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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reliability assessment of distribution networks incorporating regulator requirements, generic network equivalents and smart grid functionalities

Muhammad Ridzuan, Mohd Ikhwan Bin January 2017 (has links)
Over the past decades, the concepts and methods for reliability assessment have evolved from analysing the ability of individual components to operate without faults and as intended during their lifetime, into the comprehensive approaches for evaluating various engineering strategies for system planning, operation and maintenance studies. The conventional reliability assessment procedures now receive different perspectives in different engineering applications and this thesis aims to improve existing approaches by incorporating in the analysis: a) a more detailed and accurate models of LV and MV networks and their reliability equivalents, which are important for the analysis of transmission and sub-transmission networks, b) the variations in characteristics and parameters of LV and MV networks in different areas, specified as “generic” UK/Scottish highly-urban, urban, sub-urban and rural network models, c) the relevant requirements for network reliability performance imposed by Regulators on network operators, d) the actual aggregate load profiles of supplied customers and their correlation with typical daily variations of fault probabilities and repair times of considered network components, and e) some of the expected “smart grid” functionalities, e.g., increased use of network automation and reconfiguration schemes, as well as the higher penetration levels of distributed generation/storage resources. The conventional reliability assessment procedures typically do not include, or only partially include the abovementioned important factors and aspects in the analysis. In order to demonstrate their importance, the analysis presented in the thesis implements both analytical and probabilistic reliability assessment methods in a number of scenarios and study cases with improved and more detailed “generic” LV and MV network models and their reliability equivalents. Their impact on network reliability performance is analysed and quantified in terms of the frequency and duration of long and short supply interruptions (SAIFI and SAIDI), as well as energy not supplied (ENS). This thesis addresses another important aspect of conventional approaches, which often, if not always, provide separate indicators for the assessment of system-based reliability performance and for the assessment of customer-based reliability performance. The presented analysis attempts to more closely relate system reliability performance indicators, which generally correspond to a fictitious “average customer”, to the actual “best-served” and “worst-served” customers in the considered networks. Here, it is shown that a more complex metric than individual reliability indicators should be used for the analysis, as there are different best-served and worst-served customers in terms of the frequency and duration of supply interruptions, as well as amounts of not supplied energy. Finally, the analysis in the thesis considers some aspects of the anticipated transformation of existing networks into the future smart grids, which effectively require to re-evaluate the ways in which network reliability is approached at both planning and operational stages. Smart grids will feature significantly higher penetration levels of variable renewable-based distributed generation technologies (with or without energy storage), as well as the increased operational flexibility, automation and remote control facilities. In this context, the thesis evaluates some of the considered smart grid capabilities and functionalities, showing that improved system reliability performance might result in a deterioration of power quality performance. This is illustrated through the analysis of applied automation, reconfiguration and automatic reclosing/remote switching schemes, which are shown to reduce frequency and duration of long supply interruptions, but will ultimately result in more frequent and/or longer voltage sags and short interruptions. Similarly, distributed generation/storage resources might have strong positive impact on system reliability performance through the reduced power flows in local networks and provision of alternative supply points, even allowing for a fully independent off-grid operation in microgrids, but this may also result in the reduced power quality levels within the microgrids, or elsewhere in the network, e.g. due to a higher number of switching transfers and transients.

Abandono em Psicoterapia Psicanalítica : estudo qualitativo

Jung, Simone Isabel January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral analisar o fenômeno do abandono em psicoterapia psicanalítica (PP) através de metodologia qualitativa. Para tanto, três artigos foram realizados identificando características de inicio e término de tratamento de pacientes adultos classificados por seus psicoterapeutas como pacientes que abandonaram a PP, em um serviço de atendimento da cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil, cujo objetivo principal é a formação de especialistas em PP. Foi utilizado em todos os estudos o método de Bardin (1995) para analisar o conteúdo das entrevistas iniciais de tratamento, encontradas no arquivo do serviço de atendimento, e das entrevistas pós-tratamento realizadas pela autora da tese. O primeiro artigo apresenta a análise do tratamento de seis mulheres que abandonaram a PP. Objetivos pouco claros de tratamento, fraca disposição para mudar, sinais precoces de transferência negativa e resistência, e ausência de reconhecimento da própria participação nos problemas são fatores que surgiram no início da psicoterapia. Ganhos terapêuticos, insatisfação e resistência durante o processo psicoterapêutico pareceram estar associados ao abandono. O segundo artigo revela os achados dos tratamentos de cinco pacientes que abandonaram a PP e de cinco que a completaram. Pacientes que abandonaram a PP apresentaram no início do tratamento: objetivos e expectativas focalizadas, fraca disposição para mudar, capacidade de insight diminuída, percepção negativa dos tratamentos anteriores, e manifestações significativas de transferência negativa e resistência. Por outro lado, pacientes que completaram a PP possuíam metas e expectativas de psicoterapia relacionada com aspectos mais amplos da vida, foram menos resistentes para começar o tratamento, apresentaram maior disposição de mudar, transferência mais positiva, e níveis mais elevados de percepção e de satisfação com o tratamento anterior. Durante o tratamento, pacientes que completaram a PP foram menos resistentes e estavam mais satisfeitos com a psicoterapia, referiram benefícios mais eficazes e alcançaram maior capacidade de continuar trabalhando em problemas psicológicos, em comparação com os pacientes que abandonaram a PP. E o terceiro artigo, mostra os dados encontrados nos tratamentos de pacientes que abandonaram a PP em diferentes momentos da psicoterapia. Sete pacientes de tempo de abandono médio (AM- dois a 11 meses após o início da psicoterapia) comparados com sete pacientes de tempo de abandono tardio (AT- mais de um ano após o início) foram identificados como aqueles que iniciaram o tratamento mais por indicação de terceiros do que por conta própria, apresentando maior resistência, com expectativas de mais apoio, menor transferência positiva, mais queixas depressivas e experiências negativas com tratamentos anteriores. Na entrevista pós-tratamento revelaram mais resistência durante o processo de psicoterapia. Abandonaram a psicoterapia com menor capacidade de insight, avaliaram mais negativamente o tratamento tanto nos aspectos gerais como nos específicos. Embora distinções tenham sido observadas, entende-se que a diferenciação das características dos grupos de AM e AT é tênue e necessita de mais investigações. Esta tese oferece algumas hipóteses ou explicações para o complexo fenômeno do abandono da PP. Sugere que as decisões de iniciar, abandonar ou completar a psicoterapia dependem de múltiplos fatores, tais como: definição de metas e objetivos estabelecidos em conjunto pela dupla paciente/psicoterapeuta, disposição para empreender mudanças, capacidade de insight que implica em reconhecimento da condição psíquica e da participação nos problemas, resistência, transferência e experiência vivenciada em tratamento anterior. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese são exploratórios necessitando mais estudos nessa área. / This thesis had as general objective to analyze the phenomenon of dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (PP) through qualitative methodology. To do so, three articles were written identifying characteristics of beginning and end of treatment of adult patients who were classified by their psychotherapists as patients who dropped out the PP, in a service of attendance in the city of Porto Alegre/Brazil, whose main objective is the formation of specialists in PP. The Bardin’s method (1995) was used in all the studies to analyze the content of the initial interviews of treatment, which were found in the file of the attendance service, and of the post-treatment interviews accomplished by the authoress of the thesis. The first article presents the analysis of treatment of six women who dropped out the PP. Factors that came up in the beginning of the psychotherapy were: unclear objectives of the treatment, weak readiness to change, precocious signs of negative transference and resistance and absence of recognition about the own participation in the problems. Therapeutic gains, dissatisfaction and resistance during the therapeutic process seemed to be associated to the dropout. The second article reveals the findings of the treatments of five patients who dropped out the PP and other five who completed it. Patients who dropped out the PP presented in the beginning of the treatment: focalized objectives and expectations, weak disposition to change, decreased capacity for insight, negative perception of the previous treatments and meaningful manifestations of negative transference and resistance. On the other hand, patients who completed the PP had goals and expectations of psychotherapy related to wider aspects of life, were less resistant to begin the treatment, presented a bigger disposition to change, more positive transference and higher levels of perception and satisfaction concerning the previous treatment. During the treatment, patients who completed the PP were less resistant and were more satisfied about the psychotherapy, referred more effective benefits and reached a bigger capacity to continue working in psychological problems if compared to patients who dropped out the PP. And the third article shows the data found in treatments of patients who dropped out the PP in different moments of the therapy. Seven patients of medium time of dropout (MD - two to eleven months after the beginning of the psychotherapy) compared to seven patients of late time of dropout (LD - more than one year after the beginning) were identified as the ones who started the treatment by indication of others more than by their own, presenting more resistance, with expectations of more support, less positive transference, more depressive complains and negative experiences about the previous treatments. In the post-treatment interview they revealed more resistance during the process of psychotherapy. They dropped out the psychotherapy with minor capacity of insight, evaluated the treatment in a more negative way concerning its general aspects as well as the specific ones. Although distinctions have been observed, it is understood that the differentiation of the characteristics of the groups of MD and LD is tenuous and it needs more investigation. This thesis offers some hypothesis or explanations for the complex phenomenon of dropout of PP. It suggests that the decisions about initiate, dropping out, or completing the psychotherapy depend on multiple factors, such as: definition of marks and objectives established in partnership (patient/psychotherapist), disposition to undertake changes, capacity of insight which implies in recognition of the psychic condition and the participation of problems, resistance, transference and experience that were experienced in previous treatment. The results which were obtained in this thesis are exploratory and it is necessary to study more in this area.

Avaliação das ações judiciais para a obtenção do tratamento da fenilcetonúria no Rio Grande do Sul

Trevisan, Luciano Mangueira January 2013 (has links)
A Fenilcetonúria (PKU) é uma doença genética rara detectada pelo Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) por meio do "teste do pezinho". Uma vez diagnosticada e tratada precocemente com dieta específica e fórmula metabólica isenta de fenilalanina (Phe), a ocorrência de retardo mental é prevenida nestes pacientes. Mesmo sendo fornecida gratuitamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), mediante protocolo clínico, estima-se que os pacientes com PKU têm encontrado dificuldades de acesso à fórmula metabólica, recorrendo à via judicial para garantir a continuidade de seu tratamento. Não existem estudos sobre os fatores que levam os pacientes com PKU a ingressarem na justiça em busca do acesso ao seu tratamento, tampouco que caracterizem os argumentos utilizados pelos poderes públicos na tentativa de resolução desses conflitos. Objetivos: Este estudo constitui-se em uma das etapas de um projeto mais amplo intitulado "Acesso e Adesão ao Tratamento da Fenilcetonúria: avaliação da judicialização e do impacto médico e socioeconômico para os pacientes e sua famílias, e para o Sistema Único de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul". Esta etapa teve por objetivo caracterizar o uso da via judicial para a obtenção do tratamento da PKU no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Metodologia: estudo observacional e retrospectivo, baseado na análise de processos judiciais de indivíduos com PKU que ingressaram na justiça entre 2001 e 2010 e que solicitaram alguma forma de tratamento para essa doença. Foram analisados os dados correspondentes ao período compreendido entre a propositura da ação e a sentença. Resultados: foram identificados 20 processos ajuizados no período analisado, e que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão, sendo que o acesso integral aos documentos para análise só foi possível em 19 casos. Apenas 2/19 dos processos visavam à obtenção de terapias diferentes da fórmula metabólica. Em 17/19 dos processos havia relato de solicitação prévia de fornecimento do tratamento deferida pela Secretaria de Saúde – RS. Figuraram como réus o estado do RS (n=19), a União (n=1) e municípios (n=4). Os pedidos de antecipação de tutela foram deferidos em todos os processos. Ao final das análises, 18/19 dos processos possuíam sentenças, obrigando os réus a fornecerem os insumos solicitados. Conclusões: os dados sugerem a violação do direito à saúde e a interrupção do fornecimento do tratamento pelo Estado como as principais razões para o uso da via judicial. Há evidências ainda, de que problemas como gestão de estoque e processos licitatórios morosos contribuam para a judicialização da PKU no RS. Ao contrário do que acontece com outras doenças genéticas, no caso da PKU a busca pela via judicial visa à obtenção de um produto que já está incluído na política de assistência farmacêutica nacional, achado que sugere que falhas de gestão são um dos fatores desencadeantes da judicialização no país. / Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic disease detected by the Brazilian National Neonatal Screening Program (PNTN) through the "heel-stick test". Once diagnosed and treated early with a specific diet and metabolic phenylalanine-free formula (Phe), the occurrence of mental retardation is prevented in these patients. Even being provided free of charge by the Public Health System through National Guidelines, it is estimated that patients with PKU have found difficulty in obtaining the metabolic formula, resorting to the courts to ensure the continuity of their treatment. There are no studies on the factors that lead patients with PKU to file lawsuits in search of justice to have access to their treatment, nor that characterize the arguments used by the government in an attempt to solve these conflicts. Objectives: This study constitutes one of the steps of a broader project entitled "Access and Adherence to Phenylketonuria Treatment: evaluation of judicialization and the medical and socio-economic impact for patients and their families, and for the Public Health System of Rio Grande do Sul". This step aimed to characterize the use of the judicial process in order to obtain treatment of PKU in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Methodology: A retrospective, observational study, based on analysis of court cases of individuals with PKU that entered with judicial lawsuits between 2001 and 2010 requesting some form of treatment for this disease in RS. Data corresponding to the period between filing the lawsuit and court ruling were analyzed. Results: We identified 20 cases filed in the period that met the inclusion criteria, in which full access to the documents for analysis was only possible in 19 cases. Only 2/19 processes aimed at obtaining therapies different from the metabolic formula. In 17/19 cases it was reported that there was prior request of treatment granted by the Department of Health of the state of RS. Figured as defendants the state of RS (n=19), the Union (n=1), and municipalities (n=4). Applications for advance relief were granted in all cases. At the end of the analysis, 18/19 cases had court ruling, obliging that the defendants provide the required inputs. Conclusions: The data suggest a violation of the right to health and interruption of treatment supplied by the State as the main reasons for the use of the judicial process. There is also evidence that problems, such as management of medications and lengthy procurement processes, contribute to the judicialization of PKU in the state of RS. Contrary to what happens with other genetic diseases, in the case of PKU, the quest via litigation aims to obtain a product that is already included in the national pharmaceutical assistance policy, a finding that suggests that management failures are one of the factors triggering judicialization in the country.

Abandono em Psicoterapia Psicanalítica : estudo qualitativo

Jung, Simone Isabel January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral analisar o fenômeno do abandono em psicoterapia psicanalítica (PP) através de metodologia qualitativa. Para tanto, três artigos foram realizados identificando características de inicio e término de tratamento de pacientes adultos classificados por seus psicoterapeutas como pacientes que abandonaram a PP, em um serviço de atendimento da cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil, cujo objetivo principal é a formação de especialistas em PP. Foi utilizado em todos os estudos o método de Bardin (1995) para analisar o conteúdo das entrevistas iniciais de tratamento, encontradas no arquivo do serviço de atendimento, e das entrevistas pós-tratamento realizadas pela autora da tese. O primeiro artigo apresenta a análise do tratamento de seis mulheres que abandonaram a PP. Objetivos pouco claros de tratamento, fraca disposição para mudar, sinais precoces de transferência negativa e resistência, e ausência de reconhecimento da própria participação nos problemas são fatores que surgiram no início da psicoterapia. Ganhos terapêuticos, insatisfação e resistência durante o processo psicoterapêutico pareceram estar associados ao abandono. O segundo artigo revela os achados dos tratamentos de cinco pacientes que abandonaram a PP e de cinco que a completaram. Pacientes que abandonaram a PP apresentaram no início do tratamento: objetivos e expectativas focalizadas, fraca disposição para mudar, capacidade de insight diminuída, percepção negativa dos tratamentos anteriores, e manifestações significativas de transferência negativa e resistência. Por outro lado, pacientes que completaram a PP possuíam metas e expectativas de psicoterapia relacionada com aspectos mais amplos da vida, foram menos resistentes para começar o tratamento, apresentaram maior disposição de mudar, transferência mais positiva, e níveis mais elevados de percepção e de satisfação com o tratamento anterior. Durante o tratamento, pacientes que completaram a PP foram menos resistentes e estavam mais satisfeitos com a psicoterapia, referiram benefícios mais eficazes e alcançaram maior capacidade de continuar trabalhando em problemas psicológicos, em comparação com os pacientes que abandonaram a PP. E o terceiro artigo, mostra os dados encontrados nos tratamentos de pacientes que abandonaram a PP em diferentes momentos da psicoterapia. Sete pacientes de tempo de abandono médio (AM- dois a 11 meses após o início da psicoterapia) comparados com sete pacientes de tempo de abandono tardio (AT- mais de um ano após o início) foram identificados como aqueles que iniciaram o tratamento mais por indicação de terceiros do que por conta própria, apresentando maior resistência, com expectativas de mais apoio, menor transferência positiva, mais queixas depressivas e experiências negativas com tratamentos anteriores. Na entrevista pós-tratamento revelaram mais resistência durante o processo de psicoterapia. Abandonaram a psicoterapia com menor capacidade de insight, avaliaram mais negativamente o tratamento tanto nos aspectos gerais como nos específicos. Embora distinções tenham sido observadas, entende-se que a diferenciação das características dos grupos de AM e AT é tênue e necessita de mais investigações. Esta tese oferece algumas hipóteses ou explicações para o complexo fenômeno do abandono da PP. Sugere que as decisões de iniciar, abandonar ou completar a psicoterapia dependem de múltiplos fatores, tais como: definição de metas e objetivos estabelecidos em conjunto pela dupla paciente/psicoterapeuta, disposição para empreender mudanças, capacidade de insight que implica em reconhecimento da condição psíquica e da participação nos problemas, resistência, transferência e experiência vivenciada em tratamento anterior. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese são exploratórios necessitando mais estudos nessa área. / This thesis had as general objective to analyze the phenomenon of dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (PP) through qualitative methodology. To do so, three articles were written identifying characteristics of beginning and end of treatment of adult patients who were classified by their psychotherapists as patients who dropped out the PP, in a service of attendance in the city of Porto Alegre/Brazil, whose main objective is the formation of specialists in PP. The Bardin’s method (1995) was used in all the studies to analyze the content of the initial interviews of treatment, which were found in the file of the attendance service, and of the post-treatment interviews accomplished by the authoress of the thesis. The first article presents the analysis of treatment of six women who dropped out the PP. Factors that came up in the beginning of the psychotherapy were: unclear objectives of the treatment, weak readiness to change, precocious signs of negative transference and resistance and absence of recognition about the own participation in the problems. Therapeutic gains, dissatisfaction and resistance during the therapeutic process seemed to be associated to the dropout. The second article reveals the findings of the treatments of five patients who dropped out the PP and other five who completed it. Patients who dropped out the PP presented in the beginning of the treatment: focalized objectives and expectations, weak disposition to change, decreased capacity for insight, negative perception of the previous treatments and meaningful manifestations of negative transference and resistance. On the other hand, patients who completed the PP had goals and expectations of psychotherapy related to wider aspects of life, were less resistant to begin the treatment, presented a bigger disposition to change, more positive transference and higher levels of perception and satisfaction concerning the previous treatment. During the treatment, patients who completed the PP were less resistant and were more satisfied about the psychotherapy, referred more effective benefits and reached a bigger capacity to continue working in psychological problems if compared to patients who dropped out the PP. And the third article shows the data found in treatments of patients who dropped out the PP in different moments of the therapy. Seven patients of medium time of dropout (MD - two to eleven months after the beginning of the psychotherapy) compared to seven patients of late time of dropout (LD - more than one year after the beginning) were identified as the ones who started the treatment by indication of others more than by their own, presenting more resistance, with expectations of more support, less positive transference, more depressive complains and negative experiences about the previous treatments. In the post-treatment interview they revealed more resistance during the process of psychotherapy. They dropped out the psychotherapy with minor capacity of insight, evaluated the treatment in a more negative way concerning its general aspects as well as the specific ones. Although distinctions have been observed, it is understood that the differentiation of the characteristics of the groups of MD and LD is tenuous and it needs more investigation. This thesis offers some hypothesis or explanations for the complex phenomenon of dropout of PP. It suggests that the decisions about initiate, dropping out, or completing the psychotherapy depend on multiple factors, such as: definition of marks and objectives established in partnership (patient/psychotherapist), disposition to undertake changes, capacity of insight which implies in recognition of the psychic condition and the participation of problems, resistance, transference and experience that were experienced in previous treatment. The results which were obtained in this thesis are exploratory and it is necessary to study more in this area.

Avaliação das ações judiciais para a obtenção do tratamento da fenilcetonúria no Rio Grande do Sul

Trevisan, Luciano Mangueira January 2013 (has links)
A Fenilcetonúria (PKU) é uma doença genética rara detectada pelo Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) por meio do "teste do pezinho". Uma vez diagnosticada e tratada precocemente com dieta específica e fórmula metabólica isenta de fenilalanina (Phe), a ocorrência de retardo mental é prevenida nestes pacientes. Mesmo sendo fornecida gratuitamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), mediante protocolo clínico, estima-se que os pacientes com PKU têm encontrado dificuldades de acesso à fórmula metabólica, recorrendo à via judicial para garantir a continuidade de seu tratamento. Não existem estudos sobre os fatores que levam os pacientes com PKU a ingressarem na justiça em busca do acesso ao seu tratamento, tampouco que caracterizem os argumentos utilizados pelos poderes públicos na tentativa de resolução desses conflitos. Objetivos: Este estudo constitui-se em uma das etapas de um projeto mais amplo intitulado "Acesso e Adesão ao Tratamento da Fenilcetonúria: avaliação da judicialização e do impacto médico e socioeconômico para os pacientes e sua famílias, e para o Sistema Único de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul". Esta etapa teve por objetivo caracterizar o uso da via judicial para a obtenção do tratamento da PKU no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Metodologia: estudo observacional e retrospectivo, baseado na análise de processos judiciais de indivíduos com PKU que ingressaram na justiça entre 2001 e 2010 e que solicitaram alguma forma de tratamento para essa doença. Foram analisados os dados correspondentes ao período compreendido entre a propositura da ação e a sentença. Resultados: foram identificados 20 processos ajuizados no período analisado, e que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão, sendo que o acesso integral aos documentos para análise só foi possível em 19 casos. Apenas 2/19 dos processos visavam à obtenção de terapias diferentes da fórmula metabólica. Em 17/19 dos processos havia relato de solicitação prévia de fornecimento do tratamento deferida pela Secretaria de Saúde – RS. Figuraram como réus o estado do RS (n=19), a União (n=1) e municípios (n=4). Os pedidos de antecipação de tutela foram deferidos em todos os processos. Ao final das análises, 18/19 dos processos possuíam sentenças, obrigando os réus a fornecerem os insumos solicitados. Conclusões: os dados sugerem a violação do direito à saúde e a interrupção do fornecimento do tratamento pelo Estado como as principais razões para o uso da via judicial. Há evidências ainda, de que problemas como gestão de estoque e processos licitatórios morosos contribuam para a judicialização da PKU no RS. Ao contrário do que acontece com outras doenças genéticas, no caso da PKU a busca pela via judicial visa à obtenção de um produto que já está incluído na política de assistência farmacêutica nacional, achado que sugere que falhas de gestão são um dos fatores desencadeantes da judicialização no país. / Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic disease detected by the Brazilian National Neonatal Screening Program (PNTN) through the "heel-stick test". Once diagnosed and treated early with a specific diet and metabolic phenylalanine-free formula (Phe), the occurrence of mental retardation is prevented in these patients. Even being provided free of charge by the Public Health System through National Guidelines, it is estimated that patients with PKU have found difficulty in obtaining the metabolic formula, resorting to the courts to ensure the continuity of their treatment. There are no studies on the factors that lead patients with PKU to file lawsuits in search of justice to have access to their treatment, nor that characterize the arguments used by the government in an attempt to solve these conflicts. Objectives: This study constitutes one of the steps of a broader project entitled "Access and Adherence to Phenylketonuria Treatment: evaluation of judicialization and the medical and socio-economic impact for patients and their families, and for the Public Health System of Rio Grande do Sul". This step aimed to characterize the use of the judicial process in order to obtain treatment of PKU in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Methodology: A retrospective, observational study, based on analysis of court cases of individuals with PKU that entered with judicial lawsuits between 2001 and 2010 requesting some form of treatment for this disease in RS. Data corresponding to the period between filing the lawsuit and court ruling were analyzed. Results: We identified 20 cases filed in the period that met the inclusion criteria, in which full access to the documents for analysis was only possible in 19 cases. Only 2/19 processes aimed at obtaining therapies different from the metabolic formula. In 17/19 cases it was reported that there was prior request of treatment granted by the Department of Health of the state of RS. Figured as defendants the state of RS (n=19), the Union (n=1), and municipalities (n=4). Applications for advance relief were granted in all cases. At the end of the analysis, 18/19 cases had court ruling, obliging that the defendants provide the required inputs. Conclusions: The data suggest a violation of the right to health and interruption of treatment supplied by the State as the main reasons for the use of the judicial process. There is also evidence that problems, such as management of medications and lengthy procurement processes, contribute to the judicialization of PKU in the state of RS. Contrary to what happens with other genetic diseases, in the case of PKU, the quest via litigation aims to obtain a product that is already included in the national pharmaceutical assistance policy, a finding that suggests that management failures are one of the factors triggering judicialization in the country.

Abandono em Psicoterapia Psicanalítica : estudo qualitativo

Jung, Simone Isabel January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral analisar o fenômeno do abandono em psicoterapia psicanalítica (PP) através de metodologia qualitativa. Para tanto, três artigos foram realizados identificando características de inicio e término de tratamento de pacientes adultos classificados por seus psicoterapeutas como pacientes que abandonaram a PP, em um serviço de atendimento da cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil, cujo objetivo principal é a formação de especialistas em PP. Foi utilizado em todos os estudos o método de Bardin (1995) para analisar o conteúdo das entrevistas iniciais de tratamento, encontradas no arquivo do serviço de atendimento, e das entrevistas pós-tratamento realizadas pela autora da tese. O primeiro artigo apresenta a análise do tratamento de seis mulheres que abandonaram a PP. Objetivos pouco claros de tratamento, fraca disposição para mudar, sinais precoces de transferência negativa e resistência, e ausência de reconhecimento da própria participação nos problemas são fatores que surgiram no início da psicoterapia. Ganhos terapêuticos, insatisfação e resistência durante o processo psicoterapêutico pareceram estar associados ao abandono. O segundo artigo revela os achados dos tratamentos de cinco pacientes que abandonaram a PP e de cinco que a completaram. Pacientes que abandonaram a PP apresentaram no início do tratamento: objetivos e expectativas focalizadas, fraca disposição para mudar, capacidade de insight diminuída, percepção negativa dos tratamentos anteriores, e manifestações significativas de transferência negativa e resistência. Por outro lado, pacientes que completaram a PP possuíam metas e expectativas de psicoterapia relacionada com aspectos mais amplos da vida, foram menos resistentes para começar o tratamento, apresentaram maior disposição de mudar, transferência mais positiva, e níveis mais elevados de percepção e de satisfação com o tratamento anterior. Durante o tratamento, pacientes que completaram a PP foram menos resistentes e estavam mais satisfeitos com a psicoterapia, referiram benefícios mais eficazes e alcançaram maior capacidade de continuar trabalhando em problemas psicológicos, em comparação com os pacientes que abandonaram a PP. E o terceiro artigo, mostra os dados encontrados nos tratamentos de pacientes que abandonaram a PP em diferentes momentos da psicoterapia. Sete pacientes de tempo de abandono médio (AM- dois a 11 meses após o início da psicoterapia) comparados com sete pacientes de tempo de abandono tardio (AT- mais de um ano após o início) foram identificados como aqueles que iniciaram o tratamento mais por indicação de terceiros do que por conta própria, apresentando maior resistência, com expectativas de mais apoio, menor transferência positiva, mais queixas depressivas e experiências negativas com tratamentos anteriores. Na entrevista pós-tratamento revelaram mais resistência durante o processo de psicoterapia. Abandonaram a psicoterapia com menor capacidade de insight, avaliaram mais negativamente o tratamento tanto nos aspectos gerais como nos específicos. Embora distinções tenham sido observadas, entende-se que a diferenciação das características dos grupos de AM e AT é tênue e necessita de mais investigações. Esta tese oferece algumas hipóteses ou explicações para o complexo fenômeno do abandono da PP. Sugere que as decisões de iniciar, abandonar ou completar a psicoterapia dependem de múltiplos fatores, tais como: definição de metas e objetivos estabelecidos em conjunto pela dupla paciente/psicoterapeuta, disposição para empreender mudanças, capacidade de insight que implica em reconhecimento da condição psíquica e da participação nos problemas, resistência, transferência e experiência vivenciada em tratamento anterior. Os resultados obtidos nesta tese são exploratórios necessitando mais estudos nessa área. / This thesis had as general objective to analyze the phenomenon of dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (PP) through qualitative methodology. To do so, three articles were written identifying characteristics of beginning and end of treatment of adult patients who were classified by their psychotherapists as patients who dropped out the PP, in a service of attendance in the city of Porto Alegre/Brazil, whose main objective is the formation of specialists in PP. The Bardin’s method (1995) was used in all the studies to analyze the content of the initial interviews of treatment, which were found in the file of the attendance service, and of the post-treatment interviews accomplished by the authoress of the thesis. The first article presents the analysis of treatment of six women who dropped out the PP. Factors that came up in the beginning of the psychotherapy were: unclear objectives of the treatment, weak readiness to change, precocious signs of negative transference and resistance and absence of recognition about the own participation in the problems. Therapeutic gains, dissatisfaction and resistance during the therapeutic process seemed to be associated to the dropout. The second article reveals the findings of the treatments of five patients who dropped out the PP and other five who completed it. Patients who dropped out the PP presented in the beginning of the treatment: focalized objectives and expectations, weak disposition to change, decreased capacity for insight, negative perception of the previous treatments and meaningful manifestations of negative transference and resistance. On the other hand, patients who completed the PP had goals and expectations of psychotherapy related to wider aspects of life, were less resistant to begin the treatment, presented a bigger disposition to change, more positive transference and higher levels of perception and satisfaction concerning the previous treatment. During the treatment, patients who completed the PP were less resistant and were more satisfied about the psychotherapy, referred more effective benefits and reached a bigger capacity to continue working in psychological problems if compared to patients who dropped out the PP. And the third article shows the data found in treatments of patients who dropped out the PP in different moments of the therapy. Seven patients of medium time of dropout (MD - two to eleven months after the beginning of the psychotherapy) compared to seven patients of late time of dropout (LD - more than one year after the beginning) were identified as the ones who started the treatment by indication of others more than by their own, presenting more resistance, with expectations of more support, less positive transference, more depressive complains and negative experiences about the previous treatments. In the post-treatment interview they revealed more resistance during the process of psychotherapy. They dropped out the psychotherapy with minor capacity of insight, evaluated the treatment in a more negative way concerning its general aspects as well as the specific ones. Although distinctions have been observed, it is understood that the differentiation of the characteristics of the groups of MD and LD is tenuous and it needs more investigation. This thesis offers some hypothesis or explanations for the complex phenomenon of dropout of PP. It suggests that the decisions about initiate, dropping out, or completing the psychotherapy depend on multiple factors, such as: definition of marks and objectives established in partnership (patient/psychotherapist), disposition to undertake changes, capacity of insight which implies in recognition of the psychic condition and the participation of problems, resistance, transference and experience that were experienced in previous treatment. The results which were obtained in this thesis are exploratory and it is necessary to study more in this area.

Avaliação das ações judiciais para a obtenção do tratamento da fenilcetonúria no Rio Grande do Sul

Trevisan, Luciano Mangueira January 2013 (has links)
A Fenilcetonúria (PKU) é uma doença genética rara detectada pelo Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) por meio do "teste do pezinho". Uma vez diagnosticada e tratada precocemente com dieta específica e fórmula metabólica isenta de fenilalanina (Phe), a ocorrência de retardo mental é prevenida nestes pacientes. Mesmo sendo fornecida gratuitamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), mediante protocolo clínico, estima-se que os pacientes com PKU têm encontrado dificuldades de acesso à fórmula metabólica, recorrendo à via judicial para garantir a continuidade de seu tratamento. Não existem estudos sobre os fatores que levam os pacientes com PKU a ingressarem na justiça em busca do acesso ao seu tratamento, tampouco que caracterizem os argumentos utilizados pelos poderes públicos na tentativa de resolução desses conflitos. Objetivos: Este estudo constitui-se em uma das etapas de um projeto mais amplo intitulado "Acesso e Adesão ao Tratamento da Fenilcetonúria: avaliação da judicialização e do impacto médico e socioeconômico para os pacientes e sua famílias, e para o Sistema Único de Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul". Esta etapa teve por objetivo caracterizar o uso da via judicial para a obtenção do tratamento da PKU no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Metodologia: estudo observacional e retrospectivo, baseado na análise de processos judiciais de indivíduos com PKU que ingressaram na justiça entre 2001 e 2010 e que solicitaram alguma forma de tratamento para essa doença. Foram analisados os dados correspondentes ao período compreendido entre a propositura da ação e a sentença. Resultados: foram identificados 20 processos ajuizados no período analisado, e que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão, sendo que o acesso integral aos documentos para análise só foi possível em 19 casos. Apenas 2/19 dos processos visavam à obtenção de terapias diferentes da fórmula metabólica. Em 17/19 dos processos havia relato de solicitação prévia de fornecimento do tratamento deferida pela Secretaria de Saúde – RS. Figuraram como réus o estado do RS (n=19), a União (n=1) e municípios (n=4). Os pedidos de antecipação de tutela foram deferidos em todos os processos. Ao final das análises, 18/19 dos processos possuíam sentenças, obrigando os réus a fornecerem os insumos solicitados. Conclusões: os dados sugerem a violação do direito à saúde e a interrupção do fornecimento do tratamento pelo Estado como as principais razões para o uso da via judicial. Há evidências ainda, de que problemas como gestão de estoque e processos licitatórios morosos contribuam para a judicialização da PKU no RS. Ao contrário do que acontece com outras doenças genéticas, no caso da PKU a busca pela via judicial visa à obtenção de um produto que já está incluído na política de assistência farmacêutica nacional, achado que sugere que falhas de gestão são um dos fatores desencadeantes da judicialização no país. / Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic disease detected by the Brazilian National Neonatal Screening Program (PNTN) through the "heel-stick test". Once diagnosed and treated early with a specific diet and metabolic phenylalanine-free formula (Phe), the occurrence of mental retardation is prevented in these patients. Even being provided free of charge by the Public Health System through National Guidelines, it is estimated that patients with PKU have found difficulty in obtaining the metabolic formula, resorting to the courts to ensure the continuity of their treatment. There are no studies on the factors that lead patients with PKU to file lawsuits in search of justice to have access to their treatment, nor that characterize the arguments used by the government in an attempt to solve these conflicts. Objectives: This study constitutes one of the steps of a broader project entitled "Access and Adherence to Phenylketonuria Treatment: evaluation of judicialization and the medical and socio-economic impact for patients and their families, and for the Public Health System of Rio Grande do Sul". This step aimed to characterize the use of the judicial process in order to obtain treatment of PKU in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Methodology: A retrospective, observational study, based on analysis of court cases of individuals with PKU that entered with judicial lawsuits between 2001 and 2010 requesting some form of treatment for this disease in RS. Data corresponding to the period between filing the lawsuit and court ruling were analyzed. Results: We identified 20 cases filed in the period that met the inclusion criteria, in which full access to the documents for analysis was only possible in 19 cases. Only 2/19 processes aimed at obtaining therapies different from the metabolic formula. In 17/19 cases it was reported that there was prior request of treatment granted by the Department of Health of the state of RS. Figured as defendants the state of RS (n=19), the Union (n=1), and municipalities (n=4). Applications for advance relief were granted in all cases. At the end of the analysis, 18/19 cases had court ruling, obliging that the defendants provide the required inputs. Conclusions: The data suggest a violation of the right to health and interruption of treatment supplied by the State as the main reasons for the use of the judicial process. There is also evidence that problems, such as management of medications and lengthy procurement processes, contribute to the judicialization of PKU in the state of RS. Contrary to what happens with other genetic diseases, in the case of PKU, the quest via litigation aims to obtain a product that is already included in the national pharmaceutical assistance policy, a finding that suggests that management failures are one of the factors triggering judicialization in the country.

Availability and Mobile Phone Interruptions

Murali-Venkatesh, Krishnan January 2008 (has links)
Mobile phones have become ubiquitous in many countries today. As the number of subscribers and geographical coverage continues to increase worldwide, mobile users can now be reached at nearly any place and at any time. Though the technology supports near perpetual connectivity, users are not available for mobile phone communication in such a straightforward way. As a result, users are often interrupted by mobile phones in the middle of activities. One reason that has been attributed to this problem is the callers lack of awareness about the callee’s current activity. Some context aware mobile technologies have been developed with an aim to help users coordinate mobile phone interruptions. However, these studies are mostly technology oriented and we are yet to understand the effectiveness of these designs. This is because there are few studies on interruption and availability in relation to mobile phone use. To examine the role of technology in coordinating mobile phone interruptions, we have conducted a diary study to investigate the factors that affect the disruptiveness of a mobile phone call, and the practices by which mobile users currently manage their availability. The results from our study show that the availability of a user is highly subjective, and that the interruption rating of a call is affected by factors such as location, activity, relationship with the caller as well as the history of interactions between them. We have also found that mobile phone users appropriate features of the device by way of silencing calls, dismissing calls or placing a ’missed call’, in order to manage their availability. The implications of our results for the design of technologies such as context aware telephony, that aim to coordinate mobile phone calls is discussed. / kvmurali32@gmail.com

Stochastic models of steady state and dynamic operation of systems of congestion

Erasmus, Gert Botha 18 October 2006 (has links)
(i) The thesis sets out to address the problematic phenomenon of Systems of Congestion via Basic Queueing Theory. The theory, and its application in practice, appears to be a field of study which is the common domain of “theorists” and “practitioners”. (ii) This professional dichotomy has come about due to diverging interests in that one group is mainly interested in the purity of mathematical modelling, and the other group is motivated to use modelling, which conveniently employs applications oriented solutions. (iii) The schism between the groups has been accentuated by the “practitioners” who in addition to having an interest in steady state system behaviour make use of methods of modelling of the transient operation of complex Systems of Congestion. (iv) At the outset the thesis demonstrates how closed form solutions are obtained for steady state and transient state operation of a selection of Systems of Congestion. The attendant mathematical derivations are elegant and intricate. (v) Having revealed the limited utility of closed-form solutions the thesis proceeds to investigate the feasibility of using dynamical systems theory to study the transient behaviour of complex Systems of Congestion. (vi) The creation of Chaos Theory in recent decades suggests that it may be employed as a useful tool in analysing Systems of Congestion. Iterative Chaos Theory methods of orbit generation for complete Systems of Congestion are therefore examined. The use of such orbit generation methods is found to be satisfactory for simple Systems of Congestion. More than a perfunctory knowledge of chaos mapping is however required. The simplicity of modelling is emphasized. (vii) Based on the results of benchmarking the creation of dynamic system orbits against an existing simulation method, the research advances to modelling of the transient operation of complex systems. Once again the iterative method of orbit generation displays the ease of modelling while simultaneously unfolding system dynamics graphically. (viii) One may hopefully contend that a tool of eminent utility has been developed to aid practitioners in studying and optimizing Systems of Congestion. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Industrial and Systems Engineering / Unrestricted

Parametrizace mezních křivek odolnosti elektrických spotřebičů na krátkodobé poklesy a výpadky napětí / Parameterization of electric appliances immunity curves to voltage dips and short interruptions

Šlezingr, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis work deal with diagnosis parameters immunity curves uniphase appliance on short - term voltage dips a interuption. Immunity curve is dependence smallest possible sizes RMS voltage for performance given to criteria function on time continuation voltage event. Curves of resistance is different for each electric appliance, and depending on the size and over-voltage network, the burden on resources and voltage during the event.. The goal of this work is to devise a methodology for measuring the implementation of parametric measurement limit curves of resistance for selected types of appliances.

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