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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


07 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Além das definições que do homem fazem as diversas disciplinas da ciência, se descobre que, antes de tudo, o ser humano é um homo symbolicus e homo festivus ou ludens. Na esfera celebrativa religiosa, o homem festeja mediante uma anamneses os momentos significativos do passado, em um kairós, que não é cronológico, os acontecimentos do presente e em uma perspectiva escatológica os desejos e anelos do futuro. Estas celebrações, por sua carga subjetiva e em alguns casos de mistério, são impossíveis de realizar sem o recurso aos símbolos. Assim surgem no mundo do cristianismo os sacramentos. Este trabalho de dissertação tem como finalidade apontar a importância de articular o vivido cotidianamente com o celebrado sacramentalmente e, no caso do cristianismo, a exigência à referência da pessoa de Jesus de Nazareth e ao projeto do reino por parte de quem celebra os sacramentos. A partir desta exigência evangélica, se descobre a crise sacramental experimentada na América Latina e que trato de expor neste trabalho. Referenciados pelo Concilio Vaticano II, especificamente pelos documentos da constituição dogmática Lumen Gentium sobre a igreja, a constituição Sacrosanctum Concilium sobre a sagrada liturgia, e a constituição pastoral Gaudium et spes sobre a igreja e o mundo de hoje, apresento a importância de resgatar a dimensão da graça salvífica de Deus para com os homens manifestada nos sacramentos e celebrados liturgicamente na assembleia. Este trabalho se subscreve no âmbito da antropologia sacramental assim como da teologia dos sacramentos reunindo elementos de eclesiologia e liturgia apresentando aos sacramentos como o lugar mistérico desde onde se revela e celebra a graça do desígnio divino de salvação de Deus para com a humanidade. / [en] In addition to the definitions of man do the various disciplines of science, we find that, above all, the human being is a homo festivus, symbolicus or ludens. In the religious sphere of celebration, the man celebrated by anamnesis the significant moments of the past; a kairos, that is not chronological, the events of the present and, in an eschatological perspective, the wishes and desires of the future. These celebrations, by their subjective and sometimes mysterious cargo, are impossible to achieve without the use of symbols. So arise in the world of Christianity the sacraments. This dissertation work aims to point the importance of articulating the lived daily with the celebrated sacramentally and in the case of Christianity, the requirement for the reference person of Jesus of Nazareth and the project of the kingdom by those who celebrate sacraments. From this gospel demand, experienced sacramental crisis in Latin America is found and I try to show in this paper. Referenced by Vatican II, specifically documents the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium on the church, the constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium on the sacred liturgy, and pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes on the church and the world today, I present the importance of rescuing the size of the saving grace of God to men manifested in the sacraments and celebrated liturgically in the assembly. This work is signed in the field of sacramental anthropology and theology of the sacraments gathering elements ecclesiology and liturgy featuring the sacraments as the oracular place where he reveals and celebrates the grace of the divine plan of salvation of God for humanity. / [es] Amén de las definiciones que del hombre hacen las diversas disciplinas de la ciencia, descubrimos que, ante todo, el ser humano es un homo symbolicus y homo festivus o ludens. En la esfera celebrativa religiosa, el hombre festeja mediante una anamnesis los momentos significativos del pasado, en un kairós que no es cronológico, los acontecimientos del presente y en una perspectiva escatológica los deseos y anhelos del futuro. Estas celebraciones, por su carga subjetiva y en algunos casos de misterio, son imposibles de realizar sin el recurso a los símbolos. Así surgen en el mundo del cristianismo los sacramentos. Este trabajo de disertación tiene como finalidad apuntar la importancia de articular lo vivido cotidianamente con lo celebrado sacramentalmente y, en el caso del cristianismo, la exigencia a la referencia de la persona de Jesús de Nazaret y al proyecto del reino por parte de quienes celebran los sacramentos. A partir de esta exigencia evangélica, se descubre la crisis sacramental experimentada en América Latina y que trato de exponer en este trabajo Referenciados por el Concilio Vaticano II, específicamente por los documentos de la constitución dogmática Lumen Gentium sobre la iglesia, la constitución Sacrosanctum Concilium sobre la sagrada liturgia, y la constitución pastoral Gaudium et spes sobre la iglesia y el mundo de hoy, presento la importancia de rescatar la dimensión de la gracia salvífica de Dios para con los hombres manifestada en los sacramentos y celebrados litúrgicamente en la asamblea. Este trabajo se suscribe en el ámbito de la antropología sacramental así como de la teología de los sacramentos reuniendo elementos de eclesiología y liturgia presentando a los sacramentos como el lugar mistérico desde donde se revela y celebra la gracia del designio divino de salvación de Dios para con la humanidad.

A social contract with business as the basis for a postmodern MBA in a world order of inclusive globalisation : a critical metasynthesis

Coetzee, Josef Jooste 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses the paradigm shift required for an MBA qualification in a world order of inclusive globalisation (WOIG) – where humankind‟s security is assured, and where global poverty has been eradicated. A new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis, which is the enrichment of critical management research with metasynthesis and Socrates‟ dialectic method of systematic inquiry has been used. The critical metasynthesis derives its outcome from the insights of global leaders from the developed and developing world, refuted by Nobel Laureates from the past decade. From the Socratic dialogue an end-purpose Statement of Visions for a new world order, society, business, business leadership, and the postmodern MBA emerged, namely: to deliver a WOIG; requiring a society that finds its greatness in protecting both its humanity and its economy as a whole; requiring world-class businesses – financially robust across business cycles, with global stewardship as the dominant business logic; requiring global business leaders with an ability to envision the WOIG, and then to lead thereto in an entrepreneurial and path-breaking manner exerting leadership qualities associated with the golden Rule of Humanity; requiring an MBA that educates and inspires the business leader to lead (and, to co-lead with societal and political leaders) the planetary turn-around to a WOIG. For this, a fundamental change of paradigm for the MBA emerged as a prerequisite. The first prerequisite is a Social Contract with Business as a trichotomy of global business responsibility towards society, politics and the Earth. This, becomes the raison d‟être of the postmodern MBA. The second prerequisite is an educational context aligned with the values and aspirations of a WOIG society. The outcome of the postmodern MBA is a fundamental personal re-orientation as thé kairos moment - through holistic critical reasoning excellence and achieving a WOIG mindset. Flowing from this to craft, build and to manage enterprises for the turn-around from today‟s world order of destructive globalisation to a WOIG. The thesis contributes a new educational context, vocabulary, and guidelines for a new canon of MBA knowledge. The thesis concludes by describing new vistas of follow-up research in four interlocking priorities for the professoriate, namely: discovering, integrating, applying and teaching a postmodern MBA in a WOIG – to deliver MBA graduates who can lead any business in any industry sector in any country towards positive sustained results for all stakeholders. / Business Leadership / D.B.L.

The need for teaching the escatological gospel of both coming of Jesus Christ in the twenty - first century especially if we see the day of his Parousia approaching

Hebert, David K. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is designed to outline the systematic-theological and theological-historical basis for the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach). This cohesively combines Jesus‘ First Coming (for redemption, reconciliation and restoration) with His Second Coming (for the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church/Body of Christ and judgment at the Day of the Lord/Yahweh) into the complete salvation of the Church. The historical writings of the Patristic, Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers are examined to ensure the continuity of this Eschatological Gospel message being communicated through their writings to the Early Church. The remainder of Church history is examined to ensure the Eschatological Gospel continued to be communicated by the Church as a part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Then, in keeping with the eschatological prophetic intent of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds) in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexisting and growing until ―the end of the age,‖ the antithesis of the Eschatological Gospel is examined—Satan‘s plan of lies, deception and heresy throughout history, culminating with the explosion of activity since 1948. This satanic plan is described as being not only insidiously deceptive by recruiting converts to the kingdom of darkness in rebellion and opposition to the kingdom of God, but also as preparing the way for the End-time/Last Days‘ ten-nation confederacy to be led by the antichrist. Biblical chronology is used to trace the history of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness to the present day. Finally, the ―Signs of the Times‖ in modern history are examined, thereby showing the need for the Eschatological Gospel to be taught in the twenty-first century, especially as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ‘s Parousia rapidly approaches. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

The Afro-British Slave Narrative: The Rhetoric of Freedom in the Kairos of Abolition

Evans, Dennis F. 12 1900 (has links)
The dissertation argues that the development of the British abolition movement was based on the abolitionists' perception that their actions were kairotic; they attempted to shape their own kairos by taking temporal events and reinterpreting them to construct a kairotic process that led to a perceived fulfillment: abolition. Thus, the dissertation examines the rhetorical strategies used by white abolitionists to construct an abolitionist kairos that was designed to produce salvation for white Britons more than it was to help free blacks. The dissertation especially examines the three major texts produced by black persons living in England during the late eighteenth centuryIgnatius Sancho's Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho (1782), Ottobauh Cugoano's Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery (1787), and Olaudah Equiano's The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789)to illustrate how black rhetoric was appropriated by whites to fulfill their own kairotic desires. By examining the rhetorical strategies employed in both white and black rhetorics, the dissertation illustrates how the abolitionists thought the movement was shaped by, and how they were shaping the movement through, kairotic time. While the dissertation contends that the abolition movement was rhetorically designed to provide redemption, and thus salvation, it illustrates that the abolitionist's intent was not merely to save the slave, but to redeem blacks first in the eyes of white Christians by opening blacks to an understanding and acceptance of God. Perhaps more importantly, abolitionists would use black salvation to buy back their own souls and the soul of their nation in the eyes of God in order to regain their own salvation lost in the slave trade. But ironically, they had to appear to be saving others to save themselves. So white abolitionists used the black narratives to persuade their overwhelmingly white audience that slavery was as bad for them as it was for the African slave. And in the process, a corpus of black writing was produced that gives current readers two glimpses of one world.

A social contract with business as the basis for a postmodern MBA in a world order of inclusive globalisation : a critical metasynthesis

Coetzee, Josef Jooste 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses the paradigm shift required for an MBA qualification in a world order of inclusive globalisation (WOIG) – where humankind‟s security is assured, and where global poverty has been eradicated. A new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis, which is the enrichment of critical management research with metasynthesis and Socrates‟ dialectic method of systematic inquiry has been used. The critical metasynthesis derives its outcome from the insights of global leaders from the developed and developing world, refuted by Nobel Laureates from the past decade. From the Socratic dialogue an end-purpose Statement of Visions for a new world order, society, business, business leadership, and the postmodern MBA emerged, namely: to deliver a WOIG; requiring a society that finds its greatness in protecting both its humanity and its economy as a whole; requiring world-class businesses – financially robust across business cycles, with global stewardship as the dominant business logic; requiring global business leaders with an ability to envision the WOIG, and then to lead thereto in an entrepreneurial and path-breaking manner exerting leadership qualities associated with the golden Rule of Humanity; requiring an MBA that educates and inspires the business leader to lead (and, to co-lead with societal and political leaders) the planetary turn-around to a WOIG. For this, a fundamental change of paradigm for the MBA emerged as a prerequisite. The first prerequisite is a Social Contract with Business as a trichotomy of global business responsibility towards society, politics and the Earth. This, becomes the raison d‟être of the postmodern MBA. The second prerequisite is an educational context aligned with the values and aspirations of a WOIG society. The outcome of the postmodern MBA is a fundamental personal re-orientation as thé kairos moment - through holistic critical reasoning excellence and achieving a WOIG mindset. Flowing from this to craft, build and to manage enterprises for the turn-around from today‟s world order of destructive globalisation to a WOIG. The thesis contributes a new educational context, vocabulary, and guidelines for a new canon of MBA knowledge. The thesis concludes by describing new vistas of follow-up research in four interlocking priorities for the professoriate, namely: discovering, integrating, applying and teaching a postmodern MBA in a WOIG – to deliver MBA graduates who can lead any business in any industry sector in any country towards positive sustained results for all stakeholders. / Business Leadership / D.B.L.

The need for teaching the escatological gospel of both coming of Jesus Christ in the twenty - first century especially if we see the day of his Parousia approaching

Hebert, David K. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is designed to outline the systematic-theological and theological-historical basis for the Eschatological Gospel of Both Comings of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach). This cohesively combines Jesus‘ First Coming (for redemption, reconciliation and restoration) with His Second Coming (for the Rapture/Resurrection of the Church/Body of Christ and judgment at the Day of the Lord/Yahweh) into the complete salvation of the Church. The historical writings of the Patristic, Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers are examined to ensure the continuity of this Eschatological Gospel message being communicated through their writings to the Early Church. The remainder of Church history is examined to ensure the Eschatological Gospel continued to be communicated by the Church as a part of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Then, in keeping with the eschatological prophetic intent of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Weeds) in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexisting and growing until ―the end of the age,‖ the antithesis of the Eschatological Gospel is examined—Satan‘s plan of lies, deception and heresy throughout history, culminating with the explosion of activity since 1948. This satanic plan is described as being not only insidiously deceptive by recruiting converts to the kingdom of darkness in rebellion and opposition to the kingdom of God, but also as preparing the way for the End-time/Last Days‘ ten-nation confederacy to be led by the antichrist. Biblical chronology is used to trace the history of both the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness to the present day. Finally, the ―Signs of the Times‖ in modern history are examined, thereby showing the need for the Eschatological Gospel to be taught in the twenty-first century, especially as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ‘s Parousia rapidly approaches. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Contextual pedagogy : the didactics of pedagogical emancipation within the context of disempowered and marginalised societies

Pfaffe, Joachim Friedrich 03 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretic concept of Contextual Pedagogy and its application in the context of a disempowered and marginalized society, the Ju/'hoansi ("Bushmen") of Nyae Nyae in North Eastern Namibia. Contextual Pedagogy derives from the notion of Contextual Theology and is thus initially based on a pedagogical analysis of the KAI ROS-Document, whereby its sociopolitical content and its inherent methodology are being transferred into a context of pedagogy. Referring to theoretical concepts of Critical Theory and Liberation Pedagogy, Conditional Fields are being identified in a first analysis which determine and explain the pedagogical situation in a colonial context of Apartheid South Africa. During a three-year qualitative field research, central aspects of Contextual Pedagogy are being applied within the framework of the development of a post-colonial and community-based school programme in Nyae Nyae, the Village Schools Project. This school programme comprises a curriculum for a teacher training course as well as a curriculum for Grade 1-3 learners in five selected villages of Nyae Nyae, and is based on the dynamic processes between the communities, the Student Teachers and the author as their Teacher Trainer and Village Schools Co-ordinator. A further theoretical evaluation and reflexion of the field research gives rise to a pedagogical superstructure of Contextual Pedagogy, which also investigates the notions of power, empowerment and over-empowerment within a context of development work. By doing so, the previous Conditional Fields of pedagogic work within a theoretical framework of Contextual Pedagogy become extended in relevance for a pedagogical context of a post-colonial society with special reference to marginalized subjects. In conclusion, the finalization of the research project and its subsequent handing-over process to the Namibian government analyzes the paralyzing effects of an excessive bureaucracy, and the resurgence of conservative and colonial thought in the young and fragile democracy of Namibia. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Didactics)

Lutherans and Pentecostals in mission amongst the Vhavenda : a comparative study in missionary methods

Khorommbi, Ndwambi Lawrence 10 1900 (has links)
The thesis of this study is that both Pentecostal and non-Pentecostal churches can grow at a time when only the Pentecostal churches have grown. The stagnation that has occurred in many "mainline" churches need not be allowed to increase or continue. In Venda (Northern Province) both the Lutherans and the Pentecostals have enjoyed visible growth. Chapter I introduces the thesis, the choice of the study area, the objectives of the study, and the typology, methodology and relevance of the study. Chapter 2 looks at the history and socio-economic background of the Vhavenda. Chapter 3 describes traditional Vhavenda beliefs and rituals. The Vhavenda world-view is different from that of the West but closer to that of the East and the Bible. Chapter 4 concentrates on missionary Christianity in Venda and briefly discusses the missionary methods adopted by the Berlin Missionary Society. Chapter 5 discusses the coming of Pentecostalism to South Africa and Venda. Chapter 6 exaruines how the Lutherans and the Apostolic Faith Mission church conducted their mission during the "maturation of Apartheid" in Venda. Major events in the collision between apartheid and the Vhavenda are highlighted. Chapter 7 discusses the unfinished work of the church in Venda. Chapter. 8 examines the challenge for Christian mission in the . . twenty-first century / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Doing theology in the post liberation era of Southern Africa

Morekwa, Othusitse 02 1900 (has links)
The Study of Theology plays a crucial role in the construction of a sound theology in this post liberation era of Southern Africa. This exercise is conformed to the academic learning and creates an environment where theology can dialogue with other disciplines. It helps in the critical reflection on the issue of God and human beings as the object of theology in African context. The study of theology and the doing of theology are methods which bring praxis and theory together. The doing of theology is the daily work of a pastor in a congregation. It is an exercise that put theological theories into practice. This is a methodology that guides the process of developing a contextual theology in Southern Africa. It is a process of taking theology from classroom to the congregations the community. The study of theology and the doing theology are soul mates. They work hand in hand to address contemporary situations. Human beings should know their physical organic environment. They are the object of theology. People experience God from natural science. Liberation theologies e.g. Africanist, Black and Women/Feminist theologies should use new approaches in order to meet the post liberation error challenges. The wholesome approach is another alternative to be used by these theologies. The approach is based on the interconnectedness of God, human beings and physical organic universe (Theanthropocosmic principle). The principle of Theanthropocosmic helps to direct theology in Southern Africa to be contextual and universal. Some new contextual theologies are born because of the theanthropocosmic approaches to modern challenges. The modern society is build under principles of democracy, good governance, peace and tranquility. The major role of theology is to ensure that the society enjoys those principles. Theology is directed to a group and individuals. The social, political and economical challenges should be approached as a group. The wholesome approach is an appropriate method to address challenges imposed by globalization ideologies. The increase rate of poverty in Southern Africa brings up other social illness in communities e.g. corruptions, crime, diseases. There is a need to engage theology in economic globalization. The concept of Botho calls everyone in the community to participate in the fight against these social illnesses in the society. Theology is obliged to restore economic justice. The Church is encouraged to participate in the cultural liberation and renewal. She is compelled to do mission work in this paradigms of cultural changes. African renaissance is an urgent thing to be implemented order to overcome challenges imposed by globalization in Southern Africa. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Contextual pedagogy : the didactics of pedagogical emancipation within the context of disempowered and marginalised societies

Pfaffe, Joachim Friedrich 03 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretic concept of Contextual Pedagogy and its application in the context of a disempowered and marginalized society, the Ju/'hoansi ("Bushmen") of Nyae Nyae in North Eastern Namibia. Contextual Pedagogy derives from the notion of Contextual Theology and is thus initially based on a pedagogical analysis of the KAI ROS-Document, whereby its sociopolitical content and its inherent methodology are being transferred into a context of pedagogy. Referring to theoretical concepts of Critical Theory and Liberation Pedagogy, Conditional Fields are being identified in a first analysis which determine and explain the pedagogical situation in a colonial context of Apartheid South Africa. During a three-year qualitative field research, central aspects of Contextual Pedagogy are being applied within the framework of the development of a post-colonial and community-based school programme in Nyae Nyae, the Village Schools Project. This school programme comprises a curriculum for a teacher training course as well as a curriculum for Grade 1-3 learners in five selected villages of Nyae Nyae, and is based on the dynamic processes between the communities, the Student Teachers and the author as their Teacher Trainer and Village Schools Co-ordinator. A further theoretical evaluation and reflexion of the field research gives rise to a pedagogical superstructure of Contextual Pedagogy, which also investigates the notions of power, empowerment and over-empowerment within a context of development work. By doing so, the previous Conditional Fields of pedagogic work within a theoretical framework of Contextual Pedagogy become extended in relevance for a pedagogical context of a post-colonial society with special reference to marginalized subjects. In conclusion, the finalization of the research project and its subsequent handing-over process to the Namibian government analyzes the paralyzing effects of an excessive bureaucracy, and the resurgence of conservative and colonial thought in the young and fragile democracy of Namibia. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Didactics)

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