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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interação entre bactérias endofíticas e do rizoplano com Eucalyptus / Interaction between endophytic and rhizoplane bacteria with Eucalyptus

Anderson Ferreira 15 February 2008 (has links)
Os microrganismos endofíticos são aqueles, cultiváveis ou não, que habitam o interior da planta hospedeira sem causar danos aparentes ou estruturas externas visíveis. Essa interação microrganismos-planta é intrínseca a determinadas espécies de plantas e/ou bactérias. Nas últimas décadas os estudos de microrganismos endofíticos têm sido realizados em diversas plantas hospedeiras, sendo esses estudos direcionados principalmente para a diversidade e características benéficas induzidas, inclusive o controle biológico de doenças. A doença causada pelo fungo Ceratocystis fimbriata é considerada emergente no setor florestal. O Brasil está entre os maiores produtores mundiais de eucalipto e a expansão do setor juntamente com o cultivo clonal tem acarretado o aumento da incidência de patógenos. O surgimento de novas doenças exige estudos relacionados tanto a interação do agente patogênico com hospedeiro quanto de todos os componentes do patossistema. Neste contexto, os microrganismos endofíticos têm sido descritos como potenciais controladores biológicos de doenças. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar a interação de C. fimbriata com a comunidade bacteriana associada à Eucalyptus sp. Adicionalmente, foi estudada a possível transferência desses endófitos via sementes e o padrão de colonização de Pantoea agglomerans em plântulas. Foi observado que plantas não infestadas por C. fimbriata apresentaram maior densidade bacteriana no rizoplano (20,66 x 104 UFC.cm2 -1 de raiz), enquanto que para a comunidade endofítica, a maior densidade foi observada em plantas infectadas pelo fungo (25,13 x 104 UFC.g-1 de raiz). As análises por ARDRA possibilitaram a obtenção de 8 e 13 ribotipos nas comunidades endofítica de raiz e do rizoplano, respectivamente. Os ribotipos mais freqüentes foram identificados como Bacillus cereus. As análises de diversidade por meio de DGGE das comunidades do rizoplano e endofítica de raiz mostraram que a infestação pelo fungo interfere na colonização de Eucalyptus. Foi observado também que bactérias endofíticas estão presentes no interior de sementes de Eucalyptus spp. em uma densidade de 0,33 a 1,83 X 102 UFC.g-1, para as espécies E. camandulensis e E. urophylla, respectivamente. A densidade bacteriana endofítica de plântulas obtidas de sementes desinfectadas superficialmente variaram entre 0,27 X 102 a 0,87 X 102 UFC.g-1, para E. citriodora e o híbrido E. robusta x E. grandis, respectivamente. Em algumas espécies de Eucalyptus não foram isoladas bactérias endofíticas das sementes e plântulas. Os resultados mostraram que algumas espécies de bactérias endofíticas podem ser transmitidas verticalmente por sementes. P. agglomerans inoculada nas sementes foi capaz de colonizar as plântulas após a germinação da semente, indicando que esta pode ser uma das formas utilizadas pelos microrganismos para colonizar e se estabelecer na planta hospedeira. Assim, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho mostram ainda que possa existir interação entre a presença de C. fimbriata e a comunidade bacteriana endofítica e do rizoplano de Eucalyptus. Foi possível observar também que estas bactérias endofíticas que são transmitidas por meio de sementes, permitindo que plântulas previamente inoculadas com bactérias benéficas possam ser produzidas antes de serem levadas a campo. / The endophytic microorganisms are those, cultivated or not, that inhabit the interior of the plant host without causing apparent damages or visible external structures. This interaction microorganisms-plant is specific to certain species of plants and/or bacteria. In the last few years studies of endophytic microorganisms have been carried out in several plant hosts, being these studies focused mainly to diversity and biotechnological potential, such as biological control of disease. The disease caused by the phytopathogenic fungi Ceratocystis fimbriata is considered emerging by the reforestation companies. Brazil is one of the largest world eucalyptus producers and the increasing of the eucalyptus production associated to clonal reproduction has allowed the increase in pathogen incidence. Studies that evaluate the interaction between pathogens and the microbial community associated to the host plant may allow understanding how disease symptoms come up. Endophytic microorganisms have been described as potential biological control of diseases and therefore, the aims of the present work were to i) study the interaction between C. fimbriata and the bacterial community associated to the Eucalyptus sp.; ii) evaluate the bacterial dissemination by seeds; iii) evaluate the colonization profile of Pantoea agglomerans in seedlings after seed inoculation. It was observed that the highest bacterial density on the rhizoplane (20.66 x 104 CFU.cm2 -1 of root) was observed in C. fimbriata uninfectedplants, while for endophytic community the highest density was observed in C. fimbriata infected plants (25.13 x 104 CFU.g-1 of root). The ARDRA analyses showed that the bacterial community of eucalyptus is composed by 8 and 13 ribotypes on rhizoplane and inside the roots (endophytic), respectively. The most frequent ribotypes were identified as Bacillus cereus. The DGGE analyses of diversity of endophytic and rhizoplane community showed that fungi infection shift the colonization of Eucalyptus associated bacteria. The bacterial community inside Eucalyptus spp. seeds ranged from 0.33 to 1.83 X 102 CFU.g-1, for E. camandulensis and E. urophylla, respectively. After seed germination the endophytic bacterial density in seedlings ranged from 0,27 X 102 to 0,87 X 102 CFU.g-1, for E. citriodora and the hybrid E. robusta x E. grandis, respectively. Although, endophytic bacteria have been isolated from seeds, for some plant species, bacteria were not isolated from seedlings. Also, some bacteria may be vertically transmitted from seed to seedlings, but some is specific for seeds. Seed inoculation of P. agglomerans resulted in seedlings colonized by these bacteria, suggesting that these bacteria could be seed transmitted. The results obtained in the present study show that the fungi C. fimbriata inside the Eucalyptus host can shift the endophytic and rhizoplane bacterial diversity. Also, these endophytic bacteria could be transmitted vertically by seeds, allowing that seeds previously inoculated with beneficial bacteria may result in protected plants before planting in the field.

Etude de l’adhésion de vésicules géantes et de cellules vivantes par nanoscopie de fluorescence / Adhesion studies of giant unilamellar vesicles and living cells by fluorescence nanoscopy

Cardoso dos Santos, Marcelina 14 April 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de mon travail de thèse a été de caractériser l’adhésion de vésicules géantes lipidiques et de cellules vivantes. Dans le but d’obtenir des informations quantitatives sur l’adhésion, j’ai développé deux techniques de nanoscopie de fluorescence basées sur la microscopie TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence). Cette technique repose sur création d’une onde évanescente à proximité d’une interface. J’ai développé pour cela un montage optique, qui permet de contrôler finement les caractéristiques de l’onde évanescente (longueur d’atténuation, état de polarisation, etc.). L’adhésion des vésicules a été étudiée par nTIRF (TIRF normalisé) : les images TIRF sont normalisées par des images en épi-fluorescence. J’ai pu ainsi caractériser l’adhésion non spécifique (interaction électrostatique) et spécifique (interaction biotine-streptavidine) de vésicules sur différentes surfaces fonctionnalisées. Pour quantifier l’adhésion des cellules, j’ai utilisé l’approche VA-TIRF (TIRF à angle variable). Cette dernière consiste à enregistrer une série d’images en régime évanescent à différents angles d’incidence. Ceci nous a permis d’établir une cartographie des distances entre la membrane ventrale d’une cellule et la surface pour différents comportements d’adhésion initiés sur divers substrats : chimiques ou protéiques. Ces deux techniques permettent de mesurer la distance membrane-surface avec une précision nanométrique, ≈20nm, ce qui est particulièrement adapté à l’étude du processus d’adhésion / The aim of my thesis was to characterize the adhesion of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles and living cells. In order to obtain a quantitative information about the state of the adhesion, I developed two fluorescence nanoscopy techniques based on microscopy TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence). This technique consist of creating an evanescent wave in the vicinity of an interface. I developed the experimental setup, which allows an accurate control of characteristics of the evanescent wave (penetration depth, polarization state, etc.). The vesicles adhesion was studied by nTIRF (normalized TIRF). TIRF images are normalized by epi-fluorescence images. I was able to characterize the nonspecific adhesion (electrostatic interaction) and specific adhesion (biotin-streptavidin interaction) of vesicles on different functionalized surfaces. To quantify the adhesion of cells, I used the VA-TIRF approach (variable angle TIRF). The latter is to record a series of images at different angles of incidence in the evanescent regime. This allowed us to map the distances between the ventral membrane of a cell and the surface for different adhesion behaviors initiated on various substrates: chemical or protein. These two techniques permit to measure the membrane surface-distance with the nanometer precision ≈20nm, which is particularly suitable for the study of the adhesion process

Acto-myosin based mechano-sensitivity of cells - comparing human mesenchymal stem cells and differentiated cells

Kudryasheva, Galina 16 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

In vitro, in silico and in vivo studies of the structure and conformational dynamics of DNA polymerase I

Sustarsic, Marko January 2016 (has links)
DNA polymerases are a family of molecular machines involved in high-fidelity DNA replication and repair, of which DNA polymerase I (Pol) is one the best-characterized members. Pol is a strand-displacing polymerase responsible for Okazaki fragment synthesis and base-excision repair in bacteria; it consists of three protein domains, which harbour its 5’-3' polymerase, 3’-5’ exonuclease and 5’ endonuclease activities. In the first part of the thesis, we use a combination of single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) and rigid-body docking to probe the structure of Pol bound to its gapped-DNA substrate. We show that the DNA substrate is highly bent in the complex, and that the downstream portion of the DNA is partly unwound. Using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we identify residues in the polymerase important for strand displacement and for downstream DNA binding. Moreover, we use coarse-grained simulations to investigate the dynamics of the gapped-DNA substrate alone, allowing us to propose a model for specific recognition and binding of gapped DNA by Pol. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on the catalytically important conformational change in Pol that involves the closing of the ‘fingers’ subdomain of the protein around an incoming nucleotide. We make use of the energy decomposition method (EDM) to predict the stability-determining residues for the closed and open conformations of Pol, and test their relevance by site-directed mutagenesis. We apply the unnatural amino acid approach and a single-molecule FRET assay of Pol fingers-closing, to show that substitutions in the stability-determining residues significantly affect the conformational equilibrium of Pol. In the final part of the thesis, we attempt to study Pol in its native environment of the living cell. We make use of the recently developed method of internalization by electroporation, and optimize it for organically labelled proteins. We demonstrate the internalization and single-molecule tracking of Pol, and provide preliminary data of intra-molecular FRET in Pol, both at the single-cell and single-molecule levels. Finally, by measuring smFRET within an internalized gapped-DNA construct, we observe DNA binding and bending by endogenous Pol, confirming the physiological relevance of our in vitro Pol-DNA structure.

Avaliação da estabilidade genética conferida pelo lócus parB e força de expressão dos promotores deste sistema gênico. / Evaluation of the genetic stability conferred by the parB locus and the expression strength of the promoters from this genic system.

Felipe Almeida da Silva 07 March 2014 (has links)
Em aplicações biotecnológicas, a estabilização de informações e a expressão gênica em bactérias Gram-negativas são fundamentais. Neste trabalho, analisou-se o efeito de estabilização plasmidial promovido pelo lócus parB (hok/sok) nas bactérias E. coli, C. metallidurans e C. necator transformadas com os plasmídeos pCM2, pBBR1MCS e seus respectivos derivados contendo o lócus parB, pCM3 e pBBPAR. As bactérias transformadas com pCM2 exibiram perda plamidial acentuada após 50 gerações, e as bactérias transformadas com pCM3 e pBBPAR exibiram estabilidade próxima a 100%, após 100 gerações. Também foi avaliada a força relativa de expressão dos promotores hok e sok em relação ao promotor lac, inseridos no plasmídeo pBBEGFP. Por microscopia de fluorescência, foi observado que regulado pelos promotores sok e hok, os transformantes expressaram EGFP. Utilizando citometria de fluxo, foi observado que o promotor hok apresentou maior força de expressão nas bactérias transformantes de E. coli e C. metalliduras; já o promotor sok apresentou maior força de expressão em C. necator. / In biotechnological applications, stabilization of information and gene expression in Gram-negative bacteria are important. In this work, we analyzed the effect of plasmid stabilization promoted by locus parB (hok/sok) in the bacteria E. coli, C. metallidurans and C. necator transformed with the plasmids pCM2, pBBR1MCS, and their derivatives containing the parB locus, pCM3 and pBBPAR. The Bacteria transformed with pCM2 showed a pronounced plasmidial loss after 50 generations, and bacteria transformed with pCM3 and pBBPAR exhibited stability close to 100 % after 100 generations. We also evaluated the relative expression strength of hok and sok promoters relative to the lac promoter, inserted into plasmid pBBEGFP. For fluorescence microscopy, it was observed that regulated by hok and sok promoter, transformants expressed EGFP. Using flow cytometry, it was observed that the hok promoter showed higher expression levels in E. coli and C. metallidurans transformants; as sok promoter showed higher expression level in C. necator.

Caracterização de bactécias fixadoras de nitrogênio endofíticas isoladas de Saccharum sp. (cana-de-açúcar) cultivadas sob adubação orgânica ou fertilizante nitrogenado ou sem adubação. / Characterization of endophytic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from Saccharum sp. (sugarcane) cultivated under organic fertilization or nitrogenated fertlization and no fertilization.

Hebert Hernan Soto Gonzales 14 April 2008 (has links)
No presente estudo, a diversidade bacteriana endofítica fixadora de nitrogênio foi pesquisada utilizando métodos microbiológicos e moleculares. Isolaram-se microrganismos de raiz, caule e folha de cana-de-açúcar. Análises por seqüenciamento do 16S rDNA identificaram 150 endófitos. No total, foram identificados 18 gêneros. Destes, apenas 4 estavam presentes em cana-de-açúcar submetida aos 3 tratamentos. A maior diversidade de gêneros foi encontrada em cana sob adubação orgânica: 10 gêneros, em cana sob adubação inorgânica foram 11 gêneros e 8 em cana sem adubação. A maior parte dos gêneros pertence à família Enterobacteriaceae, como Klebsiella, Pantoea e Enterobacter. A enzima endoglicanase foi produzida por 82% dos isolados de cana sob adubação orgânica, (54%) inorgânica e (48%) sem adubação. Quanto à atividade de pectinase: 42%, 60% e 36% foram apresentadas por isolados de cana orgânica, inorgânica e sem adubação, respectivamente. A capacidade de solubilizar fosfatos inorgânicos foi detectada em 76,6% dos isolados, sendo a maior capacidade de solubilização de fosfatos encontrada em bactérias isoladas de cana-de-açúcar sob adubação orgânica (71%), de cana submetida a adubação convencional (78%) e sem adubação (88%). Foram realizados estudos de colonização em plântulas de cana-de-açúcar com 4 endofitos geneticamente modificados (EGMs) capazes de expressar os genes gfp e dsred. A avaliação da colonização na cana pela microscopia de fluorescência, mostrou que os (EGMs) gfp e dsred colonizaram as raízes e caules das plantas inoculadas, sem causar qualquer sintoma de doença. / In the present study, endophytic bacterial diversity has been searched using both microbiologic and molecular methods. Microorganisms were isolated from sugarcane root, shoot and leaf. 150 isolates were identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. 18 genera were found and only 4 were present in sugarcane submitted to the three treatments. The greatest genera diversity was found in sugarcane submited to organic fertlization: 10 genera in sugarcane submitted to inorganic fertilization were found 11 genera and 8 genera in sugarcane without fertilization. Great part of the found genera belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family: Klebsiella, Pantoea and Enterobacter. Some physiological characteristics were determined in the isolates. Endoglucanase was produced by 82% of the isolates from sugarcane submitted to organic fertilization. Lower activities were found in bacteria isolated from inorganic fertilization and no fertilization, respectively 54% and 48%. As far as pectinase activity is concerned, a percentage of 42%, 60% and 36% was presented by the isolates from organic fertilization, inorganic fertilization and no fertilization, respectively. The hability of phosphate solubilization was detected in 76.6% of the isolates. In sugarcane under organic fertilization a percentage of 71% was found, in bacteria from inorganic fertilization, 78%, and without fertilization, 88%. Plant colonization was determined using sugarcane plantlets inoculated with four genetically modified bactéria (GMEs), able to express the genes gfp and dsred. The colonization was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy, which showed that the endophytic bacteria expressing gfp and dsred genes had invaded roots and shoots from inoculated plants, without causing any disease symptom.

Dynamique de la réplication chez l'archée Haloferax volcanii / Replication dynamics in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii

Collien, Yoann 14 October 2019 (has links)
Haloferax volcanii est une archée appartenant au phylum euryarchaeota et à la classe des Halobacteriales. Les mécanismes liés à la réplication et à la réparation chez les archées sont très similaires à ceux rencontrés chez les eucaryotes, faisant d’H. volcanii un des organismes modèle pour l’étude de la réplication et de la biologie des archées, notamment car de nombreux outils génétiques sont disponibles chez cet organisme. De plus, H. volcanii possède la particularité de pouvoir avoir toutes ses origines de réplication supprimées, soulevant beaucoup de questions sur les mécanismes impliqués. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été émises sur la façon dont cette souche initie sa réplication, basées soit sur la dérivation des mécanismes liés à la réparation de l’ADN, soit sur un mécanisme d’initiation de la réplication indépendant des origines. Afin d’étudier ces mécanismes liés à la réplication, j’ai construit une souche d’H. volcanii capable d’incorporer des analogues de la thymidine dans l’ADN lors de sa synthèse grâce à la délétion de gènes impliqués dans la voie de biosynthèse de la thymidine. Des temps de cultures courts de la souche en présence d’un analogue permet son incorporation au niveau des zones actives de réplication pour marquer spécifiquement l’ADN néosynthétisé. L’immunodétection de l’analogue incorporé à l’ADN, en travaillant en cellule entière avec un microscope à fluorescence, permet la localisation de l’ADN néosynthétisé, reflétant ainsi les régions où la réplication est active. Ces analyses révèlent majoritairement 2 à 3 régions de réplication actives dans des cellules en prolifération, sans localisation particulière. Ces régions ont déjà été observées en étudiant la localisation d’une protéine clé de la réplication (RPA2) fusionnée à la protéine verte fluorescente GFP, confirmant sa localisation aux zones actives de réplication. Une étonnante variabilité observée d’une cellule à l’autre et suggère une initiation probabiliste de la réplication. Il est également étonnant de n’observer qu’aussi peu de zones actives de réplication, comparé au fort taux de polyploïdie de cette souche. Se pose alors la question de ce à quoi correspondent ces zones de réplication. Pour cela, j’ai développé chez H. volcanii la technique de peignage moléculaire permettant d’isoler des molécules individuelles d’ADN et révéler spécifiquement les analogues incorporés pour pouvoir déterminer le nombre de copies du chromosome qui sont actives lors de la réplication, ainsi que le nombre d’origines actives sur chacune des copies. J’ai également développé une technique de Time-lapse dans le but de suivre ces régions au cours du temps en observant les divisions cellulaires directement sous le microscope. / Haloferax volcanii is an archaea belonging to the phylum euryarchaeota and the class Halobacteriales. The mechanisms related to replication and repair in archaea are very similar to those found in eukaryotes, making H. volcanii a relevant model organisms for the study of replication and archaeal biology, especially since many genetic tools are available. Interestingly, all replication origins can be removed from the chromosome of H. volcanii, raising many questions about the mechanisms involved. Several hypotheses have been proposed on how this strain initiates its replication, either relying on recombination-dependent replication initiation or an origin-independent mechanism. In order to study these replication-related mechanisms, I have constructed a strain of H. volcanii able to incorporate thymidine analogues into DNA during its synthesis by deleting genes involved in the thymidine biosynthesis pathway. A short-time cultures of the strain in the presence of an analogue allows its incorporation in nascent DNA. By immunodetection of the analog coupled to fluorescence microscopy observation of whole cells, it is possible to investigate the localization of neosynthesized DNA,which reflect the regions where replication is active. These analyses revealed mainly 2 to 3 active replication regions per cell, without any particular location. These regions had already been observed by studying the localization of a key replication protein (RPA2) fused to the fluorescent green protein GFP, confirming its location in active replication areas. A surprising variability in the number of replication foci from one cell to another was observed, suggesting a probabilistic initiation of replication. It is also surprising to observe so few active replication areas compared to the high polyploidy of this strain. This raises the question of what these replication areas correspond to. For further understanding, I developed for H. volcanii molecular combing, to isolate individual DNA molecules and specifically reveal incorporated analogues to determine the number of copies of the chromosome that are being replicated, as well as the number of active origins on each of the copies. I have also developed time-lapse approach to track these regions over time by monitoring cell proliferation directly under the microscope.

Extending Resolution in All Directions: Image Scanning Microscopy and Metal-induced Energy Transfer

Isbaner, Sebastian 13 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

FRET-based detection and quantification of HIV-1 Virion Maturation / FRETを用いたHIV-1成熟ウイルス粒子の検出と定量

Sarca, Anamaria Daniela 23 March 2021 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 充実した健康長寿社会を築く総合医療開発リーダー育成プログラム / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第23106号 / 医博第4733号 / 新制||医||1050(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 小柳 義夫, 教授 松田 道行, 教授 朝長 啓造 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Développement de la microscopie par auto-interférences pour l'imagerie super-résolue tridimensionnelle au sein de tissus biologiques épais. / Self-interferences microscopy for 3D super-resolution microscopy in thick biological samples

Linarès-Loyez, Jeanne 01 October 2019 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse a été consacré au développement d’un nouvelle technique SELFI (pour self-interferences, auto-interférences en anglais). Cette méthode permet d’obtenir une localisation tridimensionnelle d’émetteurs fluorescents individuels. Nous avons démontré que cela permet l'imagerie super-résolue en 3D et le suivie 3D de molécules uniques en profondeur dans des échantillons biologiques denses et complexes. La technique SELFI se base sur l'utilisation des interférences auto-référencées (également appelées « auto-interférences ») pour remonter à la localisation 3D d’un émetteur en une seule mesure. Ces interférences sont générées via l’utilisation d'un réseau de diffraction placé en sortie du microscope de fluorescence : le signal de fluorescence diffracte sur le réseau et les ordres interfèrent, après une courte propagation, sur le détecteur. Les interférences ainsi formées sont décodées numériquement pour remonter à la localisation 3D d'une molécule fluorescente au sein de l'échantillon. Une molécule unique peut ainsi être localisée avec une précision d'une dizaine de nanomètre, et cela jusqu'à une profondeur d'au moins 50µm au sein d'un échantillon biologique vivant épais (par exemple un tissu biologique).En combinant la méthode SELFI à différentes techniques de super-résolution (PALM, dSTORM et uPAINT), nous montrons que cette méthode de localisation tridimensionnelle permet de retrouver la hiérarchie et l'organisation de protéines dans des objets biologiques. En effectuant du SELFI-PALM, nous avons pu observer différentes protéines des points focaux d’adhésion (talin-C terminale et paxiline) et retrouver les différences de hauteur attendues, et ceux sur des échantillons de cellules vivantes. Ces résultats confirment la résolution accessible avec la technique SELFI (environ 25nm) même pour un faible nombre de photons collectés (environ 500 photons par molécule).Nous mettons en évidence la robustesse de la technique SELFI en reconstruisant des images de super-résolution 3D de structures denses en profondeur dans des échantillons tissulaires complexes. En effectuant du SELFI-dSTORM, nous avons observé le réseau d’actine sur des cellules cultivées en surface de la lamelle dans un premier temps, et à différentes profondeurs (25 et 50 microns) au sein de tissus artificiels dans un second temps.Du suivi 3D de particule unique a aussi été effectué sein de tissus biologiques vivants. Nous avons observé la diffusion libre de quantum dots à différentes profondeurs (jusqu’à 50 microns, limité par l’objectif utilisé) dans des tranches vivantes de cerveau.Nous avons appliqué la technique SELFI à la détection de récepteurs postsynaptiques NMDA. Cela nous a permis d'observer, sur des échantillons de neurones en culture primaire mais aussi au sein de tranches de cerveaux de rats, une différence d'organisation entre les deux sous-unités GluN2A et GluN2B de ce récepteur au glutamate.Enfin, nous avons démontré l'importance de suivre l'évolution de l'environnement des échantillons biologiques vivants lors des acquisitions permettant la détection de molécules individuelles. Grâce à l'utilisation additionnelle et simultanée de l'imagerie de phase quantitative, nous avons pu étudier la dynamique de la membrane cellulaire durant l’activation par un facteur de croissance. L'analyse corrélative entre les images de phase quantitative en lumière blanche et les détections de molécules fluorescentes uniques permet d'obtenir de nouvelles informations pertinentes sur l'échantillon étudié. / The work of this thesis was devoted to the development of a new technique SELFI (for self-interferences). This method unlocks the three-dimensional localization of individual fluorescent emitters. We have demonstrated that this allows 3D super-resolved imaging and 3D tracking of single molecules deep into dense and complex biological samples. The SELFI technique is based on the use of self-referenced interference to go back to the 3D location of a emitter in a single measurement. These interferences are generated using a diffraction grating placed at the exit of the fluorescence microscope: the fluorescence signal diffracts on the grating and, after a short propagation, the orders interfere on the detector. The formed interferences are digitally decoded to extract the 3D location of a fluorescent molecule within the sample. A single molecule can thus be localized with a precision of approximatively ten nanometers up to a depth of at least 50 µm in a thick living biological sample (for example a biological tissue).By combining the SELFI method with different super-resolution techniques (PALM, dSTORM and uPAINT), we show that this three-dimensional localization method grants the access to the hierarchy and organization of proteins in biological objects. By performing SELFI-PALM, we observed different proteins of the adhesion focal points (talin C-terminal and paxilin) and found the expected elevation differences, and those within living cell samples. These results confirm the resolution capability of the SELFI technique (about 25 nm) even for a small number of photons collected (about 500photons per molecule).We highlight the robustness of the SELFI technique by reconstructing 3D super-resolution images of dense structures at depth in complex tissue samples. By performing SELFI-dSTORM, we observed the actin network in cells grown on the surface of the coverslip at first, and at different depths (25 and 50 microns) within artificial tissues in a second time.3D single particle tracking has also been performed in living biological tissues. We observed the free diffusion of quantum dots at different depths (up to 50 microns) in living brain slices.We applied the SELFI technique to the detection of NMDA postsynaptic receptors. We observed, in primary culture of neurons but also within slices of rat brains, a difference in organization between the two subunits GluN2A and GluN2B of this glutamate receptor.Finally, we show the importance of following the evolution of the living biological sample environment during the acquisition of images leading to detections of single molecules. Thanks to the additional and simultaneous use of quantitative phase imaging, we were able to study cell membrane dynamics during the activation by a growth factor. The correlative analysis between white light quantitative phase images and single fluorescent molecule detections provides new relevant information on the sample under study.

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