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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La cultura organizacional como estrategia de mejora en el desempeño de los colaboradores de las empresas del sector inmobiliario en Lima Metropolitana, en el 2020 / Organizational culture as a strategy for improving the performance of employees of companies in the real estate sector in Metropolitan Lima, in 2020

De los Santos Maco, Ivon Cecilia 07 September 2020 (has links)
En la presente investigación, se plasma la realidad de la cultura organizacional dentro del sector inmobiliario, ya que hoy en día, sobre todo en la situación actual que se vive por la pandemia debida al COVID-19, el factor humano ha tomado mayor relevancia de la que tenía con anterioridad, ya que las organizaciones se encuentran subsistiendo gracias al trabajo de los colaboradores y todo su empeño para sacarla adelante. Es así, esta investigación resalta los factores que los colaboradores identifican dentro de sus organizaciones y la valoración que le dan. Asimismo, es importante resaltar, que se comprueba la relación que existe entre la variable independiente cultura organizacional, y la variable dependiente desempeño organizacional, ya que, aunque este tipo de sectores no tienen un tratamiento especializado al personal que contratan para realizar diversas actividades dentro de las organizaciones, sobre todo en la selección y motivación constante, hace que no se pueda tener mayores resultados a los que se obtienen actualmente. Por ello, a lo largo del documento, se realizan las recomendaciones respectivas para una mejora de productividad por parte del sector en cada organización, ya que se demuestra, que, desde la potenciación y capacitación del factor humano, se pueden obtener resultados mejores a nivel organización y poder transmitir esos beneficios a futuros postulantes y volverse una organización con una cultura establecida y atractiva para el mercado laboral. Es así, que se demuestra a lo largo de la investigación las bases teóricas de cada variable y la demostración de relación que existe en cada una de ellos y sus tipos, dando como resultado el grado y su respectiva justificación. / In this research, the reality of the organizational culture within the real estate sector is reflected, since today, especially in the current situation experienced by the pandemic due to COVID-19, the human factor has taken on greater relevance in the one it had previously, since the organizations are subsisting thanks to the work of the collaborators and all their efforts to get it ahead. Thus, this research highlights the factors that the collaborators identify within their organizations and give it an assessment depending on whether it is being complied with in relation to the organizational culture and whether it is related to any of the types set forth herein. Likewise, it is important to highlight that the relationship between the independent variable, organizational culture, and the dependent variable, organizational performance, is verified, since, although these types of sectors do not have specialized treatment for the personnel they hire to carry out various activities within organizations. Therefore, throughout the document, the respective recommendations are made for an improvement in productivity by the sector in each organization, since it is shown that, from the empowerment and training of the human factor, better results can be obtained at the organization and be able to transmit those benefits to future applicants and become an organization with an established culture and attractive to the labor market. Thus, the theoretical bases of each variable and the demonstration of the relationship that exists in each of them and their types are demonstrated throughout the investigation, resulting in the degree and its respective justification. / Tesis

Business Intelligence påverkan på beslutsprocesser : En undersökning av BI-systemens påverkan på beslutsprocesser och förändring av beslutsunderlaget hos en organisation

Berhane, Aron, Nabeel, Mohamad January 2020 (has links)
Business Intelligence-systems are well embedded in the daily work of managers in the organizations today. These systems have a significant impact on the management of big data as well as assisting managers in making decisions. The purpose of this study is to investigate how BI-systems affect decision making processes and the change of decision making in organizations and their activities, by looking into three aspects in Business intelligence (data quality, data analysis and the human factor). This study's approach consists of literature review and interviews with organizations who have implemented a BI-system in their activities. The results show that data quality does not have a direct impact on the use success of BI but is still an essential aspect when it comes to information management for decision making. Data analysis tools offers various of methods to help a decision maker in creating a decision basis for different types of decisions. BI-systems affects the decision-making process by making organizations think systematically in decision making in comparison with making decisions based on intuitions. / Business intelligence-system idag är väl inbäddade i det dagliga arbetet hos ledningen i organisationer. Dessa system har en stor inverkan på hanteringen av Big data och hjälper cheferna att fatta beslut. Studien syftar till att undersöka BI-systemens påverkan på beslutsprocesser och förändringen av beslutsunderlag hos organisationer och dess verksamheter, genom att undersöka utifrån tre aspekter inom BI som kan ha ett inflytande hos beslutsprocessen och beslutsunderlaget (Datakvalitet, dataanalys och mänskliga faktorn). Studiens tillvägagångssätt består av litteraturstudie och intervjuer med organisationer som har ett BI-system implementerat i deras verksamhet. Resultaten antyder på att datakvalitet har ingen direkt påverkan på framgången med BI men att kvalitetssäkring av data är fortfarande en essentiell del vid bearbetning av information för beslutsunderlaget, dataanalysverktyg erbjuder variationer av metoder för att hjälpa en beslutsfattare i att skapa beslutsunderlag för olika typer av beslut. BIsystems påverkar processen genom att organisationer utför ett mer systematiskt tänkande vid beslutshantering i jämförelse med att ta beslut på intuition.

L'ingénierie sociale : la prise en compte du facteur humain dans la cybercriminalité / Social engineering : the importance of the human factor in cybercrime

Gross, Denise 08 July 2019 (has links)
La révolution numérique a favorisé l’apparition d’une nouvelle forme de criminalité : la cybercriminalité. Celle-ci recouvre un grand nombre de faits dont la plupart sont commis à l’aide de stratégies d’ingénierie sociale. Il s’agit d’un vieux phénomène, pourtant mal connu qui, encouragé par l’accroissement de données circulant sur Internet et par le développement de barrières techniques de sécurité, s’est adapté aux caractéristiques de l’univers virtuel pour une exploitation combinée des vulnérabilités « humaines » avec des outils numériques. L’ingénierie sociale transforme les utilisateurs qui deviennent, inconsciemment, facilitateurs des cyberattaques, au point d’être perçus comme le « maillon faible » de la cybersécurité. Les particuliers, les entreprises et les Etats sont tous confrontés au défi de trouver une réponse à ces atteintes. Cependant, les moyens juridiques, techniques, économiques et culturels mis en place semblent encore insuffisants. Loin d’être éradiquée, l’utilisation de l’ingénierie sociale à des fins illicites poursuit son essor. Face au manque d’efficacité de la politique criminelle actuelle, le travail en amont nous apparaît comme une piste à explorer. Savoir anticiper, détecter précocement et réagir promptement face à la délinquance informatique sont alors des questions prioritaires nécessitant une approche plus humaniste, axée sur la prévention et la coopération. Si nous sommes d’accord sur ce qu’il reste à faire, le défi est de trouver le« comment ». / The digital revolution has encouraged the emergence of a new type of criminal activity : cyber-crime. This includes a vast array of activities and offences that often use social engineering techniques. These techniques are old and not widely understood, yet benefit from the increase of data available online and the use of firewalls and other security systems. They have been adapted to work with the Internet and digital technologies in order to exploit the “vulnerabilities” of human psychology. Social engineering targets the user, who often unconsciously, allows access to systems or data, making the user the weakest link in the cyber-security chain. Individuals, companies and governments are all facing the same challenge in trying to solve these issues, utilising current legal, financial, technological and social resources which seem to be insufficient. Far from being eradicated, fraudulent activities that use social engineering continue to increase in prevalence. The inefficiency of current judicial polices forces us to consider alternative strategies upstream. Being proactive, predicting early and reacting quickly to computer related crimes should be the priority of a more humanistic approach which is focused on prevention and cooperation. Although one can agree on the approach ; the challenge is to find out how to implement it.

Diagnostika systémů s lidským operátorem / Diagnostic of Systems with a Human Operator

Havlíková, Marie January 2009 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is thematically focused to human operator systems significantly contributing to this system reliability and safety. The theoretical part of the thesis is concerned with human activities and communications in MMS system, valuation and estimation of human reliability probability in MSS. The important part of the thesis is also a description of human operator neuromuscular system as an executive powerful system on MMS system regulating activities and the summary of human driver models in compensative lateral car control. The practical part of the doctoral thesis is based on analyses created by experimental data of drives. Experimental drives were done on drivers set following different backgrounds and different sleep deprivation at whole day. All experimental data was realized from the cooperation and following the agreement of Faculty of Transportation Science research centre on Prague ČVUT. Another part of thesis includes driver simulation model proposals with nonlinear components for lateral car control. Simulation model drives are compared with real drives or drivers on drive-simulator and there are monitored identical and different dynamic movement characteristics. The main target of doctoral thesis is to detect and obtain significant dynamical drive experience characteristics based on experimental data analyses. As well to found drive characters variability owing to driver’s fatigue and determinated evaluated characteristics changes. Acquired results of thesis should help in assistant systems that in cooperation with other components alert to micro-sleep and run off drive possibility.

The human connection to information security : A qualitative study on policy development, communication and compliance in government agencies / Den mänskliga kopplingen till informationssäkerhet : En kvalitativ studie om policyutveckling, kommunikation och efterlevnad inom statliga myndigheter

Abdulhadi, Osama January 2023 (has links)
The human factor and insider threats play a crucial role in information security. In today’s digital age, protecting organizational data requires a deep understanding of human behaviour and its impact on information security. The increasing volume of electronically stored data has led to a rise in cyber threats and breaches, necessitating effective information security policies and regulations. This study focuses on the experiences and perspectives of employees and top management in government agencies regarding the development, communication, compliance, and attitudes towards information security policies and regulations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from both top management or information security officers and regular employees, which allowed for an in-depth exploration of their experiences and perspectives. The findings show that government agencies systematically develop policies by engaging stakeholders, ensuring accessibility, and adhering to legal frameworks. Addressing the human factor involves training, awareness programs, and top management support. Policy development and implementation include risk assessment, stakeholder identification, objective setting, continuous review, and integration into daily operations. Communication channels such as intranets, training, coordinators, and awareness events are utilized, but their effectiveness is not directly measured. Proposed improvements include enhancing accessibility, improving policy document management, and using clearer language. Employees generally possess a positive attitude towards information security, though their understanding varies, and challenges to their understanding include complex language and unclear instructions. Compliance also varies, with difficulties arising from technical terminology and information overload. Enhanced compliance can be achieved through simplified language, providing better resources, and top management support. Proactive incident management focuses on learning and risk minimization. The human factor and insider threats remain significant concerns, which emphasizes the need for further education, awareness training, and motivation.

Applicazione del diritto alimentare nell’Unione europea. Poteri pubblici e schemi privati per gestire le violazioni del diritto alimentare / FOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE EU. PUBLIC POWERS AND PRIVATE SCHEMES TO DEAL WITH FOOD LAW INFRINGEMENTS

CORINI, ANTONIA 27 March 2018 (has links)
La tesi si incentra sull’applicazione del diritto europeo in materia alimentare. L’elaborato prende il via dall’analisi degli obiettivi fondamentali e degli strumenti principali del diritto alimentare, del suo sviluppo storico e delle questioni che ha affrontato. L’applicazione del diritto alimentare è studiata esaminando il sistema dei controlli nell’Unione europea e la correlata implementazione sia da parte degli Operatori del settore alimentare sia da parte delle Autorità Competenti in due Stati membri (Italia e Olanda). Vengono, altresì, esaminati casi pratici in cui sono state rintracciate problematiche nell’applicazione del diritto alimentare o che hanno dimostrato le debolezze del sistema nel gestire le varie violazioni attinenti gli alimenti. Lo studio intende inoltre dimostrare le carenze del sistema normativo sviluppando un concetto teoretico quale quello delle violazioni dovute al “fattore umano” e del loro impatto sugli interessi economici dei consumatori. La tesi, quindi, si focalizza sugli strumenti più idonei alla gestione di violazioni di questa tipologia esaminando la legislazione recentemente adottata e prendendo in considerazione, altresì, le possibili soluzioni che possono derivare dai differenti approcci degli Stati membri e l’opportunità di utilizzare, parallelamente a regole ed attività svolte dalle Autorità competenti, standard privati. / The thesis analyses enforcement of EU food law. The analysis starts by concentrating on the EU Food Law central objectives and basic tools, its historical development and the issues it has aimed to face. Food Law Enforcement is analysed by examining food control systems in the European Union and their implementation by Food Business Operators as well as by the Competent Authorities in two Member States (Italy and The Netherlands). Cases are scrutinised where problems of enforcement or weaknesses of the system have come to light in dealing with various possible violations which concern food. The dissertation aims to show the shortcomings of the legal system and to contribute to solving them by developing a theoretical concept: that of behavioural infringements due to the human factor and of their impact on consumer economic interests. The dissertation, therefore, focuses on the most suitable instruments in dealing with these infringements by examining the newly adopted legislation and by looking at what can be learnt from different approaches chosen in the two Member States studies, including that of combining the Competent Authorities rules and activities to those of Private schemes.

The relationship between organisational resources and organisational performance in a national government department

Mafini, Chengedzai 01 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Business, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Organisational performance in the public sector has emerged as a critical topic in the post-1994 era in South Africa. This could ostensibly be attributed to the inability of the majority of most public organisations in the country to deliver a satisfactory standard of service to the public. An intense controversy has also emerged the world over on the selection of performance measures that are appropriate for use in public organisations. This debate is actuated by the existence of a multiplicity of performance measurement indices as well as frameworks that can be applied to manage performance in organisations. The existence of these multiple measurement mechanisms tends to confound the entire process of managing organisational performance. Another unresolved controversy focuses on the extent to which various organisational resources impact on organisational performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organisational performance and three organisational resources; specifically, the human factor, organisational systems and organisational processes. A quantitative design was adopted in which a survey questionnaire was administered to 272 managers and employees of a South African National Government Department. Respondents were selected using a blend of purposive sampling and convenience sampling approaches. Data were analysed using the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0). Reliabilities were measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the human factors, organisational systems and organisational processes. Spearman’s correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were used to investigate the relationship between organisational performance and the sub-elements under each of the three organisational resources. The impacts of each of the three factors on organisational performance were compared using the mean-score ranking technique. Performance of the National Government Department was measured using the four performance yardsticks of the Balanced Scorecard; namely, customer satisfaction, financial performance, innovation and learning, and internal processes The findings of the study revealed that performance of the National Government Department was highest in four strategic areas; which are the promotion of good corporate ethics and values, client satisfaction, service quality and relations with external organisations. However, performance shortfalls were observed in four key areas; namely, organisational speed, attrition of manpower, overloading of employees and the overburdening of divisions with high workloads. Correlation analysis showed that there were positive relationships between organisational performance and the five human factor components; life satisfaction, quality of work life, ability utilisation, creativity and autonomy. Regression analysis indicated that there were significant and predictive relationships between organisational performance and three human factor elements; namely, quality of work life, ability utilisation and life satisfaction. Among the five human factor elements, life satisfaction exerted the greatest impact on organisational performance. Significant, positive and predictive associations were also found between organisational performance and three organisational system factors; quality, innovation and inter-organisational systems, with quality exerting the greatest impact on organisational performance. Significant, positive and predictive relationships were further observed between organisational performance and the four organisational process factors identified in the study; namely, organisational structure, organisational change, team processes and organisational change. Among these, team processes exerted the greatest influence on organisational performance. Overall, the human factor applied the greatest impact on organisational performance, followed by organisational processes with organisational systems having the least impact. Based on these findings, recommendations were made and implications for further studies were suggested. The findings of the study provide empirical confirmation of the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for the measurement and management of performance in public sector organisations. Additionally, managers in different public organisations may enhance the performance of their organisations by optimising the sub-elements of the three organisational resources examined in this study.

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