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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de modelo matemático do sistema reacional de uma unidade industrial de reforma catalítica de nafta com leito móvel. / Development of mathematical model of a reaction system of an industrial unit of nafta catalytic reforming with mobile bed.

Carolina May Rodrigues 26 March 2014 (has links)
Reforma catalítica de nafta é um dos processos mais importantes para a produção de gasolina de alta octanagem, hidrocarbonetos aromáticos e hidrogênio na indústria de petróleo e petroquímica. Para predizer os rendimentos e as propriedades dos produtos ou mesmo melhorar as condições de processo é recomendado descrever o processo matematicamente em termos de modelos cinéticos. A nafta tem um grande número de compostos com número de carbonos variando de cinco a doze, assim, um modelo considerando todos os componentes e reações, é complexo. Modelos baseados em lumps costumam agrupar os compostos em isômeros de mesma natureza. Neste trabalho, é proposto um modelo cinético de uma unidade comercial de reforma catalítica com regeneração contínua de catalisador (CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration) capaz de predizer o perfil de temperatura e a de composição dos produtos ao longo do reator. O modelo é baseado na análise de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos, naftênicos e aromáticos e na temperatura de carga. A cinética envolve 24 reações modeladas como de pseudo-primeira ordem e 19 componentes. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram estimados usando dados de uma unidade da Petrobras, localizada em Cubatão-SP. O modelo proposto descreve a operação de quatro reatores com fluxo radial representando-os como um reator de fluxo pistonado (PFR Plug Flow Reactor), pois nas condições de operação os efeitos de dispersão radial e axial são assumidos desprezíveis. Os resultados mostram que o modelo pode ser usado para prever os rendimentos de benzeno, tolueno, xileno e hidrogênio. Para os demais compostos os resultados demonstram a necessidade de sofisticação da abordagem. O modelo representa de forma adequada a variação da concentração dos compostos e da temperatura ao longo do inventário de catalisador. / Naphtha catalytic reforming is one of the most important processes for producing high octane gasoline, aromatic products and hydrogen in petroleum and petrochemical industries. To predict yield and properties of the products or even improve the process conditions it is recommended to mathematically describe the process in terms of kinetic models. The naphtha feedstock has a large number of compounds with carbon number ranging from five to twelve. Thus, a detailed kinetic model considering all the components and reactions is complex. Lumping models are used to group the compounds in terms of isomers of the same nature. A kinetic and reactor model of a commercial naphtha continuous catalytic reforming process is proposed to predict temperature profile and products composition. The model is based on paraffins, naphthenes and aromatics analysis and reformer inlet temperature. Kinetics involves 24 pseudo-first-order rate reactions with 19 compounds. All parameters were estimated from industrial data of a Petrobras Refinery at Cubatão-SP. The reactor model describes four radial flow reactors represented by a PFR, due to the fact that under typical reformer operating conditions, radial and axial dispersion effects were found to be negligible. Simulation results demonstrate good agreements between model predictions and actual plant data for benzene, toluene, xylenes and hydrogen. For the remaining compounds, the model output suggests the need for approach sophistication. Nevertheless, the model adequately represents

Conversion thermique des goudrons provenant de la gazéification de la biomasse / Thermal conversion of tars from biomass gasification

Nowakowska, Milena 15 May 2014 (has links)
Les goudrons, composés lourds limitant le fonctionnement optimal des procédés thermochimiques de valorisation de la biomasse, ont été étudiés pour mieux comprendre leur formation, leur maturation et leur décomposition. L’étude détaillée de la décomposition des trois molécules modèles représentant les goudrons issus de la biomasse a été réalisée en réacteur auto agité par jets gazeux. Les molécules étudiées étaient l’anisole et le guaiacol, représentant les goudrons primaires issus de la lignine ainsi que le 5-méthylfurfural représentant les goudrons primaires issus de la cellulose. L’étude expérimentale de pyrolyse et d’oxydation a été réalisée à pression atmosphérique, pour un temps de passage de 2 s, à haute dilution et sur une large gamme de températures. L’oxydation a été étudiée dans les conditions stœchiométriques ([phi]=1). Les produits de réaction pour chacun des composés ont été quantifiés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse et identifiés par couplage avec la spectrométrie de masse. Des mécanismes cinétiques détaillés de pyrolyse et d’oxydation, basés sur un modèle de combustion des aromatiques légers, ont été développés pour toutes les molécules étudiées et validés à partir des résultats expérimentaux. Les trois modèles prédisent correctement la conversion des réactifs et la formation des produits majeurs. / Tars are compounds limiting the optimal operation of thermochemical processes of biomass conversion. The reactions of these compounds were studied to better understand their formation, maturation and decay. The study of the decomposition of three model compounds from biomass was conducted with a jet stirred reactor. The studied compounds were anisole and guaiacol, representing the primary tars from lignin and the 5-methylfurfural, representing the primary tars from cellulose. The pyrolysis and the oxidation of these compounds were performed at atmospheric pressure, at a residence time of 2 s and at high dilution, and for a wide range of temperatures. The oxidation was carried out in stoichiometric conditions ([phi]= 1). Reaction products were quantified by gas chromatography and identified using mass spectrometry. Detailed kinetic mechanisms for the pyrolysis and oxidation (based on a combustion model for light aromatics) have been developed for each compound. Models predict well the conversion of reactants and the formation of the main products.

Hydroconversion des résidus pétroliers par des catalyseurs dispersés / Hydroconversion of petroleum residues with dispersed catalysts

Jansen, Tim 21 October 2014 (has links)
Face à l'épuisement des pétroles bruts légers et à la demande en énergies fossiles toujours croissante, l'exploitation des pétroles lourds et le raffinage des résidus pétroliers devient une nécessité. Cependant, la nature de ces résidus pose de nombreuses difficultés aux procédés de raffinage existants. En conséquence, l'industrie pétrolière a actuellement un fort intérêt au développement d'un procédé de conversion profonde de ces résidus pétroliers en carburants valorisables. L'utilisation d'un catalyseur hautement dispersé dans la charge permettrait de minimiser ces difficultés. L'objectif de cette thèse est alors l'étude de quelques aspects du développement d'un procédé d'hydroconversion des résidus pétroliers avec des catalyseurs dispersés. La première partie est dédiée à la génération des données expérimentales de la conversion d'un résidu dans un micro-pilote continu en faisant varier les conditions opératoires. Ensuite, un modèle de cette unité a été développé en couplant la description des cinétiques chimiques déterminée dans un autre réacteur (dans une étude préalable), avec les modèles physiques (hydrodynamique et transfert de matière) et thermodynamiques. Le modèle a été validé en comparant les prédictions du modèle avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus. La minimisation de la consommation de catalyseur et l'augmentation du rendement en produits désirables sont deux objectifs dans le développement d'un procédé industriel. Le recyclage du catalyseur et de la fraction non-convertie est une stratégie permettant d'atteindre ces objectifs. L'outil expérimental utilisé pour l'étude du fonctionnement en mode recyclage était un réacteur semi-continu. La caractérisation des produits issus d'expériences de la conversion avec un catalyseur recyclé est accompagnée d'une caractérisation de la phase active. De plus, l'étude de l'évolution de la réactivité de la charge recyclée fait partie de cette étude. Les résultats obtenus permettent d'évaluer la faisabilité du fonctionnement en recyclage / With the depletion of light petroleum crude oils and the demand in fossil energies still growing, the exploration of heavy oils and the refining of petroleum residues becomes a necessity. However, the nature of these feedstocks presents numerous difficulties for the existing refining processes. As a consequence, the petroleum industry is currently developing new processes for the deep conversion of these residues to more valuable fuels. The utilization of dispersed catalysts is a promising new strategy for minimizing these difficulties. The aim of this work was to study several aspects of the scale-up of a hydroconversion process of petroleum residues with dispersed catalysts. The first part of this work is dedicated to the generation of experimental data for the conversion of a residue in a continuous micro-pilot unit by varying the operating conditions. Afterwards, a model of the unit was developed by coupling the chemical kinetics determined in a previous batch reactor study with the physical characterization (hydrodynamics and mass transfer) of the continuous micro-pilot unit. The model was validated by comparing its predictions with the experimental data. Minimization of catalyst consummation and the increasing product yields are vital in the development of an industrial process. Recycling the non-converted fraction as well as the catalyst is is a strategy to achieve these two objectives. The second part was thus dedicated to the study of the recycling mode, which was carried out in a semi-continuous reactor. The product characterization of catalyst recycling experiments was accompanied with the characterization of the active phase to evaluate the performance of an aging catalyst. Additionally, the evolution of the reactivity of the recycled product was studied. The results obtained allow us to evaluate the feasibility of the recycling mode

Extração assistida por micro-ondas de óleo essencial de folhas de eucalipto (eucalyptus urophylla x globulus)

Ribeiro, Leticia Gouveia January 2018 (has links)
A celulose das árvores do gênero Eucalyptus é um dos principais elementos de interesse econômico desse vegetal. Suas folhas, apesar de conter óleo essencial (OE), caracterizam-se como um subproduto da indústria de processamento de papel e celulose. Assim, pesquisas com relação à recuperação dessa biomassa tornam-se importantes, principalmente, do ponto de vista ambiental e econômico. Tradicionalmente, a extração de OEs ocorre pelo processo de hidrodestilação (HD), o qual necessita de longos tempos de extração. Visando superar essa restrição, a tecnologia de extração assistida por micro-ondas (Microwave Assisted Extraction - MAE) vem sendo desenvolvida e aplicada. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar o processo de extração de OE de folhas de eucalipto, empregando os métodos de extração HD e MAE. Para esse processo em escala de bancada, desenvolveu-se um aparato de extração por meio da adaptação de um forno micro-ondas doméstico. Inicialmente, analisou-se o rendimento de OE das matrizes de subprodutos de folhas de eucalipto das espécies Eucalyptus saligna, E. urohpylla e E. urophylla x globulus geradas a partir de uma indústria de celulose. Os resultados apontaram que a espécie E. urophylla x globulus apresentou maior teor de OE (2,16±0,02%), sendo a espécie escolhida para a aplicação da tecnologia MAE. Na segunda etapa do estudo, fez-se uma avaliação dos efeitos dos fatores do processo MAE, avaliando os fatores razão sólido:solvente (1:1; 1:1,5 e 1:2), potência do micro-ondas (680, 850 e 1.020 W) e tempo de extração total (20, 40, 60 min) no rendimento de OE. Desse modo, as condições ideais do processo foram determinadas como: razão sólido:solvente de 1:2, potência de 680 W e tempo de extração total de 60 minutos. Para essas condições, realizou-se o estudo cinético e modelagem matemática com a avaliação dos modelos de primeira ordem, segunda ordem, Peleg e Patricelli. No estudo cinético, o tempo total do processo MAE para a obtenção do rendimento de 1,8±0,1% foi apenas 60 minutos, tempo 57% inferior ao observado no método HD para igual rendimento (140 minutos). Dentre os modelos cinéticos estudados, o modelo de Patricelli foi o que apresentou melhor ajuste aos dados experimentais da extração HD (R² igual 0,9904 e RMSE igual 0,0016) e da extração MAE (R² igual 0,9962 e RMSE igual 0,0006). Por fim, as análises energéticas e de impacto ambiental também indicaram o método MAE como uma tecnologia mais ambientalmente amigável do que a HD, tornando-se atrativa para o setor industrial. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a extração de OE da matriz estudada proporcionou a reutilização de um subproduto industrial, sugerindo uma alternativa de exploração e agregando valor ao mesmo. / The cellulose from trees of the genus Eucalyptus is the main industrial product of this species. Its leaves, although containing essential oil (EO), are characterized as a by-product from the pulp and paper processing industry. Thus, researches about the recovery of this biomass are important, mainly from the environmental and ecological point of view. Traditionally, the extraction of EO occurs by hydrodistillation (HD), process that requires long extraction times. In order to overcome this restriction, microwave assisted extraction (MAE) has been developed and applied. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the extraction process of eucalyptus EO, using the HD and MAE methods. For this laboratory-scale process, an extraction apparatus was developed through the adaption of a domestic microwave oven. Initially, the yield of EO by-products of eucalyptus leaves of the species Eucalyptus saligna, E. urophylla and E. urophylla x globulus from a cellulose industry were analyzed. The results showed that the species E. urophylla x globulus presented the highest EO content (2.16 ± 0.02%), being the species chosen for the application of the MAE technology. In the second stage of the study, an evaluation of the effects of MAE process factors was performed, analyzing the factors ratio solid:solvent (1:1, 1:1,5 and 1:2), microwave power (680, 850 and 1.020 W) and total extraction time (20, 40, 60 min) in the EO yield. Thus, the ideal process conditions were determined as: ratio solid:solvent of 1:2, power of 680 W and total extraction time of 60 minutes. For these conditions, a kinetic study and a mathematical modeling were performed evaluating the first-order, second-order, Peleg and Patricelli models. In the kinetic study, the total time of the MAE process to obtain the yield of 1.8 ± 0.1% was only 60 minutes, 57% lower than the HD method for the same yield (140 min). Among the kinetic models studied, the Patricelli model presented the best fit to the experimental data of the HD extraction (R² equal to 0.9904 and RMSE equal to 0.0016) and MAE extraction (R² equal to 0.9962 and RMSE equal to 0.0006). Finally, the energy and environmental impact analyzes also indicated the MAE method more environmentally friendly than HD, being attractive for the industrial sector. Based on the results, it is possible to conclude that the extraction of EO from the studied matrix provided the reuse of an industrial by-product, suggesting an exploration alternative adding value to this residue.

Modeling of Arabian Light Crude Oil Cracking in Two-Zone Fluidized Bed Reactors

Hijazi, Nibras 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract embargoed until 2030-11-11

Measuring and Modeling of Phenylpropanoid Metabolic Flux in Arabidopsis

Peng Wang (5930384) 12 October 2021 (has links)
<p>Plants naturally deposit a significant amount of carbon towards lignin, a polymer that imparts mechanical strength to cell walls but impedes our utilization of the polysaccharides in lignocellulosic biomass. Genetic engineering of lignin has demonstrated profound success in improving the processing of the biomass. Lignin is derived from the phenylpropanoid pathway, the architecture of which is well understood based upon the biochemical and genetic studies conducted to date. In contrast, we lack a systematic and quantitative view of the factors that determine carbon flux into and within this branched metabolic pathway in plants. To explore the control of carbon allocation for phenylalanine and lignin biosynthesis, we have developed a kinetic model of the pathway in Arabidopsis to test the regulatory role of several key enzymatic steps. We first established a <sup>13</sup>C isotope feeding system for the measurement of flux using excised wild-type Arabidopsis stems. The excised stems continued to grow and lignify in our feeding system. When ring <sup>13</sup>C<sub>6</sub>-labeled phenylalanine ([<sup>13</sup>C<sub>6</sub>]-Phe) was supplied to excised stems, isotope label was rapidly incorporated into soluble intermediates and lignin. Using this approach, we then analyzed metabolite pool sizes and isotope abundances of the pathway intermediates in a time course from stems fed with [<sup>13</sup>C<sub>6</sub>]-Phe of different concentrations, and used these data to parameterize a kinetic model constructed with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Our model of the general phenylpropanoid pathway captured the dynamic trends of metabolite pools <i>in vivo</i>and predicted the metabolic profiles of an independent feeding experiment. Based on the model simulation, we found that subcellular sequestration of pathway intermediates is necessary to maintain lignification homeostasis when metabolites are over-accumulated. Both the measurements and simulation suggested that theavailability of substrate Phe is one limiting factor for lignin flux in developing stems. This finding indicates new gene targets for lignin manipulation in plants. To extend our kinetic model to simulate flux distribution in response to genetic perturbations, we conducted an RNA-sequencing experiment in wild type and 13 plants with modified lignification, and integrated the transcriptional data with the metabolic profiles. We found that the biosynthesis of Phe and lignification are tightly coordinated at transcriptional level. The coregulation of the shikimate and phenylpropanoid pathways involves transcriptional and post-translational regulatory mechanisms to maintain pathway homeostasis. Our results also indicate that induction of Phe supply and enhancement of PAL activity are both effective strategies to increase carbon flux into the phenylpropanoid network.</p><p>In this interdisciplinary project, we have taken various system biology approaches to understand metabolic flux towards lignin, the second most abundant carbon sink in nature. We have combined isotope labeling aided flux measurements and mathematical simulation, and have integrated metabolome data with transcriptome profiles. The experiments and analysis have been conducted in both wild-type Arabidopsis and those with perturbed lignification. The novel work not only provides insight into our knowledge of phenylpropanoid metabolism, but also creates a framework to systematically assemble gene expression, enzyme activity, and metabolite accumulation to study metabolic fluxes, the ultimate functional phenotypes of biochemical networks.</p>

Stoßwellenuntersuchungen und Modellierung der Pyrolyse von Pentafluorethan und 2-H-Heptafluorpropan / Shock Wave and Modeling Study of the Pyrolysis of Pentafluoroethane and 2-H-Heptafluoropropane

Tellbach, Elsa 13 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Optimization of Methane Yield in Solid-State Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Dairy Manure and Corn Stover

Ajayi-banji, Ademola January 2020 (has links)
Sole dependence on fossil fuel and the concomitant environmental concerns could be minimized through the optimization of green energy generation from the growing volume of onfarm organic wastes. In this mesophilic study, green energy, mainly methane, was optimized through the solid-state anerobic co-digestion (SSAD) of two on-farm organic wastes (dairy manure with corn stover). Factors considered to achieve the improved methane yield under a total solids of 16% were particle size of corn stover (0.18 – 0.42 and 0.42 – 0.84 mm), alkaline pretreatment type (thermo-chemical and wet state), alkaline-pretreatment reagent (NaOH, NH4OH, and Ca(OH)2) used for the corn stover, and the magnetite nanoparticles(20, 50, and 75 mg/L) thereafter added to the treatment with highest methane yield. Kinetic models were used to describe some of the high methane yield as well as the environmental impact investigated with life cycle assessment. Results indicated that corn stover with particle size 0.42 - 0.84 mm blended with dairy manure under a C/N of 24 had the highest methane yield (106 L/ kgVS) under 60 days retention time. After pretreatment of the 0.42 - 0.84 mm corn stover with the three different alkaline reagents, methane yield improved under this wet state pretreatment relative to thermochemical. For instance, calcium pretreated corn stover blended with dairy manure (CaW) had the highest methane yield (176 L / kgVS) under a reduced retention time (79 days), overcame potential volatile fatty acids accumulation and digester upset relative to other pretreated treatments. Furthermore, addition of 20 mg of the nanoparticles to the CaW treatment further enhanced methane yield (191 L / kg VS), minimized digester upset, and reduced retention time to 52 days. Suitable process parameters for methanogenic activities were 0.1 - 0.5 for VFA/Ammonia and VFA/Alkalinity ratios. Free ammonia concentration between 258 – 347 mg/L does not affect methanogenic activities. Environmnetal impact aseessment indicated that pretreatment negatively influenced human health factors and eutrophication potentials though reduced ozone depletion, global warming potential, and smog potentials. The solid-state of dairy manure co-digested with corn stover has the potential to improve green energy generation that could complement fossil fuel and address waste management challenges.

Optimization and reaction kinetics of the production of biodiesel from castor oil via sodium methoxide-catalyzed methanolysis

Crymble, Scott David 01 May 2010 (has links)
This paper studies castor oil’s potential as a biodiesel feedstock. Base-catalyzed transesterification batch reactions were conducted at various experimental conditions while measuring the concentration of the reaction components over time. A gas chromatograph with a flame-ionization detector analyzed these samples. A factorial design of experiments was used to determine how conversion was affected by reaction temperature, sodium methoxide concentration, and ratio of methanol to oil. Conversion was maximized (0.9964) at 30 °C, 0.5% catalyst, and 9:1 molar ratio. The concentration data were used to study the reaction kinetics. Modeling the reaction as three equilibria yielded six rate constants. These values indicate that castor oil transesterifies faster than soybean oil. The fuel properties were determined by ASTM D 6751. Viscosity was excessively high, but specifications were met for the remaining tests. Despite the promising yield and kinetics of the reaction, the fuel viscosity limits castor oil’s viability as a biodiesel feedstock.

Redefining Dynamic PET to Improve Clinical Feasibility

Liu, Xiaoli January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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