que @s Professor@s fazem das suas redes sociais virtuais, mais especificamente o Facebook. Para o estudo das redes virtuais iniciamos seguindo um grupo do Facebook “Educação Municipal em Rede-PN”, criado pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Ponte Nova/MG. Este tinha como objetivo disseminar informações e criar interações entre os servidores da Educação do município. A partir do conhecimento deste grupo, algumas questões passaram a nortear esta pesquisa: Como essas postagens chegam ao Facebook? As escolas/professores/diretores, alunos/pais têm acesso livre? Serão @s professor@s consumidores destas redes? Ou serão el@s os usuários? O que seus usuári@s fabricam quando usam essa rede virtual? Qual o uso que a rede municipal de Ponte Nova faz dessa rede virtual? Servirá ela como uma invenção curricular? Ou um meio de divulgação do trabalho das escolas? Para realizar a investigação solicitei a minha participação no grupo e comecei a segui-lo. Posteriormente, fiz prints de postagens dos seus usuári@s, realizei entrevistas com a Secretária Municipal de Educação, analisei documentos existentes na secretaria e citados na entrevista, como o “caderno de práticas exitosas” e o “jornalzinho SEMED informa-informação com educação”. Posteriormente, comecei a seguir uma das escolas, sendo escolhida a que mais fazia postagens no facebook, por meio de sua rede virtual. Nesta, realizei observações e também fiz entrevistas com professoras. Utilizei de narrativas para a produção e apresentação dos dados. Toda trama desta pesquisa foi inspirada nos modos de fazer pesquisa cartográfica (DELEUZE e GUATTARI), Passando por estudos sobre Currículo (SILVA,
LOPES, MACEDO, PARAÍSO); Currículo no cotidiano (CERTEAU, ALVES, FERRAÇO, OLIVEIRA); Currículo e formação de professor@s nos cotidianos (FERRAÇO, GOMES, SOUZA); Internet, Cibercultura, Ciberespaço, Redes Sociais Virtuais (LEMOS, CASTELLS, LÉVY); Disciplinas para as “boas práticas” (FOUCAULT). Os resultados indicam que as postagens das atividades passam por um crivo antes de chegar ao Facebook. As professoras atendiam os olhares de vigilância que coordenavam os movimentos da escola pesquisada, para que somente as atividades consideradas pela Secretária de Educação como “boas práticas” fossem compartilhadas em rede. O Facebook, portanto, servia mais como lugar para exposição do belo realizado pelas escolas, espaço de divulgação do trabalho da rede municipal de Educação da cidade e de propaganda das escolas. Também percebi que, além de entretenimento, interação e informação, as professoras o usavam, cada uma à sua maneira, como local de formação continuada por meio de troca de experiências em boas práticas, busca de sugestões de atividades para o ensino. Assim sendo, arrisco afirmar que há um processo de escolha do que deve ou não ser postado no Facebook criado para divulgar o trabalho das escolas da rede municipal de Ponte Nova, bem como da Escola Municipal Santo Antônio. Que o acesso d@s professor@s e diretor@es não é livre, uma vez que tem que passar pelo crivo da Secretária para publicar, e os pais são somente consumidores. Quanto aos processos de fabricação e invenção curricular acredito ficar a desejar uma vez que seu uso é mais para exibição, curtidas e elogios, do que para criação. / This paper presents the results of a survey of education that aimed to understand the uses that teachers make of their virtual social networks, specifically Facebook. For the study of virtual networks we started following a Facebook group "Municipal Education Network-PN", created by the Municipal Department of Education of Ponte Nova/MG. It was intended to disseminate information and create interactions among the municipality's Education servers. From the knowledge of this group, some questions came to guide this research: How do these posts come to Facebook? Do schools / teachers / principals, students / parents have free access? Will teachers be the consumers of these networks? Or will they be users? What do the users do when they use this virtual network? What use does the municipal network of Ponte Nova make of this virtual network? Will it serve as a curricular invention or as a means of disclosure the work of schools? In order to carry out the research I requested my participation in the group and I began to follow it. Later, I made prints of his users' posts, I conducted interviews with the Municipal Secretary of Education, I analyzed documents in the secretariat that were cited in the interview, such as the "notebook of successful practices" and the "SEMED newspaper inform information with education". Later, I started to follow one of the schools, the one that made more posts on Facebook, through its virtual network. In this, I made observations and also did interviews with teachers. I used narratives for the production and presentation of data. Every plot of this research was inspired by the ways of doing cartographic research (DELEUZE and GUATTARI), going through studies on Curriculum (SILVA,
LOPES, MACEDO, PARADISE); Curriculum in everyday life (CERTEAU, ALVES, FERRAÇO, OLIVEIRA); Curriculum and teacher training in daily life (FERRAÇO, GOMES, SOUZA); Internet, Cyberculture, Cyberspace, Virtual Social Networks (LEMOS, CASTELLS, LÉVY); Disciplines for "good practices" (FOUCAULT). The results show that activity posts are scanned before coming to Facebook. The teachers attended the watchful looks that coordinated the movements of the researched school, so that only the activities considered as "good practices" by the secretary of education were shared at the network. Facebook, therefore, were used as a place for exposition of the beauty carried out by the schools, as a space of dissemination of the work of the municipal network of Education of the city and as a propaganda of the schools. I also realized that, in addition to entertainment, interaction and information, the teachers used it, each one in their own way, as a place of continuous formation through exchange of experiences in good practices, search for suggestions of activities for teaching. So, I risk saying that exist a process of choosing what should be posted on Facebook page, created to publicize the work of schools in the municipal network of Ponte Nova, such as the Santo Antonio Municipal School. That access to teachers and principal is not free, since it has to pass through the Secretary’s screening to publish anything, and parents are only consumers. About the manufacturing processes and curricular invention, I believe they are not efficient since it is mostly used for exhibition, likes and compliments than real creation.
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Do riso à compraValle, Luciana Ribeiro do January 2017 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Florianópolis, 2017. / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T03:29:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
349660.pdf: 1471086 bytes, checksum: 95b5a052bddc9780a13afb1ccc689174 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / Os avanços tecnológicos transformaram o ambiente de comunicação de marketing e apresentaram novos desafios e oportunidades para os profissionais da área. Nesse contexto, estudos são feitos para testar diferentes tipos de propaganda, com distintos tipos de apelo e para os diversos públicos, visando mensurar os resultados de cada tipo de propaganda no comportamento dos consumidores. O presente trabalho se propõe a compreender como a propaganda com humor incongruente veiculada no Facebook afeta o engajamento, as atitudes e a intenção de compra das consumidoras. Para tanto, foi efetuada uma pesquisa conclusiva do tipo causal a partir de um experimento realizado na rede social Facebook e exposto de forma aleatória, para mulheres brasileiras com mais de 18 anos de idade. Das 1.694 mulheres que se engajaram com as propagandas, ou seja, curtiram, comentaram ou compartilharam o estímulo do experimento em sua rede social, 722 receberam os questionários e 308 responderam todas as questões acerca das variáveis dependentes: engajamento, atitude sobre a propaganda e sobre a empresa anunciante e intenção de compra, bem como dados demográficos sobre o perfil da respondente. Os resultados indicam que o anúncio com humor incongruente gerou atitudes mais positivas em relação à propaganda, à empresa anunciante e gerou uma maior intenção de compra quando comparado a um anúncio sem humor. A contribuição teórica da pesquisa está no fato de que ela confirma a efetividade do humor (incongruente), e contribui também para o ambiente gerencial no sentido de ratificar os resultados positivos motivados pelo uso do humor na propaganda, em especial do tipo incongruente e nas redes sociais, no caso, o Facebook. / Abstract : Technological advancements have transformed the marketing communications environment and presented new challenges and opportunities for marketers. In this context, studies are done to test different types of advertisements, with different types of appeals and characters for different audiences, aiming to measure the results of each type of advertising, considering consumer behavior. The present work aims to understand how advertising with incongruous humor on Facebook affects the consumers' engagement, attitudes and the intention to buy. For this, the research was characterized as being conclusive of the causal type from an experiment carried out on the social network Facebook and exposed, both the stimulus of incongruous humor and humor without humor, in a random way for Brazilian women over 18 years of age. Of the 1,694 women who engaged, it means, enjoyed, commented or shared the stimulus of the experiment in their social network, 722 received the questionnaires and 308 answered all the questions about the dependent variables on engagement, attitude on advertising and on the advertiser company and Purchase intent, as well as demographic data on the respondent's profile. The results indicate that the ad with incongruous humor generates more positive attitudes towards the advertisement, the advertising company, and also generates greater purchase intent when compared to a humorless advertisement. It is concluded, therefore, that incongruent humor is effective in generating positive attitudes towards advertising and the enterprise and to increase purchase intent, as opposed to humorless advertising about the female audience on the social network Facebook. Therefore, the theoretical contribution is based on the fact that the present study ratifies the humor effectiveness (incongruous) and also contributes to the managerial world in the sense of ratifying the effectiveness of humor in advertising, especially the incongruous type and still in social networks, In the Facebook case. Finally, the limitations, especially those related to methodological choices, and the suggestions for future research conclude this dissertation.
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Facebook as Social Support for a One-Time Weight Loss Intervention Among College StudentsSeely, Erica 01 August 2013 (has links)
Approximately 32% of college-aged individuals are overweight or obese, yet few weight loss programs have effectively motivated this population to adopt a healthier lifestyle. A majority of this population frequently uses the social networking site Facebook. This study examined the impact of a Facebook social support group on weight loss efforts of college students. A total of 24 students were randomly assigned to either the intervention group, which consisted of a Facebook support group, or control group after attending a one-time weight loss class. Assessments were taken at baseline and four weeks. Of participants in this study, 83.3% were Facebook users. All but two participants were female with 47.8% identifying as black, non-Hispanic and 39.1% as white, non-Hispanic. Most participants were considered obese or overweight with 39-inch median waist circumference for women and 44-inch median waist circumference for men. The primary outcome was a mean weight loss of -3.55 ± 4.25 lbs. for those in the intervention group compared to -1.61 ± 3.24 lbs. for the control group after four weeks. Though results were not statistically significant, the intervention group lost more weight than the control group. Results indicate the potential for an innovative weight loss aid that utilizes an online site already integrated into the lifestyle of college students.
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