Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEISURE"" "subject:"[enn] LEISURE""
1501 |
PERCEIVED MEANINGFUL LEISURE TIME AND EDUCATION : A sub-study of actions for sustainable education and health among youthParvin, Dill Robiya January 2021 (has links)
A higher level of education increases the chances of getting work, therefore, this can improve the socio-economic status and social position. Besides, higher education ensures improved health by providing fundamental health knowledge. Completing high school even with low grades increases the chances of getting a job, whereas, unemployment is three times more common among the students with incomplete high school education which leads to low socio-economic status and an unhealthy lifestyle in the long run. This study aims to gain a better understanding of high school students’ perspectives living in Västerås and Eskilstuna regarding meaningful leisure activities and perceived quality of education from their school which may lead to complete high school education. This study will also investigate whether there are any associations between membership in sports and perceived quality of education by adolescents at different gender and socio-economic levels. A cross-sectional study design was applied in this study. The result shows there are many available outdoor activities where the adolescents live to spend their leisure, among them parks are the most reported (314, 58%); walking and cycling paths, running track, outdoor gym and soccer field are the second most reported available opportunity (309, 56.8%) followed by the free sports activities (295, 55.9%). The most popular activities to adolescents are free sports (71, 13.2%) together with homework help at school (70, 13.1%); and more adolescents have membership in sports associations compared to other associations. Also, the study finds that adolescents who either have membership in sports or not do not make any change to the perceived quality of education by students whether they get a very good education, good education, and less than good education in high schools at different gender and self-reported socioeconomic levels. / ACTION: Actions for sustainable education and health among youth
1502 |
Volnočasové centrum / Leisure centrePlíhalová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this Master thesis is a project of a leisure center. The project covers building plans, specifications and includes all the requirements according to valid regulations. The project comprises of two buildings which are connected together by a corridor. The first is a two storey building and contains classrooms designed to be used for aesthetics activities, children play area, cloakrooms, toilets and offices for the managers of these buildings. The second a one storey building comprises two halls for sport activities and the rest of the area is intended to be used as a play area for children, study rooms for teachers and a tool store. The roofing of both buildings is designed as a single pitched roof made of timber ties. This project also includes heat loss with sound assessment, fire assessment and two other projects of services and structures, described in the details of these buildings.
1503 |
Fritidslärares arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd / Leisure teachers' work with students in need for special support : A study of leisure teachers work supportat a leisure homeSöderberg, Nadja January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fritidslärare arbetar med elever i särskilt behov av stöd och deras arbete kring elever i behov av särskilt stöd och om de har tillräcklig kompetens för detta arbete. Metoden som användes i studien var frågeformulär som gjorts via internet. Länken till frågeformuläret mejlades ut till fritidslärare som arbetar på fritidshem. Den teoretiska ansatsen är sociokulturellt synsätt på lärande samt didaktik. Resultatet av studien visar på att fritidslärare anser att i utbildningen till fritidslärare har de fått för lite kompetens när det kommer till specialpedagogik. Hur de ska arbeta med elever i behov av särskilt stöd samt resonemanget kring arbetet. Resultatet visar även att fritidslärare ibland får klara sig själva utan stöd av speciallärare/specialpedagog eller elevassistent, vilket menas med att elever i behov av särskilt stöd kan ha elevassistent på skolan men att assistenten inte finns med på fritidshemmet. / The purpose of the study is to investigate how leisure teachers work with students in special need of support and their work around students in need of special support and whether they have the sufficient competence for this work. The method used in the study was questionnaires made via internet. The link to the questionnaire was emailed to leisure teachers who work at leisure centers. The theoretical approach is socio-cultural approach to learning and didactis. The result of the study show the leisure teacher believe that in the training for leisure teachers they have received not enough competence when it come to special education. How to work with students in need special support and the reasoning around the work. The results also show that leisure teachers sometimes must fend for themselves without the support of special teacher/special educator or student assistant, which means that student in need of special support may have a student assistant at the school but that student assistant is not at the after school.
1504 |
Fritidspersonalens verklighet : En enkätstudie om vilken syn personal inom fritidshem har på sin arbetsroll och sitt uppdrag / The reality of leisure teachers : A survey about leisure teachers' view on their profession and missionAlbinsson, Josefin, Hållberg, Lisen January 2019 (has links)
Efter att fritidshemmet år 2016 fick ett eget kapitel i läroplanen styrktes fritidslärarnas uppdrag ytterligare och från den första juli 2019 blir det krav på behörighet och legitimation för lärare i fritidshem. Med anledning av att yrket har gått, och går igenom förändringar, kan det öppnas upp för att nya förmågor och kunskaper blir av värde att ha i verksamheten jämfört med tidigare. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad verksam personal inom fritidshem anser är värdefulla kvaliteteter, kunskaper och förmågor att besitta vid arbete inom fritidshem. Vi vill även undersöka hur personal inom fritidshem ser på sin yrkesroll och sitt uppdrag. Studien har en kvantitativ metod där vi använt oss av webbenkät för att få in data från personal inom fritidshem, 53 stycken valde att besvara enkäten. Vårt resultat pekar på att ledarskapsförmåga och kunskaper kring konflikthantering är det som är mest värdefullt vid arbete inom fritidshem. Att inneha en relevant pedagogisk utbildning är av vikt men det innebär inte att en person nödvändigtvis är lämplig för arbete inom fritidshem. Kunskaper samt personliga förmågor är mer värdefullt än en relevant pedagogisk utbildning. Det som är minst viktigt att inneha är yrkeserfarenhet samt kunskaper kring digitala verktyg. Resultatet pekar även på att personal inom fritidshem anser att deras arbetsuppgifter ska ha en koppling till fritidshem, alternativt grunda sig i fritidspedagogik, även under skoltid. Våra respondenter tar tydligt avstånd från skolans ordinarie verksamhet, och vill inte arbeta som elevassistent eller resurs i klass.
1505 |
Meandering Motivations: A Look into the Changing Motivations of Appalachian Trail Thru-HikersSchuring, Savannah A. 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
1506 |
A Study of the Leisure Time Activities of the Boys of Big Spring High School During the School Year 1948-1949 and the Summer of 1949 with Recommendations for the Future Development of the High School Physical Education and the City Recreation ProgramBonner, Ross Wayne 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were: (1) to determine by grade groups how the boys of Big Spring High School spend their leisure time, (2) to gain information for use in broadening the instruction in physical education and recreation, (3) to have information for possible recommendations for the physical education department and city recreation program.
1507 |
Anpassningar på fritidshem : en studie kring pedagogers upplevelse av pedagogiska anpassningar för elever med olika funktionsnedsättningarDaynac, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
1508 |
Why does not a professional sport team impact local economy, or does it? : An explanation and extension from earlier studies in SwedenRune, Björn, Longuet, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Subsidies to professional sports teams remain a controversial issue, and in most European countries these subsidies have decreased over the past decades. However, in Sweden they are a common occurrence, municipalities are giving generous amounts of money to their local team. To justify these subsidies, proponents of sports team claim their great economic impact on the local area. Nevertheless, in the sport economic literature, most of the researchers cannot find any positive impact and some of them even find negative impact from a hosting a professional sports team. This study will give an explanation and extension to the earlier articles about sport economics written in Sweden by Emelie Värja (2014) and Lars Behrenz (2009). In this essay we will present two models. The idea behind our first model is to investigate if professional sport events should be considered as a substitute to other leisure activities. This model indicates that there is a substitution effect between ice hockey games and cinema admissions in Sweden. The outcome from our other model which studies the condominium market strongly contradicts the generous sport subsidies given by Swedish municipalities. The results indicate that the presence of a professional ice hockey team lowers the condominiums prices.
1509 |
Varför är du brun? : Relation fritidshemslärare-elev i ljuset av normer, maktperspektiv och ledarskap som leder till agerandeMohseni-Tabrizi, Daniel, Hjelte, Ramona January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vår essä är att undersöka situationen för fritidshemslärare med utländsk bakgrund inom svensk skola. Vi har fokuserat på situationer då elevers ifrågasättande av att de avviker från normen på grund av att deras hudfärg. Vi har skrivit berättelser som bygger på våra egna erfarenheter ifrån vårt arbetsliv som vi ser som dilemman. Fyra frågeställningar har vi kunnat forma utifrån våra dilemman. För att kunna förstå våra dilemman och besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt teorier som handlar om dialogiska samtal och erfarenheter, interkulturellt ledarskap, normer, maktperspektiv, svenska styrdokument för skolan och yrkesetik. Vår slutsats är bland annat att genom dialog om våra personliga erfarenheter kan man förstå sig själv och andra bättre. I vår essä framgår det också hur viktiga styrdokumenten är som stöd för fritidshemslärare i sina ageranden som påverkar elevernas sociala utveckling. / The purpose with our essay is to research the situation of leisure-time teachers within the Swedish school that has foreign background, specifically the situation when pupils question them of being different from the norm through the color of their skin. We have written stories that we have based on our own experiences from our professional lives and that we view as dilemmas. We have been able to form four questions from our dilemmas. For us to be able to understand our dilemmas and to answer our questions we have used theories that are about dialogue, experience, intercultural leadership, norm and authority perspective, Swedish regulation documents for school and work-ethics. Our conclusion, amongst other things, is that through dialogue about our personal experiences one can understand oneself and others better. In our essay, it also shows the importance of the regulation documents as support to the leisure-time teachers in their actions that influence pupils`, social developement.
1510 |
No description available.
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