Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
1491 |
-Calle! dansar du balett eller? : En vetenskaplig essä om fritidshemsläraren som förebild i identitetsskapande processer. Sett ur ett genusperspektivAxelsson, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of my scientific essay is to examine the identity creating processes that goes on amongst pupils as well as pedagogues in leisure time centers. This seen from a gender perspective. The questions in this essay revolves around me as a role model in the leisure time center and how I use the binary gender categories in my line of work. Moreover, how can I present a safe environment for my pupils to try out their identity from a gender perspective. I analyze my questions seen through a leisure time center pedagogue ́s everyday worksituation under the influence of a workplace jargon. A jargon that seems to be enhancing the polatity between the binary gender categories. The theories I use in my essay to reflect upon my questions is Kants philosophy about freedom and the categorical imperative, Lenz Taguchis description of feministic poststructuralistic theory and Butlers theory on sex and gender as socially and cultural constructed. Through my scientific essay I have reflected upon my role as a role model in a way that takes me through an identity creating process of my own in my profession as a leisure time center pedagogue. And by takinga glance on my own actions it has created a bigger understanding of what has formed my own identity as a pedagogue from a gender perspective. This hopefully will increase my ability to present a safe environment for my future pupils in their identity creating processes in the leisure time center in a gender perspective. / Syftet med min vetenskapliga essä är att undersöka identitetsskapande processer på fritidshemmet, både hos pedagoger och elever. Frågeställningarna i essän berör min roll som förebild som blivande fritidshemslärare, hur jag förhåller mig till könskategorierna kvinna och man, flicka och pojke i mitt arbete. Och vidare hur jag skapar trygghet för att eleverna i fritidshemmet ska känna sig fria att pröva sin identitetur ett köns och genusperspektiv. Dessa frågor belyser jag ur ett gestaltat dilemma om hur en fritidshemslärares vardag kan präglas av en arbetsplatsjargong. En jargong som jag upplever förstärker polariteteten mellan könskategorierna kvinna och man. De teorier jag använder för att reflektera kring min vetenskapliga essäs frågeställningar är Kants teori om frihet och det kategoriska imperativet, Lenz Taguchis beskrivning av feministisk poststrukturalistisk teori och Butlers teori om kön och genus som socialt och kulturellt konstruerade. Genom min vetenskapliga essä har jag reflekterat kring min roll som förebild. Att skriva essän har i sig varit en identitetsskapande process för mig då jag vänt blicken mot mig själv i en situation som jag tidigare inte förstått min roll i. Vidare har jag genom essäskrivandet börjat förstå vilken komplex process identitetsskapande är och hur dessa processer är något som pågår samtidigt hos flera personer i ett socialt sammanhang. Min förhoppning är att detta kommer att öka min möjlighet och förmåga att se till att mina elevers identitetsskapande processer får fortgå i en trygg miljö på fritidshemmet.
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Využití literární výchovy v pedagogice volného času / The use of literary education in pedagogy of leisure timePĚNIČKOVÁ, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with possibilities of using literary text under the pedagogy of leisure time when mainly working with children in the elementary school. The theoretical part deals with key concepts of the research particularly in literary education, literary text, choice of text and literary education in leisure time. This part presents also the suitable methodical procedures when working with literary text in the school environment and leisure time activities focused on achieving esthetical experiences and development of key competencies. The practical part includes characteristics of chosen standard and activating educational methods. These methods represent the practical side of specific examples of children's and youth literature. The other part of thesis is also anthology of literary works, which can be used by leisure time teachers in educational process.
1493 |
Rozvoj výtvarné tvořivosti dětí v rámci volného času (předškolní věk) / Development of Children's Art Creativity in Free Time (pre-school age)HLAVATÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Pre-school age is a very important period for all children because at this time they gain most of their basic skills, knowledge, habits and experience. The fundamentals of their lifestyle and free time spending is made up in this period too. In my thesis I would like to highlight the big importance of leisure time education as the essential means of an art creativity development for pre-school children. In this work I specialize in an art creativity development in particular. My work is devided into two parts {--} the theoretical and the practical one. In the theoretical part I aim generally at the education and upbringing of pre-school children. Here I deal with children´s development of the aesthetic education, creativity and fantasy. I try to penetrate more into the world of children´s free time, interests and visual games. I also remembered to mention the children´s motivation and the necessity of a suitable setting for doing their free time activities. Further I give description on general rules of children´s development, their socialization and temperament. I shortly deal with the pedagogues´characters, their relation-ships to children and visual art and the way of their teaching as well. The core of my thesis is the second - practical part, in which all findings are demonstrated in the creative project About the air (O Vzduchu). The project should contribute to children´s development of positive approach to the nature and coun-tryside and to more prosperous emotional apprehension and experience. I try to use the features of an aesthetic, motoric, literary and dramatic education in all my project. In the thesis conclusion I state all results discovered in the course of the project implementation.
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Význam agroturistiky ve volném čase a její pedagogické aspekty / The Significance of Agricultural Tourism in Leisure Time and its Pedagogical AspectsBULÍN, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This work is focusing on questions about the agricultural tourism and in general about spending holidays in the country. It is a desk study and implicates the topic of tourist trade, leisure time and pedagogy of leisure time whereas it tries to expose everything to the main field of the work which are education aspects of the agricultural tourism. Furthemore, the work is focusing on concrete aspects, for instance on preparation and organization of supporting plans and housing standards of accomodation facilities which can be used within the framework of the agricultural tourism. The consituent is the chapter about types of guests who can take part in the agricultural tourism and about their special needs and expectations. One chapter of the work put brain to the anylysis of education plans of single fields of study which can prepare for the discussed activity.
1495 |
Volnočasové aktivity seniorů a jejich využívání v Českých Budějovicích / Leisure time activities of senior´s and their use in České BudějoviceMALIŇÁKOVÁ, Věra January 2010 (has links)
Thesis deals offering leisure activities for seniors in České Budějovice and their use. First, the author deals with basic concepts of the topic, defines terms of age and aging and discusses the problems that this entails. She also describes the social aspects and shows the negative demographic development of aging in EU countries and the Czech Republic. In the research concludes that in the sample seniors living in the Czech Budejovice is the most active group of seniors visiting the University of the Third Age, while the group home for elderly people spend their time differently from other groups, perhaps related to the fact that life in a constitutional device is specific and different
1496 |
Rozvoj výtvarné tvořivosti dětí v rámci PVČ {--} mladší školní věk / Developement to Art Activity of Children of Younger School Age in the Pedagogy of Leisure TimePLETKOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on development of creativity in younger school-age children within the scope of leisure time education. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part describes various terms relating to creativity, various views of creativity, creativity barriers and their overcoming, and the relationship between a family and a creative child. The practical part of the thesis is focused on elaboration and implementation of a project creating the syllabi of sample lessons for younger school-age children. Following the idea of a multi-stage structure of work with children in consecutive cycles, the project is implemented in five consecutive steps allowing utilization of all opportunities offered by the particular facility and gradation of the emphasis on advancement in creative activities of children.
1497 |
A formação dos educadores sociais de esporte e lazer no Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) em Porto AlegreTondin, Gilmar January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da formação dos Educadores Sociais de Esporte e Lazer do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) ocorrido em Porto Alegre. Este programa constitui-se em uma ação da política pública de esporte e lazer do governo federal. O estudo buscou compreender os impactos e significados atribuídos às formações por estes educadores que atuam em comunidades localizadas nas periferias da cidade. Procurou-se identificar em que medida as formações contribuíram para a prática pedagógica do educador social de esporte e lazer. A partir destas premissas formulou-se o seguinte problema de pesquisa: De que modo os Educadores Sociais de Esporte e Lazer relacionam a formação do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade e a prática pedagógica que realizam nas comunidades? Quais os limites e potencialidades dessa relação? Foi utilizado como instrumentos de coleta de informações no trabalho de campo a entrevista semiestruturada, o diário de campo e a análise documental. A partir da análise das informações construíram-se as seguintes categorias: a formação no programa esporte e lazer da cidade; o lazer e o esporte no programa esporte e lazer da cidade; a prática pedagógica; a comunidade; e, a gestão local do programa. Na sequência discutem-se as categorias a partir das falas tanto do grupo dos educadores sociais do programa, como o dos gestores e formadores, contemplando esses distintos olhares. Foi possível identificar consenso entre os grupos, como o curto período de duração do programa, considerado insuficiente para a consolidação desta política pública. Também foi possível perceber discordâncias entre os grupos. O tempo do gestor e o tempo do educador para respostas e anseios da formação são distintos. Enquanto um procura elementos para a reflexão, o outro deseja sugestões para auxiliá-lo na ação. Para o grupo de educadores, as metodologias para desenvolver o trabalho no seu dia a dia tem mais significado que as discussões conceituais e teóricas. O sistema de formação e o trabalho junto às comunidades foram considerados elementos de destaque no programa. Os fatores de mobilização para o envolvimento dos educadores no programa esporte e lazer da cidade foram: a possibilidade de novas aprendizagens; adquirir experiências por estarem em início de carreira profissional; e, o interesse em se envolver em trabalhos sociais. Este estudo permitiu identificar a necessidade de estruturar uma formação diferenciada daquela em ambiente escolar para o educador social de esporte e lazer. Considerase importante compreender que este sujeito atua em espaços físicos ressignificados para a prática do lazer e em um ambiente educativo não escolar, mas nem por isso distanciado de um processo de desenvolvimento de cidadania dos sujeitos. / This dissertation deals with the training of social educators of sport and leisure program for sport and leisure of the city occurred in Porto Alegre. This program is a public policy action on sport and leisure of the federal Government. The study sought to understand the impacts and meanings assigned to these educators who work in communities located in the outskirts of the city. I have tried to identify to what extent the training contributed to the pedagogical practice of social educator of sport and leisure. From these assumptions I made the following: search problem As Social educators of sport and leisure related training PELC and the pedagogical practice that perform in communities? What are the limits and potential of this relationship? Used as information-gathering instruments in the field work interview semiestruturada, the field journal and documentary analysis. From the analysis of information construct the following categories: training in sport and leisure of the city; Leisure and sport in sport and leisure of the city; the pedagogical practice; the community; and, the local management of the program. Present and discuss the categories from the speeches of both the Group of social educators, such as the program managers and trainers, contemplating these distinct looks. Unable to identify consensus among groups, such as the short duration of the program, considered insufficient for the consolidation of this public policy. It was also possible to realize dichotomies between the groups. The Manager's time and the time of the educator to responses and yearnings of formation are distinct. While a search elements for reflection in the other want suggestions to assist you in action. For the Group of educators, methodologies to develop the work in their day to day has more meaning as conceptual and theoretical discussions. The system of training and work communities were considered prominent elements in the program. The factors of mobilization for the involvement of educators in sport and leisure of the city were: the possibility of new apprenticeships; acquire experiences by being in early professional career; and, the interest in getting involved in social work. This study identified the need to structure a differentiated formation from those in the school environment for the social educator of sport and leisure. It is necessary to consider this subject plays in physical spaces to practice ressignificados and leisure in an educational environment not at school, but not so distanced from the development process of citizenship of the subject. / Esta tesis se ocupa de la formación de educadores sociales del deporte y programa de ocio, deporte y ocio de la ciudad se produjo en Porto Alegre. Este programa es una acción de política pública sobre el deporte y ocio del Gobierno federal. El estudio trató de entender el impacto y la entiende estos educadores que trabajan en comunidades ubicadas en las afueras de la ciudad. He intentado identificar en qué medida la formación ha contribuido a la práctica pedagógica de la educadora social del deporte y ocio. ¿Desde estos supuestos hice los siguientes: buscar los educadores como Social problema del deporte y ocio relacionadas con la formación PELC y la práctica pedagógica que realizan en las comunidades? ¿Cuáles son los límites y el potencial de esta relación? Utilizados como instrumentos de recopilación de información en el trabajo de campo entrevista semiestruturada, el diario de campo y análisis documental. El análisis de información de construir las siguientes categorías: capacitación en deporte y ocio de la ciudad; Ocio y el deporte en el deporte y ocio de la ciudad; la práctica pedagógica; la comunidad; y la gestión local del programa. Presentar y discutir las categorías de los discursos del grupo de los educadores sociales, tales como los entrenadores, contemplando estas distintas miradas y los directores de programa. No se ha podido identificar un consenso entre los grupos, como la corta duración del programa, considerado insuficiente para la consolidación de esta política pública. También fue posible realizar dicotomías entre los grupos. Tiempo del administrador y el tiempo del educador respuestas y anhelos de formación son distintos. Mientras un elementos de búsqueda para la reflexión en el otro quieren sugerencias que le ayudarán a la acción. El grupo de educadores, metodologías para desarrollar el trabajo en su día a día tiene más significado como debates conceptuales y teóricos. El sistema de formación y las comunidades de trabajo se consideraron elementos destacados en el programa. Los factores de movilización para la participación de educadores en el deporte y ocio de la ciudad fueron: la posibilidad de nuevos aprendizajes; adquirir experiencias por estar en carrera profesional; y el interés en involucrarse en el trabajo social. Este estudio identificó la necesidad de estructurar una formación diferenciada de aquellas en el entorno escolar para el educador social del deporte y ocio. Es necesario tener en cuenta que este asunto juega en espacios físicos para prácticas ressignificados y ocio en un entorno educativo no en la escuela, pero no tan distanciada desde el proceso de desarrollo de la ciudadanía sobre el tema.
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A formação dos educadores sociais de esporte e lazer no Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) em Porto AlegreTondin, Gilmar January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da formação dos Educadores Sociais de Esporte e Lazer do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) ocorrido em Porto Alegre. Este programa constitui-se em uma ação da política pública de esporte e lazer do governo federal. O estudo buscou compreender os impactos e significados atribuídos às formações por estes educadores que atuam em comunidades localizadas nas periferias da cidade. Procurou-se identificar em que medida as formações contribuíram para a prática pedagógica do educador social de esporte e lazer. A partir destas premissas formulou-se o seguinte problema de pesquisa: De que modo os Educadores Sociais de Esporte e Lazer relacionam a formação do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade e a prática pedagógica que realizam nas comunidades? Quais os limites e potencialidades dessa relação? Foi utilizado como instrumentos de coleta de informações no trabalho de campo a entrevista semiestruturada, o diário de campo e a análise documental. A partir da análise das informações construíram-se as seguintes categorias: a formação no programa esporte e lazer da cidade; o lazer e o esporte no programa esporte e lazer da cidade; a prática pedagógica; a comunidade; e, a gestão local do programa. Na sequência discutem-se as categorias a partir das falas tanto do grupo dos educadores sociais do programa, como o dos gestores e formadores, contemplando esses distintos olhares. Foi possível identificar consenso entre os grupos, como o curto período de duração do programa, considerado insuficiente para a consolidação desta política pública. Também foi possível perceber discordâncias entre os grupos. O tempo do gestor e o tempo do educador para respostas e anseios da formação são distintos. Enquanto um procura elementos para a reflexão, o outro deseja sugestões para auxiliá-lo na ação. Para o grupo de educadores, as metodologias para desenvolver o trabalho no seu dia a dia tem mais significado que as discussões conceituais e teóricas. O sistema de formação e o trabalho junto às comunidades foram considerados elementos de destaque no programa. Os fatores de mobilização para o envolvimento dos educadores no programa esporte e lazer da cidade foram: a possibilidade de novas aprendizagens; adquirir experiências por estarem em início de carreira profissional; e, o interesse em se envolver em trabalhos sociais. Este estudo permitiu identificar a necessidade de estruturar uma formação diferenciada daquela em ambiente escolar para o educador social de esporte e lazer. Considerase importante compreender que este sujeito atua em espaços físicos ressignificados para a prática do lazer e em um ambiente educativo não escolar, mas nem por isso distanciado de um processo de desenvolvimento de cidadania dos sujeitos. / This dissertation deals with the training of social educators of sport and leisure program for sport and leisure of the city occurred in Porto Alegre. This program is a public policy action on sport and leisure of the federal Government. The study sought to understand the impacts and meanings assigned to these educators who work in communities located in the outskirts of the city. I have tried to identify to what extent the training contributed to the pedagogical practice of social educator of sport and leisure. From these assumptions I made the following: search problem As Social educators of sport and leisure related training PELC and the pedagogical practice that perform in communities? What are the limits and potential of this relationship? Used as information-gathering instruments in the field work interview semiestruturada, the field journal and documentary analysis. From the analysis of information construct the following categories: training in sport and leisure of the city; Leisure and sport in sport and leisure of the city; the pedagogical practice; the community; and, the local management of the program. Present and discuss the categories from the speeches of both the Group of social educators, such as the program managers and trainers, contemplating these distinct looks. Unable to identify consensus among groups, such as the short duration of the program, considered insufficient for the consolidation of this public policy. It was also possible to realize dichotomies between the groups. The Manager's time and the time of the educator to responses and yearnings of formation are distinct. While a search elements for reflection in the other want suggestions to assist you in action. For the Group of educators, methodologies to develop the work in their day to day has more meaning as conceptual and theoretical discussions. The system of training and work communities were considered prominent elements in the program. The factors of mobilization for the involvement of educators in sport and leisure of the city were: the possibility of new apprenticeships; acquire experiences by being in early professional career; and, the interest in getting involved in social work. This study identified the need to structure a differentiated formation from those in the school environment for the social educator of sport and leisure. It is necessary to consider this subject plays in physical spaces to practice ressignificados and leisure in an educational environment not at school, but not so distanced from the development process of citizenship of the subject. / Esta tesis se ocupa de la formación de educadores sociales del deporte y programa de ocio, deporte y ocio de la ciudad se produjo en Porto Alegre. Este programa es una acción de política pública sobre el deporte y ocio del Gobierno federal. El estudio trató de entender el impacto y la entiende estos educadores que trabajan en comunidades ubicadas en las afueras de la ciudad. He intentado identificar en qué medida la formación ha contribuido a la práctica pedagógica de la educadora social del deporte y ocio. ¿Desde estos supuestos hice los siguientes: buscar los educadores como Social problema del deporte y ocio relacionadas con la formación PELC y la práctica pedagógica que realizan en las comunidades? ¿Cuáles son los límites y el potencial de esta relación? Utilizados como instrumentos de recopilación de información en el trabajo de campo entrevista semiestruturada, el diario de campo y análisis documental. El análisis de información de construir las siguientes categorías: capacitación en deporte y ocio de la ciudad; Ocio y el deporte en el deporte y ocio de la ciudad; la práctica pedagógica; la comunidad; y la gestión local del programa. Presentar y discutir las categorías de los discursos del grupo de los educadores sociales, tales como los entrenadores, contemplando estas distintas miradas y los directores de programa. No se ha podido identificar un consenso entre los grupos, como la corta duración del programa, considerado insuficiente para la consolidación de esta política pública. También fue posible realizar dicotomías entre los grupos. Tiempo del administrador y el tiempo del educador respuestas y anhelos de formación son distintos. Mientras un elementos de búsqueda para la reflexión en el otro quieren sugerencias que le ayudarán a la acción. El grupo de educadores, metodologías para desarrollar el trabajo en su día a día tiene más significado como debates conceptuales y teóricos. El sistema de formación y las comunidades de trabajo se consideraron elementos destacados en el programa. Los factores de movilización para la participación de educadores en el deporte y ocio de la ciudad fueron: la posibilidad de nuevos aprendizajes; adquirir experiencias por estar en carrera profesional; y el interés en involucrarse en el trabajo social. Este estudio identificó la necesidad de estructurar una formación diferenciada de aquellas en el entorno escolar para el educador social del deporte y ocio. Es necesario tener en cuenta que este asunto juega en espacios físicos para prácticas ressignificados y ocio en un entorno educativo no en la escuela, pero no tan distanciada desde el proceso de desarrollo de la ciudadanía sobre el tema.
1499 |
Hlavní vedoucí dětského tábora - pedagog a manažer / Main camp leader - a pedagogue and managerNová, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
The Master's Thesis focuses on pedagogical and managerial tasks of children camps' main leader. The aim is to define these tasks and to analyse the position's official formal characteristics - professional qualification and experience - for camps organized by bodies that are not leisure time educational centres. The assumption here is that mostly the head chiefs do not hold professional qualification as there is no legal obligation. The Theory uses comparative method to classify camps as leisure time educative activity. Further, the history and legal and practical conditions of the camps are described. Pedagogical and managerial tasks of the head chiefs are explained together with desirable competences. Possible ways of gaining the professional qualification are presented. In the Research part the above stated assumption was supposed to be confirmed or rejected through a questionnaire and additional guided interviews. 103 respondents of the research were head chiefs of children camps organized in 2016 in South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic. Results' analysis rejected the stated assumption. It was proved that a greater-than-expected number of the camps' head chiefs are professionally qualified. At least 50 % of the respondents have the necessary pedagogical qualification together with suitable...
1500 |
Zapojení dětí s ADHD a ADD do mimoškolních výtvarných aktivit / Involvement of children with ADHD and ADD in extracurricular artistic activitiesKlimentová, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the eyes of a teacher's free time in order to select appropriate teaching methods for children with ADHD and ADD to these methods allowed the efficient learning with maximum possible use of the potential of the child. The paper discusses selected-art leisure activities, their fillings, forms, methods of teaching in the context of teaching children with ADHD and ADD. Theoretical knowledge is used in the practical part of the analysis of the data collected by means of questionnaires, interviews and observation. At the conclusion of the detailed preparation of the lesson, implementation of educational and training programs and job description of children with ADHD and ADD with the use of available resources and teaching aids. On the basis of the data, it is possible to use art resources-live to work with children with ADHD and ADD, that can help the child with self expression., may act therapeutically and relaxing. At the same time, you can use techniques to indulge the child a sense of accomplishment, which is otherwise the child may receive in the normal school too.
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