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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching L2 grammar : A study of teachers’ beliefs on frequency, methods and approaches of teaching English grammar in Swedish schools.

Freeman, Nathan January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study English teachers' approaches, methods and beliefs that link to teaching grammar to students in Sweden. The research has revolved around how frequently grammar is taught, what approaches are used and what methods are favored by English teachers in Swedish secondary and upper secondary schools. The respondents were 51 teachers recruited through a convenient sampling in the Facebook group “Nätverk för lärare i engelska”. The study used a mixed method with a survey as the data collection instrument. The results show that English teachers in secondary schools and upper secondary schools in Sweden occasionally use grammar teaching. On a four-grade scale ranging from Very Occasionally to Very Often the mean response was 2.36. In terms of preferred approach, the results indicated that a planned approach was preferred by a small margin. These results are in contradiction to previous research on English grammar teaching in Sweden which shows that teachers prefer an incidental approach to grammar teaching. The present study indicates that teachers favored interactive methods of grammar teaching. The two most favored methods were the Task-Based method where students complete tasks in pairs or groups, and the Communicative Language Teaching where students learn through discussions. Analyzing teachers’ beliefs on grammar teaching, the present study focused on the open-ended questions in the survey. The responses indicated that context to grammar teaching is extremely vital according to the teachers who responded to the survey. As previously mentioned, the present study contradicts previous studies in terms of preferred approach to grammar teaching. However, the present study coincides with previous research in terms of preferred methods both in international research but also in Sweden specifically, which is that teachers prefer interactive methods of grammar teaching that involve inductive learning.

Intercultural Competence Development in a Study Abroad Context: Saudi Study Abroad Learners in the United States of America

Alalwi, Fahd Shehail January 2016 (has links)
This longitudinal study used qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the development of aspects of the intercultural competence (ICC) of Saudi learners of English as a second language in a study abroad (SA) context based on Deardorff's (2004) ICC model. It also examined students' development of Saudis' perceptions of the home and host cultures at the beginning of SA and after four months. Moreover, this study explored the relationship between ICC and second language proficiency. This study found no substantial change in ICC-related attributes over four months of studying abroad. Results also showed an overall agreement in ICC assessment between the teachers and the students. As far as perceptions of members of the Saudi and US cultures are concerned in the second study, the findings suggested that the Saudi SA students continued to use their home frame of reference even after four months of study in the US and that the national stereotypes persisted. In these results, US Americans are perceived to be work-oriented, whereas Saudis are relationship-oriented. The findings of the third study demonstrated that SA students' perceived gains with regard to skills of speaking, listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary were significantly lower than their expectations at the beginning of the program and that their expectations were relatively low for culture learning. Moreover, no significant relationship was found between SA students' L2 usage patterns and L2 learning, nor between L2 usage patterns and C2 learning. However, the level of L2 proficiency upon entry into the SA program indicated a strong correlation with perceived gains in L2 learning. Interestingly, no relationship was found between ICC and L2 learning, nor between ICC and C2 learning.

La percepción de métodos didácticos en la enseñanza del español comolengua extranjera : Análisis cualitativo sobre la percepción de los alumnos de los métodos gramática- traducción,método situacional y método comunicativo / Uppfattningen av pedagogiska metoder i undervisningen av spanska somfrämmande språk : En kvalitativ studie om elevers uppfattning av didaktiska metoder: grammatik & översättningsmetoden, kontext metoden och den kommunikativa metoden.

Afram, Eliane January 2014 (has links)
Nuestra tesina trata de indagar en cómo piensan los alumnos de bachillerato sobre los métodos didácticos elegidos para aprender una lengua extranjera. El objetivo de esta tesina es investigar tres métodos didácticos; método gramática- traducción, método situacional y método comunicativo, comprobar si los estudiantes los utilizan, y cuál les resulta más útil y por qué. Hemos investigado qué opinan los alumnos con la ayuda del método cualitativo a través de entrevistas cualitativas. Podemos decir que los alumnos utilizan los métodos hasta cierto punto en su enseñanza. Piensan que todos los métodos tienen sus aspectos positivos y negativos. Los aspectos positivos y negativos están repartidos de manera igual entre los métodos didácticos. / Denna uppsats handlar om att undersöka hur gymnasieelever som studerar moderna språk uppfattar de undervisningsmetoder vi valt att studera när de lär sig ett främmande språk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka tre undervisningsmetoder; grammatik - och översättningsmetoden, kontext-metoden och den kommunikativa metoden, för att kontrollera om eleverna använder dem, vilken de tycker är mest användbar och varför. Vi har, med hjälp av kvalitativ metod och kvalitativa intervjuer undersökt hur eleverna uppfattar dessa didaktiska metoder. Vi kan säga att eleverna använder metoderna till viss del i sin undervisning. Enligt deras åsikt har alla metoder positiva sidor men även negativa. De positiva och negativa aspekterna är jämlika mellan olika undervisningsmetoder.

Task-based course design for campus communication in isiXhosa

Geldenhuys, Catharina Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central purpose of this study is to investigate the nature and properties of communication tasks employed in generic communication in isiXhosa on a university campus in South Africa within the framework of current second language theories of task-based language learning and teaching, and syllabus design for analysing those tasks, taking into account the needs of second language learners of isiXhosa in the context of campus communication. The study aims to explore questions relating to how meaning-based approaches to language teaching such as Task-based language learning and teaching have contributed to the teaching and learning of a second language in regard to the performance of the learner. One of the main aims of the task-based language learning and teaching (TBL and T) approach is to provide learners with input that are relevant to their everyday life in and outside of the language learning classroom. The aim is to further provide teachers with theorectical principles of teaching in order to influence the second language development and performance of the learner in an optimal manner. Thus the concern of TBL and T is to promote the motivation of the learner, negotiations of meanings among the learners and teacher in the classroom and optimal language development. The performance of the learners are thus positively influenced because they are now in more control of their own learning and the teacher no longer has to be the only provider of information and interaction to the language learning classroom. In order to explore the various possibilities that exist in the designing of tasks for the context of a university campus in regards to learning isiXhosa as a second language or additional language, this study investigates several components of tasks relating to cognitive and linguistic complexity, the effects the manipulation of these components might have on the language learning and elements and components of designing a syllabus, and how they influence the teaching and learning of the second language. Furthermore analyses regarding various complexity properties are conducted on the isiXhosa dialogues in order to determine criteria for syllabus designers on how tasks can be graded and sequenced within a task-based language learning and teaching syllabus for second language learners of isiXhosa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale fokus van hierdie studie behels die ondersoek in die natuur en eienskappe van kommunikasietake wat gevind word in generiese kommunikasietake in isiXhosa by ’n universiteit kampus in Suid-Afrika, binne die konteks van hedendaagse tweede taal teorieë van taakgebasseerde taalleer en onderrig sowel as syllabus ontwerp en die analisering van daardie take aan die hand van die behoeftes van tweede taal leerders van isiXhosa in die konteks van kampus kommunikasie. Die studie beoog om vas te stel hoe betekenis-gebaseerde benaderings tot taal onderrig soos byvoorbeeld taakgebaseerde taalleer en onderrig bydra tot die onderrig en leer van ’n tweede taal in verband met die werkverrigtinge en prestasies van die leerder. Die taakgebaseerde benadering tot die leer en onderrig van ’n tweede taal beoog om die leerders toe te rus met relevante en alledaagse temas wat leerders binne en buite die klaskamer ervaar. Verder beoog hierdie benadering om opvoeders toe te rus met die nodige teoretiese beginsels van onderrig sodat tweede taal ontwikkeling sowel as die prestasies en werkverrigtinge van die leerders in ’n optimale en positiewe wyse beinvloed word. Hierdie benadering tot die leer en onderrig van taal is veral gemoeid met die positiewe bevordering van die motivering van die leerder sowel as die interaksies en vrae van betekenis tussen die leerders en die opvoeders binne die omgewing van die klaskamer sodat optimale taal ontwikkeling plaasvind. Die werkverrigtinge en prestasies van die leerder word dus positief beinvloed omdat die leerder in beheer is van sy/haar eie leer en die opvoeder is nie meer die enigste bron van inligting en interaksie in die klakamer nie. Verder ondersoek hierdie studie verskeie komponente van take wat verband hou met kognitiewe en linguisities kompleksiteit, die effek van manipulasie op hierdie komponente met betrekking tot die taalleer en die elemente en komponente van sillabus ontwerp asook hoe hierdie komponente die leer en onderrig van ’n tweede taal beinvloed. Hierdie insigte op die komponente van take skep verskeie moontlikhede vir die ontwikkeling van take in die konteks van ’n universiteit kampus met betrekking tot die leer van isiXhosa as ’n tweede taal of additionele taal. Verder verskaf die studie ook ontledings met betrekking tot die kompleksiteitseienskappe van verskeie isiXhosa dialoeë sodat ’n kriteria vir sillabus ontwerpers geskep word waarvolgens hulle take kan gradueer en in volgorde plaas binne die taakgebaseerde leer en onderrig sillabus vir tweede taal leerders van isiXhosa.

在中學實行創意教學:兩位英語教師之個案研究 / Implementing creative language teaching in high schools: a case study of two EFL teachers

張憶欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣中學英語教師的創意教學,並且進一步探究社會文化情境因素如何影響老師的創意教學。本研究的個案為兩位資深且具有豐富教學經驗的創意教師,分別任教於國中以及高中。本研究採質性研究法,藉由教室觀察、訪談以及文件分析收集資料。 本研究顯示兩位創意教師的教學創意主要展現在:(1) 採用多樣化的教材以及教具,(2) 語言教學結合真實語言使用,(3) 採用學習者中心的教學法,(4) 採用多元性的評量以及 (5) 展現純熟的教室管理技巧。此外本研究也發現社會文化情境因素的確對教師發展教學創意有影響,特別是學門的守門人。而兩位創意教師的教學經歷也顯示出發展創意教學可能遇到的困境。即便創意教學的本質被認可,但是在沒有滿足社會期待的狀況下,並不一定會被學門或是領域所認同。有鑑於兩位個案教師所曾經歷的困境,本研究提出教學上的建議:實行創意教學應當先從教學上做小規模的改變,從小規模的改變開始慢慢發展,以期達到發展創意教學以及減少無法滿足社會期待的衝突。 / The preset study aimed to investigate teacher’s creativity in teaching foreign languages, with emphasis on high school English teachers in Taiwan, and further investigated how sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity. The participants are two acknowledged creative English teachers, teaching in junior high school and senior high school respectively. The data collection instruments include classroom observations, interviews and document collection. The data was analyzed qualitatively to see how two creative teachers employ their creativity in teaching English as a foreign language in everyday classroom practice and how the sociocultural contexts influence the teachers’ creativity. Through analyzing the data, the two teachers’ teaching creativity was found to be demonstrated in (1) adopting a variety of teaching materials and aids; (2) making connections between language learning and real life; (3) giving ample space for learner-centered instruction; (4) creating multiple ways of assessment; and (5) exhibiting sophisticated classroom management strategies. Besides, the results indicated that sociocultural contexts have indeed had impacts on the teachers’ development, especially from school authority and students’ parents. Difficulties that the two teachers encountered suggest that not all the creative teaching efforts would be accepted with appreciation, although the efforts might be recognized as creative. With regard to challenges that the language teachers faced, the result suggested that implementation of creative language teaching should start with rather smaller-scale changes in teaching and progress gradually in order to maintain a balance between creative teaching and social expectations.

Understanding change in Chinese undergraduate students' language learning motivation during the transition to UK higher education

Zhang, Qian January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates changes in Chinese undergraduate students’ language learning motivation during the transition from their home cultural setting to the host cultural setting, while studying on a China-UK 2+1 collaborative programme at the University of Bedfordshire. Since the 1990s, there has been growing attention to research on L2 motivation in classroom or other educational settings. To bridge the gap between general and L2 motivational theories, a number of theoretical frameworks have been developed. The most comprehensive of these is Dörnyei’s (1994a) three-level motivational framework. However, there is as yet little empirical evidence to verify this. The study employed mixed methods. Firstly, in order to identify whether these students’ language learning motivation changed over time, a two stage questionnaire survey was carried out with 158 students. Questionnaires were first administered in October shortly after students arrived in the UK to begin their courses and again in May when they were close to completing their degrees. Factor analysis was used to verify the structure of the questionnaire. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate whether significant changes had occurred in each of the motivational dimensions addressed. Secondly, in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with 14 of the questionnaire respondents. The interviews explored motivational change in more open-ended fashion and in greater depth. Students’ comments were transcribed, translated and categorised on the basis of Dörnyei’s (1994a) framework. The conclusions, triangulated by both the key findings and the interview results, indicate that Chinese students have strong instrumental orientations and that their language learning motivation changes significantly at the Learner Level and Language Learning Situation Level of the framework. Some patterns underlying these changes were also discovered. The research findings additionally served to support the applicability of the Dörnyei (1994a) framework. Based on the empirical research findings, some practical recommendations are offered respectively for Chinese students and academic staff. These include: 1) The university should provide more information, or relevant training, about the British academic system and culture. 2) Academic staff need to understand Chinese students more fully and might adjust their teaching style to accommodate them. 3) There is a need for the university to redesign the academic English module to help students efficiently cope with their studies in the UK.

Saudi teachers' views on appropriate cultural models for EFL textbooks : insights into TESOL teachers' management of global cultural flows and local realities in their teaching worlds

Alfahadi, Abdulrahman January 2012 (has links)
This study has been undertaken using an interpretive methodology in order to examine the socially constructed views of Saudi EFL teachers and their decision-making with regards to the appropriate cultural models for EFL textbooks in Saudi public schools. The study also examines the factors affecting the teachers’ views and how they apply their beliefs in their classrooms. In addition, the study will also examine if the Saudi EFL teachers have any concerns about what they have been through and examined and accordingly investigates how they address their pedagogical decision-making in the classroom. Moreover, this study is interested in looking at EFL teachers as local teachers teaching a global language. In view of the exploratory nature of this study and its context-specificity, the naturalistic orientation of interpretive and social constructivism as an epistemological stance were selected. The research design employed a concurrent mixed methods design using an adapted version of Cresswell (1996). In this study, the participants were Saudi Arabian EFL teachers from one city in Saudi Arabia teaching in all of the three public education levels (primary, intermediate and secondary). The data collected were both qualitative (interviews and open-ended questionnaires) and quantitative (close-ended questionnaires). For the interviews, 14 male and female teachers equally interviewed, whereas for the questionnaires 280 male and female participated. The data collection of both data qualitative and quantitative occurred at the same time during my field journey in 2009 in Saudi Arabia. I used the SPSS descriptive statistics for the analysing the quantitative data and used exploratory content analysis for the qualitative data. The study findings revealed that the Saudi EFL teachers were not satisfied with the cultural content currently promoted in the Textbooks as they inappropriately contradict the local cultural values. Thus, they believe that for a better cultural content, the textbooks should therefore include a mixture of different cultures that do not mismatch with the local. And as they are controlled by some educational and social factors, they are limited to practice what they think is appropriate to apply in the classroom, therefore, their decision-making in this regards to some extent are to be controlled. In addition, the findings of the current study revealed that the Saudi EFL teachers show their openness to other cultures based on their glocal position as local Saudis teaching a global language. The conclusion of the study has some suggestion and implications to improve the cultural content of the EFL textbooks as well as implications for the EFL teachers in general and their practices and decision-making with regards to the textbook. Furthermore, the study proposed a model for the appropriate EFL textbooks for each educational level and can be applied locally in the Saudi context and globally for other similar context around the world.

I privat och offentligt : Undervisningen i moderna språk i Stockholm 1800–1880

Bernhardsson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to characterise the shifting relationship between public and private education in nineteenth-century Sweden. It does so by a study of modern language teaching in Stockholm 1800–1880. Whereas modern languages had long been taught by private language masters, German, French and English were only officially recognised as subjects of public grammar schools in 1807. The study shows that, unlike the impression given by earlier studies, the introduction of public teaching of modern languages did not bring an end to private language instruction. The study further demonstrates that although private language teaching continued to thrive alongside the expanding public language education, the relationship between the two types of education changed over time. Until the 1840s, both private and public education operated as competitors in a local educational market, adjusting their language teaching to local demand and mutual competition. A crucial condition for this competition was the fact that state curriculums still had a relatively limited impact on the actual teaching of public schools. In the later part of the century, the language teaching within public schools became more influenced by the idea of formal education, leading to an increased focus on grammar. Simultaneously, the role of private language instruction evolved into complementing public teaching, primarily by providing the practical proficiency neglected in public schools. While the study questions the importance and effects of central reforms, especially in the earlier decades of the 19th century, it points to other significant factors that influenced the local education market. In particular, the gradual centralisation and systematisation of public schools diminished their ability to cater for local demand. But the growing importance of formal credentials meant that public schools had less need to compete for students. Students were no longer necessarily attracted by the practical usefulness of schooling, creating both the possibility of the specific form of language teaching that developed within public schools, as well as the need of supplementary private instruction.

The differential effects of teacher code-switching on the vocabulary acquisition of adult and young EFL learners : a study in the Korean context

Lee, Jang Ho January 2010 (has links)
In Second Language Acquisition (SLA)literature there has been a considerable theoretical debate over the issue of teachers’ use of the students’ first language, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as ‘code-switching’. Yet to date there has been little study of the effect of teachers’ use of code-switching (CS) on the second language learning itself. Therefore the aim of this research was to study the effect of teachers’ CS on the learning of English word meanings by two age groups – 19- and 12-year–old EFL students in Korea. To this end, this study implemented a quasi-experimental design but conducive to ecological validity, drawing on intact EFL classrooms of two kinds: one with monolingual English teachers (English-only condition) and the other with bilingual teachers who speak mainly English but occasionally switch to Korean to explain unknown English words (CS condition). Under these two different instructional types, the participants – 286 adult and 443 young learners – were encouraged to learn previously unknown English words, drawn from reading texts, through their teachers’ explanations. The study also employed a participant questionnaire and follow-up interviews, so as to shed light on the issue of teacher CS from the learners’ perspective. The results reveal that, for both age groups, the teachers’ CS by and large yielded better learning results, in terms of vocabulary gains, than English-only instruction. However, an inspection of the effect sizes further shows that young learners, compared with adult ones, might benefit from the CS environment to an even greater degree in the learning of vocabulary. The findings from the questionnaire and interviews further suggest that this differential effect of teachers’ CS might be due to the young learners’ overwhelming preference for teachers’ CS in learning English. These differences both in results and learner perceptions are explained as resulting from proficiency levels on the one hand and levels of learning experience on the other. Having discovered these differential effects of teachers’ CS on the two age groups, the findings of the present thesis call for a reconsideration of pedagogical decisions regarding L2-only instruction, in particular for young L2 learners.

The Effects of English Immersion Mathematics Classes on the Mathematics Achievement and Aspiration of Eighth-Grade Spanish-Speaking LEP Students

Hunt, Beverly Thornhill 12 1900 (has links)
This research grew from concerns relative to the mathematical performance of Spanish-speaking limited English proficient (LEP) public school students. This investigation studied the effects of the sheltered mathematics class on eighth-grade Spanish-speaking LEP students with regard to mathematical achievement, attitudes toward mathematics, the dropout rate, and the number of math credits earned in high school. The enrollment of a sheltered mathematics class was limited to LEP students. The purpose was to compare Spanish-speaking LEP students enrolled in sheltered mathematics classes with Spanish-speaking LEP students enrolled in regular mathematics classes. The research hypotheses were that achievement, mathematical attitudes, the dropout rate, and high school math credits earned would favor enrollment in sheltered mathematics classes. The data for achievement, dropout information, and mathematics course work completed were drawn from student records in the school district data bank. A mathematics attitude survey was given to a sample from the 1995-96 eighth-grade advanced level Spanish-speaking LEP students. The research hypotheses were not accepted. All of the populations did show an academic deficit. However, they did have more positive attitudes than negative attitudes toward mathematics. To improve achievement, staying in school, and a higher rate of inclusion in mathematics related careers the following recommendations were made: 1. Research should be done to write standardized mathematics tests that would be accurate and fair for Spanish-speaking LEP students. 2. Further research should be done into teaching strategies and classroom management particularly suited to Spanish-speaking LEP students. 3. Attitude measures should be used as pretest and posttest to study the effect of sheltered mathematics classes on LEP students in relation to attitudes toward mathematics and motivation to continue schooling. 4. Recruit and train qualified mathematics teachers to teach English as a second language (ESL) mathematics.

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