Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MATERIAL"" "subject:"[enn] MATERIAL""
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Efficient internal material flow of boxes to gain a well-organized supply of components : A case study at Scania engine assemblyCarlsson, David, Nilsson, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Within manufacturing organizations, the material flow is a promoted part of the supply chain to evaluate, since it often stands for a significant part of the costs. The evaluation refers to the analysis and optimization of the material flow that arise during manufacturing of products. It can focus on very different levels, such as the material flow in a region or within a company’s internal processes. However, the material flow is concerned with the transportations, operations and storages of materials. A well-organized material flow enables organizations to cutting costs and increase competitiveness, via increased effectiveness and efficiency of operating practices. Scania operates in the automotive industry and they are constantly striving to improve their supply chain in terms of productivity and lower costs, to meet the needs of the market and gain increased competitiveness. Today, Scania engine assembly in Södertälje has operations in two main buildings, approximately one km in-between. One building is the material warehouse, and the other building is the actual assembly. In the future, the two building will be joint together. Consequently, the project logistics department of Scania engine assembly has recognized a possibility to re-organize and improve the material flows. The upcoming merge between the two buildings enables a possibility to investigate how the current material flows could be more efficient, before they are applied in the future state. The purpose of this research is to investigate and improve a material flow, box flow, within an automotive environment. A box flow is concerned with smaller components that use plastic boxes as packaging material. The objective is to derive a more efficient process for the flow of supplying boxes to the assembly building. By efficiency, it is defined as shorter total lead time, higher capacity, lower time/cost per box delivered, and a maintained or improved ergonomics during manual handling operations within the box flow. To fulfil the purpose of this research interviews, observations and data collections have been used to gain an understanding of how the current situation is managed at Scania engine assembly. Conducted benchmarking and literature research have been used to gain an understanding of how other companies in the industry, as well as departments at Scania, are managing their box flows. The findings have been analysed, where the different flow of boxes have been compared with the theoretical frame of reference as well as against each other. The conclusions of the analysis are different key factors, for better logistics efficiency, when managing a box flow. These key factors are providing an increased theoretical understanding, when the aim is to make a material flow of boxes more efficient, in an assembly environment. In this research, they are utilized as guidelines, to derive a more efficient process for the flow of supplying boxes. That is, implementing the findings theoretically into a practical context. To derive a more efficient process, a Business Case have been conducted. Its outcome provides a concept of how the process of boxes should be organized. That is, how the different material handling operations and equipment should be utilized to achieve an overall increased efficiency. How the box flow should be organized are presented as recommendations, which works as guidelines and insights for Scania engine assembly. They are jointly fulfilling the purpose of this research, together with the other achieved research questions. / Inom tillverkningsorganisationer är materialflödet en prioriterad del av försörjningskedjan att utvärdera, eftersom den ofta står för en betydande del av kostnaderna. Utvärderingen avser analys och optimering av materialflödet som uppstår vid tillverkning av produkter. Den kan fokusera på många olika nivåer, som materialflödet i en region eller inom ett företags interna processer. Materialflödet berör emellertid transporten, operationerna och materiallager. Ett välorganiserat materialflöde gör det möjligt för organisationer att sänka kostnaderna och öka konkurrenskraften, genom ökad inre- och yttre effektivitet av utföranden inom företaget. Scania verkar inom bilindustrin och strävar ständigt efter att förbättra sin försörjningskedja när det gäller produktivitet och lägre kostnader, för att möta marknadens behov och öka konkurrenskraften. Idag har Scanias motormontering i Södertälje verksamheter i två huvudbyggnader, med ca en kilometer mellan varandra. Den ena byggnaden är materiallagret, och den andra byggnaden är den faktiska monteringen. I framtiden kommer de två byggnaderna att bli integrerade. Följaktligen har projektlogistikavdelningen vid Scanias motormontering bedömt en möjlighet att organisera och förbättra deras materialflöden. Den kommande integrationen mellan de två byggnaderna gör det möjligt att undersöka hur de aktuella materialflödena kan bli effektivare, innan de appliceras i det framtida tillståndet. Syftet med denna forskning är att undersöka och förbättra ett materialflöde, boxflöde, i en monteringsmiljö. Ett boxflöde behandlar mindre komponenter som använder plastlådor som förpackningsmaterial. Målet är att klarlägga en effektivare process för flödet av boxar till monteringsbyggnaden. Effektivitet definieras som ett flöde som har kortare total ledtid, högre kapacitet, lägre tid / kostnad per box levererad och en bibehållen eller förbättrad ergonomi under manuella hanteringar. För att uppfylla syftet med forskningen har olika typer av intervjuer, observationer och datasamlingar använts, för att skapa en djupare förståelse över den nuvarande situationen hos Scanias motormontering. Genomförd benchmarking och litteraturforskning har använts för att förstå hur andra företag inom branschen, även andra avdelningar på Scania, hanterar sina boxflöden. Den insamlade empirin har använts i en analys där de olika flödena av boxar har jämförts både med den teoretiska referensramen samt varandra. Konklusionerna från analysen är presenterade som nyckelfaktorer för att öka effektiviteten vid hantering av boxföden. Dessa nyckelfaktorer ger en ökad teoretisk förståelse, när syftet är att skapa ett effektivare materialflöde i form av boxar, i en monteringsmiljö. I denna forskning används nyckelfaktorerna som riktlinjer för att skapa en effektivare process för flödet av boxar. Det vill säga, att implementera nyckelfaktorerna teoretiskt i ett praktiskt sammanhang. För att ta fram en effektivare process har ett Business Case realiserats, som presenterar hur samtliga processer inom boxflödet borde organiseras på fallföretaget. Det vill säga, hur olika materialhanteringsoperationer och utrustningar borde användas för att uppnå en ökad effektivitet som helhet. Hur boxflödet ska organiseras presenteras som rekommendationer. Dessa bidrar med insikter och riktlinjer för hur Scanias motormontering borde organiseras, gällande deras interna materialflöde. Tillsammans med resterande forskningsfrågor uppfyller rekommendationerna syftet med forskningen.
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Sustainability Assessment for Strategic Material Flows Between Planned Construction Projects in the Stockholm CountyMiyaoka, Mark January 2015 (has links)
Urban development demands on construction aggregates are set to rise dramatically over the coming years within the Stockholm region and a significant environmental challenge will be associated with the large flows of construction aggregates and excavated materials in and out of future development projects respectively. Material banks receive construction and demolition waste (CDW), process this waste and supply recycled aggregates to the construction industry helping to reduce the demand on natural construction minerals. The transportation of these material flows between the material banks and development areas is predominantly by road in the Stockholm region. With the transport sector responsible for almost one third of green-house-gas (GHG) emissions in Sweden, there is a motivation for investigating the environmental benefits of minimising transportation distances of construction aggregates. Quantities of CDW in the form of excavated granular soil and rock from future development locations within a case-study area comprising three municipalities; Botkyrka, Huddinge and Haninge, in the south of Stockholm, have been estimated based on their municipal comprehensive plans up to the year 2030. This has been done with the assistance of an earthworks estimation tool, the ESAR model, developed by Ecoloop AB. Distances between existing and planned material banks and future development areas together with the estimated material quantities have been combined to approximate total vehicle-kilometres for the transportation of these materials under a business-as-usual scenario up until 2030. A comparison has been made to an alternative scenario of strategically located material banks within the case-study area, whereby a methodology has been developed within this study to strategically locate material banks utilising GIS software ArcMap together with land availability map layers for siting material banks previously developed under a separate related study. In comparison to the business-as-usual scenario, one strategically located material bank within the case-study area reduces total material haulage distances of excavated granular soils and rocks from development areas to the material banks by approximately 42% or 3.67 million vehicle-kilometres, equating to a reduction of 3478 tonnes of CO2e throughout the time horizon of this study. Another output from the ESAR model is the estimated construction aggregate demand for sub-surface earthworks backfilling activities. A material flow analysis for the strategically located material bank indicates that the material bank is able to satisfy the sub-surface backfilling construction aggregate demand in the form of recycled aggregates throughout its operation. Considering the flow of recycled aggregates back to development areas for backfilling earthworks activities, a total combined reduction of 45% or 5.54 million vehicle-kilometres of material haulage distance is achievable, equating to a saving of 5248 tonnes of CO2e. Reductions in GHG emissions from strategically located material banks are likely to also be significant beyond the boundaries of this study and warrant further research.
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Material Library : A sense of material / MaterialbibliotekStåhl, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This day of age when an increasing demands for better and more environmental friendlymaterial is requested. At the same time is also higher demands on the designers todevelop new products for the future. To design new products which express a futuristicfeeling and a “must-have-feeling”. Therefore is there a need to educate better designersand architects for the future a better knowledge for material. Both for existing designersand architects but also for new designers. To encourage learning and discover newmaterial is new tools important, a tool such as a meeting point in which people meet, talkand discover new materials. A meeting place in which a material library has its naturalplace, a place designers, architects and laymen can visit. The great advantages of a material library is the possibility to touch and feel the materialsamples. To invite people to use their senses and learn about materials. This report focus on how to best build and present a material library in the facility of apublic place. But also how to construct a mobile module used as a tool for education.Each scenario has their own dilemma and needs, for example, in the University library atJönköping has criterion for a module that fits into the regular exhibition. To present newand innovative material samples in a manner that reminds of how people search forbooks on the shelves. For the mobile module is focus more towards presenting material samples used in theproduction today. The presentation is more focus on presenting material samples during alecture in which the teacher stands in front of a class and pointing towards the materialand students are allowed to touch and feel the material samples when they have thepossibility to do so. Besides this will the mobile module also work as mobile storagelocation for each department’s material samples.
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An anthropology of engineeringEwart, Ian James January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation considers the place in anthropology of ‘production’ generally, and ‘engineering’ specifically, by asking the simple question: How do people make things? Scholars of material culture have until recently focused on issues of consumption, especially the consumption of commodities (Miller), and considered production only in the abstract. Other theoretical approaches are therefore drawn upon to act as a framework for the thesis, including network theory (Law and Latour), and environmental relationism (Ingold). A methodology of ‘parallel fieldwork’ was developed (from Bourdieu), to situate myself as an experienced engineer carrying out anthropological fieldwork. Work in a ‘familiar’ environment (the Didcot Railway Centre, UK) was used to provoke thoughts about engineering in my primary fieldsite (the Kelabit highlands, Borneo). Data from the UK thus helped frame my analysis of Kelabit engineering, presented here in four parts. First, using the construction of two bridges as a case study, I suggest that a design can be seen as the revelation of a potential future, rather than a complete plan, as is suggested by design researchers such as Lawson and Norman. Then, by looking at changing traditions of house-building, I demonstrate the intimate relationship between materials and environment, even as the environment becomes more industrialised (Tsing), and consider this example in the light of debates about materiality (Miller; Ingold). Personal involvement in the conception and building of a new suspension bridge allowed me to investigate in some depth the act of construction. As a communal project, this incorporated aspects of individual skill, in the way that Ingold has described, but also the organization of people, tools and materials, akin to Law’s ‘heterogenous engineering’. This leads me to conclude that a theory of engineering might come from due consideration of both these approaches to relational thinking. Finally, I describe an abandoned longhouse and trace its deconstruction, suggesting that this is an example of creative destruction (Colloredo-Mansfeld), and re-materialization (Gregson). The dissipation of the material parts of the building shows that engineered objects should be seen as an ongoing process of material creation and disposal, and not a unified whole. In conclusion, my hope is that this dissertation contributes to ideas about the place and nature of material culture, and advocates a more prominent place for ‘production’ within anthropology.
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A cultura material na didática da História / The treatment of material culture received in history school booksPregnolatto, Felipe Pascuet 18 August 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação aponta o tratamento dado à Cultura Material nos livros didáticos de História. A amostra constitui-se de todos os livros didáticos aprovados pelo PNLD 2003, criando-se um banco de dados contendo todas as imagens neles contidas. Nesse banco de dados, as imagens são divididas em três categorias principais: vestígios arqueológicos, mediações interpretativas e fotos. A seguir, considera-se o meio (pintura a óleo, gravura, têmpera, aquarela, escultura, estruturas urbanas e rurais...) e o suporte (tela, mural, papel...) das imagens. Tabulados e quantificados os dados, comparecem quadros indicativos por culturas e por problemas. Ausências e presenças são analisadas assim como as legendas das imagens e o manual do professor, constatando-se o uso ainda meramente ilustrativo da cultura material, que se explica por sugestões referentes à formação do historiador brasileiro / The present work discusses the treatment material culture receives in history school books. The sample was constituted by all school books approved in 2003 by the PNLD program, from which a data bank was created, relating all images from the sample.In this data bank the images are divided in three main categories: archaeological data, photos and mediatic intermediate solutions. It is then considered the type(oil painting, sculpture, buildings) and the basis (canvas, paper, wall, stone) for the images. Organized and quantified the data, both cultures and problems are presented. The consideration of both presences and absences, as well as the analysis of labels and the teacher manual prompt us to suggest that the use still illustrative of material culture is much due to the background and schooling of the Brazilian historian
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A cultura material na didática da História / The treatment of material culture received in history school booksFelipe Pascuet Pregnolatto 18 August 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação aponta o tratamento dado à Cultura Material nos livros didáticos de História. A amostra constitui-se de todos os livros didáticos aprovados pelo PNLD 2003, criando-se um banco de dados contendo todas as imagens neles contidas. Nesse banco de dados, as imagens são divididas em três categorias principais: vestígios arqueológicos, mediações interpretativas e fotos. A seguir, considera-se o meio (pintura a óleo, gravura, têmpera, aquarela, escultura, estruturas urbanas e rurais...) e o suporte (tela, mural, papel...) das imagens. Tabulados e quantificados os dados, comparecem quadros indicativos por culturas e por problemas. Ausências e presenças são analisadas assim como as legendas das imagens e o manual do professor, constatando-se o uso ainda meramente ilustrativo da cultura material, que se explica por sugestões referentes à formação do historiador brasileiro / The present work discusses the treatment material culture receives in history school books. The sample was constituted by all school books approved in 2003 by the PNLD program, from which a data bank was created, relating all images from the sample.In this data bank the images are divided in three main categories: archaeological data, photos and mediatic intermediate solutions. It is then considered the type(oil painting, sculpture, buildings) and the basis (canvas, paper, wall, stone) for the images. Organized and quantified the data, both cultures and problems are presented. The consideration of both presences and absences, as well as the analysis of labels and the teacher manual prompt us to suggest that the use still illustrative of material culture is much due to the background and schooling of the Brazilian historian
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An active system for the detection of special fissile material in small watercraftJohansen, Norman Alfan, III 30 October 2006 (has links)
Due to increasing terrorist threats and illegal proliferation of nuclear material and
technology, there is a need for increased research in the area of detection of smuggled fissile
material, some of which is designated by the International Atomic Energy Agency as special
fissile material. This thesis focuses on a hypothetical scenario in which a terrorist
organization has managed to smuggle an amount of special fissile material onto a personal
recreational watercraft and sail it into a marina. If the boat could be forced to go through a
detector system, then the contents could be interrogated and a determination made of
whether any special fissile material was aboard. This thesis examines the hypothesis that
active interrogation may be used successfully in the detection of special fissile material in
such an environment. It shows that it is feasible to use an active neutron system to detect a
significant quantity of special fissile material onboard a small boat via the differential dieaway
technique. The MCNP Monte Carlo transport code was used to simulate the use of a
pulsed neutron generator to induce fission in the fissile material and then estimate the
detector response. The detector modeled was based on elastic scattering-induced recoil
protons using pure hydrogen gas. There was a significant difference between the system
with and without the presence of fissile material, and the estimated detector response for the system with fissile material present was shown to be sufficiently greater than the
response due to background radiation only. Additionally, dose was estimated and found to
be small enough that the system would not likely pose a significant radiological health risk
to passengers on the boat.
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Avaliação dos processos de análise de segurança do transporte de material radioativo realizados por um órgão reguladorMattar, Patricia Morais 28 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-11-10T14:10:23Z
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Dissert Patricia Morais Mattar.pdf: 3468132 bytes, checksum: df0bd167f46f819a4711603f5f18f0ba (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-11-16T13:51:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissert Patricia Morais Mattar.pdf: 3468132 bytes, checksum: df0bd167f46f819a4711603f5f18f0ba (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-16T13:51:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissert Patricia Morais Mattar.pdf: 3468132 bytes, checksum: df0bd167f46f819a4711603f5f18f0ba (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-28 / As substâncias radioativas têm muitas aplicações benéficas, que vão desde a geração de energia até usos em medicina, indústria e agricultura. Via de regra, elas são produzidas em locais diferentes de onde são utilizadas, precisando ser transportadas. Para que o transporte ocorra da forma segura e eficiente, devem ser atendidas normas nacionais e internacionais. Esta pesquisa objetiva avaliar os processos de análise de segurança do transporte de material radioativo realizados pelo órgão regulador no Brasil, do ponto de vista de sua conformidade com as normas da Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA). A metodologia de autoavaliação denominada SARIS, desenvolvida pela AIEA, foi utilizada. As seguintes etapas foram desenvolvidas: avaliação do Diagnóstico e Mapeamento de Processos; respostas ao Conjunto de Questões do SARIS e questões complementares; análise SWOT; entrevistas com stakeholders e avaliação de uma missão TranSAS realizada pela AIEA em 2002. Considerando apenas as questões do SARIS, os processos estão 100% aderentes. O aprofundamento da pesquisa, entretanto, levou à elaboração de vinte e duas propostas de melhoria, além da identificação de nove boas práticas. Os resultados demonstraram que os processos de análise de segurança no transporte de material radioativo estão sendo realizados de forma estruturada, segura e confiável, mas também que há muita oportunidade de melhoria. A formulação de um plano de ação, a partir das propostas apresentadas, pode trazer ao órgão regulador muitos benefícios. Este seria um importante passo para a convocação de uma avaliação externa, proporcionando maior confiabilidade e transparência aos processos do órgão regulador. / Radioactive substances have many beneficial applications, ranging from power generation to uses in medicine, industry and agriculture. As a rule, they are produced in different places from where they are used, needing to be transported. In order for transport to take place safely and efficiently, national and international standards must be complied with. This research aims to assess the safety analysis processes for the transport of radioactive material carried out by the regulatory body in Brazil, from the point of view of their compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards. The self-assessment methodology named SARIS, developed by the AIEA, was used. The following steps were carried out: evaluation of the Diagnosis and Processes Mapping; responses to the SARIS Question Set and complementary questions; SWOT analysis; interviews with stakeholders and evaluation of a TranSAS mission conducted by the IAEA in 2002. Considering only SARIS questions, processes are 100% adherent. The deepening of the research, however, led to the development of twenty-two improvement proposals and the identification of nine good practices. The results showed that the safety analysis processes of the transport of radioactive material are being carried out in a structured, safe and reliable way but also that there is much opportunity for improvement. The formulation of an action plan, based on the presented proposals, can bring to the regulatory body many benefits. This would be an important step towards convening an external evaluation, providing greater reliability and transparency to the regulatory body´s processes.
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Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada: uma análise discursiva sob a perspectiva da semântica globalLopes, Shayane França 22 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-12-01T15:55:17Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
DISSERTAÇÃO PÓS-DEFESA - VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 3184465 bytes, checksum: 2a64aff3f98fd1761643443f796744b2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2018-01-22T14:10:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
DISSERTAÇÃO PÓS-DEFESA - VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 3184465 bytes, checksum: 2a64aff3f98fd1761643443f796744b2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-22T14:10:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
DISSERTAÇÃO PÓS-DEFESA - VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 3184465 bytes, checksum: 2a64aff3f98fd1761643443f796744b2 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / COLÉGIO ESTADUAL PROFESSORA ALCINA RODRIGUES LIMA, Niterói, RJ / LOPES, Shayane França. Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada: uma análise discursiva sob a perspectiva da semântica global. 2017. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagem) – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2017.
Esta dissertação visa a enfocar quais os efeitos produzidos por enunciados presentes nos Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada, material produzido pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC-RJ). Busca-se analisar enunciados que circulam nos Cadernos do professor, a partir de planos da semântica global, proposta teórica de D. Maingueneau (2008). Considerando que se trata de um trabalho discursivo, o conjunto de procedimentos utilizados para realizar esta investigação consistiu em traçar os objetivos da pesquisa com base no córpus escolhido e, a partir daí, estabeleceu-se por meio de quais categorias a análise seria feita. Toma-se a vertente de análise do discurso de base enunciativa, segundo Maingueneau (1996, 1997, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2015), como ponto de partida da investigação. De acordo com a perspectiva teórica adotada, o discurso se constitui como um sistema no qual a multiplicidade das suas dimensões o torna possível em termos de materialidade linguística. Os conceitos de gêneros do discurso e dialogismo, considerados importantes para este trabalho, foram buscados em Bakhtin (2011) e Volóshinov (2009); e também foram vistos em Maingueneau (2000, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015). Para a análise, foi utilizada a noção de semântica global (MAINGUENEAU, 2008), especificamente dos planos do vocabulário, do enunciador e do coenunciador, da intertextualidade e do tema. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os Cadernos convergem na direção da prescrição e da autoridade flagradas no discurso do material produzido pela SEEDUC-RJ. A ação discursiva se manifesta em diferentes pontos do discurso, pela perspectiva dos planos da semântica global selecionados, já que a especificidade de um discurso se define por seu posicionamento discursivo. Os Cadernos se apresentam como material autossuficiente; e a SEEDUC-RJ assume o papel de autoridade e de detentora de controle. Espera-se que esta dissertação colabore para uma prática docente mais madura e consciente, apresentando uma maneira de compreender a forma como se constroem os Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada, possibilitando, assim, uma visão crítica acerca do discurso da SEEDUC-RJ / LOPES, Shayane França. Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada: uma análise discursiva sob a perspectiva da semântica global. 2017. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagem) – Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2017.
Este investigación busca enfocar cuáles son los efectos producidos por enunciados presentes en los Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada, material producido por la Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC-RJ). Se busca analizar enunciados presentes en los Cadernos do professor, a partir de planes de semántica global, propuesta teórica de D. Maingueneau (2008). Teniendo en cuenta que este es un trabajo discursivo, el conjunto de procedimientos utilizados para llevar a cabo este estudio consistió en trazar los objetivos de la investigación en base al corpus y, entonces, se estableció a través de qué categorías se haría el análisis. Como punto de partida de la investigación, está la vertiente de análisis de discurso de base enunciativo, según Maingueneau (1996, 1997, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2015). De acuerdo con la perspectiva teórica adoptada, el discurso se constituye como un sistema en el que la multiplicidad de sus dimensiones lo hace posible en cuanto a la materialidad lingüística. Los conceptos de género del discurso y dialogismo, considerados importante para este trabajo, se buscó en Bakhtin (2011) y Volóshinov (2009) y, además, en Maingueneau (2000, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015). Para el análisis, se utilizó la noción de semántica global (MAINGUENEAU, 2008), específicamente, los planes del vocabulario, del enunciador y del coenunciador, de la intertextualidad y del tema. Los resultados permitieron observar que los Cadernos convergen hacia la prescripción y la autoridad encontradas en el discurso del material producido por la SEEDUC-RJ. La acción discursiva se manifiesta en diferentes puntos del discurso, por la perspectiva de los planes de la semántica global, ya que la especificidad de un discurso se define por su posicionamiento discursivo. Los Cadernos se presentan como material autosuficiente; y la SEEDUC-RJ asume el papel de autoridad y de detentora de control. Se espera que esta investigación colabore para una práctica docente más madura y consciente, que presente una manera de comprender la forma como se construyen los Cadernos de atividades de aprendizagem autorregulada, permitiendo así una visión crítica sobre el discurso de la SEEDUC-RJ
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Material Hub – Ordnung im Chaos der WerkstoffdatenquellenMosch, Marc, Radeck, Carsten, Schumann, Maria 17 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Neuartige Materialien spielen eine entscheidende Rolle in Innovationsprozessen und sind die Voraussetzung für eine Vielzahl neuer Produkte. Der Standort Dresden stellt mit der Exzellenz-Universität TU Dresden und einer Vielzahl an außeruniversitären Einrichtungen ein bedeutendes europäisches Zentrum auf dem Gebiet der Materialforschung dar. Das breite wissenschaftliche und technologische Spektrum sowie die enorme Forschungsdichte in Kombination mit einer hohen fachlichen Vernetzung führen einerseits zu Synergieeffekten unter den Wissenschaftlern und verschaffen andererseits der Wirtschaft einen enormen Standortvorteil. Sollen diese Vorteile voll ausgenutzt werden, bedarf es eines vereinheitlichten, intuitiven Informationszugangs. Aktuell werden Materialdaten jedoch typischerweise auf einer Vielzahl separierter, teilweise eingeschränkt zugänglicher Datenbestände gehalten und sind nach heterogenen Schemas und in variierendem Detailgrad beschrieben. Zwar existieren bereits Rechercheportale, diese sind jedoch domänenspezifisch, kostenpflichtig oder bieten nur auf spezielle Zielgruppen zugeschnittene Bedienoberflächen, die für andere Nutzer kaum bedienbar sind. Verteilte Recherchen über mehrere Datenquellen und Portale sind zeitaufwändig und mühsam. Abhilfe soll die hier vorgestellte integrierte Material-Recherche-Plattform Material Hub schaffen. Sie muss den Anforderungen von Herstellern und Zulieferern, deren Daten sie enthält ebenso entsprechen wie den Anforderungen der Anwender aus Forschung, Industrie und Handwerk. Diese den Wissenschaftsraum Dresden integrierende Plattform soll weitere erstklassige Forschungs- und Innovationsleistungen stimulieren, Kooperationen begünstigen und die
Vermarktung innovativer Ideen und Lösungen wesentlich erleichtern. Außerdem soll Material Hub die Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite der Dresdner Materialforschung erhöhen und so die bereits vorhandene Leistungsfähigkeit signifikant stärken.
Gegenstand dieses Artikels ist das technische Grundkonzept des Material Hub. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt besteht dabei in der Zusammenführung verschiedener Datenquellen in einem zentralen Rechercheportal. Integriert werden Forschungsdaten, Herstellerinformationen und Anwendungsbeispiele, die sowohl hinsichtlich Domäne als auch hinsichtlich Detailgrad und 1 gefördert aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union und des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung zugrundeliegendem Schema heterogen sind. Dazu wird in Abstimmung mit Werkstoffwissenschaftlern ein Schema zur Materialbeschreibung sowie eine semantische Wissensbasis konzipiert, die z. B. Synonyme und inhaltliche Zusammenhänge modelliert. Basierend darauf werden die Datenbestände indexiert und für die Recherche zugänglich gemacht. Die Benutzeroberfläche unterstützt mehrere Suchmasken, von der klassischen Stichwortsuche über die facettierte Suche bis hin zu stärker geführten Ansätzen, um zielgruppenspezifischen Anwendungsfällen durch geeignete UI-Konzepte gerecht zu werden. Neben konzeptionellen Ansätzen behandelt dieser Artikel erste Implementierungs- und Evaluationsergebnisse.
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