Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KINDERGARTEN"" "subject:"[enn] KINDERGARTEN""
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Didaktická hra v současné výuce / Didactic game in contemporary pedagogyVáňová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses didactic game applied in kindergartens and primary schools in the context of current educational system. The author's objective was to determine differences between employing didactic play in kindergartens and primary schools. Another objective was to verify whether teachers recognise didactic game as an adequate educational method and to ascertain whether didactic game fulfils its activation function in primary schools. Observation and interviewing were used as appropriate methods to conduct the research and collect the data. More specifically the author conducted observations in the pre-school kindergarten classes and the first three grades of primary schools, interviews with kindergarten and primary school teachers, and comparisons between classes where didactic game was used and where it was not. The following conclusions were made: the main difference in applying didactic game in a kindergarten and primary school is the teacher's approach to the assignment of the didactic game and subsequently the children's or pupils' perception. Kindergarten teachers consider didactic game to be a fundamental educational method, whereas in primary schools it is of similar importance as other methods. Based on comparison of two differently held classes, more significant activation effect...
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Genderová konstrukce role učitele v mateřské škole z pohledu pedagogických profesionálů a profesionálek / The Gender Construction of the Role of Male Teachers in Kindergarten from the Perspective of Pedagogical ProfessionalsŠinfeltová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis The Gender Construction of the Role of Male Teachers in Kindergarten from the Perspective of Pedagogical Professionals deals with gender construction of the role of male teachers in kindergartens, from the perspective of the male teachers themselves and from the perspective of female teachers and female directors who teach with male teachers in kindergartens. For this purpose I conducted nonparticipant observation, which was complemented by semistructured interviews. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical part deals with fundamental concepts which are related to the research question and empirical part consists of methodical procedures and analysis of interviews with male teachers, female teachers and female directors as well as analysis of fieldnotes from nonparticipant observation. Key words: gender role construction, male teachers, pedagogical professionals, educators, kindergarten, early childhood education, nonparticipant observation, semistructured interviews
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Rozvoj jazykových kompetencí u dětí s odlišným mateřským jazykem v předškolním věku / Development of language competencies of children with different mother language in preschoolStarková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the development of language competencies by children with different mother language in preschool age in a regular kindergarten. The theoretical part of the work is focused on defining the basic terminology and mapping the issues of a child with a different mother language in kindergarten based on the analysis of professional literature. The subject of the empirical part of the work is the diagnosis of individual language levels and individual preparation for entering primary school for a specific child with a different mother language. The empirical part is processed in the form of case studies. The survey was conducted in a selected kindergarten, where the level of language competences of seven children-foreigners of preschool age was evaluated and the results of tests after six months were subsequently compared. The aim of the diploma thesis was to analyze the level of language competencies in children with different mother language, identify their communication difficulties in individual language levels, find suitable methods and procedures for working with these children and evaluate the benefits of regular individual intervention. The results of the research show that all monitored children with a different mother tongue have communication difficulties at all...
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Rozvoj prosociálního chování v mateřské škole prostřednictvím aktivit zaměřených na rozvoj čtenářství / Development of prosocial behavior in kindergarten through reading preliteracy activitiesTomanová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on the development of prosocial behaviour in a kindergarten by means of reader's preliteracy. The theoretical part clarifies the terms related to the issues of the development of prosocial behaviour in a kindergarten, reader's literacy and preliterasy. It as well briefly describes the differences between heterogeneous and homogenous structure of the classroom in a kindergarten arranged according to the age and deals with the kindergarten as well as the classroom climate. The aim of the practical part was to describe in what matter the particular kindergarten develops pro-social behaviour of children with the support of reader's preliteracy. During the whole school year there were particular activities established and consequently implemented into an age-heterogeneous classroom located in a one-classroom kindergarten and upon consequent reflexion and feedback the activities were further provided with a possibility to work further with a given activity. To gain the reflexion and feedback the methods of interviews, monitoring and self-reflexion were used. Children participating in the activities kept developing their prosocial behaviour and attitude to reading. After studying specialised literature a questionnaire for the research within the practical part was designed for...
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Logopedická intervence poskytovaná dětem v mateřských školách pro děti se sluchovým postižením / Logopedic intervention provided to children in kindergarten for children with hearing impairmentDvořáková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with speech-language pathology (SLP) intervention provided in kindergartens to children with hearing impairment. The theoretical part of the thesis acquaints the reader with the topic of hearing problems, hearing compensation possibilities and the most commonly used communication strategies in the educational process of children with hearing problems. Continually, it describes the ontogenetic evolution of speech in children with hearing impairment and its specifics in different speech levels, aquaints with SLP intervention, its structure and organisation in Czech republic and describes frequently occuring types of disrupted communicational abilities in pre-school children. The closure of the theoretical part describes the pre-school education trends when it comes to children with hearing problems. The main goal of the practical part is to map out and comment on the way SLP intervention is provided in pre-schools for children with hearing impairment. The more precise aim of the work is to find out, through means of a series of questionnaires, who is the object of SLP intervention in present times and who is in charge of providing it. It also focuses on the way speech-language pathologists, parents and teachers of the mentioned children cooperate. Based on the analysis of...
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Zobcová flétna a její využití učitelem v mateřské škole / The recorder and its use by a teacher in kindergartenŠavlíková, Romana January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the use of recorders in the hands of teachers in the implementation of the entire spectrum of musical activities in kindergarten. The theoretical part outlines the history of the recorder and its types. This part contains the musical development of a child aged 3 to 6 and its musical skills and abilities in this area, according to the Framework Education Program for Preschool Education and the curriculum formerly used. It also includes information on how current secondary pedagogical schools and higher vocational school of pedagogical are engaged in the education of future kindergarten teachers as for playing the recorder. The practical part describes action research in order to create a clear description of several musical units verified in practice. The first phase of the research covers the preparation and implementation of activities already published Mgr. Milena Kmentová, Ph.D. and MgA. Eva Nevoralová with final revision. Further, I will deal with developing and testing my own lessons in practice again with final reflection.
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Är tangenterna kvickare än pennan? : En systematisk litteraturstudie om att skriva sig till läsning med hjälp av digitala verktyg. / Are the keys faster than the pen? : A systematic literature study about writing to read using digital tools.Ohlsson, Linda, Lindgren, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
I skolans tidigare åldrar fokuseras till stor del på läs- och skrivutveckling och vilka metoder som lämpar sig bäst för elevers lärande. Den här systematiska litteraturstudien handlar om elevers tidiga skrivutveckling med hjälp av digitala verktyg och att skriva sig till läsning (ASL-metoden). Syftet är att studera om digitala verktyg och ASL-metoden kan gynna elevers tidiga skrivande. Studiens syfte och frågeställning besvaras med en analys av flertalet vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar att digitala verktyg och ASL-metoden kan vara ett bra komplement till den mer traditionella skrivundervisningen med penna och papper. Dock visar ett resultat att bland det viktigaste, oavsett modell, är att skrivundervisningen behöver vara systematisk och tydligt strukturerad.
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Možné bariéry související se společným vzděláváním v mateřských školách / Possible bariers related to common education in kindergartensSemecká, Nella January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá tématem společného vzdělávání v předškolním vzdělávání. Hlavním cílem práce je odhalit možné bariéry společného vzdělávání a posoudit, zda jsou mateřské školy schopny přijímat žáky se speciálními potřebami a splnit tak zásady společného vzdělávání. Práce je rozdělena do teoretické a praktické časti. Teoretická část zahrnuje vývoj terminologie společného vzdělávání, ukázku vzdělávacích programů a podpůrných opatření, popisuje dítě se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a dítě mimořádně nadané, význam předškolního vzdělávání, školní prostředí a profesi pedagoga, dále bariéry společného vzdělávání v mateřských školách a pojem šikany. Praktická část obsahuje dotazníkové šetření mezi řediteli a pedagogy mateřských škol, výsledky dotazníkového šetření, dva příběhy dětí se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami ve třídě z praxe a na závěr návrh na řešení bariér společného vzdělávání v mateřské škole. Klíčová slova Společné vzdělávání, bariéry společného vzdělávání, předškolní vzdělávání, speciální vzdělávací potřeby, legislativa, šikana, pedagog, asistent pedagoga, podpůrná opatření, mateřská škola Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of joint education in early childhood education. The main objective of the work is to identify possible barriers to joint education and to assess...
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Rodina a mateřská škola v procesu inkluze / Family and school in the process of inclusionVenclová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to inclusion in preschool education with a focus on the child's family. The theoretical part deals with inclusive education, defines the basic concepts, related legislation, describes the benefits and risks of inclusion in the light of current knowledge. Attention is paid not only to the characteristics of pre-school education, but also to the inclusion of children with special educational needs in kindergarten. A separate chapter deals with the issue of the family of a disabled child and also describes some aspects of the cooperation of the family with the nursery school. The family plays a vital role in the development of the child, so the family context in which the child grows up is also essential for understanding the child's individuality and developmental needs. The theoretical knowledge is followed by a research investigation. The practical part introduces qualitative research, which aims to bring experience with inclusive education in kindergarten from the perspective of parents. The research focuses on families of children with disabilities and disadvantages, which are currently included in the category of persons with special educational needs under the legislation. The aim of the qualitative research is a detailed examination of the issue of inclusion in...
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Holding hands for sustainable change in disadvantaged Educare centres through volunteer teachingGwyn, Rosemary January 2001 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / This thesis is a record and analysis of as well as a commentary on an emancipatory.educational action research project in which I participated
at three educare centres serving 0 - 6 year old children in Nyanga, Philippi and Old Crossroads of Cape Town, South Africa. The study
sprang from my need to examine closely the work I was doing as a volunteer in the hope of maximizing my efforts to bring about sustainable
change in these challenging settings. . Ultimately my goal was safe, healthy and stimulating educare. I chose what I perceived to be a few important areas for improvement which reflected both the teachers' prior educare training as offered in several non-governmental organizations in Cape Town as well as ideas which I contributed from my own readings and studies. Room arrangement to ease flow and promote independent, individual learning was one area. Establishing routines in a daily programme that encouraged children to become interested and responsible members of the educare community, that fairly divided teacher tasks and that increased child/teacher
interactions was another area for improvement. The thesis includes a discussion in Chapter 3 of emancipatory educational action research as a good vehicle for the work I undertook with all the teachers in each of the three centres. Central to this choice was my participation in change including change within myself as a volunteer in-service field worker. Flexibility in timing, including delays and many repetitions, were a feature of my work with women whose lives of grinding poverty were at the mercy of tragedy and disaster as well as time-consuming tasks making for absenteeism. The main benefit of this form of research was its potential for growth in self-esteem and empowerment in individual teachers as they witnessed the benefits of their planned work multiply at the centres. I divided the work at each centre into three phases. The first included getting to know the centre, its teachers and children and making decisions around what tasks to undertake. In the same phase the teachers and I began to work on the identified areas. In the second phase, I introduced the teachers to teachers at other successful educare centres so that linkages could be established that would strengthen the work we were doing and broaden their base of support. Ultimately, I intended that this would allow me to decrease my presence and input gradually while change continued at the three centres. The third phase involved the teachers at a centre plowing back their new skills into the wider network of Mustadafin Foundation educare centres in which they were involved and which needed similar assistance. I have presented a new understanding for sustainable change resulting from this study and it is my hope that donors and others involved in community upliftment will understand that continued input and follow-up involvement need to accompany material gifts and intensive upgrading. Finally, I have written what I hope is a very readable thesis so that the teachers involved can read their own and each others' stories as I have done my best to record and interpret them.
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