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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anreizanalyse intensiver Freizeitnutzung von Computern : Hacker, Cracker und zweckorientierte Nutzer

Rheinberg, Falko, Tramp, Nadine January 2006 (has links)
Was bringt intensive Computernutzer dazu, ihre Freizeit am Rechner zu verbringen, und gibt es hierbei Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Nutzertypen? N = 271 Personen nahmen an einer online Befragung zu Anreizen freizeitlicher Computernutzung teil. Durch ausgewählte Internetverteiler waren gezielt besonders engagierte Computernutzer angesprochen worden (M = 3,9 Freizeitstunden am Rechner pro Tag). Für diese Nutzer fanden sich (in der Reihenfolge ihres Gewichtes) folgende Anreizfaktoren: Zugehörigkeit/Gemeinschaft; Kompetenzerleben; Vielseitigkeit/Nutzen; Langeweilevermeidung; rebellische Illegalitätstendenz. Gruppiert nach ihren bevorzugten Nutzungsweisen fanden sich drei Nutzertypen: Zweckorientierte Nutzer (58%), Hacker (= Eindringen in fremde Systeme ohne Schädigungsabsicht, 22%) und Cracker (Eindringen mit Schädigungsabsicht, 20%). Diese Nutzertypen unterschieden sich deutlich in ihrem Anreizprofil. Hacking und Cracking, nicht aber zweckorientierte Nutzungsweisen waren korreliert mit Flow-Erleben und positiver Aktivierung am Rechner. Die Ergebnisse sind nicht repräsentativ für alle Freizeitnutzer. Sie beziehen sich auf eine gezielt rekrutierte Stichprobe besonders engagierter Computernutzer, die über spezifische Netzwerke (z. B. relevante Fachschaften, Chaos Computer Club) erreichbar sind.

Flow bei der Arbeit, doch Glück in der Freizeit : Zielausrichtung, Flow und Glücksgefühle

Rheinberg, Falko, Manig, Yvette, Kliegl, Reinhold, Engeser, Stefan, Vollmeyer, Regina January 2008 (has links)
Bei N = 101 Arbeitnehmern verschiedener Berufe wurden mit der Experience Sampling Method (ESM) eine Woche lang Daten zum Flow-Erleben, zu Glück/Zufriedenheit und zur Zielausrichtung laufender Aktivitäten erhoben (N = 4603 Messungen). Die Daten wurden mit GLMM-Analysen ausgewertet. Auch bei der jetzt vollständigen Erfassung aller Flow-Komponenten mit der FKS bestätigte sich das „Paradoxon der Arbeit“, wonach während der Arbeit höhere Flow-Werte, aber niedrigere Werte für Glück/Zufriedenheit auftreten als jeweils in der Freizeit. Während der Arbeit waren Aktivitäten häufiger auf die Erreichung von Zielen ausgerichtet als während der Freizeit. Die Zielausrichtung wirkte auf Flow vs. Glück/Zufriedenheit signifikant verschieden. Während der Arbeit hat die Zielausrichtung auf Flow einen stark positiven Effekt, auf Glück/Zufriedenheit jedoch nicht. Im Freizeitbereich war der Effekt von Zielausrichtung auf Glück/Zufriedenheit sogar negativ. Das „Paradoxon der Arbeit“ lässt sich partiell als Effekt der Zielausrichtung verstehen. / For a week, data of N =101 employees with different professions was collected with the Experience Sampling Method (N = 4603 measurements). These data included flow-experience, happiness/satisfaction and goal adjustment of current activities. The data were analysed with GLMM. Flow-experience was measured with all components (FKS) and they confirmed the "paradox of work" (i.e., flow-scores are higher during work but scores for happiness/satisfaction are higher during spare time). During work, participants activities were more often directed towards reaching a goal. The effects of goal adjustment on flow vs. happiness/satisfaction differed significantly. During work goal adjustment had a strong positive effect on flow, but not on happiness/satisfaction. During leisure time goal adjustment had even a negative effect on happiness/satisfaction but a positive on flow. The "paradox of work" could be partially attributed to the stronger goal adjustment during work.

East of Arcadia : Three studies of rural women in northern Sweden and Wisconsin, USA

Frånberg, Gun-Marie January 1996 (has links)
This dissertation deals with three different studies of rural women in northern Sweden and Wisconsin, USA. All three of them aim at identify and elucidate pertinent aspects of women's lives in rural areas. In the first study, The Åsele study, women's work and free time activities are in the focus of investigation. The second, The Leading Light study, deals more explicitly with obstacles and problems that women meet with when trying to improve their living conditions and, finally, the Wisconsin study deals with the ways rural women organize their everyday lives. More specifically, while all three studies assume a gender and mode-of-living perspective, cultural issues, the relations between structure- agent and questions concerning the organization of everyday life receive separate treatment. Mostly qualitative methods are used in collecting data, including interviews and essays. Also questionnaires are used in order to gain a comprehensive picture of certain areas, such as activities and aspirations within the field of leisure. In the last study a reanalysis of an archived interview material, built on oral life histories, is used. The results give a complex and nuanced picture of women's lives in these areas. The farm women in the Wisconsin study have a heavy work load and contribute in different ways to the maintenance of the family. Their productive work is, however, made invisible in official statistics. The Åsele study gives a picture of a woman, who is not demanding anything special for herself, but is adapting to the traditional gender structures. Her life is organized around her home, her husband and her children. The young women intend to leave this area, which is one of the problems that the local politicians have to deal with. In the Leading light study, finally, it is above all the male representatives at the local governmental level that impede the women's ideas and ignore their propositions for change. Despite official signals of decentralisation of decision making, the bureaucratic structures seem to strengthen at the local level. Most of the women in this study praise life in the country side. The rural ideology also comprises a positive view of this mode of living. While the rural ideology is a entire male construction, the female conditions have to be problematized. This has been done in this thesis. / digitalisering@umu

Igenkännande och motkraft : Förskole- och fritidspedagogikens betydelse för specialpedagogiken - En deltagarorienterad studie / Recognition and Counter power

Siljehag, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues.

Ungdomarna och idrotten : tonåringars idrottande i fyra skilda miljöer

Larsson, Bengt January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to generate increased knowledge about young people’s leisure time sporting habits in a contextual perspective. The intention is to highlight the circumstances in which young people pursue and participate in different activities, with a particular focus on sport in terms of one’s own life circumstances. An essential point of departure of the study is regarding sport as an important pedagogic environment of norms and values. The perspective of the study is mainly cultural-sociological. In the analyses, Pierre Bourdieu’s key concepts habitus and capital have been used as research tools together with gender. The data on which the thesis is based is collected from young people from school year 9 living in four different milieus and comes from three different collections, conducted in 1996, 2002 and 2007. In each data collection about 1200-1500 pupils replied to a questionnaire. Sport occupies a central position in young people’s life on the recreational field. The results show that sport culture can best be understood in the local perspective. Young people’s sporting habit development can be said to be a result of a complex interplay between personal preferences, the home environment, local traditions, what is on offer, living conditions and the prevailing laws of gender and status. For the group of teenagers as a whole the proportion of members, as well as those who pursue personal sports, increases with higher educational capital and higher economic capital. When it comes to organised sport outside the sports club milieu no such connection can be determined. The thesis has shown that sport is not accessible for all and opportunities for participation are curtailed for large groups of young people in our society. This is especially true for sport organised in sport clubs, i.e. sport mainly supported by public funds.

Emotionell intelligens : Social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier och fritid hos högskolestuderande

Nilsson, Camilla, Moqvist, Marie January 2007 (has links)
Emotionell intelligens (EI) handlar om förmågan att identifiera och hantera egna och andras emotioner. Forskning har visat att hög EI var relaterat till flera livsområden såsom hälsa i form av mindre stress och kvalité på sociala relationer. Studien syftade till att undersöka samband mellan EI och följande: social förmåga, ensamhet och balans mellan studier/fritid hos sammanlagt 141 högskolestuderande. Mätinstrumentet var kvantitativt bestående av Internetbaserade Big Five Plus (L. Sjöberg, 2007) samt en pappersenkät. Resultat visade samband mellan social förmåga-, ensamhet- och EI. Studenter med hög EI hade bättre social förmåga och upplevde mindre ensamhet. Resultatet kan bidra till större medvetenhet om livssituation och bättre hantering av sociala relationer.

Klasstillhörighetens subjektiva dimension : klassidentitet, sociala attityder och fritidsvanor / The Subjective Dimension of Class : Class Identity, Social Attitudes and Leisure Habits

Karlsson, Lena January 2005 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to study the subjective class identification and the importance of this identification for social attitudes and leisure habits. Class identification is a significant, yet often neglected, area of research in the study of social class and stratification. The aim of this thesis has been to explore in what way the Swedish citizens perceive their own place in the structure of stratification. This thesis is based on three Swedish surveys, collected between 1993 and 2000. The results show that a vast majority of the citizens think that Sweden is still a class society and can place themselves in this structure. The most important sources for this identification are the objective class position and the class position of the father during childhood and adolescence. Identification with the working class is to a higher extent connected with a view that the differences in living conditions are too high, that the differences in the possibility to advance in the Swedish society are unequal and that the gap in income should decrease. This standpoint is nearly as common for people who identify with the working class irrespective of a socialistic or non- socialistic position. The results also show that class identification is related to the level of participation in different leisure activities. Identification with the middle class is connected with a higher degree of participation in a variety of activities, especially in highbrow culture such as theatre and opera. In the conclusion it is discussed that the relevance of class identification in the future is highly dependent on how class in the political and ideological sphere is formulated and attached with different attitudes, and if class is expressed as a positive source in the construction of the social identity.

Neighborhood Design and Travel : a Study of Residential Quality, Child Leisure Activity and Trips to School

Westford, Pia January 2010 (has links)
Sustainable urban mobility calls for well-informed design of neighborhoods. Although many studies have been conducted in the field, there is little evidence about the relationships between design elements, urban quality and behavior. Little is also known about residents’ valuation of design and urban quality in this context. This study uses a multidisciplinary approach to deal with these issues. The focus is on children’s leisure activities, their travel mode and independence of adult escort in trips to school. Logistic regression models were used to analyze connections between neighborhood design, parents’ satisfaction with urban qualities and children’s behavior. The study included socioeconomic factors, parents’ stated importance of qualities and travel mode to work. It was conducted in a suburban district in the Stockholm region, in three different modernist neighborhoods and one traditional villa area. The results support the hypothesis that environmental and social qualities, and proximity to school, can influence children’s trips to school, and the location and frequency of children’s leisure activities. The results confirm and extend earlier research. Two separate lifestyles were identified across neighborhoods with differencesin housing type and socioeconomic characteristics. They related to parents’ preferences for and priorities of public versus private urban qualities, and location of children’s leisure activity and travel mode to school. The results suggest that schools should be located in neighborhoods, close to both homes and transit, that neighborhoods are car-free or traffic separated and that the outdoor environment is stimulating and cycling-friendly. They further suggest that a higher quality of children’s environment would be achieved if parents’ preferences had greater impact on urban developments, whereas current professional design ideals of mixed traffic and high density can be unsupportive ofthese qualities and can increase car escorts. Altogether, the results point to that design at the neighborhood scale has significance in relation to mobility requirements; and that new priorities are needed in planning and design as part of a comprehensive urban and transportation policy.

Kvinnors möjlighet till återhämtning på fritiden.

Åkergren, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Att ha möjlighet till återhämtning är viktigt för hälsan. I denna studie är det återhämtning från arbetet efter arbetstidens slut som står i fokus, det vill säga den som företrädesvis sker på fritiden. Med fritid avser jag i denna intervjustudie den tid vi inte ägnar åt lönearbete. Fritidsintressen, föreningsliv, olika engagemang är aktiviteter som konkurrerar om vår tid. Det kan ibland vara ren återhämtning men ibland åtaganden som ökar stressen. Om utrymmet för återhämtning är ringa eller inte existerar finns en ökad risk för bland annat stressrelaterade besvär. Faktorer som är avgörande för vår återhämtning och fritid finns på individnivå, i vårt arbete, i vår psykosociala miljö och på samhällsnivå. Dagens folkhälsopolitik fokuserar på bestämningsfaktorer vilket är "faktorer i samhällsorganisationen och människors livsvillkor och levnadsvanor som bidrar till hälsa eller ohälsa". Människor verkar inom olika ramar, har olika resurser och reagerar olika på stressorer vi ställs inför. Enligt Aaron Antonovskys så har individer olika motståndskraft, vissa förblir friska, klarar sig bra trots stora påfrestningar vilket hänger samman hur de hanterar sina motgångar och sin förmåga att göra tillvaron sammanhängande (KASAM, Känsla Av SAMmanhang). Syftet har varit att undersöka hur (dubbel)arbetande kvinnor upplever och skapar sina återhämtningsmöjligheter på fritiden. Vidare för att belysa och skapa reflektion kring situationer som, kanske till stor del i det dolda kan ge ohälsosamma effekter. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer i semistrukturerad form. Analysen visade att kvinnorna hade en medvetenhet om återhämtningens betydelse. Att kunna göra egna val och prioritera var viktigt för återhämtningen och gav dem en känsla av meningsfullhet och att de hade kontroll. Det som främst konkurrerade om utrymmet för återhämtning var arbetet och familjelivet, även om det sistnämnda också gav återhämtning. Det som upplevdes som återhämtande varierade och kunde vara allt från att vila till fysisk aktivitet. / To have a possibility to recover is important for a person's health. Here the focus is on the recovery from work after the working hours, in effect the one that generally happens at our time of leisure. With leisure I anticipate in this context the time that we don't spend working within payed labour. Leisure interests, association commitments, engagements and so forth are activities that compete for our time. It can sometimes be pure recovery but sometimes commitments that increase stress. If room for regeneration is poor or nonexistent there is an increased risk for among other things, stress related troubles. Factors that are decisive for how our recovery and our time of leisure will look, exists on an individual level, in our psychosocial and on a communal level. Today's public health politics focus on decision factors which are "factors in the organization of society and humans living concurrences and living habits that has an impact on good health or poor health". We have different frames to operate in, different resources and we meet and react differently to all kinds of stress factors. According to Aaron Antonovskys, individuals have different levels of resistance. Some remain healthy and manage themselves well, in spite of great demands which have to do with how we handle our obstacles and our ability to give our way of life continuity (SOC, sense of coherence).   The focus on this work is on the recovery and leisure of women, i.e the experience and management of the individual recovery abilities during the leisure time. The purpose with the assignment has been to clarify how (dual) working women experience and manage their recovery opportunities. This to illuminate and create reflection about life situations that maybe to large degree concealed can produce unhealthy outcomes.

Faktoter som påverkar valet av fritidsaktiviteter efter stroke : En intervjustudie med sju personer som drabbats av stroke

Crona, Anna-Karin, Lagerstedt, Elin January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som påverkar valet av fritidsaktiviteter hos personer som haft stroke och på vilket sätt fritidsaktiviteterna har förändrats. För att uppnå syftet valdes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och utgick från en egengjord intervjuguide. Resultatet visade att utmaningen, gemenskapen, fysisk träning, självständighet, balans i vardagen, livssynen och rehabiliteringsteamet var faktorer som påverkade deltagarnas utförande av fritidsaktiviteter. Att anpassa fritidsaktiviteten eller att få personligt stöd var vanligare än att anpassa den fysiska miljön.

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