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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A responsabilidade civil do estado pela paralisação nas atividades essenciais

Vezzoni, Marina Rosa 10 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marina Vezzoni.pdf: 964017 bytes, checksum: 93d2da380103fe0e723a08f6a6885491 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-10 / ABSTRACT This study has as objective to analyze the interruption of the essential activities resulting from the celetista (labor contracts as per the CLT Labor Laws Consolidation) labor relationships, being the employer either the government or the free enterprise, specially regarding the civil liability of the co-participants in the negotiation process. The State, by the way, shall be the main active player and the focus on the examination of the civil liability in terms of activity risk perspectives, that is, objectively, regarding the commissive or ommissive behavior. In order to reach this conclusion, it shall be considered the juridical nature of the strike, mainly facing the considerations regarding the limitation of the coalition right, emphasizing, based on the Comparative Law, the obligation of keeping the minimum activities, and the consequent sanctions due to the losses resulting from the total interruption of the services, which is contrary to the rights of the community. This is justified, as the said services interruption becomes increasingly recurrent, because the Government, able to act also through the Judiciary, equipped with the normative system for that, is negligent, and the community, astonished, stays as the spectator of the conclusion of this negligence scenario. The focus of the research is dogmatic. The approach method used is systemic, together with an auxiliary comparative method and the indirect documentation technique, by means of bibliographic research. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a paralisação das atividades essenciais advindas das relações celetistas, seja o empregador o Poder Público ou particular, especialmente no que toca à responsabilidade civil dos co-participantes do processo negocial. O Estado, a propósito, será o principal sujeito ativo e foco do exame da responsabilidade civil na perspectiva do risco da atividade, ou seja, objetivamente a par da conduta comissiva ou omissiva. Para chegar a essa conclusão, deverá ser abordada a natureza jurídica da parede sobretudo para se fazer face às considerações acerca da limitação ao direito de coalizão, enfatizando, com fulcro no Direito Comparado, a obrigação da manutenção das atividades mínimas e consectárias sanções pelos prejuízos advindos da sustação total dos serviços ao arrepio dos direitos da comunidade. Justifica-se tal, na medida em que as paralisações de tais serviços, tornam-se cada mais recorrentes, sendo certo que o Poder público, podendo atuar inclusive através do Judiciário aparelhado pelo sistema normativo para tanto, mantém-se omisso e, a comunidade, atônita, fica como espectadora do desfecho deste quadro de negligências. O enfoque da pesquisa é o dogmático. O método de abordagem utilizado é o sistêmico, aliado ao método auxiliar comparativo e à técnica de documentação indireta, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica.

Devenir à long terme de couples traités par fécondation in vitro dans la cohorte DAIFI / Long-term outcome of couples treated by in vitro fertilization in the DAIFI cohort

Troude, Pénélope 21 June 2013 (has links)
Les études sur les couples traités par fécondation in vitro (FIV) ont jusqu’à présent porté essentiellement sur l’évaluation du succès en FIV. Très peu de données sont disponibles sur le devenir à long terme de couples traités par FIV. L’objectif de ce travail était d’estimer la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental à long terme, et d’étudier les facteurs associés aux interruptions précoces des traitements et aux naissances naturelles.L’enquête DAIFI-2009 a inclus 6 507 couples ayant débuté un programme de FIV en 2000-2002 dans l’un des 8 centres de FIV participant à l’étude. Les données médicales des couples et leur parcours dans le centre ont été obtenus à partir des dossiers médicaux des centres de FIV pour tous les couples. L’information sur le devenir des couples après le départ du centre a été obtenue par questionnaire postal auprès des couples en 2008-2009 (38% de participation 7 à 9 ans après l’initiation des FIV). L’étude des facteurs associés à la participation à l’enquête postale suggérait que la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental estimée sur les répondants seulement pourrait être biaisée. Les différentes méthodes mises en œuvre pour corriger la non réponse (pondération, imputation multiple) n’ont pas modifié l’estimation de la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental. Au total, 7 à 9 ans après l’initiation des FIV, 60% des couples ont réalisé leur projet parental de façon biologique, suite à un traitement ou suite à une conception naturelle. Lorsque les adoptions sont aussi prises en compte, 71% des couples ont réalisé leur projet parental. Après l’échec d’une première tentative de FIV, un couple sur 4 (26%) a interrompu les FIV dans le centre d’inclusion. Globalement, les couples avec de mauvais facteurs pronostiques ont un plus grand risque d’interrompre les FIV. Cependant, la proportion plus importante d’interruption parmi les couples avec une origine inexpliquée de l’infécondité pourrait s’expliquer par la survenue plus fréquente de naissance naturelle dans ce sous-groupe de couples. Parmi les couples n’ayant pas eu d’enfant suite aux traitements, 24% ont ensuite conçu naturellement en médiane 28 mois après l’initiation des FIV. Parmi les couples ayant eu un enfant suite aux traitements, 17% ont ensuite conçu naturellement en médiane 33 mois après la naissance de l’enfant conçu par AMP. Les facteurs associés aux naissances naturelles sont des indicateurs d’un meilleur pronostic de fertilité, particulièrement chez les couples sans enfant AMP.L’enquête DAIFI-2009 a permis d’apporter des informations sur le parcours à long terme des couples traités par FIV qui n’avait jusqu’à présent été que peu étudié, souvent sur de faibles effectifs et avec un suivi plus court. Ces résultats doivent apporter de l’espoir aux couples inféconds, puisque la majorité d’entre eux ont finalement réalisé leur projet parental, même si cela peut prendre de nombreuses années. / Until now, most studies of couples treated by in vitro fertilization (IVF) have been centered on IVF success. Very few data are available on the long-term outcome of these couples, including spontaneous conception and adoptions. This work aimed to estimate the long-term cumulative parenthood rate, and to study factors associated with early IVF discontinuation and with spontaneous live births.The DAIFI study is a retrospective cohort including 6,507 couples who began IVF in 2000-2002 in one of the eight participating French IVF centres. Medical data on all couples were obtained from centre databases. Information on long-term outcome after leaving the IVF center was collected by postal questionnaire sent to couples in 2008-2010 (7 to 9 years after IVF initiation, participation rate 38%). Study of factors associated with participation in the postal survey suggested that the cumulative parenthood rate estimated only in participants might be biased. The different methods used to correct for non-response bias (inverse probability weighting, multiple imputation) did not modify the estimation of the cumulative parenthood rate obtained with the complete case approach. Finally, 7 to 9 years after IVF initiation, the cumulative parenthood rate was estimated at 60%, including live births following IVF, other treatment or spontaneous conception. When adoptions were also considered, the cumulative parenthood rate reached 71%. After a first failed IVF cycle, just over one couple out of four (26%) discontinued IVF treatment. Globally, couples with poor prognostic factors had a higher risk of early discontinuation of IVF treatment. However, the higher proportion of early discontinuation observed among couples with unexplained infertility could be linked to a higher chance of spontaneous pregnancy in this subpopulation. Among couples who remained childless after treatment, 24% later had a spontaneous live birth (SLB), at a median of 28 months after the first IVF attempt. Among couples who had had a child during medical treatment, 17% later had an SLB, at a median of 33 months after the birth following medical treatment. Regarding factors associated with SLB, they can be viewed as indicators of a better fertility prognosis, especially among unsuccessfully treated couples.The DAIFI study has provided information on the long-term outcome of couples treated by IVF, which has until now been little studied, often on small samples and with a shorter duration of follow-up. These results should give hope to infertile couples as nearly three couples out of four finally became parents, even if it may take many years.

由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象 / Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraints

王秀如, Wang, Hsiu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。 本篇論文的語料採自十一個雙人面對面的日常對話,其中男生和男生的對話其三份,女生和女生的對話以及男女之間的對話各四份。此分類方式是基於觀察交談者之間性別的異同所帶來的權力(power)以及等同性(solidarity)是否會影響插話的頻率、位置、和語用功能的分配。在語料中將區分所有疊話和插話,同時標記語用功能,及插話者和被插話的性別以便於做統計分析。 本篇論文發現插話現象主要是受順序先後的影響,百分之八十的插話發生在前5到8個位置,且這些位置不受特殊語法角色的限制,此外,插話通常發生在詞組外而非在詞組內。至於插話的語用功能,以做澄清功能(clarification)為最多,反對功能(disagreement)次之,確認功能(confirmation)最少。而單就插話者的性別而言,女生所引發的插話頻率跟男生相近,這可能是由於女生的高教育背景,使女生有獨立思考的能力、較高的社會地位,與充分的發言權,再加上過於強調男女平權,使女生的插話頻率提高。而在考慮插話者與被插話者的性別方面,的確發現了權力的影響力,男生打岔女生的頻率確實高於女生打岔男生的頻率,但兩者差距不大,一方面可能是男生為要表現社會禮儀以示對女生的尊重,另一方面可能是漠視女生的知識能力而不與之爭辯,故其打岔的頻率不如預期的高。 在高教育背景的影響之下,女生開始要求男女平等,進而嘗試跳脫中國傳統性別角色的限制。於是,女生和男生的插話行為將因性別限制的解除而趨於一致。 / Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption. The data needed in this study were collected from eleven dyadic face to face daily conversations, including three male-male conversations, four female-female conversations, and four male-female conversations. In each conversation, interruptions are identified and categorized by their pragmatic functions and by the interrupter's and interruptee's gender. The results of this study indicates that timing is more influential to the occurrence of interruption than the grammatical roles of the syntactic sites in which interruptions take place. It is found that about 80% of interruption occurs in the first eight positions in sentences with transitive verbs and the first five positions in sentences with intransitive verbs. In these positions, grammatical roles of all kinds may appear. In addition, interruptions are found to occur more frequently on syntactic junctures than within syntactic constituents. As to pragmatic functions of interruptions, there is a priority order among three of the pragmatic functions that interruptions serve, with interruption for clarification overrides interruption for disagreement, which suppresses interruption for confirmation. As for the social constraints on interruption, first, females, unexpectedly, interrupt their interlocutors as frequently as males do. Promotion of social-economic status through education and emergence of self-confidence are offered to explain why women initiate many interruptions. On the other hand, superficial courtesy and man chauvinism are provided to explain why men interrupt less often than expected. Next, when both the interrupter's and the interruptee's genders are taken into consideration, the influence of power is revealed only in cross gender conversation, with males' interrupting females more than their being interrupted by females. On the surface, both men and women interrupt their interlocutors. However, underlyingly, men interrupt to show power to control, while women interrupt to show power to resist control. It seems that men, in Chinese society, are still the dominating sex. It is predicted that the power difference between men and women will be alleviated in the future. At that time, the two sexes will share the same patterns of interruptions.

Constantes et spécificités des dysfonctionnements interactionnels dans le genre débat politique télévisé : une application au débat de l'entre-deux tours de l'élection présidentielle de 2007

Sandré, Marion 26 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail s'inscrit en sciences du langage, dans le champ de l'analyse du discours, et utilise les outils de l'analyse conversationnelle et interactionnelle. L'objectif est de montrer la corrélation entre l'objet d'étude - le dysfonctionnement interactionnel - et le genre du discours - le débat politique télévisé. Le corpus choisi est le débat de l'entre-deux tours de l'élection présidentielle de 2007, entre Ségolène Royal et Nicolas Sarkozy. La transcription intégrale de cette interaction permet de recenser l'ensemble des dysfonctionnements et de les classer. Il existe ainsi deux types de dysfonctionnement : les ratés du système des tours (interruption, chevauchement, silence prolongé entre deux tours) et la non-pertinence de l'enchaînement (échange tronqué, seconde partie de paire non pertinente). Chacun de ces dysfonctionnements est étudié en fonction des visées auxquelles il obéit (coopérer, polémiquer, gérer l'interaction...), et par rapport à la stratégie globale à laquelle il participe. L'analyse précise de chaque catégorie de dysfonctionnement interactionnel permet de montrer les constantes et les spécificités de ces phénomènes discursifs. En outre, cette analyse porte sur la relation interpersonnelle et mobilise les notions de face et d'ethos, l'image des candidats locuteurs s'élaborant aussi au travers de ces dysfonctionnements. Plus largement, le but de cette étude est d'esquisser une cartographie des dysfonctionnements interactionnels pouvant servir de modèle à d'autres analyses. Les études futures pourront porter sur d'autres débats ou d'autres genres du discours, afin de mener une étude comparative, en utilisant les outils mis en évidence dans ce travail.

Devenir à long terme de couples traités par fécondation in vitro dans la cohorte DAIFI

Troude, Pénélope 21 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les études sur les couples traités par fécondation in vitro (FIV) ont jusqu'à présent porté essentiellement sur l'évaluation du succès en FIV. Très peu de données sont disponibles sur le devenir à long terme de couples traités par FIV. L'objectif de ce travail était d'estimer la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental à long terme, et d'étudier les facteurs associés aux interruptions précoces des traitements et aux naissances naturelles.L'enquête DAIFI-2009 a inclus 6 507 couples ayant débuté un programme de FIV en 2000-2002 dans l'un des 8 centres de FIV participant à l'étude. Les données médicales des couples et leur parcours dans le centre ont été obtenus à partir des dossiers médicaux des centres de FIV pour tous les couples. L'information sur le devenir des couples après le départ du centre a été obtenue par questionnaire postal auprès des couples en 2008-2009 (38% de participation 7 à 9 ans après l'initiation des FIV). L'étude des facteurs associés à la participation à l'enquête postale suggérait que la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental estimée sur les répondants seulement pourrait être biaisée. Les différentes méthodes mises en œuvre pour corriger la non réponse (pondération, imputation multiple) n'ont pas modifié l'estimation de la fréquence de réalisation du projet parental. Au total, 7 à 9 ans après l'initiation des FIV, 60% des couples ont réalisé leur projet parental de façon biologique, suite à un traitement ou suite à une conception naturelle. Lorsque les adoptions sont aussi prises en compte, 71% des couples ont réalisé leur projet parental. Après l'échec d'une première tentative de FIV, un couple sur 4 (26%) a interrompu les FIV dans le centre d'inclusion. Globalement, les couples avec de mauvais facteurs pronostiques ont un plus grand risque d'interrompre les FIV. Cependant, la proportion plus importante d'interruption parmi les couples avec une origine inexpliquée de l'infécondité pourrait s'expliquer par la survenue plus fréquente de naissance naturelle dans ce sous-groupe de couples. Parmi les couples n'ayant pas eu d'enfant suite aux traitements, 24% ont ensuite conçu naturellement en médiane 28 mois après l'initiation des FIV. Parmi les couples ayant eu un enfant suite aux traitements, 17% ont ensuite conçu naturellement en médiane 33 mois après la naissance de l'enfant conçu par AMP. Les facteurs associés aux naissances naturelles sont des indicateurs d'un meilleur pronostic de fertilité, particulièrement chez les couples sans enfant AMP.L'enquête DAIFI-2009 a permis d'apporter des informations sur le parcours à long terme des couples traités par FIV qui n'avait jusqu'à présent été que peu étudié, souvent sur de faibles effectifs et avec un suivi plus court. Ces résultats doivent apporter de l'espoir aux couples inféconds, puisque la majorité d'entre eux ont finalement réalisé leur projet parental, même si cela peut prendre de nombreuses années.

A efetividade da atuação do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro na sustação de ato e/ou contrato: a perspectiva dos stakeholders

Alves, Cláudio Benedito da Fonseca January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by paulo junior (paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-03-10T17:30:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Calves2.pdf: 34585 bytes, checksum: 638aae71dfea16f8cdcf63a91d7c33b0 (MD5) Calves1.pdf: 395079 bytes, checksum: 71d4d192810b494e055e38b274e945a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by paulo junior(paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-03-10T17:31:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Calves2.pdf: 34585 bytes, checksum: 638aae71dfea16f8cdcf63a91d7c33b0 (MD5) Calves1.pdf: 395079 bytes, checksum: 71d4d192810b494e055e38b274e945a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2010-03-11T14:20:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Calves2.pdf: 34585 bytes, checksum: 638aae71dfea16f8cdcf63a91d7c33b0 (MD5) Calves1.pdf: 395079 bytes, checksum: 71d4d192810b494e055e38b274e945a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-06 / The object of this dissertation is to identify the perception of stakeholders related to the organizational action taken by the Account Court of Rio de Janeiro State TCERJ in the use of one of his institutional responsibilities, interruption of the implementation of act and/or contract, plus case study. Identifying, from the contribution of stakeholders, possible deficiencies and potential fixes in the performance of the state agency in exercising jurisdiction in focus. / O objeto desta dissertação é identificar a percepção dos stakeholders acerca da ação organizacional empreendida pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - TCERJ, no exercício de uma de suas competências institucionais, sustação da execução de ato e/ou de contrato, complementadas por um estudo de caso. Identificando, a partir das contribuições dos stakeholders, eventuais deficiências e potenciais correções na atuação do órgão estatal no exercício da competência em destaque.

Ferramenta de apoio à decisão para priorização de obras de manutenção em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica

Fernandes, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta, primeiramente, o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), seguindo os conceitos de Sistemas de Informação (SI), para facilitar o acesso e visualização de informações técnicas estratégicas, e que possa compor um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) que englobe o portfólio de informações necessárias para o planejamento da priorização de obras de investimento e expansão das redes de distribuição de energia. A FAD proposta realiza o tratamento de um grupo de dados relativos a incidência de interrupções de energia da rede de distribuição de uma concessionária do setor elétrico, de forma a disponibilizar as informações depuradas para auxílio na tomada assertiva de decisão para aplicação de recursos para execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição. Em seguida, exibe a inclusão de uma função de análise, no aplicativo desenvolvido como Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), baseada na priorização multicriterial AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). A aplicação do método AHP indica as estações avançadas da concessionária que possuem prioridade para a aplicação de recursos que visam à execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição para a melhoria nos indicadores de continuidades do fornecimento de energia. / This paper first introduces the development and application of a Decision Support Tool (FAD), following the concepts of Information Systems (IS), to facilitate the availability and visualization of strategic techniques information, and can compose a Decision Support System (DSS) that encompasses the entire portfolio of information needed for planning the prioritization of investment works and expansion of power distribution networks. The proposed FAD performs the treatment of a group of data on the incidence of power outages in the distribution of the electric utility industry network in order to provide information to aid in purified assertive decision making for application of resources for execution maintenance actions in the distribution network. Then displays the inclusion of an analysis function, the application developed as a Tool for Decision Support (FAD), multicriteria prioritization based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). The application of AHP method indicates the advanced utility stations that have priority for use of funds aimed at the implementation of maintenance actions in the distribution network to improve the indicators of continuity of power supply.

Postabortivní syndrom jako možný následek potratu / Post-abortion syndrome as a possible consequence of abortion

Marešová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of spontaneous abortion as well as induced termination of pregnancy and its potential negative impacts on woman's mental and physical health. The theoretical part summarizes the findings about particular kinds of pregnancy loss and defines the possibilities of psychological adaptation to this loss. The author paid the close attention to Post-abortion syndrome (PAS), which is regarded as a special form of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder. The thesis is further focused on the emotional, social, psychological and physical effects following abortion, the most threatened group of women with a higher probability of having PAS and finally the way of medical treatment. In the empirical part, the main symptoms of PAS were detected by means of the Helpline database analysis. Detection of these syndromes enabled to compile the questionnaire related to pregnancy loss. The main task was to discover the perceived changes in a woman's life after the pregnancy loss. In the final part of the work, the questionnaire regarding pregnancy loss had been tested and finally the main benefits together with limits had been critically evaluated.

Speciální druhy pojištění firem jako konkurenční výhoda mezi podniky v odvětví / Special types of insurance companies as a competitive advantage to businesses and industry

KOČEROVÁ, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has to select a type of insurance which will cause a competitive advantage to selected business. Selected type of insurance will cover losses caused by the damage suffered. Based on descriptions of selected companies - TSE spol. s r.o. and Mektec CZ s.r.o, has chosen business interruption insurance related to property insurance. For each company has created more tenders of insurance according to their requirements by companies Allianz, as and ČSOB, Inc. Both insured companies came out Allianz´s offer better due to lower cost. The TSE spol. s r.o. has accepted the recommended insurance offer unlike the Mektec CZ s.r.o. Thereby TSE spol. s.r.o has gained a competitive advantage.. Both insurated companies shares the same space, so there is a high probability that any disaster could hit both companies.

Ferramenta de apoio à decisão para priorização de obras de manutenção em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica

Fernandes, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta, primeiramente, o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), seguindo os conceitos de Sistemas de Informação (SI), para facilitar o acesso e visualização de informações técnicas estratégicas, e que possa compor um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) que englobe o portfólio de informações necessárias para o planejamento da priorização de obras de investimento e expansão das redes de distribuição de energia. A FAD proposta realiza o tratamento de um grupo de dados relativos a incidência de interrupções de energia da rede de distribuição de uma concessionária do setor elétrico, de forma a disponibilizar as informações depuradas para auxílio na tomada assertiva de decisão para aplicação de recursos para execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição. Em seguida, exibe a inclusão de uma função de análise, no aplicativo desenvolvido como Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), baseada na priorização multicriterial AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). A aplicação do método AHP indica as estações avançadas da concessionária que possuem prioridade para a aplicação de recursos que visam à execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição para a melhoria nos indicadores de continuidades do fornecimento de energia. / This paper first introduces the development and application of a Decision Support Tool (FAD), following the concepts of Information Systems (IS), to facilitate the availability and visualization of strategic techniques information, and can compose a Decision Support System (DSS) that encompasses the entire portfolio of information needed for planning the prioritization of investment works and expansion of power distribution networks. The proposed FAD performs the treatment of a group of data on the incidence of power outages in the distribution of the electric utility industry network in order to provide information to aid in purified assertive decision making for application of resources for execution maintenance actions in the distribution network. Then displays the inclusion of an analysis function, the application developed as a Tool for Decision Support (FAD), multicriteria prioritization based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). The application of AHP method indicates the advanced utility stations that have priority for use of funds aimed at the implementation of maintenance actions in the distribution network to improve the indicators of continuity of power supply.

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