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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ferramenta de apoio à decisão para priorização de obras de manutenção em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica

Fernandes, Leandro January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta, primeiramente, o desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), seguindo os conceitos de Sistemas de Informação (SI), para facilitar o acesso e visualização de informações técnicas estratégicas, e que possa compor um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD) que englobe o portfólio de informações necessárias para o planejamento da priorização de obras de investimento e expansão das redes de distribuição de energia. A FAD proposta realiza o tratamento de um grupo de dados relativos a incidência de interrupções de energia da rede de distribuição de uma concessionária do setor elétrico, de forma a disponibilizar as informações depuradas para auxílio na tomada assertiva de decisão para aplicação de recursos para execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição. Em seguida, exibe a inclusão de uma função de análise, no aplicativo desenvolvido como Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (FAD), baseada na priorização multicriterial AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). A aplicação do método AHP indica as estações avançadas da concessionária que possuem prioridade para a aplicação de recursos que visam à execução de ações de manutenção em rede de distribuição para a melhoria nos indicadores de continuidades do fornecimento de energia. / This paper first introduces the development and application of a Decision Support Tool (FAD), following the concepts of Information Systems (IS), to facilitate the availability and visualization of strategic techniques information, and can compose a Decision Support System (DSS) that encompasses the entire portfolio of information needed for planning the prioritization of investment works and expansion of power distribution networks. The proposed FAD performs the treatment of a group of data on the incidence of power outages in the distribution of the electric utility industry network in order to provide information to aid in purified assertive decision making for application of resources for execution maintenance actions in the distribution network. Then displays the inclusion of an analysis function, the application developed as a Tool for Decision Support (FAD), multicriteria prioritization based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). The application of AHP method indicates the advanced utility stations that have priority for use of funds aimed at the implementation of maintenance actions in the distribution network to improve the indicators of continuity of power supply.

In search of a question : interrogating the '/' [slash] within discourses of inclusion

Mott, Elizabeth J. January 2012 (has links)
Summary This thesis uses poststructural theory to question how language shapes educational policy and practice. It starts from the premise that the tendency for categorising knowledge as binary opposites, whilst potentially useful, also encourages polarisation, is reductive, and produces closure. Thus, by interrogating the ‘/’ [slash], the boundary between the pairs, the intention is to produce a different, more equable, productive, and openly uncertain way of questioning unresolved educational dilemmas, hence the search for a question. Educational inclusion/exclusion foregrounds this research. It did not start out this way. As a scientist, a zoologist by training, and steeped in the rigidity of scientific method, the original study concerned proving a hypothesis, using questionnaires to collect the data and followed by some sort of statistical analysis. However, this approach did not acknowledge the complexity, nuances and shades of meaning within the language of inclusive education that I wished to explore. Poststructural theory offered a different strategy and interrupted my positivist thinking throughout. Thus, a Foucauldian approach has been used to interrogate the inclusion/exclusion binary in the literature. Searching for the historical a priori is followed by an interrogation of the different discourses and the power relations therein. An empirical analysis succeeds the textual analysis, for which data was collected in the form of interviews. Called participatory interactions, secondary teacher educator colleagues were asked to talk about inclusion, and activatory phrases were used to stimulate discussion. Poststructural interruptions about ethics suggested an innovative method of discourse analysis developed using Derrida’s metaphor of a postcard, in which he enacts the performative stance of deconstruction. Aspects of the data that troubled the inclusion/exclusion binary are presented as verse alongside a reflexive response that stimulates theoretical discussions called ‘new lines of flight’. On the reverse side of every postcard is a photograph, a graphic representation of some feature pertaining to the data selected, and the stamp is a picture of the philosopher whose work inspired the theorisation. Interrogating the ‘/’ [slash] reveals the complex interplay of each side of the binary and surfaces a system of ethics regarding legitimation. The final chapter, therefore, proposes a deliberate ethical interruption – an interruption of practice in order to interrupt practice. Professional practice should be deliberately interrupted by research in order to interrupt oppositional binary thinking. This research should have a deliberately ethical component foregrounding personal values and attitudes. As a consequence, inclusive education could be reconceptualised. The current discourse of a failing educational experiment might then be transformed into an ethical project worth going on with.

Mathematical modelling of low HIV viral load within Ghanaian population

Owusu, Frank K. 09 1900 (has links)
Comparatively, HIV like most viruses is very minute, unadorned organism which cannot reproduce unaided. It remains the most deadly disease which has ever hit the planet since the last three decades. The spread of HIV has been very explosive and mercilessly on human population. It has tainted over 60 million people, with almost half of the human population suffering from AIDS related illnesses and death finally. Recent theoretical and computational breakthroughs in delay differential equations declare that, delay differential equations are proficient in yielding rich and plausible dynamics with reasonable parametric estimates. This paper seeks to unveil the niche of delay differential equation in harmonizing low HIV viral haul and thereby articulating the adopted model, to delve into structured treatment interruptions. Therefore, an ordinary differential equation is schemed to consist of three components such as untainted CD4+ T-cells, tainted CD4+ T-cells (HIV) and CTL. A discrete time delay is ushered to the formulated model in order to account for vital components, such as intracellular delay and HIV latency which were missing in previous works, but have been advocated for future research. It was divested that when the reproductive number was less than unity, the disease free equilibrium of the model was asymptotically stable. Hence the adopted model with or without the delay component articulates less production of virions, as per the decline rate. Therefore CD4+ T-cells in the blood remains constant at 𝛿1/𝛿3, hence declining the virions level in the blood. As per the adopted model, the best STI practice is intimated for compliance. / Mathematical Sciences / Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics)

Barns reaktioner mot avbrott - Om maktrelationer i förskolan

Rebecca, Sjösvärd January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka olika typer av avbrott i förskolans verksamhet, hur barn reagerar på dessa och vilka maktrelationer som kan skapas i dessa situationer. Barnen i förskolan blir ofta avbrutna i sin lek eller aktiviteter som de håller på med och utifrån ett maktperspektiv har jag undersökt dessa avbrott och barns reaktioner på dessa. För att kunna undersöka detta har jag gjort en kvantitativ studie i form av observationer på en förskola. För att analysera materialet använde jag mig av Michael Foucaults teorier kring makt och tidigare forskning om bland annat makt och motstånd.I min studie har jag sett att barns reaktioner varierar. Ibland följer barnen de förväntningar som pedagogerna har vid ett avbrott och ibland motsätter sig barnen och visar att de har en annan åsikt än pedagogen om vad som ska ske. Motstånden kan vara tydliga och verbala men de kan även vara tysta och lätt missuppfattas som något annat än motstånd. Jag har även sett att vissa barn följer de regler som gäller och styr varandra till att göra det som anses vara rätt.

Social Inequality in the Early Bronze Age at Bab Edh-Dhra, Jordan

Patience, Natalie 14 December 2018 (has links)
Bab edh-Dhra is the most extensively excavated cemetery from Early Bronze Age, Jordan. Despite thorough study, the social structure and existence of social inequality remain unclear. This was addressed using osteological evidence of physiological stress to compare between family tombs. In societies exhibiting social inequality, individuals of lower status experience higher levels of stress. Evidence of physiological stress (femoral length, LEH, metabolic disorders, periosteal reactions, cribra orbitalia, and porotic hyperostosis) was recorded using standard methods for 250 adults. The artifact counts in this study have been previously published. Differences in the frequency of stress indicators were compared using chi-square tests. The results show no difference in the frequency of stress indicators between tombs and no correlation between artifacts and frequency of stress indicators. This indicates that families at Bab edh-Dhra experienced similar stress levels and low inequality. This may be due to cultural practices, subsistence methods or lack of data.

"Och då börjar allting om igen. Det är som en berg- och dalbana" : Att leva med PMDS/PMS - En kvalitativ intervjustudie / "And then everything starts again. It's like a roller coaster" : Lived experience of PMDD/PMS - A qualitative interview study

Ruud, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Ungefär var 20:e kvinna i Sverige lider av svåra premenstruella besvär, varav flertalet upplever symtom som vid en medelsvår till svår depression (PMS-förbundet u.å, Wikman m.fl. 2022). Trots ett stort lidande för de som drabbas så råder det fortfarande okunskaper i samhället kring diagnosen och dess inverkan i människors liv. Könsspecifika tillstånd/sjukdomar där kvinnliga patienter är överrepresenterade, som vid PMDS har en tendens att bli underprioriterade i samhället (Annell 2016).  Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka och öka förståelsen för kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att leva med svåra premenstruella besvär och på så sätt även utveckla förståelser för hur det sociala arbetets praktik kan stödja och hjälpa kvinnor som lider av detta. Min utgångspunkt har varit induktiv och utforskande med fokus på kvinnans egna perspektiv, upplevelser och erfarenheter av att leva med PMDS/PMS (Kvale & Brinkmann 2014). För att svara till studiens syfte så har jag valt att använda mig av kvalitativa intervjuer. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med 9 kvinnor som lider av PMDS/svårare PMS. Det empiriska materialet har sedan tolkats utifrån narrativ psykologi och begreppen biografiskt avbrott och livsomställning.  Studiens resultat visar hur de premenstruella besvären har genomsyrat kvinnornas vardag och tillvaro och påtagligt påverkat livssituationen och begränsat viktiga livsområden. I studien framkommer hur det sociala livet och de nära relationerna har påverkats negativt och hur det emotionella måendet bidragit till tvivel och ifrågasättande av förmågor och färdigheter, resurser, roller, livsval och framtidsmöjligheter samt starka känslor av otillräcklighet, skuld och skam. Det emotionella måendet har också inverkat på studier och arbetsliv, så som svårigheter att avsluta studier, att ansöka om och behålla arbete, ökad sjukfrånvaro samt ökade svårigheter att genomföra arbetsuppgifter. Vidare visar studiens resultat hur PMDS/PMS blir en tyst erfarenhet i kvinnans liv. Att dölja sitt mående och aktuella situation samt uppleva farhågor kring att möta negativa attityder och oförstående begränsar och försvårar kvinnans livsvillkor. Andra försvårande omständigheter är upplevda okunskaper kring PMDS inom hälso- och sjukvården, den otillräckliga tillgången på fungerande behandling samt osynligheten och bristen på kunskap kring diagnosen i samhället. Studiens resultat visar vidare hur insikten, kunskapen och förståelsen kring det egna måendet, kroppen och den aktuella situationen har varit helt avgörande för att kunna må bättre, skapa en ökad förståelse kring sig själv och en hållbarare, meningsfullare tillvaro.  Studien visar vidare hur transparens och tydlighet kring upplevt mående och aktuell situation, samt att få dela upplevelser och erfarenheter tillsammans med andra är viktiga hjälpsamma aspekter i kvinnornas liv. Slutligen visar studiens resultat hur det sociala arbetets praktik kan ha en betydelsefull roll i att stödja och hjälpa kvinnor som lider av PMDS/PMS. Min förhoppning är att resultaten från denna studie kan bidra till inspiration och nya perspektiv för alla som på olika sätt arbetar med att främja kvinnors psykiska hälsa. / Approximately one in 20 women in Sweden experiences severe premenstrual issues with the majority displaying symptoms akin to moderate to severe depression ((PMS-förbundet u.å, Wikman m.fl. 2022). Despite the considerable distress faced by those suffered, societal understanding of the diagnosis and its impact remains limited. Conditions and diseases predominantly affecting women, such as PMDD, tend to receive inadequate attention (Annell 2016).  The aim of this study was to explore and enhance comprehension of women’s experiences of severe premenstrual disorder, and thereby advancing insights into how social work can assist and support those afflicted My approach was inductive and exploratory, focusing on women’s individual perspectives and experiences with PMDD/PMS (Kvale & Brinkman 2014). To fulfill the study’s purpose, I have chosen to use qualitative interviews. I conducted semi-structured interviews with 9 women experiencing PMDS and more severe PMS. The empirical data were then interpreted using narrative psychology and the theoretical concepts of biographical interruption and life adjustment.  The findings reveal how premenstrual issues permeate women’s daily lives, significantly impacting their life situations and constrain essential aspects. The study underscores negative effects on social life, close relationships, emotional state, self-doubt, abilities, roles, choices, and thoughts about the future. Feelings of inadequacy, guilt and shame are also prominent. The emotional state influences academic and professional pursuits. Additionally, the study highlights how PMDD/PMS remains a silent burden in women’s lives.  Increased awareness and knowledge about PMDD in society, accessible treatment options, and diagnosis prioritization can enhance women’s wellbeing and living conditions. The study emphasizes the importance of women’s personal comprehension of their medical condition. Transparency, clarity about mood, sharing experiences with other and social support are crucial factors in women’s lives. The study underscores social works significant role in aiding women dealing with PMDD/PMS.

Understanding the Determinants of Critical Care Nurses’ Use of Sedation Interruptions for Adult Mechanically Ventilated Patients.

Graham, Nicole 06 February 2024 (has links)
Purpose. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand the state of recommended practice for sedation interruptions (SI) and to discover factors that hinder or facilitate critical care nurses’ use in practice. To garner insight about why this evidence-informed intervention is not being used as recommended to improve mechanically ventilated patient outcomes. Methods. A series of studies using a multi-methods design and guided by the Knowledge to Action Framework: study 1) a systematic review and critical appraisal examined the quality and reporting of all available guidelines and care bundles with recommendations related to SI for mechanically ventilated adults in critical care; study 2) a needs assessment included an environmental scan of the study site and gap-analysis using a retrospective chart audit to measure the nature and magnitude of the evidence-practice gap; study 3) a descriptive qualitative study used semi-structured theory-based interviews to deepen our understanding of the determinants that influence SI use in preparation for a future implementation study. Findings. Study 1 included 11 guidelines and care bundles with 15 recommendations about SI. Deficiencies in the methodological quality of the current guidelines and care bundles may impact overall credibility and applicability of the recommendations, though SI is currently recommended best-practice. Study 2 confirmed the existence of an evidence-practice gap related to SI and affirmed the need to discover barriers and drivers to best practice implementation (study 3). We identified nine facilitators and 20 barriers to SI use by nurses. Facilitators were associated with the innovation (e.g., the importance of protocols) and the potential adopters (e.g., SI are specific to the nurse's role). The barriers were associated with the potential adopters (e.g., nurses’ knowledge gaps and variable goals of SI) and the practice environment (e.g., lack of availability of extra staff and multidisciplinary rounds). Conclusion. Before adequately implementing SI and evaluating uptake by nurses, we need to address modifications to existing guidelines and recommendations, even though SI is considered best practice. A theory-informed implementation study can further activate the use of SI for mechanically ventilated adults in critical care.


Reres, Shannon Elizabeth 14 December 2023 (has links)
"transgression" is a poetry collection with claws and nail polish. Across four acts, Reres uses a chorus of voices to interrogate the role of the transgressing woman—both present and past, privately and publicly. Transgressing, for Reres, is a performance. Moreover, it is a performance in which women have been asked, coerced—even forced—to participate for millenia. By stepping into the role of the transgressing woman deliberately, Reres turns this tradition on its head. In these pages, she shows that there is power in putting on masks and costumes, just as there is power in taking them off. The difference—between performance as power and performance as prison—resides in the freedom to choose. / Master of Fine Arts / "transgression" is a poetry collection.

DeCONstruct: Patterns in Social/Spatial Interruption

Drapac, Brittany E. 26 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

DevAlert i Linux-baserade Inbyggda System / DevAlert in Linux Based Embedded Systems

Warnerman, Thimmy, Nilsson, Ewelin January 2024 (has links)
Linux som operativsystem används mer och har blivit vanligare i samband med inbyggda system vilket har lett till att företag som Percepio ställer frågor om hur datakollektion vid processkrascher genomförs i Linux-baserade inbyggda system. Detta med anledning för att öka observerbarhet i system via externa medel och tillåta fjärrfelsökning via en molnbaserad informationspanel. Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka vad det finns för befintliga tillvägagångssätt kring datainsamling vid signalavbrott. Vårt arbete har som mål att implementera en prototyp av Percepios övervakningsverktyg DevAlert på ett Linux-baserat inbyggt system. I den här rapporten kommer vi att undersöka hur praxisen ser ut för felsökning och felhantering i den här typen av system. För att uppfylla syfte och mål med vårt arbete har vi samlat information i en litteraturstudie om vad som är relevant för att öka observerbarheten i liknande system som har felande processer. Detta följdes av iterativa experiment där den insamlade informationen från litteraturstudien bekräftats och implementerats i vår prototyp. Den slutliga iterationen utfördes på en virtuell maskin vilket resulterade i en lyckad prototypimplementation av DevAlert i Linux. Resultaten som vi presenterar anser vi ska kunna appliceras i ett inbyggt Linux-system eftersom ramverken som vi samlar information ifrån använder en Linux-kärna. / The Linux operating systems is used more frequently and have become more common in connection with embedded systems, which has led to companies such as Percepio to pose questions about how data collection in case of process crashes is carried out in Linux based embedded systems. This is to increase observability in systems via external means and allow remote troubleshooting via a cloud-based dashboard. The purpose of this work is to investigate what the existing approaches regarding data collection in case of signal interruption are. Our work aims to implement a prototype of Percepio's monitoring tool DevAlert on a Linux-based embedded system. In this report, we will examine what the best practices are for troubleshooting and error handling in this type of system. In order to fulfill the purpose and goals of our work, we have gathered information in a literature study about what is relevant to increase observability in similar systems that have faulty processes. This was followed by iterative experiments where the collected information from the literature study was confirmed and implemented in our prototype. The final iteration was performed on a virtual machine resulting in a successful prototype implementation of DevAlert in Linux. We believe that the results we present should be applicable in an embedded Linux system because the frameworks from which we gather information use a Linux kernel.

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