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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alguns estudos da fluorescência e quimiluminescência de substâncias húmicas / Some studies on fluorescence and chemiluminescence of humic substances

Giselle Baratti Magdaleno 14 December 2007 (has links)
Investigou-se a influência de íons metálicos Al(III), Ca(II), Fe(III), Pb(II), Cu(II) e Cr(III) (10-6 a 10 -3 mol L-1 na intensidade relativa de fluorescência (IRF) do ácido húmico (AH, 10 mg L-1). os íons Cu(ii), Pb(II) e Cr (III) produziram um efeito de supressão, enquanto os íons Fe(III), Al(III) e Ca(II) não influenciaram significativamente nos valores de IRF. A partir dos valores de IRF foram calculadas a constante de estabilidade (K) dos complexos e a capacidade complexante do AH com Cu(II), Pb(II) e Cr(III). Os valores de K seguiram a ordem: Cr(III)> Pb(II) > Cu(II) e a capacidade complexante: Cr(III) ~ Pb(II)> Cu(II). Desenvolveu-se um novo método analítico baseado na reação quimiluminescente da oxidação do AH com peroxomonosulfato de potássio (PMS; 0,6 mol L-1</SUP) ) em meio básico (NaOH 1,0 mol L-1 ). A intensidade máxima de radiação emitida (Imáx ) e a área em função do tempo foram lineares com a quantidade de AH em solução na faixa de 0,5 a 20 mg L-1, com o limite de detecção de 0,24 mg L-1 , com limite de detecção de 0,24 mg L-1 . Um estudo comparativo foi realizado utilizando-se H2O2 (0,58 mol L-1 na presença de CH2O (0,44 mol L-1) em meio básico (NaOH 0,16 mol L-1) com limite de detecção de 0,4 mg L-1. As adições dos íons Cl-, NO3- , PO43- , CO32- , Fe(III), Cu(II), Cr(III) e Ca(II) na reação quimiluminescente de AH com PMS, não interferiram significativamente no sinal. Adições de 50 mg L-1 de Co(II) ou Mn(II) à solução de AH Aldrich, na forma de complexos de EDTA ou cloretos, aumentaram o valor Imáx devido à formação de espécies fortemente oxidantes como SO5°-, SO4°- HO° durante a reação de decomposição do PMS. O método foi aplicado para determinar a concentração de AH em amostra de água do Rio Miranda - MS, obtendo-se valores entre 2,9 a 12,3 mg L-1 . As reações de oxidação, com emissão de radiação, de alguns compostos orgânicos com PMS em meio básico foram estudadas. Com os polifenóis obtiveram- se intensidades de radiação mais significativas e os valores de área seguiram a seguinte ordem: floroglucinol >> ácido fúlvico > ácido húmico > resorcinol > ácido pirogálico > catecol > hidroquinona. Desta forma, como polifenóis existem na estrutura de substâncias húmicas, acredita-se que essas porções da molécula devem ser as responsáveis pela produção de quimiluminescência. / The influence of Al(III), Ca(II), Fe(III), Pb(II), Cu(II), and Cr(III) metal ions (10-6 to 10-3 mol L-1) on the relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) of humic acid (HA, 10 mg L-1) was investigated. Cu(II), Pb(II), and Cr(III) ions produced a quenching effect, while Fe(III), Al(III), and Ca(II) ions did not significantly interfere with RFI values. Stability constants (K) and complexing capacities of HA with Cu(II), Pb(II), and Cr(III) were obtained using RFI values. Stability values of complexes followed the order: Cr(III)> Pb(II) > Cu(II) and the complexing capacity values: Cr(III) ~ Pb(II) > Cu(II). A new analytical method was developed based on the chemiluminescent oxidation of HA by peroxymonosulfate (PMS; 0.6 mol L-1) in basic medium (NaOH 1.0 mol L-1). The intensity of radiation emission (Imax) and area vs. time were linear functions of HA concentration range of 0.5-20 mg L-1. The detection limit was 0.24 mg L-1. A comparative study was conducted using H2O2 (0.58 mol L-1) in the presence of CH2O (0.44 mol L-1) in basic medium (NaOH 0.16 mol L-1). The detection limit was 0.4 mg L-1 of HA. The addition of Cl-, NO3-, PO43-, CO32-, Fe(III), Cu(II), Cr(III), and Ca(II) to the chemiluminescent reaction of HA with PMS did not interfere with the signal. The addition of 50 mg L-1 Co(II) or Mn(II) (as EDTA complexes or chloride salts) to the HA sample enhanced radiation emission, due to the formation of strong oxidant species such as SO5o-, SO4o-, and HOo during PMS decomposition reaction. This method was applied to determine HA concentration in a sample of river water (Miranda River - MS), obtaining values between 2.9 and 12.3 mg L-1. Oxidation reactions of some organic compounds by PMS in basic medium were studied, which produced radiation emission. Polyphenols produced the highest emissions and the area values followed the order: phloroglucinol> fulvic acid> humic acid> resorcinol> pyrogalic acid> cathecol> hydroquinone. Since polyphenolic groups are supposed to exist within humic acid structure, those portions of the molecule are most likely to be responsible for that chemiluminescence.

Influência do tamanho molecular aparente das substâncias húmicas aquáticas na eficiência da coagulação com sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico / Influence of apparent molecular size from aquatic humic substances in the coagulation efficiency with aluminium sulfate and ferric chloride

Eliane Sloboda 01 November 2007 (has links)
Existem muitos mananciais usados como fonte de abastecimento de água que apresentam cor verdadeira relativamente alta, devido à presença de substâncias húmicas (SH). Muitas estações de tratamento de água (ETA) apresentam problemas no processo de coagulação decorrentes da presença das SH. Com isso é necessário o uso de pré-oxidantes para reduzir a cor verdadeira da água. Quando emprega-se o cloro como oxidante ocorre a formação de subprodutos halogenados, que são prejudiciais a saúde humana. Para este estudo coletou-se água no Rio Itapanhaú - Bertioga/SP, a qual apresentou cor verdadeira na ordem de 400 uH. Para a extração das SHA empregou-se a resina XAD 8. Os extratos de SHA foram filtrados em membrana com poros de 0,45 µm e após utilizou-se a técnica de ultrafiltração (UF) para o fracionamento do material húmico em diferentes tamanhos moleculares aparente. As frações empregadas na caracterização foram: F1: menor que 0,45 µm, F2: entre 100 kDa e 0,45 µm, F3: entre 30 e 100 kDa, F4: entre 10 e 30 kDa, F5: entre 5 e 10 kDa. As frações foram caracterizadas por meio das técnicas de análise elementar, espectroscopia de ultravioleta/visível, infravermelho e ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C (RMN de 13C). Os resultados mostraram que as frações de menor tamanho molecular aparente (F3, F4 e F5) possuem maior conteúdo de carbonos alifáticos do que carbonos aromáticos e uma porcentagem relativamente alta de oxigênios ligados a grupamentos alquílicos e a ácidos carboxílicos. As frações de maior tamanho molecular aparente (F1 e F2) apresentaram maior grau de condensação de grupamentos aromáticos. No caso dos espectros de RMN de 13C, não foi possível verificar diferenças significativas nas diferentes frações de SHA. Verificou-se picos mais intensos na região de grupos carboxil e alifáticos e menos intenso na região dos aromáticos. Isso indica que nas SHA há maior conteúdo de grupamentos oxigenados e carbonos alifáticos. As amostras de água de estudo foram preparadas com água de poço artesiano e com as frações de diferentes tamanhos moleculares aparentes das SHA (F1: menor que 0,45 µm, F2: entre 100 kDa e 0,45 µm e F3: entre 30 e 100 kDa e F4\': menor que 30 kDa) com cor verdadeira aproximadamente de 100 uH e turbidez em torno de 0,5 uT. Para avaliar a influência dos diferentes tamanhos moleculares aparentes das SHA na eficiência da coagulação foram feitos ensaios em jartest empregando filtração direta descendente. Os coagulantes empregados neste estudo foram, o sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico, ambos como produto comercial líquido. Os diagramas de coagulação evidenciaram a influência do tamanho molecular aparente das SHA no processo de coagulação, quando empregou-se os coagulantes sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico. Para as águas de estudo preparadas com as frações de menor tamanho molecular aparente, foi necessário maior dosagem de coagulante para se obter remoção da cor aparente da água e mesmo assim, a remoção foi menor. A fração de menor tamanho molecular aparente (F4\') apresenta maior porcentagem de ácidos fúlvicos, e estes apresentam maior quantidade de grupos com carga negativa. Por isso, há necessidade de maior dosagem de coagulante para que ocorra uma eficiente remoção de cor aparente. / Water sources used to supply the public water system frequently have a relatively high true color intensity due to dissolved aquatic humic substances (AHS). In this study, water samples were collected from the Itapanhaú River (Bertioga, SP, Brazil), which exhibited a true color intensity in the order of 300 Hanzen units. XAD-8 resin was used to extract AHS. The AHS extract was filtered through a membrane with 0.45 µm pores, giving fraction F1, and this was separated by ultrafiltration into 4 apparent molecular size fractions of humic material: F2 from 100 kDa to 0.45 µm, F3 from 30 to 100 kDa, F4 from 10 to 30 kDa and F5 from 5 to 10 kDa. The fractions were characterized by elemental analysis and UV/Vis, infra-red (IR) and carbon 13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) spectroscopy. In general, the results showed that the smaller molecular size fractions (F3, F4 and F5) had a higher proportion of aliphatic than aromatic carbon atoms and a relatively high percentage of oxygen atoms bonded to alkyl groups and in carboxylic acids. Conversely, the apparently larger molecules (fractions F1 and F2) showed a higher content of aromatic groups. In the case of the 13C-NMR spectra, no significant differences could be detected among the fractions. There were stronger peaks in the carboxyl group and aliphatic carbon region and weaker peaks in the aromatic region, indicating that in the AHS as a whole, there is a greater content of oxygenated groups and aliphatic carbon atoms. Water from an artesian well was used to prepare experimental samples of the following molecular size fractions of AHS: F1 < 0.45µm, F2 from 100 kDa to 0.45 µm and F3: from 30 kDa to 100 kDa and F4\': < 30 kDa, with true color intensity around 100 Hazen units and turbidity around 5.0 NTU. To assess the influence of the apparent molecular size on the efficiency of coagulation, jar test were carried out, using direct filtration. The coagulants employed were aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride. The coagulation diagrams obtained with these products revealed the effects of the molecular size of the AHS on the coagulation process. For the experimental samples, fractions F3 e F4 \', a greater dose of coagulant was needed to remove the apparent water color around 5.0 Hanzen units and, even then, the amount removed was smaller. F4\' also had a higher proportion of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups. For these reasons, a high dose of coagulant is necessary to achieve an efficient removal of apparent color.

Avaliação da influência de fatores ambientais na estrutura, dinâmica e propriedades ópticas das substâncias húmicas aquáticas do Rio Negro / Environmental factors influence evaluation on the structure, dynamics and optical properties of the aquatic humic substances form the \"Rio Negro\" - Amazonas

Ursula Fabiola Rodríguez Zúñiga 27 February 2007 (has links)
Um dos maiores interesses atuais no âmbito mundial, está focalizado no aumento da radiação ultravioleta (UV) e sua influência no equilíbrio dos sistemas aquáticos. O Rio Negro-AM, um dos principais afluentes da Bacia Amazônica, constitui-se em um lugar ideal para o estudo do impacto da radiação UV na biogeoquímica da matéria orgânica dissolvida (MOD), pelas elevadas concentrações de carbono orgânico (CO), altas taxas de radiação solar registradas e variabilidade sazonal do sistema. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar a dinâmica e funcionalidade das substâncias húmicas aquáticas (SHA) do Rio Negro frente a fatores ambientais como índices fluvio e pluviométricos e a radiação UV-visível. Com este objetivo as SHA foram classificadas em relação às estações do ano (verão, outono, inverno e primavera) e caracterizadas, através da composição elementar, capacidade complexante (CC) com Cu+2 e das espectroscopias de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE), ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono 13 (RMN 13C), infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), absorbância e fluorescência de luz UV-visível. O resultado revelou o efeito das mudanças sazonais do rio na estrutura da MOD, sendo que as SHA do inverno (época de cheia) evidenciaram o maior carácter alifático por RMN 13C, diretamente relacionado com altos níveis fluviométricos que favoreceriam o ingresso da MOD fresca de origem terrestre, hidrofílica e em vias de estabilização. Por outro lado, as SHA de verão e outono (época de seca), mostraram o maior carácter aromático com altos teores de radicais livres do tipo semiquinona, os maiores índices de humificação por fluorescência e as maiores absorbâncias a comprimentos de onda mais longos. Em uma segunda parte, avaliaram-se os efeitos da radiação UV-visível nas propriedades ópticas e estruturais das SHA de verão e inverno, para isso empregou-se uma lâmpada de Hg-Xe (290 - 475 nm). Em geral observou-se uma diminuição progressiva da absorbância e da cor, uma mineralização com redução aproximada de 75% de CO e a formação de estruturas de menor complexidade, evidenciada através do deslocamento para menores comprimentos de onda dos máximos de fluorescência; uma acidificação do meio (6 - 4,5) e uma perda total da CC de Cu+2, nos primeiros 300 minutos da irradiação. Desse modo, a variabilidade estrutural sazonal também foi observada no comportamento na fotodegradação das SHA de verão e inverno. Assim, as de verão (com maior aromaticidade) apresentaram uma cinética lenta (k=10,33 x 10-4), embora mais efetiva com a perda total de absorbância do 87%, atribuída a uma maior ressonância dos grupos cromóforos presentes em maior quantidade. Em contrapartida, as SHA de inverno (com a maior alifaticidade) degradaram se mais rapidamente (k=12,33 x 10-4) atingindo um estado limite estacionário, até uma perda de absorbância de 79%, devida à acelerada decomposição dos grupos alifáticos e/ou a produção de estruturas absorventes que são recalcitrantes e inertes aos comprimentos de onda da lâmpada. Contudo, estes resultados contribuem para um melhor entendimento das tendências dos fluxos de CO nos rios e a subseqüente quantificação de C das fontes terrestres e aquáticas e sua dependência com diversos fatores ambientais. / Nowadays, one of the major world concerning is focused in the increasing of the damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation and its impact on the aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the Rio Negro, one of the principal tributaries of the Amazon Basin, is an appropriate site for studying the influence of the UV radiation in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) biogeochemistry, since its high level of organic carbon (OC) production, the high rates of solar exposition and the seasonal variation of the system. The present research had the intent to evaluate the dynamics and functionality of the Rio Negro aquatic humic substances (AHS) influenced by environmental factors such as pluviometric and fluviometric levels and the UV-vis irradiation. In order to reach these objective, the AHS from one year were classified in seasonal groups (summer, autumn, winter and spring) and characterized through the elemental analysis, copper (Cu+2) complexation capacity (CC) and through the spectroscopic techniques as electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR), nuclear magnetic resonance of 13C (NMR 13C), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and UV-visible absorbance and fluorescence. The results revealed the river seasonal changes effects on the DOM structure, being that, the winter AHS (flooding season), evidenced the highest aliphatic character from the NMR 13C analysis, that can be related with the high fluviometric levels that would increasing the presence of fresh hydrophilic and not totally stabilized (MOD) from terrestrial sources. In contrast, the summer and autumn AHS (dry season) showed the greatest aromatic presence, high concentration of semiquinone free radicals, the greatest humification degrees from the fluorescence and the elevated long wavelength absorbance. Complementarily, the AHS optical and structural properties were assessed as a function of its exposure to UV-visible irradiation using an Hg-Xe lamp (290-475 nm). In general there were observed a progressive decreasing of absorbance and color, a mineralization with a 75% carbon loss and the formation of the less complex structures inferred from the change of the maximum fluorescence to shorter wavelengths. In addition there were registered the system acidification (6- 4,5) and a total loss of the Cu+2 CC during the first 300 minutes of the radiation exposure. As expected, the structure seasonal dependence influenced in the photodegradation behavior of the winter and summer AHS. The summer AHS sample (with the highest aromaticity) showed slower kinetics (k=10,33 x 10-4), but higher susceptibility to the UV irradiation with a 87% loss of absorbance, explained by the highest concentration of aromatic structures more resonant with the irradiation applied. On the counterpart, the winter AHS (with the highest aliphaticity) presented faster kinetics (k=12,33 x 10-4), reaching rapidly a stationary state with a total absorbance loss of 79%, as a result of an accelerated decomposition of its aliphatic fractions and/or the production of absorbing light recalcitrant compounds, unreactive to the wavelengths applied in this study. Finally, these results contribute for a better understanding of the OC river fluxes and the subsequent quantification of the terrestrial and aquatic C sources and its dependence with diverse environmental factors.

Ruptura e recrescimento de flocos em água com substâncias húmicas aquáticas coagulada com sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico / Breakage and regrowth of flocs in water with aquatic humic substances coagulated with aluminum sulphate and ferric chloride

Luís Truppel Constantino 30 May 2008 (has links)
Por meio de ensaios em reatores estáticos (em equipamento de jarteste) foram estudados os efeitos da ruptura e da refloculação na sedimentação dos flocos, para diferentes velocidades de sedimentação. A água de estudo foi preparada com substâncias húmicas aquáticas (SHA) extraídas de água coletada do rio Itapanhaú - Bertioga/SP, resultando cor verdadeira de 100 uH, e coagulada com sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico. Para os dois coagulantes, foram realizadas as etapas de coagulação, mistura rápida, floculação, ruptura (G=50, 100 e 150/s) e refloculação (G=10 e 20/s). Na sedimentação sem a ocorrência de ruptura o cloreto férrico teve um desempenho superior ao sulfato de alumínio, principalmente nas velocidades de sedimentação mais altas. Isso se deve ao fato da floculação da água coagulada com o cloreto férrico ter gerado flocos de tamanho muito superior aos flocos gerados com o sulfato de alumínio. A ruptura, em poucos segundos, prejudicou a remoção dos flocos por sedimentação. Quanto maior o gradiente de velocidade na ruptura, maiores foram os valores da cor aparente remanescente, mesmo após a refloculação. A refloculação, mesmo nos primeiros minutos, diminuiu a cor aparente remanescente se comparada a logo após a ruptura. O menor gradiente de velocidade durante a refloculação testado (10/s) apresentou menores valores da cor aparente remanescente. Tanto na água coagulada com o sulfato de alumínio quanto na coagulada com o cloreto férrico a refloculação se comportou de modo semelhante, havendo recuperação na eficiência de remoção de cor sem, porém, atingir os resultados obtidos antes da ruptura. / By using the jar test equipment, the effects of breakage and reflocullation on the efficiency of floc sedimentation were studied, using different settling velocities. Water of study was prepared with aquatic humic substances (AHS) extracted from the Itapanhaú river (Bertioga, SP, Brazil), resulting a true color of 100 uH. Coagulation was performed by using aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride. For both coagulants, coagulation, flocculation, breakage (G=50, 100 and 150/s) and reflocculation (G=10 and 20/s) tests were carried out. In the sedimentation without the floc breakage occurrence the ferric chloride had a superior performance to aluminum sulphate, mainly in higher settling velocities. This occurred because of flocculation of the ferric chloride coagulated water have generated higher size flocs than that generated with aluminum sulphate. The breakage of flocs, in few seconds, hindered the settling removal. The higher the average shear rate in the break-up, the higher result the residual turbidity even after the reflocculation. The reflocculation, even in the first minutes, decreased the apparent color if compared to the results just after the break-up and sedimentation. The lower average share rate used during the reflocculation (10/s) resulted lower values of the remaining apparent color. During the flocculation, the aluminum sulphate coagulated water as well as in the ferric chloride coagulated water held in similar way, recovering the efficiency of removal of color without, however, reach the results gotten before the breakage.

Efeito da pré-oxidação, coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados em águas contendo substâncias húmicas / Effect of preoxidation, coagulation, filtration, and post-chlorination on the formation of halogenated organic byproducts in water prepared with humic substances

Cristina Filomêna Pereira Rosa Paschoalato 29 April 2005 (has links)
A presença de substâncias húmicas em águas destinadas ao abastecimento tem ocasionado diversos problemas, decorrentes da formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados, principalmente quando se emprega a pré-oxidação com cloro. Os compostos orgânicos halogenados, reconhecidamente carcinogênicos e que podem ser encontrados nas águas tratadas e distribuída à população, são: trialometanos, ácidos haloacéticos, haloaldeidos, halocetonas, halofenóis e halopicrinas. Nas estações de tratamento de água para abastecimento (ETAs), a utilização da etapa de pré-oxidação da água bruta com cloro contribui para a formação desses subprodutos. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de formação de vinte e dois subprodutos com a utilização dos seguintes pré-oxidantes: cloro, dióxido de cloro, permanganato de potássio, peróxido de hidrogênio, ozônio e peroxônio. O potencial de formação de subprodutos foi simulado em uma água preparada com adição de substâncias húmicas extraídas de solo turfoso, por meio do uso da pré-oxidação, coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração. Os subprodutos foram quantificados por cromatografia gasosa com detetor de captura de elétrons. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o uso de pré-oxidantes alternativos, tais como: permanganato de potássio; dióxido de cloro; peróxido de hidrogênio; ozônio e peroxônio, associados à coagulação, filtração e pós-cloração formam quantidades mínimas de subprodutos. / The presence of humic substances in water destined for supply has brought many problems, resulting from the formation of halogenated organic byproducts, especially when preoxidation with chlorine is used. Halogenated organic compounds, which are admittedly carcinogenic and can be found in water treated and distributed for the population, are: trihalometano, haloacetic acid, haloaldehyde, haloacetone, halophenol, and halopicrin. In water treatment plants (WTPs), the use of preoxidation with chlorine of the raw water contributes for forming such byproducts. This research aims at evaluating the potential for the formation of twenty two byproducts using the following preoxidants: chlorine, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and peroxone. The potential of byproducts formation was simulated in water prepared with addition of humic substances extracted from peat soil by preoxidation, coagulation, filtration and post-chlorination. Byproducts were quantified by gas chromatography with electron capture detector. The results obtained showed that the use of alternative preoxidants such as: chlorine, chlorine dioxide, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and peroxone, associated with coagulation, filtration, and post-chlorination form a minimum of byproducts.

Remoção de substâncias húmicas por meio da oxidação com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio e filtração lenta / not available

Edson Pereira Tangerino 30 May 2003 (has links)
A presença de substâncias húmicas na água de abastecimento tem recebido a atenção de diversos pesquisadores nas últimas décadas, pois pode gerar subprodutos ao ser exposta a agentes oxidantes e desinfetantes. A filtração em múltiplas etapas (FiME) se apresenta como uma alternativa para realizar o tratamento de água de comunidades de pequeno porte, entretanto, a eficiência quanto à remoção de cor verdadeira associada ao carbono orgânico dissolvido ou às substâncias húmicas, tem sido questionada ou relatada como baixa. A filtração lenta com pré-ozonização vem sendo utilizada, pois o ozônio atua nas moléculas da matéria orgânica, aumentando sua biodegradabilidade e seus subprodutos desaparecem logo após a aplicação. A aplicação conjunta do ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio, tem o objetivo de produzir espécies com radicais livres, de vida curta, que sejam altamente reativos e possam oxidar a maior parte das substâncias presentes na água natural. A presente pesquisa avaliou a remoção de substâncias húmicas na filtração lenta, utilizando para essa avaliação parâmetros indiretos como cor verdadeira, absorvância 254 nm e carbono orgânico dissolvido. Foram realizados cinco ensaios utilizando quatro filtros lentos, sendo dois com camada de carvão ativado granular (CAG), em que foram ensaiadas várias alternativas de pré-oxidação com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio. Obteve-se, como principal conclusão, que os filtros lentos com CAG, precedidos de oxidação com ozônio e depois peróxido de hidrogênio, em dosagens adequadas, apresentaram remoção média de cor verdadeira de 64% da cor inicial. Concluiu-se, também, que o peróxido de hidrogênio afeta o desenvolvimento da camada biológica, interferindo no desenvolvimento da perda de carga, na remoção de turbidez e na remoção de substâncias húmicas. / The presence of humic substances in the water of supply has been received attention of several researchers in the last decades, because it can generate by-products when being exposed to oxidants and disinfectant. The multistage filtration (FiME) is an alternative considered to achieve water treatment for small size rural communities, however, the efficiency with relationship to the removal of true color associated to the dissolved organic carbon or to the humic substances, it has been questioned or reported as low. The slow filtration with pre-ozonation is being used, since the ozone acted in the molecules of the organic matter of high molecular weight, increasing its biodegradability and by-products disappear soon after the application. The combined application of the ozone and hydrogen peroxide have the objective of producing species with free radicals, of short-lived, that are highly reagents and can oxidize most of the present substances in the natural water. The present research it evaluated the removal of humic substances in the slow sand filtration, using for that evaluation indirect parameters as true color, absorbance 254 nm and dissolved organic carbon. Five experiments were realized using four slow filters, being two with layer of activated carbon to granulate (CAG), in that several pre-oxidation alternatives were rehearsed with ozone and peróxido of hydrogen. It was obtained, as main conclusion that the slow filters with CAG preceded ofoxidation with ozone and hydrogen peroxide, in appropriate dosagens, presented medium removal of true color of 64% of the initial color. It was also concludes that the hydrogen peroxide interferes the development of the biological layer, interfering in the development of the loss of head, in the turbidity removal and in the removal of humic substances.

Degradation of Humic Substances by Aquatic Bacteria

Baiu, Saleh Hamed Salem 08 1900 (has links)
A variety of aquatic bacteria were isolated and tested for their ability to degrade humic substances and their aromatic residues/monomers which serve as precursors of the trihalomethanes (THMs) found in chlorinated drinking waters. The majority of them were Gram-negative, oxidative types dominated by pseudomonads. Most of the 146 isolates were found to utilize as their sole source of carbon several or more of ten aromatic compounds known to be products of degradation of humus and also to be precursors of THMs. The aromatics tested, with percent of the isolates utilizing the compound in parentheses, were: p-hydroxybenzoate (49), vanillic acid (48), 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (16), syringic acid (19), vanillin (30), benzoic acid (27), ferulic acid (34), resorcinol (9), catechol (8) and protocatechuic acid (27).

Phytoplankton drivers in a marine system influenced by allochthonous organic matter – the Baltic Sea

Paczkowska, Joanna January 2016 (has links)
Climate change scenarios predict that seawater temperature and precipitation will increase in the Baltic Sea region during the next century. In the northern part of the Baltic Sea, increasing inflows of the terrestrial allochthonous dissolved organic matter (ADOM) are expected to be a major consequence of elevated rainfall, which can alter light and nutrient availability for phytoplankton. The aim of my thesis was to elucidate effects of ADOM on phytoplankton production, community, size-structure and nutritional strategy along offshore south-north gradients in the Baltic Sea, as well as in estuarine systems exposed to seasonal variation in river discharge. Field studies, a mesocosm experiment and a modeling study were used to explore these issues. Results from the field studies and mesocosm experiment illustrated that the nutritional strategy, size-structure and cellular pigment content of the phytoplankton were governed by changes in ADOM, and thus in light and nutrient availability. A summer study along an offshore south-north gradient showed that the proportion of mixotrophic phytoplankton increased towards the north. In this area the concentrations humic substances (proxy for ADOM) were high, while the light availability and phosphorus concentrations were relatively low. The phytoplankton cells responded to reduced light availability by increasing their chlorophyll a: carbon ratio. Additionally, the levels of photoprotective pigments decreased from south to north, as a result of acclimation to a low-light environment and reduced exposure to ultraviolet radiation. According to ecological assumptions picophytoplankton should be favored in light- and nutrient-limited environments. However, the results did not follow that pattern, the proportion of picophytoplankton being highest in the relatively nutrient rich Baltic Proper. The study was performed during the decline of an extensive bloom of filamentous cyanobacteria, a successional phase in which picophytoplankton often dominate the phytoplankton community. The estuarine studies performed in the Bothnian Bay (Råne estuary) and in the Bothnian Sea (Öre estuary) showed different successions. In the Råne estuary no spring phytoplankton bloom occurred and highest primary production was observed during the summer. This absence of a spring bloom was explained by low phosphorus and high ADOM concentrations, while the summer maximum could be explained by higher temperature and nutrient concentrations. In the Öre estuary a marked phytoplankton spring bloom was observed as well as an ADOM sustained bacterial production phase. The later secondary peak of bacterial production observed in summer, concomitant with an extended secondary primary production peak, suggests that autochthonous dissolved organic matter supported the bacterial growth Furthermore, the photosynthetic efficiency (i.e. phytoplankton growth rates) was lower during spring, indicating that high ADOM, and thus lower light and phosphorus availability, disfavored phytoplankton growth. Our modeling study showed that climate change can impact the food web; however effects will be different between basins. In the southern Baltic Sea elevated temperature and nutrient discharge may promote nutrient recycling and oxygen consumption, potentially extending anoxic areas, sediment nutrient release and cyanobacteria blooms. In the north, increased inflow of ADOM may promote heterotrophic bacterial production and decrease primary production due to light attenuation and lower phosphorus availability. This will favor the heterotrophic microbial food web and consequently lead to lower food web efficiency of the ecosystem.

An investigation of the effects of fulvic and humic acids on the absorption of selected drugs, vitamins and minerals using the everted mouse gut model

Willis, Kirsten January 2015 (has links)
Humic substances, such as the closely related humic and fulvic acids are ubiquitous, naturally occurring organic macromolecules of complex but undefined structure. These compounds are known complexing agents due to their supramolecular like structures and are capable of binding a wide variety of compounds. Numerous studies have confirmed that humic and fulvic acids exhibit diverse medicinal and therapeutic properties. For this reason, alternative or “natural” medicinal preparations rich in these substances are being self-administered, often concomitantly with conventional drugs. The possibility exists that these humic substances, found in the alternative medicinal products, may result in drug-drug interactions and bind to simultaneously ingested drugs. Complex formation may affect absorption and alter overall bioavailability. Changes in these parameters may lead to reduced therapeutic effect or toxic side effects of prescribed drugs in patients. Similarly, these humic substances may bind to and alter the uptake of ingested nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, obtained from food sources as well as dietary supplements. Changes in absorption may result in a loss of proper physiological functioning in the body or in unwanted effects of overdose. This study investigated the effect of fulvic and humic acids on the absorption of commonly administered classes of drugs, vitamins and minerals using the everted mouse gut model that was successfully used to assess the membrane transport of the test compounds. This model made use of everted segments of excised intestinal tissue placed in Krebs Ringer Buffer (pH7.4), where physiological functioning of the tissue is maintained for up to two hours after excision. The amount of test compound which crossed through the intestinal membrane without and in the presence of each humic substance was quantified using LC-MS/MS methods developed for each of the drugs and vitamins, and ICP-MS, in the case of the minerals. The amount of test compound absorbed alone was compared to the amount absorbed when in the presence of each humic substance. Changes in the uptake, for each test compound was noted, the extent of the absorption increase or decrease was compound specific. The changes in absorption observed could be attributed to changes in compound solubility and mechanism of transport across the intestinal membrane once in complex. Drugs and vitamins were seen to be more prone to decreases in absorption in the presence of the humic substances, whereas the majority of the minerals showed significantly increased absorption. Binding of the minerals to the humic substances through chelation, and not complex formation, could have a greater effect on compound solubility. Health care professionals, as well as individuals ingesting these and other substances concurrently, should be aware of the potential effects on absorption that may occur due to drug-drug interactions in order to avoid a loss of therapeutic/physiological activity or negative toxic symptoms. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / tm2015 / Pharmacology / MSc / Unrestricted

Análise da interação entre substâncias húmicas e xenobióticos através de estudos ecotoxicológicos: propostas para a geração de tecnologias de detoxificação aquática / Study of humic substances and xenobiotics interaction using ecotoxicological studies: aquatic detoxification technologies purposes

Domingos Sávio Barbosa 31 October 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a interação entre substâncias húmicas e xenobióticos através de estudos ecotoxicológicos. O principal foco foi avaliar a resposta entre diferentes níveis tróficos em organismos aquáticos (fitoplanctônicos, zooplanctônicos, peixes e macroinvertebrados bentônicos) e terrestres (vegetais superiores, insetos e anelídeos) avaliando os efeitos diretos e indiretos das SH e de sua mistura com xenobióticos sobre os organismos. O reconhecido efeito das SH aumentarem ou reduzirem o efeito tóxico de algumas substâncias foi estudado. Os principais pontos para discussão são: a) SH podem reduzir ou estimular o crescimento algal (P. subcapitata); b) A presença de SH podem proteger os organismos contra efeitos tóxicos de metais, no entanto, a presença de Cd/Cu afeta negativamente o crescimento de C. xanthus. d) Em uma análise integrada de processos de remediação solo/água, a presença de SH afetou negativamente ou positivamente os efeitos tóxicos da atrazina em alguns organismos. A significância das SH como tecnologia é discutida. / This study focuses the interaction of humic substances and xenonbiotics, throw ecotixicological studies. The main point was quantify and qualify the ecotoxicological responses of several throphic levels of freshwater (algae, zooplankton, fishes and benthic organisms) and soil organisms (higth plants, insects and annelids) analyzing the direct and indirect effects of humic substances (HS) and their mixture on organisms. The recognized ability of HS on improve or reduce the toxic effect of same substances has been studied. The main points of discussion are: a) humic can be both reduce or stimulate the algal growth (P. subcapitata); b) The presence of HS can be protect aquatic organisms to negative effects of metals. However, the presence of mixture of Cd/Cu affect negatively the growth of C. xanthus; d) In a integrated analysis of remediation process in soil/water microcosm, the presence of HS displayed negative or positive effects on atrazine toxicity for some organisms. The value of humic technology was discussed.

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