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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konkret material imatematikundervisningen / Manipulatives in mathematics teaching

Allerstål, Elin, Nilsson, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att undersöka om och hur konkret material gynnar eleversmatematikinlärning i de tidigare åren i grundskolan. Frågeställningen är följande:-Om och på vilket sätt kan konkret material främja elevers matematikinlärning?Genom ett systematiskt söksätt i olika databaser har vi funnit relevanta vetenskapliga artiklarsom besvarar arbetets frågeställning och resultatet grundar sig på. Databaserna som har använtsär ERIC, ERC, SWEpub samt Google Scholar. För att hitta fler relevanta artiklar har ävenkedjesökningar genomförts och sammanlagt har 8 artiklar analyserats och sammanfattats.Resultatet bygger på analyserat material utifrån internationella vetenskapliga artiklar som ledertill samstämmiga fakta kring konkret material och matematiklärandeResultatet har delats in i två delar som beskriver hur konkret material ökar begreppsförståelsesamt konkret material i matematikundervisningen. Slutsatsen av resultatet i dennakunskapsöversikt visar på att konkret material kan främja elevers matematikinlärning och attdet finns vissa förutsättningar för lärande i samband med konkret material som arbetssätt.

Structure-property quantification and modeling related to crashworthiness

Carrasquel Romero, Isha C 09 August 2008 (has links)
The objective of this study is to characterize critical component structure-properties on a Dodge Neon for material response refinement in crashworthiness simulations. Crashworthiness simulations using full-scale finite element (FE) vehicle models are an important part of vehicle design. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over six million vehicle crashes in the United States during 2004, claming lives of more than 40,000 people. Crashworthiness simulations on a detailed FE model of a 1996 Plymouth/Dodge Neon were conducted on the NHTSA for different impact crash scenarios. The top-ten energy-absorbing components of the vehicle were determined. Material was extracted from the as-built vehicle and microstructural analyses were conducted. Tension tests at different temperatures and strain rates were performed as well as microhardness tests. Different microstructural spatial clustering and mechanical properties were found for diverse vehicle components. A plasticity model based on microstructure was used to predict the material response of the front bumper.

Investigation of the Seismic Capacity of a School Built with Recycled Materials

Kozlesky, Joel Aden 20 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Thermoelectric Performance of Spark Plasma Sintered Co4Ge6Te6 Ternary Skutterudite and Doped SnTe Compounds

Aminzare, Masoud 11 1900 (has links)
A large amount of thermal energy is being wasted every day from domestic and industrial usages such as home appliance and heating system, vehicle exhaust and many industrial processes including melting, refining, annealing, and forming. However, there were a significant impact on the environment and economy if one could recover this waste energy and convert it to useful energy for the industrial or domestic consumptions. Thermoelectric (TE) generators as a direct heat conversion technology are a promising approach to scavenge waste heat and to significantly improve the overall energy efficiency of energy-intensive industries. However, the energy conversion efficiency of current thermoelectric materials is insufficient to make the technology economically viable. In this study, we investigated two potential thermoelectric materials, Co4Ge6Te6 skutterudite and SnTe, in order to enhance their TE properties. Among all the state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials, skutterudites have been found to be brilliant candidates for thermoelectric applications due to their remarkable electronic transport properties. Ternary skutterudites are isostructural to their binary analogues with the advantage of lower lattice thermal conductivity than the unfilled binary skutterudites due to the increased structural complexity. Here, in order to further understand this system and its thermoelectric properties, polycrystalline Co4Ge6Te6 (CGT) was investigated as a model ternary skutterudite material. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) was used to solidify the samples. The microstructure, phase stability, compositional homogeneity and thermoelectric behaviour of the sintered samples under SPS condition were investigated. We found that SPS can form different crystalline phases due to the migration of highly mobile species inside the sample due to the applied electrical current. There were significant inconsistencies in the physical properties of the samples. We also realized that Sb-doped CGT samples yielded to the highest power factor reported for the CGT derivatives so far. Moreover, recent environmental regulations have restricted the use of lead in many real-life applications including thermoelectric power generators. SnTe as a lead-free chalcogenide-based material can be a promising TE candidate to attain high thermoelectric performance. However, the main issue with SnTe is high intrinsic Sn vacancies leading to low Seebeck coefficient and high electrical thermal conductivity. In this regard, we aimed to introduce different metallic species into the SnTe samples (Sn1-xAxTe, A= Co, Ni, Zn, Ge, and x = 0.01, 0.03, 0.05) to enhance their TE performance. Each metallic species presented different solubility and microstructural impact on the main SnTe phase and therefore caused variations in physical properties. Ge-doped samples had more uniform microstructures with a very few Ge-rich regions, which implies higher Ge solubility in SnTe matrix. The existence of impurity phases in the Co-, Ni-, Zn-doped samples yields lower lattice thermal conductivities without deterioration in charge transport properties, leading to higher ZT values relative to the pristine SnTe sample. Microhardness of the doped samples is also improved due to the crack growth suppression and crack branching. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Material Properties from Miniature Punch Test and Finite Element Analysis

Dai, Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
The Punch test provides a technique for the determination of material properties from small specimens. Using the rectangular specimen, the test can be used to control the orientation of the cracking plane which was not possible in the ball punch on a circular disk design. A three dimensional quarter finite element model was formulated to simulate the punch test for 150°C and 300°C tests performed on So8 steel. The comparison of predicted and measured load-deflection and stress-strain curves showed good agreement between FE model and tests. A user interface, which allows for routine application, with the necessary postprocessing capabilities was developed and tested for the purpose of simulating miniature punch tests and estimating stress-strain data from measured load curves. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Material and Form

Larsen, Matthew 02 March 2006 (has links)
This thesis is the search for clarity in the relationship between essence and appearance, construction and form, necessity and possibility, object and subject. It is a reflection on the question of the nature of building. I cannot tell you that something is beautiful. I can only explain why I do what I do, and how I do it. I have tried to limit the text to a minimum, because architecture is not about words. Text is added to clarify an idea. The project is a bank made with brick in Old Town Alexandria. / Master of Architecture

A Bath House in Suzhou, China

Jiang, Mingzhen 23 August 2019 (has links)
The thesis is about an urban bathhouse in Suzhou, China that explores the relationship of the time honored traditions with modern customs and building techniques. Traditional bath house in memory is always crowded, confined, dim and toneless. The project seeks a new possibility for a modern bath house by studying the structural order and light quality, to make the bath house not only a place for body hygiene, but also a place for mind relaxation and rejuvenation. / Master of Architecture

Beneficial Reuse of Dredged Materials in Upland Environments

Haus, Nicholas Wes 02 February 2012 (has links)
Sediments excavated from dredging operations are known as dredged materials. Beneficial reuse of dredged materials in confined utilization facilities (CUFs) is a new approach that has the potential to productively utilize large quantities of dredged materials. However, several factors can inhibit the use of dredged materials in CUFs. In this study, high levels of salts and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated. In the first part of this study, 176,000 m3 of saline dredged materials was placed into a CUF. In less than 4 years, most of the dredged materials had developed horizonation and converted to Inceptisols. The formation of pedogenic Bg horizons in these soils occurred after a polygonal prism network had developed which partially disintegrated into a blocky structured, oxidized horizon with an abundance of redoximorphic features. During the study period, the soil chemistry of the weathering dredged materials shifted from Na-dominated to Ca and Mg-dominated system, allowing plant invasion. In the second part of the study, a bench-scale greenhouse bioremediation experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of biosolids, compost, and straw at enhancing PAH degradation. Initial concentrations of PAHs decreased significantly after 150 days using standard methods of extraction. However, at 327 days the concentrations of many PAHs, especially those with higher molecular weights, had rebounded close to initial levels. This indicates that PAH bioremediation studies using organic matter additions and conducted using standard methods of extraction need to be carried out longer periods of time or that extraction methods need to be improved. / Master of Science

Global patterns of material flows and their socio-economic and environmental implications: a MFA study on all countries world-wide from 1980 to 2009.

Giljum, Stefan, Dittrich, Monika, Lutter, Franz Stephan, Lieber, Mirko 18 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This paper assesses world-wide patterns of material extraction, trade, consumption and productivity based on a new data set for economy-wide material flows, covering used materials for all countries world-wide between 1980 and 2009. We show that global material extraction has grown by more than 90% over the past 30 years and is reaching almost 70 billion tonnes today. Also, trade volumes in physical terms have increased by a factor of 2.5 over the past 30 years, and in 2009, 9.3 billion tonnes of raw materials and products were traded around the globe. China has turned into the biggest consumer of materials world-wide and together with the US, India, Brazil and Russia, consumes more than 50% of all globally extracted materials. We also show that the per-capita consumption levels are very uneven, with a factor of more than 60 between the country with the lowest and highest consumption in 2009. On average, each human being consumed 10 tonnes of materials in 2009, 2 tonnes more than in 1980. We discuss whether decoupling of economies' growth from resource use has occurred and analyse interrelations of material use with human development. Finally, we elaborate on key environmental problems related to various material groups.

Elaboração e validação de material audiovisual para conscientização de doadores de sangue / Development and implementation of audiovisual material for blood donors awareness

Paiva, Paulo Henrique Ribeiro de 06 December 2016 (has links)
As transfusões sanguíneas constituem-se uma ferramenta indispensável na prática médica atual, sendo a captação e retenção de doadores uma preocupação de todo serviço hemoterápico, assim como a segurança dos doadores e receptores. Neste sentido, a educação prévia à doação de sangue exerce papel fundamental, sendo etapa obrigatória no processo de doação. Um doador bem orientado significa menor risco transfusional e maior probabilidade de retorno. Este trabalho descreve a elaboração e aplicação de um vídeo contendo informações necessárias à conscientização prévia à doação de sangue. Após o levantamento das necessidades de conteúdo, através da legislação, literatura e de grupo focal com doadores, produziu-se um vídeo que foi apresentado previamente à doação. Foram incluídos 500 doadores no grupo conscientizado com o vídeo e 500 no grupo controle, conscientizados com palestras, conforme rotina do serviço, sendo 25% de primeira vez e 75% de retorno. Após a doação, os doadores responderam a um questionário para avaliação dos conhecimentos adquiridos e os grupos foram comparados entre si. Responderam ao questionário 118 e 121 doadores de primeira vez e 375 e 345 de retorno, nos grupo do vídeo e controle, respectivamente. A distribuição dos doadores entre os grupos foi homogênea, não variando em relação a faixas etárias, gênero, escolaridade, número de comparecimentos e motivação para a doação. Quanto à nota obtida no questionário, foi significativamente superior para o grupo do vídeo em relação ao controle, marcadamente ente os doadores de primeira vez. Dentre as faixas etárias analisadas, foi inferior para a faixa etária maior de 50 anos. Os doadores de primeira vez tiveram notas inferiores em relação aos de retorno. A apresentação do vídeo não interferiu nas taxas de inaptidão clínica à doação, de situação de risco para doenças transmissíveis, de reações vasovagais, nem nos resultados sorológicos, sendo semelhantes ao grupo controle. A satisfação geral com o atendimento, medida através de instrumento padrão do serviço, foi superior no grupo do vídeo em relação ao grupo controle. Conclui-se que a ferramenta audiovisual é adequada à informação e educação dos doadores de sangue antes da efetivação da mesma, sendo de especial interesse para os doadores de primeira vez, gerando maior satisfação com o atendimento. / Blood Transfusions are an essential tool in the current medical practice, in which the capture and retention of donors is a concern of every hemotherapy service, as well as the safety of both, the donors and the receptors. Therefore, prior education to blood donation has a fundamental role for being a compulsory stage in the donation process. A well-targeted donor means less transfusion risk and more probability of return. This work describes the development and implementation of a video containing information necessary for prior awareness regarding to blood donation. After collecting data about the need of content, through the legislation, literature and focus group with donors, it was produced a video which was presented before the donation. There were 500 donors included in the group aware of the video and 500 in the control group, conscious with speeches, according to the service routine, being 25% of first time and 75% of regular donors. After the donation, the donors answered a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge gained and the groups compared with each other. Donors from video and control group answered the questionnaire: 118 and 121 of the first time donors, and 375 and 345 regular donors, respectively. The distribution of donors among the groups was homogeneous, not varying according to age, gender, schooling, number of attendances and motivation for donation. Regarding the score of the questionnaire, it was significantly higher in the video group compared to the control group, especially for first time donors. It was lower for people over 50 years old related to the other ages, and for first time donors, related to the regular ones. The video presentation did not interfer in rates such as clinical deferral to donation, the situation of risk for communicable diseases, vasovagal reactions, not even in serological results, being similar to the control group. The general satisfaction with the attendance, which was measured through a service standard instrument, was higher in the video group compared to the control group. In conclusion, the audiovisual tool is suitable to the information and education of the blood donors before the completion of it, being of a special interest to all first time donors, generating greater satisfaction with the attendance.

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