Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KINDERGARTEN"" "subject:"[enn] KINDERGARTEN""
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Děti v předškolním věku a volný čas / Preschoolers and LeisureLOMOVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with leisure time of preschool children. The theoretical part describes the preschool children in view of their development, the importance of family, kindergarten and leisure. It also discusses the free time where there are defined basic concepts, as well as functions of leisure time, the factors that affect leisure and specifics of children's leisure time. Finally, it is engaged in activities related to the leisure time of preschool children. The principal activity is the free game, among others include work and learning. These last two operations usually are spontaneous and kids do not even realize they are learning or working. The practical part deals with a qualitative research. Based on realized structured interviews will be found categories characteristic of a experience of time off at preschool children.
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Rozvoj hudebních činností v předškolním vzdělávání / Development of music activities in preschool educationSEBEROVÁ, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the support and development of the music activities for preschool children at kindergarten. Its aim is to build a complete preview showing the current concept of the music class at kindergarten and the positive music influence on the whole individual in the field of physics, psychics and sociality. On the one hand, it calls attention to the risky and inconvenient pedagogical methods in relation to children and their talents in general and on the other hand, it shows the way of creating a positive music relationship for the future living.
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Postoje pedagogů mateřské školy k inkluzivnímu vzdělávání / Attitudes of kindergarten teachers to inclusive educationEffenberková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problematics of inclusive education in kindergarten. This study aimed to determine kindergarden teachers's attitudes to inclusive education. The other objectives of this project are to analyze proposals and recommendations of addressed teachers concerning increasing efficiency of inclusive education. Apart from that, the present work also describes how teachers perceive the role of teacher assistant in inclusive education. This research is divided into a theoretical and practical part. First part describes theoretical resources of inclusive education in kindergarten. It defines key notions of inclusive education, charakterizes preschool child, kindergarten itself and education of children with special educational needs in kindergartens. The practical part analyzes information, which was gained during dialogues with teachers in kindergarten. The objective of this part was to determine kindergarten teacher's oppinions and attitudes to inclusive education. In a conclusion of the research achieved konwledge is compared with conformable research, which where done in described problematics.
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CLAUDIA ALENCAR LOPES CRUZ.pdf: 999060 bytes, checksum: 69d10487f53e314510d50c360f65d53b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-11-24 / The research presents an analysis of power relations within the Early Childhood Education of Ribeirão Pires, focused on the work of teachers and non-Educators Teaching Child Development from two schools located in two distinct regions: one in the central region and the other in a village away from the center. The main focus is the conflict between these two groups of professionals, a secondary and complementary are the malfunctions that contribute to the existence of conflict between groups. The hypothesis that guides the research is that, not educators-teachers, while veteran group, relies on the old, asserting itself through its tacit and empirical knowledge, and PDI, in turn, rely on titration/diploma. The survey was conducted through interviews and observation at schools, aimed to understand the differences between the established groups of educators and teachers, but above all, understand the way that both express the power relations in space and time in school.The research required as a base, three analytical frameworks: Norbert Elias (2000), which deals with power relations; the Study of the Sociology of Deviance Becker (2008) and Erving Goffman's Stigma (1891). From the three authors of the study was observed within the power relations between groups of educators and teachers, some trends and collective provisions, such as assertion of superiority by tradition, affirmation of superiority of securities, inclinations stigmatization, feelings of victimization and low institutional bureaucracy, we can see properly, with respect to the secondary focus of the research, studied in schools The presence of a low level of institutional bureaucracy, which helps to stimulate faculty conflicts between groups analyzed. The research could contribute to the debate around issues related to the mode Childhood Education and their agents, such as it takes shape in Brazil. / A pesquisa apresenta uma análise das relações de poder, no espaço da Educação Infantil do Município de Ribeirão Pires, focada no trabalho das Educadoras não-docentes e das Professoras de Desenvolvimento Infantil de duas escolas, localizadas em duas regiões distintas: uma na região central, e a outra em um vilarejo afastado do centro. O foco principal é o conflito entre esses dois grupos de profissionais, um foco secundário e complementar são as deficiências de funcionamento, que contribuem para a existência de conflito entre os grupos. A hipótese que norteia a pesquisa é a de que, as educadoras não-docentes, enquanto grupo veterano, valem-se da antiguidade, afirmando-se por meio de seus saberes tácitos ou empíricos, e as PDI, por sua vez, valem-se da titulação/diploma. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas e da observação na unidade escolar, visou apreender as diferenças estabelecidas entre os grupos de educadoras e professoras, mas, sobretudo, entender a forma com que ambas expressam as relações de poder no espaço e no tempo escolar. A pesquisa requereu como base, três referenciais analíticos: Norbert Elias (2000), que aborda as relações de poder; o Estudo de Sociologia do Desvio de Becker (2008) e o Estigma de Erving Goffman (1891). Partindo do estudo dos três autores foi possível observar, dentro das relações de poder entre os grupos de educadoras e professoras, algumas tendências e disposições coletivas, como: afirmação de superioridade pela tradição, afirmação de superioridade por títulos, inclinações a estigmatização, sentimentos de vitimização e a baixa burocratização institucional, corretamente podemos constatar, no que diz respeito ao foco secundário da pesquisa, a apresença nas escolas estudadas, de um baixo nível de burocratização institucional, o que contribui para estimular conflitos entre grupos docentes analisados. A pesquisa poderá contribuir para o debate em torno de assuntos relacionados com a modalidade Educação Infantil e seus agentes, tal qual ela se configura no Brasil.
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Aline Martins.pdf: 836102 bytes, checksum: e839f7e87db0da2067ada7354e51af45 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007-10-13 / The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the family cultural inheritance on the children educational development, based on a study case in a private kindergarten school. The theoretical interest of such an empirical research on this subject is attested by the fact that, according to Pierre Bourdieu, the valorisation and comprehension of the school are quite common in the families that have a higher educational level and that, consequently, begin to establish the school trajectory since the early years of the children. In this sense, when we analyse the parents of students of a private school we are in fact analysing the expectations of the families of the middle class. Based on some basic ideas about the connection between cultural inheritance and educational strategies presented by Bourdieu we assumed the hypothesis that different social categories are unevenly predisposed to comprehend and valorisate the school education as a whole and that this fact is straightly related with the family cultural inheritance. According to Pierre Bourdieu it is the ammount of inheritance (economic, social, and cultural) of the person that will determine his position in the social hierarchy, as well as his expectations about the school. We observe then, that the culture acts as an inheritance of class differentiation.(AU) / A partir do estudo de caso de uma unidade privada de educação infantil, a presente pesquisa pretendeu investigar, através das expectativas dos pais diante da educação infantil, a influência da herança cultural familiar na trajetória escolar da criança. O interesse teórico de uma pesquisa empírica sobre esse universo é atestado pelo fato de que, conforme Pierre Bourdieu, a valorização e a compreensão da escola, já nos primeiros anos de vida da criança são comuns entre as famílias que possuem um maior nível de escolarização e que conseqüentemente começam a traçar desde cedo a trajetória escolar de seus filhos. Assim, ao estudarmos os pais de alunos de uma unidade privada de educação infantil, estaremos abordando, sobretudo, as expectativas educacionais de famílias da classe média. Apoiados em algumas idéias básicas sobre a conexão entre capital cultural e estratégias educacionais apresentados por Bourdieu, trabalhamos com a hipótese de que as diferentes categorias sociais são desigualmente predispostas a compreender e a valorizar a escolarização em geral, e que este fato está diretamente relacionado ao capital cultural familiar. De acordo com o autor é o volume e o tipo de capital (econômico, social e cultural) que o indivíduo possui que irá definir sua posição na hierarquia social, bem como suas expectativas diante da escola. Nota-se, então, que a cultura de um modo geral opera como um patrimônio de diferenciação de classe.(AU)
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Da agente de desenvolvimento infantil à professora de creche: estudo sobre uma trajetória profissional a partir da categoria gênero / An agent of child development to teacher child care: study on a professional career from the perspective of genderOliveira, Djenane Martins [UNIFESP] 27 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:49:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-09-27. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-08-11T03:26:33Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
Publico-DjenaneMartinsOliveira.pdf: 8912635 bytes, checksum: d009d95c0aa8e03c8cfbe7978dc09036 (MD5) / O objeto de investigação da pesquisa é conhecer a trajetória profissional das professoras de creche da rede pública municipal de Guarulhos/SP, as Agentes de Desenvolvimento Infantil. Tal conhecimento é buscado com a adoção de gênero como categoria de analise histórica, partindo das diferentes nomenclaturas utilizadas para a função ao longo dos anos. As atividades profissionais das mulheres nas creches são tradicionalmente desvalorizadas, em grande parte por estarem ligadas às características atribuídas ao feminino. Relacionando-se a essa desvalorização, há, por um lado, a mobilização das profissionais de creche e sua busca para qualificar as práticas cotidianas no interior da instituição e, por outro lado, a continuidade da naturalização dos papéis femininos adquire estatuto docente. Tal situação oferece oportunidade para que se verifique o papel da formação em serviço, com abordagem de gênero, nas práticas educativas realizadas no interior da creche. Os procedimentos de pesquisa adotados foram a análise dos questionários respondidos pelas ADI / PEI, a observação participante e a análise dos documentos oficiais sobre a formação destas educadoras no município de Guarulhos, como apontado por Thiollent (2007). Uma vez que as práticas na creche estiveram por muito tempo dissociadas das questões pedagógicas, o atual momento parece conter uma contradição que somente o exame da questão poderá responder: é possível aliar as práticas educativas destas profissionais, construídas socialmente, com suas trajetórias profissionais individuais e de classe, proporcionando uma nova compreensão a respeito do cotidiano das creches e da ormação de suas professoras? Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a necessidade da produção acadêmica e dos cursos de formação docente considerar, com maior ênfase do que têm ocorrido, aspectos relacionados às assimetrias apresentadas nas relações 9 escolares, sobretudo acerca dos valores hierarquizados que se atribuem ao masculino e feminino. / TEDE
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Högläsning i skolan - ett sätt för elever att kliva in i berättelsens värld : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i årskurs F-3 arbetar med högläsning av skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningenAtterlid, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how a group of teachers in the same primary school work with fiction read-alouds in the Swedish teaching. The collected material was analysed by using Langer’s (2005) theory about imagination worlds. Two questions were then formulated to answer the purpose of the study: How do the teachers plan their fiction read-alouds in Swedish teaching? and How do the teachers describe the implementation of their read-alouds? The result shows that all of the teachers plan their fiction read-alouds with different types of preparation. This preparation includes: choosing the right book, which the teachers claim is dependent on several factors such as the students’ knowledge level or interests; reading the book before the read-aloud; and introducing the book in an interesting way during the read-aloud, which creates a pre-understanding of the content. Lastly, the teachers revealed that a large part of their planning work consists of creating post-reading tasks which are primarily aimed at developing students’ writing. The result also shows that the teachers have distinct rules for the implementation of their read-alouds. These rules help the teachers create favourable conditions for engaging students in the world of fiction. During read-alouds, the teachers embody the text through the use of their voices and body language. The importance of conversation during the read-aloud, with the primary purpose of helping students understand the content of the story, was also emphasized. The teachers also claim that conversation also gives their students a chance to think out loud and to reflect on the reading, thus gaining the opportunity to share each other’s thoughts.
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Analýza stravy a péče o dvouleté děti v mateřských školách a dětských skupinách v okrese České Budějovice / Analysis of nutrition and care of two years children at Infant Groups and Kindergartens in the district České BudějoviceKLIMEŠOVÁ, Monika January 2018 (has links)
In recent years parents´ requests have been increasing for the inclusion of two-year-old children into pre-school facilities. Due to this fact Infant Groups have started to exist. There will be an amendment of the Education Act that will come into force in 2020. According to the amendment it will be obliged to educate two-year-old children in the pre-schools. A qualitative research survey which was done by means of observations and interviews was used to summarize the results of this diploma thesis. The first aim was to compare the differences between the provision of childcare of two-year-olds in the Kindergartens and the Infant Groups. The main difference between the Kindergartens and the Infant groups lies in lower amount of children in the Infant groups. The number of pedagogical staff is mostly the same that is why it is not possible to take care of two-year-old children individually in the Kindergartens. The second aim was to compare boarding in the Kindergartens and the Infant groups. It was shown that the menu in the Kindergartens is in compliance with the Consumer basket. The menu is evaluated every month. The evaluation is not obligated in the Infant groups therefore variety of menus was assessed on the basis of repetition rate of particular meals in the school canteen per month. The boarding in the Infant groups is comparable to the Kindergartens in most categories including keeping a recommended water intake. Unfortunately, the main courses have been found severe lack of fresh vegetables in offer in the Infant groups.
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Förskolan - till er tjänst : En kritisk diskursanalys av en medial debatt om förskolan / The preschool - at your service : A critical discourse analysis of a media debate about the preschoolSjöö, Mia January 2016 (has links)
In this study I wanted to find out what is said about the preschool in a media debate that took place on a discussion forum of a Swedish newspaper’s web site in 2016. Through critical discourse analysis I have tried to find out what is said and reflect upon what it says about the preschool. Critical discourse analysis focuses on the text, the interaction and the context to find out how different discourses are being drawn upon within the interaction to reproduce or modify the given context. My results show that the studied media debate takes place within a modernistic order of discourse where the preschool as a producer of results and as a business company is at stake. This is the preschool as an institution, where the child needs to develop certain abilities, and as a producer, offering a service to the consumer; the parent. Half of the participants of the debate are questioning the preschool and claim that the institutionalization of children has gone too far. The preschool isn’t able to deliver when it comes to care and security for the little child, according to the critics. The other half of the participants defend the preschool as an institution and see it as a necessary part of the childhood, both as a practical solution for the modern society and for what it can give the child when it comes to learning and preparing for the future. The critics and the defenders can be understood as acting within different historical discourses of the preschool. The critics use arguments from the discourse of the child-crib, a socially determined childcare from the 19th century. The defenders use arguments from the discourse of the kindergarten, a pedagogically determined nursery school with its roots at the turn of the last century. The debate takes place within a certain understanding of the preschool which therefore is being reproduced, even though there are tendencies towards a more postmodern understanding in some of the written arguments. The preschool in the debate show signs of colonization by the systems of money and power, through what Fairclough calls marketization of discourse, discourse of bureaucracy and discourse of counseling. The preschool under debate is a preschool within the global market of free trade, where changing power relations lead to feelings of insecurity and the need for control. Throughout the debate one power relation is taken for granted, that is the relation between the debater and the debated, between the adult and the child.
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O programa Bolsa creche nos municípios paulistas de Piracicaba e Hortolândia: uma proposta para alocação de recursos estatais à educação privada ?Domiciano, Cassia Alessandra [UNESP] 03 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:31:05Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
domiciano_ca_me_rcla.pdf: 2049855 bytes, checksum: 4ce6ad68cd47f371224245effa39b2cc (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Esta pesquisa, financiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), apresenta e analisa as principais características do formato de financiamento educacional ‘Bolsa Creche’ e as consequências de sua implantação para o atendimento à educação infantil pública nos municípios paulistas de Piracicaba e Hortolândia. Buscamos averiguar se este modelo correspondia a uma nova lógica de financiamento para a expansão de vagas na educação infantil ou se tratava de uma re-edição dos velhos convênios instituídos nesta área com entidades filantrópicas, comunitárias e ou confessionais. Apuramos ainda, as semelhanças e especificidades existentes no ‘desenho’ do Programa nos respectivos municípios. Para desenvolver e subsidiar estas análises, além do levantamento teórico concernente ao tema da pesquisa, buscamos junto aos representantes dos órgãos centrais das administrações públicas e dirigentes das escolas públicas e privadas que integraram o rol de estabelecimentos investigados durante a pesquisa, dados educacionais, financeiros e legais relacionados diretamente à implantação do ‘Bolsa Creche’, coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e consultas aos sites governamentais e ao Banco de Dados desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Política Educacional (Greppe) para a investigação: “Estratégias municipais para a oferta da educação básica: análise de parcerias público-privado no estado de São Paulo” financiada também pela Fapesp e coordenada pela Profa. Dra. Theresa Adrião, da qual esta dissertação é parte integrante. O período delimitado para análise correspondeu, para cada município, o ano imediatamente anterior ao início do Programa e os anos subsequentes, até 2006. O que significou o período de 2001 a 2006 para Piracicaba e 2004 a 2006, para Hortolândia. O ‘Bolsa Creche’ é um... / This research, financed by The State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), presents and analyzes the main characteristics of the educational financial format of ‘Bolsa Creche’ and the consequences of its implementation in the public early childhood education in the São Paulo cities of Piracicaba and Hortolândia. We tried to inquire if such model corresponded to a new logic of financial for the vacancy expansion in the early childhood education or it was a reedition of the old accords instituted in this area with philanthropic organization, communitarian or confessional entities. Established yet, the similarities and peculiarities in the 'design' of the program in their municipalities. To develop and to subsidize these analyses, beyond the theoretical survey concerning to the subject of the research, we search representatives of central government and principals of public and private schools, that had integrated the list of establishments investigated during the research, educational, financial and legal data related directly to the implementation of ‘Bolsa Creche’, through semi-structured interviews and consultations with government sites and the database developed by the Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy (Greppe) for research: “Municipal Strategies for offer the basic education: analysis of public-private partnerships in the state of São Paulo”, also financed for the Fapesp and coordinated by PhD Professor Theresa Adrião, from which this is part. The period defined for analysis corresponded, for each municipality, to the year immediately preceding the beginning of the Program and subsequent years, until 2006. What meant the period from 2000 to 2006 for Piracicaba and from 2004 to 2006, to Hortolândia. The 'Bolsa Creche' Program is a financial mechanism by which the municipalities that have adopted, transfer public resources... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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