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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Política de Pós-graduação Lato sensu no Brasil: configuração no período de 1964 a 1985 / Lato sensu Post-Graduation police in Brazil: configuration from 1964 to 1985

Carlos Augusto de Medeiros 30 August 2010 (has links)
Esta Tese de Doutorado possui por objetivo analisar e interpretar a política de pós-graduação lato sensu, a partir dos dispositivos legais emanados pelo Estado brasileiro, correlacionando-a às políticas de educação superior, bem como ao contexto político e sociocultural, no período de 1964 a 1985. Para tanto, recorreu-se à pesquisa exploratória, documental e bibliográfica. Identificou-se, dentre outros resultados, uma ampla rede social no país, que irá se consolidar desde antes do Golpe, em abril de 1964, ligada aos interesses multinacionais e associados, que exerceu influência em diversos setores da sociedade, inclusive na educação. Conclui-se que os dispositivos legais da pós-graduação lato sensu se originaram impulsionados pela qualificação docente da Carreira de Magistério Superior e que o setor privado se beneficiou desses dispositivos para ofertar cursos dessa modalidade, entretanto, orientados para outros campos de atuação. / This PhD Thesis has the objective of analyzing the Brazilian policies for the lato sensu post-graduation, from the legal provisions issued by the Brazilian State, correlating it with the policies for the University Degree as well as to the socio-cultural and political context, from 1964 1985. In order to obtain that, investigative, documental and bibliographic researches were applied. As a result, among others, an extensive social network was identified in the Country. This network was consolidated even before the coupe détat in April of 1964, connected to multinational interests and associated, influencing the most distinct sectors of the society, including the educational. It is concluded that the legal instruments of the lato sensu post-graduation had been motivated by the specialization of the Professor Career; also that the private sector took advantage of these legal devices to offer courses of this mode, however, guided to other fields of performance.

A utilização dos Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) em métodos de blended learning e o valor funcional percebido pelos alunos: estudo de caso em um curso de graduação em Administração / The choice of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in blended learning methods and the functional value perceived by the students: a case study in an undergraduate course in Administration.

Valéria Feitosa de Moura 15 December 2017 (has links)
O rápido desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação traz oportunidades para área da educação, colocando a educação a distância e aprendizagem online como opções para o modelo tradicional, sobretudo os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), os quais, no contexto do movimento de educação aberta, são apresentados como meio para aumentar o acesso e a qualidade da educação, proporcionando redução dos custos e da desigualdade educacional, sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento. A revisão sistemática de 74 artigos evidenciou que as IES estão incorporando os MOOCs às suas práticas - em parte, produzindo seus próprios MOOCs, mas também os integrando a seus currículos, tanto para revisar conteúdo do Ensino Médio com alunos ingressantes no Ensino Superior quanto para melhorar seus cursos.Assim, considerando que as pesquisas que avaliam a incorporação dos MOOCs aos currículos das IES investigam, sobretudo, o desempenho e o nível de satisfação dos alunos, o objetivo principal desse estudo foi compreender como os MOOCs estão sendo incorporados aos cursos presenciais de graduação e qual o valor funcional percebido pelos alunos com relação a essa prática. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura e um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório e descritivo, que integra os enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo. A unidade de análise do estudo de caso foi a disciplina de Fundamentos de Administração, lecionada no primeiro ano do curso bacharelado em Administração, e quatro fontes de evidências foram utilizadas: documentos sobre o MOOC, documentação sobre a disciplina que utilizou o MOOC, entrevistas com o Chefe de Departamento e os professores responsáveis pela disciplina e levantamento (survey) com 101 alunos. As evidências obtidas nas etapas de investigação documental e entrevistas foram analisadas baseando-se nas questões de pesquisas, enquanto o levantamento com os alunos valeu-se da técnica de análise estatística de modelagem de equações estruturais, utilizando o software R. Os resultados do estudo permitiram identificar que, assim como sugerido pela literatura, o MOOC foi utilizado como recurso online no método blended learning em uma disciplina introdutória e substituindo parte da carga horária presencial, possibilitando o aumento do número de alunos por professor, além de tornar a disciplina mais atrativa para o alunado. Além disso, que o MOOC foi usado como recurso online para apresentação do conteúdo, enquanto os exercícios de fixação, as avaliações e as atividades complementares foram desenvolvidos pelos professores. As hipóteses propostas no estudo foram validadas: valor funcional percebido tem efeito positivo (r=0,801) na intenção de recompra (R2=64,15%), a qualidade percebida com relação ao processo de blended learning e a qualidade percebida com relação ao MOOC têm efeitos positivos (r=0,22e r=0,2929, respectivamente) no valor funcional percebido pelo aluno (R2=20,46%); a preferência e autodisciplina para realização de cursos a distância têm efeito positivo na qualidade percebida com relação ao processo de blended learning (r=0,2636 e R2=6,95%) e com relação ao MOOC (r=0,347 e R2=12,04%). Conclui-se que o valor funcional percebido pelo aluno é favorável, com escore de 4,53 (escala de 7 pontos), e é influenciado pela qualidade percebida com relação ao MOOC e ao processo de blended learning. / The rapid development of information technology brings opportunities for education, putting distance education and online learning as options for the traditional model of education, especially the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which in the context of the open education are presented as a means to increase access and quality of education, proportionate educational costs and inequality, especially in developing countries. The systematic review of 74 articles showed that HEIs are incorporating MOOCs into their practices. In part, by producing their own MOOCs, but also integrating them into their curricula, both to revise high school content with incoming higher education students and to improve their courses. Thus, considering that research evaluating the incorporation of MOOCs into The main objectives of this study were to understand how the MOOCs are being incorporated into undergraduate courses and what functional value students perceive in relation to this practice. For such, a systematic review of the literature and an exploratory and descriptive case study were carried out, integrating the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The unit of analysis of the case study was the Fundamentals of Administration discipline taught in the first year of the baccalaureate course in Administration and four sources of evidence were used: documents about the MOOC, documentation about the discipline that used the MOOC, interviews with teachers responsible for discipline and survey with the students. The evidence obtained in the documentary analysis and interviews were analyzed based on the research questions while the student lifting was based on the technique of statistical analysis modeling of structural equations using software R. The results of the study allowed to identify, that as suggested by the literature, the MOOC was used as an online resource in the blendedlearning method in an introductory discipline and replacing part of the classroom workload, making it possible to increase the number of students per teacher, in addition to making the course more attractive for the student. The MOOC was used as an online resource for content presentation, while the attachment exercises, assessments, and complementary activities were developed by teachers. The hypotheses proposed in the study were validated: perceived functional value has a positive effect (r = 0.801) on the intention to buy back (R2 = 64.15%), the quality perceived in relation to the blended learning process and perceived quality in relation to the MOOC have positive effects (r = 0.22 and r = 0.2929, respectively) on the functional value perceived by the student (R2 = 20.46%); (r = 0.2636 and R2 = 6.95%) and in relation to the MOOC (r = 0.347 and R 2 = 12), the preference and self-discipline for distance courses have a positive effect on the perceived quality of the blended learning process , 04%).It is concluded that the functional value perceived by the student is favorable, obtaining a score of 4.53 on a 7-point scale, and that this is influenced by the perceived quality in relation to the MOOC and in relation to the process of blended learning.

Ser na língua do outro: uma investigação heurística do ensino-aprendizagem de FLE / Being in the language of the other: an heuristic research of the FLE teaching-learning

Guiomar Marins Justino de Oliveira 06 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as reflexões sobre a prática de ensino, feitas pelo próprio pesquisador enquanto professor de francês, língua estrangeira, em contexto exolíngue de ensino-aprendizagem, por meio da análise de seus relatos de vida ou narrativas (auto)biográficas (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) acompanhados de seus diários de aula. Como forma discursiva, os relatos permitem ao narrador a rememoração e o resgate de experiências vividas; dessa forma, a narrativa apresenta-se, igualmente, como um retrato da situação no momento acontecido, trazendo consigo uma significação social, cheia de descrições e informações sobre um determinado contexto sociocultural e permitindo aos indivíduos, envolvidos no relato ou não, a compreensão do vivido pela perspectiva do narrador. Os relatos aqui trazidos dizem respeito à minha formação docente como um todo. Quanto aos diários de aula, eles concernem as atividades didáticas que realizei nos cursos FLE, FOS, FOU do CFIPOLI- USP. A presente pesquisa se define como uma investigação qualitativa, feita à luz da metodologia de pesquisa heurística de Clark E. Moustakas (1994). O registro de vida e das aulas constituem um espaço de expressão e de elaboração do pensamento do professor, no qual ele se expõe como profissional e pessoa; ao (se) expor, ele explica e interpreta sua ação pedagógica em aula e fora dela. Desta forma, como sujeitonarrador trago questões que influenciaram minhas ações e decisões pedagógicas e complemento os relatos com estudos específicos e analíticos, além de reflexões sobre práticas de aulas apresentadas. Todo esse processo, apenas possível pela ação reflexiva docente, contamina todos os envolvidos gerando um processo consciente e reflexivo também no(s) aluno(s). / The present study aimed to analyze the reflections about the teaching practice performed by the researcher as a French teacher, foreign language, in exolingual context of teaching and learning, by analyzing his life reports or autobiographical narratives (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) together with his class diary. As discursive form, the reports allows the narrator the recalling and the rescue of past experiences, thus, the narrative is presented as a picture of the situation from the that moment, bringing with it a social meaning, full of descriptions and information about a certain sociocultural context and allowing the subjects, involved in the report or not, the understanding of moment by the narrator perspective. The reports of this article are about the authors graduation being a teacher as a whole. About the class diary, they report the didactics activities performed in courses of FLE, FOS, FOU of CFI-POLI-USP. The present research is defined as a qualitative investigation, done by the methodology of heuristic research of Clark E. Moustakas (1994). The class and life records constitute a space of expression and development of teachers thought, exposing him professionally and as a person, doing it, the teacher explains and interprets his pedagogical actions inside and outside the class. Thus, as narrator subject, bringing issues that influenced the actions and pedagogical decisions and adding the reports with specific and analytics studies, besides the reflections about the practice of presented classes. All this process, only is possible by the teachers reflective action, contaminates everyone involved promoting a conscious and reflective process for students also.

Avaliação de programas de doutorado em Administração sob a perspectiva dos egressos / Evaluation of doctoral programs in business administration according alumni\'s perspective

Augusto Takerissa Nishimura 08 June 2015 (has links)
Com a expansão do sistema educacional, em especial do ensino superior no Brasil, intensificou-se a preocupação com a qualidade das instituições educacionais. A pesquisa sobre egressos (ex-alunos) é considerada um dos importantes meios para informar sobre a qualidade institucional e demonstrar os impactos gerados na sociedade. Apesar disso, é observado que as instituições brasileiras raramente utilizam os egressos como fonte de informações para os cursos, e quando captam informações, não as utilizam eficazmente para a melhoria da qualidade educacional. Nesse contexto, esta Tese tem como pergunta de pesquisa: Que indicadores podem subsidiar a avaliação, sob a perspectiva dos egressos, como ferramenta para o aperfeiçoamento dos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu? Para tanto, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas etapas: (a) proposição teórica das dimensões e dos indicadores para Avaliação de Programas de Doutorado em Administração, sob a perspectiva dos egressos; e (b) aplicação desse conjunto de indicadores, junto a uma amostra de egressos, por intermédio de um e-survey, para Avaliação de um Programa de Doutorado em Administração. Os resultados propõem a classificação dos indicadores em três dimensões: (1) Avaliação das Repercussões (mensuração das mudanças ocorridas no nível individual em função de uma determinada intervenção educacional); (2) Avaliação do Relacionamento (análise do nível de participação, envolvimento e engajamento dos alunos e dos egressos na vida da Instituição/Programa) e (3) Avaliação da Qualidade dos Serviços (visão dos egressos sobre a estrutura e os serviços prestados pela Instituição/Programa de formação). A aplicação e validação do conjunto de indicadores, em uma amostra de 141 egressos, mostraram serem válidos e consistentes os instrumentos utilizados e as dimensões propostas, permitindo chegar a constatações com relação às repercussões, ao relacionamento e ao nível de qualidade do Programa de Doutorado avaliado. Nesse sentido, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa reside na proposição das dimensões e indicadores para avaliação de Programas de Doutorado em Administração, a partir da visão dos egressos, que podem ser ratificadas em futuras pesquisas, com replicação dessas dimensões e dos indicadores em Programas de diferentes instituições ou áreas / With the expansion of the educational system, especially higher education in Brazil, concerns about the quality of educational institutions were intensified. Research on graduates (alumni) is considered one of the main sources to inform about the educational quality and to demonstrate the impacts on society. Nevertheless, it is observed that Brazilian institutions rarely consider alumni as a source of information for their courses, and when these institutions capture information, they do not apply them effectively for improving the educational quality. In this context, this Thesis presents the following research question: What indicators can support the evaluation, from alumni\'s perspective, as a tool for improvement of Graduate Stricto Sensu Programs? Therefore, the study was conducted in two stages: (a) theoretical proposition of dimensions and indicators for evaluation of Doctoral Programs in Business Administration, according alumni\'s perspective; and (b) application of this set of indicators in a sample of graduates, through an e-survey, for evaluation of a Doctoral Program in Business Administration. The results suggest the classification of indicators in three dimensions: (1) Impact Evaluation (measurement of changes at the individual level in terms of a particular educational intervention); (2) Relationship Evaluation (analysis of the level of participation, involvement and engagement of students and graduates in the Institution/Program life) and (3) Services Quality Evaluation (the alumni insight into the structure and the services provided by the institution / training program). The application and validation of the set of indicators, in a sample of 141 graduates, showed that the tools used and the proposed dimensions are valid and consistent, allowing reach findings regarding the impact, the relationship and the quality level of the evaluated Doctoral Program. In this sense, the main contribution of this research is the proposition of dimensions and indicators for evaluation of Doctoral programs in Business Administration, from the alumni\'s perspective, which can be ratified in future researches, with replication of these dimensions and indicators in programs of different institutions or areas.

Fatores de atratividade em cursos de graduação: o estudo de caso da Faculdade Ideal - FACI - de Belém do Pará

Carvalho, Leonardo Augusto Carneiro January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2013-07-23T14:14:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado - Leonardo Augusto Carneiro Carvalho - MEX FGV-EBAPE 2010.pdf: 493383 bytes, checksum: 984ec39fd5357d81ab1b7b49d600ebe4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2013-07-23T14:15:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado - Leonardo Augusto Carneiro Carvalho - MEX FGV-EBAPE 2010.pdf: 493383 bytes, checksum: 984ec39fd5357d81ab1b7b49d600ebe4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2013-07-23T14:15:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado - Leonardo Augusto Carneiro Carvalho - MEX FGV-EBAPE 2010.pdf: 493383 bytes, checksum: 984ec39fd5357d81ab1b7b49d600ebe4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-07-23T14:15:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Mestrado - Leonardo Augusto Carneiro Carvalho - MEX FGV-EBAPE 2010.pdf: 493383 bytes, checksum: 984ec39fd5357d81ab1b7b49d600ebe4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / O presente trabalho busca auxiliar no processo de gestão das instituições de ensino superior do Brasil e principalmente da Amazônia através de uma pesquisa que vem para diminuir as lacunas que existem no campo da gestão de instituições de ensino. Por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa, pretendeu-se elucidar dentro do processo de escolha, por parte dos alunos ingressantes no ensino superior, quais são os atributos que determinam a escolha de um curso de graduação, não somente na campo da administração de empresas, mas nos cursos de graduação como um todo. / This study aims to help in the management of higher education institutions in Brazil and mainly in the Amazon through a study that is to reduce the gaps that exist in the field of management education institutions. Through a quantitative study, we sought to elucidate in the process of choice on the part of students entering higher education, what are the attributes that determine the choice of an undergraduate course, not only in the field of business administration, but in undergraduate courses as a whole.

Entre Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Educação Física: Reformas no Ensino Superior e a Constituição de Identidades dos Profissionais de Educação Física da ESEF/UFPel / Between a Teaching Degree and a Bachelor s Degree in Physical Education: Syllabus Reform in Higher Education and the Constitution of Physical Educators Identities at ESEF/UFPel

Finoqueto, Leila Cristiane Pinto 29 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:48:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leila Cristiane Pinto Finoqueto_Tese.pdf: 1518187 bytes, checksum: 24b07f5023e11e3c34d4b61851780c99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-29 / This study dealt with the impact caused by the latest syllabus reform in the Physical Education course (both in the Teaching and the Bachelor s Degrees) on the constitution of Physical Educators identities. The main objective of the research was to understand whether these changes were appropriate and how they affected the syllabus and College students identities. Post-structuralist studies, mainly Foucauldian ones, were taken as references to work on concepts such as discourse, discursive practices and power-knowledge. The use of Stephen Ball s Policy Cycle Approach made the analyses address a view on educational and syllabus policies which could be understood as the result of constant conflicts in different contexts that interpenetrate and relate to each other to yield global-local effects. The investigation was carried out by discourse analyses of: official texts in educational reform that aims at students pursuing teaching and bachelor s degrees in Physical Education; the faculty involved in the development of a political text in the country; and the faculty who focused on the re-contextualization of official norms in the local context of political production and of seniors who graduated at ESEF/UFPel in 2010. In this study, I have defended that the Syllabus Reform which was carried out in 2004 in Physical Education courses (CNE/CES Resolution no. 07/2004) potentized the discourse of distinction between both degrees. Thus, effective possibilities of thinking about the development and the constitution of distinct identities were created and consolidated. Even so, these identities were embedded in common discursive practices which showed performativity and managerialism as political technologies in the (self)development process. Besides, I have pointed out the weight of tradition which fits official norms without abandoning old pedagogical practices that ESEF/UFPel professors consider creative and adequate to the development processes of professionals in Physical Education. Finally, the work market is seen as an indicator and the end of professional development as well as the consolidation of studies which look at Physical Education from a biological perspective in terms of physical activity, performance and health. / Este estudo tratou dos impactos das recentes reformas nos currículos de Licenciatura e de Bacharelado em Educação Física na constituição de identidades dos profissionais de Educação Física. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi compreender de que maneira a reforma educacional foi apropriada e que efeitos resultaram nos currículos e na identidade profissional dos/as acadêmicos/as. Tomou-se como referência estudos pós-estruturalistas, especialmente os estudos foucaultianos no trato de conceitos como discurso, práticas discursivas e poder-saber. A utilização da Abordagem do Ciclo de Políticas de Stephen Ball permitiu que as análises empreendidas reposicionassem a visão sobre políticas educacionais e curriculares, compreendendo-as como resultado de constantes conflitos que ocorrem em diferentes contextos que se interpenetram, se relacionam, produzindo efeitos globais-locais. A investigação empreendida foi efetivada mediante a análise dos discursos: dos textos oficiais, relacionados às reformas educacionais para a formação de professores e de bacharéis em Educação Física; de docentes envolvidos com a produção do texto político na esfera federal; de docentes empenhados na recontextualização das normativas oficiais no contexto local de produção da política e de acadêmicos/as, formandos/as de 2010 da ESEF/UFPel. Defendi neste estudo que a instituição da Reforma Curricular do ano de 2004, Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os curso de graduação em Educação Física (Resolução CNE/CES n.07/2004) potencializou o discurso da distinção entre as formações, criando e consolidando possibilidades efetivas de pensar a formação e a constituição de identidades distintas, ainda assim, identidades perpassadas por práticas discursivas comuns que denotam a performatividade e o gerencialismo como tecnologias políticas no processo (auto)formativo; a força da tradição que se ajusta às normatizações oficiais sem abandonar antigas práticas pedagógicas que docentes da ESEF/UFPel consideram criativas para a formação dos profissionais de Educação Física; o mercado de trabalho como balizador e fim da formação profissional e a consolidação de estudos que perspectivam a Educação Física sob o viés biológico, sob o enfoque da atividade física, do desempenho e da saúde.

La problématique de l'enseignement technique et professionnel moyen au Gabon / the problematic of technical and vocational middle education in Gaboon

Abdallah-Bindang Edou, Laïticia 11 June 2015 (has links)
La formation technique et professionnelle a souvent été considérée comme un facteur déterminant dans le processus de développement des forces productives des pays en quête de progrès, de croissance et de modernité tel que le Gabon. C'est dans cette logique qu'elle fut institutionnalisée et légitimée dans la loi 16/66 portant organisation générale de l'enseignement dans la République gabonaise. Mais depuis la tenue des Etats Généraux de l'Education et de la formation de 1983 au Gabon, le bilan diagnostic et les perspectives de l'enseignement technique et professionnel scolaire conduisent au désenchantement. Ses effets, pervers ne cessent d'être relevés dans les discours tenus par la société civile nationale et internationale. La parole n'étant jusqu'à ce jour pas donnée à ses principaux bénéficiaires que sont les élèves et les enseignants, c'est tout l'objectif de la présente étude. Avec eux, nous débattons des attributs sociaux de l'enseignement technique et professionnel scolaire, afin de répondre à la question de son attractivité, en dépit des discours peu élogieux prononcés à son égard. Nous examinons aussi les causes de l'inefficacité de l'enseignement technique et professionnel scolaire en interrogeant les conditions de scolarité des élèves, les certifications, les rendements scolaires et le vécu de carrière enseignante. / Technical and vocational studies have often been considered as a major element in the development process leading to progress, growth and modernity in countries such as Gaboon. lt is in such a state of mind that it was institutionalized and became legitimate with the law 10/66 which dealt with the general organization of education in the Republic of Gaboon. Since the EtatsGénétaux de l'Education Formation in 1983, the balance and perspectives of technical and vocational education led to a disillusioned view. lts biased effects are examined by the civil national and international society. Although, up to now the main benefactors such as the students and the teachers have not been allowed to speak up, it is thus the main object of our study. With their comments, on one hand, we shall view the main social features of the technical and vocational school in order to check its interest, notwithstanding the lack of favorable comments in public speeches. On the other hand we shall examine the causes of the lack of efficiency of the technical and vocational schools regarding the schooling, the process of graduation, the output and the insight of a teacher's career concerning his wages.

Návrh na optimalizaci organizace vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků ke státním maturitám v Praze a Středočeském kraji / Proposal for optimization of organization of teaching staff education to the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia

Šlechtová, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the educational management of the teaching staff supervising the state graduation exams. The theoretical part explains the concept of educational management and focuses in detail on the managerial function of organization. It describes the current form of the state graduation exams, related legislation and institutions involved. The thesis explains the staffing of graduation exams and individual training programs for teachers, and clarifies the role of further education of teachers. The aim of the work is to optimize the organization surrounding the education of teachers supervising the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia. The data in the presented research were collected via a survey among participants of the education related to the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia in the school year of 2015/2016 and interviews with lecturers of relevant training programs. KEYWORDS Management, education management, organization, optimization, education, teaching staff, further education of teachers, state graduation exam.

The impact of minimum wages on the incentives of education for the youth

Kurdi, Heba January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the incentives regarding the education decisions, resulting from a minimum wage over the period 2005-2014. The question is investigated by comparing the changes in the wage dispersion and upper secondary graduation rate in 17 OECD countries. And then, by comparing the changes in the bites of the minimum wage and educational attainment for upper secondary students in 11 OECD countries, where minimum wages are regulated by law. The majority of previous research seem to point out a negative educational effect of minimum wages. However, this paper finds no evidence that increasing the minimum wage can decrease the high school graduation rate. A possible explanation is that the correlation between the higher employment prospect and educational attainment can create incentives for young individuals to undergo education. This study seems to be the first to investigate the educational effects of minimum wages using internationally comparative data.

The Effect of Texas Charter High Schools on Diploma Graduation and General Educational Development (Ged) Attainment

Maloney, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the effect of Texas's charter high schools on diploma graduation and General Educational Development (GED) attainment. Utilizing data from the Texas Schools Project at the University of Texas at Dallas, the study follows a cohort of Texas students enrolled as 10th graders in the fall of 1999 and tracks their graduation outcomes through the summer of 2002 when they were expected to have completed high school. The analysis uses case study research and probit regression techniques to estimate the effect of charter school attendance on graduation and GED outcomes as well as the effect of individual charter school characteristics on charter students' graduation outcomes. The study's results indicate that charter school attendance has a strong negative effect on diploma graduation and a strong positive effect on GED attainment. In addition, the study finds that charter schools that offer vocational training, open entry/exit enrollment options, and charters that are operated in multiple sites or "chain" charters have positive effects on charter students' diploma graduation outcomes. Charters that offer accelerated instruction demonstrate a negative effect on diploma graduation. The study finds that charter school graduation outcomes improve as charters gain experience and that racially isolated minority charter schools experience reduced graduation outcomes. The study's results also indicate that Texas's charter high schools may be providing district schools with a means through which to offload students who may be difficult to educate. The analysis finds that districts may be pushing low-performing high school students with attendance and discipline problems into charter schools in order to avoid the effort of educating them and to improve district performance on accountability measures related to standardized test scores and graduation rates. This finding suggests that that competition from charter high schools will not provide much incentive for districts to improve their programs, undermining a central premise of school choice initiatives.

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