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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleoethnobotanical Investigations at Fort Center (8GL13), Florida

Morris, Hannah Ruth 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Long Distance Logistic Mobility as an Organising Principle Among Northern Hunter-Gatherers: A Great Lakes Middle Holocene Settlement System

Donahue, Randolph E., Holman, M.B., Lovis, W.A. January 2005 (has links)
No / Concepts of residential and logistic mobility are applied to survey assemblages from multiple decades of research along the interior drainages of central lower Michigan. Drawing on the ethnographic record of boreal hunter-gatherers and archaeological interpretations of long-distance logistic mobility from the Mesolithic of northern England and continental Europe, it is argued that the importance of logistic mobility is underrepresented in summaries of northern hemisphere hunter-gatherers. Reconstruction of Middle Holocene environments suggests that the resource structure of the central Michigan uplands was one that fostered use of logistic mobility, and that interior Middle Archaic assemblages and site structures reveal special function activities systemically tied to residential and other special function sites at lower coastal elevations, as well as currently submerged under Lake Huron. We conclude that rising levels of Lake Huron ca. 4500 B.P. resulted in decreased land area, population packing, and a consequent shift to residential mobility by the Late Archaic. Further, the results of this analysis can serve as a comparative framework for recognizing the role of logistic mobility in the evolution of hunter-gatherer adaptive strategies in other regions.

A Late Glacial family at Trollesgave. Denmark

Donahue, Randolph E., Fischer, Anders 02 January 2015 (has links)
Yes / Microwear analysis is applied to reconstruct the function and social organisation at the Late Glacial site of Trollesgave, Denmark. As with Bromme Culture sites in general, the lithic assemblage consists of primarily three types of tools. There is a strong association between these types and their use: end scrapers for dry hide scraping; burins for working hard material, primarily bone; and tanged points primarily for projectile tips. Nearly all divergence from this pattern can be referred to as the activities of children, the products and workshops of which have previously been identified. Based on the combined information from microwear analysis, flint knapping and spatial distribution of artefacts, the assemblage is inferred as the traces of a single family hunting (and fishing) occupation. / Danish Council for Independent Research (FKK ref. no. 273-08-0424)

Nivel de conocimiento y limitaciones de las socias de cocina y madres cuidadoras, en relación con la alimentación de las niñas y niños beneficiarios del Programa Nacional Cuna Más en el distrito de Jacobo Hunter en Arequipa y el distrito de Ate en Lima – 2019.

Cuarite Rosas, Angela Giannina, Quispe Bardales, Mariela Eraida 10 May 2022 (has links)
El presente estudio busca identificar y analizar las percepciones, la participación y el posicionamiento de diversos actores comunales que desarrollan acciones en las diferentes etapas del componente alimentario que brinda el Programa Nacional Cuna Más, bajo una perspectiva de participación social a fin de proponer lineamientos de mejora. Se desarrolla una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptiva, cuya naturaleza nos centra en dos casos ubicados en el distrito de Ate en Lima y el distrito de Jacobo Hunter en Arequipa. El estudio se encuentra bajo cuatro diferentes dimensiones: Fortalecimiento de las capacidades y empoderamiento de los actores comunales, análisis del servicio alimentario que brinda el programa, trabajo articulado en la gestión del servicio y manejo de la anemia como parte de los objetivos del programa; se enmarca en un proceso de investigación aplicada, ya que se busca enriquecer la gestión del programa Cuna Más. Así mismo se ha considerado el acercamiento fenomenológico según lo que estipula Husserl y que suele llamarse descriptivismo reflexivo. A través de la reflexión provocada por la información y la observación, la descripción del proceso y la valoración de la acción que han permitido desarrollar los actores y otras fuentes de información a través de los instrumentos utilizados: la entrevista individual, focus group y observación, que ayudan a entender mejor las preguntas del problema. En relación con la gerencia social en la presente investigación podemos mencionar que los aspectos evaluados son el trabajo en equipo, la cultura organizacional, además del modelo de gestión que cuente con las condiciones humanas y económicas necesarias para el desenvolvimiento del programa. Las principales conclusiones apuntan a que existe una relación importante entre la cultura organizacional y la atención alimentaria adecuada de las niñas y niños beneficiarios, además de otros factores limitantes encontrados: bajo presupuesto, escaza articulación y carente participación comunitaria. / La presente tesis, es un documento que contiene información que expone las necesidades que se presentan en los Servicios de Alimentación y Centros Integrales de Atención Infantil del Programa Nacional Cuna Más, que son componentes importantes para el cumplimiento de uno de los objetivos del programa que es mejorar el desarrollo infantil de niñas y niños menores de 3 años, teniendo en cuenta que el Programa Cuna Más trabaja de manera articulada con el Ministerio de Salud en el objetivo de reducir la anemia infantil. La investigación se enfoca en analizar el desempeño de las funciones de las socias de cocina y madres cuidadoras, su nivel de conocimiento llevado a la práctica en las actividades diarias, el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones brindadas por los especialistas del programa y las posibles dificultades que presentan en brindar una alimentación adecuada para las niñas y niños beneficiarios. Por ello es importante estudiar y analizar desde el acompañamiento y la observación cercana en los diferentes momentos de la preparación, entrega e ingestión de los alimentos. Es así que la investigación está estructurada por nueve partes, la primera parte presenta los antecedentes del Programa Nacional Cuna Más, considerando todo el proceso evolutivo desde su creación, además de la finalidad de su creación. La segunda parte, muestra el estado del arte que contempla investigaciones acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo infantil, derechos del niño, alimentación infantil en relación con la desnutrición y la anemia. La tercera parte explaya la teoría acerca del tema de investigación, siendo llamado marco teórico. La cuarta parte hace referencia al marco contextual referencial acerca de la ubicación donde se realizó la investigación. En la quinta parte se presentan la metodología realizada. La sexta parte presenta los resultados con su respectivo análisis. En la sétima parte se encuentra la discusión de los resultados. En la octava parte las conclusiones, en la novena y última parte las recomendaciones.

Forest Conservation and the Hadzabe. An integrated approach in protecting biodiversity and cultural diversity. Case study: Carbon Tanzania.

Fassbender, Sabrina January 2016 (has links)
Preventing emissions from deforestation is propagated as an effective strategy to combat climate change. At the same time forest landscapes are habitat to the last remaining traditional societies of this planet. For a long time forest conservation programs neglected the role of these indigenous communities for forest landscapes. Historical ecology pushes a change of environmental narratives towards an understanding that biocultural diversity has had and will have a significant impact on resource use and on the transformation of landscapes. A growing number of debates on global environmental justice and poverty alleviation goals call for such an integrated approach in protecting biodiversity and cultural diversity when conserving forest landscapes. Although this topic is discussed, there is a gap in scientific literature on how such an approach can actually be implemented in practise. This paper examines how the dual-objective of forest conservation and protection of cultural diversity can be achieved in practise by applying a case study of a conservation project, Carbon Tanzania. Carbon Tanzania is operating in an area in northern Tanzania inhabited by one of the few remaining hunting and gathering societies on the planet, the Hadzabe. Carbon Tanzania conservation project issues carbon credits which can be bought by companies, organisations and individuals to offset their emissions. Interviews with the different actors have been conducted in the course of the research project in order to examine how Carbon Tanzania’s ‘community-led project’ contextualizes the dual objective of protecting forests and the Hadzabe culture. The results show that the implementation of the project is facilitated through an integrated network of different actors and organisations. Critical for the operations in the area is secured land ownership and a binding land use plan in order to protect the area from external pressure and to manage the utilization of the landscape by the different communities within the area. Payments for ecosystem services generate benefits for the local forest community and support community development. This form of ‘productive’ land utilization offers a path in changing development narratives for African countries.

Stenålderskost : en kritisk granskning av metod, teori och tolkning / Paleodiet : a critical review of method, theory and interpretation

Andersson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
In recent years there has been discussion of the many health benefits of the paleodiet, a diet that consist of food that we are evolutionary and genetically adapted to consume. The agricultural revolution introduced mankind to dietary changes that did not suit our biology, and is now the main reason for the nutrition-based diseases in developed countries. The purpose of this paper is to review both the archaeological methods used to explain the paleodiet and the knowledge we have about our hunter-gatherer ancestors and to see if there is any evidence to claim that the paleodiet could be an answer to food-health related diseases. This paper will also discuss the different perspectives behind the many dietary changes in human evolution and how they reflect on man’s dietary conditions today. The material used for this research is based on studies in anthropology, biology, genetics and epidemiology. The theory behind this paper is based on the positivism knowledge founded on properties and relations between measurable studies. Based on interpretations by reason and logic this paper is concluded through deductive reasoning. The results show that food-related diseases and syndromes are absent from traditional hunter-gatherer societies and that they first start to manifest if a western-based diet is adopted. According to our evolutionary and biological structure, man is not adapted to consuming dairy or agricultural products and we are, in fact, genetically identical to our Paleolithic ancestors. Therefore, because we have the same dietary conditions as the paleo hunter-gatherer, we would be considerably more healthy if we adopted a Paleolithic based diet.

Interaction between hunter-gatherers and agriculturists in the eastern Free State

Klatzow, Shelona 20 August 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Arts, 2000.

Sítio Moraes, uma biografia não autorizada: análise do processo de formação de um sambaqui fluvial / The Moraes site, an unauthorized biography. Formation process analysis of a riverine shellmound

Plens, Cláudia Regina 15 February 2008 (has links)
Pesquisas recentes apontam para o fenômeno construtivo de sambaquis fluviais na região do médio Vale do Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, mais precisamente em três regiões, Itaoca, bacia do rio Jacupiranguinha e bacia do Juquiá, durante, pelo menos, o período de 9000 anos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo definir o perfil de um sambaqui fluvial, sítio Moraes (6000-4000 anos a.P.), no município de Miracatu, SP, com a finalidade de criar a compreensão intra-sítio dos processos formativos envolvidos para a elevação desta estrutura monticular, através de diferentes abordagens: distribuição espacial intra-sítio, tecnologia, subsistência, isótopos estáveis, estudo sedimentológico e análise de proporção componencial volumétrico. Os resultados destas análises associados aos dados advindos de outras pesquisas nos permitiram ampliar a discussão sobre o processo formativo do sítio Moraes e abordar a questão sobre as relações genética e cultural entre sambaquieiros fluviais e os demais grupos vizinhos. / Previous research at the Ribeira de Iguape valley, at the southern part of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, has revealed a long cultural sequence (ca. 11 to 1,2 kyBP) characterized by small shellmound sites generally designated as riverine, or fluvial, sambaquis. Besides the conspicuous presence of a terrestrial gastropod (Megalobulimus sp.) shells, these little mounds also share relevant amounts of human burials and similar technological patterns as regards lithic and bone industries, among other compositional elements. The principal aim of this thesis is to describe one of these mounds, Moraes, investigating the cultural and post-depositional formation processes implied on the long duration (6 to 4 kyBP) construction phase of such mound structure and after its abandonment, by means of zooarchaeological, technological, geochemical and isotopic analysis of its various deposits and cultural components therein, as well as their spatial distribution and articulation. This thesis also discusses the cultural and historical relationships of this fluvial shellmound culture with other cultural patterns and populations found at the same and nearby areas.


DEAN ERIC BERCK 06 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] O objeto da pesquisa foi comparar e compreender as transformações da paisagem do município do Rio de Janeiro, por meio da reconstituição de práticas e motivações de caçadores nas décadas anteriores a 1970, quando foi criado Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca. Por meio da coleta e análise de histórias orais e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com moradores antigos do lugar, obteve-se uma visão mais clara sobre a relação entre a sociedade e a floresta ao longo dos últimos 40 anos. A caça praticada antes dos anos 70 era mais importante para a subistência cultural dos moradores pobres do entorno da floresta do que propriamente para a subsitência alimentar. O processo de urbanização da cidade alterou a relação dessas populações com a floresta em diversos aspectos, como o acesso à alimentação industrializada e o uso de refrigeradores domésticos, que praticamente eliminou a necessidade cultural dessa prática, embora a caça clandestina ainda seja praticada. A identificação das diferentes motivações e sentidos atribuídos às práticas antigas de caça lança luz sobre as políticas de conservação da natureza e ajuda a compreender o papel dessas populações na composição da atual floresta. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to compare and comprehend landscape transformation in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil through reconstruction of various hunting practices and motivations in the decades prior to the 1970s, when the Pedra Branca State Park was established. By collecting and analyzing oral histories through semi-structured interviews with often poor, older residents in proximity to the park, a clearer picture of the relationship between society and the forest over the past 40 years is obtained. Hunting practiced in the years prior to the 1970s was much more important to these residents for their cultural subsistence than dietary needs. Urbanization of this region of the city altered the relation that these populations had with the forest in various manners, such as greater access to industrialized food products and more ample use of refrigeration. This process practically eliminated the cultural necessity of hunting, although clandestine hunting continues, driven by a black market for animals and animal products. The identification of different motivations and feelings attributed to hunting sheds light on nature conservation policies and helps to understand the role of these marginalized citizens in the composition of the current forest.


ANA CRISTINA RIBEIRO ROHEM 03 January 2005 (has links)
[pt] No atual cenário das sociedades capitalistas temos presenciado novas configurações dos fenômenos da exclusão e informalidade, em virtude da constante reestruturação do modo de produção que tem ocasionado significativas transformações no mundo do trabalho. As conseqüências daí advindas sobre o mundo do trabalho expressam-se através da precarização e flexibilização dos processos de trabalho, ou mesmo do desemprego. Concretamente as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho têm proporcionado um processo de exclusão dos trabalhadores das atividades laborativas e, conseqüentemente, um crescimento da inclusão de um grande contingente de desempregados em atividades informais como forma de garantir a sobrevivência. Neste sentido, o universo da informalidade ganha maior amplitude e complexidade mediante as mais variadas formas e condições de trabalho que abriga, tendo, assim, se constituído como um campo propício para a proliferação de novas estratégias de acumulação capitalista. É nesta perspectiva que esta dissertação aborda o cotidiano dos catadores de lixo do aterro Metropolitano de Jardim Gramacho, localizado no município de Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, na qual foram averiguados os significados que os mesmo atribuem ao trabalho que excutam. / [en] On the capitalist societies current scenarium, we have been witnessing new configurations of exclusion and informality phenomena, owing to structural updates of the production organization, which have been causing significant transformations on the employment world. The resulting consequences on the industrious class are expressed by the precariousness and flexibility of the employment proceedings, or even by the unemployment. Surely, the new market demands have been contributing to a process of employeds exclusion from the formal labor activities and, in consequence, to an inclusion grouth of an unemployed huge contingent on informal labor activities, as a way to guarantee their survival. That means, the universe of informality gain breadth an complexity through the various forms and conditions of work that it shelters and with this, it has been constituting itself as an opportune field for proliferation of the new capitalist acumulutation strategies. It is on this perspective that the present dissertation approaches the everyday of the garbage collectors who work on Aterro Metropolitano de Jardim Gramacho. Located on the borough named Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro state, in which were verified the meanings that those workers attribute to the job they perform.

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