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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foraging and menstruation in the Hadza of Tanzania

Fitzpatrick, Katherine January 2018 (has links)
The Hadza, residing near Lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania, represent one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer populations. Inhabiting the same area as our hominin ancestors and exploiting very similar resources, the Hadza maintain a foraging lifestyle characterised by a sexual division of labour. Studies of their foraging and food sharing habits serve as the foundation to numerous hypotheses of human behaviour and evolution. Data from the Hadza have featured heavily in debates on the sexual division of labour. These debates focus predominantly on men’s foraging, including how and why men provision. Women’s provisioning, on the other hand, is seldom explicitly examined and is often presumed to be constrained by reproduction. This thesis contributes to debates on the sexual division of labour by investigating how a woman’s reproductive status affects her foraging behaviours. Observational data on women’s foraging are investigated from 263 person/day follows (1,307 hours total) across 10 camps between 2004 and 2006. These data present the first quantitative documentation of forager women’s eating and sharing outside of camp. Interview data on women’s reproductive timeline are also analysed from in-depth interviews with 58 women from 9 camps in 2015. Spanning from menarche to menopause, these data offer the first quantitative and qualitative documentation of forager women’s menstruation. The results demonstrate that Hadza women eat and share over 800 kilocalories outside of camp per person/day. They regularly give and receive food, including gifts of honey from men. Breastfeeding women are more likely to give gifts and give more gifts than non-breastfeeding women. When they bring nurslings with them outside of camp, they forage less kilocalories per hour. Post-menopausal women eat less relative to what they forage, are less likely to receive gifts, rest less and forage more than pre-menopausal women. Although Hadza women describe their foraging workload as most difficult during late pregnancy, no significant differences in eating, sharing, resting or foraging are observed for pregnant women. Menstrual data from the Hadza reveal that menstruation is not only culturally relevant to the sexual division of labour, but it is also biologically relevant to current understandings of fertility. The majority (60%) of Hadza women report not doing their normal work during menstruation. They also report menstruation-related taboos for berry picking. The thesis presents an in-depth review of women’s menstruation, from the duration of menses to the menstrual cleaning process.

On the Origins of the Modern Concept of Syphilis: Eighteenth Century Debate, Ludwik Fleck, and the Enlightenment

Humphris, Teneille Patricia January 2013 (has links)
The enlightenment period is often considered a dark age within the history of medicine. Contrary to this sentiment, I argue that the enlightenment spirit of inquiry regarding venereal disease was vibrant, dynamic, and profoundly influenced how syphilis was understood in the subsequent century. Historiography frequently minimises advances of medical knowledge made in the eighteenth century by focusing on the inefficacy of treatments, rather than on developments in medical theories and concepts. This thesis attends to this gap by examining a case study within venereology to demonstrate that physicians engaging in public debate significantly advanced knowledge of syphilis. In doing so, this counters a historiographical trend that claims that French physician Philippe Ricord (1800-1889) was the first to distinguish syphilis from gonorrhoea in the nineteenth century. It uses historical evidence to show that the nature of syphilis was debated throughout the preceding centuries and that this distinction was clearly established in 1793 by Scottish surgeon, Benjamin Bell (1749-1806). This thesis uses the epistemic concepts devised by Ludwik Fleck in his Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (1979 [1935]) to illustrate how enlightenment ways of thinking substantially contributed to the development of modern medicine. This thesis therefore invites a reconsideration of the era, not as a dark age, but as a rich period of scientific endeavour.

Le comportement de subsistance des premiers européens du pourtour méditerranéen : étude des assemblages osseux de Barranco León, Fuente Nueva 3, la grotte du Vallonet et des niveaux inférieurs de la Caune de l'Arago / Subsistence behavior of first European- study of bone assemblages of Barranco León, Fuente Nueva- 3, Vallonnet cave and the inferior levels of Arago cave

Filoux, Arnaud 01 April 2011 (has links)
Ce travail à pour but de déterminer le mode d’acquisition des ressources carnées par les groupes d’hominidés au cours du Paléolithique inférieur en Europe. La présence du genre Homo en Europe, antérieur à l’épisode paléomagnétique de Jaramillo est attestée dans plusieurs sites archéologiques. Cette dispersion hors d’Afrique est signalée par des industries lithiques appartenant à l’horizon culturel du Préoldowayen et par des restes squelettiques affiliés au genre Homo. Cette étude est axée sur l’analyse taphonomique et archéozoologique, de trois assemblages fauniques associés à une industrie du mode 1 (Barranco León, Fuente Nueva 3, la grotte du Vallonnet) et un assemblage associé à une industrie du mode 2 (la Caune de l’Arago). Les analyses permettent de comprendre les processus de formation de ces assemblages en contexte de plein air et en grotte et d’estimer la part des agents qui sont intervenus. L’implication des Hommes est attestée dans la modification des carcasses de grands mammifères. Des ossements présentent des stries, qui impliquent que les éclats étaient bien utilisés pour prélever la chair et une fracturation caractéristique, liée à l’éclatement des os par les outils aménagés. L’analyse des assemblages osseux révèle une variabilité des systèmes d’approvisionnement en matière carnée. La comparaison de ces accumulations formées en grotte et en plein air, apportent une meilleure compréhension des comportements de subsistances et permet de proposer un aperçu de la variabilité et de la chronologie des comportements alimentaires des Hommes en Europe méridionale pendant le Pléistocène inférieur et moyen. / The purpose of this work is determinated the mode of acquisition of the meat-based resources by the groups of hominids during the lower Palaeolithic in Europe. The presence of the genus Homo in Europe previous to the paleomagnetic Jaramillo event, is attested in several archeological sites. This dispersal outside Africa is indicated by litic industry belonging to the cultural horizon of Préoldowayen and by human fossils affiliated to genus Homo. This study is centred on taphonomical and zooarcheological analysis, of three faunal assemblages associated with a mode 1 industry (Barranco León, Fuente Nueva 3, the Vallonnet cave) and an assemblage associated with a mode 2 industry (Caune de l' Arago). Analyses allow to understand the processes formation of these assemblages in open air site and in cave, and to estimate the part of the agents who intervened. The implication of human is attested in the modification of the carcasses of big mammals. Bones present cutmarks which imply that flakes were used to discard flesh and a characteristic fracturation connected to the percussion of bones by stones tools. The analysis of the bones assemblages reveals a variability of the systems of supply in meat-based subject. The comparison of theses accumulations, bring a better understanding of the subsistences behavior and allows to propose an outline of the variability and the chronology of the eating habits of the Paleolitic People in Southern Europe during Lower and Middle Pleistocene.

An Historical Analysis of the Theatre at Tsa La Gi

McMahan, Barbara M. 08 1900 (has links)
This study is an examination of the theatre project at Tsa La Gi, a Cherokee cultural center in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The thesis is organized into three areas: the drama, the theatre design, and the production techniques. Chapter I reports the process of the formulation of Trail of Tears and analyzes its success. Chapter II describes and interprets the process of the design of the physical theatre. Chapter III reports the techniques used in play production at Tsa La Gi and interprets their effects. Chapter IV presents conclusions about the success of the theatre project. This report accepts evidence that the theatre project at Tsa La Gi is a highly successful one, both economically and artistically.

Putování novinářského psance dobou dekadence a zvrácenosti: Hunter S. Thompson v kontextu Ameriky 60. a raných 70. let. / An Outlaw Journalist's Journey through an Era Decadent and Depraved: Hunter S. Thompson in the context of America of the 1960s and early 1970s.

Stárek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore the artistic personality of Hunter S. Thompson, one of the most distinctive cultural figures of post-war America, and his genesis as an author, journalist, and a counterculture idol of the 1960s. The era is now widely regarded as a turning point in contemporary American history as its deep-rooted values and norms were, over the course of a decade, gradually transformed by the young generation of social and political activists toward allegedly a more tolerant and liberal kind of community. Crucial in such an endeavor was the role of the countercultural movement that produced some of the most capable intellectual minds of the time, including Thompson. The paper thus analyzes the role and nature of the alternative culture in America as perceived by one of its most observant participants. Also, the thesis focuses on the author's role in establishing a new genre called New Journalism which can be linked with the era's countercultural efforts as well. In general, Thompson, in his texts, examines various phenomena surrounding the counterculture and provides us with a distinctive portrayal of the era's zeitgeist. However, unlike some of his contemporaries, he also remembers to examine numerous flaws and fallacies existing within contemporary American society, the American Dream...

Evolution et changements techniques dans les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs de la Puna Sèche des Andes Centre-Sude ancien et moyen : technologie lithique dans la région de Susques durant l’Holocène ancien et moyen / Evolution and technical changes in the hunter-gatherers societies of the Dry Puna of South-Central Andes : lithic technology in the area of Susques during the early and middle Holocene

Hoguin, Rodolphe 20 September 2013 (has links)
La recherche développée dans le cadre de cette thèse se centre sur l’analyse de l’évolution et du changement en technologie lithique dans les sociétés de chasseurs-cueilleurs dans la Puna argentine à partir des sites de la localité de Susques, province de Jujuy. La Puna est un désert d’altitude (au-dessus des 3.000 masl). La période chasseur-cueilleur dans la Puna est comprise entre 11.000 et 3.500 ans AP. Ceci implique une séquence chronologique qui s’étend depuis le premier peuplement jusqu’à la domestication des camélidés. Dans un tel contexte, l’évolution des systèmes techniques a alors pu être dynamique durant cette période. L’analyse de 1’évolution technique se base ici sur l’étude des chaines opératoires et des systèmes techniques.Nous nous baserons donc sur une approche technologique, et donc sur la reconstitution des chaînes opératoires lithiques permet de resituer chaque objet dans son contexte technique et offre un cadre méthodologique pour l’interprétation à plusieurs niveaux d’analyse. En étudiant l’évolution des techniques selon deux voies - l’une lente liée au développement continu et intrinsèque des techniques, l’autre rapide, liée à des changements abrupts et externes - nous pouvons mettre en évidence des changements rapides et le rôle des sociétés et de leur environnement au sein de cette évolution. Nous observons un certain nombre d’innovations se produire au long de la séquence, dont la nature est différente; certaines étant liées aux premiers degrés des faits, et d’autres aux derniers degrés. Nous concluons qu’un tel développement a pu se produire grâce au développement de sociétés stables. / The research developed in this work focuses on the analysis of the evolution and change in lithic technology in the societies of hunter-gatherers in the Argentine Puna from the sites of the Susques locality, Jujuy. The Puna is an altitude desert (above 3000 masl). The hunter-gatherer period in Puna is between 11,000 and 3,500 years BP. This implies a chronological sequence that extends from the first settlement to the domestication of camelids. ln this context, the evolution of technical systems could then be dynamic during this period. The analysis of technical change is based here on the study of operative chains and technical systems. So we will use a technological approach, and thus the recovery of lithic reduction sequences can situate each object in his technical context and provides a methodological framework for interpretation at several levels of analysis. By studying the evolution of technology in two ways - one slow due to the continuous development and intrinsic techniques, other fast, due to abrupt changes and external contingencies - , we can highlight fast changes and the role of societies and their environment in this evolution. We see a number of innovations occurring throughout the sequence, whose nature is different, some are related to the first degree of the facts, and other are linked to the last degrees. We conclude that such development could occur through the development of stable societies.

"Sistemas de assentamento e estilo tecnológico: uma proposta interpretativa para a ocupação pré-colonial do Alto Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul" / "Settlement systems and technological style: an interpretive porposal to Sinos River Valley precolonial settlement, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)"

Dias, Adriana Schmidt 08 September 2003 (has links)
O estilo tecnológico é resultado de escolhas culturalmente determinadas, que se refletem na seleção das matérias primas, nas técnicas e seqüências de produção e nos resultados materiais destas escolhas. A comparação entre estilos tecnológicos de distintas indústrias líticas de uma mesma região permite, portanto, antever a possibilidade de distinção entre identidades sociais ou culturais no registro arqueológico. Buscando testar a validade desta premissa teórica para o estudo da variabilidade artefatual das indústrias líticas do sul do Brasil, analisamos de forma comparativa os conjuntos líticos da região do Alto rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul, relacionados a grupos de caçadores coletores, associados à Tradição Umbu, e a dois distintos grupos de horticultores, das Tradições Guarani e Taquara. / Technological style can be defined as the result of cultural choices reflected in different strategies of raw materials selections and debidage techniques related to the production of lithic artifacts. Therefore, it can be used to identify cultural or social identity in the archaeological record through the analysis of lithic assemblages. This concept was used to interpret the artefactual variability of lithic assemblages related to three different prehistoric settlement systems that occupied the Sinos River Valley (Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil), between 8.800 and 440 BP: the hunter-gatherers of Umbu Tradition and the horticulturalists of Taquara and Guarani Traditions.

Caçadores-coletores na Serra de Paranapiacaba durante a transição do Holoceno Médio para o Tardio (5920-1000 anos AP) / Hunter-gatherers from Parnapiacaba Mountains during the Middle Holocene to the Later Holocene transition (5920-1000 yr BP)

Mendes, Gérson Levi da Silva 22 March 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o resultado de um levantamento de sítios líticos caçadores-coletores no alto rio das Almas nos contrafortes ocidentais da Serra de Paranapiacaba. Dados sobre as indústrias líticas relacionadas são fornecidos sucintamente e comparadas às pesquisas desenvolvidas no Médio Ribeira por De Blasis (1988). Em acréscimo, esta Dissertação trata de estabelecer parâmetros para a compreensão da formação de sítios arqueológicos detectados em profundidade em porções de alta vertente, datados do Holoceno Médio. A continuidade de grupos caçadores-coletores na área de pesquisa é delimitada entre 5920 e 1000 anos AP e, em face a este período, tratamos de reconstruir os cenários sob transformação ambiental regional em a que estiveram submetidos esses grupos humanos e seus assentamentos. Nossa contribuição é desvincular os estudos sobre grupos caçadores-coletores do cunho hiper-determinista da tecno-tipologia lítica para uma discussão mais ampla que dialogue de forma transdisciplinar com a geomorfologia, a palinologia e a espeleologia. / This thesis provides the results of an archaeological survey focused in hunter-gatherer settlements from Upper Almas valley, on the western side of Paranapiacaba Mountains. Dates from lithics analysis associated to these sites are compared with results from Middle Ribeira valley, developed by De Blasis (1988). In addition, this Thesis treats to establish frames of reference to understand the formation processes of archaeological sites settled during the Middle Holocene in high depth on high portions of the mountains. The hunter-gatherer continuity between 5920 and 1000 yr BP in the studied area is approached by a paleoambiental treatment: our additional goal is to reconstruct the scenarios of environmental transformations in which these human groups developed their History. Furthermore, this thesis provides an instance to reduce the technological approach over these groups, opening an ecosystem approach which includes dates from palinology, geomorphology and espeleology.

Caçadores-coletores do médio vale do Paranaí­ba, Minas Gerais: estudo inter-sí­tios da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico / Hunter-gatherers of the middle valley of Paranaíba, Minas Gerais: Inter-site study of the operative chain and technological system

Barros, Alex Sandro Alves de 10 August 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação expõe os resultados provenientes da pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao Projeto Arqueológico Quebra Anzol - MG, a qual versa sobre o estudo das cadeias operatórias e sistema tecnológico relacionado às indústrias líticas provenientes dos sítios ATM-691, localizado no Município de Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé e Buraco Seco, localizados no Município de Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, além de uma correlação junto aos dados que dizem respeito às ocupações mais recuadas do sítio Rezende, este localizado no município de Centralina - MG, em todos os casos caracterizados como sítios a céu aberto tocantes a contextos de ocupações de populações com economia extrativista de provisão relacionada às atividades de caça, coleta e pesca e que tem como único remanescente sua cultura material lítica. Pelo viés da tecnológica lítica, tivemos como principal objetivo analisar as dinâmicas socioculturais em sua compreensão intrassítio, de modo realizar um estudo pormenorizado dos sítios arqueológicos numa perspectiva da análise da cadeia operatória e sistema tecnológico dos vestígios líticos, bem como a análise inter-sítio, que visa à correlação dos dados obtidos no estudo dos cinco sítios propostos junto aos dados de outro sítio já estudado na região, de modo que foi possível verificar possíveis permanências e mudanças culturais manifestadas por meio da tecnologia presente nos conjuntos artefatuais oriundos das dinâmicas de populações caçadoras-coletoras, o que nos permitiu conceber um modelo empírico regional de ocupação baseado na caracterização da paisagem, economia de aprovisionamento, organização social e tipificação da tecnologia lítica para o médio vale do Paranaíba. / The Archaeological Project Quebra Anzol - MG, which deals with the study of the operative chains and technological system related to the lithic industries from the ATM- 691 sites, located in the municipality of Tupaciguara - MG, Novo 1, Novo 2, Canindé and Buraco Seco, located in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas - MG, in addition to a correlation with the data referring to the most backward occupations of the Rezende site, located in the Municipality of Centralina - MG, in all cases characterized as open - air sites touching contexts of occupations of populations with extractive economy of provision related to the activities of hunting, gathering and fishing and that has as its only remaining material lytic culture. The main objective of this study was to analyze the sociocultural dynamics in its intra-site understanding, so as to carry out a detailed study of the archaeological sites from the perspective of the analysis of the operative chain and the technological system of the lithic vestiges, as well as the inter-site analysis, which aims to correlate the data obtained in the study of the five sites proposed together with the data of another site already studied in the region, so that it was possible to verify possible permanences and cultural changes manifested through the technology present in the artifactual ensembles derived from the dynamics of hunting populations which allowed us to conceive a regional empirical model of occupation based on the characterization of the landscape, economy of supply, social organization and typification of lithic technology for the middle valley of Paranaíba

Arqueologia na encosta catarinense : em busca dos vestígios materiais Xokleng

Claudino, Daniela da Costa January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Vanessa Nunes (vnunes) on 2015-03-31T15:22:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielaClaudino.pdf: 9632958 bytes, checksum: 0954be128f02183f0aabe6d49629d7cb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-31T15:22:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielaClaudino.pdf: 9632958 bytes, checksum: 0954be128f02183f0aabe6d49629d7cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Nenhuma / O objetivo central desta dissertação foi estabelecer uma comparação do modelo de ocupação estável Xokleng, proposto por Farias (2005), com os sítios arqueológicos identificados no município de Rio Fortuna – SC. Este modelo presumiu que os Xokleng tiveram estabilidade territorial na encosta catarinense. No entanto, as fontes históricas e arqueológicas apresentaram dados divergentes. De um lado, documentos e entrevistas confirmaram a presença dos Xokleng. De outro, sítios arqueológicos caracterizaram grupos caçadores-coletores ligados a Tradição Tecnológica Umbu. De fato, os 66 sítios identificados através da bibliografia e da pesquisa de campo, demonstraram ocupação contínua. Porém, nenhum deles apresentou vestígios materiais descritos nos documentos históricos, pelo contrário, as pontas de projétil confeccionadas em pedra prevaleceram nessas ocupações. Por isso, caracterizamos a cultura material dos sítios arqueológicos e dos assentamentos Xokleng informados pela etnohistória. Estabelecemos semelhanças e diferenças entre estes dados. Visualizamos o contexto arqueológico na área da pesquisa, e nos municípios próximos. Avaliamos a contribuição da metodologia da história oral para as pesquisas arqueológicas. E, por fim, tentamos compreender a relação entre os Xokleng e a Tradição Umbu. Empregamos como metodologias o levantamento bibliográfico, levantamento documental, história oral e pesquisa de campo. Como nem todos os dados foram passíveis de comparação e outros não foram compatíveis com o modelo Xokleng, procedemos à elaboração de duas hipóteses na tentativa de fornecer pistas para futuras pesquisas. A primeira propõe uma associação entre grupos caçadores-coletores antigos e pequenos grupos Xokleng advindos do planalto catarinense; e a segunda, leva em consideração a primeira suposição. Neste caso, sugere que o processo de colonização iniciado por volta de 1850, no Vale do Rio Itajaí, teria ocasionado uma segunda migração da encosta norte para a encosta sul, resultando em alterações culturais. / The principal aim of the dissertation is to compare the model of a stable Xokleng settlement presented by Farias (2005) with the archaeological sites identified in the municipality of Rio Fortuna-SC. The mentioned model proposes that the Xokleng had a territorial stability on the slope of the highlands of Santa Catarina. However, the historical and archaeological data diverge: while the documents and interviews confirm their presence, the archaeological sites characterize a hunter and gatherer culture of the Umbu technological tradition. In fact the 66 sites identified in the bibliography and field investigation prove continued occupation. But, no site presented the materials reported by the written documents; on the contrary, lithic arrow points predominate in the archaeological sites. As a consequence, we are conducted to characterize independently the two sets of data: the material culture of the archaeological sites, and the settlement of the Xokleng as it is reported by documents. We explore the similarities and differences of the two sets, visualize the archaeological composition in the area and in the bordering municipalities, appreciate the contribution of oral history, and then, try to understand the possible relation of the Xokleng and the Umbu tradition. That for, we used the methodologies of bibliographic and documental investigation, oral history, and field work. Not all the data of the two sets permitted a comparison, so we elaborated a double hypothesis. The first proposes an association of the ancient hunters and gatherers of the Umbu tradition with migrating Xokleng groups. The second accepts the mentioned association and aggregates a migration from the Itajai valley to the new habitat when the valley was colonized par German immigrants. So the culture of the migrants differs from the former local indigenous dwellers.

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